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[Music] hello there everybody welcome back to more beast breaker last episode i had people tell me it was the worst episode i've ever uploaded to my channel and they hope i die uh you know what i don't even really disagree i really don't disagree um we we have played about as horrible as any one human being can play at this point i need four of this weird spool of pink thread moat okay i need two more once we do that we create a spark that allows us to craft this um you explain the crafting system to me i'm a dumbass okay look would you look at this a striker tooth attack the grass wild brick calls for aid moats are dropped here i go in let's talk okay let's talk we can do a variety of things here the hell's this gain five ammo when you damage this tile that seems great okay um we also have this dude who like should be doing something um but we have not used him for anything at all uh and then we also have obviously our bow and arrow many of you kind of said you know what tyler uh maybe just accept that the bow and arrow ain't for you okay here here's my line of thinking okay one if it upsets you for me to use the bow and arrow then i want to do it anyway um but two scout this please my friend beautiful that's good knowledge but then two if it is upsetting you oh he's right here okay um i will avoid him for right now i know he is getting much stronger in his current situation uh we are going to some explosive action no [Music] yeah yeah i'm gonna apply some explosive action and then we're gonna go right to here and and we're gonna get them okay but here's the way that i think about things all right i need to be honest with myself and say uh i'm an idiot and i don't really know how to use uh the bows extremely well does that mean that i'm gonna stop using them no it means i'm gonna freaking learn how to use them right because if i'm not using them then i'm not learning right and i always got to be learning so that's what we're doing that's what we're doing and honestly i'm i'm pretty pleased where this sits right now so keep in mind you're gonna be generating ammo ammo is big right ammo fuels like everything else that you are doing over the course of this this run right because if you look at your abilities right arrow flight cost to ammo pummel shot costs three ammo snipe bolt costs one these two are how you like actually deal damage to the enemy this is not okay it's still useful because this allows you to get the the other pieces out of the way but you have to balance using your ammo so and this obviously is even more helpful because it gives us ammo so let's i want to go like this not really what i want to do but that's okay um we also i mean here's the other thing that we need to keep in mind of right we have to try to get rid of other shards right i'm always going after the core we don't need to go after the core also the this does not it does not hit that yeah so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use this to get ammo okay we get plus five ammo which in my eyes is actually like a high value play uh then i'm going to get the heck out of here i think and i'm going to go to like here and then we're going to arrow flight our way into here such as like this i think that's high value uh and i'm gonna do the same thing again and that way we're at least getting a little bit of damage dude i'm gonna do it again to be honest we're getting a little bit of damage dealt in here i'm gonna do it one more time i would love to get rid of it it's a 20 chance that it destroys a core unfortunately we didn't get it but this is now like super messed up man um and we can hopefully get something good going so let's hitting that stupid yellow tile is extremely important to our run like we we want to do that as much as possible so three arrows in a cone here's what you do right you just send all of them well no you send it like this right that way you destroy a core is not the moat we want but it's the mo we have um that's that's fine dude so we are going to honestly we just have to get out of here we'll get that here momentarily um send these in you got the bonus ammo which is actually like huge um we're going to continue to do exactly keep in mind there's going to be an explosive shot so do that for the explosive shot and then those are it's going to bounce around it's going to do its thing that that's okay that's okay [Music] now i want to you think this can hit the moat man i honestly don't think it will um i would much rather do something like this i don't really like that either um there's not a lot of great plays here i think you do this to hit the mode oh i have to run myself through it how very interesting okay that's not what i thought uh my apologies my apologies you can't yell me for that one the instructions were unclear i got my arrows stuck in a ceiling fan um okay we're happy keep in mind he is rampaging momentarily i am going to moat into the middle of the freaking world uh is dangerous but that's life i am going to hit this because i i do actually think that's kind of important to do then i'm just going to send it into here man and i know that it's you know it's low percentage chance for this to to work out in our favor but we we have to he rampages in a couple turns we gotta just dump you know some of our our power into this now this is probably where i want to end turn i know i'm getting hit for for five here but i think i want to end turn here to have a little ammo for next turn and that's life man that's life then you're gonna roll you're you're gonna go let's see so we're rolling for 30. it's a bad rule to be perfectly honest i think i want to do something like like this should put me on the bottom put me in smack dab in the middle fair enough honestly probably my bed um let's grab the extra ammo because that's it's like literally always important the extra ammo is huge value then this kills the shard okay good two good moats as well um i'm going to reload we're going to keep arrow flighting let's try to arrow flight over here as well you know just just get that bottom area we're kind of we're kind of cranking around everywhere we go a snipe bolt would probably be a good play to get him out here sometime soon so this is a good opportunity for us to chill i think um dude when do you use john quill right i i don't know what when when the correct time to use him is i think it's soon i think it's soon hit me with a movement so we can get this honestly this isn't a terrible spot for us i'm not upset about this um this arrow pierces everything this is going to just destroy it here's everything while inside a scale deal one damage while inside a core 50 chance to deal with damage okay yeah i got you i got you that that's fine right that's fine let's send this over to here okay big big explosions belt we take no damage we gotta use this guy soon man like it's starting to be where it's important for us to use him let let's get um this is going to be a wild play i need to do something like that and then that gets us the ammo we need and then you maybe just end turn i know that that sounds psycho a little bit i mean maybe you do like an explosion over here and then just see where the other stray arrows go honestly i'm i'm perfectly happy with that i will end turn now now this turn is is gonna be big for us he rampages in one turn so we we have to make some you know pretty hefty decisions here it's going to start with a we we have to get into a better position it's going to be so close but okay beautiful that is a beautiful beautiful situation how do we prevent things from happening first of all i'm going to utilize how do i utilize him man i have no idea that one i don't know maybe each companion stops the beast from rampaging once per battle using their okay so as soon as he rampages which hopefully will never happen he will do this ability okay i got it i got it do i want to do a piercing arrow i think the answer is no i think i want to do like this to get an explosion here get extra ammo then i want to do a pummel shot directly into the belly of the beast right here he is now rampage reset i am going to roll out of here or we could just do a big pummel shot on the interior of him right um because this is these do two damage a piece right so it's it's pretty high value pretty high value we crank okay let's roll again here um and we're actually just going to do close to the same thing as before i'm going to send a pommel into there his core is now really messed up and do it i've collected a like decent amount of stuff here as well this is a horrible position i mean you you don't love it but you also kind of love it dude because guess what um we're we're just cranking i mean he he's theoretically dead on this turn and i feel like i have i played optimally uh i've played like okay i'm not sure if it's a hundred percent optimally but i i feel like we have not played we haven't played bad we've just played like okay and honestly okay is good enough for me um that was not what i wanted to do at all i'm gonna tell you that that was a that was probably a historically terrible place that i just did um [Music] again this this is a waste of my time because this 20 chance to deal with damage and stop so we we can keep on trying on it but the the more realistic thing to do is just say screw it man just just end your turn have some ammo and then it's going to be really easy to get a shot in there you just gotta all you gotta do is is reload yourself over to here you son of a gun um that's fine we're gonna do a i i hate this actually um let's rethink this this one's gonna give you an aneurysm i can tell already i'm gonna move to there okay okay one more time one more time we're gonna move okay pummel beautiful okay good good fight good fight i think we did a lot of things right on this one um especially getting them the moats or sparks or whatever the hell they are um that was valuable here so good amount of experience we have leveled up i did get howls which is all that i really care about and uh now we can craft something new this went good this one good craft this new sword and shield okay deal damage gain and charge yeah deal eight damage and stop okay until first bounce gain a block every step wow okay yeah that's kind of crazy um and then on bounce deal of damage if possible lose 10 block if block is spent deal three damage in a medium radius very very interesting uh weapon i would love to try it let's try it so noble and need there may be somebody lost just go for it right just go for it it seems paprika found a broken propeller out in bramble hollow she'd brought it back as scrap but this alloy metal like this is manufactured not mined the newfangled battery is enchanted with so many sparks i can't make whisker or tail of them this isn't from around here must have fallen off one of those noble caravans the last time they resupplied the villagers in the hollow i did hear a rumor that a fancy fellow was flitting about recently bolstering defenses with tech donations we could always look around the last settlement he was helping in case that caravan is still around maybe he needs a bit of defending himself extreme exclamation point okay so i could dude i just don't think poppy's good i'm just gonna tell you i don't think poppy's good i want to try the the sword and uh shield that we just got so let's snag that right here just to try out something new uh and then let's go in let's go in we cycle around no sign of anyone yet okay john quill gonna need you to scout this area right here [Music] big plays big plays we we found the the source of the ticking it's a time bomb okay hello sir nice to meet you you're a beautiful beautiful person take heart assistance we shall swiftly return to the cloud once we reconfigure the your important bits mortifying how our citizens to depend on the hovering estates of our finest caravan was so easily felled i mean really this is absurd i shall have words with the manufacturer the moment i get home there's also you're gonna about to be killed that is to say if i get home exclamation point exclamation point third exclamation point okay we've got you collected i i have no choice but to fight so let's do it unfortunate i can't spend any of my uh berries but you know what sometimes in life you can't spend your berries right this is just part of part of life at this point in time so i cannot lose block uh because i guess what don't don't have any block to begin with my extra action tile is very far away so we oh my god dude he's so fast okay i i can basically get you nice and and dusted right there to start i say who is that what an impressive showing hello is me skipper [Music] and i also don't take damage he's a god this is where we would like to fortifying charge okay and this is everywhere we don't bounce we get block so this is like this is like 20 block man and i i like this play a lot i i think you you get yourself up into there is 17 block total see this is an unfortunate one but it is what it is i am going to now remove this block to do a bunch of damage over here oh i like that i like that a lot yes go forth heroic peasant strike a resounding blow this guy i don't know if i like his vibe he's got some interesting uh interesting things he'd be saying uh okay this is where you gotta pick up your your moats man that one is disappearing so there's our first one we have are you telling me i didn't pick up the second one that's crazy uh we do want to pick it up though i'm all about we're we're in upgrade camp now i understand the crafting now so we we can crank as much as possible this is going to be a fortifying charge situation and i'm just gonna tell you it's it's so simple even a child could do it i'm just gonna i'm just gonna thread the needle through this uh little passageway are you ready for this incredible play uh yoink he's so good all right good talk yeah not where we want to be but that's okay um give me an extra action dude i really like this uh this weapon set i think this one's kind of cool uh okay this is a rampage reset i might take a little damage but i also got 20 block and this guy attacks for five um i mean he just got completely destroyed to be honest this weapon seems really strong and i i'm i'm with it strong weapon is fun if it's not the bow it's fun uh oops i didn't say it you said it um a lot of block 35 block man god it's so good it's so freaking good it's a great weapon uh now you will lose some block to cause an explosion right here spicy um and he's dead it's just a great fight man um i'm i'm really gonna struggle to not use this this loadout because it's stupid strong is stupid strong give me my xp we did great on this fight we got a full tangle as well um it's just incredible um you okay congratulations heroic warrior you've had the honor of rescuing one of the most vital caravans of our fleet and now i have the great joy of introducing myself i am the most honorable lord dandelion gladiolus du freitag oh my god heir to the marquee of summer crest in the hovering estates of the cloud dot dot dot oh dude i wish did they miss the opportunity to put that big long thing in there and have it like roll off the screen that would have been hilarious but please do call me dandy i wish to keep the fanfare to a minimum while down here to focus on those whom it is my duty to aid now once i am finished redirecting this caravan let us adjourn to a safer location to continue our introduction send me on my way what a lovely little farm and look hand-painted windowsills imagine it must be rustic compared to your own home your lordship skipper shouldn't have dragged you out here really no no it is positively charming please you needn't put yourself out on my account and skipper's actions have inspired me to think a critter who is capable of fighting the beast head on besides the very reason i tour the land is my duty to aid the populace i shall begin unpacking forthwith more resources would help but oh moats preserve me i'll make room for him somewhere she is like adopting the entire galaxy okay lord dandelion gladiolus do fertility urea the fifth heir to the marquis of summercrest welcome good to see you dandy we got poppy we got dandy we got john quill the whole gang's here nothing to craft but granny does want to have a chat moats preserve me paprika why are you in my forge with a frying pan for the last time the anvil is not a grill don't worry granny oh okay her name's paprika but she goes by poppy i like it okay i'm not gonna repeat the pancake party but you've been making skip tons of rad weapons so i thought why only focus on battle just picture me voyaging across the land with the help of the snazzy spatula the glimmering griddle or the most epic kitchen tool of all the fantastical flying frying pan this frying pan works well it's old my sister forged it herself back before the beast came uh yeah like i said super old and just just do granny like that poppy sparks are precious and travel is dangerous be reasonable paprika i know i know quiet and reasonable just like you and skipper she seems so upset with us when saying that jesus criminy okay plan me an expedition oh thunderheads i've just received the missive that my one of my aerocarts on my caravan never made it back to the cloud fortunately it was fully automated and no one was on board but it contained the urn that i was transporting for my family and earn indeed an enchanted augmentee something or another the device that was powering my philanthropic throttle when you next venture forth to the hollow would you keep watch for any clues to its location i i very well might keep an eye out for clues okay some quests can only be unlocked by following a trail of clues they will appear during tracking while you are answering calls for aid how very interesting okay um dude there's so much going on there's so much going on we'll save the weapon for next time um the shearing sword is a side quest this settlement holds a legendary sword of nettle whiskersmith can skipper's sword skills convince them to part with it uh yes i'm very good at the game skipper sure has benefited from your workout at the forge it's good to be out there with the hammer and anvil again still i'm just following my sister's designs she never did have patience enough to work with sparks like i do but give her any material you can name and she could make marvels iron man captain america she could make them all oh i'm aware ma'am i've been lucky enough to see a few of her weapons on display what what do you mean some settlements collected them after you know the beast ripped her in half folks love seeing something made by the legendary whiskersmiths i didn't know ah hey maybe skipper could go ask for your weapons back they might need to prove themselves first but no it's not worth the bother there are important things to do dot dot dot he's going dot dot dot stay determined oh frick okay um do i have a new companion i do hello dandy what do you do a series of hammer attacks lets you crafts from anywhere on the map without spending a turn uh bring bring him in because that alone is like the greatest thing of all time that is so useful it's insane um so i'd depart i will use my sword and shield again because again uh insanely insanely good at the game when i have that sword and shield uh what if i just crafted right here dude [Music] like he's got increased level but i could like i i could how would i craft i can craft right here okay um so we already basically do explosion so let let's go acid instead wait a minute use on a settlement but it doesn't spend a turn oh i thought i could do it anywhere this is just a case of i can't read again you you'd think that we would have learned by now that i cannot read um but alas here we are where are you at my dude there you are welcome to the party bring it on okay we got big acid we got a little acid splash that's also going to be like we're going to splatter dude he's this guy's just dead i mean he's just dead i i it's so is so ridiculous how dead he actually is um we're assetting the entire damn planet um we're gonna slip right in here and we're going to snag ourselves hopefully that extra action yeah he's just getting completely destroyed um we could fortify this is not a good fortify if i'm being honest with you so i think you actually do not use some of the the fortify here you just strike to do a little damage uh and then now is where you would prefer to do a a big fort of phi such as like a so that's 22 block and then i mean he's just getting completely destroyed um you are going to do a splash damage here that gets destroyed wow he's skirted right around that four banger which would have been like an insane hit i am upset uh we'll fortify again here just like this uh somehow i survived that which is insane to me uh we splash big damage taken rampage reset and uh just the damage dude it's the freaking damage um if block is spent do you so we we will not lose all of that block we will only lose seven so just just chill we're gonna fortifying charge immediately here all the way over to actually we'll go all the way down here because this is a better angle for us in the end we actually got the extra action token too which is disgusting um this is going to be splash damage which is going to kill off oh it actually it didn't quite get it let's uh this will on some planet we actually took damage there um i'm i'm upset i thought that we had a pretty decent chance to to take care of business here okay then you're going to fortifying charge all the way to here which is going to to do a rampage reset and then to be fair this guy is almost dead i mean like like he is dead um i'm trying to figure out if i should try to get some extra stuff first though oh no never mind um apparently the the medium range is so much that it hits that too it's it's just an absurd weapon i i i'm so disgusted by how strong that is it is so good okay so we we uh old weapon no no bonus i get it i get it but we also gained like a ton of stuff um and we're probably gonna get a weapon because we did this right what what's this skipper this is nettle shearing sword double exclamation point holding one of these weapons again brings all sorts of stories to mind with this one we like to pull a twin trade off one of our specialties she'd use the sword to shear off the beast's massive scales all at once with a terrific smash then she'd hurl her blade to me mid battle and i'd scar the beast to prevent it from regrowing we might have been showing off still it was a good technique and it's good to see the sword again thank you now give me it okay thank you um normal strike pierce's course on pierce you have the core health and gain two player health that's insane is a 40 cost though so that that makes sense um deal with damage at us at seven scar while scarred the beast will not regrow scales interesting that's really good um and then shatter deal one damage per scale up to a max of okay you shatter six deal one damage per scale up to a max of x starting from the impacted scale and spreading to adjacent skills i have no idea what that means so we would have to mess around with it a little bit but you know i'm down hello granny motes preserve me this young lord dandelion i appreciate his enthusiasm but you're all putting yourselves in real danger out there i don't think he really understands that or frankly much of anything that's this is extremely rude uh good morrow i have just taken a turn about your grounds of your rustic estate to snap a few pictures i trust you don't mind it is simply that your topiaries were arranged in such daringly naturalistic shapes dot dot however i was interrupted by one of your unconventional messenger pins a pin you recognize them certainly though it is shockingly advanced more so than i've seen it is clearly a pin an acronym of course for a a perfect no a practical no nobody ever bothers to say the full name i myself have a relay pin synced to my lapel pin for processing and communicating vital information and also for taking selfies very important regardless this clearly means that whoever is making and sending these pins is a fellow noble after all between the collegium and the queen technology is always advancing past the cutting edge though in my opinion that was already quite evident from their natural inclination to help others if you say so how very nice nothing to craft beautiful dude uh next episode let's figure out what dandy's new weapon form is um it's a hammer we already kind of know that but we don't know what the heck the hammer does so i'm interested to find out um good episode i didn't suck today i didn't suck today lord dandelion just dandy and sister where dandelion is my father and also my grandfather and my great-grandfather dandy what are you doing with my laundry hamper um dandy dandy dandy you dog ah as my father always says we should never shy away from assisting those in need besides i'm quite eager to experience this fine peasant art for myself a noble doing laundry doesn't seem right don't you use gadgets for that but of course and i shall happily acquire some household pins for you if you'd like oh my that's not speaking of pins my good lady come closer that we might take a selfie together with the basket what with our dirty laundry what if someone like the queen sees this is a strange conversation hardly why the queen is far too reclusive for that sort of thing once can't simply ring her up that's a relief no this will merely be viewed by the lofted court and perhaps the upper echelons of the parliament i'm taking the hamper what a what a strange guy [Music] i mean granny's not exactly the the sanest person either but my lord what a strange set of people hey thanks so much for watching as always this is beast breaker if you enjoyed a like on the video as much appreciate i'll see you guys the next one you have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 2,066
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, beast breaker, beast breaker game, rpg pinball, peggle, olexa beast breaker, beast breaker nintendo switch gameplay, beast breaker gameplay, beast breaker switch gameplay, nintendo switch, switch gameplay, lets play beast breaker, lets try beast breaker, beast breaker review, beast breaker preview
Id: 2nMQLd-sCYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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