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hello there everybody welcome on back to more beast breaker i've been sitting on the main menu for like uh two minutes because i had to get my recording software up and running and dude this music starts slapping after a certain length of time holy man uh it's some good stuff hey anyway good to see you um we're continuing today back into peace breaker sorry for the little bit of delay in getting episodes out um busy time in my life right now so um my my sincerest apologies people told me i should check the kitchen for stuff i think they're high as a kite dude they're they're ain't crap in here unless there's some like secret code i'm supposed to put into i don't even know what this looks like a 3d printer i don't even know what this is um [Music] also like look at the size of the freaking strawberries okay we need to plan an expedition and i have to prove my worth as a human being um let's do this needle beak attack okay um and i want to try the bow and arrow again because a lot of people said hit tyler you were a freaking when you were messing around with that um which is like completely fair very very true okay uh well we found them immediately i am going to tell you that's definitely a good thing right i think we just but i want to go back i want to go back get to here and i want to spend a little bit on this so so what do we have here right explosive essence applied on the first three bounces an explosion i mean dude come on right that's pretty good scorched is also like really good um acid also like really tiles take two damage at the start of your turn i'm gonna i'm gonna go for explosive essence okay and then i mean come at me stupid sucker i attack you bring it on okay dude this little mini game before you fight is is legit still like there's there's something good going on there so i want to reload to here beautiful then we fire four arrows in a straight line it applies our essence which is our explosive essence on a scale bounce there's a 30 chance to deal damage now it's gonna explode right so let let's not get too crazy here and then if we hit a core then we'd distract so these can't even blow up the core is what i'm picking up on okay honestly dude i'm gonna tell you that that seemed good to me it all regrew okay that seems horrible to me um why why do we want that then i guess the the one that is uh you know it has you saw the one that was it was acid right is that the one that actually they never come back or is that scorch i think scorch was then never come back um so this is still good right this is still definitely good um this hits like a lot of stuff man i we we have to be content with that two damage to the eight banger plus an additional a lot of damage what if i just cram myself in here right and then i just like send these in we got some explosions going all over i i like being send me right into the freaking thick of it okay so reload rule we're just gonna stay kind of away from this guy right uh and then i think that you just do something like this and i mean that's gonna hit him i got a bunch of ammo from it and then now so this distracts what if we just didn't instead um and we converted all that to ammo right because we want to get see now now we got all kinds of stuff going on which is what we like to see but we have no ammo so we got to get in here we we have to be a little bit more cautious uh how do i want to do this let's do like nah man let's let's rethink i hate this where do i want to be i you know what that that's fine get as close to that as possible yeah what the heck why am i here because it steps equal to charge that's fair um well okay let's think right let's think i could theoretically go like this he's taunted to hell which is great then i'm going to reload roll and we're going to reload roll ourselves um basically on out of here and then we're going to try to get a little siphon action going are you freaking kidding me it did nothing okay lit uh then you'll you'll hit those he's distracted too which uh sure it doesn't really matter for us in this current position um we reload roll because we i mean we definitely need arrows in order to do anything that we're doing this is beautiful then you're gonna hit them for six that's that's the spicy good stuff that's the spicy ghost stuff one more of those and we're in good shape um so let's keep things nice and steady uh you know what man he rampages in two turns i think that's a very important uh thing to realize here i i need to make sure that i can do a nettling he rampages in one turn dude did i really manage to board this up again what what if we do like are you kidding me right now are you freaking kidding me i'm gonna lose again i i he's distracted but it don't matter because i i can't destroy any of these like he's as he's as distracted as he possibly can be but i i can't do anything about it rampage is imminent oh yeah i forgot the rampage becomes imminent after a second let's go to here and then um it's a really rough life because i can't do anything damn it man i got extra ammo okay um that does not help me at all because i have no charge okay feels good feels very good uh again this is entirely irrelevant and i can't do anything he's gonna freaking rampage again okay so i'm still dumb is what we've learned and there's no i mean there's just no way that i win that fight okay so we we have to we have to rethink this right i gotta pay way more attention to the rampage for sure and i gotta just not spend all my stuff each time like that that is truly the the worst part so i mean we could run it back right but how about how about we not instead and there's a part of me that's like i don't know man maybe the bow and arrow just ain't it right maybe it just ain't it but i i have to pretend it is okay we have a lot of vision dude he's gonna be around he's gonna be coming right in i want scorched scorched is hot it is some good stuff and then we're also gonna have an instantly gain 15 charge uh it's just a great way to handle our life here he's over in the corner hello goodbye get get out of here bring it on okay and now now we we we destroy him i'm i'm ready he's a tough boy actually he's a very tough boy okay um well just get in the middle right and then just start freaking sending it like we we need to start cranking everything on out of here it's gonna be scorched right he's gonna be nice and scorched over time and this is a horrible uh horrible position let's do a little bit of that i'm gonna send some more diverting in and just they're all scorch man they're all scorched which is good and then i'm gonna end turn and that way we convert some of our ammo we're gonna get a nettling next time hopefully to help us do a little bit of damage we're going to reload ourselves into can i sneak through there oh yeah that's not horrible it's not horrible so we fire one arrow but it's corrosion why is it not corrosion why why no corrosion though i am confused maybe i'm just done um but it's fine we still we still hit a distraction can we maybe no you know what this is an end turn convert all that ammo now now we're gonna have a good chunk of stuff i mean those came back pretty easily man so i'm a little kinda maybe i'm dumb again that could be the case let's slip this i like this it's gonna i do not like this i'm in no man's land okay um let's i really need those to hit they did not hit uh let's do dude what the hell does this do so it's only on a quarter bounce aha yeah okay um you're probably like hey stupid don't don't do that right that would be intelligent thank you i'm gonna end my turn we we need to he rampages in one turn oh my god dude i the bow and arrow is apparently is my uh it is not my jam at all so let's i gotta get into the core men right like i i just have to slip in there how about um if we crank this okay that's good then we can do something like this that's just going to distract them though i i need to i need to gain ammo is what i need to do um let's so we're gonna we're gonna bounce you to there then i'm gonna do it again i know he's crazy uh then we're gonna do this and now i have five ammo and i'm going to end my turn i'm in the middle now we have to just kind of crank them right now we just have to crank them so we reload down into the heart of the beast this is exactly what i want to see uh then we're going to do a big little smack around of that i would like to get more ammo yes i know he's crazy he's got some psycho energy we're gonna okay i need to think about this i need to think about this we got 30 charge i am going to i don't know if we should siphon man i don't think siphon is maybe the play i do think this is maybe the play but i i need to get in there before i can do that [Music] so i could theoretically hit you with that right then we do something like like this he's on rampage and we end turn i should not have done the siphon i should have just done the nettling the nettling is how we get damage done so just just keep that very in mind i'm gonna try to snag this that it was horrible i mean it was quite literally horrible i'm going to move again we're going to have a ton of ammo which is great i got no freaking charge though so just get some scorched earth policies going on here i would not actually recommend that um in the grand scheme of things okay he's distracted this is where you end turn you have your ammo hopefully these scorch tiles struggle to come back a little bit i mean they they struggled a bit they still kind of are there though uh i'm in freaking no man's land up here dude what the hell is this let's just crank a bunch of shots in maybe another one of these we still got 15 we can spend do you want to do like a big meddling here you know what this will actually unrampage them [Music] so let let's do that crank that talon off we have to play i'm telling you this is actually an end turn action we have to play as if we're in a fight for the long haul we're not beating this guy quickly the the bow and arrow is all about get your position right and then move from there so i like this then we're gonna do a little crank right there we're good with it then we're gonna nettling [Music] i think something like this is not horrible you you may look at that and go tyler it was horrible i don't think so i think it was fine and then do we wanna no i'm gonna i'm gonna chill i'm gonna chill okay i am seeing what we must do which is we have to knock out these i mean this two getting knocked out would be huge so now that is theoretically scorched earth and now it's corrosion there which is even better so he's gonna take a damage every turn okay that's good we we like that a lot i gotta win a battle man i i mean like it's starting to get a little like we we have to we have to make things work and turn now i don't know how scorched it's it's a little scorched but like we we gotta do better i think so let's go straight down uh not where i want to be i'm going to tell you a third 35 35 35 dude this game has so much more planning that you have to do you ready for this one that's not where we want to be okay just just reload again i've got 11 ammo man you might as well crank like a bunch of stuff in here right um you got so much ammo and all of this is technically free you can only carry over so much so i i feel like we might as well do this i mean i could still meddling here and at least get like some damage in and this is two damage man let's do it i see no reason not to and then do i want to do another diverting no i'm just gonna end my turn he is still corrosive and fricked which is exactly how i like my my beasts corrosive and fricked uh and then let's do a little slide along the talon over to here exactly where i wanted to end up to be fair uh and then we're going to just crank on this it's amazing that's exactly where we want to be let's hit you with another siphon will it will it double siphon i feel like it won't so instead i will try to stay in the same general area okay yeah exactly not where i want to be um i'm not going to be able to do what i want to do here so that that's fine um let's at least if we're going to do this let let's crank this talent oh what okay that's not where i expected that to go i entered we're in a good position rampage in three turns he's hitting for 11 right now i do want to make sure that is well known to us so we do not want to get in his way at all okay this is fine could be better it could be better um dude i'm gonna be real this is an end turn unfortunately on f i mean i probably could have done a reload actually okay he rampages in one turn i gotta get in here uh that's fine we're gonna divert okay he's distracted then we are going to hit you with a [Music] siphon on this block right here and if you want to hit the the bottom two that'd be that'd be fantastic uh we're gonna reload for 10 and we're going to reload right into there oh it's so good and then we're just going to kill you okay good fight good fight that one felt okay dude the bow is not it's not easy to get used to what the hell is going on with the boat um it's a very very different weapon um from the previous you know just sword action and i want to use them both right because i feel like it's important to nothing to craft what the hell okay well seems like nobody's seen skipper's cousin for quite some time okay [Music] still no sign of your cousin skipper you said the last one out foraging i did find the fallen basket on my most recent scout about the hollow handle broke and clean off she's often careless with belongings and i do recall seeing some torn up cookbook pages like that someone left behind the entire pie just sitting out on a mushroom cap still piping hot my granddaughter abandoned a dessert something's wrong wow just tell her she's fat if she ran into a spot of trouble she may be hiding in the thicket near where i stumbled on those clues hiding i'll look all right send them in uh let dude i'm just gonna tell you grab me my my revenger which we haven't used right like this is our our taunt boy i'm gonna have to like re-learn what this uh is all about and then this is also we gain charge whereas this is you gain a bonus action i would much prefer a bonus action right now ah dot dot dot cake crumbs poppy is here but where okay well we already found okay that's fine i mean dude he's he's close right my dude is definitely close um let's just get in right i think that explosion is very good when you are playing as sword boy i might be able to get more stuff um gaining charge i will not get hit because i'm very good at the game so that's that's not a problem oh dude i just realized that the longer we do this the like more dude what the heck i just want to kill him what the heck just let me attack him are you freaking kidding me i'm so mad i tried to attack him okay uh try again i suppose i i thought where the hell am i i made a grave mistake dude okay i will kill you i okay i get it [Music] i'm here to find some oh what the heck this is why i had to find freaking poppy skip skip over here poppy the beast was blocking this like massive stash of blueberries and now i'm totally being menaced best berry picking adventure ever okay poppy is in the contention for the worst character in this game poppy okay i need to get back dude because we're gonna be like having a tough time here in a second so now i kill you okay i did not realize we were looking for poppy this now makes a hell of a lot more sense and you're probably like uh he's a dumbass which is fair i mean that's that's extremely fair dude explosion explosions explosions are gonna be so good here oh my god it's so good here dude this actually looks so good here so on the first bounce deal three damage i'm gonna tell you just just send me in hit the core man do i want some extra charge i don't have any action so i know but i'm i'm in on that man okay he'd do be smacking now this is uh you got to be careful kind of position uh double explosion here is so spicy it's insane uh dude he's he's just cracked he he's absolutely cracked what if i just killed you right right here and now huh what if i just killed you right here and now i i will gain oh yeah okay i blocked it why did why did i gain the charge that was a stupid idea when the beast lands an attack on you deal damage equal to its attack to the attacking court i mean that that is good right that's definitely good but hear me out what if i instead do this and then i'm over here and then what if we just like on bounce deal two damage it's so close man it's so close i i it like you didn't just barely get in there what what if we went for broke man what if we went for broke you ready for this one it's gonna be the bounce of the century okay he's bad that's fine honestly we're happy we're about to finish this dude it's gonna be the fastest fight on this side of the freaking house give me an explosion right there it's not actually like a great position um but i just need to hit you the end okay uh easy fight poppy has been saved uh bombs when your sword boy is stupid good and insanely strong all right that was a really really really good level skip that was epic thank you poppy watching you zip around smashing beasts to smithereens e this changes everything seriously skip if you can take down beast the whole world is open for travel again goodbye scattered settlements goodbye hunkering and terror we could go anywhere seeing the mysteries of the myers hearing the crashing waves of the coast someday we could even make it all the way to trade haven although let's maybe not mention that last one in front of granny okay okay poppy you're you're a psycho but that's okay motes preserve me paprika whiskersmith i've been at my wit's end with worry i hope you've had some sense scared into granny you should have seen skip out there crash kapow i mean talk about pizzazz i read pizzazz's pizza because i'm hungry oh ho i'm glad to hear you're no worse for wear you've got quite an adventurous spirit young lass finally a little appreciation in this farmhouse don't worry granny if my little cuz is bouncing around defying death i'm not gonna let them face it alone which means ooh ooh i gotta get to the kitchen um interesting idea but sure new companion poppy oh and she she cooking up dude she she in her little lab cooking up uh jean quill a few sure is nice to rest my paws by a toasty hearth after a tough task we made solid progress on that grain shed today you know your construction i'm impressed i'm no master smith like you can't do any of that fancy forging or enchanting or any of that just glad to roll up my sleeves and pitch in is all hope we'll get that shed good and ready before the next time beasts cut off the supply lines to bridgeberry doubtless we will task go so much faster the second set of paws been a long time since i worked like that my grandchildren help where they can but i'm sorry ma'am i didn't need mean to bring up hard memories for you you didn't i think of my sister each time i hold a hammer this is a great line it's a really good line just in the middle of a conversation i think of my sister every time i hold a hammer you're telling me an ominous silhouetted stranger has been hanging around and you're just letting them slither off without asking like a billion questions this is a great great question poppy i mean what if there's some brooding nefarious villain no wait too obvious oh maybe they're secretly a heroic spy for the queen or they could be a tiny sentient beast in disguise okay maybe not that one but seriously skip if you feel tongue-tied let me know and next time they show up i'll ask them anything you shouldn't have to get tangled up in dangerous stuff we don't understand not without me anyway dude why is her face because he keeps getting lower and lower am i allowed to like sacrifice poppy is that respectable okay we have a new spark it's a howl spark and i cannot craft anything with it i'm gonna tell you dude i still have no freaking clue how the crafting menu works um if you understand it please let me know tasty snack alert we've got crisp wheat puffs sweet seed scramble oh my god they're literally making my uh mouth bleed glazed mushroom strips all boxed up and adventure ready so much this isn't just another score chores skip you're saving the world i should not do this after a long day of work man i can't read we're not going to make you do it alone and though you might be fine gnawing on raw roots your epic team should have epic snacks this face is just something else dude the last is right when the going gets tough out there you may find you get much further with a friend skipper if you need scouting expertise or bow back up i'd be glad to lend the paw and who else will go forge for you or serve barry better cookies mid-battle so which one of us will you take this is a very difficult decision okay so i now have some extra stuff let let's do this striker tooth attack and i now have travel companions okay they have tracking powers and battle powers they also reset the beast rampage counter once per battle wow that's really strong so jean quill [Music] travel supplies are a hardy seed scramble each companion stops the beast from rampaging circles the beast and fires 30 non-lethal arrows use on any space to reveal a space on the map in all surrounding spaces okay throws healing treats out onto the field gathers materials from that space and all surrounding spaces i'm going to tell you john quill is like 400 percent better uh than than poppy um [Music] and i'm going to try the bow again i don't know man maybe wait i got two kinds of bows okay i'm gonna try john quill's bow here and we're gonna see what happens so i can use him to scout any spot so like realistically i should send him there right because now we know what's there um [Music] and we we have so much stuff here i feel like i should attack them now which kind of sucks okay um well we're gonna do some small explosives and then i'm just gonna attack them that was not really a good track for us not a good track but you know what you make do so it is uh a striker tooth again we we know how explosions work with this guy um we do also know that it's not necessarily going to be as strong as before i also my my bonus is extra actions which is completely worthless for me um feels really good definitely made a good decision taking this cloak with me that's my bed genuinely a terrible play by me uh let let's get like over here ish that's not really where we want to be um three arrows in a cone we take damage i mean i went down to freaking seven health man that that's really not very good i would say but we we do a little bit of smacking i can't believe that arrow did not hit the damn court what a what a damn shame um i am going to get you though i'm gonna get you get you get your getcha one way or another are you freaking kidding me are are you freaking kidding me so even if i do so these don't do damage on core no there's a 20 chance okay uh so we have to instead just hope that a 20 chance hits which is i mean that's pretty miserable uh it did not hit hey i hit okay rampage reset good stuff and then i mean dude i'm gonna tell you just just send some arrows up there too i i know that i should probably like be [Music] saving some ammo because like the pummel shot even the snipe bolt man is really good i cannot get out of here dude i think i'm dead i think i'm i'm actually legitimately dead i have no way out of here i'm i'm a dead man walking see you later i'm toast okay you got me you freaking got me um wow just just some horrible position to be honest with you um i also did not call on jean quill's aid during that either um okay dude the game's getting a little harder i can't deny it's getting a little bit harder we had some fears that it was gonna be too easy i think we can throw those away since i've lost like half of my battles that's going to do it for this episode though if you're enjoying beast breaker and you want to see some more please make sure to like the video lets me know that uh things are still all good and going fine in your world watching the video hey thanks so much for watching i'll see in the next one have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 3,166
Rating: 4.8828454 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, beast breaker, beast breaker game, rpg pinball, peggle, olexa beast breaker, beast breaker nintendo switch gameplay, beast breaker gameplay, beast breaker switch gameplay, nintendo switch, switch gameplay, lets play beast breaker, lets try beast breaker, beast breaker review, beast breaker preview
Id: y_gg-8ZFIiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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