Genshin Impact - A Beginner's Guide

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hey how's it going everyone my name is the king coda and welcome to another video in this video i'm going over everything you need to know when you first start getting it back let's get into it so at the very start of the game don't worry i'm not going to play any spoil spoilers here for the story uh you're gonna need to select between the two twins you have aether and lumi and i'm apparently on mouse and keyboard instead of controlling so lumine is of course the female character and aether is of course the male character they both play exactly the same there is no real difference between the two other than personal preference right now we'll go with the main character since i usually play as a female and we're just gonna call him newbie that's you guys so merely following that we're now picking up immediately after that cutscene hope you guys enjoyed that the budget for their cutscenes seems to be exceptional in this game uh i'm just quickly swapping my controllers over to controller because that's what i prefer for this style of game if you want to leave it on your keyboard or mouse you're playing on pc that's fine playing on ps4 then of course you'll be using the same controls as me and mobile gamers best of luck to you you can actually hook up a controller to your phone now and play with it that way so immediately as we start here one of the first pro tips is if you see a crab pick up a crab trust me you're gonna want crabs get as many crabs as you possibly can and what we're gonna do is we're gonna head into the water here do not sprint swim it will tell you to hold r1 to sprint all that don't do that right now you're going to want to go slowly or you're going to run out of stamina this game uses a stamina function much like legend of zelda breath of the wild that's why this game gets a lot of comparisons drawn to it and breath of the wild there's other reasons that we'll be getting into but the main one is to know that you do have a stamina you can increase the stamina wheel but right now it is very small and if you use it wrong you will die uh like like that that was an example now to do it right a little pro tip uh you don't have enough stamina to make it all the way to the rock stop on this smaller rock next to the rock and you'll make it perfectly fine so once we get to this big rock there was a reason i brought you all the way out here and that is because there is a chest here now this is a precious chest there are several different types of chests in the game there's common exquisite precious and luxurious somebody'll tell me i'm wrong in the comments section down below why don't you go ahead and just do that so this is a precious chess it's one of the highest grade chess and when you open it you'll get rewarded with a lot of items are useful for your journey and for leveling your characters up this chest is right at the beginning everyone misses it when they first play but you're smart guy you're watching my guide don't worry here's where it is so as you can see we got quite a few items with that don't worry i will be going over all of these in due time but for right now it's important that you just continue on following our little guide friend to complete the tutorial so i'm gonna go a little bit further into the tutorial and then we'll cut back to what we have going on so uh another pro tip here there's a teleporter right there that if you go ahead and go and activate you can save yourself from having to swim back and drowning like i just did so that might be a that might be a smart thing to do so we're gonna get a little bit into the combat in this game you have rapid attacks yeah with your basic uh press of the attack button these performs a combat chain pick up the crab when the enemy is coming to attack you if the slime will be so kind to attack me you can hold you can press the dash button and you will do a dodge these dodges actually have where called iframes or invincible frames on them but bear in mind it will consume your stamina holding the attack button does a charge attack this usually has much higher scaling however it will consume your stamina also so bear that in mind so as pyman's gonna explain here or i guess she doesn't explain this is the teleport waypoint that i was talking about earlier that you should activate before you go back for that chest activating this waypoint now when we bring up our map we can teleport here by selecting it and hitting to teleport at no cost you can teleport to any waypoints that you've already activated in the game lizards aren't as important as crabs but beginning of the game you should definitely grab any resource that you come across they be it an animal or a flower so much like in presses the wire and depleted stamina takes time to recover i was explaining this pie maker okay let's take the route we planned so much like in breath of the wild your stamina can you shut up can you can you shut up which of the seven are you looking for exactly okay i wish pyman actually followed you normally like this anyways uh when you climb it depletes your stamina much like in breath of the wild and when you're falling you can actually use your melee button in midair and you will strike the ground this greatly reduces the amount of damage you take from falling and can save your life when entering a new area also in this game make sure that you take the time to run around and grab any new resources that might be in the area uh oftentimes based on the new maps that we've gotten leeway and the the dragon's spine area there are new resources added per region that are worth collecting as we all know poetry and language flowing so here you cannot leave i'm inside everyone knows about yourself by more than like a few feet thinks uh until you get to the ocean you like to talk over me a lot have you noticed that now i know i said you can't go more than a few feet but you can actually grab this chest up here so definitely make sure you do so as i said i'll be going over chest rewards in a moment you swim right over all right so pyman has finally left us to go over there and that means that we can go and explore this area this creature right over here is called a sealy this is a friendly spirit that will guide us to its resting point once we get to its resting point it will reward us with a chest ceili are often used also for some of the puzzles in the game so we follow the sealy all the way back to its home which is this statue right here also anytime you are next to these statues and you're wondering where their corresponding sealy is if you go there and you use what's called your lml site you can see it in the top left corner next to my mini map as well as in your quick selection window uh which on controller is l1 on keyboard and mouse is tab and on mouse and keyboard or on controller is l1 on mouse keyboard is tab and on mobile i have no idea uh it's the eye icon to the left so when i hit the left button it triggers the eyes and those will direct you towards the ceiling now that didn't trigger because the sealy was right next to it as you can see we obtained an exquisite chest this is a higher rarity than the common chest that we just acquired now most of the gear and everything that we are obtaining from these chests right now are not usable to us yet which is why i'm not really going over what we're obtaining from them it'll be helpful to have these in the future here's another chess location over here it'll be helpful to have these very soon uh but we do not have to go into our inventory and mess around with them right now so we're gonna swim across this pond here you can actually sprint swim you won't drown unless you take your time and a cutscene happens that we skip so upon touching this statue of the seven it opens up the map to us revealing the surrounding area and we can see there are other statue of the sevens below all the way down to the bottom of the map these each will unlock new area for us to explore they also act as teleport locations uh teleports disabled because i'm currently in a cutscene and allow us to see other locations we have here some kind of temple we have here more teleport waypoints that we have to go and unlock so the best idea is to go from one statue of the seven to the other and to grab all the new locations that statue opens up so we have a lot to go and unlock now so now this is combat training but with your new elemental power every character in this game has a form of elemental resonance and what we just obtained is the animo resonance this will allow us to do wind based powers so you can see if i go over to this guy and i hit the right trigger on mouse keyboard it's e it'll unleash my elemental skill and if i hold it this one actually has a charged function so by holding it i do a longer and more damaging ability damaging enemies with your elemental skill causes you to obtain elemental particles which will build into your ultimate otherwise known as your elemental burst unleashing your lml bursts does devastating damage and can really help you turn the tide in battle another good thing to note about the statue of the seven is it will actually heal you if you go and interact with the statue of the seven go to the statues blessing you can see where it says auto recover when nearby is set to 50 this means that if you are less than 50 it will heal you i recommend just go ahead and up this to a hundred percent you'll really only be wanting to use this top up in between battles and it recharges its elemental restore power over time so you don't really have to worry about it so when i where we leave here you can see my character is now fully healed let's continue on with the exploration proceed with caution there is a spoiler there so we'll just ignore that but there's some element some resources in this game that can only be obtained via special ways like elmo reactions or by having a certain type of weapon for instance these dandelions can only be obtained after you remove the like fuzzy ball around them you can see i cannot interact with this but by using an animal character and blowing away those fuzz we can now collect the dandelion seeds these are a very special resource i would highly recommend collecting right away now you can see the objective marker wants me to go over that way but by exploring just a little bit we come over to a hilly churro camp now these guy goblin looking guys are known as hilly churros and they come in a few different flavors we have here just basic club hilly churros and one dude that can infuse his club with pyro and when we defeat these guys you can see that defeating those guys has unlocked this chest inside of this hut allowing us to obtain that and by breaking these boxes another chat so always be on the lookout for chess don't worry if you don't get every chest in the area you'll actually have a much easier time of getting them later in the game through a feature they added where you can actually build a compass that tells you when you are nearby chests if we come over this way from where the objective is wanting us to go we come across even more stuff let's see we have another couple hilly churros causing some mischief taking them down will give us even more goodies allowing us to access this chess this chess that is currently out on the water remember to watch your stamina and another secret is this right here this cracked looking rock can actually be destroyed by your character and i accidentally already triggered it so apparently you don't have to destroy it to trigger it but this statue has the animal sigil and is green and hitting it with an lml skill will activate it allowing you to get the reward from that puzzle replaying this game i'm just knowing they really did change pylon's voice i think it's the same voice actress but they changed how it sounds now in english dubs it's a lot less grating than when this game first started uh another special item to make sure you always pick up when you see it is this small lamp grass it's a very important item for some characters uh ascension and so making sure you collect it is usually a good idea there's a chest located right up over here before you get into the next story bit so make sure you grab that some more lamp grass just to the side over here if you're wondering where i am ever and i'm not directly pointing out on the map the mini map is in the top left-hand corner and you guys are smart little beans and you can figure it out by yourself pro tip number three coming in here when you are talking with amber make sure you note that pyman is food all right so upon completing that story you get your first brand new character i'll be going over characters and how you obtain them very shortly do not worry but the first character you obtain is amber which i mean there's a lot of opinions around amber i'll be getting into it don't worry but amber is an archer character so right here it's teaching me how to swap characters on the mouse up and keyboard it's one through four on the controller it is the directional buttons and on mobile i think you just tap on them on the screen so we swap over to amber now we are an archer class character we can then shoot targets over long range okay so that was a bit of story going on there that i wanted to make sure that you guys are experiencing the story on your own your first time through now that we finally have two characters we can go over some of the stuff that we obtained via the chest so there's a chest right here as a good example when you first open up a chest you will obtain what's called adventure xp you can see it as this green bar at the top of my screen it increases your adventure rank which is kind of like your account level uh it'll also drop you various forms of materials and other goodies one of the things you will always obtain from a chess whether it's here in monstat or in a future continent like leeway or no doubt in inazuma when that gets added in the future maybe you're watching this in the future and it's already a thing you will obtain a sigil these sigils can be traded to people inside the major cities of their area for very important resources so here we have the animo sigils of monstat uh you definitely want to make sure you're obtaining as many chests as possible so you can build up these sigils to buy out everything that's inside of that shop other important things you can receive from chess are crafting ingredients as well as character experience cards these are what you mainly use to level up your characters past like level 10. uh i wouldn't use these right now go ahead and just start stockpiling them but when you get further into the game and you're wanting to level up characters or new characters that you obtain this is basically how you do it you see we have green tier which gives you a thousand xp there's also blue tier that gives you 5000 xp and then there is a purple tier which gives you an amount i do not remember off the top of my head you also get artifacts which i'm going to go over in just a second these are basically special equipment items that can boost the stats of your characters and the weapons for your characters so let's have a look at equipping a character and we're gonna use dear old amber here so every character starts with a white tier beginner weapon you can see amber here has the hunter's bow but through all those chests that we've opened we've obtained a level two weapon you can see that the hunter's bow has a base attack of 23 whereas the season hunter's bow has a base attack of 33 it's just a straight upgrade from tier 1 to tier 2 weapons the only difference is that tier 2 weapons have better stats so there's really no reason why we should not go ahead and and equip the seasoned hunter's boat going over artifacts there are five different types of artifacts however i do not want to equip artifacts right now on amber amber will be acting kind of as the support while i'm playing through and i'm not planning on using her for too long the main character however is a 5 star character to explain this characters have different rarities amber is a 4 star character the beginning character and some of the more sought-after harder to obtain characters are five star characters you can tell the rarity of a character that you have by going into the character archive here you can see every character that's currently been released for the game and you can see amber is down here as a purple those that have the gold background are the five star characters so let's equip some artifacts on our traveler the feather will always have attack the flower will always have hp and this is the first one that i have as a tier three artifact now you can see that the tier ones actually have a bonus effect uh this is the traveling doctor set so as a two set piece it will increase my incoming healing healing i receive by 20 and when i use an elemental burst my ultimate ability it will restore 20 of my hp and you can see i have a tier 3 version of or a tier 2 version of the exact same flower you can see the tier 1 gives you 129 hp the tier 2 gives you 258 hp and here we have the adventurous flower as our tier three it has a different effect being as a different group of artifact it will increase my max hp by a thousand if i have two pieces of this exact same artifact equipped it will also give me a 30 regenerated hp every time i open up a chest early game while i'm just running around exploring i think this is a great set to have to equip also it has the highest stats i possibly want right now more than anything what i'm wanting you guys to focus on is that big main stat there the plus 11 defense or whatever we don't care about that we're not going to care about that for a very long time well past beginner guide levels here we have the hat now the hat's a very interesting thing it will actually have a unique type of stat associated with it you can see this one has hp percent which can scale higher than flat hp it also has defense percent as an option or more importantly i have this one that has crit damage crit damage and crit rate can only appear as the main stat for your hat piece artifact so even though i have this three star hat this is much more rarer being a crit damage hat and will therefore be the one that i will personally be equipping right now you can see now i have two pieces of the traveling doctor and thus i have the two set bonus of traveling doctor activated on the goblet is another very unique one it allows you to have things like hp percent and defense percent but more importantly you can get things like animal damage bonus physical damage bonus electro damage bonus etc etc these bonuses will increase the damage that i deal with my animal in the case of an animal damage bonus or my basic white number attacks from my basic attacks with physical damage bonus some characters want to scale with their elements some characters want to scale with physical damage some characters can be built both ways it's really up to you unfortunately i have hp percent here not the biggest thing but i will go ahead and equip it just to boost my stats right now and then we have the pocket watch the pocket watch is a very important aspect also it will give you attack percent hp percent defense percent as well as its unique elemental possibilities being elemental mastery and energy recharge i'll be going over elmo mastery much later on but to go over elemental recharge it's basically how quickly my elemental burst my ultimate builds the higher mile mill recharge the faster i get my burst uh this is attack percent which is typically what most people run on their characters that are main damage dealers this will be fantastic to run on our main character for right now and just for the hell of it we'll go ahead and give him a silver sword and that is kind of like all i'm gonna be doing for building up my character for the next like 10 to 12 levels i don't really need to mess with this stuff in the early game you guys really don't need to even worry about this if you want you don't have to equip a single artifact to a character right now i'm just doing this to kind of help you guys know what to do anyways let's move on to other things much like characters weapons can be leveled if we go in here to our bag and look at my weapons you can see they are all level one the silver sword that we just equipped to our traveler could be leveled all the way up to 220 without needing any other form of material you can see i can feed in alderman other weapons that i do not want to use these low rarity ones or you could feed in these enhancement ores that you obtain from chess these will give xp 400 xp for the gray 2000 xp for the green and 10 000 xp for the blue these can also later on be crafted in the game by rocks that you can obtain i'm going to not be leveling this up right now it is only a two star item and we will soon be able to get three and four star weapons much more powerful items that are much more worth leveling right now there's no enemy that can stand the might of our amber and our newbie so let's get on with this now if we come over here these are iron ore veins these uh drop iron chunks that we can then use to craft later on at the blacksmith however they their health is a little bit chunky for our travel right now he can get through it but he he can only really get through these iron chunks not the white iron and definitely not the mystical iron however as i'll be showing you later you will get an option to obtain a character for free that will help you mine these stones much more efficiently i'm going to quickly just mine all these just cause i'm here apparently your elemental skill can be used also to help you mine all right we've obtained all those iron ore let's move on we're gonna move forward with the story slightly to help us get further to going inside of there that is monstat the main city of this region actually before we continue with the story down here we have our friend lynn she is gonna teach us how to cook but before she does that just come over here and hit investigate and this will drop the items the mushroom the foul you can break this rock and sometimes it'll drop you even more so and then come over here and talk with lynn she's going to ask you if you want to cook yeah i'm just gonna skip through here to quickly get to the cooking part so you come over to any little a pot and you can cook if it's not lit wind blade because somebody did that and you can no longer cook here call out amber or whatever pyro character you want and hit it and it will re-light it to allow you to cook so there are two menus here that this menu is for processing ingredients you can see i can turn my crabs into crab row don't do this only villains do that and over here i can cook dishes now what she wants me to make is a chicken and mushroom skewer which requires one mushroom and one chicken piece i can also make stuff like steak sweet medam these are all the recipes i currently have unlocked you can obtain more recipes through playing the game so let's make the chicken skewer that she wants us to cook so it's going to bring us up to this menu you see proficiency zero out of five when i max that by cooking this dish perfectly five times i'll unlock the ability to auto cook it so i don't have to play the mini game every time you also see in the top right hand corner i can select a different character to cook with some characters get bonuses for cooking specific dishes uh right now we do not currently have a character that does that so we'll just go ahead and cook this manually and you want to aim for that yellow square triggering it within the yellow square will give you the item perfectly done so continuing on with the story we're going up here to help amber uh a hilly turtle quick get it and before we help amber remember to activate the teleport waypoint that you're nearby this will give you plus 50 adventure xp aka your account xp these monsters have been getting too close to the city recently my task this time is to clear out their camp now that we have amber let's go ahead and talk a little bit about her now being a bow character she actually has two modes of firing her arrows if you just hit the attack button she will rapidly fire out arrows into a combo if you hold the attack button she will do a charged arrow shot that will infuse it with her element hers being fire there's also an aimed mode that you can activate it's r on mouse and keyboard on controller is just hold down the left trigger and you can deactivate it by letting go of the left trigger or hitting r again i'm sorry mobile i'm gonna have to stop mentioning what is on yours because i don't play mobile i i i don't know she also has what she calls the baron bunny it is a little dancing doll version of amber that will attract enemies to it kind of like the monkeys in call of duty zombies if you've ever played that and then as you can see it will also explode doing damage it does have a set amount of hp and if it's hp runs out it will explode then before the timer so let's use amber to take out this group of hill churros gonna knock that guy off we're gonna distract him with that we do much more damage with our charged shot then just spam shipping as amber it's also something to take as no nothing to it i just want to point out that i am skipping every cutscene for you guys i do think that kitchen impact has a fantastic story and should not be skipped uh all of the characters are very vibrant have great personalities and you should take your time to enjoy blazing around like this so we're gonna grab all the goodies that are on the floor grab the chest that we obtain and obtain adventure rank 4. now we're gonna go do a little bit more work to get a little bit more adventure xp the story wants us to continue on over into the city but for now i think it's best that we go down over this way this will allow us to obtain some more of these dandelion seeds very important as well as some slimes to fight of the new type this is the animal version of the slime slimes become part of an element and actually cannot be damaged by the element that they are a part of so that the slimes cannot be hurt by my animal because they themselves are animal this guy's stuck down here see that killing those slimes that randomly appeared can also reward you with a chest like i said i'm getting all these artifacts sure you could take the time to put them on amber but she doesn't really need them you can see that slime that i just killed has dropped an item this will happen a lot more commonly as you level up your adventure rank and the enemies in the world get stronger but the dropped items from from enemies are very important to obtain because they're useful for not only leveling your character up but also your weapon let's go ahead and grab it's one of those consolidated win things so these are called however the real ogs call them blue boys there are blue boys orange boys and red boys you're not going to tell them about the wrestler i'm telling them about the rest right now remember to grab as many of those as you can right in the beginning of the game it's important to mark the ones that you had found so that way when later on whenever you're trying to hunt them all down it's easier however now there's a convenient tool you can obtain that will show you any that you have not yet obtained so it's not as important also over here we have these these are wind will asters these are extremely important for leveling up some very important characters that you may obtain so it's important to grab them even if you don't use them for a while you may one day get a character that uses these that you will want to level up so now we come over to this statue of the seven seven let's make an offering and see if the gods are spun so we're going to unlock this statue of the seven which will reveal more of the map as well as allow us to teleport here then if we go to worship the statue and we offer our animoculus we will obtain rewards you can see we'll we're getting plus seven to our max stamina uh 80 adventure xp 10 primo gems which i'll be going over in a little bit and five animo sigils i have no idea how long this video is gonna be after i cut out all these cutscenes i've been recording for an hour now it's gotta be a lot less so pro gamer move number whatever grab these butterflies anytime you see them there are these blue butterflies here there are yellow butterflies and leeway and there are ice butterflies in the ice area and they give you crystal pores that you will need to use you can also see on the mini map there is this like diamond shaped object that is another animoculus you can see it over there and carefully work our way down because we don't have our ability to safely get down so bear that in mind and from a higher vantage point see we have a chest over there and a chest way over there we're gonna go get that chest carefully work our way down i said we're gonna go with this chest way over here don't worry the statue of the seven over here will heal me up there we go we're gonna grab this chest over here and then continue on with the main story we actually just got an artifact i think is really good for early game if you're looking for artifacts to specifically grab and that is this berserkers timepiece the berserker set is fantastic for early game you can see it gives me my attack percent it also gives me crit rate uh the two set piece for berserkers will give you crit rate plus 12 percent and as a four set piece when your hp is below 70 percent crit rate is increased by an additional 24 very good for doing some early game damage that's just triggering to tell us to go and talk with lynn to do the cooking uh because we didn't actually finish that we need to give lynn oh are you travelers from around here as well no i see i'm lit eat i don't remember this being voice actors that's okay you won't get there are some mushrooms and meat in the barrel over there so lynne here basically just wants us to give her is it done mushroom skewer that we cooked now that's really fine with your co oh can we really that's okay there's also okay thank you for these just her giving you the lowdown on cooking you can make sure to listen to that in your own time she tells you about obtaining recipes and the such all right so before we continue on with where amber wants us to go just as a note down here is wagner he's the blacksmith you can come to him to have things made as you can see i can turn the iron chunks that i farmed earlier into the gray tier iron rocks you can have up to four maximum crafting items going on at a time this is also how you can obtain some of the strongest weapons for free to play over here is catherine she's a potential robot and head of the adventurers guild uh catherine will give you daily quests that you can do that we will be going over here in just a minute the game's really wanting me to take a look at my quests this is where you can keep track of your quests in order to figure out what you're supposed to be doing as well as to track them by hitting navigate and it also shows you the reward for completing the quest this compass looking icon over here these are the currently active events we have the outland gastronomy going on right now that all you have to do is log in for seven days and you can see you're getting some pretty good rewards let's go ahead and claim that so here we have marjorie uh she's the owner of with wincom's glory this is the place that we turn in oh i can't do it yet this place where we turn in our animo sigils for unique and special items i guess since i'm going over elements of the ui i might as well cover in the top left hand corner next to the mini map is the pyman menu this is your start or pause menu and it basically gives you the rundown of stuff that you have you can see i can edit my profile this is what people see whenever they hover over me i can showcase various characters that i have obtained let's go ahead and just show off our fantastic beginning characters uh you can also change your name card you will obtain various different name cards by completing achievements becoming friends with characters stuff like that uh you can also set your birthday uh i recommend if you don't care about being on your actual birthday set this to tomorrow and you'll get a very nice benefit tomorrow uh let's see today is 3 25 just to time gate this video uh this also is where you can find your achievements and your achievements will give you primo gems which i promise i'm going to go over the prima gems in just a moment it's also where you can access the notice board the noseboard is informing you about events that are currently active in the game and upcoming so this is telling you about the current event that's happening the wind bloom festival as well as the recent update web events stuff like that it's a pretty important thing to look over if you want to know exactly what's going on in the game [Music] and then lastly we have our mail the mail is where you get your free stuff the good goods uh oftentimes kitchen impact or boyo will send you items just for playing the game you can see right here we have the three million registered milestone reward and for that we're getting 1000 of the gold coins 10 of these special blue balls i'll be going over soon food xp cards all that good stuff so this is good stuff to get and for first playing the game when you first sign in you get these wings of companionship reward which are special things that i will go over in just a second let's go talk with amber that's what you like to see and with that you get a luxurious chest there are a few other special chests to show you in the world you can see a luxurious chest actually gives you get back here a lot of great rewards compared to the regular and common chests so amber gave me one of the most important things in the game and that is the wing glider using these wings you can glide to your heart's content all around monstat anyway just get up somewhere high jump off and fly to your heart's content how you activate them is you jump off of a high up area and then you hit the jump button again and it will trigger your wing glider now i'm going up here because this is the only way to access this teleport so make sure you come and you grab it while you're up here if you will jump down you will find this luxurious chest as well as this common chest when the game first came out there was a big debate going on on whether or not chess respond and i can definitively tell you they do not respond however mojoyo does add chess into the game periodically you will be able to obtain new chess as well as whenever you level up your world level uh new chests can appear so you should always be on the lookout for them but just know that once you do open up a chest they're gone there's no reason to save opening up chests either because the rewards do not scale with your level okay before we meet up with amber make sure we also grab this teleport you could grab this before you're headed up but i forgot so after that cutscene you unlock what's called the dressing room this is where your new glider skin that you just got is as well as maybe future skins for your characters actually to change their appearance mojo please put that in the game i'm gonna look in this corner just because then the rest of the room is a bit of a spoilery thing of characters we have unlocked the shop this is where you can buy things unlock characters by saving up special resources called your star glitter that you obtain by getting duplicates of characters um and where you can of course top up your genesis crystals which you can then convert into primo gems you can see up in the top right hand corner the primo jim's we've obtained so far i've obtained 156 with these actually i've obtained a little bit more because i can go in here and there with these you can go into your wish system that was just unlocked and you can obtain characters now the first wish you should do is here on the beginner's wish because this is a discount you can see it says wish times 10 usually requires 10 over those little blue orbs that we obtain the acquaint fates but instead it costs eight so we get to save a little bit so i'm going to go ahead and do a 10 pull on here and it was a 5 star right off the bat that is extremely unlikely uh the odds of getting a five star on the first pull is ideal but not everyone gets to do that uh so when you do a temple you're guaranteed a four-star character and you have the chance to get a five-star as you can see you also get a bunch of level three weapons with the chance of getting some star weapons so we're gonna go through here and just see what we got that's good for the vaude and we got the luke who's a spoiler so we got a mosaic screen i guess and noelle who is the character that you want to pull on the beginner's wish for uh because she can help you mine stones as well as is a very good early game healer you can see i got stardust from that not the star glitter because i didn't obtain any duplicates but i did obtain 120 star dust that can also be used to buy wishes and other useful items as i'll show you here in a second there's also the character event wish now this is something important to note for free to play if you are planning on not putting any money in this you want to save all of your primo gems and all of your intertwined fates this kind of like pinkish blue ball you want to save those until a character comes out that you really enjoy and you want to play as them there is a the ability to try out all the characters that are available on this banner you can see on this banner we have venti who is a character that we will meet later on in the story as well as three other characters there's noel again so you can get multiple copies of noel to make your noel stronger there's sucrose who is a wonderful four star unit one of my favorites in the game and there's razer one of the strongest dps units in the game this is a great beginner's banner if you're just getting into the game and you want to just go ahead and throw some wishes on here be my guest there's also the weapon banner this is a scam don't do this and then there's the basic banner this has basically everyone except for the event character available on it this special looking bow and venti cannot be found in this banner but everything else can so bear in mind that you could wish on here in a five star appears and instead of getting you know like you see here you get one of those skyward spine weapons over there in my opinion you should just wish on this anytime you get a blue ball you get the blue balls pretty often just by playing the game so just wish off it uh you should also do you can do the beginner's wish twice before it goes away and since it's discounted really save up for that i'm just doing this because i don't know if i'll be playing on this account anymore so that is it for that the last things i want to go over is domains and bosses but i don't really have time to get to unlocking though so i'm just going to explain them so when characters level up they require special rocks let's take noel for example she requires these goldish rocks that come from the geo boss she also requires a special item that only the bgo boss drops so you have to fight the geo boss in order to ascend her to higher level tears she also requires a type of scavenged item in this case these valve berries she also requires items dropped by enemies in this case hilly churro masks so you want to fight the bosses in order to be able to level up your characters you only level them up so much depending on your adventure rank uh also artifacts there are going to be buildings called domains the these are where you obtain some resources in or level up your characters for their talents which i'll get into here in a sec as well as their artifacts however do not farm artifact domains until you are ar adventure rank 45. after that feel free uh because then you will be guaranteed to get a five-star artifact every time and that'll really help build up your account for weapons you can make do pretty well with a three-star weapon uh up until ar-40 or so but you should be getting some four-star weapons out of the gotcha as well as crafting them by then talents every character has different talents that can be leveled up after you send them the first time you can load up their talents which increases the damage of their abilities as well as gives more scaling to the effects and such these are leveled up with books that can also be obtained in domains uh pre-ar-45 you want to be focusing on grinding bosses for their drops as well as talents and talent books there are also ley lines these are gold and blue balls they give you xp and mora farm those and that's pretty much it follow the main story when you want to level up your characters grind that stuff out you'll be getting a resource called resin you can see in the top right hand corner that those moons 160 resin that is what you use to fight bosses domains and ley lines spin as soon as you log in spend that 160 doing that and then do the story hunt chess all that all right that's all i got time for and i was not planning on this video being this long i'll see you guys in a future video if you have any questions let me know in the comment section down below and yeah peace
Channel: theKingKota
Views: 219,053
Rating: 4.9154248 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact guide, genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact tips, genshin impact beginner guide, genshin impact how to, genshin impact pc, genshin impact ps4, genshin impact android, genshin impact mobile, genshin impact walkthrough, genshin, venti build, venti, tectone, xiao genshin impact, genshin impact venti, genshin impact game, genshin impact tier list, hu tao, memes, gaming, genshin impact hu tao, hutao, rosaria genshin impact, tier list
Id: 2qOZ0PO1yOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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