đŸ‘‘BASEMENT KINGđŸ‘‘ Community Viewer Races #9

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[Music] uh three two one good luck start the clock good luck have fun let's go there's a guy from romania on the challenge this season which is a um [Music] it's like a reality tv show but they always he always calls himself like dracula oh god look at the resolution on this oh god do people play like this [Music] look how tiny it is i can see everything mom is gonna be like hiding in the shadows or something holy moly i've never seen that before maybe my suggestion was wrong okay i i think what happened what's happening is people just play it in different resolutions right um and we should probably have like a uniform resolution at some point you like it it's really weird because you can like see more of the floor actually right like in these big big rooms you're actually gonna see a wider area around you if that makes sense i think um but it's just awkward for watching someone in a race because it's already small right and it's just not uniform compared to the other screen uh i guess just like whatever you're used to using [Music] i don't think it's a mod no i think it's just the way i think it's resolution and then you can change like your ui's positioning with your options anyway we've got a small rock and an ice baby for bar down into a crawl space with a d20 um good lord a library we're gonna have an early bookworm it looks like and the roll for the bookworm gonna pick up the book of sin and the monster man well let me go ahead and pop that i've got some little random pausing intervals here i don't know if it seems like a lot of people are using obs and stuff maybe for like the first time or they're not used to having to stream it which is absolutely fine and as we continue our process of racing every week i think we'll just have more of a uniform understanding of what it's going to look like i think the ice baby here is going to be pretty strong uh the bookworm is a great start small rock is going to slow you down a little bit but generally it's going to be worth it where did this brain come from oh that was from the monster manuel uh we've got tom and cole start with the the belt for duke and moving into the boss 36 chance for a devil deal took a hit on the floor it looks like so that's going to reduce his chance of seeing that first devil deal bard picking up some more health off of his boss and 100 chance still no soul hearts to guard if he gets hit from the reduction i think one of the most important things aside from a good starting item uh here is going to be making sure that you see that first devil deal whether you want to get in there and roll it or take it or whether you want to skip it for a chance at angel items um i think that is going to be huge that soul heart right there definitely going to help bard hold the chance for a devil deal down i'm doing great boring or boo ripping i hope everybody's having a wonderful friday thanks for coming out to watch our viewer races here that resolution can see the width of a full large room from the center and that is why it you know it does give you a i won't even say like advantage because i don't know it's it's just different it does change the aspect of a room i don't know if it's worth like saying that people should have the same kind of like aspect ratio going on because i don't think it makes that much of a difference i i think more so i would say i want the same aspect ratio just to have it look more uniform because it looks better when you're comparing the two on screen right it's not really like yeah i don't think it's as much of an advantage as like an aesthetic thing for watching that i care about um because i play with the lower resolution or the the screen thing and i do just fine right a lot of the enemies they're not going to be able to target you and let like from long range unless you're within a certain distance of them um like the brimstone dudes or the viscerals things like that it doesn't help that much um but yeah looks a little awkward okay we've got anti-gravity another soul heart for bard anti-gravity is freaking risky if you're not willing to spam like technically it's an upgrade but if you're not willing to spam the button it just you're not going to be hitting with enough of those tiers to make the tier 8 upgrade worth it it does have a couple of cool synergies but just a really annoying item that's gonna wear your hand out especially like if you get it early in the run um it's kind of like i don't know i think chocolate milk is better because it gives you a chance to pause between um shots when you're charging it up or you can spam it i guess depending on what kind of build you have we're pretty close though as far as pacing both players keeping up with one another i would still give the advantage to bard right now just from being able to skip that first devil deal 100 chance now for duke to find one if he doesn't get hit but he has no soul hearts to cover his health to guard it um so he's got to make it there or find a soul heart without losing red health at this point for duke i probably would just check the devil deal uh because you're on the same floor but your opponent is going to be looking for an angel room and if you don't have the item advantage the devil deal might get you there but it's just going to depend on how much health you have as well i think not the best items for either player right now i would say that the small rock ice baby are definitely the top two items right now um they're only going to carry you for so far though i think do they change angel room chance if you skip a devil deal you get a guaranteed angel room as your next special room if you do not enter your first devil deal and look at it so before it would just make it to where whether you checked it or not you would basically get the chance at an angel or a devil deal but now if you just skip it entirely you get a better shot or a guaranteed uh peak well you can get really unlucky and not see an angel room for a long time too oh lord scary man the rag daddy taking away that chance for the angel room taking away the last few soul hearts down to four red hearts or even five containers some soul hearts now for duke helping to guard that chance for an angel room playing from one floor behind now oh that cricket's body is probably like the best item he has so far [Music] giving him the splash attack it synergizes really well with a lot of stuff immediate planetarium but no keys to give it a peek and desperately trying to hold on to that angel room chance but it has slipped away and now on 18 percent able to bomb into the planetarium though uh we got an a devil deal we took the eye of the cult and the incubus spinning all of his hearts holy moly for an incubus which is really good um and this very awkward eye of the occult which is the damage up but you have to constantly be moving your tears in a direction or they just linger so it can make trying to shoot stuff a little awkward serpent's kiss we have a reroll machine for an item which could be really strong [Music] give him something he's gonna take the why do people like so much oh no i mean sure i think sissy's awful personally um [Music] yeah sure it's cute but is it good no not really oh a five room which normally would be really good extra items but an extra floor on a race unless you have a dead opponent is not something that generally you're gonna be too excited about doing [Music] it's my favorite dice room but not my favorite one to see on a race i don't even know what dice room i would even use on a race unless i had an awful build but honestly my build shouldn't be bad because my starting item should be good enough to at least get me to the point where i can check a devil deal or you know roll something from a boss room you really want to start with something like damage a damage multiplier or something that's going to give you your tears like an edge like piercing um something like death touched techx uh what else like obviously a big one's like a knife um magic mushroom anything that's the damage multiplier qriket's head you could even start with tier 8 stuff i guess i would even go so far as to say like dead what is it bloody lust uh or bloodlust the dead eye that boosts your damage a lot of a lot of good stuff you can start with there's just a ton of items in the item pool now so you're gonna have to do a bit of resetting probably to find something you're comfortable with this is family jewel 7x on youtube he does covers of a lot of popular game music right now we are listening to the undertale guitar medley by family jewels which i shouldn't be listening to jules because i think sometimes i get claims for his music but like by the people that make the original song not him and i think like they're not allowed to do that but whatever all right starter deck and we are playing the hell out of this thing tech x is he gonna have enough money to be able to afford it he's got three cents in a dream reverse world it's gonna get him across base maybe a little bit of extra money tex x would be huge and look at these big ass ice tears we got the double ice build for bard he's got the popular duplex which is going to make them really big he's got a nice amount of tier eight i think oh man with montrose long tech x would be very good just a sweeping amount of lasers across the board here i think he might leave it behind which is gonna make me cry a little bit no no roll up for the krampus and it's gonna be the head of krampus i don't know why we keep doing like little pauses here um but that's all right what's up dude robert pretty close race so far though health advantage item advantage goes to bard right now i really think we probably needed that tech ax the wiggle worm looks awesome with montrose lung and macho's lung is still really strong especially with the the sucking of this baby okay we got a bloat always want to wait until the bloat jumps to drop your bomb because if you drop your bomb right when he jumps it's going to blow up where he lands which is going to be next to you the spot you were standing in when he jumps so you don't want to to try to bomb him beforehand just wait till he jumps at you easy peasy check the pan thank you for the prime appreciate it bud thank you for the support all right we got a needle in an angel room into a holy light that is gonna just wreck zero luck though so just your average holy light chance if he can manage to make some more luck that thing will start cranking out light four times damage for every light beam a little bit of aoe as well for it very strong item so playing the wheel of fortune here the the 4chan machine for health it looked like with his few coins managed to get a black heart oof didn't quite get there with the keys i think we didn't go back for the tech x right like he left the floor i believe picking that card up seeing if that would be uh something that helps just not having any luck with this key unfortunately i think that he might have had to have tried to take that tech x to be in this run then again he is the first person to mom surprisingly gonna grab his polaroid and the devil deal is a ceremonial robe it's gonna cost you overall one heart one of them being your red heart a little bit of extra damage down to four hearts no red hearts health advantage definitely is going to bart here um we are in oh jacob's ladder he's gonna spin that one black heart to pick up jacob's ladder which is gonna be really strong with monstrous lung um that might that might be good enough to keep him in the lead here if he can stay alive just gonna have to hope that he doesn't get unluckily tagged when uh he gets into the womb and we're moving at a fairly quick rate here 27 minutes 28 minutes left on the clock so what uh 17 minutes have passed so far about 17 minutes yeah i do my best robert they not only are there a ton of items in the game but they make change they made a lot of changes to that to them which makes it even more difficult to keep up with everything um let's see what else can we listen to oops get some music popping here a little that hype that hype sauce mix it up with your vanilla ice cream come get a scoop of it three black hearts he hasn't taken any damage yet clearing through just annihilating those rooms we are floor for floor right now it's very close very close left run is a bit rare to get but man right seems super fun to play with with the jacob or the the um the electricity there it's pretty crazy i don't even know what you're looking for in the devil deal something that would have to give you health back maybe like a leviathan a pack which would put you at two hearts no harm in checking it i guess like a dead cat would be nice [Music] another dice room yeah i think um i think the montrose lung has better way better clearing power down to two hearts though very very sketchy and his ah i'm getting nervous man i'm anxious eternal heart gonna bomb it out of there more successfully than that key we saw earlier on the other side to be fair once you bomb it out of position it's gonna be much harder to get it to move the way you want all right barb moving on to the womb one boss 65 chance to get himself another peek at a devil deal or an angel room [Music] with the dice up as long as he can manage to finish these blast assist off [Music] and another angel room with the marbles as well okay that is potentially huge if you get both items from the angels no okay that's okay he is pretty far behind but i don't think without like a sacred heart or a godhead or something from re-rolling those keys that he is going to be able to catch up duke has made [Music] more health as he is the first into the cathedral now it's still really close um if he could find a little bit more luck that would be huge as well to proc the holy light more the candle with the tier viii just shooting faster breaking that tier cap is also gonna net more procs [Music] but man it's it's going to be a quick finish for duke here as he is plowing through these rooms isaac should go pretty fast here almost instantaneously just through the phases i would imagine with that much damage we got a proc pushing through the first phase now the second phase and i think bard is just going to be a little too late here the pin room has taken a lot of time just the sheer clearing power of this of this build not only boss killing but room clearing all right no roll up euthanasia are we gonna have enough keys to open the mega gold does not appear like we will and on to the mom fight 0.1 percent chance for a deal [Music] duke has made himself some time at this point um definitely can roll that stuff if he wants he's uh almost a four and a half ahead right now [Music] and they are going pretty fast here setting a pretty good pace both have pretty decent builds two and a half hearts for bard as he tries desperately to catch up the tier 8 dropping from the candle every time you get hit and having to rebuild back up [Music] obsessed fan not helping too much [Music] now we'll have to reset for an eden's blessing right now we are looking at 25 minutes in about a minute so 24 minutes right now not too bad and all duke needs is just to find the boss to finish it off he would have to take a lot of damage here to not be able to finish it out what kind of cards queen of hearts gonna pop that reverse hangman and a judgment it's a bomb judgey not gonna be much help to you the rare bomb judgey from a judgy card don't see that very often [Music] looks like we hit a dead end but the boss room has to be around here somewhere right it's got to be close bard getting all the fun rooms yeah sometimes the ice can kind of um get in your way especially if you're not really giving it a good kick every time something gets frozen because the ice is just kind of kind of gonna block your shots right and here we go to the blue baby [Music] and i think with that and into the chest that is gonna do it [Music] pretty fast guys nice [Music] all right gg duke is gonna take the round [Music] you
Channel: Cobalt Streak
Views: 461
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cobaltstreak, twitch, playthrough, videogame, the binding of isaac, repentence, dlc, new dlc, final dlc, isaac, antibirth, hard mode, community races, racing, race
Id: SacrI4m9uco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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