The Wombo Combo | Storybook Brawl

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hello and welcome back to more storybook brawl this is after the most recent patch so the one where said dracula became i think better uh he makes your front character slay plus three plus one instead of uh your whole front line plus one plus zero i think that's better it's gonna be obnoxious with dragons i'm expecting uh i i did one draft and won it pretty well um because they reset everyone to three thousand so the question we're asking ourselves is of course we're taking trophy hunter oh are the sounds back hang on no i guess not okay so uh here we actually have a very good squad we can go the cat plus med mim plus witch's brew uh probably on the cat because you generally don't want mad men to have to attack um although let's see making it a 1-4 getting into combat will help us with the early stages of quite a bit so maybe you do just want it to fight pretty unfortunate we didn't go first it's actually ridiculous to lose well loki was shrink spa okay we need to do this and we get to decide what we want to target i think i'm going to target mad men because it can get into combat in the like turns like levels two and three and the one four body is reasonably relevant the downside is uh actually i think i'm gonna lock for the archer as well um the downside with med mim is that you know on level three and four uh you really don't want him attacking because he's just going to suicide and then your front line gets weaker but i think the you know being stronger for this turn makes up for that oh i think it's a poli slay too oh also adventure is gone which i don't know if i agree with turn a good character into an evil character so i like the archer and i guess we'll just buy this chicken [Music] it transformed the archer but i think she's pretty good so we'll just wait come on cat the cat has yet to get a slate oh okay someone forgot to forgot to play how are they i guess they lost round one lost round two yeah i guess that does make sense um this whole squad looks fairly decent romeo with trophy hunter is pretty good actually yeah let's do this we can get another arranged um we're gonna put her back here and move these dudes over i think i like romeo i can trade the chicken for the dark wood creeper or like a humpty dumpty i don't really think i need to do that i think this is my best squad right now and trading chicken for dark wood creeper i mean it will grow romeo we are playing trophy hunter as well so like there's some cool things all right i'll do that um there's some cool things you can do with like friendly spirit where you know it gets attacked it gets extra attack and then it hits them and kills them all right killing that wow their squad is huge oh it's uh jack's giant that's why well we're not winning this not even close okay what are we doing now we can try and pollywoggle the ghost but i'm guessing this person well they might have something going on they're playing wonder waddle i don't think they would have emptied their board let's try and probably wonder the ghost and then the deer is okay i'm gonna get the spell that's good and then roll um can take i mean we're about to hit level four so i think i'm just gonna buy the two cost i guess i'll buy the dragon um just so that i can trade it for more gold and turn four um and i'm less excited about getting the polyslate now but you know what we'll try for it all right just have a bunch of one ones in front and let me attack first oh come on so there's two people who don't any units this is very strange i don't know if i've seen that much so this triggers the last breath abilities which is okay um very godmother you know is good with romeo so he could move that direction she is like the best level four character to have so i think i'm gonna try and move into that direction if possible the cat is pretty good short term although do i even care about that anymore right we can bring in fairy godmother i can sell these two and grab princess p for like a turn or [Music] i don't two i like princess pea i think i'm just gonna roll there's the juliet um i do like having juliet i think unfortunately we have to get rid of pollywoggle for this the baby dragon and the dark wood creeper so we put juliet first hope that she dies and then we want romeo to slay i guess i can do it like this this is kind of a really weird setup don't want to lock for the arthur no he's very slow all right julia gets she dies this kills that so romeo gets even more toughness i don't think romeo is going to be able to slay no we get a big juliet though oh man yeah the way this worked out was unfortunate another juliet oh okay here we go we get this dude we get another juliet which is fine we also have friendly spirit and friendly spirit is really what you want to do stuff with so we're going to take this i guess we kind of want friendly spirit to attack first um the question is i'd like to get rid of med mim soon in fact i could do this and then at that point i guess i want the archers to go first do i want to lock for like hoping for a juliet triple i guess i'm with the archer attack before romeo i don't know i guess i will because that seems okay um yeah she could maybe replace the friendly spirit we're just like trying to get a big romeo and slay so tripling romeo would be better than tripling juliet but i guess we'll see what happens i didn't want to buy this spell because it i didn't have enough gold oh that's a squad well we're definitely well i think we're dying here i'm actually not sure romeo slays which is awesome that goes there we actually might be able to do this she's gonna kill something that's gonna kill that which lets this attack again and that attacks this kills the princess romeo dies into a giant thing we actually win wow was lucky their their role is really strong all right let's get juliet um i'll take the gold there's a grim soul okay i mean grimsel is what we're looking for so now we're this weird spot right we have grim soul plus friendly spirit we don't really have a way to pump them so i feel like in the meantime this comp is stronger but we're speculating for the future turns when we have some good you know if we could triple anything that would be helpful in fact i'm gonna sell this and roll once okay there we go if we can triple both okay um i don't know what to do grimsel can trigger romeo if julian dies quickly i can sell some things in triple juliet now i messed up yeah it was too i don't know too slow my apm is not great no that is the worst possible thing that could have happened all right at least julia dies and romeo does not slay she survives we have this big range i think we actually still win and romeo summons juliet so they take more damage and die nice all right triple this one first secret stash hermes boots i think in these types of build is pretty good working rod gloves of thieving hidden cash give a character plus 3 attack permanently oh let's do this and then do this and then this then by the chicken this makes sense so this attacks first it's going to trigger the slayability of friendly spirit which is then you know if this attacks and kills we're going to double trigger the slay ability then we're going to have this giant friendly spirit i don't know seems worth trying at least i'm not super experienced in the trophy hunter jank build so we're getting there together but this feels maybe close to like what we would want you know oh they had hermes boots too oh that's unfortunate that's really bad but at least this guy got the buff because he's really strong [Music] and romeo gets the sleigh i mean honestly trophy hunter romeo is doing some stuff this guy gets another attack okay you know it's hard to complain give a monster plus three plus three why yes yes i will oh my gosh we're getting out of control okay i think we're gonna lean more into the friendly spirit now this is looking fairly strong there is a puff puff the problem is we're already level five so i don't think that's where we want to be uh monster book is interesting but if we get other slaves then we're not going all in on friendly spirit so i think we wait we also have the chicken we have to keep that in mind baby bear no because we just we really want grim soul to trigger the spirit so i'd like to triple the spirit find a good boy you know something like that i can log for the end but that doesn't actually help me well actually it does right is anyone power leveled i can lock for the end and that'll let me hit level six like one turn faster right i just cast it next turn and then i'm level six and then i just dig for a good boy to go with this grim soul friendly spirit stuff and we get the sleigh perfect wait did that not i guess that didn't um the good thing is oh no romeo [Music] no no okay romeo goes there so he gets the sleigh and the juliet trigger and then their tree has to attack nope never mind we still win we are somehow doing some stuff here we need a baba yaga next so we do this we eat the dragon [Music] now we're level six okay i don't think we want to lean on fairy godmother for too much longer she is good there's lancelot who's fine no berenstein is good if we get a good boy oni king with friendly spirit and baba yaga i think the the long term build is actually going to want the oni king i don't think short term we're going to run it though and i think i actually locked for knight hood to just upgrade this friendly spirit because it's going to be huge this is last breath right yeah so it i don't know maybe i missed something really same guy oh that's great now it gets the sleigh start growing all right everyone keeps doing unfortunate things but we are just cruising here boom giant friendly spirit who's about to be upgraded i think i want that instead of the oni king i don't know it seems more fun so now when this dies something is going to get double this person's attacking health if this attacks in slaves is going to get even more i'm feeling like it's oni king time that way this could attack is a 15 power and go first maybe maybe i want this attacking first i'm not certain actually i think this going first because if this buffs itself it's game over all right i want to see a sleigh with our first attack yes yes now we have a 5129 grimzel juliet is dead oh that slayed game over boom that trigger slay i mean it does buff the grim soul is scary so that is something that could he thinks while the trigger is juliet that's awesome julia down that goes there which triggers this so they get hit by a bunch i'm scared of them but only slightly let's buy the chicken uh echo wood is pretty good here i'll spike on a neck um i'm unlikely to beat this loki so i don't think i'm gonna take the you know get anything if you win there's the baba yaga there's also a gigantify so this sell this oh this plus 10 health i think i like baba yaga first and we got to do something weird like this and then we lock i guess at this point we just run echo wood here and then we just have this weird romeo juliet thing going on i'm on board with it i guess it's gonna get cut like next turn so you know we're reasonably healthy we're playing against dwarfs they killed our echo wood that's unfortunate oh no romeo's gonna die before juliet that's not good okay gigantify more health i mean i could just take a storm king oddly enough puff-offs would have ended up quite good so that's a little bit unfortunate right so i have this core but these two slots are weird um she gets plus seven plus seven hmm i think i'm just going to roll there's another grim soul yes tripling grimsel would be excellent so i think we keep it like this for now but having you know this really really weak romeo in the front is super sketchy come on that person every time it's okay though now we just have this giant friendly spirit who's just gonna yes this is what's happening okay okay we're doing stuff um i guess given what's happening i think i'm just gonna eat this chord wizard we can take neon to go for level five treasure it is also a monster because we're probably doing something like i don't know weird like this um we could also keep rolling try and hit more oni kings triple grimsel triple grimsel would be really good i'm gonna speculate on the neon i think no another echo would so this is a dwarf player okay let's take a nickel with level six treasures are pretty good i heard no no green knight is okay so i guess the way this is working we are frontlining these these things um we like hard lose to the thing that does one damage to everything which i think the dwarfs player does have we're not playing against the dwarves player but this is very very house of cards which i'm here for oh no what is that what is going on we get a sleigh i think we die but i think it's close no oni king them killing my uh well maybe if they attack oh we actually win wow i was not expecting that the real question is how do i beat this dwarfs player it involves tripling echo wood so she doesn't have one toughness we'll start there um no getting plain copy of a good character but it's evil so i can get another friendly spirit but it won't have all these buffs i don't think that's what i want to do give this more attack i mean the biggest problem is i think i think they have the ring of rage that just does one damage everything every turn i think i do this oh merlin's test would have been good ooh neon okay ambrosia characters your back row have plus five attack front row plus five health i guess they take ambrosia for upgraded oni king then we run i think echo is going to die but i don't know really what else to do oh that worked out oh my gosh i got a sleigh yes yes okay how did none of those buffs go on the baba yak that is the real question we have this giant oni king now which i don't think they can handle they did lose less life i mean this is an uphill battle but here's the baba yaga this is a lot of gold i think we're giving up on the romeo juliet dream another baba yaga right now that's better than echo would and actually we can basically guarantee that this goes off turn one okay oh my gosh tripling this each ball give your first character in the dice plus four plus four i think we just won gold for now i think our comp is all right another grim soul [Music] okay don't hate it pegamorph would be all right there's an upgraded baba yaga so if we can hang on for another turn which seems not the most likely but we're getting double slays on this and we don't have to worry about grimsel just dying anymore so it seems possible oh it didn't slay that's unfortunate oh [Laughter] i don't actually know what's happening but it is it is amazing this is this is a thing of beauty why is this so much stronger they're giving me the goat head okay i mean the hermes boots is huge here so we have upgraded baba yaga now end of minus sword of fire nice dracula saber um [Music] we get hand of minus and take friendly spirit yes why yes we get rid of forking rod now we get another upgraded friendly spirit this is just gonna die to the ring enter princess plus one oh my gosh another grim soul we do this i guess we want we want this to attack first right we're doing this just doing this so i can guarantee that i just get like giant dudes all right thank you for your ring of rage or whatever the thing is because basically the hope is this is never going to attack and slay but they're going to kill two grim souls here no they got rid of it oh that's bad that was well played by them oh my gosh i thought wow they got rid of the ring we lose now i think oh we tie okay but now we know now we know what's going down so we can switch it up again right play the proper thing uh we could even run the echo woods now or try and triple the echo wood which i think is what i like doing because it tripled echo wood here would be unbelievable rock bait no no croc fate i said no uh herc is okay gorman gand nah [Music] another oni king um so now that they're not doing one to everything i think we just run the echo woods that seems okay um another oni king i mean we haven't upgraded oni king right now we could go for an upgraded echo wood that's just gonna be huge i like that another triple oh there's a good boy um i guess i don't have any good characters let's triple here ring of rage i don't know if i got enough in time but we'll see they pigged my upgraded echo wood oh my gosh that one dies please buff this one okay that gets a sleigh okay we get to keep our echo wood i think we're doing this even with the pegamorph on the upgraded echo wood this is just like too strong i love trophy hunter yes okay that's how you do it oh that's a lot of that's a lot of things i it echo and so this is the build you have uh grim soul baba yaga whatever these friendly spirits um i think it's better with good boy if you can get everything to be good but as it is right now i mean this was ridiculous because this attacks it double triggers with this it's four times if it hits itself it just goes ballistic yeah sweet sweet games thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed it consider subscribing see you guys next time
Channel: Caleb Gannon Gaming
Views: 2,476
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: auto chess, autochess, auto battler, autobattler, free, budget, steam sale, cheap, game, strategy, combo, storybook brawl
Id: z8Wzz6bI-IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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