My Sister Guesses Enemies in Genshin Impact

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so alex i've shown you all the characters i've had you guess the rarity of the characters so today i wanted to do something slightly different and i wanted to show you the enemies that you actually find in the game okay then i'm gonna get through this one at a time i'll tell you a little bit about them and then i just more than anything i just want you to tell me what you think about them if you like the look of them if you think they look better some different way and then i'm going to ask you to rate them out to 10 with one being a pushover you don't even need to worry about them although it's 10 being like almost impossible to beat you'd have to try several times cool sounds good let's go so i'm going to start off with slimes so there are many different kinds of slimes what you see here now are anime slimes like air slimes uh there's slime so all the elements so you'll see through them all here we have cryo slimes they're not as fun they look dirty and each different slime stuff has a different thing like a radish radishes white i don't know uh the glees are green yeah no i don't like them yeah are the electro ones no they don't look slimy enough okay these are geo slimes like rock slimes they don't look like geo but i like the ears these are adorable chunky rocky bits on top of them yeah they should do it more like ice where they have like a whole rock thing on top of them then we have hydro slimes watermelon they just look like the air ones to be honest they do a bit yeah they don't really look any different so what would you sort of give these a difficulty rating out of ten like a one or a two they really don't seem very like good yeah i kind of agree i'd say like a high two maybe they're they're not too much to worry about if there has lots of them you could maybe consider that a threat but usually it's sort of safe with these they're too derpy to be strong yeah you're right so let's begin another elemental enemy which is the eye of the storm i like witches or something yeah they like confuse what i'm looking at they're these floaty sort of balls of air the wind they're the wind element or the air and element and they sort of fly around they do lots of powers that either suck you want to blow you away they look more like than her they've got like a whole process oh geo oh yeah it looks more like a rock type i see that with the shell yeah so how would you rate these out tent for difficulty like a four or five so we're in the middle not too bad not too strong yeah i'd say they're not super strong if you don't have an archer it can take you a while to get them because when they're flying around you can't hit them which is quite annoying but they're not super strong and the final elemental enemy that i have for you here today is a geo vishap which is this sort of a geo elemental it's a bit like a little lizard it rolls it digs underground so quick i feel like sonic i could barely even tell where he is i don't know how i feel about this one like it's it looks cool but it doesn't i don't know if i'd enjoy fighting it it's a bit boring do you think it's moving around a lot yeah but that's why like you just can't ever see it you just he's either rolling or he stood i feel there's not much in between so see when he goes underground he drops those little shields yeah and when you wear if you have one if he rolls into you while you have a shield up he will sort of get knocked over all right you see he's just not interesting like he even generates his own thing of how to beat them yeah okay so how would you what would you give these out of 10 for difficulty see i'd only want them to be like a three but they're probably like a six or a seven realistically okay i'll probably give it maybe a five they're not really tough as you said they sort of provide their own weakness to you i really like them i think they're quite cute they're just a bit boring okay so next we're going to go to an enemy which is known as pillar chills so these they're a bit like goblins i guess the game's equivalent of goblins you see here there's one with a club and a shield and then there's another with a crossbow yeah you've seen a minute they have quite a variety of different sort of weapons and tools and fighting styles so this one is digging in the ground to throw things at you throwing rocks there's another one with a club i don't know if i like these again like the other one i just feel like it's a bit boring but there's nothing particularly special about it i will agree on their own they are quite underwhelming this one has a like a flamingo it's more interesting because like the color scheme is different as well yeah they do have like this one sort of a pyro one there are cryo ones electro ones in the new area if you see here the rain it puts out his torch which is quite fun yeah like the standard ones just seem very boring like they're just kind of there you kind of get through them and that's it like it's nothing yeah that's interesting they are sort of the bug standard enemies there's some fire crossbow ones here so would you give them out of ten four i don't think they're too hard to like beat yeah i'd probably give them like a three out of ten as you said on their own they're kind of a bit meh but then they they aren't always on their own sometimes they're joined by these summer chill which are the sort of magic ones you see the one with the stuff there he summoned these thorns to get in the way see that's more interesting it's like a little like probably gonna be the old one of the village yeah or something yeah we also see here uh there are different elements so we have one here that uses wind power anemone see that's way more interesting i mean the other ones are still really boring but but they sort of get in your way yeah interrupt you while you're trying to fight the the summer chill and here we have two together the one and a cryo one so you can see you're trying to dodge all these cryo spikes while also those whirlwinds blowing you away and things see that looks actually fun to fight and like it would be a challenge so would you give these out of ten as if as long as they're paired with like the boring ones probably seven yeah okay i'd i'd probably say they are quite they don't have super high health so i would i won't quite give them that difficulty and next another hilla chill sort of variant i suppose you could call them these are the these are the mitochon which are like the big strong ones and they have different varieties of weapons so this one has a shield and we'll do big shield bashers they'll do this big shield charge where they charge at you with the shield and knock you back it looks like a ball it does a bit yeah with the horns or a minotaur yeah and like the way he charges as well headbutts this one has a big axe you see he pulled a pyro slime out of the ground and put his axe on fire with it see looking at the other types it just makes the first one look even worse like why do they even exist you've got to start somewhere yeah but it's not only good and finally here's a cryo shield one similar to the normal shield one but it's cryo instead of wood it's just more interesting i mean yeah like they're probably gonna be relatively difficult it looks like they've probably got a lot of health and defense you're right what would you give them out of ten probably the same as the other one about seven yeah i'd say this is more of a more higher number um i'd say because as you mentioned they have a lot higher health they take a longer to deal with yeah and we're going to the last in the hilla chill family these are called a lower chill and these are massive like a big mountain yeah so these are the geo ones right and as you saw he sort of at the start of the fight he gave himself a big geo shield and now he's glowing so all of his attacks do extra geo damage you see it does some big slams and punches so like if your character was jio would it would you take less damage from a geo type or not exactly how it works so geo's an interesting one where geo is strong against geo right but most elements are not uh so geo attacks will get rid of their shield easier this cry one for example if you have a pyro attack you will hurt his shoe better there i quite like this one is they have slightly different moves so this one is that big jump uh instead of doing a big line of geo he does a big circle cryo around him i think going from just the health bar on top it seems like it's almost like a it's like a mini boss yeah i think they're technically elite enemies so would you give those eight and a enough half definitely up there on the difficult scale i would say next we're going to go on to a whopper flower so these if you see here i'm just picking the mints like normal this one has a speech mark if you try to pick that mint it's actually a whopped flower i don't like that it could be a pyro it doesn't seem like a flower or like mint especially should be fire yeah i kind of get what you mean there are several elements yeah i mean if the little like mint things look different for each thing so you can kind of tell which type it was going to be though i feel like that would be a lot better they don't all come from mints it's just that particular ones are men so this was doing a lot of pyro effects which making everything on fire he looks fun to fight but just a bit boring like it's one that isn't always there and you can tell when you're gonna fight it so it's kind of like an optional fight in a way i feel like if you're paying attention yeah but see they have a shield while they're charging up that fight's cool i like that so what do you think you give these out of ten probably a five fair enough yeah they they have a lot of health but they are quite easy to deal with especially when they have their shield up if you break their shield before they do their charge attack then they get stunned next we're going to go on our second group of the game which are the future so the fertility are agents from another country [Music] so are these all three separate things so these three are the sort of the main fertility so you have the electro one there's a cryo on there and a pyro sniper all right but they all they always come in combination different combinations of yeah elements you'll see later there are there's i think there's some for every element except dendritic which is the grass one here we have a cryo and a hydro one so you can see the cryo if they combine they freeze you together which is quite annoying the hydro one also heals their friends [Music] i quite like these people like i really like them i don't like the fact that they're people i don't know why i just feel like the monster should be like humanoid well they they are human yeah i just don't like it we went like most of the enemies in this game i want them to be more like animal and not like things i don't know what do you give them as a difficulty rating depending on the combination it could range between like a five and a seven okay i'd say they're quite they are quite difficult especially as you mentioned the combinations the electro one specifically if you don't have something to deal with his shield when he makes one it's very annoying to do said from experience yes i'm sure many people will agree next we go into a future agent so these are sort of more higher ranked for 28 tattooing as you saw they can turn invisible he does lots of pyro attacks so when he turns invisible can you still hit him or yes so if you see here he's got the electro on him from one of my attacks and you can actually see he's glowing now because i hit him with an element he's still there you just can't see him yeah they're quite interesting i think they'd be really annoying to fight they can be especially what you saw the start where he had pyro spinning around you'll see in a minute as well it looks like you've got a lot of tails as well oh on his jacket yeah so what do you think you give them out ten six i don't know if if they're on their own probably only a six but if they're in a group that may be a bit higher yeah i'd probably agree with that so here you can see he fell near the water and i just pushed him off and everything dies and finally for the future we have the fortuity i think it's sitting mage so these are sort of magic for tui and they focus on summoning so you see here she summons some electro little fly things yeah she looks a bit like the character i can't remember which one but i remember she was a five star and it was the one that looked a bit like a clowny magic person electric possibly is it purple here they have this big the electrons have this big shield they can swim which zaps you when you're close by it's very annoying to deal with they look pretty cool i like these ones yeah the cryo ones are much more defensive focus the flies you'll see there they're shooting energy into her to give her a shield she also will command them to go and attack you so does every like um enemy have different elements most of them do like the hillar chills can either be normal but they can't have elements the fortui definitely do some enemies as you'll see will have multiple so would you give these out ten i'd say they're probably quite hard to fight so maybe about an eight yeah i can see that i probably put them on par with the agents right a lot of health yeah on to the next group of enemies we have first we start off with a ruin guard so these are mechanical enemies yeah it's like a robot yeah exactly so these are quite big and beefy if you fire away they'll shoot missiles at you these are cool i like these ones they are very cool i really like the the ruin selection i guess they're humanoid but they're robots so they're not they're clearly not humans yeah these ones are fun yeah see they have big stumpy quite slow news i mean it does have the health bar at the top though which applies yeah is a stronger character i think the elites all have health bars at the top so [Music] that's what this really annoying spinning move well you have to pretty much run away the whole time do these have other elements they don't and they actually have this weakness if you shoot them with a bow in their eye yeah twice you can stun them like this and then after a few seconds they'll get back up so what'd you give them eight ish yeah i i would agree though they're not necessarily difficult if you spend a lot of the time dodging but you have to definitely make sure you dodge their attack so you can get buddy next with ruins we have a ruin hunter so these float unlike the other ones and they have four arms this looks like the character it's lost in space i shall be watching recently it looks cool so you'll see with their arms they sort of make spikes which they attack with i think i just like this set of characters i really like them as well they're very cool looking they're just interesting to watch so i feel like they'd be quite interesting to play against so here you can see they can they can sort of fly further in the sky if you don't have an archer which i didn't then you spend a lot of time dodging missiles as they fire them down like how we just disconnect his arms and use them to myself yeah they look very cool to shoot lasers because missiles might not be enough maybe you should learn to always carry an action i could so would you give them out probably the same as the other one about an eight yeah i'd say they're probably slightly higher they're a lot faster to deal with and as you saw if you'd have an archer yeah it could be a pain to deal with next we have a ruined grader so these are massive they're just like a big version of the one before but just with like um shoulder spikes wait do you see what they can do there they can they they can use a lot of energy weapons they're a lot bigger as i mentioned shoots a laser and these instead of just shooting them in the eye once you shot them in the eye little slots open on the legs and you have to shoot them before you can better sounds fun though yeah it is fun but it's also very difficult especially when they're spinning what do you think give that out ten nine or nine and a half i'd say so they're quite uncommon but when you do see them it's sort of a big event to fight them and they're huge as you can see there and then for the final ruin monster which just recently got in the game with the newest iteration we have ruined sentinels so these are obviously a lot smaller but they come in packs yeah they're like little flower things yeah i see them in those little snakes oh they look like um the little lamp um from pixar yeah they do and they can kind of transform a bit you'll see later like that one sort of drilled itself into the ground yeah it pops up somewhere else these are fun i'm assuming they never come as just one i've not seen them yet uh just one i've only seen them as a group i haven't fully as of recording this i haven't fully exploded in azimi yet so i feel like they'd probably be quite easy with just one of them but because as if there's a like two or more it would be quite chaotic yeah you saw that charging up explosion was sucking me in then yeah so i had to sprint to get out of the way so do you give those as long as they're in a group of at least three i'd say about a seven yeah i don't think they're as strong as the other ones but as you mentioned in the group anything can change so next we are going on to abyss majors so you can see here there are three types of mismatch there's actually a fourth one which just came out in the game i don't have any footage of that one but here we have an hydro a cryo and a pyro this mage and electro has come in recently i like the ice one i think that's my favorite it looks cool it's got like a weird fur head thing yeah it's like a woolly jacket yeah it's the cutest one so each of them have slightly different moves you can see the pyro one is leaving these little fire things shooting yeah the cry one is leaving ice around the ground which hurts and the pa the hydro one shoot little bubbles at you which if you get caught in you get stuck inside the bubble these are fun do they always come in sets of like different types no so normally they are actually on their own or with hillar chills actually right because hillary clinton's kind of dumb so they coerce them to work with them you can see that if you break their shields they kind of sort of lie on the floor and can't really move around they can fight back still you'll see that they're going to start doing these different magics to try and swing the shields back so they're not completely defensive these are fun i like these ones what'd you give them then in a group of each other probably about seven but if they're just with the hilla chills maybe like five i would say on their own they're maybe not in the ruined levels but they are quite difficult yeah okay for the next kind of recent addition to the game we have some more abyss creatures so this is the abyss herald this one looks cool a lot bigger than the the major it's a different art style as well yeah they're less derpy and blobby yeah refined i guess so you can see this one this one's a hydro one a water one he has lots of water slashes and he just shoots you can shoot water so does arms become swords they do look like they do yeah they sort of have magic swords come out of their arms yeah so with the abyss herald what happens when you get into low health like this they spawn this shield which is hydro so obviously if you have a hydro character you can't hurt them and then they sort of go into an enraged state and start doing much faster attacks you hear doing lots of beyblade spinning attack much faster he does this new attack where he shoots out in all directions i like this one this one's cool what do you give those out ten an eight so i i'd probably give them like a nine these are really tough what would you say is the hardest element i don't know there's only two elements of these which i'm going to show you the next one because they slightly different so next we have an abyss lecta so these are similar to the herald but electro it looks like a big sword it does a bit these ones are less of sword-focused i guess uh it has a book and it's casting spells yeah this one's like it looks a lot more boring it's not moving i don't know i just like it when they move quickly i think yeah it sort of stays in place and shoots from afar you sort of have to go to it i feel like that would make it easier because it's just it's always a stationary target i don't know if it would make it easier but it feels like it does so here this one has the electric shield and it starts casting the spells a lot faster at this point it has a lot cooler spells as well yeah like i quite like it but i prefer the other one fair enough what do you think you'd give it about ten i'd say a little bit lower so if you put the nine the other one i'd say this one's about eight i'd agree with you i think yeah i really like the design now i think they look really cool okay so we're going to the final group of enemies here we have the treasure hunters so these are literally just people who are treasure hunters or treasure hoarders these are boring so these they kind of work together so you see they have two people throwing different elements at you like and then you have this guy with a spade who if you get hit by it it blocks your vision for a bit it just doesn't look fun it just looks like you've got a cross and you've had some other people and they're just like oh i don't like you and i just decided to fight is i feel like enemies should be more like creatures rather than people well you won't like any of these i think you were there why did you get them out of 10 then they look very boring even though there are quite a lot of them i'd say maybe about four or five yeah they're definitely i'd say they're stronger than the hilla chills but they aren't too tough next we have a new enemy the nobushi these are samurai like straw hats and they're obviously a lot bigger and stronger i mean they're a bit more interesting but still on the boring side like they're definitely not the best ones so far you see here they they do a lot of slashes where they'll put their sword in their sheath and then charge at you yeah the one with the big hat here he'll throw fireworks out at you yeah i mean they're definitely more interesting than the other ones but i still feel like if you see them in the distance you'd kind of avoid them so would you give them out ten then five turn off i'd say i'd say they're sort of on the same level as like a meter shell the ones with the big shields and that yeah and now for the final in this group i think they're technically in the same group it wasn't obvious but i'm gonna butcher the name here the kairagi i think you'll quite like these so these obviously very samurai inspired yeah it's like a shogun i think they're definitely the most interesting of the group so this one has a fire abilities you can apply fire to a sword and then when obviously when he has firing a sword there's a taxi higher damage now you could just put him in the water he's extinguished i still got fire if you see her they can block as well so if you're in the middle of attacks he can start blocking and he's i'm into most damage when he does yeah like yeah it's definitely more interesting i just don't it it looks like more of a challenge because it is just a solo one so here we have it's the same enemy with electro this time it's got an enemy that if you see it you'll go fight it but it's one that you don't seek out as much i feel fair enough and what would you give this out of 10 for difficulty maybe about seven i haven't haven't had too much of a chance to fight these but i would say they're probably like in the highs so seven eight okay we'll go on to the final enemy which is another new one this is the mirror maiden so she does hydro damage and she can trap you in these cages and cast spells on you while you're trapped and she uses mirrors to cast spells this is quite cool i think this is a really cool design yeah i feel like this is definitely an interesting one like the like cage things as well yeah you have to sort of dodge them if you don't have like range then you're kind of screwed well you also see they do these big charge attacks there which you have to try and dodge i really like the look of those are the then mirrors also have these teleports which they can do to move out the way so is this just the water type then no this is the this is just it all right there's only this one type i hope they come out with more types they might do this is only just literally two days ago as of recording this came out so would you give these out of 10 do you think um maybe you're at an eight and a half i've literally only fought this one that i recorded and i spent most of the time not attacking it but i probably give it a high sort of eight and a half ish as well yeah they're really cool so now you've had a chance to look at them all are there any that you thought were your favorites any you thought could have been better could have been worse so i think the slimes are adorable and they're really cute they are very cute but i think overall my favorite would be the ruin hunter i just really like the way that it kind of floats and it's got four arms it uses the arms as weapons and it detaches them and everything it's definitely very cool i think personally for me the mirror maiden is my favorite is new so it does have that going for it maybe i'll change my mind but as at the moment i really like the mirror made and it's really cool i think the worst ones for me would be the hiller chills and the treasure hoarders they just kind of seem like kind of bad groups of like humanoid things that are just kind of a bit boring i quite like the hilla chill i think they're quite sort of cute and have a bit of a funny sort of goofy atmosphere to them which they're the sort of the low level enemies that you start off the game fighting yeah i think i just prefer like slime like creature type things with humans that's a general like an enemy concept if you could add another enemy type to this game what sort of style would you go for for the next expansion move yeah i think some sort of like animal thing because a lot of them are very either like human or roboty type things there aren't many animals what kind of animal i want to say some sort of wolf it's funny you say that because the next video we're going to be doing is on the bosses of gentian impact so join us next time when we look at some of those if you enjoyed this video a like is appreciated and if you really enjoyed it consider subscribing see you next time you
Channel: Wheat
Views: 8,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, Impact, Genshin Impact, Guide, Play, Game, Funny, Bennett, Why, Should, Main, Carry, Support, Characters, new, player, Xiao, Tartaglia, Childe, Zhongli, Main Character, Quiz, easy, medium, hard, fun, questions, theme, song, Kazuha, Klee, Eula, yoimiya, songs, xinyan, barbara, 1.6, update, thoughts, best, Jean, Barbara, Skin, Alice, Lore, Everything, We, Know, About, ProZD, LilyPichu, Lily, Pichu, Hu Tao, Ganyu, Qiqi, Venti, Diluc, Mona, Keqing, Albedo, Enemies, Hilichurl, Slime, Fatui, Inazuma, Samurai, Mirror Maiden, Ruin Hunter
Id: VkvKhqZrdII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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