Exploring Genshin Impact! - Thank you for 27.5k!!

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[Music] once [Music] it was endless source of peace [Music] [Music] seasons change [Music] the secrets the distance [Music] good boy [Music] nobody could see [Music] is [Music] hello hello how's it going everyone i hope you're all doing wonderfully this weekend that was the fat rat and real pride of fear so i really like that song it's a bit different to what the fat rat usually does um but doesn't mean to say it's not good i think it sounds amazing and uh yeah very fitting for the current um environment surrounding genshin hello guys i see you all i see you all in the chat um if you guys are interested in that song as always link is in the description please go and give the fat rat some love that song is beautiful absolutely beautiful too real as well both of them did super well on that song so yes hello guys i hope you're all doing wonderfully i will be with you in just a moment i want to make sure i've got everything ready and set up so we don't have any hiccups hopefully right right right right let's get the game sound back there we go awesome oh we can hear we can hear a bit of um andorra flying around hello guys right i will catch up at the chat in just a moment if we open this one it's me hello guys how are we all doing i hope we're all doing wonderfully today um how have you guys been obviously to to you guys this is just another week but to me i've been away for a few days so i'm a bit out of the loop um i've tried to keep up with as much as i can um but yes you guys will have to fill me in without spoiling anything okay so today we have crazed hello crazed we have rain pizza man hello pizza man we've got belle zen we've got she shinella i see you ono uh angelicia hello my friend we've got bushy potato hello busy potato um we've got silvo hello silvo um shiro yasha hello my friend rosaria chillin yes rosario is always just vibing rosario's just chillin um head empty hello my friend orange thank you so much for becoming a member that's very kind of you thank you so much um blink once how's it going my friend i see you that will it will come up in a second um there it is blink once thank you so much um the message is tiny for some reason it says hi um i don't know why it's so small um maybe my settings have messed up again it wouldn't surprise me um hello guys we've got coco go hello go go we've got emma hello emma gweny i see you can we get some slow mode oh my god yes you can mods i am so sorry hang on hang on slow mode incoming i completely forgot see i told you i'm out of the loop today i'm a bit out of the loop here we go there you go mods oh my god sorry guys oh the mods are like what have you done okay um i've seen a lot of people um asking what we're doing today and what what the plan is um so just to clear up things um we're gonna start off as we usually do we're gonna do our dailies um like our commission stuff and then what we're gonna do let me there we go okay wicked hello guys i see you i see all of you lovelies okay ree how's it going mira hello blaze boy hello guys um curo hello my friends you lot are all wonderful okay so we're gonna do our come on rosario hope you get we're gonna go and do our daily commissions as we usually do then i think we're going to focus on doing some resin um is that sin cindy is that how you pronounce it cindy cindy thank you for the 2 euro this is the best birthday gift thanks happy birthday my friend honestly um can we get some happy birthdays first i'm gonna say cindy i hope that's right if it is if it's cindy i'm sorry but happy birthday my friend i'm i'm glad we could catch you on your birthday that's amazing um but yes a lot of you guys are saying in a zuma in a zuma where is it what's happening i haven't got to in a zuma yet so there isn't going to be in a zuma today i know a lot of you guys will be disappointed to hear that and i'm very very very sorry but i'm not in a rush there's plenty of inner zuma content out there and obviously you guys have probably seen in azuma yourselves but patience we will get there we will get there in the next couple of weeks don't worry um marty thank you so much for becoming a member thank you guys for all the happy birthdays to cindy that's very kind of you guys thank you that's very sweet if i can catch you in the chat um cindy then i will i will i'll try and catch you if you say something there you are thanks everyone okay you're fine uh cindy right okay where are our dailies today take your time that's just that's it um i know a lot of you guys want to see my reactions to it and i really really want to see it like i'm so excited to see it but i i could theoretically go there i could have gone there in the last video um but i listened to your guys's comments and a lot of you were saying to do a few things first just so that i can get some more context around what is currently happening in the story so i don't get too ahead of myself as i previously have done um so that everything kind of makes sense and that's the way i like to do it so that's what that's where we're at right now let's take care of these slimes this shouldn't take us a couple of minutes uh this should be nice and speedy there we go see well done sucrose all right arthur we've sorted you out once and we've sorted you out a hundred times um what's your road plan before in a zuma that's a very good question so i at least want to get zhong lee's chapter two done first so that's what we're gonna do i think next time and i know that a lot of you guys were saying that when i get to innozuma there's quite a long introduction so that probably should be a video in and of itself if not even split into two i'll probably try and get it into one video even if it's a really long video um if i can't do that then you'll see it in two parts but as long as we can get in a zoomer then when we stream we can explore in a zoomer does that sound good um obviously we can't do that today but if you guys are patient we will get there the part two of johnny's quest is amazing i can't wait for you to see it um violet yes a lot of people have said that and i'm very excited um abra you are going to miss a crown i don't think so comfort i think i'll just manage to get it if i do miss it it's unfortunate but i am i have my eye on it don't worry i've seen what the events are uh athena thank you so much for becoming a member that's very kind of you sucrose is so quick chanella yes yes sucrose is my queen well we technically left her a princess because she's precious she's a precious princess with queen energy okay uh won't take me long okay i think we have to fly over to an island right that's what you want me to do yeah okay that's fine um what do you think about ayaka um i haven't actually tried her yet so i think there's a there's a new banner and we can trial her i believe am i right in saying that i think so i should this is the wrong one well yeah she's here on the banner so i assume we can try her we have a lot of primos as well because we i've just been obviously doing my dailies and we got some with the new update so we do have a lot of wishing to do today i say a lot we have some wishing to do today so be excited for that because yeah we've got these events here now i can't start these without actually going to innozuma but if we go to test run yes we can trial her so we will do that later we will definitely get around to doing that don't worry so there is some stuff to look forward to even though we're not going there um straight away we have got some stuff to look forward to don't worry i have no stamina this was a bad idea this was a very bad idea i have made a mistake i have made a severe mistake um i'm not gonna make it am i no i'm definitely not okay we're gonna all right we're not gonna make that let's let's do that again um sharpie thank you so much for becoming a member you guys are brilliant that's two months for you sharpie i really appreciate that thank you um you guys are very very generous honestly ayaka is a queen okay i see a lot of you guys saying good things she's pretty and i also love her quest okay amazing i'm very excited i don't know anything about the new characters and that is by choice so please guys don't spoil anything for me i want to i want to see them for myself i know you guys are super excited i know you guys are super excited i see all the oh nos it's fine we got it uh you guys are super excited for me to see it and i know you just want to tell me and i really want to know um but don't worry we'll get to it we'll get to it i'm taking care of rosaria guys don't worry i give you all luck today thank you so much ender that's very sweet of you um we actually do have guaranteed pity so no matter what the five star is in this banner it will be ayaka if we get it so that can be really fun that can be really really cool all right let's get rid of these guys if we can oh oh here we go sucrose there we go amazing into the water go off you go all right amazing let's do this oh did we make it cryo oh i think we did wow oh okay oh it's yeah it's cryo amazing oh i didn't expect that i thought it was going to go higher that's cool it will rob will be here i don't know actually we'll have to see we'll have to see hey okay it's best that's awesome i'm glad you guys are having a good response to her uh that's always good when um you know that's good to hear from you guys because that means that they've done it right which is brilliant okay it looks like we're fine looks like we're all good we've done that we can go over to oh they're all in monster oh i think i i think i've made it so that they all spawn in monster because you can now choose that right i think so um i lost my 50 50 to mona oh sharp i mean mona's cool and but i understand if that's what you weren't going for yeah dream music thank you so much that text is definitely messed up it shouldn't be that small um all i'll say is considering how many wows and woes we got from you when you explored both monstart and leoware in a zuma will melt your brain okay that's amazing because that's exactly what we want right that's exactly what we want i'm very happy with that that's good to hear oh okay we got all the valve berries that's awesome uh some people are skipping ayaka okay that's fine i know there's a few new ones that have been um shown so it's you know that's totally all up to you guys i'll be pulling on all the banners so everybody it's just going to be like based really what we get um i'm just happy with whatever i'm uh i'm not fast i have no preference it's going to explode let's get this one going notice me please [Laughter] lolly amazing i hope i've said that lol i'm amazing i think that's what it's supposed to be right if the eye was a caps i would have got it lol i'm amazing i see you don't worry i see you amber be a queen amber no amber come on right there we go can we burn this no ow right you lot need to pack it in let's light it up burn this sucrose i can't turn around okay we'll have to deal with these guys first come on squeeze over it okay we can't break it there we go okay we're stuck we're stuck on invisible walls okay um eric thank you so much for the 50 um you will be on a zoom in next week we'll see i'm not sure yet i'm not 100 sure um if i can brilliant if not i'm not rushing it so obviously i don't want to promise anything just in case we're not there we go we caught up it's fine we caught up it's fine i don't want to say yes just in case we're not so um just just bear with me guys uh your rosario is built for elemental um i don't i'm not sure i haven't i really want to get um rosario's builds sort of done properly but i need dragon spine for that there's so much we need to do honestly it's we're not we're not running short on videos and stuff anytime soon so don't worry i know i'm behind you guys and i know there's a lot i still need to do um but there's no rush there's no rush i appreciate you guys being patient about it okay um discord crashed wait did it really well for everyone or just for you oh no um racist i'm so sorry i'm late uh what did i miss don't worry we're still doing our dailies you're absolutely fine you haven't missed anything yet oh here we go rip discord oh no his just got broken resin cap yes we will do some resin today as well guys we've got plenty we can do today don't worry i was thinking of maybe looking into spiral abyss a little bit but we'll see we'll see because we've got our queen sucrose now so i'm kind of thinking we might have an easier time with her we'll have to see though we'll have to see maybe it's just as just as nightmarish as it was when we left it um right okay the last one is over here let's go over this one okay astrid so sorry i'm like don't worry guys you're all good don't panic don't panic what's your ar right now my ar is capped at 50. um it would probably be like 52 53 if i ascended but i'm not going to do that yet because i want to make sure that i'm ready for it before i do that um as much as i'd love to and i do appreciate the challenge maybe i will at some point it won't be today but maybe i will at some point just to help me push myself to sort of um improve because obviously if i get too comfortable then i won't feel the need to improve even though i could or should spiral at this time maybe taku maybe we'll see martino thank you so much oh hello abraham chat abra did you see the official gentian twitter post with three new characters i'm saving everything for bal i've never wanted a character so much are you talking about the three new ones in in a zuma right so ayaka um i i know their names i know their names i think if it's the three you're talking about in in a zuma she will be able to confirm she is that the one we were discussing you guys are really really good at not spoiling anything though honestly and even when you do by accident because either you're you don't know that you can't or whatever like you're very quick to be like i'm so sorry and that's so kind of you like honestly i really appreciate that you guys um are just being very very like um what's the word considerate that's the word stop it that's not gonna do anything i don't think maybe it will if it goes to fire there we go amazing come on amber she's not holding ammo's bow uh that would probably be better here but it's fine actually can we bring you in a barren buddy um no there's three more new ones okay i've seen i don't know i don't know what would be considered a spoiler to you guys at that point so i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna be careful i'm gonna be careful because i don't wanna spoil it for other people that haven't seen it um so there is a character though and if you've seen if i've spoken to you or you know about it you if you know you know basically but there is a character i am so excited for um and i've seen a few of you mention it already so um did you notice you can zoom out of the map more now i did see that yes i thought that looked really cool i did it by accident actually because here's a funny story i was on because while i was away obviously the new update came out which allowed cross saving so instead of missing out on my dailies while i was gone i was able to actually log in on mobile and um i played on mobile for the first time and man do i have a whole new respect for mobile players i feel for you it was it was all right but nothing like it makes me appreciate pc a lot more um but yeah it was a lot of fun i'm glad i could at least do the dailies and i had a lot of help from she as well she bless her heart logged in for a quick um you know half an hour 45 minutes every day just to help me get all my resin and stuff used up so it's all good um have you played horizon zero dawn yeah that's that's a big hint um yes i have it's one of my favorite games of all time actually um if that if that uh if that gives anything away um i'm very excited right is that all of the daily's done it is let's go back to monster and hand those in uh mobile players are chad honestly if you play on mobile i mad respect mad respect honestly um do you want to zoom at your own pace but i would suggest speaking uh with the blue quest marks to clean up the world quest first again i don't mean to backseat um pratt yeah i totally understand that if i did that though i'd probably end up not going to innozuma for another year um i'm okay with things being a little bit out of order as long as it's not like the main story stuff like like the the character story quests especially the archon ones are probably worth doing before i know venti a lot of people have said duvente's first um but we'll see we'll see because otherwise i won't go to inner zoo and i personally just really want to go to innozuma so there's a little bit of there's a little bit of patience but also i just really want to go and see in azuma as well so yeah you guys know you guys know you guys know mobile gang mobile player mobile to pc yeah belzen that's totally cool um mad respect honestly right let's go to i need to do one boss so let's have a look i want to get my sucrose leveled up so we need one more boss this week i've done a few domains yeah we can do the animo one i guess yeah why not why not why not let's go do the animo boss that sounds like a plan um it's an official poster it's not considered spoiler yeah it's it's not like i'm i'm okay knowing about it um it's just i don't know what people want to not know and stuff so it's it's all good it's all good betty's quest is best for you ender you you like venti's quest yes i i'm very excited to do it um i have put it off for a while which is my own fault um but i do i really do want to get to doing the stories uh hi sorry i'm late what did i miss you're absolutely fine guys we have just done our dailies we're now gonna do some resin um okay should i should i change my party because sucrose isn't really gonna be helpful here i mean i can do it with these guys but be fun to change right get some dilute going child we get child going i mean child is only level 50 still i really want to find motion it but i i cannot bring myself to do it um i will get to it eventually okay we could do razer razor gang bado oh yeah my deluxe party's not set up okay you know what yeah go on let's go razor gang let's go razor gang why not let's do it do luke we'll go raise a gang i don't mind the loot pie set up right now so it's fine all right let me leave you a burst drain out okay here we go ow that hurts a lot all right here we go oh the overloaded i love it come on that's it razer my boy elemental razor let's go don't do it don't do it you don't want this you don't want the smoke amazing okay would you need to give some more love to um shinyan as well [Applause] thank you so much for becoming a member that's very kind of you thank you no we don't want this we don't want this no thank you can we electrify some of these i got it yay oh my word um i'm not really sure what that does if you guys know i know it makes his like spinny attack um it makes a spinny attack electric or like whatever element you turn it into um i don't know if that hurts him though or or what but there we go um you're about to overload everyone in indizuma that's awesome i'm late but hi welcome to the stream guys so many characters so little resources yeah that's that's that's the story of my life um thank you so much um stream world quests maybe they're they're just like errands yeah i could do it's just they are they are quite faint they're quite nice in video format just for myself and they're nice to edit and they're just fun to do like without any oh no okay climb okay we're good without any like i don't see interference but it's just nice to do at my own pace and then watch back later because i tell you what the reason why is because there's a lot of stuff that i miss while doing the quest um and especially if i have a chat going um nothing against having a chat obviously it's just it's a lot nicer for me to watch back in the edit so that i can understand it by watching it again if that makes sense kamesa thank you so much for the ten dollars um i played against my ipad but every time i run glide switch menu screens too fast or open the map ow um i immediately it immediately crashes oh no i don't have any other um options situation isn't available on mac for mesa that is ridiculous i'm so sorry to hear that my friend i honestly hope that that gets either fixed or the game is a bit a bit more stable in the future uh the new boston in azuma is fun that's great i'm glad you guys have had a such a positive response to inazuma i'm sure the um mihoya will really appreciate like if they could see you guys talking about it the way that you are i'm scared of oceanid yeah me too trust oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh okay it's fine and one more we should be able to dash in there we go wonderful we don't have rosaria to blink yeah okay should be fine personally i use um kuching for innozuma okay notice me abra sev i see you it's okay the braxton's challenge videos oh what sort of challenges could we do everybody stand back i mean i might a lot of the uh ways i played this game a lot of you guys could probably say is a challenge in another self no talents uh not no talents no um artifacts for forever come here you power come on razer is a woof woof yes he is a he's a he's a woof boy razer is so good isn't he race is brilliant um there are so many beautiful uh sceneries in in azuma i hope you get there soon bells and i will get there as fast as i can with this with the patience that i that i want to keep if that makes sense don't worry we will get there we will get there when cosplay if i could if i should cosplay a character which one should it be i was thinking about this earlier i was like if i was to ever go to like a convention or something and i had to cosplay as a gentian character who would i cosplay as who would who do you guys think i should i think because i'm tall it should be a tall character but at the same time if i was a small character it'd be quite funny so i'm open to all ideas male female tall or short i don't mind i i would love to do zhong li to be fair i feel like i could pull off a zhong li but i know zhongli is quite precious so maybe i don't want to tarnish that rosaria oh my god yes let's go what a queen child is a good one that could be fun oh zhang li zhang li rosaria bennett child so child is a big one oh come on come on you there we go this will be it i mean that yeah that was a mistake come on there we go clee that would be hilarious that would be something right sucrose that could that could work too uh kaya lisa diona chichi zhongli zhongli i see a lot of young ladies and childs and a lot of rosaries as well pymon okay made razor what about ninguang i'm open for the ideas what a queen giovis up timmy okay well i mean ruin god that could be a fun one just build a giant um robotic mech suit hilly chill yep and then we we become fluent in hilly child and um yeah that that could work that could work eula euler could be fun andorra moon carver venti you got some good ideas guys you've got some good ideas i think the top ones were probably zhong li child and rosaria were like the top ones catherine catherine okay okay i see you um right i think we've done those two amazing so we still need to use our resin that's fine done the boss opponents there's still a few more i can do off camera this is fine um so we've got some domains we need to do since this one started like midway through the week we're very behind um it's kind of a shame that that's the case but it's fine um ley lines we could do i think we have a lot of more to be fair um don't mention characters he hasn't seen yet yes i mean if you do i won't know who you're talking about simple reason and obviously i don't want the name spoiled but that's okay like um if you don't know that now you do sweet flower okay now you're just mentioning things you're not mentioning characters oceanic cosplay that could be impressive what am i gonna do with you lot honestly what am i going to do with you lot um should we go back let's see what we can do for sucrose madam ping madam ping would be a good one jinger oh yes pyro regis fine just plant become plant forget humanity become plant um kamesa take your time getting to in a zuma it's fun but everyone on the terrain tries to kill you ah my 42k hp jungle is struggling to keep shields up oh my word but i mean i'm sure that your um world level is higher than mine as well though that's i'm assuming that's the case why am i speaking to katherine catherine why did i come back here it wasn't as much as i appreciate you catherine um this wasn't why i came here i came here for the for the alchemy stuff for tomat timaeus tomius sarah from good hunter should we um enter to offer artifacts what now artifact strum blocks what every three star every three sorry every three five star artifact offered will create an artifact strong box whoa sorry if i'm late to this i've not seen this before oh that's kind of nice okay dreamer abraham um leotard would you oh sorry would you be a abra in monas leotard would be a sight to behold you never know you never know timmius that's a scam don't do it not worth it don't do it okay trade three artifacts for one i don't recommend it don't don't do it i wasn't gonna do it right now guys i was just looking at it don't worry i appreciate you guys um looking out for me though oh no i don't wanna no no no no no wrong one uh this one this okay uh yes okay that should be another big one right yes yes yes yes not worth it okay that's fine guys don't worry i wasn't going to do it now but i appreciate you guys um looking out for me for the xp uh you get artifacts after sacrificing more artifacts there we go um um zhong li i can see that says there's a bunch of text behind it john lee has become a member thank you so much i really appreciate that thank you that's very kind of you you guys are very very generous honestly um what else do we need um sucrose so we need three more of these we need some more of these but this is fine and we've got everything we need in terms of this awesome i also want to do bennett to 80. oh wow who threw it who was it oh nap oh we only need pyro ones for this i would use a bunch of our um wind wheels though i also want to get amber up as well i want to do everyone guys i want to do everyone it's it's tough it's tough but we'll get there i traded 27 trash for nine trash okay i see ah oh dear um build a deluge yeah i know a lot of people main dps is sucrose my main dps is yanfe rosaria and sucrose those three and kind of razer now raises up there as well i just like i like involving them all you guys know me by now um right we can't really do anything right now we need to we need to get some more animo stuff but that's that's all good we could get it from other things should we look at the spiral abyss should we have a look should we have a sneak peek um i forgot bennett has that much energy recharge but um ben it can be really really good right we want to go with this team so this could probably go horribly wrong not gonna lie um sucrose i'm relying on you solely in this i mean we have the rosaria with us as well i don't know if spiral abuse heals us you'll have to remind me if it does but we'll i'll go back anyway there we go razor deals good damage razor's brilliant i really like razer there we go let's grab these while we're here the flowers okay spiral of this pain yeah we did struggle a little bit i want i just want to see maybe we don't get much maybe we don't get much further um if at all but it's worth it it's worth a have a look see isn't it fey cosplay that could be fun that could be really fun i like that one um blessing of the abyssal moon when active characters trigger swirl reactions on nearby enemies that's the location of the swearing deals damage enemies inside the aura oh what is that oh i don't know what that means but that's cool um all right what was it what was in this one that we struggled so hard with critics will generate elemental particles and orbs can only occur once every 15 seconds so that's brilliant because we are for azaria um can we see what was in oh we can so what was the issue last time pyro shields was it pyro shields was that what it was oh i got hiccups kazua buff okay um abra do you watch any genji and youtubers that's a very good question um i so i i try to avoid it mainly because thank you matt i'll get to that in a second i tried to avoid it mainly because of the fact that i don't want to get spoiled by anything but i am aware of gentian youtubers so um yes not quan you gone you sorry garnier cosplay i was gonna say one you again um it's constantly raining in most parts of innozuma so cryo characters are really fun there oh really uh me and ganyu cryo aoe dp dps is uh freeze reels of real estate i like that uh the shields were the issue that was it wasn't it thank you matt that's very kind of you um yes what what was it i think it was the pyro that we struggled with we can get rid of we could we could you know what there's only one way to find out let's just throw ourselves at it and hope hope it sticks if it doesn't stick oh we had two parts right we've got sucrose up a bit we've got them all up quite a bit actually to be fair i feel like we are definitely coming into this stronger okay first half is hydro cryo electro second half is cryo pyro animo okay anima is not a problem okay pyro in second half pyro cryo and electro seems to be primary in the first half pyro hydro okay so we want um okay we need to big brain this boys we need to big brain this so in the f in the second half we need hydro and in the first half pyro would be good right so cryo would be good in in the first half electro so if we go rosaria you'll be okay yeah you need hydra on the second team yeah so i'm thinking we go with barbara or [Music] [Music] we got razer we could bring razer um we can bring we can even bring amber bennett dan fay official um anyone really right focus on hydro healing guys and the cryo yeah that would be the plan right um first floor have a deluge should we bring to luke in we could do have a luke yeah that would work right yeah okay so first floor let's have deluge okay rosaria luke bennett was sorry to luke bennett there was electro that was cr there was geo there was geo so if we bring bennett we get the pyro with the luke okay cryo and pyro in both bring razer with rosaria for super conduct very good point we can try if i do that that that and then the second one will go where would sucrose fit in sucrose could go somewhere barbara for healing on the second one there's so many cryo yeah i think so with the luke with the constant vaporize that's a good idea that's a good idea animal's good to bring yeah should we do sucrose on the second or the first one geo in the second half it's nice to see your characters all at high level yeah i feel sorry for the three down here kaia ninguang and uh child i need to focus on those guys although child to be fair at level 50 he does a lot of damage he just he's just squishy bless him uh i need to work on his artefacts a bit more sucrose barbara child we could i mean yeah i'm down to try it if you want so who would we have noel maybe we need a healer i mean noel is a healer right i feel like child might take too much damage though yanfey so chris is weaker is the weaker team whichever will be sucrose in the weaker team whichever it will be the second one put diona in the second team for the healer you think we definitely need um we definitely need uh hydro definitely definitely that is that good diona yeah we've got diona sucrose uh singh official beto maybe i might have done don't use child bedo uh shield with child yanfey what we can do is we can go in and try if we fail for whatever reason we we can adjust as we go right sucrose the owner child yanfey let's get rid of barbara like that yanfey barbara it's in church sucrose that's a good one i like that one rain i like that one a lot take kaya kaya is not built for this that's fine okay let's do it let's try it let's just try it if we fail we we adapt that's all we gotta do beto official yeah i feel like we might we might need to bring some of those guys in flora chamber well i need to get this right floor is all the whole thing right chamber is one two three 20 attack yeah let's just do the floor one right all right let's try this try if it's bad change it exactly yeah that's that's what i'm thinking jess [Music] not today sir come on luke you got this my boy ow one two three hit him one two three hit him all right let's do this let's switch to razer good job my boy okay razor yeah you do some damage you know what i like it i like it we'll switch it we'll switch it to luke you do damage my dude jeez okay come on come on that's it okay let's do this one is there a hydro boy no he's cryo cryo okay they're both cryo you know what luke you're surprising me my dude we did work on you um and i'm very glad we did oh he is a hydro okay okay okay all right here we go amazing okay good good good good good this is this is brilliant all right let's freeze him uh let's get some razor out here amazing put this down this down wonderful okay here we go come on razer you got this my dude oh razor what a king yo luke and razer just absolute carries there we go boom done okay on the other side pleasantly surprised okay let's do this all right i thought they were both cryo he had a cryo debuff but i think maybe rosaria touched him he wasn't hello right staying clear all right no we want to no i want to switch um right okay right let's do this then let's do this what we can do is pull them in get a bit of yarn out well done one two three and boom okay this is perfect well done there we go come on nope you missed you missed bro come on child i missed okay you know what it's fine come on child sort him out okay amazing speed is key here right here we go well done that's it okay let's do this okay amazing let's do one of these um okay okay wonderful they're frozen very good child good job let's throw this down let's get a yan fe a melt that's awesome oh motion to compel oh yeah you queen oh yeah you queen oh that was close that was so close okay that's chamber one three stars right is that right what we saying child is amazing underrated character i don't think he's underrated i think he's very very good i just don't have my full resources in him child killing for two e's oh no okay here we go this is the investment that i put into these guys that's why i wanted to invest in all of them so they can all shine you know um character elemental mastery increase oh oh okay okay thank you guys you guys are so sweet look at you guys go all right are we ready we're going to do this again you can't run right you're a freeze boy let's get bennett's cue here we go the maximum damage here it goes all right is it time for a flash freeze i think not i think no okay all right yeah give yourself that that's fine that's fine where did he go well there he is drawn razor oh he destroys the shield i mean claymore that's why bottom razor what a king all right uh let's just go in the middle we got this we got this all right let's do this you guys go it's all about optimizing your switches i think if you can get your switches down and your team isn't fully like compatible with each other you can make the most out of like what you have and i really try to stick with that but sometimes it's really difficult i just love these guys for pieces i think all right come on to luke saw him out where is he there he is there he is come on brilliant well done let's light it up let's do some of this all right sweet switch i know i want razor there we go why not razer get him boy all right you know what we're gonna switch just for the sake of time come on dude sign him out okay whoa okay we got this are you doing amazing sending happiness thank you guys oh you're so sweet um yeah this is going so well it is right i'm actually very surprised whoops no switch i don't want a user there we go all right child there we go one and two now let's switch okay sadly try not to do that much damage it's a lot um it could be more right here we go all right here we go this is fine child you're an absolute king my dude you know what we're going to save your role for your um for another point but this is fine all right here we go let's do it let's go all the 2k damage okay we like it we like to see it we like to see it come on vaporize let's get that going all right that's i keep right i can get my team mixed up it's fine uh diona shield child let's try and get some you can't run okay let's just do this right this team is flustering me a little bit just purely because of the fact that i'm not used to using them and especially as a team ow rude all right amazing child good job nice job okay second half is a bit slower these guys need to bring in closer coming closer come on eulog all right here we go diona switch to you child this is your time well done this is exactly why we brought you my dude nice it's actually child is really good to mix with uh sucrose's swirl it's a very easy swell reaction very good there it is okay bit slower still got it though we still got it we still got it um eric thank you so much for the two dollars uh discord help this man raise his child please um i will do it what i want to do is i want to make sure that i go to the right domain before i um power a load of like stuff into into child that's the only reason why it's the same with um rosaria sadly she's got a lot of love but she's not got the right artifacts but thank you guys honestly you guys are very sweet um okay we got this we got this guys okay um hiccups okay when a character's hp is greater than fifty percent attack oh god hiccups stop instantly restores 25 health okay uh energy recharge right yeah go on go on let's get some energy recharge you're doing great thank you zorrell i really appreciate that that's very sweet of you um all right are we ready uh hydra boy no back the luke saw him out come on chris let's get a oh there we go nice oh you think it's funny oh you think this is funny is this a joke to you oh yeah okay okay laugh while you still can oh he's gone he's gone sorry sorry you can't run oh this team is i just love it i love this team to pieces honestly oh i love it i love it stay hydrated thank you shanila remind me again at the end i'll do it at the end um you can explore dragon dragon sweats are not the domain that's what i need to do yes all right here we go all right child i need you there it is there it is all right oh look at it oh i should have um held first but it doesn't matter we move we move forward we learn by our mistakes all right diona you are queen that hurt a lot but that's fine brace yourself get him child come on there we go awesome all right now you're next oh i didn't need to switch if i did whoops wrong person uh diona let's get a shield up thank you child let's switch to you let's get rid of this guy well done all right yeah yeah good job sucrose you take care of him now all right let's get the debuff going and the heel wonderful oh my god we smashed that we smashed that compared to last time whoa that was incredible that was awesome uh yo dian fay yo yanfei makes me want to build yantha too yanfei is a queen honestly she hits like a train and it's amazing all right let's exit and see what's in this floor [Music] i need a breather let's stay hydrated shanila this one's for you oh my word thank you guys oh you need pyro electro in the first half okay the gamer sweat try hard mode all right claim the rewards 200 more primos you love to see it you love to see it oh it's so beautiful brings a tear to my eye okay when hp is less than 60 percent attack has increased by 50 percent and the defenses increased by 50 that's going to be a problem because we don't really fall that low maybe on team two or any team that's not with bennett but there we go um i feel like a proud dad when i watch you oh you guys honestly if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't um i wouldn't be doing as well as i do what weapon does yanfe have um dodico tails i think yeah dodeco tails okay chamber one oh yeah yeah oh my god okay so hydro cryo pyro in the second half so we need pyro and electro no pyro and cryo or electro second half definitely needs hydro oh oh no is there a ruin hunter oh god okay don't need to worry about those guys so just anything in this one no ah okay crowbar just fine that's time might be a prop there's a thunderstorm outside so if you hear that or the stream randomly goes poof if there's a thunderstorm um this one's actually not bad i don't know if i could do it in less than 60 seconds but we'll try well we'll try so as long as we have hydra in the second one um yeah hydra in the second one for the pyro yeah we'll be all right we'll be all right we could do the same teams same teams small three i yes which one should i put the ayahs in i think sucrose should go in the first one right animo for the first half yeah that's what i'm thinking let's do or maybe not maybe not cryo in the second half because cryo yeah no was it cryo first and pyro second it was deluxe to luke um someone bennett sucrose yeah just break the shields and you're fine yeah i think so i think you're right that's that's it archer on both sides very good point um amber controversial one we're bringing amber amber's my queen um and then we'll go for gila let's go for it's cryo so we don't want hydro controversial one i know i know but she's coming in i've said it who could we have in this one noelle matt chan thank you so much when the electoral icons tempest reach you in real life oh yeah that's it yeah the thunderstorm she's like why haven't you entered in the zuma yet how dare you delu gyan faye official gamer brain mode gamer brain mode we're bringing amber in she's coming in you know what we could do fishel and amber and then bring sucrose but then officials not a healer so it's a bit of a sad one um you know what noel noel you've served me well and i'm bringing you in um let's do not yanfey we want sucrose and then in the second half it's cryo i'm definitely bringing barbara that's pyro sorry in the second half so we want i'm bringing barbara um rosaria rosario in the second half rosaria um pyro we could bring razer again bennett just for the heels no we got we're gonna have uh barbara ray archer um official barbara i could bring child yeah a child you know what child we've got two archers why not does that sound good is that official should we go razor though official bennett razor deona bado so if i go bado if i go child barbara bado you need hydrocryo for the hydromage on the first half yeah that's why we've got pyro right because we can um [Music] watch our you know shield for archer i think we'll be all right i think we'll be fine i think we got this i think we got this team official is a better support than razer yeah okay we've got beto though for the shield it'll be fine um okay character defense character physical damage hmm what would be bad defense eric thank you so much um battle is coming for you abra i think so i think i'm a little bit worried hiccups no oh no okay um nah we'll go character defense we'll go defense just purely because physical attack isn't really what we're going for here all right hello all right all right let's do a shield let's do an amber might as well get barren bunny out there it goes two no i'm [Music] okay we froze him oh this is okay this might be a bit slow come on pyro can we get the pyro no yes we can yeah let's go all right break the shields come on luke all right that was what the uh we saw that from the perspective of the ayah he like he like got up he opened his eyes and just an arrow hit him in the face and it went black there we go all right here we go so what have we got going on hello all right let's do this we're gonna do taser barber here we go you can run but you can't you can run but you can't hide oh beta with child i just realized taser let's go oh this is amazing incredible out of this world all right not today where are you where are you [Music] um okay this one's a bit of a harder one to do oh we got rosaria of course we do silly me right this is definitely gonna be a bit slower there we go awesome uh let's do child on this one here we go amazing let's freeze him let's get bato for the uh is it super conduct no yes i don't remember okay i'm concentrating too much all right let's do this this is definitely slower uh slower than i'd like but you know what first as a first time i'll take it come on all right let's do this and poke come on child get rid of him there we go perfect awesome three stars okay i'll take it i didn't expect that but be like you dare stand before me how dare you character rate plus eight percent crit damage oh yes please so you're finally awake yeah that was the good one child on life support he's fine don't worry about it don't worry about it hello my lovelies all right we got this you know what let's get a bit of this out let's get some supers in 6308 amazing retribution here we go one two dodged no not today okay no well i'll tell you what noel for me not putting much into into farming you up recently you you hit pretty hard it's not it's not insane but for what it is there we there you go have a barren buddy you can have a barren bunny that's sucrose here we go oh god this thing has a lot of health i've now realized this amber queen oh what a dodge one two well done who needs to stun when you can dodge [Music] no i should have pointed it the other way that's fine that's all good oh we hit him anyway oh no we didn't okay or did we maybe we did all right well done amber sort him out all right let's do this one two we really should have got these guys in the crossfire not sorted them out individually oh i missed 63. come on sort them out sucrose there we go okay bit slow maybe second i can make up for it we'll have to see we'll have to see maybe if we're lucky all right here we go let's do this let's get the three out you know what uh child we're gonna use you here to two one two there it is let's get the freeze off get the shatter damage right um what are we gonna do here come on child taser child let's go all right let's do this okay this is fine come on keep it going brace yourself nice okay awesome a little bit slow like i said but we're good that was not a perfect counter and i should have uh waited for that one ow whoa hi all right uh you are frozen already ow not doing too much better on this one in fact i think it's a little bit worse oh no it's the spin stretch spin it's the spin time can we maybe maybe for lucky maybe if we're lucky if we're lucky oh that felt like it should have been hit one all right wicked well done child good job okay should we take out the little guys let's take out the little guys quickly come on you guys come in it's not your time all right here we go okay let's do this awesome oh do these guys keep respawning maybe they do i don't know i'm not sure how this is going to work oh ow ow ow [Music] yeah this is definitely this is definitely too slow um but you know what we've impressed ourselves already i feel like oh no run okay right stamina is fine let's give it a rest you can't run right cool if we can get maybe maybe maybe maybe ow stop it oh there we go one hit yeah there it is there's the second hit switch switch switch switch there it is okay i was key fumbling there yeah they keep respawning i feel like they keep respawning unless there is just that many offers not quite sure i'm not quite sure how this is how this is going all right come on you want to come closer do it come on there we go okay sweet just these guys left come on get rid of him who's next nice one two one oh my god there's more wait hang on i thought we were done this is cheating this is cheating on a whole new level do i have eight or six more oh okay you can see it on the side right true okay well done child good job you can't run okay wicked um eyes on me okay what are we looking at that one huh oh one star okay okay yeah that that definitely makes a lot more sense okay one star it's okay it's all good um what have we got in this one then we've got increased character damage dealt to opponents weak points oh that's good for amber and uh child to be fair insecure stills health charge attacks stomach consumption oh yeah go on you can count the monsters on the left yeah i didn't see that before i forgot it was you come on come on ow all right here we go right let's do one of these one of these oh yes i got the pyro let's go come on noel you got this queen come on awesome now we need a bit of amber in here oh you're not gonna go straight away okay that's fine okay yeah there it is there is there is okay there we go got it awesome let's get the shield up not that we need it amazing okay we're doing actually surprisingly better than i thought we would already so i don't want to jinx it but no one escapes my sight it's good it's good oh let's get away from him yeah there we go let's back off a little bit all right so now we just have to kind of wait for the weak spot while we damage it um i'm gonna try my best but obviously as you guys know these things are very durable without being hit by their weak spot come on did he get up oh he got up sad so that's that's right oh my did it god pyro it did oh my god yes let's go okay oh that was so lucky okay we'll take that we'll take that stand okay one two that would have been pretty good with the um critical hits or not quickly it's weak spots but oh it's gonna be facing the wrong way okay we did well we did well now let's hope this cryo one can be just as just as easy or pyro one sorry not cry i won that one was cryo oh right child all right come on child sort it out there we go atta boy now i feel like if we yeah this is not gonna do much is it no okay vado you kind of we're kind of gonna have to split the split the efforts here yeah i think our elemental recharge is just not very good on this team that's i think that's our issue all right let's do this i mean child makes this super easy with head shots right you're mine we can hit it like this yeah this isn't bad okay yeah definitely not as fast but i mean it does the job okay yeah come on we can't really get much distance with this guy either ow oh count the shield let's go okay let's do this bit slower bit slower we'll be fine we'll be fine come on you yeah i should have um thought about what team i usually bring into with the pyro one i think it is usually child um sing child yeah i think it's just a child and sing child really you can't run um yeah we're going to just wait for the weak spot okay it's reforming already actually all right here we go shouldn't let your guard down there we go there it is okay wicked let's get that up there's that one okay amazing vado you're doing a fab job doll darling yeah mr rosario yeah i feel like i feel like rosario's probably the one that does the most damage in here all right on the head on the head come on there it is awesome barbara good job okay oh we can get some taser barbara in here yeah bailor doesn't really have a battery on this team either so that's a problem all right here we go oh this is it this is the damage yeah nice job beto beta and child working together very good yeah can i dodge that i can okay i'll take it yeah okay you can't run punishment there it is yeah go abra go he's got it yeah we're doing it it's not it's not the worst thing for a first time as well we now know that the second one needs improving um oh okay we're gonna do our strategy to to cheese this if you ever fight this thing by the way in case you haven't seen me do this before i don't know if anyone else has figured this out but if it does this move you can just walk around it like this and it can't touch you it's quite helpful as long as you keep moving it can't touch you um but yeah if anyone didn't know if anyone didn't know very good all right come down here okay is that a perfect counter i can't i don't i don't i can never tell how do you know when it's a perfect counter is there like a special effect that happens yeah or is it just the damage i guess is the damage right the damage i meant to switch and then do that but that's fine come on we're so close you know what we got we're so close come on all right we got this here he goes out come on child you got this come on charlie you got this there we go oh wait three stars really ah the sound is different um wait well i don't want to trade tactics i'm always ready okay we did it uh the damage on the the damage and the screen goes darker okay okay i'll take it i didn't expect that i think because we did the first one so quickly we got like a sort of a a nice a nice buffer if you will oh 200 more here we go um okay i want to hit that again here we go okay number nine is this where pain happens is this pain you finished before three minutes that felt way longer than that though weird forbado's counter you don't need to hit it perfectly with an attack you can pre-charge it if you need to release slash right after the first attack hit bait with beta shield oh oh okay i didn't know that i was always trying to just tap it when i got hit that makes a lot more sense actually the pain starts at floor nine ah okay characters on the field will continuously accumulate sheer cold ah opponents will attack ruin brazers preventing them from diminishing the effects of code in the area deactivate ruin brazers or restart after a while ah cold ahead suffering imminent it's a lot of ice okay we've got a lot of cryo and this should be a field day for delucan razer right hopefully right okay we've got a hydro boy hiccups stop that nope ah okay electro cryo cryo hydro okay second half is the luke and bennett we're going with that second half is to luke and bennett first half electro hmm ice shield wall we want to we want to claim all right is that is that what we're up a flower sucrose on the first one if we mix sucrose with amber we can get a pretty good consistent pyro swirl pyro everywhere yeah you might be right so if we go oh yan faye yanfei of course if we go yanfei um sheer cold yanfey amber support who can we have to support i don't want to bring barbara because she'll just get frozen every five seconds diona's cryo so it doesn't really work noel i guess i guess it's gonna and then jan faye and then in the second one we bring to luke official bennett and [Music] razer maybe to pyro per team yeah we got two pyro per team is he not gonna check the rest of the enemies did i not check i thought i looked at all of them did i not yanfei on the second one okay i see i see what you're saying if we do bend it on the first one then we can have noelle yanfey and then who can we have on this one rosie would work but rosaria would work zhong ling would probably be a really good one if i had her like upped rosaria for tui why am i seeing poor child what's going on did you not see me use child for the last like hour i'm so confused um do luke needs bennett okay so it was better the other way around yeah i don't mind i don't mind i think the first team might need yanfey so if we do that who would be good on this one second team needs a healer yeah well noel would have been the healer okay this is this is gonna be tricky but razer we could do a razer zhong ling we could bring for the cube but i don't think it's gonna work um benny thank you so much um okay okay wait there's a couple of things we've got kamesa as well uh kamesa with the five dollars said spiral abyss increased crit rate deluge stonks and then he says welcome to the spirit of this pain good luck thank you it's not zhong ling poor child lamar benny and jungling sorry do i need to emphasize the zh zhang ling beto ather maybe traveler could be a shout he could it could work yes yeah it's a shout shall we should we try and i'm a traveler yeah all right then let's do it let's just see what happens let's just see what happens okay uh character attack character defense yeah let's just do the attack okay all right when does shear cold start i guess when we've started so the enemies are gonna try and attack these things right this thing and this thing okay hello no one escapes my sight there it is get away from it naughty right destroy the shields amazing right noelle all right there we go all right let's get rid of this guy all right come over here can i get the pyro not quite okay oh no it's one of you it's two of you oh no oh no i wasn't expecting this what an unfortunate turn of events no stop it all right nothing's attacking that over there let's do one of these all right amazing staying clear sucrose you are a queen oh my word okay ow someone needs assistance can i get some no we can't okay okay all right we're doing well i feel like we're doing all right we're doing all right if we fight them near the thing it's actually not too bad obviously it risks them damaging it but right mate you need to stand still for a minute just for a second just for a minute okay protect the heat sources all right this is this okay i'm i'm confident in this one all right come here everyone come here you're a bunch of nasties that's what you are one two three there one two three [Music] all right let's do this disappear go amazing okay [Music] oh save me okay all right you know what that's fine you can have your shield back i don't want your shield anyway oh okay we're fine uh i hate this i don't like this ow oh where did you guys come from no okay luke you are not looking good my dude luke is on life support okay get towards the heat source i need you over here oh god ow ow oh my the stuns this is so rude all right can you get off there thank you all right you need to stop it as well ow oh my god okay this is not fun at all i don't like this i don't like this at all i hate this one it's stressful i don't like stress i don't want to stress out i'm gonna have fun leave me alone i couldn't switch oh you're so mean oh it's so cruel all right pyro go can you please get down from there should you fall come on no never mind there goes uh princess this is so overly stressful and i hate it bennett please let gonna save us from this okay no stop it i'm out healing it i don't care i don't care anymore i just want to get rid of you oh there's more of you boys i'm not gonna lie i think this is pointless um i don't think this is doable everybody stand back as much as i want to believe in the cause oh my god okay this is i keep getting aether and bennett mixed up okay stop it leave it alone is there another one there's another one oh my god okay all right traveler do this disappear okay whoops adventure time no no no no stop it stop it come on come on come on let me hit him ow ow no stop okay okay benny's dead abra yells at the abyss order for 10 minutes straight ow ow ow what was that i was like perma-stunned every five seconds i hate this this is awful this is awful i don't like this at all okay the first one was fine sucrose could get us through it the second one is a problem when those dudes go up on that tower i need to get rid of them first because they cause a massive issue okay okay that's it well done perfect okay bring them all over here hey come here leave me alone get [Music] oh if you play it with accelerated speed you can hear it oh really stop thinking about it it's so weird that's really cool i didn't know that i mean it makes sense right it does make sense um but thank you so much martina that's very kind of you all right all right yeah sucrose is definitely mvp in here like for sure all right let's get rid of you right did i ask for that i don't think i did so why what are you doing all right let's get the barren bunny out ow no you need to be near the baron buddy there you go that's it oh my gosh okay all right there's you gone this would be you gone right yes there we go you're next let's just do this i'm melting i'm melting okay we didn't get any swell off on that one that was kind of a dead uh a dead but that's fine [Music] this is pain boys this is absolute pain i see what you mean now i just yeah we're just not ready for it really like we we managed to get this far and you know what i'm proud that we actually managed to get this far in the first place on the other side on the other side what do you mean on the other side okay all right traveler i need you to pull off the greatest magic trick in the basement as you wish me here we go right this is it ow no right this go this is it ow this is on you my dude where is this dude and why is he hitting me from like everywhere i don't know where he is is it just the room doing that oh my i missed him i missed him so many times i missed him so many times it's my own fault i wanted to hit him just once just once that's all i wanted that's all i wanted it was just it was just one thing you know what it's fine did it oh it bounced off the wall okay it still hit them anyway that's good come on right get rid of him get rid of it we can out heal the sheer cold it's fine okay we probably can't actually you know what now that i think about it no we can't yeah okay get rid of the cold let's do this all right can i get us swell back this is good all right let's do this up here right wicked it went the wrong way i get okay let's fight ow okay this is fine okay bennett like i'm stuck in the wall i don't know what's going on anymore i'm just stuck is that another one is that the same one okay i don't know anymore i'm so confused i'm so confused by what's happening no get out of here bennett switch thank you come on there it is right we got this we got this we got this don't worry we got this this time it's this time it's doable no is there another one no it's the abyss okay not the abyss it's the room doing it no all right fine have it your way okay went the wrong way you know what fine ah come on i don't like the shield yes i don't like them very much if you couldn't tell i don't like them very much come on okay no ow right yes yes yes this is good that way go it has no swell reaction because i missed it okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine this way go you got this we got this what level are these guys 72 okay you know what that's understandable i need to i need to deal with you right come on here we go let's get rid of this guy first and we should be absolutely golden all right it's all good we got this all right come on three and boom boom see when it's just one of them it's all right i should have charged it but it's fine okay oh i'm sorry official oh my god okay two stars i'll take that you know what if you can't tell i'm incredibly stressed out mihoyo you have stressed me out oh it's bonkin scream hit and run oh healing effectiveness is increased by 20 that's pretty good elemental burst damage we're going with damage oh guys i'm stressed guys can we like can we like can we just like take a deep breath like we're going to hydrate we're going to hydrate guys no don't leave we're just going to we're going to zen mode for a second just okay we're good are we all chill again just admire the space around us okay you guys can feel it can we can we feel can we feel the energy of the universe just the abyss will not get to us we own the abyss we are the abyss just breathe everything is gonna be fine i haven't been out in a while so gross meditate come on are we ready this is it zero deaths all right here we go right you need to come over here actually i can bring these guys to me right stop it right all right get rid of the shields this is good get rid of the shields let's get some uh let's get some pyro in here i need to not take out damage that's fine this one this one you are not gonna you shall not pass there we go awesome we got him uh thank you so much eric i will see that's the spiral stress this yeah that is pretty much it um if i've missed anything i will check in a second guys go go enhanced animal module go [Music] explode them do what you do best exist to be queen right go go amber you are strong sucrose you're a queen noel we love you yanfei also just all-round sound i don't want to give the same compliments but they're all they're all queens staying clear come on just get rid of these guys they're not going to take that it's fine i'm a bit lost i'm a bit confused i'm stuck okay there we go we will not let the abyss get to us abyss we own the abyss the abyss is ours to own right you don't need to come over here stop it we got this we got this that's it leave it all tomorrow amber go burn buddy i don't make a lot of sense i know but it's all part of the process you know all right you charge baron bunny no there we go got him staying clear that's it bring him in wonderful get the explosion let's hold it oh i meant to hold it but that's fine you dodged you know what i'll use it for a dodge all right we got this all right let's go swirl come on fire that's it awesome noel let's do this easy heal us up come on no there we go boom we got this no stress queen team this is now the king team even though we technically official official was lost to the elements oh no all right well it's time do what you do best be a king live like a king disappear show them what a king can do bennett you know what you are also a king we don't take any of this nice okay you guys need to come up is there a hydro boy there's a hydro boy right all of that and for what for the hydro boy just to undo it all right but you know what we say the hydro boys no ow we say no no to hydro boys here we go okay hydro boy is not um oh my god okay luke it's not with us anymore okay bennett light it up i believe in you bennett come on cue cue dodge do what you do best bennett hang in there my boy traveler i'm sorry it wasn't meant to be come on you can do this no traveler hang in there my dude you can last we can do this together if we're going to go down we're going to go down fighting i don't care how many times they hit us ather i'm sorry bennett it's up to you now my boy but you may be built for support and you don't do much damage can we get some effort in the chat boys can we get some f's in the chat i don't think this is possible i'm not gonna lie that went from 60 to 100 pretty quick ever stress talking is hilarious i'm glad you guys get enjoyment out of it we're just gonna back away from that one um you know bennett you tried my king you all did my kings and queens you tried there's the f's we tried we tried and we failed but we temporarily failed hear me spiral abyss i'm coming back and when i do it'll be like the last time with full force ain't no one's stopping this lot ain't no one's stopping this law stress what a rare sight i mean yeah on the streams i try not to let stress abra come out but the abyss i'm a little bit stressed we need to we need to zen out feel the universe boys feel the universe we do not let the abyss take away our our minds our minds are our own bennett was a brave soldier he did it for us we will be back [Laughter] at least claim your rewards do i have some i don't even know if i have some do i have some oh my god my words vengeance will be mine i will gather the greatest four stars and the few five stars i have across the across the whole of this world oh no okay do i want to abandon it i guess i do right do i want to abandon it i can't accept the rewards while i'm here though if you choose to continue yeah let's just abandon it we can come back to it yeah we didn't even get that so was there awards oh there was rewards here oh we already got it though we already did it no we already got the rewards it's fine we're coming back full force next time my mind is already gone no it's never too late no man woman or person left behind no animal no anything nothing is left behind okay amazing amazing amazing okay there's a few of those as well oh it's all looking so nice isn't it should we do some let's do some de-stressing let's do some let's do let's just do some de-stressing what we're going to do is we're going to do some ley lines i know i know i have plenty of stuff from the ley lines and i should be doing artifacts but that's stressful actually we should probably do artifacts let's yeah go on then although if we want the points from the the past we should probably do ley lines because we're closer to ley lines i think we only need to do eight more no we're gonna do that i know i know i need to do artifacts but we're gonna do that instead because i want the the pass points there we go okay let me check if i missed anything thank you guys so much um did i miss any we've got yeah eric you said the spiral stress biz exactly um thank you for that shanila thank you for the 10 hk um it won't be called abyss if it doesn't make us cry that's true hi abra i can finally catch your stream i hope you have a great stream and still remembers me lul i got the new character after having to save up about three months for her and i'm so excited to see your reaction later if you need help chat is always here that's awesome patrick yes of course i do um and congrats on the character that you got that's very cool i am excited to try her in a little bit so i assume you're talking about um ayaka right ayaka uh i see the chat like strassem stress um it won't be called the abyss it didn't make us cry and dreamer zeke you said um white f's though it was a dub but for the enemy yeah that yeah all right i'll tell you what that's true that's true do look artifact yeah i think we just need to feed some i mean the loose artifacts could always be improved hello there bings bongs and bada boom pows i was quiet today cause i was working but i still had the stream on my phone in my pocket and ears i hope everyone enjoyed the quiet that came from my absence and will continue to enjoy it cause i got bills coming rob i appreciate you i hope you're doing well my friend thank you um you get that bread gamer it's brilliant brilliant um thank you rob we we miss you bro we miss you um oh my god okay and yes patrick i'm very excited to try ayaka as you guys are saying a lot of you guys are going no no yeah yeah i'm very excited i am very excited trust me trust me it's fine and i'm chill we're just going to hydrate and we're going to vibe it's all good it's rub rob is back rob is back so if rob can't see the chat everyone is shouting it's rob rob is back there we go rob has spoken once again rob yes there we go that's that sounds like it needs to happen right now you got this oh that was that was that was satisfying see that that's the satisfaction that we needed that was the satisfaction that we needed it was quick it was swift i don't know where it went i think i claimed it that quickly that it vanished yeah i did shoot the balloons these guys but these guys are just chilling i don't want to shoot them you guys are mean come on you guys are out for out for innocent slime slime do they have blood i don't think they do i think i just have slime right right come on do the thing do the thing i missed there we go shoot the flying slimes i'm not cruel like you lot i'm not going to do that what do you mean they give you a chest well they can keep their chest i don't you know what i don't want to rob them you want me to murder and rob them i'm not going to do that that's me listen to yourselves you can't run shoot the slimes don't messy i can't believe you lot what am i hearing i thought i raised you a lot better than that you lot raised me really let's be honest eric thank you so much so all this time the abyss majors have been trying to say ayaka maybe they were warning us maybe they were trying to tell us something yeah we'll sue you look there's a chest up there why don't i go and get this one these guys will actually attack me the slimes are just fire they're just vibing i don't want to hurt the slimes i don't even want to take this guy stuff i'm technically in their territory right now but you know what because you guys want me to in here i mean i knew that already but i'm a wizard are you happy are you happy with what you've done listen look look what you've done all for some all for some travelers dr owl and a little bit of maura did i need it [Music] you're right mate do you want that that's just not very nice we could talk about it i know i just stole your stuff and maybe accidentally put your friends to sleep but deliberately but you know i know i'm sorry i respect i respect your opinion and i'm going to walk away hello slimes can you listen to this chat i do you know what don't listen to them you can live i can't believe you lot i can't believe it they'll respawn i suppose that's true hello you lot look these guys are just camping out there's no need for it there's no need for fire adventure time we can just let them deal with whatever they're dealing with i'm not satisfied says e he has spoken three mo gems well i i get it's free mojo but we have enough right now i fell asleep what happened bel these guys want me to just murder things can you believe it all for a chest but they're just not they're not doing anything wrong let's light it up you know these guys are actively attacking me whereas the slimes were just chilling let's light it up no mercy we're not the bad guys here oh all right then sure tell yourselves that but are the bad guys the bad guys because the bad guys probably think they're the good guys too the bad guys think we're the good guy the bad guys think we're the bad guys you know from the bad guys perspective we're the bad guys sucrose you're a queen honestly can't i can't get enough of the swell yeah you could never have enough gems we can never we can never have enough slimes they're so cute you slaughtered hundreds of hilly chills on the abyss look they came at me fast right they came at me first all right badass subjective exactly see silver knows let's light it up listen to the dark side no i refuse teamwork maybe maybe maybe we can maybe we could talk to the slimes and come to an agreement but until then we let them live we have enough gems right now we don't need anymore don't get greedy what's your pizza uh my pity is i always i never remember um it's like i think it's like 40 right it's around that area but chest is a chest but slimes are slimes a chest doesn't have feelings slimes do maybe maybe chests have feelings i don't know i'm not one to judge unlike you guys um thank you so much for blood for the blood god no no definitely not i can't believe what i'm seeing everybody double the reward saving time oh do you mean the condensed resin is that what you mean i think i think i still need to figure out how to do that it's all right we're just chilling there's no rush there's no rush we're de-stressing right now you got i think you know what it is i don't blame you guys because i feel like you might just still be amped up from the abyss i think i think the abyss is just still ingrained in your head we need to just take a second do we need more do we need more like space do you guys want to be in the atmosphere again do you need more zen time because i feel like i feel like you guys this is out of character for you guys like i don't i feel like you know you're just you're just a bit you're a bit pepped up i don't know what's going on um don't get pointing fingers now i'm not pointing any fingers i'm just saying are we the baddies no taku we're not we're kind-hearted people we're just led astray by the abyss the abyss has led us astray and it's not okay but we can come back from it can't we we can come back from it i believe in us i believe in you guys no we're good look no we're fine light it up are you gonna roll for ayaka yes benny i can't i can't i'm sorry i cannot provide um oh i'm frozen i'm frozen there we go that shield can only get you so far my dude especially when you run through fire like that through the fire like that please father i require peace peace will be granted my children don't worry wow leave the cute slimes alone they're just chilling uh i flew and they are just chilling you're right i don't know i don't know the the the aggression so unnecessary guys come on uh abra do you miss the golden apple archipelago yes of course i do it was a lot of fun i really enjoyed it i think i got most things out of it i might have missed a few things but i got the most out of it i think i keep forgetting this is live hello well right now but when you're watching this later it won't be magic if you're watching this right now and it's not live hello i appreciate you and if you're watching this while it is live hello i appreciate it oh this one's nice i like this one this this one cleans up quick i like that one that one's a good that one's a good one all right there we go condensed resin is worth it i will need to look into it yeah you guys are right you guys are very very right um two more ley lines maybe i can get them done we'll see oh the hiccup stop ah it's mean so cruel oh we got these things these are cute uh why does it is that supposed to happen why does it not show the stats is that is that normal i think this is your best team you think so venti uh teapot quest when uh you will meet someone special yes a lot of you guys were saying um i do want to get it done i do i really really do um cool cool yes yeah yeah is no yes okay i don't know maybe it's maybe it is maybe it is maybe it isn't yeah they all don't show so i feel like that's supposed to be happening right right right maybe it's normal okay um okay so what time are we looking at two hours okay we're good shanila thank you so much um so i'm washing the dishes and watching the stream at the same time and you're not killing slimes and they came to avenge me for killing them in the in the dishes shanila why are you washing slimes what are you doing what have i told you what's going on today is there something in the air i think we've spent too much time in the abyss i feel like you guys are going a bit stir-fry you're going a bit crazy um okay should we do the test right now it's a bit early but we can do you guys want to do the test run now we haven't gone to uh should we i want to go to the harbour we're going to go to the harbour oh my god look at your geo uh sigils buy something abra i haven't actually looked at the shop really i think i bought the constellation maybe or i saw it for a geo traveler but i didn't but that's about it i mean they're they're slimy so when we sweat we're slimy the slimes don't judge us you're not dreadful you like dreadful what am i supposed to do so we should find a nice place to vibe where should we vibe where should we vibe we could go on the big boat parkour rosaria okay test run all right we'll do it we're at the harbour so i feel like we got we've got some good we've got some good uh good good luck here is there anything in the air slimes yeah i mean that that works too can i climb up this oh my god all right this is cute i like this up here this is nice this is very nice look at this this is this is very cute uh eric thank you so much want slime plushies i want a slime plush oh that would be so cute um okay beto ship for the for tests we did better ship before though and it didn't work very well so did you take the chest uh in leo haber i probably might have probably missed some don't we have a job to do okay should we have a look oh we got an achievement hello oh yay more more primos oh my god guys this is amazing this is wonderful right events [Music] test run okay let's do it yanfei first chest on the ship oh there is one on the one that was closest to me yeah we i mean we know yanfey yeah is a queen oh i gotta go all right here we go get ready very good jan what a queen my kid chest it's all right if i miss anything it's absolutely fine we can get it next time i'll always always be looking for stuff so don't worry all right so let's we know yanfei gamfey you're a queen but we know yeah it's fine we're after the other goodies all right so we can claim that very nice chongyan they're giving out um bonus rewards i've noticed they have their um materials i just saw that that wasn't there before right was it my point goomba get him go here we go all right sweet very good oh it's a it's a boy oh yeah yeah from whence you came all right goldberg sort him out yeah thank you good job [Music] there we go easy peasy look to your right is it is it like right next to me if i if i literally do this am i going to see it oh i see it oh my god okay we're going we're going um dreamer thank you so much um there's an anime called i've been killing slimes for 300 years and maxed out my level i feel like this will be you in genji soon um i would never no i love you she you are a big fan of cheongyun that is true i can't climb rosaria rosario come on you got this girl here we go there we go is everyone feeling a bit more relaxed is there any more there oh my god there is wow i thought i saw it okay cool and if there's one over on that boat then it can stay on the boat i'm not going over there i refuse i'm not doing it [Music] i got it does the chest cut the chest ah i got it it's fine don't panic we got it i got it i got it i got it don't worry thank you guys the core lapis is beautiful minguang oh my queen have i never seen these oh yeah see some of you guys didn't even know they were there okay just i just what a queen can we just appreciate ninguan i don't appreciate ninguang enough and that's completely outrageous like she is just a queen there's no way about it there's no way or else there's no other way of putting it i mean we've got lisa here as well we like a bit of lisa as well we got you know what let's do this easy peasy lemon squeezy oh look at it it's beautiful it's beautiful oh what a queen what a queen there we go let's spark things up a little let's spark things up a little indeed oh there was more i didn't know okay that's fine we're fine come a little bit your life is mine i have been farming for ninguang actually um she's actually won on my radar now because the geo i've been giving all of my geo stuff to noel um but now i'm working on getting it towards ninguang which is really really fun what a queen we need to get her out there we need to get her out there come on we got some ninguang mains in the chat very nice that's awesome okay he's got some glaze at least brilliant what is it it looks like a oh they're petals that's cute all right you know i'm going to tease you guys a second before we before we do that i want to see what do we need for her oh it's insignias of course yeah ever like everyone rosaria luc child um and ninguang all need these that's why i barely have any that's that was my main issue and live each day okay right let's do it are we ready the moment you've all been waiting for the one piece of innozuma content you guys are going to get from me today is the trial on ayaka ayaka ayaka i pronounced that right lingua solo oceanid oh okay that sounds good i'm actually that would be cool okay ayaka's elemental skill can launch surrounding opponents and deal aoe cryo damage with uh with camisato art um senho senho senho um she can conceal herself with ice moving at high speeds in the form of a tauren oh she then reappears at the end of said ability she will apply cryo to the surrounding opponents and temporarily receives a cryo infusion ah that could be really useful with like venti or even kazua right not kazua okay when she casts that elemental burst ayeka um releases a long lasting frost flake seki um no noto noto the deals cryo damage to enemies it touches okay okay interesting oh oh that's us i love that outfit can we can we see closer oh oh she's very that's fabulous i love it oh that's very cool oh wait it's like a little jingle when she runs that's cute has she got like bells on her shoes or something i don't know very cute though i really like it very nice i like her hair as well it's a very unique hairstyle moves like mona yeah that's what i was gonna say so is it like it's like mona then wait we can try it whoa oh she is a mona is a mona it's like a it's like mona wow now okay so they've brought that back that's interesting what's her e do okay so that launches them up in the air and she's a sword user oh my god her animations wait oh okay okay okay at the end she sheaths the sword i love it wait that is so cool oh that that's i love that that's awesome okay uh alan thank you so much um hello abra have you tried increasing your city reputation yes i do need to work on that with every level you get great rewards yes the nre bag uh the best thing being me and our reba best of luck brother thank you alan yes i do need to work on that a bit more i am occasionally um i need to check her talents but i also want to check no she doesn't she doesn't oh that's so cool oh i love that that is phenomenal oh my god round of applause please round of applause i love it that is best animations on our character i think rosario's is one of my favorites but that is definitely that that's got to be one of my favorites for sure well done that is so good okay okay what so we know what that is right um certain amount of stamina turning okay yeah we know that okay cool summons a blooming ice to launch nearby opponents into the air that's really cool um okay that's her sprint so her q summons forth a snowstorm with flawless poise unleashing a frost flake sekinoto sekinoto sekinoto that moves forward continuously okay i'm curious as to how that works the snowstorm explodes after its duration ends is it kind of like travelers tornado right oh thank you guys for the round of applause look at that you guys are brilliant um okay let's have a look after using her e her normal attack and charge attack steal 30 percent increase damage oh that's so cool i like that uh when crow when the cryo application at the end of her e i know her right click oh wait hang on is that yes that's her e that's her dash right yeah that's why i love ayaka her charge attack is insane ayuka gang rise up patrick yes you are that is i've never seen this character so i want to take this now i've not seen this character other than like on the launcher um i know nothing about the abilities i know nothing so this is all my first reaction to this i've not seen any of this um this is it sounds so cool when the cry application at the end of her dash hits an opponent she gains the following effect retort retours restores ten stamina gains 18 crow damage bonus whoa oh my word oh oh my god yes yes yes and more yeses i love that son that is like one of the coolest things ever the the sheath i love it it's so good i like her leg movements as well like she's very quick chop chop that is so cool oh you know what if they've done that just from like the stereotypes if that makes sense i had like 10 out of 10 like they've they've they've def they know what they're doing and that's so good it's so good all right let's try her out okay so we're gonna dash frozen okay wait what wait let me do that again hang on did it chain or was that just me oh my god the reach on it is insane okay let's try the snow storm whoa oh it's around is it wait hang on i need to move when i do that i need to move when i do that oh my god oh my god that's so much fun now that is a character oh she is so much fun she is so much fun okay i want to do that again i want to do that again oh my god okay wait i want to try and use so if i do this hold this how far does it reach it reaches so far that's crazy okay let's just do consecutive strikes oh oh so it's okay so she has like the dash on the last hit so let's do our queue i like the okay so it doesn't follow us but it does slowly move forward okay oh i re this playstyle is amazing i think cryo might be my new favorite i'm not gonna lie like cryo has really impressed me as much as i love pyro that is oh that's so fun and then you can just like dash under it come out on the other side and then boom that's i love it yes yes yes yes yes you've done it okay i want to try it one more time one more time guys i know i know you want to see me pull i know but i want to try it that is so cool i love the range it's so good oh my god yes please yes please yes please oh she doesn't aim it okay i mean she i think maybe she aimed for someone else oh she's fun she's fun she's fun she's fun i like it ah it's so good okay okay we're gonna try it we're gonna we're gonna pull i hope he gets her oh thank you guys it's again it's all right if we don't um there's there's always gonna be chances but i really like her she's really fun i like that you get her like or just all of them you get some of their materials that's really nice that's really cool of them to do that oh her essential materials are a pain i mean if it's for that i don't mind that's so much fun oh hiccups stop no uh wish okay oh push g for the freemo gems oh right yeah true hang on we should do that have we oh no wait have we done it no i think for the one yes boys we got it we've done it best of luck thank you guys honestly you guys are so sweet oh we have so many of these by the way who is it fishermen and zhong ling not zhong ling zhang zhang ling sorry um right so let's buy as many of these as we can we can get ten that's good that's awesome um when is this coming back six days so next week we can buy five more which is going to be really nice um again we have these i want to save this just in case uh because i wanted i want to look at getting some of these weapons or characters good luck okay okay we've got 11 pulls and one on that one okay aaron abra is guaranteed a five star yes so i am guaranteed her if i pull a five star what okay i tell you what we're gonna do guys i have a question do we do this i have to pull we're gonna do it again we're gonna pull it okay there you go get your votes in get your votes in oh okay something something happened what happened i heard a thing it was dreamer i can't see it though can i oh yes i can sorry abras hopefully ayeka went from zero to over nine thousand yes with good reason i think right with good reason with good reason what's your pity um let's have a look i count this every time but i feel like this it's nice so 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 no 45 no 32 oh my god 6 is 36. 38 39 40 40. it's 40 i can count it's 40. so this would be 51 this is this would take me to 51. um put your votes in the chat guys um you can see the poll so put it in the poll uh that way then i'll know when i tally up the results so if you're in full screen mode i'm just letting you know now there's a poll there in the chat if you want to join in and uh get your say across let me know let me know 20 away 40 yeah it's 40. i can count early 5 star manifest i mean it's fine because this lasts for just over two weeks so we could get some ning ning guang or yan fei or any of these guys to be fair all right i'm gonna close the results are we ready wait end poll here we go what we saying what are we saying it was 68 10 then one 31 11 okay so the majority have said ten then one okay should we do i mean we will do the should we do the yeah yeah one then ten oh no that's the question now i said ten then one we'll do ten then one all right are we ready are we ready here we go it's purple okay it's building our pity up i'm curious as to who this is gonna be if it's a character it might it might be a weapon rub okay so like i love her she's best girl i need her to be in the story more forever replace pymon i don't care light rayleigh new cannon love interest for both lumen and ether do not hit me i'm gonna be so sad when i finish the story and i see her no more rob you never know what's around the corner you never know you never know but i appreciate that rob thank you yes she's very cool no it's not there's no elves we're gonna see what we get that's building our pity for next time so this is good this is good and there's still two other characters i've not had any clue what they are yet so thank you rob not pymon oh no okay oh ninguang yeah i'll take it i'll take it happily happily we'll take ninguan for sure no paimon best friend how could you take away paimon okay we'll we'll take a we'll take a ninguan paimon slander we don't take pymon slander slander slander we'll take it we'll take it ninguan happy to have you back honestly we haven't seen you in a while what actually what constellation are we at i don't know i don't know we can't see it here all right and we get the stardust as well which is good all right we've got one more this will put us to 51. this opposed to 51. use glitter for another 10. that's a bold move that's a very bold move that's a very very bold move another 10 with your star glitter you'll be at 60 rolls um that's that's a good that's a good shout you're not wrong and yeah please okay here we go 51. oh it's a blue what is it though we'll treasure you whatever you are black tassel you know what you're a pike i'll take it okay it's not the end of the world it's not the end of the world everyone's like star glitter no don't spend the star glitter yeah we technically could what we'll do we've done some wishes today next week next week we're gonna have the stardust exchange so what we can do is we can get five more next week from here i will obviously do my dailies we'll see how many we can get just naturally as well um it's going to be fine we might be able to if we want to spend some of this next time i understand a lot of people would say don't do it again at the end of the day the choice is up to me so if i decide to do it then i'll do it but not right now we're not gonna do it right now um but next time we're guaranteed to have five at least which is brilliant which is brilliant don't worry again the star situation is up to me i will i will decide that do it i know because i know a lot of people say don't and i want to properly investigate my investments into this first without without just doing it uh innozuma will give you so many wishes don't worry okay that's good but how how quickly though because that's the thing events have loads of free mo gems okay so when we get to innozuma we might be able to i don't know when i think next week we'll prioritize doing zhang lee's story quest again the second one then we'll go to innozuma so we will be in innozuma before ayeka goes away definitely a hundred percent so we will be able to to pull a lot more i think that's a good plan i think i think we've got a good plan really fast quick sounds good it sounds good i think we've got i think we've got a good plan going on yes i think so i think we're good i think we're good rosaria cryoqueen ayakov rosaria same team just saying maybe what we saying right um okay should we go back to let's go back to monster monstart is like once that is like my home i feel i feel comfortable in monster you know i like i like leoware but monstart is like my comfort place uh and assume it's quite hard but the premieres are worth it okay why are you playing so little i don't like to do anything off camera other than the dailies so i'll do the daily commissions and the resin off camera and then everything else i just i i want to do for the video otherwise you won't have videos i could do it all tomorrow if i wanted to but then you wouldn't have a video for it so oh yeah ninguan of course right let's have a look what's our queen saying what's our queen saying oh it's c2 oh when jade's screen is shattered its cooldown will reset is that i oh like that's pretty good right shock effect oh i like it that's a c2 as well i like that a lot okay yeah we really need to sort this out we need to sort this out we need to saw um her level out we need to sort a lot out with her but we will in time in time we will get there it's all good um my main focus at the moment was sucrose just purely because of the fact that she was a queen and she was just nuking everything and it was great um but yes we will be fine guys don't worry everyone panicking about ayaka we will get her hopefully i'm pretty sure depends on how many primos we get but there we go c2 is our best okay it's our best consolation that's awesome c2 ninghuang is so op okay this is a win exactly that's all i'm saying this is an absolute win guys come on this is an absolute win okay um aberdeen zuma first the events will go away don't guys honestly don't worry i know that this one lasts for 14 more days we've got two weeks on this one um i don't know about this one and i don't know about this one because these are story quests so they don't i don't know if they have a time limit but this one here still has two weeks we've got more than enough time don't worry more than enough time don't we have a job to do not right now rosaria we will in the future what's ning's weapon i don't know actually i haven't looked at ninguang in quite a while is it emerald orb no it's i have perception normal and charged attacks have a 50 chance to fire a bolt of perception dealing 240 attack and as damage this bolt can bounce between opponents up to a maximum of four times that's our weapon there you go guys okay everything is negotiable acceptance you have so many things to do you run out of time i won't guys come on i won't i've got this time management sorted story first part the main plot okay see there you go easy-peasy all right guys don't worry we'll be fine what we'll do the story is forever well that's good are we complaining that there's content guys is that what you're doing come on come on all right guys so i think we'll leave it there for today you guys have been fabulous even though you've had some murderous tendencies today i don't know what's going on you lot need to just take a chill pill we've had a really really really good time in the spiral abyss um stressful but fun we managed to get further than i thought we got some primos which was nice we did 10 wishes inclu increasing our pity to 50 um and we got the consolation for ninguan so i see this as an absolute win what we'll do next time is you'll have a video on friday hopefully don't see why not um and we will have the stream next week based on what happens in the video will be what happens in the stream so we'll see for razer you must pat razer okay i'm seeing a lot of people tell me razer shoot the i'm not gonna shoot them right all right all right all right i'm patting razor before we go razor i'm gonna send razer i can ascend razer maybe we'll do that next time who knows right razer come here boy here we go okay good razor good razor good job buddy you did proud you did me proud today you've done well yep you can go to sleep good night razer bye-bye razer good night razer alright guys i appreciate you all as always i will love you and leave you i hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend um honestly you guys are phenomenal um you never fail to make my weekends wonderful so i hope to see you guys next time um as i said we'll we'll sort everything out don't worry you guys have got this go into next week with your heads held high i will see you on friday for the next video and uh yes innozuma is just around the corner for me and i'm glad you guys are enjoying it now so we will get there we will get there thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate you as always remember you're important and i'm proud of you i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 18,101
Rating: 4.9818678 out of 5
Id: YB4u4qpZUKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 26sec (9326 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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