Grandma Johnson's biscuits

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I use Richard small Peninsula slow 24 or 25 now Port Royal I'm kissing give you a recipe tune for I use it mate 20 24 to 30 biscuits every week I don't know what kind of flour you use use white lily i but it is what I use Martha Martha Johnson got me Anjali did your mom make biscuits my baby biscuit three times a day and I know biscuit three times a day they like them fresh that's what daily mama hey what's coffee and business okay oxide when I'm doing this I usually down the right tell you what you want but it's always the same fool and this right here is three cups it's for half cups okay right there that's five cups that's what I use some people sifter some don't it makes them light and rise but I their woman oh man yeah woman yeah she knows to gherkin she does this is a little bit not as much as a biscuit because it takes a little bit more than that cold biscuit but this is what I need one I'm like no way all right here it is 1/4 of a cup uh-huh Crisco shortening but um that's betrayal business I know you got to multiply that by uh how many business you're making and this will be about 30 biscuits so it's gonna be close to 3/4 of a cup and eyeball if it's a little too much the business will come a little bit yeah if he's got enough they'll be coming forward and so oh I like to have this okay yeah well hard to grow my biscuits I don't want any hard grandma biscuits doing that was host to make it corporate just like you bacon the key yeah if you baking the cake you got Georgia in the flour so you gotta get this and my hollandaise didn't do this means Johnson the days are spin huh what they do they did this then it knows anything okay Vegas Vegas they didn't do this but I think is up through the years but during the yesterday shows no this is to make sure and they always make fun of this man Johnson can make a delicious yeah she really could Louise and Dara's good and they use that big old thing you know where yeah you see that consistency what they in your hand they be a cup a 3/4 cup about it you don't want too much you don't want to Liz you see what I'm doing here don't work you don't to much is lucky please you make it to a consistency it all is incorporated that would be a good one right now I want it just a little bit more do you always use this I always use it this one I always use this and I always use this and you got more things I did all right you see that uh-huh that's pink walked already right that's all right not today someday we get you and Jade and she's a sweet in the morning yeah try it out and put them in the fridge right Oh in freezer do you get ready for you see that right are you gonna roll on laughter you go Matt makes this skits at least once a week I thought it is he rolls his out well when he is this about Pam I think in shit'll takes the spoon and Ronnie I think night so I think this I see I said mommy you put close together they're making rinds normal I really like just in a bigger pan and just let them be separated but I don't I said I put them together that does make a rise more cuz he likes it well the sacrifices you make for your children you know oh you know it you know [Music] is worth your painting don't get too much Wow get enough to make them that is not rising while I clean my hands I get two of like this uh-huh and I get that this much though I'm sorry I like this just takes time for you to learn to do this but if you do it you know prices [Music] [Music] Ronna made this one time when he's a back wheel I don't know whether he's ever made one a sense and they all did hey guys guys come on you ever make biscuits you made hockey pucks I may not invade yes no not that kind we're on where you just stick them in the oven maybe a second I'm sure I can make them cheaper yeah I can't blame her I do something with it you don't see anything out there on the cooking shows they may love them when they get done hope I don't want them around I don't know about y'all when the cookies your family have melted butter to do this I wait to act and I take this and that's makes it business song and boy what temperature you can win between 450 and 475 but the recipe is a fiver okay how long do you cook them about 15-20 minutes but I'm [Music] easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Jesse what's wrong my mobile but this is my butter today grandmother's biscuits are legendary because everybody golf courses that was asking if we're my business but you don't know you don't see no cook show yeah top and bottom but now they say um luckily in the Pioneer Woman yeah I saw her and she kept them in butter so so sometimes when I'm creative yeah you could dip them I'm gonna dip [Music] [Music] your daddy is very you don't know but I know how allergic to greasy is he mocks everything it's all hey [Music] you all to give you meat okay you're right now I tell you we would love to him [Music] [Music]
Channel: deanakeathley
Views: 1,583,803
Rating: 4.8284254 out of 5
Id: 1yUf0ttamgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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