Can You Use ONLY Bombs To Beat Bloonarius? (Bloons TD 6)

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so another week another balloon areas this one is on tam center medium and i have another sunflowers challenge and the hero actually manages this one so you see i have striker the reason why i'm being striker is because i want to do a bomb only challenge can i beat balloon areas using only bombs as damage again if you saw the other x only challenges i am also allowed to use forms of villages and yes i do need striker because well i can't block black balloons if without striker the only black popping is frag bombs and that is way too unreliable i reckon bomb only won't be too bad because you do have mobile m mobile limb just 4 500 damage and the ability well it's instantaneous so when you buy it you can use it immediately that means just like subs we can buy and resell the ability to do so much damage to that balloon areas although we didn't do it for itself because we didn't need to because first works to op but i do think i'm gonna need it for this one because the tier 4 only does 1050 with the mob assassin yes if you do the math 3 million divided by 4 500 gets you 666.6 ability uses so that's a little bit more than 300 i needed for the preemptive also i think i have seen that that shy guy video before and i just just so happened to forget it uh while i was thinking about what challenge i want to do this week but again that does not mean that does not mean like i'm not allowed to deal with a challenge in fact anyone can do a challenge anyone can do any challenge i've done in my 900 videos they don't have ownership of those types of challenges like i see i see it happen both ways someone does a uh one tower only video and they're like you copy it isab and i'm like rolling i emoji i did not invent one tarot only challenges okay i'm gonna get a 203 that should probably be enough to be uh get up to 39. so how many miles do i need to be uh this guy here well i guess can get as many as i want because my farming game is pretty decent it is only medium mode so if you don't again you can get up forms really easily so we only have three molars but honestly that might be enough to take it all down again i guess we'll see just watch wave one here even with recursive on first we should beat this very easily thanks to striker jones yeah you see that recursive op oh don't forget uh if i do keep server drones around i can use level 20 which doubles the damage i believe of all bombs on screen again it won't do too much damage because most of the balloons damage is going to be with the ability but nonetheless it's still better than zero okay let's just do one more just in case and that will be a pretty easy here one kill in fact let me just sell a couple mothers right now just to get even more farms again we're probably going to over greet a lot but i mean might as well while we're chilling just based on what we're doing right now i'm probably just going to not allow b training p mentoring in fact i could even not allow myself to use uh called arms a homeland or a mib even because that's striker oh also here's a 60. and you know what how about we do a quick bomb rush of it why don't we just go for the mobile in right now just because we have the ability to i'm actually not sure if i should go for another recursive just in case they can't beat uh saran wave i'll get that after i get elim but yeah you want to see me speedrun this with bombs let's just get the tier 5 right now so one ability see how huge of chunky does i also have this ability the striker cooldown reset and yeah just one more cursive just to be safe and again we should have this killed in no time saran waves no problem with two recursives but yeah imagine if i bought and resold that many times we definitely could have killed this way quicker but again we're gonna save all the money for the tier five mobilem does the same on the damage duplicators as normal yes it doesn't have any extra boss damage the only thing that has extra boss damage is our paragons because again ninja game we knew they were too weak so they had to uh they had to artificially add more damage to make it an option in bosses because there's so much of a an hp sponge yes i do have insight info when uh lich is being released uh lich is being released guys in 2021 don't tell nk i said that okay what i should do actually is not do the same mistake as i did with ninjas granted again i know this is definitely doable versus when i did the ninja challenge but just to save my fingers for later i should slowly start dropping assassins all over the map i probably go with range yeah you want range that they get more attacks on the balloon areas versus plus one damage on top half all right so let's use all the abilities nuke it all at once unfortunately it's not doing too much of a dance a very tiny than the hp now all right i should uh note it is round 83 and super sprams come i'm just going to upgrade one of these guys to bomb blitz i know it's due to five is better but i already bought one of these and i'm lazy but i probably should also get a balloon crush also yes at some point right now again i'm just too focused on spamming these assassins alright one more nuke and there is q3 again easy peasy tier 4 shouldn't be a any much bigger of a problem because they got 14 rounds to just keep on spamming as many of these guys as you can alright see you for we have 50 abilities anybody quick math i think that's 35k 37.5 k with 50 abilities not counting the 4500 of the assassin of the elim i mean but yeah i could totally use an arc like for this at this point 50 abilities jeez two cycles basically gets one quarter of the skull that's pretty good i gotta say all right 30 more abilities now we're halfway and don't forget i do have the cooldown reset as well which i'm going to use around the 52 abilities again we just gotta make sure not dying to ceramics because i see a lot of stuff leaking and i found it kind of scary so what else do we have uh one more one more cycle and there it is pretty quick kill only four rounds to beat tier four there now i just want to make things easier for myself so again we'll go up to 100 i think stop right there it's something that i don't even need to virus on the again i guess we'll see if we need to i am fast forwarding for time reasons i don't know if we can drop 37 more bombs in 12 rounds actually you know what i'll do i just want cross path because we don't really need the main damage we just want the ability that's all it's a race against a clock but i think i win guys 90 91 92 you still got five rounds to play stuff i think it's one more i have to drop and that'll make it a hundred yes that is 100 abilities it's actually kind of nice i don't know have i ever had 100 of an ability before because i actually saw the fonts size decrease as well just so that we could fit the number 100 interesting all right let's just get rid of all the farms because again we don't need it look at all that 1 million extrajustice pair and i already have my endgame defense set up again that auto clicker is ready to blow okay that's how you know it's working good and here we go with 75 000 damage per cycle let's use it look at that look at that hp bar like that's like yeah three percent amazing right definitely not as impressive or as satisfying as the sub for strikes because again these things do more than 10 times less damage than a first trick ability we're done 10k versus 750. again the goal here is to ideally not have to sell this guy and i want to see if that's doable or not and if i want to do that i should probably get some more jungle drums or just more abilities because i don't have to stop at 100 but just for uh reasons i'm just gonna stop there we're not even a quarter of the way through it's okay i got striker's reset so let's do that another 100 75k damage coming right up finally all right another hundred abilities just like the first strike it always targets strong so if i'm leaking balloons i can't see myself by using um you know assassin abilities on the zmgs or whatnot in fact what i should do is i should just place my balloon push back here in case you do get far and so things don't get in the way how much damage are the main bombs doing like if i don't use assassin abilities how is your dps only like uh looks like less than 2k damage per second not too impressive okay i think we're gonna die guys if i don't if i don't sell my elim it's not looking good we're not in halfway yet yeah watch this uh bat here it's actually going pretty fast i'm scared but guys they have no choice but to buy more assassins or maybe i don't want my assassins i just got by maulers cause yeah uh we're dead we're dead to those dt is so let me uh well i was gonna back out i do have bomb blitz don't forget granted that did nothing so that's great if i drop these nope i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead let's go back real quick oh the game reset at a horrible time okay our save is bricks okay i'm just gonna die there again i just add some extra restrictions just to make this a little spicier but it looks like it looks like beating those skulls is gonna be really hard when your entire assassin's defense is at the front okay so here we are halfway let's see if these extra miles at the back can beat this bad it's all in first for the record the difference between this and first strike is that first strike can like they can like do some splash damage unlike these guys they're all single target resets another hundred we're very close to last call got it so let's see it when that bad pops i'm definitely going to use half the structure ability or i guess blue crush stunts in many ways i just got to do enough bad damage oh no i'm certainly not beating this so what is the play to beat that last bad if i'm not able to buy and resell that um healing ability because again i'm just making things potentially more difficult so there is actually no way around it other than to either get a homeland is the restrictions that i i put on myself for this one so let me just let it run through again that amount of transplant is enough when you're you can't target your assassin abilities i think we're good let's just go again i'm not going to allow homeland just because that's part of the thing all right here we go with the bar reselling one elim sell one elim cell so we have 140 assassin abilities now that should really help our um well in our quest to damage this balloon areas all right you got another hundred plus abilities so let's use them all we're also gonna get ready to use that reset right here so 132 abilities that's pretty good pretty good all right we have another uh reset with striker ability coming up so this should get us halfway i think a lot at a lot better pace than before either this map is not great for this uh last bat here because again like that house in the way it limits the amount of malls he gets so that's not a lot of bad damage with the mullers unlike if it was at the front that's why it's so important to kill this quickly so important quickly and i need to get 750k by the time i have striker ability up i think one more and then go all right so reset that's double damage and then i use this nuke to pop up that bad while dominant damage is active how long does it last is only 20 seconds at 10 where's striker oh crap it's 10 that's not good i wasted time they're all on first else can i do with him by range did i buy range i did buy range i'm going to replace my elim just to do more damage here that is important i'll use the abilities too because why not come on there we go there we go um we got blue crush now so i feel like we're fine we should defend this right even if you have goblets yes all right well that was more stressful than i thought it was going to be yeah i completely overlook the fact that well bats move pretty quickly at round 120 and you cannot focus any damage it really sucks that there's also no splash damage but it is what it is so overall an easy challenge except for the last part the very last part so definitely yeah threw me in for a ride as you see once you just beat that bad normal one is is not done with pretty pretty easily a lot of track length left but you need a lot of track length to uh beat that last bat inside and there it is bombs only gg [Music] you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 363,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch
Id: kGB3GvUsiU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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