Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!)

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hello hello and welcome back to another video today we're going to be playing some genshin impact i think that's how you pronounce it please do forgive me if i'm wrong um i think a lot of people pronounce it in a lot of different ways there probably is a correct way i don't know anyway that's what we're gonna be playing today it's not something i planned on playing however um i have been recommended it to me a lot by people from my discord and i thought why not give it a try it's a free-to-play game and yeah if you guys want to i will leave the discord in the description so if you want to join and suggest stuff to me feel free and if not then you can join anyway i hope to do a lot more on there just as and when as well so what we're going to do is we're going to jump into this without further ado let's uh get started i guess here we go we're in okay let's see what this is about i have no idea what to expect i've seen very little gameplay of this click to begin jesus christ i don't know what to expect i'm i'm i'm actually excited i'm really excited so what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world we like cut scenes the art style is really nice i really like it i wanted to leave and go on to the next world your path was blocked by some unknown god bruh outlanders your journey ends here who are you the sustainer of heavenly principles the irrigation of mankind ends now [Music] reminds me of that smash oh we get to choose okay choose twin i guess we can choose male or female okay let your name be known oh this is cool i like this this is a very cool intro i'm really sorry about the sound it was too loud okay um okay abraxas that seems fitting right okay oh damn get pixelated oh damn wait don't go give my sister back oh damn okay how many years ago was it i don't know but i intend to find out when i woke i was all alone until i met you two months ago yeah really owes you for that otherwise kind of likely would have drowned so my mom will do her best to be a great guy pyman we should head off let's get going this game looks really cool i'm actually really excited that was a really cool intro to oh okay left to attack ah open the world map select an unlocked teleport waypoint to teleport to that location ah okay so this is like fast travel oh no i need to go this way okay no mind never mind we're going the wrong way we're going the right way now we're off to a statue of the seven which of the seven are you looking for exactly the fourth one okay oh is that a fox what is that cute look at him go oh wow oh that is cool i wasn't even looking at that cool there are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show the seven's protection over the world is there perhaps seven of them okay to the statue the art style is really pretty i really like it so i guess those are what the statues are for to like open up the map maybe that's really cool okay so i can actually see stuff now if we keep heading west from here we'll eventually reach monstat the city of freedom oh my god i'm gonna struggle with that monster is that what she said that is the city of wind because we worship the god of animals okay press e to unleash elemental skills whoa okay hold e to charge skill for increased power okay how do i know okay it's at the bottom right if you guys yeah you guys can see that i'm on the left side wow okay that's cool that's cool okay cue to unleash elemental burst disappear whoa that's cool [Music] [Laughter] did i notice the wind turned into like a fiery tornado because they put fire on the ground or was that just the ability i'll have to check that oh my words what is that there's something huge in the sky yeah it's heading towards the heart of the forest we must proceed with caution okay i'm i'm pretty sure that they could have eaten me if it wanted to oh a lizard oh i can catch him i got him oh i got his tail whoops on we go into the woods towards whatever that giant thing was that could definitely eat me whoa don't be afraid it's all right now i think he looks so cool is he talking to a dragon [Music] oh damn that thing looks so cool okay and they just vanished oh that doesn't seem good oh okay it ran away that looks so cool the design of that thing was awesome almost got blown away it's all right paimon luckily my mom managed to grab hold of your hair thanks ow there's some [Music] let's go take a closer look on it be careful hymon doesn't have a good feeling about this yeah normally bread is bad crimson crystal byron's never seen a stone like this before so pymon can't tell what it is all pymon knows is that it's dangerous best we put it away for now all i know is that it's dangerous put it in your pocket get out of here all right it's in my pocket i'm on if it explodes we'll be fine because my pocket will suppress the blast we'll be fine all right onward hey you stop right there oh [Music] yo you don't look like citizens of monstat explain yourselves we're not looking for trouble that's what all the troublemakers say i just got a point and this mascot what's the deal with it we're friends emergency food what oh come on wait [Music] leave it to me that's funny okay oh we have amber oh that's really cool okay so new weapons available okay so we have the doll blade right now so can i switch this i can oh the art style is sick i love that silver sword oh actually that is so cool i love that okay switch did that work yes are they ducks they're a ducks look at him go all right let's keep going um oh it's another one of the fast travels oh what now what what are you okay i missed it's fine we don't need an ability we can um the switches have been getting too close to the city recently okay clear out their camp we can do that hello boys actually wait should we try and use um range all right we hit one is it as simple as just okay no it's not switch quick we got a cabbage and radish sweet nothing to it so okay we need to open the character menu artifacts oh okay what does this mean then oh okay so they have like sets okay so we're getting experience scrolls i don't know if i should be using those or not um i feel like i won't for now if i notice things get a bit out of hand then we can uh definitely switch that hello lin are you looking cute cook next oh wow very sophisticated my travel partner here is good at cooking as well hang on that's right i love cooking too i can only cook a few simple things it's okay let's see what you can do oh god here we go okay chicken mushroom skewer oh god what am i doing oh no cook ah oh that's cool okay so it's not that it's not that uh complex at least this one isn't is it done smells good thanks let me try hmm [Music] [Music] oh no we've given her food poisoning now that's really tasty okay now we're good so we're still going towards mons stad i don't know how to pronounce it still but we'll figure it out pigeons goodbye pigeons it's timmy hello timmy what are you doing you're scaring the pigeons away they'll be back uh there's not much i can do about it now they'll be back they do come back usually but what happens if one day they leave and never come back again why did i talk to timmy oh never talk to timmy oh my god why do i feel like as as innocent as this looks on the outside there's probably going to be so many things on the inside that are just like oh no okay we're here sure before i take you guys to the knights of evonius headquarters i have a present for you traveler i was actually like wait are they actually gonna try and pronounce that hey why doesn't get a reward uh because this reward is useless to you paimon come with me we'll head to the city's uh high ground let's do it left alt to show the cursor years go to the location uh designated by amber oh we can set like a waypoint that's pretty cool hello herman hello all righty i'm here so the present i want to give you is okay a wind glider a wing glider i brought you here to give it to you so you can experience it right away oh you can see why it's not useful to prime on press space to glide use wsd to oh i see that's pretty handy though i'll like that's really really nice because that just means that you know avoid fall damage and whatnot the sky at all oh man oh well there i go roll the credits i'm [Music] dead oh no i'm good oh wow it's good thing she gave me the wings now couldn't i fly before i guess that was in that other world though right huh oh damn glider i'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand wins okay now concentrate see yourself grasping the wind oh my god okay i did i didn't realize okay i am i have a mini gun now this is this is this makes sense this poor dragon man i know it's like threatening us but surely there's like better ways to do this you know what it's fine we don't question it all right oh oh it's got something on its back are you hurt hello you've actually got the power to go up against the dragon this is kaya our cavalry captain these two are travelers from afar your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens the acting grand master of the knights of favonius is also very interested in meeting you and formally invites you both to our headquarters right it's not too far away this seems to be the knights of pavonius headquarters let's head in let's do that yes i thought we agreed to meet them here gene i've brought them i am jean acting grand master of the knights of favonius this is lisa our resident librarian i really like lisa's outfit that is so cool i love the colors lisa has revealed the sources of storm terror's power with her detection magic they're located in the abandoned four winds temples it doesn't like we're not going to start getting into more of the combat stuff so which is good because that's exactly what um i want to see i can obviously talk a bit more and explain a bit more there so okay and to open the map and she is out over here do i have a teleport thing there i do right where is she ah she's down there okay amber this is it one of the deserted temples of the four winds [Music] it looks really cool the design on the outside is nice oh wow okay oh okay so we can have up to four well these are the only two we have so maybe i should have got another character but we're gonna do this for now hopefully we'll be all right i'm sure we will be this is the first one so i'm very curious you can use that console to open the door okay open the door okay wow i can see so far into the temple yes amber has the ability to aim and shoot while aiming her arrows will accumulate charge once fully charged the arrow will be imbued with pyro okay that makes sense if we switch to her is that gonna continuously burn it is okay that's more like it i like that you can move as well this is nice the fact that you can move while aiming is really nice as well whoa okay i don't know what just happened use elemental sight to see the elemental attributes of different objects each element has its own color ah okay no now i know i see okay can i shoot from here oh no i'm sorry bro oh no let's jump down there oh that's cool okay so you can like combo stuff oh a horn well good thing i've prepared my secret weapon explosive puppet berry bunny explosive what okay we'll manage oh is that the bunny oh that's what she means is it like a decoy oh it exploded okay there we go we got a chest sweet is there anything like over here i should be paying attention to yes there is oh okay cool okay traveling doctor's handkerchief should i should i be looking at that hang on let's have a look yes it is an artifact okay traveling dog is doctor's handkerchief oh wow okay are those explosive barrels over there i love it okay [Music] set them on fire quickly okay let's throw the bunny down go buddy go okay don't miss that would be smart okay i got the one cool the back that one's gone as well it's just this guy left we get rid of this guy get out of here there we go sweet oh sorry bunny okay traveling doctor's pocket watch keep up with me oh wait so i can combo that hang on if we combine this ah increases incoming by 20 over here on this side that's really cool it's so high seems like there's something up there okay but how do we get across oh isn't this a viral monument aha we got it that's really cool i like that a lot okay it's not full dragon's breath is that where the power is coming from let's smash it okay we are just gonna break it okay we broke it okay what did we get uh adventurous experience and fine enchantment or okay that was cool if all the dungeons are like that that's really cool because um i do yeah i'm very curious to see like how they advance on that sort of later on in the game as well because obviously that was like the first one so it was basic wow okay we've got to go very far away well i mean this gives us this gives us time to explore and just have a look around what's this what is this i don't know what this is can i hit it oh i do hit it yeah iron chunk okay we got some iron there's a chest wrapped in oh do i need to do the the big brain yeah there we go these guys are level nine should i mess with these guys i don't think i should but you know what we're going to anyway okay now his shield's on fire here we go oh ow bunny time oh he wound that shot up didn't he okay come here all right we got him let's get the other guy okay we knocked him over knocked him over again missed him that time oh oh god okay wow i got um 12. okay oh i got to hold again okay we're all good we're good okay we have quite a lot of health so it's not the worst thing there we go okay okay and we got some more of the stuff that we've been getting before okay i don't think there's any whoa okay hello what are you i have no idea what element you guys are she probably looks nice what was that electro crystal all right hello what's going on either see if i can okay so he blocked that but it still knocked him over anyway is that like a dodge button i i not 100 maybe i missed that there we go block that boy let's go in here and do one of these right there we go okay so we knocked them all up in the air let's try to get rid of this guy as fast as we can there we go perfect oh okay knock me over you know what we don't need to worry about you bro get out of here oh my god he's gone he's gone he's ascended there we go [Music] there we go okay hello you what was your name you've arrived i have hello temple of the wolf whoa okay i'm him now okay let's do this then kind of experience you get after years of dealing with things like this for others oh wow okay i like that a lot oh if you jump and swing that's cool i use chrome skills to temporarily disable it i was thinking just that there we go whoa oh i teleported behind it that's cool freeze okay nice all right up we go open this oh okay there we go now he's wet now he's frozen good idea that's some keen observation we should get gene to give you a title and make unite oh look at this freeze the water surface creating a safe passage ah we got an adventurous bandana which should make it a four piece set opening a chest regenerates 30 max health over five seconds yes okay we're across aha here it is is that the thing that storm terror is using to gain its power seems probable nice bravo what a performance oh we have him as a character now oh that's cool wow this game is pretty look at that okay well i think on that note we will end it there that is so pretty i can't believe that that's really cool right okay i think i'll leave it there guys um i really enjoyed that it's such a fun game i really do like the story i love the art design it's got very nice fighting mechanics it takes a little bit to get used to for me but um that's probably just me if there's enough people that want it as videos i can do more videos on it um i didn't nearly touch the majority of the game i haven't even looked at yet but yeah thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate you all as always i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and i will see you guys next time goodbye my friends
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 208,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abraxos, genshin impact, family friendly, Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!), funny moments, memes, edits, dungeons, dragon, comedy, free to play, anime, open world, loot, jokes, impressive, intense, genshin impact first time playing, first time, new player
Id: eSr0ExM4wsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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