MODDED BERTRAN DISASTER! | Repentance Mod Spotlights

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hello there everybody welcome back to the vining of isaac repentance mod spotlights today we return we return after some time to a character that um everybody and their mother has been telling me to cover again because they've been updated for repentance this is bertrand many people remember bertrand from uh after birth plus this is a mod by den infinity and melon um it was kind of like a coinciding mod with fiendfolio um commonly used together now as many people know uh some of the big content mods like fiendfolio revelations anything that adds rooms um are currently not updated because they're waiting for the api to update because the game literally just it can't handle what those mods do um so bertrand has been updated there's a bunch of new item synergies hopefully we're going to see some luckily i'll take whatever the game throws at me so we'll see what kind of synergies are there um there is also tainted bird tran um although i've heard that tainted bertrand is just a meme um so i don't know what to expect there maybe we'll check it out at the end of this video we'll we'll see okay thank you for playing bertrand honestly very kind um fiend folio expansion mod is now out uh is not with repentance so it's a no for me it's a no for me okay resume for those who have not played bertrand before it's kind of like tainted lilith in some ways but like significantly better um so you move you attack you can spin by doing like a a circular motion with with your attack then you can also slam by i don't remember how to slam it's it's like flinging is controlled yeah so slam how do you slam dude i remember loving slam too why do i not remember how to do this it's like that that's the fling i don't remember a slam i love the slam man the slam is insanely satisfying to use it's like uh doesn't this character also get iframes oh wait you know what the slam i gotta fill up that bar first right isn't that how we how we have to do this there's that bar in the top left i think i gotta fill up that bar before we can do a little slamming yeah dude oh and then that's right it gives you freaking stats up every time you do it okay okay that definitely still does damage to you by the way so let's let's not get too crazy about that okay um let's check i think there's a greater chance of seeing being here all right big rip um just in case i will slam yeah okay so you definitely don't yeah you definitely don't have that but you do have the big slam right here because we filled up the bar you also have adrenaline which is it useful to me not currently it is not currently i do not want to use my slam on these guys like the the slam is so good i don't need the i don't need to use oh i missed i freaking missed okay mystery gift could be okay dude i i forgot that bertrand is actually fun i kind of i'm gonna tell you i get a little i'm just gonna say it okay i'm gonna say it i need everybody to be very uh kind wow one bomb and we are in business there i need everybody to be very careful when i say this but i like characters that shoot tears regularly also known as i don't like characters that are melee i don't like melee characters there i said it i think they're bad i don't think that isaac is a game that fits itself to using a melee character i just think the game is better with characters that do the whole attacking thing that doesn't mean bertrand is a bad character okay i'm not i'm not saying that it's just that i tend to like characters that are not that um that said bertrand has a fun thing going for it in which it it's not a melee character dude it's in all kinds of character there there ain't no character in the game that can do that like did you see that no nobody can do this this is the wacky and weird thing that i i just get to experience with this character that that makes it very fun um which is nice let's go spend this heart again because we're we're basically just gunning for a bomb right now um now we're also not getting said bomb unless we i mean there's a chance four cents in the one of the machines right you got four cents to get a bomb the battery charge is not gonna help you oh i guess we can blow up that guy um i i guess i did not realize that this is not gonna work i'm just trying to get a little bit of extra benefit right so we're hoping for a bomb out of one of these and survey says not today honestly dude you you gave it a good try you gave it a good try just go down so far very tame run um obviously there are a lot of synergies with this character and that's where things get you know fun so ibs just gonna tell you i have no interest in it um we'll take number two it's a very poopy uh set here um and we now of course have a bomb for the future which it is hard to complain about we we enjoy having uh infinite bombs on this run now obviously number two it's it's honestly it's the best number two because the odds of me accidentally blowing myself up are like slim to none i'm i'm never gonna blow myself up because uh i never hold down fire so this is this is kind of the ideal uh it's a really really good item i i should not have trash talked it's a rival this room sucks it it is actually just like the worst room as bertrand um we we did it successfully but it sucked i hate it goodbye sir you you can go goodbye too our damage is actually like insanely good right now this is really really good here you go join get get fricked i'll take this and then you can blow up that fire that's fine what a blessing okay um i will just fight actually the rainmaker is i think also not who you want to see if you're bertrand you gotta get pretty freaking close to the son of a gun to to do damage to him but that's life i mean we could try to do some some spinny doo spinny doo is going to be actually that's going to be a a problem with our things dude i'm going to go angel deals there's way too many funky new angel items that i want to see what the interactions are so i'll go i'll go angel deals take one for the team get fricked the slam is the best it's the best attack in the game it's just there's nothing more enjoyable if bertrand here i'm gonna say it okay and i respect the mod devs a lot they're really great guys um if the slam was not in bertrand this character would not be nearly as fun as what it is um i just freaking love the slam i i just love it i also do have a sewing machine on i like always have sewing machine on at this point dude there's like a another bertrand hanging in the weeds over there that did you see that that was really weird it was really weird okay cursed room we get blood puppy i mean i'm i'm with it i'm just gonna tell you i'm with it but let's do it not my favorite item in the game i'm gonna tell you but um blood puppy you know it does some stuff it do it do stuff let's grab our uh secret rooms wherever they may it's pretty bad look for me right there pretty bad look given my blood puppy is also gonna start getting angry and then he's gonna try and kill me this is not great either okay [Music] dude i'm like 800 percent sure that this is okay never mind apparently i'm wrong where the hell is the secret room at that means that it actually has to be back in this room which is even more annoying that it's been here the entire time i'll use my damn bomb what the heck is this gonna be one that makes me like really mad is it right here i i'm didn't place it is it right there where is it though i mean like where where could it be if i were the secret room donald dotto is it actually is gonna be right here i guess this is a weird location it's a really weird location um happy to see it but it's weird i mean look you teleported you saved me a couple of seconds of time the sun card will wait for the next floor two of diamonds is nice but i don't really want to pop it because it it's nothing right i'll keep popping these horse fantastic could have died um now i'll pop shoe of dime well let's bomb this i guess well we'll bomb that too not really what i intended on bombing i just want to get like some value out of this two of diamonds man so let l i'm gonna bomb the donation machine a little bit this episode has started just like a little chaotically in nature bertrand is just that kind of chaotic meme character that it's it's tough to you know dude we got 954 money in the machine just just we we can afford to do a little bombing to make the run more interesting right this is this is fine we we get a little bit of money out for a better experience here okay i swear to god it makes it difficult to manage number two okay i i won't deny that in the slightest you son of a gun get get what just need like one more yeah that's a that's a big hefty boy pop this buy the soul heart buy the cheap key get the heck out of here grab the sun card it's time to go it's time to go what a freaking mess what a freaking mess hopefully you guys are having a good day today though and your life is not in a complete mess um i'm doing okay it's a beautiful monday when i'm recording monday's a good day filled with uh happiness and things like that what a weird room apparently we're never going to fight an enemy i'm i'm down to be honest uh pop that real quick say goodbye to the masses and then give me a fun synergistical item camo undies is not it it's just not it will take sack head i'm fine with that i'm gonna not as good as they used to be but still pretty good um tainted magician is uh i don't i don't know a big projectile and enemy repelling i still don't know all the tainted cards i mean cut me some slack it's not like i play this game almost every day or anything some some things are just it takes time to learn you know arithmetic keep in mind we're we're taught at a very young age math right it's not like they expect a kindergartner to know calculus right how they don't even expect a high schooler to know calculus a lot of the time calculus is like you take pre-calculus where they're like ha ha here's here's calculus uh and they give you like fake derivatives that don't uh matter at all i never understood why they teach you like the weird jank derivatives and then like eventually they're like uh well you know there is another way to do derivatives and it's it's just the easier way right you know before they're like well i mean take take uh x squared create the graph of that parabola and then uh take a straight line and put it in the slope of the uh x squared and then when you do that that comes to a you know a 90 degree angle at uh 400 degrees and then uh you come to uh 2x is your derivative and uh that's how you got to do it there's no easier way and then they're like just take the exponent and bring it down um x squared is 2x you dumbass i remember being pissed man because you you learn this entire big long method for doing it uh and then they're just like oh yeah there's an easier way we were just uh we pranked you know you got punked ha ha um and it's like man i just teach me how to do the math problem correctly i mean and it's even i i get annoyed man with you know it's kind of a meme these days right with the uh what do you got trinity shield okay so trinity shield is on me not my head so far we have really not gotten any items that impact bertrand um i just want to find one of the fun synergies man uh because i i know there's there's some that get like really weird i want to see the really weird i'm i'm all in on really weird my investment is high i'm i'm all in on bertrand stock right now show me the weird and let it you know take me to take me to freaking summer camp but uh no i i've always hated the with math where if you don't do it the way the teacher taught you how to do it then you don't get the points for me is freaking math man like i i understand english right you know you you interpret something differently than the teacher i still think that there's kind of bs right because if you think that uh the blue curtains means that the character is happy and the teacher goes it means they're sad uh and you have a decent you know detailed explanation in your five paragraph essay about why that's the case you should get the points because you put forth the effort now if you said uh it's blue because the character likes the color blue and then makes them happy um and there's never anything that says anything about that then yeah you're you're dumb in that situation and maybe you should read the room a little bit and the blue curtains and see you know what the heck you're talking about what am i talking about i got no freaking clue right now i've i've digressed quite quite far in this situation um but the fact of the matter is math is facts and logic dude i i don't want to sound like freaking ben shapiro here but it is facts and logic that you can't be wrong at math unless you're like legitimately wrong right like if you try to argue with me tyler you're freaking two plus two equals five i'm gonna be like okay it's just not an argument you know sacred hearts better than godhead oh you're wrong like sure you can bring up facts and logic as to why godhead would be better in a certain scenario there's no way you can tell me two plus two is equal to five it's just never gonna happen right um and that's why when when teachers are like i don't care that you got the right answer the way you did it is not correct look unless the kid is freaking albert einstein right and he came up with a solution to the problem that the teacher has never seen before he probably got there you know at least a little bit correct now i understand that there's you know issues with maybe there was some cheating involved right i get that but let dude let's fight mother this is bertrand let's get weird um maybe there's cheating involved and i think that you know if the person just writes down the answer and they're like uh i'm smart then yeah okay they probably cheated and thus you should you know likely reprimand them for the cheating but if they got the answer and they have like work that you can follow and it you know somewhat makes sense but it's just not the way the teacher wanted to say it's you know freaking derivatives and they did it the correct way and not the stupid way that they teach uh high schoolers before they take calculus one then you know what i i have no issues with this and i think the teacher should be uh frankly maybe arrested and killed okay that one was a joke i don't think they should kill the teacher for teaching the the poor curriculum um dude let's take depression just because something tells me it could be good i don't know it is one of those items people people like depression as an item so maybe bertrand has a weird synergy that does not appear to be the case and it appears that bertrand is still just a basic ass character again um and i have not picked up any items that impact this character in a positive way but you know what someday the day is gonna come and then i'm gonna look like a genius when i take some item that seemingly would have no interaction and then bertrand's like i've evolved in the super bertrand you know that we're we're hoping to eventually reach the final evolution of bertrand as super bertrand we're just not there yet and honestly that's okay that's okay we still got plenty of floors to make this beautiful transformation uh into a reality let's fight reap creep and also slam our body into the fire before we do it not really a good look by us but we're already kind of given reap creep the smack you know stationary enemies they're they're a pretty good thing for bertrand you know we're kind of we we launch in one singular location 95 percent of the time um so it makes our life a little bit easier to just be able to launch and and do our thing you're you're gonna do some brimstone here soon i i know you're gonna start doing your your transformation there it is now you are in extreme brimstone mode you're gonna do a little slammy slam i got you now you're gonna be in extreme brimstone mode i i expected it and i still failed but that's okay great work um and you get an angel deal which gives you earn of souls i can't say i'm not intrigued right i can't say i'm not intrigued because it could be interesting again i don't necessarily think that it's gonna do jack diddly squat for us but we'll see right we'll see maybe there's an interaction with old bert that we don't know about maybe it's gonna get weird but let's put a cap on that sucker for ren though let's go in here we we open it all up we we got six in there right now i haven't really used urn of souls at all so i have no idea what i'm doing um but you know what we'll we'll figure it out just treat it like it's a modded item and we're seeing it for the first time you know pretend you've seen the mod i haven't okay um blood puppy's pissed uh apparently i also can't hit him with bertrand that seems like a pretty poor situation for me yeah that's that seems pretty bad that i can't hit blood puppy with bird train um come on dude come on okay well you know what we found we found the item interaction um it's just not the one we wanted i'll tell you that rin though it is not the one we wanted okay what what if we earn of souls him you know what that actually does work okay okay um so we have to use our active item as our blood puppy diffuser i think in an ideal world i could just get rid of blood puppy but um i chose the item i live with it i know there's going to be people that say tyler that's not fair that the mod does not work you should be able to remove the item that's not how we do things here no um i i made a decision we live with that decision now it's just an interesting decision to say the least so earn of souls is now like way more valuable on this run than it ever should have been and uh honestly i'm i'm with it for sure it does now carry a larger larger and more precious vibe than what we initially thought i would love to like some guppy items or or something you know just something to get the the big juices flowing i don't care what the juices are but just something to get them flowing i'm also getting so many souls man i i should be releasing some of these i know that blood puppy is uh still still vibing having a good time and eventually we're gonna need them to to handle him but you know we're also going to get some back from these people as well um i have made a mistake i think which is called oh no you don't take uh damage from this kind of stuff anymore so i don't really have to be concerned at all we also do still have adrenaline we're one syringe away from spun too um which is not that's not an insignificant thing to kind of keep in mind on this run you know spun is this a sizable damage increase that we would get i'll take the money that's fine but anyway yeah my day is good it's good i feel like i went down like a an hour-long rant right there about um nothing really uh we somehow got onto calculus i i was the kind of guy growing up where i thought i hated math right you know it was like it was the cool thing to hate math i think you know whenever there was a subject in school and people are like what's your favorite subject the the go-to jesus um the go-to you gotta use it once rit the the go-to was uh everybody hates history or everybody loves history not hates i'm sorry everybody loves history because it was like it was always the cool professor that thought history too okay so glass cannon is nothing unique i'm gonna tell you um so take back earn of souls at this point i didn't know if bertrand would like shoot the shoot the shot out of its body or something i i didn't know how it was gonna interact so i figured we'd uh try it out the twins we don't care about i will be trying to just melt you because that is much easier we have lost our devil deal and you're dead okay honestly not too bad take your bombs take your speed upgrade and uh one makes a small sure that's fine you still gotta shop um and then you gotta do your your mind's chase but that's that'll come in dude time what do you got uh two things i like we'll take keeper's sack for sure then you'll take car battery i have no idea how it interacts with our current item we have ace of clubs you could use somewhere i i don't necessarily know where but definitely somewhere i'm sure um you could even i'm going to tell you dude you could play this right now because you got the sun card so now you pop sun you do have some hearts on the floor too but we're going to be able to do all the things we want to do here which is getting the soul heart then okay it's going to be a little tight so troll bomb yeah so we'd have to give one more heart in order to do this also dude get weird magic mush you never know it's worth taking a peek let's do this real quick get fricked got another damage up you love to see it bertrand stacking baby bertrand stacking but no i i always liked i always liked like reading and writing in school um and i i never i'm gonna be honest you i i never thought i was gonna go into you know kind of the stem field i'm in computer security for those that are maybe new to the channel um and don't know that so i i work with computers and intense computer type stuff every day so i took a lot of math classes in in school um and i learned to love math in a lot of ways um you know math is still a very very frustrating subject because sometimes you just don't get it right um and there's going to be times where you don't get it um programming is kind of the same way right programming is one of those skills where you you don't you can't just memorize programming which i think is it's part of why i like it right um because if many of you know me and on my how i run my channel i'm always somebody who likes to to learn new things you know i love puzzle games i love i you know i love figuring things out min maxing figuring out optimal scenarios you know things like that i i like learning and what you don't realize is that the math field yeah there's once you learn how to do it it's different right um because now you know it but the real life is not you know you're not handed pythagorean's theorem and told you know define me the hypotenuse right you're handed you know a house that you're making where you need to figure out what the length of the one wall is and you better hope to god that you remember how to use pythagorean's theorem to figure out how to find the length of that wall it's the application part that they don't teach you in school as much um and that's the important part unfortunately so oh dude we are very lucky look at this now we'll grab this and that and then we will go back and we will do our self-sacrifice room and this will allow us to get uh either seven soul hearts or 30 coins um you're hoping for seven soul hearts right just gonna put it real bluntly it's gonna be a massive shame if you don't get the soul hearts here because otherwise you are really hemorrhaging hp and the correct scenario did not occur so now your hp is in the doghouse it's in a bad bad position but luckily you're also in a position where you can now get into your boss trap room so we're gonna go there next but i don't know dude i like the puzzle of life i like figuring out why things are broken and fixing it and that's like 90 percent of what i do in my job right you know it's x person visited you know this this phishing link you know and it triggered an alert but why why did it trigger an alert what is wrong with the site you know do the analysis to figure it out um that that's what i love you know every day is a puzzle you know and that's what you learn to like about math is the fact that everything is a puzzle um and you don't realize that when you're just like learning math for the first time you know all you think about math is is numbers find x right and it's still that in in the application but it's much much different okay i am afraid we got some spicy scenarios here but fortunately those scenarios are no longer spicy they got a little weird though i mean i want the knife they got a little weird um let's let's probably get out of here let's probably get out of here i got places to go people to see and none of them are here um goodbye see you later uh you know what you do have petrified poop so you're gonna possibly get some extra stuff out of these would have been a great time to get like a red health you know could have been nuts just a tiny little red health i actually can't go to thingy man i don't have the health so we go down we go down that's okay that's okay we're living life we can still get there it's just gonna require a little extra work that's all okay okay urn of souls we also blood puppy has not come to kill me in a little bit oh and now he's ready to kill me okay and now he's back to normal i have hit myself and now i am a hit away from death there's a very scary situation let let's see room there there's no denying that this is a little fricked right i mean there there's definitely a reason to be a bit concerned here i'll take your full card being on one singular health the vibes are low they're they're low you guys keep on spawning frickin spiders man okay blood puppy please there we go okay now now i can breathe again for at least five and a half seconds not too many though because things are still a mess it's also it is tough to see sometimes with bertrand what the hell is going on so we we need to keep it in mind and keep ourselves nice and frosty and beautiful easy breezy cover girl-esque we're we're living life go ahead do a little bombing give me some good stuff dude i'm i know i took the sacks okay i know i did and you guys were probably like tyler sack head's not good anymore in uh in this version of the game and you're you're like so right it's really not that good anymore but i took it anyway i took it anyway um do you think you can upgrade blood puppy no but you can upgrade depression cool we're with it for sure um let's take this too and this all of these give stat upgrades let's keep that in mind because of our our keeper sack that we got you're you're still like you know you're you're dying right you're not dead but you're you're dying still alive but i'm barely breathing kind of thing i'm just praying to a guy that i don't believe in you oh god dude oh come on where the hell's our secret room man please uh what uh i'm i'm in yeah i'm definitely in send me the hell okay plus chord stack over f what the hell is this okay yeah what the hell does this mean um what do i have that would it's mutant spider man it's mutant spider okay okay um yeah fight mom like kind of no time like the present let's do it uh our damage is like extremely horrible though wow lord okay it's weird things things have become weird we like it but they've become weird um i'm dead right yeah okay definitely dead we have nine lives let's i also got freaking copernicus's concentric rings going on here and somehow earn of souls didn't get re-rolled i that dude everything's it's all a mess it's all a mess i do like this i mean i'm just i've turned i'm i'm muhammad albertran and everybody is my freaking punching bag it's it's a beautiful just the sound is magnificent right this is beautiful um i got enough hearts i should probably go fight right because i i can do the mom fight jesus criminy i can do the mom fight with this many hearts that's a guarantee it was a little spicy before but i should do it before i i lose these hearts oh my god it's just it's a beautiful disaster it's a beautiful disaster why is every run i do a disaster man is it just how i play is this why repentance is like legitimately like uh now is every run is like this i was starting to think that it's just like i was doing weird stuff but i'm i'm starting to think man that just repentance is weird and every run is like this if you want it to be which i mean that's exciting for me because it just means that i i get content for the rest of my life more or less um let's go do mom and then after we'll we'll teleport out and worry about some of this other stuff because we like we do have other stuff on the floor i just kind of uh don't care either okay yeah get burned the hell i'll use all of the urn of souls all right that's that's not a problem for me we got a deal at pretty low oh we have go ahead so that makes sense um let's take the negative because i'm going to be mother anyway i was gonna say the beast not going to the beast spin to fly what the hell is this dude the hell is this okay okay just just keep your cool oh man well bertrand devs i i give you some massive props um i haven't laughed like this in a while i really haven't um so this is a good one this is a good one congrats on the really good update this is some great stuff this is some genuinely great stuff and i'm sure that i'm gonna see even more um that is stupid and weird um and i i like it i'm i'm like fully thousand percent with this and honestly i'm gonna take i'll take this sucker with me it's not we're gonna get completely rerolled here in a second so it's not like any of this matters anyway um okay stepping on the spikes was a pretty bad play in in nature because now we're actually gonna use up a life uh i can't go down to the thing really is that always like that i didn't think that was like that what if i kill myself in here then what are you gonna do bring me out here that door is always gonna be there i i can't go to uh i can't go to mother so i guess we're going to the dark room um i definitely thought that you could get back down there but apparently not what do we have here we we got we got longo bertrand very elongated bertrand we also have birthright um you know let's let's see right so [Music] maybe uh there's new features are you freaking kidding me are you freaking kidding me do you make the aim assist better wow there's a lot of interesting stuff here um wow a lot of interesting stuff um tutorial compatibility fully compatible with the thingy i understand how about encyclopedia current items we have um about inventory here you go birth right as the the add a little bit of bertrand at the bottom we gotta get through all the tainteds i have a feeling that it will not have bertrand at the bottom it does not um we have no idea what it does not not even the slightest clue um also let's keep in mind that like you're gonna die right we also have uh purgatory crack cracked purgatory land okay let's not freaking die here okay there there's a lot of things i'm willing to do die on this run is unfortunately not one of them this this run is too stupid to have me die i i gotta keep things uh frosty and going as long as we can we do a bloody gust which you know if you're gonna get hit at least profit from it did i get hit there because that's a really poor look if i got hit there get destroyed i it said wow i hit the enemy and just went wow okay i'm glad that you enjoyed that game all right pin i'm ready get get destroyed don't know why i'm wasting all my earn of souls on on pin of all people pins not exactly the hardest enemy in the game we also have three tainted hearts how did i even get these also our spin is actually kind of strong because we got the longer range but uh amazing i i like the compliments man it kind of feels good game just gives me a little bit of uh feel good all right we got we got loki here get get completely destroyed then you'll snag this you got a devil deal i don't know man like what's the point like is there really a point in taking these i'll die if i take the other so i mean like theoretically it's a bad idea um what what if i what if i keep stepping on the spikes okay goodbye time to go down my hp dude it's doomed anyway right like i got nine lives again i also got extremely big familiars okay um we do have we we've got uh dude our range is insane i also snag on to the enemy i think that's maybe uh sinus infection that was having him snag onto dude it's like the longest slam of all time because our range is so crazy why is our range so crazy like it is high um but in order to slam we have to have it go all the way to the other side and then it slams and then we also have little horn with this dude it's like our rate of fire or something is slow i i just can't fire this guy fast enough because he's sending shots to the freaking moon okay take stapler and then this is like earn of souls disaster i'm i'm very happy that we have maintained earn of souls throughout this entire thing uh because it just gives us it's like a guaranteed known damage source right i love that this bug is still in the game where it generates all the red hearts um but it's just a known damage source that we'll always have and in a lot of ways that means the world to us because it just gives us it's one known in a world of unknowns this is the one time dude where i absolutely love the missing note take right because all all the missingno does for us is it's a true true showcase of the character you know it's telling you everything you need to know i'm showing you everything about the character it's a beautiful beautiful situation come in here okay this glitch crown um [Music] i mean we're gonna have it for a floor i'm not really good at using this item i don't even know what happens in here to be honest with you i mean i guess it's going to cycle between them okay um what do we want i guess i want the guppy item right so we'll we'll take the guppy item here i also got like a huge damage up when i took the guppy item so i don't really understand that at all um i don't know dude it's all weird it's all we i don't even know why i'm trying to understand the run i i feel invincible and dead all at the same time right it's like the run is not that good in all retrospect you know there's a lot of uh pretty sizable glaring issues on the run such as like one our health you know our health is not exactly looking great on this one but then we get nine lives like every minute so it kind of works there as well i would love to find something else to be able to do glitch crown with i would also love to go to hush but that is not going to happen we we are past the the era of hush on this run well we killed that thing goodbye sir i'll dude i we we take for granted how good the new little horn animation is that was such a good change um it's such a fun little animation to showcase little horn okay goodbye sir and uh good riddance we we gotta kill mom on half a heart is this uh a possible thing yes incredibly possible is it a likely thing i mean i would go with like is less likely than not doing it right but just keep the the fire on her and then like it's gonna be uh a big bertrand shot get a bunch of little horn in there and then uh you're dead and mom was like a second away which is super painful you could have had a good time definitely could have had a good time now now you gotta fight mom like kind of legit right you still like the big shot there oh no no no you had to be a big shot did ya had to open up your womb you had to be a big mom did yeah all your souls were so in tune there's something there but i look we won't figure it out for another year um you go down so i go down goodbye we go where do we go we go to hell like literally this is kind of hell um okay what i have what i have spirit sword as an active item and one heart okay well i'll tell you one thing give me a soul heart good talk okay don't know where our secret is could be here we're probably dead right i mean like if i was a bet ting man battle deedle battle i also am going to tell you this dude will not attack me i also have invincibility taurus style steam sale is really useless um let's pop um okay i don't know what this item is maybe this is a bertrand specialty what the frick is this item okay you know what you know what inventory inventory what the hell is this the bertrand spirit sword okay yeah is this a a unique item to our good friend bertrand encyclopedia items auto-generated bertrand there's legitimately a bunch of what the hell is this the bertrand hyper test so this is bertrand's spirit sword which allows us to from what i can tell shoot at enemies pick them up and then throw them at other enemies it's weird i mean it's weird do i like it oh i freaking love it i died there's not much on this planet that i love more than a rin now in fact i would take the spirit sword and make him my child i'm i'm very much so in love with it um is weird but like so it's the character's weird so it's all good let's just keep it going can i pick up satan with this and then throw oh my god dude what is going on oh it's so cool wait that's so cool it did a weird little thing i was able to chuck at him and then just like send them and and like hit him away that was so sick okay snag him oh we just like shot a bullet at him instead um somehow we're still alive we we've snagged them but it's not gonna work i gotta just hit them away because i can't so bosses you can't pick up is what i've learned you gotta just do a little smacky job on them and that's fine in fact it's more than fine we we like it can i can i pick you up because you would be an excellent one oh i am dude there's a lot of buttons i mean there's a lot of buttons that you gotta press that's such a lame excuse as to why can you imagine if i lost isaac runs and i just said i'm i'm sorry that's a lot of buttons but in all series there's a lot of buttons like i'm not used to spirit sword being attached to my freaking space bar like that's such a strange strange place for it to be so don't mind me that i'm a little confused by it get smacked big hits okay just get on top of them well and you can't even charge it with batteries like you you literally have to charge it with hits i just love man that's here's the wacky part right we had urn of souls for like seven floors and probably four of them were missing though and it never re-rolled once and then just this floor they were like well you know who needs it it's such a strange interaction okay you died let's get our super secret room this is kind of important because hp would be huge in fact it is huge and this is another item that then goes into the reroll tank as well so it's it's big money you're an um but we can use this to get parts because none of the rest of this money matters at all so use it to stack up your hp this is this is incredible to be honest very very high value play you got tons of health you're going to pick up all this you're going to take spirit sword back like obviously let's not be let's not be archaic in our actions here if it's weird it's for me are you a wizard fortunately i don't think it does anything to us experimental pill speed upgrade speed downgrade pheromones another soul heart pick back up this blow up this and uh move on your merry way okay we go yoink get destroyed get destroyed great work little little small smacks just just stay on on top of them as a whole pretty good start to the fight hey dude blood puppy's back welcome back blood puppy oh he's also pissed that'll make this fun don't even think about a blood puppy now is not the time oh he he hates me that's fair i would prefer you didn't hate me blood puppy especially because i now have no way to hit you i mean maybe i could spirit sword you i don't even think about that but i would prefer to not even have to figure out how to do that okay okay what if i spirit sorted dude this is so impossible to figure out what the hell is going on okay big big hits honestly this is a great time for spin mode you can probably hear me spamming the keyboard that's because i have no idea how to do this well okay big smack big big smack somehow he's he's succeeded um just go down and continue your aneurysm on the next floor i'm gonna take a sip of water real quick because i have been recording for 15 minutes and drank no water and i should be shot on site okay we have the mega satan door open yuck card is not it gallo is not it midnight snack is is actually it is actually it believe it or not it gives us full hp um i could teleport straight to the boss the rest of these suck by the way and we won't be taking them um have we gained anything new we do have best touch which fires out a shot around the place we'll take stompy sure we still have our uh we do fire like an eternal where's my head dude oh i was attached to him still i don't know how these deaths touch what the hell's going on man i have no idea what the heck is happening here this is a i can't even see where the hell bert's head is to be perfectly honest with you oh my god okay yeah that's sick did you see that that was nasty so our big smack is just this barrage of shots that is super cool we also have uh options right now so make sure you're opening chests first no matter what dude the barrage of size is really cool we're seeing all of the synergies man i'm i'm very very pleased about this i know there's more right i said all i it was hyperbolic in nature uh we are not seeing all of them but we are seeing a bunch of them um and that makes me really quite happy um let's continue i do want to try my hand at mega state knowing that like we'll probably die to mega satan i would love to reroll this run again right just to get one more one more spicy re-roll and see one other new set of things or we can just try to do like as much of the floor as possible and and you know get some fun stuff dude smacking them away with spirit sword is so good it's so good oh what a day dude what a day just another day in the freaking office another day in the isaac mod universe well dude give me the isaac cinematic mod universe where all of the like major good mods and i say good mods in the form of like the mods i like because i think they're good give me give me job masterma bertrand give me all of them and give me like unlocks and and interactions with all of them i make it where i have to play with all these mods there's so much potential for a huge huge huge mod pack with with all of these incredible mods all combined together and i understand that there's a lot of personalities in the isaac world but just like work with each other for the greater good get get weird stuff going i want to see all the weird stuff so let's fight the lamb i will tell you this this is definitely like a probably don't do this if you're planning on fighting mega satan but i'm the kind of person where i like the crazier things in life like fighting bosses i don't have to fight um gonna get a big smack here we we do have to somehow kill both parts of you there's some bigger fame damage to be honest okay i don't even like they both have to be close to dead right we can chuck a bomb in there that's one bomb does so little it does so little okay big smack i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die we did not die okay we're gonna definitely die to mega satan if i survive this is a freaking miracle there there is no shot i'm gonna try to do a couple more rooms just nope and then i took damage still that sucks um i i gotta try it man like i gotta try something to get myself a bit more benefit i'm gonna die with a freaking spider i'm gonna lose my mind okay just give me two two i gotta take the i gotta take the the hartman or the card now the joker is unfortunate here neither of these help me okay did you see that now what does help me is this that gives me an extra heart that was a great play in my head i was like i know exactly what to do here and i just went for it okay it gets spicy it gets spicy i i am terrified and loving it all at the same time take the heart definitely gotta take the heart i mean look we're not gonna get that much more health than what we have right now man like that that's the thing that we gotta realize is like you're you're looking at your maybe one more heart for your potential this room is so easy with bertrand because you can see where the the things lie but uh oh god okay we're fine item item both not great really card hangman not useful these are all unfortunate situations for me i just feel the need to keep trying do it okay it could be a weird techno site okay so he now fires a little tech laser out of him sure it is a synergy for sure i mean it said it so we know it's a legitimate synergy it's just the thing they do you know what man i got full health i i can't i can't beat around the bush we just gotta try we just gotta try let's do it let's do it if we win we win if we don't win uh you know what we fought through hell to get here oh my god the did you see that did you see the laser because it was kind of cool though i don't think it did like any damage but it was cool oh blink it's just a big old room full of lasers i'm a big fan of room full laser man you give me room full laser any day of the week i'll be happy okay oh you know what man spirit sword just does damage as long as you're attached to him i did not even realize that that makes this so good i didn't even realize this is an insane item because you can just sit and kill him and and dodge instead and like it doesn't affect you at all like now we're just like constantly dealing damage to mega state all i gotta do is dodge boy this game so easy okay yeah now i'm gonna do this right that was nasty that was nasty i enjoyed it a lot and let's kill the rest yoink it's like the ultimate aoe weapon is just send a freaking barrage of lasers in it's so good it is so good this is gonna be hell here just just fill up your your beam again and just keep things nice and chill that's a bad hit man that's a bad hit pop the hangman just to get the card out of your face you don't need it we're super dead i mean it's not even a little bit dead we're super dead i'm realizing that this is actually even better with the um spirit sword because we're doing the tech damage too so you're you're hitting with the sword oh my god that was so close you're hitting with the sword but then doing tech damage too it's pretty good it will be pretty good okay this is now we're we are in super mega dodge mode i think just just dodge we can just dodge okay i'm not saying it's gonna happen this is gonna be really hard it's gonna be really hard but just keep i'm dead i'm not dead these shots are too wavy for my liking okay i mean i will say this makes it a lot easier because all these shots are now uh sitting in no man's land a little bit okay we are just gradually chalking this this is where the flashlight has proven to be the best item in the game okay night light op night light op night light op oh he's safe okay this is like a horrible one and i'm up here in the corner he's cracked dude it's so doable it's so freaking doable i'm toast how he's cracked out of his mind he's cracked out of his mind that's the only explanation he's so good he he's what in the actual ever wait i'm just invincible okay i'm just invincible there there you cannot tell me that i did not get hit during that um i'm gonna end this run hey thanks so much for watching um bertrand is weird he's a weird character everything's weird it's just strange i don't i don't i don't know man this is good it's good go check out this character fun time hey thanks so much for watching i'll see you guys in the next video you have a good rest of your day tainted bear train thanks goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 11,932
Rating: 4.9648094 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, bertran mod, bertran mod isaac, isaac bertran, bertran isaac, random streaks, random streak, isaac, lets play binding of isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac gameplay, mod, the binding of isaac español, isaac cadaver, cadaver mod, isaac repentance, binding of isaac repentance, isaac afterbirth plus, isaac mod
Id: e6jEX_eIitk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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