Caesar's SWINDLED into PONZI SCHEME | 90 Day Fiancé - Caesar and Maria

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“You dummy!” Is hi key all I thought about when watching this dumpster fire unfold tbh

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/urinalpuddle 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Eh I don’t really think he’s done anything. I think the whole thing is fabricated

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kittykatya22 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I had forgotten Saucaholic for a min! Looooove!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NinaBrwn 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I cannot stop laughing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Meester_Mosier 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was great lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/beebee8belle 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I found out about 90 day fiancée through Sauceholic’s videos! I think his content is really hilarious 😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/diamondsandcats 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sauce needs to quit whatever productive thing he is doing with his life right now and return to making the best 90dayfiasco commentary on the internet.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

“Look at that bling!!” “Where Dey at tho??” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ravenclaw_mama 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

i dmed sauce before on insta and he’s a really chill dude! love him

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/foreskingod 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's up squatter you already know what time it is 90 they be a scope bone so today we're gonna start the new series 90-day fiance before the 90-day season I don't even know yeah there's just way too many to keep track of who belongs winning where I just know who's who so anyways your boy was chillin on a Sunday chillin like a villain popped up some 90-day fiesque oh and what a being would have billboard dummies have made their appearance now typically I like to start off with the nutcase that rise above all the others you know there's levels to this and in this case that's exactly what we gonna do so let me introduce you to a 46 year old little Caesar it's early so her buddy here goes upon his life making straight dough from Aloha nail salon and spins it on some Ukrainian woman from a sketchy psych hold anesthesia date calm ass a known for scamming men sense bunch of 97 let's take a look at a review from a happy customer I lost nine thousand dollars on that site need more proof say no more it's just dive right in shall we let's get it my name is Cesar I'm 46 years old and I live in Jacksonville North Carolina my typical day as guinea up getting ready for work before I leave the house I usually like to meditate what oh yeah shake it like a maraca all you want but he ain't gonna help your case Betty we're dead so her buddy Cesar here likes to ride his bike probably cuz he can't afford a car I wonder why to his double 7 secrets by underground mission say that three times double 7-seater spot on the ground mission double 7 super cool number tap until she has this habit for hyping up scenes don't need to be hyped up [Music] 10-15 minutes later the action starts right when I walked through the door it's nonstop well then take a look man you do made it sound like he just popped in surprise mother chucked out some nunchucks and just what time people left him right no he just paint toes nothing against painting toes he just wasn't that serious so but he goes on to tell us about how he met Maria the love of his life that ironically yes never met it's very important for me to have somebody that's my soul mate my name is Maria she's 28 years old and she lives in Ukraine we met on Anastasia Bay for a small price basically and like a dreamland exactly so stop dreaming and we keep Bologna sell [ __ ] at some point you just got to sit back and go does this make any sense probably nuts she looks like she's well crafted from Donatello and he looks like the actual Donatello defense turtle the sauce what about the beauties in the eyes it'll be harder nope don't want to hear it no one wants dr dre made in china we want the red dr. dre let's be honest nobody over here starts going in about how i got finesse anesthesia date has unique system you could buy flowers candy this is the card and the flowers a center with my email and my phone number on it this cost me four hundred and fifty dollars yo you saw that dude this cost me four hundred and fifty dollars it doesn't pay none to be proud about buddy you just spent four hundred fifty dollars on flowers flowers and flowers better come with Timon and Pumba singing Hakuna Matata it means no because I'm very worried about your intellectual capacity see I thought Nicole was a peanut brain but this man is taking it to a whole new level oh not be shocked if hide-and-seek champion as a young was the one running this whole Ponzi scheme it's still in this man's money he's she's that dude so we get a deeper look into how he communicates with his artificial girlfriend as in I mean Maria Maria and I communicate every single day and she's given me pet names like Big Daddy's my husband get me to do with you you my husband No I hope she's not saying those videos to anyone else so we find out that Maria that's not the word Caesar in their dictionary apparently his name has never been spoken throughout their five years of artificial relationship yes five years five too many years of being stupid someone needs to check this man's vision today [ __ ] the duration I'll be doing no toast being legally blind but what I'm really curious about is uh if he's willing to spend a mortgage on flowers what else is this - Bryan everything is riding on this the American dollar goes a long way in Ukraine so every time I get a paycheck I send her money over the years I've sent $40,000 to Maria Oh Oh Lord the stupidity hurts but it gets worse he said he spent $40,000 but it's an ongoing mortgage because currently the man is sending Maria there are dollars a month I am baffled so why is he doing this oh no you would think that after continuously trying to meet this woman for like five years a light bulb would appear and he would grow what we call common sense but no the man decides he's gonna fly to Ukraine they try to meet her blood but now she wants me to go to a resort in Mexico I still think that we should um we should do Ukraine like her hard pill pill alright it was pretty bad so dr. Dre is getting into cold treatment this do but the TIG is did his own line up the whole nine yards and she cancels so now she wants him to finesse some tickets to Mexico perfecto problem is the guys Brill apparently every time he plans a trip she uses the reverse uno cart over the past five years me and Maria we try to meet up over three different occasions kind of like this guy I agreed to come here meet her she didn't show up had an excuse she had to be somewhere else and then she promised me that she would meet me another excuse to change the date said sure you come again another excuse not seeing you getting scammed yes you are which is a thought it I mean dot or thought it doesn't matter either works or buddy now has to go hustle for some money hey what's up man I need some money so I could fly to Mexico I hope you this time but is it I agree there are lots of money because that was his dream and I wouldn't wanna shatter it it was very nice of you Timmy hope you don't miss it cuz it's gonna straight the Murrays pockets but you ever had that one friend who like never hits you up until they need some money I don't cuz I'm broke but if you did I swear it always starts with alright anyways so the minute the money shift hands everybody Caesar went to get the money transferred so why didn't he just go ahead and bought a plane tickets good question the reason why I'm not buying her own plane ticket and then sending her the confirmation code is because I trust her what she can buy her own plane ticket the way that she goes fit oh yeah that makes perfect sense so Weinstein here decides instead of just buying her the plane tickets maybe from spirit save a couple bucks and maybe or maybe not she makes it the Mexico we can't see turbulence but at least you can get a good fade with the money saved but no let's just sent her a cold hard cash we're all just gonna pretend that as he owns are gonna come over plague his tent excuse to dodge another meet up with his client oh wait do you have the money that I sent you your plane ticket get the plane ticket to Mexico yeah it's a great Charles our Helen Keller to play pattycake to see that coming so according to Maria despite rushing Ukraine being in conflict for years now she'll not be able to fly to Mexico to enjoy some pina coladas next to her a Walmart brand dr. Dre put him on some beats and I might not even know anyway so Cesar gets tossed away like a salad Caesar salad it was like you know what let me do my research he'll be did a quick Google search what a shocker so he hits your back up and she agrees to buy the plane tickets so like every normal person the first thing you do when someone agrees to buy the plane ticket not show up but just by it's the go-ahead back see this type of friends you don't want around you just be spilling on your business making it look stupid oh yes and he still wear tighty whities with skid marks cuz he don't know the white belly so buddy here's trying to buy ring with the budget that's less than half of what he bought her flowers for in Randy or near decides he wants to expose his friend at this point but he's about two words from getting RKO straight to the glass I don't care Maria turns out to be a chimpanzee dressed up as exactly on the maracas dance you will not disrespect me at Bradley Jewelers in front of Samantha so dr. Dre was like 195 for some lavatory diamonds okay I went ahead and got a snatch down so he hits homie and invites his friend Yami over till impact for his upcoming solo trip I'll kill a little nervous about the trip so I asked my friend yummy to come and help me pack have you heard anything from her like did she booked her flight already is she like really excited like she told me that she was known for her flight today oh all right buddy you sure you 46 are not just a man-child how the flippin pancake did you live for 46 years you still be this dump that's like 17,000 days what the heck were you doing Darwin's theory of evolution yet clearly not working on this guy this dude needs to be drug tested today so we're less than a week away from pina coladas and fresh fajitas and Maria's yet the buyer plane ticket so he's filling jitters feeling nervous I'm feeling anxious I have so many feelings that it's just like I can't even I can't even describe that's the feeling of being broke get used to it buddy that's what happens when you bet like for t-rex on someone you've never seen and now you're betting your life away that she's gonna magically show up to Mexico and I think it's gonna be happy Dory ya know this dude probably could have had his own nail salon now but now he rather be stuck with Dino nuggets RC Cola for a couple phone calls come on hashtag to struggle I feel for the guy you know his hearts in the right place I just don't know if his cerebral matters this is exactly why can never be a TLC camera Monty make this whole script deci script yes script would be wrapped up in one episode live buddy Murray and flipping company I don't even know she exists so just a Puna Matata you're so back to Aloha nail salon and enjoy the rest of your days okay but of course that does not happen and he starts flexing his $200 ring to his friend Yami this is one gift that you get on your knees for look at that bling diameter like this she know you're proposing no she has no idea that I was gonna propose to her what if she doesn't want to get married yeah you screwed a no beggar plan see there's a fine line between being very optimistic and just straight delusional this man falls somewhere rah here Oh God the only reason Maria would not say no is because she didn't show what do you think at some point between 105 years to be like huh wonder why she doesn't want to see me but now dudes been fed so much [ __ ] a rude and now he's full of it now I personally fail to believe that someone like this exists but the rule never cease to amaze me now there is a rumor going around that he's potentially an actor choo i'ma sit back and I'm afraid all right there you are buddy because if you wait I've said $40,000 because I trust her but hey what do one know I'm just sipping so [Music]
Channel: SAUCE
Views: 1,005,343
Rating: 4.795217 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc uk, 90 day fiance, sauceoholic, 90 day fiance season 3 episode 4, 90 day fiance season 3 episode 5, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance full episode, 90 day fiance happily ever after season 4, 90 day fiance caesar and maria, 90 day fiance darcey, 90 day fiance the other way, 90 day fiance avery, 90 day fiance nicole, extreme cheapskates, justdestiny, scrubby
Id: EW8kbp9qm3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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