Exploring Genshin Impact! - Thank you for 27k!!

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] do do do [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] dude hello hello what's going on everyone i hope you're all having a wonderful weekend how are we all doing welcome to the stream i hope you're all doing wonderfully today i am ready and i'm well i'm almost ready i'm i'm ready to play i'm almost ready to stream we'll be there in a second um give me one moment i'll move everything across how are we all doing how is everyone's weekend going i always think i'm ready to stream and i'm like right i've got everything set up and i'm ready to go but there's always something and you know what it is this time it's nightbot i've forgotten i'll get it back up in a second guys sorry moderators hopefully it should be working in a second hello guys how are you all doing i'll catch up with the chat in just a moment there we go all right wonderful awesome okay let's move this across brilliant how are we all hello guys we're gonna turn on the game sound there we go right let's see where rosaria is today oh she's on the bench here we go are we ready well hey there we go hello guys how's it going how are we all doing um i'm going to say hi to some of you guys real quick oh no how is it going we got comfort hello my friend um immortal emperor how's it going we've got she we got jessie we've got elizabeth hello elizabeth we've got jay um we've got martina we've got elisora we got donut we've got belle uh we've got academy oh my god hello guys how are you all doing i hope you're all doing wonderfully today we've got choo choo we got venti we got your mum um we've got another donut we've got jolly uh we've got sharp hello sharp hello guys on my web we've got pizza man as always hello pizza man we got jp hello jp we've got curo we've got doctor hello doctor we've got mez oh what am i why there's so many of you got alex hello alex we've got power oh my word there's so many of you we've got hyperion flower heaven liam i see you my man blink once thank you so much um for the 10 hk dollars i hope the stream goes smooth today thank you so much i hope so too hopefully hopefully hopefully hopefully um level 90 rosaria pog yes i can't believe it i'm very excited um we've we've had bits of development since um we've had like i've done a little bit of farming off-camera obviously for my dailies and using my resin and stuff um there's a little bit to show you guys not much but it's all good notice me coruscant i um kent how's it going my friend oh my word hello guys arthur i see you oh my god you didn't wait oh my god you noticed me yes i did lily i see you um oh my god okay guys i'm sorry i can't say hello to absolutely everyone i wish i could but there's so many of you lovely people that it's it's gonna be impossible but i will try my best hello nutta butter zoey i see you i see sober as well oh my word you guys are brilliant okay have you done all the weekly bosses not yet um i usually do all that stuff off camera just purely because it takes a while and i just want to keep stuff moving so that's what we're going to do um we'll do our dailies first as that's always a nice quick thing to do um while we wait for people to sort of join the stream and then we'll go from there dreamer zeke thank you so much for the 2bgn uh entire stream of abraham just saying hi to everyone i mean if you if you join the twitch streams usually it's a little bit quieter so it is easier um to say hi to everyone so i can do that but not to say i don't appreciate you guys here today it's just i wish i could say hi to everyone but then it would just be i would become you know the chat archon where i just sit there and read the chat all stream and as much as i would love to do that that's not why you guys are here we're gonna quickly run and do whoa we're gonna quickly run and do this real quick just purely because of the fact my resin is full so yes our sucrose is an absolute queen and the reason for that is i've been trying to focus on doing sucrose's artifacts now i will show you guys in a minute if you guys want to see the artifact situation it's not great in fact it's nowhere near good i guess it's not bad but it's not ideal either um but it works it works and that's the main thing there we go get out of here um i've been i've been really focusing on sucrose because she's just a queen i want to look at the spiral abyss as well a lot of you guys were saying that sucrose is good for that so it's a win-win all round really oh gosh oh no don't freeze me don't do it um amber supremacy yes amber's in here too um obviously a lot of people are probably going why are you using amber what are you doing um but there is al there's always a method to my madness um just trust just trust me it'll be fine don't don't panic we'll be all right it works and that's the main thing it works i need to i need to help pour amber out bless her heart she's uh she's she's the lower side of this team but you know what we appreciate her anyway don't we yes is the answer to that yes i knew here first stream um hessa i hope i'm saying that right hello my friend welcome to the stream uh did nightbot wake up i hope nightbot woke up there we go okay i still need to do some of the ley lines for this week so that's why we're doing that quickly oh my hiccups they've already started this ain't good um georgina is it georgia sorry not georgina georgia hello my friend uh or georgia georgia i hope i said that right um yes okay so i'll tell you what we'll do let's go and do one more ley line and then we'll go and do the daily uh like the daily commissions because then that way we'll make sure that we have our primos and also um if if we can't think of anything to do today after we've done what i plan to do today we can just do the rest of our resin it's not a problem at all um abra hi hi great day that's awesome ender i'm glad you're having a good day i hope all of you are how are your friendship levels good question i think rosario's the first one i've got to level 10. actually that happened yesterday i believe so benny's at nine sucrose is seven friendship on amber is eight obviously ten is rosaria luke is two the owner is seven five three seven obviously that one doesn't have one six four five four four eight three five two three three there you go there's all my friendship levels but razari is the first one we got to to level ten she's also our first level ninety she's our first max ascended rosario's just a queen she's that queen um as far as it goes for sucrose while we're in this menu i've got sucrose to level 80 so sucrose is just a princess beyond all magnificent powers like she's just amazing um if we look at her artifact i've been leveling them up you will be proud to know some of these have been leveled slightly i literally just changed this feather that's why it's at level zero um but we've got level 10 on the time one we've got level 14 on the cup which has bonus animal damage what what is the what does the clock even have it has attack hp attack hp crit rate not terrible not great uh this one has quick damage attack i want to change this one which is why i haven't leveled it this one's pretty nice hp crit rate defense elemental mastery attack i really like that one as you can see the set bonuses are increased elemental mastery and increased animal damage so we're trying we're trying our best we're trying our best with what we have um as you guys know farming artifacts is a massive pain but we're managing there we go let's get these guys let's get these guys look at this will just clean them up look at this they're just going to clean that up for us look oh my word i didn't even need to do anything that was the fastest i've ever done one and that was it it was done it's done um when are you going to farm artifacts i'm currently trying to do that um i have been doing it this week quite a lot um i want to make sure i get all of my weekly stuff done first so that's why um not four piece um for the ammo damage baron is that the one you mean the reason why is i just don't have the the artifacts for it yet i've been really unlucky with getting the five stars i do it at level 90 so i'm guaranteed a a five-star artifact it's just they've not been very good um and if if they're not good they're always like repeat ones that i have or worse ones that i have so it's it's it's you guys know i mean you guys know better than i do how bad farming artifacts can be sometimes with just the luck and the rng around it so we're just gonna have to hope um that i can get some better rng what we'll do is we'll do a stream uh maybe soonish where we'll properly like because i said i want to start focusing on a specific character every stream um so what we'll do is we will maybe like look into sucrose and like do do all artifacts for her in one stream or something i'll save all of the domains for like a sunday or something um plan for today um i want to finish this for one um that would be the main priority is finishing this because i think there's more challenges now so that'll be nice for the primos then we'll see i'm not too sure i do want to look into the spiral abyss soon maybe we can do that today i don't know but we'll see look at the boys did they come [Music] point oh no i'm sorry it had to be done no don't do it you don't want to you don't want this let's light it up come on light it up amazing what i'm benny good job buddy oh no bad judgement everybody's dead here we go that's it baron bunny's here get the baron bunny you can't run that's it nicely done oh here come more pick up more no don't do it you don't want this all right i want to hit this thing but it's fine there we go i like to use sucrose um but she does make fights a little bit too easy sometimes i know i can increase my world level again um but i haven't really decided to do that yet just purely because level 90 seems a bit too out of reach like it's possible but it's very difficult so until i'm a lot more comfortable with all my characters um i'm not gonna up it just yet but that's fine pudding for kazoo maybe um we'll see how many wishes i have i'm not too sure what our um situation will be with primos but we will see we'll see it's it's the law to hit the explosive barrels it really is the melt is amazing yes i do love mel mel is is definitely one of my uh favorite ones with this team for sure um gentian's one year anniversary is in september wow that's awesome soon then wow it's very soon um hey average just joined did i miss anything not yet my friend we are literally just doing our dailies right now and then we'll move on to the actual good stuff oh i thought i fell through the floor then that fell through the floor fell through the fl fell through the floor trying to say that really fast fell through the floor fell through the floor good job thank you guys oh no stop it done done you're done we also just need to explore the map a bit more i need to get some more um geo-oculus um animoculus we just there's chests dotted about everywhere i know a lot of you guys have been like i see a chest at this time and you should get it and i'm like i know i'm sorry i miss it i can't help it i'm just doing other things um what are your talent levels at least level like four to five some of them might be more some of them might be slightly less but it's about four to five on all of them uh sorry i'm late did i miss anything uh no don't you're worry it's like a truck yeah she's a honestly she's a queen she's also see two is it two or three there we go obviously i wanted amber so the basically the i want to explain this quickly so for those of you wondering why amber and why did i switch sucrose for uh oh sorry what did i fix switching for supers um literally all the thought that went into it was i wanted sucrose just to try her out because we ended up getting her constellations a lot yeah c3 even and she got obviously she got a buff um so i wanted to try her out turns out she's i mean she was amazing before but you know she's she's even more insane now especially with the constellations so i was like i want to try her out just to switch it up a little bit but then i still wanted to keep the um fire um like the fire buff so i just switched i was like well i don't have an archer i really like amber so i might as well just put the two and two together so there we go that was all the thought that went into it it wasn't i didn't really think about team chemistry other than a lot of swirl um and yeah that's it that was it uh you don't have sucrose shira that's absolutely fine don't worry there will be more than enough opportunities to get her don't worry it's absolutely fine uh you know what i have this you can have this and this pushes them away that pulls them in i should really put bennett's er q down first but i mean it does the job already doesn't it i think i think anymore would just be unfair what's your favorite element that's a very good question i've been asked that quite a lot actually um i'd say that animo pyro or cryo although i i love all of them to be fair geo is really good electro is really good hydro's fun i love all of them if i had to pick one adventure ow i don't know i'd say maybe cryo maybe cryo or animo cryo you're rude why you got a shield for no badge there we go sucrose good job isn't child an archer yes but he's not pyro he's not pyro that's the only reason why i didn't choose child i was actually i was tempted to build um a child into it instead of um amber but then i realized that i wanted to keep the fire buff so that's that's the only reason why uh child was my first choice it is what it is dendro heya just wanna thank you for always brightening up my week a lot of bad stuff has happened in my life recently and your content has always helped me take my mind off of it for a little while so i'm really grateful for that and wanted to say hi haha well our person thank you so much that's very kind of you for the three euro and i hope stuff is okay i've seen a lot of you guys say recently and i really really really appreciate that you guys are able to like comment and tell me about this kind of stuff because otherwise jesus otherwise um you wouldn't um maybe because you just feel like you can't or don't really have or you don't you literally don't have anywhere else to say it but honestly i want you to know that you are always welcome here you are always appreciated and loved and wanted and i want you all to know i am proud of you even if you don't feel like you should have anything to be proud of you do even if you feel like there isn't anyone that loves you they do i do and i just want you to know that it really gets hard like life is such a it's so complicated it's so it can feel easy but it can also feel impossible and thank you so much for becoming a member and i want you guys to know that we are in this together we are all a part of this crazy thing known as existing and i want you guys to know that the chat you you're just proving it enough to yourselves i mean hang on look just so the the non-chat viewers can see it um you lot i just you're there for me and i'm there for you and i want you to know that here it goes there it is here it comes um thank you guys so much just for everything you do so if anything i should be thanking you um a person um honestly you brighten up my week you brighten up my days when i read the comments when i do the streams and see you guys in the chat so please um just take it easy um i want you to know that you're always welcome here and it will get easier even if it feels like it's never gonna happen or it takes forever you will get out on the other side and there's no shame in taking a while there's no shame in taking time there's no shame in stopping there's no shame in pausing there's no rush life is not a race people people seem to forget that and i just want you to know that it might not seem good now and it might not have seemed good for a long time but it will get better just just stay here you are here now stay here because no no one wants you to go anywhere we want you to stay here and come with us that's it so thank you guys so much i i can go on forever about that sort of stuff but you guys truly um i can never get it across enough whenever i hear you guys thank me i just sit here going no i need to thank you thank you guys um it's it's something that doesn't get said enough from me and from anyone and it's something people don't hear enough so stay out stay stay with us guys please please hang in there you're worth it and good day to everyone hey abra since you really like using starter characters i recommend techtone's song it's called mihoyo cave in please buff amber and it's pure gold laughing face he recorded it recently in response to mihoyo still not buffing amber in 2.0 oh that's cool okay i can definitely check that out obviously i don't know if i can react to it but i can definitely check it out in my own time thank you though and that's very kind of you uh thank you so much for the one euro that's really cool though yeah i think amber does need a little bit of tlc i'm not gonna lie um but yes is it aku thank you so much for becoming a member and dreamer zeke thank you for the 2bgn abra's favorite element is the travelers element yeah exactly exactly dreamer it's all the elements um i can see you guys in the in the chat as well i'm seeing you say the sweetest things and just explain expressing yourselves thank you honestly you lot are incredible and i i do read your comments and i do um i do really really as much as i'd sit there and give advice to every single person i see please like look through the comments and maybe try and find a similar one um it's not me not responding if i've hearted your comment i've seen it 100 and i've read it and it's usually because i've already replied to some and if you could just read those it all applies so um usually when i do reply to something like that i will state it's for everyone um so yeah thank you guys um avoid spoilers don't worry there are no spoilers here at least from my end there are no spoilers the mods are on spoiler dewey so if you do see a spoiler for a split second i'm really sorry um it is a rule not to post it but obviously the mods are as much as i would love to say they are all efficient machines um even machines can't be 100 efficient yet hello guys right i can see some of you guys just joining hello guys um right we're going to do this commission do you rumble i don't rumble oh he's hungry i'll bless him all right my stomach acts up like this every time i'm hungry rumble it's rumble this and rumble that it's really loud too oh i i understand that have any of you guys just sat there you've been in like a really quiet say you're in like school or college or something it's dead silent and then your stomach just goes wow and you're like oh why did that happen why did that have to happen that has definitely happened to me multiple times [Laughter] [Music] okay when is your birthday my birthday is next month it's on the 11th of august um you guys i might it's not on a sunday sadly but i might stream on my birthday just because it's probably what i want to do for my birthday like i don't really do like big parties or anything so you guys will have a stream party instead you guys are invited okay okay some of you have had that happen yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty bad isn't it all right just eat full meals but i've always had a big grumble for grumble than most if i were to eat my fill every time i'd burn a hole right through my wallet oh no okay right does he want us to get him some food that's probably right isn't it yeah what do you want to eat this time there's plenty let me think online party pie stream let's go we can just yeah we can just chill with some genshin or something that could be cool august 11th so close it is i mean it's on the game as well so i have no idea um it'll be cool okay right for for some squirrel fish or um is it joyoun chili juan chili chicken oh that sounds pretty good actually all right let's do this okay do i have this already i've got it which one do i have ah cream stew okay you can have some of this there you go have one nom nom nom okay um i can't fit my stomach like this okay oh so maybe i need to give him what he wants otherwise i don't know we still did it anyway but it's fine maybe there is like a different outcome if you give him one of the things he suggests maybe i don't know what's been happening we're just doing our dailies today don't worry um we're gonna be doing the event stuff in a second it's gonna be a continuation on the stuff we started last time so that would be nice um did i do the ball already jesus i did those quick didn't i well i say quick i did them in my brain for like slower than i did actually in person um i really want a matching engine profile what do you what do you mean i mean actually yeah speaking of i got this for the rosaria um friendship so i have that now which is cool give him pymon oh my word as much as paimon can be suspicious i just i don't know maybe we need to keep climb on for now welcome maybe we paint our emergency food come on all right let's claim the daily commissions wonderful let's get this let's claim all this stuff awesome amazing amazing benny come back benny go on the expedition and come back and we go on the expedition same with you chunyin awesome okay my birthday is august the 4th oh we're august buddies let's go rosaria's card looks cool it does doesn't it that cut is pretty it really is isn't it i really like it it's the same as her um weapon when she puts her q down if you look at it closely i can't do it right now but it has like roses on the actual pike itself it looks really nice um right there we go oh also look at this we are we're two levels away from 50 so we'll get a free wish here um so if we do the weekly missions for the um well the resin is one and also the the ley lines and i can do these stuff this stuff off camera where is it oh no it's this one it's this one here we can do this one now so that should be really easy um yeah that'll be good okay wait how old are you abra can you guess how old do you think i am if anyone i mean someone will get it how old do you think i am that's the next question i mean some of you will know some of you will know but um yeah that's always a fun game to play isn't it all right um where is this one okay we could probably beat our scores you know maybe maybe 20 22 22 24 27 26 28 23 12 24 20 oh wow a lot of you are in the right ballpark 20 20 24 57 okay poll please i mean i would do a poll for it but i'll i'll it's it's not worth the poll i don't think um 25 500 i mean i could be an archon so who knows how old i am you don't know this stuff right i could be a new icon i could be an old archon you don't know dreamweaver thank you for the five bgn in an alternate universe introvert abra doesn't want any kind of party stream or otherwise he streams on his birthday but doesn't tell anyone about it i yeah i just have like a separate channel where i don't stream like i i'll make i'll make it on my birthday with zero viewers just so i can stream party to myself i'm kidding i won't do that three months old ah yes oh yes therapy icon minus three ah 999 just my ping 3700 okay some of you got it right some of you got it right for those of you that said 22 you are correct i'm 23 next month so i'm almost 23. so the ones that said 23 you were very close but i'm 22. um tantan thank you so much for the 10 ron uh which character do you think is the most sus it's kaya it's clearly kaya because you saw that if you saw the video there was two kayas you saw it right 21 to 23 very close 22. abrasive dendro icon all right we're gonna go to this challenge uh let's go let's do it you're so young i'm such a small bean time traveler we're the same age yay uh i'm older than you yeah i think for a lot of people they're now like wait i'm older than abra what yeah i'm sorry for those that i have just fellow simpson esteemed members of chat with jenshan and hong kai going strong punishing grey raven having just released in girls frontline two on the way my wallet is crying when did gachas get good gameplay i remember when we just had auto firing pngs rob thank you so much for the one euro as always uh yes okay i mean haven't played honkai a lot of you guys have recommended it uh so maybe one day okay i have no idea but that that's for those of you that know what know what they're talking about thank you rob um oh my word okay what are you guys saying we must we must pat the therapy archon okay are we ready rob nice to see you again we like it we do love we do love rob there he is rob growing strong all right what's this one about after melt is triggered on a nearby opponent all party members pyro damage bonus is increased by 10 this effect can be triggered once every five seconds stack up to five times okay great video this week you've come to be my favorite youtuber smiley face oh thank you so much wieland thank you so much that's very kind of you i'm glad you enjoyed the video as well that was a very fun one to record they all are but we do love a bit of law and that one was very very nice i loved the the um just the whole part of it i don't want to spoil it just in case anyone have deliberately didn't watch it um or like hasn't got that far in the story yet but yes it was it was very very very very cool very i was very very happy with it um the har passed him that's it yes don't worry i've remembered once five stacks of reach trigger another reaction will create burning ring okay oh that's gonna be difficult but i might be able to do that passively maybe and dora you're gonna have to go away for a little bit it's this one all right are we ready should we do it on hard let's do it on hard okay all right we've had a little bit of a warm up hopefully we'll be all right so we're gonna do i mean we're going to prioritize swirl but everybody's dancing ah no oh that's unfortunate i didn't get the uh pyro off fast enough oh well oh okay all right here we go yeah it's okay it's cryo slime so this isn't really ideal for us oh did i miss oh that's unfortunate okay where did it go ow okay um this girl thank you so much for the 125 i'm supposed to sleep already but this life is far more important make sure you do sleep though i know i know you guys don't want to miss lives and that's very sweet but you guys do need sleep it's important but yes thank you so much all right i'm not having a good time with this one this one's a bit of a pain because we mainly do cryo and animal damage which on a slime is not not the best thing at all we do have two pyro characters but it's not ideal here we go how would we get melt though i guess oh okay so we just they are obviously because they are already cryo we just hit them with pyro that makes a lot of sense we don't actually have to freeze them you can't run where's the oh there's the ring of fire okay so the oh oh oh okay okay okay okay that's a lot easier so the ring of fire is is good oh we can get that really easily then that's that's that's simple amber should be able to get that pretty easily um let me get this all right that's the momentum all right can i freeze this guy uh cool that was lower oh i'm using the hub i'm using the balloon oh i'm such a muppet okay i don't like these things at all come on come on all right i didn't know i didn't really understand it at first but now i do there we go the ring is where you want to be like that does the most damage oh here we go right this is where we can do it hopefully there we go if we do this this should help a lot all right here we go here we go that's it okay yeah so unfortunately slimes will be the burden but yeah yeah it's whatever we'll be fine there it is oh that that damage is awesome all right don't don't specific i can speak we don't particularly need it i'll say that instead um hello guys welcome to the stream if you've just joined ow excuse me sir right you can't run right can we get more hilly charles hilly charles are the nice ones we don't like slimes i mean slimes are cute but i don't we don't want slimes no come back rude all right all right oh okay it finished not the best but we got we got what we wanted which is the primos um yeah not great could have been better yaffe is good in here very good point yanfe would have been perfect um um oh zfx i'm gonna say um thank you for the five dollars 22 years old with the same age but people often mistake me as 16 because i'm sure 170 centimeters and my face doesn't age at all that could also be a blessing and a curse um but 170 isn't quite sure i mean 170 yeah someone just said how is 170 short i mean i'm like a hundred and i'm just under two meters i'm like 198 centimeters so for those of you who don't know what that is in feet that's six foot five six foot four six foot five so i was always when i was younger i was always mistaken to be older than i was which is probably why a lot of you guys probably guessed like 27 because i definitely do look well at least i did used to look a lot older than i was um but yeah i wouldn't say 100 is short if your face doesn't age then that might be where it comes from okay i still don't know how tall i am so squaddy existential crisis i don't know when you get measuring tape that's what i do if i if i can't go anywhere to get myself measured like properly i just just measure and tape it stand next to a door how tall are you to actually door frames are different in each country so that doesn't make sense abra you're a giant i am yeah a lot of people don't realize how tall i am until they see me in person and they're like oh ah you're very tall um we'll come back to this one i think uh let's go to this one because all i want is the primo so we're not gonna worry too much and then i'll i'll get the books and stuff as and whenever um so let's go to this one however giant shields game both offensive and defensive blessings in this battlefield use the power of cryo and electro to teach them aim a lesson they will they won't soon forget okay this one over here oh there's two over here too tall 198 centimeters you're a building yeah a lot of people say that i'm just a skyscraper i'm just a skyscraper um i thought you were 20 uh you're not far off you're not far off paul with a 25 wow that's very generous one day um we'll hopefully see you properly conquer the teapot don't worry paul i am very very very very keen on looking at what the teapot has to offer um i'm very excited because i've i've been obviously you guys have told me a little bit what it is wait you serious what the hec nah wait for real though the grown man there is barely two years older than me how is that possible that can't be possible i'm a baby watching ben 10 and eating cheese puffs no that can't be right i was just born what is timeline it cut you off literally the message just cuts off i'm rob rob's just had a crisis rob it's all right rob it's all right don't worry if you still watch ben 10 at 20 who's gonna blame you like ben 10 is is amazing like and cheese puffs come on everyone loves cheese puffs it's amazing oh my word thank but yeah thank you paul and thank you rob that's very kind of you i do want to do the teapot soon rob just malfunctioned pretty badly rob was like uh uh i um oh my word okay here we go it's okay rob don't worry wow can i get some cryo yes let's go here we go hi abra long time no chat i'm not sure how much i've missed but i was wondering if you've done any golden apple archipelago world quests asking because the archipelago is disappearing soon next week yes okay uh banana neil thank you so much um good question i have yes i have done some of the world quests i think there's only maybe a few left um so don't worry we can probably get those finished today as well there's a lot we can do today so don't worry um i'm very disorganized but i really appreciate that um you spent the time to make sure that i've caught up with stuff but thank you banana neil that's very kind of you don't worry i have done most of them i think i still watch pokemon i don't blame you i probably would as well i watch um i started re-watching pokemon from the very beginning like not that long ago i actually watched yu-gi-oh recently so yu-gi-oh is a lot of fun okay right let's make sure we get these targets because these are fun awesome there we go see look rob you're not the only one in the chat i can see the chat sucrose is so awesome isn't she she's just the best get her c1 as well and she's just gonna dominate like she's absolutely incredible oh come on all right we got this right you need to go bye-bye you need to go bye-bye thank you let's stop looking at that let's grab you [Music] all right let's pull you all in it went up there oh my word that's amazing oh i'm stuck on the pillar alright here we go yes very good awesome yu-gi-oh is amazing isn't it it's great i just you know what i really like about like yu-gi-oh and pokemon and just i think animes in general like i don't watch a lot of anime um as you guys would know um but like for like pokemon yu-gi-oh i just love the exaggerated expressions it's just it's fun like it might be a bit over the top but that's what makes it so fun it's just it's just fun to have the the drama and the the extreme i don't know just like the extreme reactions and situations it's just fun ow i wish pokemon is your favorite that's a very good question stop it stop being rude um i love shiny umbreon i think shiny umbreon is my favorite pokemon because if you didn't know um i used to be a strict shiny hunter like all i would do like on my streams all i would do on like just my spare time was shiny hat pokemon in every new game that came out that's the first thing i do is shiny honey um and yeah umbreon was always my favorite so we'll go with that you can't ride ever i choose you oh that's so cute thank you that i did terrible on that one as well even worse on that one oh my word you know what it's fine doesn't matter it doesn't matter we got the primos um zfx thank you so much uh yeah i look so young it's hard to get alcohol that's why you should always bring id with you always bring your id um it's it is a pain um sometimes and i'll be completely honest as speaking from experience you do have to just ask for id even if you're very even if it's obvious the person is over 18 or 21 based on where you're from um sometimes they just ask you to ask you obviously if you look younger they're more likely to ask you but um yeah sometimes it is on the job quota to ask a specific amount of people every month or something and it's it's a pain because for some people they obviously look over the age of 18 or 21 but then they're like but then you ask them for id and they're like why like i have a full beard i'm like six foot and i have wrinkles like what what do you mean so you never know you never know that's what you gotta tell them um but they're just doing their job so it's as annoying as it can be they're just doing their job uh so it's it sucks but just bring id and you'll be fine you'll be fine i'm brian umbreoff i like shiny absol um would you be up for anime recommendations abra i've had anime different animes recommended to me millions of times but you're always more than welcome to suggest things um i don't know when i'd get around to it but we'll see i have a lot of time this week because i'll explain a bit more about this um because i need to explain some stuff to you guys about the week coming up um not that it would affect you guys in any way shape or form um it shouldn't but just so you know if things are a little bit all over the place um but yes i will have a bit more time this week so maybe maybe we can do something like that i can watch some stuff we'll see we'll see important question abra which pokemon starter did you choose in which generation jay are you talking about generation one because that would be different to every other generation obviously um if you mean like which type did i choose um that's another question entirely do i stick to typing do i stick to just looks it's all do i go for stats it's always all its own thing oh don't do it oceaned you're not supposed to be here all right look i i appreciate that you want to go exploring but not when you're just being a pain bennett has just passed then it has fallen to this um bird yet again for like the 400th time because it does a million damage for some reason but you know it's fine we move we move on ow you know what we'll just eat well we're not going to go anywhere um from making the dankest of apex videos raging with us at fortnight all the way to this you're doing such a great job gubbers chris oh my god all right chris my man i appreciate you thank you for the five it says euro i know you're you're in the u.s but thank you um maybe i'll have to reveal those one day they're all private now so you can't you can't find them actually are they i don't even remember but yes i used to play a lot of apex and fortnite with with the person chris who just donated that was years ago dude i can't believe that that's amazing thank you though um i'm glad to see that you're doing well as well uh thank you so much for for coming in that's awesome thank you chris um i i heard it i was like apex videos how do you know oh it's gotta be it's gotta be jay uh yes from the first generation abra tell us the truth okay who did i pick from the first generation the first time i ever played generation one i picked squirtle the second time i picked charmander then after that i picked bulbasaur because i didn't and then i fell in love with bulbasaur bulbasaur is so cute he is known as like notoriously the worst one to pick but he's one of my favorite ones probably for that reason um so shout out to my bulbasaur lovers out there he's such a little bean and he's so cute but charizard is also awesome and blastoise is a turtle so there we go apex exposed right are we ready what was this one again did i read it i don't think i read it um as long as it's not bulbasaurus oh dear i know bulbasaur isn't the um isn't the best one to pick but i use amber in genshin and she's supposedly not the best one to use either so come on you should know me by now if you know me you know i will go with the disadvantage every time because no one else will so i'm showing some love you got to show love show love to my disadvantaged gang um pyro abyss mages i believe in the disadvantage okay sorry that came out of nowhere if no one else will believe i will right pyro abyss mages are leading a burning army into an assault right so it's pyro abyss mages uh slimes and hoodie chairs make up the ranks by this force ah this is not gonna be fun right i might even need to switch teams here because this this isn't gonna be possible with this team uh let's press l to switch our team okay um go with nre makes your life easier that's an item right i don't think do i have that i don't know if i have that underdogs that's what i'm saying right that's what i'm saying okay piplup is a literal duck quite quack piplup's a penguin he's so cute he's a bird though you're right you're on the right lines um this team we're going to go with this team we're going to go with these with these queens all right uh bob's actually one of the best starters in in terms of stats yeah it's i don't remember the exact reasons why we're gonna do this one on normal i think um oh word what's going on why am i why is this happening why am i i didn't read stuff i should have read stuff oh i'm letting out oh oh that's awesome then okay electro is perfect here okay well that works even more in my favor although is there i should have read this shouldn't i it's fine come on go let's go oh don't explode there we go awesome he is it's expensive to craft i don't worry about price i'm kind of like uh morax we don't we don't worry about price you know sorry i shouldn't i shouldn't say actual name should i last time they asked me 22 and not my friend who's 19. it's weird because people say makeup makes you look older but it's the opposite for me probably because i always look like exhausted pigeons oh no i've never heard anyone explain themselves as an exhausted pigeon um but that's okay i'll read that properly in a second but yeah it's always safer to bring id anyway rob thank you haha silly westerners and their alcohol laws here romania you visit barbara at six-year-old for the pig sacrifice in autumn and she gives you home made one day in suica before placing you on pig head for good fortune in life after she flamethrower it um excuse me what now rob what what did i just witness what did my ears just wish me like silly western isn't that alcohol laws hey romania you can visit baba at six years old for a big sacrifice in autumn and she gives you homemade what okay rob i will leave you to your crazy i shouldn't say crazy your unique romanian experiences it sounds interesting um and thank you martina i will read that in just a moment don't worry oh word oh my word okay there's no there's no targets for me to hit maybe i missed it that's probably why the reason i got scared by the water around me by the way is because of oceania like ocean it does that when she attacks you right when you take too long all right here we go awesome all right let's do this one rob are you okay yeah okay i'm glad i'm not the only one i have no idea what what is going on anymore if you need help um yeah martinez martinez i won't forget about um your donation don't worry okay what okay that wasn't easy and we did even worse i think they are getting harder but we got the primos anyway oh if i seem flustered today by the way i do apologize it's it's so hot in the uk that like i'm having a hard time keeping my mind like concentrated but we we're good we're good right rob what is going on okay uh id is a russian roulette last time they asked me 22 and i'm and not my friend who's 19 what it's weird because people say makeup makes you look older but it's the opposite for me probably because i always look like an exhausted pigeon so carry id always yes exactly um i'm sure it's not that bad i mean i don't know what an exhausted pigeon looks like but you are beautiful don't worry there's no shame in you know thinking otherwise but you're fine don't worry just yes always bring your id always bring your id is i'm melting gweny i've spoken to you about this and if you if you've gone against what i said you're in trouble best believe make sure something to drink i do don't worry it's here it's here i got it oh big gulp drink water i got ben and jerry's again donut gib keep share hydrate yourself thank you guys yeah i'm i'm good i'm not dehydrated i'm just very warm what is the temperature should we have a look what is the temperature it is it's probably not going to be nearly as hot as other people because other people have more severe weather in their countries however in the uk 20 degrees is too hot so i think it's like 25 26 27 it's like it's it's increasing towards like 30. it's it's getting it's getting pretty dreadful all right yeah this should be the last one right special mechanics for this challenge when a character scores an attack on a ruined guard's exposed weak point the ruined guard will immediately be stunned additionally wait are they always like that though on its weak point the room guard will immediately be stunned aren't they always immediately stunned i guess we'll see what it means or participate or crit damage will be increased by 25 brilliant for rosaria's uh buff when attacking his stunned ruin guard or ruin grader rate is increased huh okay we're at 48 yeah see no i would i'd probably die i'm not going to lie almost 50 yeah 20 20 is cold here yeah that's what i'm saying but in the uk 20 is hot it's it's like 26 or something here at the moment so anti-colossus silver bullet oh god i'm using the wrong team okay it's fine hello yeah they aren't they always like this i feel like maybe i miscommunicated that i don't know i'm not too sure in here and i'm dying yeah that's pretty much what it is for us i don't know exactly it's i probably didn't even do it justice it's probably more than that at least it feels more than that freeze comp yeah this this can work like this can work there we go don't do it don't do it [Music] okay okay okay okay okay big boy i know your knees are the weakness right all right i need you to expose your knees i need to do a skyrim oh here come on it normally takes two shots wait on a guard on a ruin guard maybe i'm being really stupid i can't remember my brain has gone numb for this week two shots one is done okay yeah no you're right i don't know why my brain is confusing that what am i confusing it with a hunter maybe it's a hunter i'm confusing it with no no i've said no you can't do that oh how did i forget that i play this game every single day and i forget this is it a big one now hello nope i don't know how i forgot that oh he tried uh here we go let's keep our momentum up very good that was good full counter was it i didn't even notice yes i'm usually not very good at doing a perfect counter i don't usually try because i'm not very very good at it but then that's like backwards logic because how will you ever get good at it if you don't try it um but there we go that's just no don't be naughty behave yourself i mean these guys are i say only level 50 but level 50 is not very high for us anymore all right there we go awesome this one's actually really fun i like having big targets like that that's really fun nice voice impression abra voiced up when should i shall i we can make we can that could be a video idea no if anyone's i'm trademarking it right now well um i'll try and i'll make like all the i'll do all the voice lines for the characters in like like not their like actual story voice lines but like their attack voice lines and then that way i can just mute the game sound and then have like my sound board open where i can just start playing my own i'll bind like i'll bind the sound to the key so like when like if i do this back i'll that's on my e key so i'll bind my e key to me going back at ya then it will just it'll just be me playing the game at that point then i'll i'll ask um mihoyo for for a permission to like have a dlc where we can like you can toggle it on and off and then that way you guys can have it oh that'd be that would be something that would be something all right yes level 50 let's go okay awesome we have a new wish we have another wish absolutely amazing amazing amazing amazing um right that should be all of this done right all of this done we're good we're good there's the 60 primos amazing so we've got all of this stuff very good abra impact oh my word i mean and all right sloim slime voice acting is genius so every slime you encounter should i just voice every single slime you encounter does that does that sound like a plan that sounds about right um let's go [Music] oh okay we have a few of these this one this is the one i wanted to do okay according to the journal you can pierce through the fog in the middle of the day 10 okay and what time is it right now oh wow that was that was very convenient okay where do we need to go for that over here all right let's do it can i go to this no i can do this thing every time you encounter one of the um every time you encounter an abyss mage you just hear me go ah yeah dreamer zeke thank you so much for the 5bgn if 20 degrees is hot for you then this will really make you sweat in my city bulgaria right now it's 32 degrees celsius i mean it was pretty much that when i was living in germany and it got as high as 40 at one point and yes i i died like i think i think my my brains ceased to function look at these guys they're just having a nice vacation now this right here here we go now this right here this right here is a certified wholesome hilly troll moment right here just they're just cruising they're cruising abby you gotta be careful with this one okay okay we need is sound effect in the game i'll tell you what i could start you know what we'll do that for a stream i'll tell you what we'll do we'll set up my soundboard that can be fun although it would get really confusing if i have my soundboard keys set to my numbers because when i switch it would make a noise so i'd have to make it something like keys that just aren't used i would just pass away yeah guani that would pretty much can you speak german no well not very fluently no you lived in germany yes i did for three years just under is it just over three years something like it's around three years um although half of that was spent in quarantine so that was fun really show beach party i could do the trick to jump out and reset the stamina but it's fine enjoy the boat while it lasts i know it's all right we'll get we'll get better events and events similar in the future hopefully let's follow the wind okay off we go oh where did the wind go this way up not that way then i guess not that way then um when do you stream on twitch i can't get back in the boat hello i can't get back in the boat um i stream on twitch whenever i can it's it's really random um but i will always let discord know whenever i stream uh so yes keep the chat in english yeah please keep the chat in english guys hi from germany hello my friend hello from the uk abra's from the uk but he lived in germany for a while yes there you go oh we went this way okay there are boats in in a zuma well there you go the boat stays it's so cute did you get the barbara skin yes uh staining the lines in the water yeah don't worry we got it thank you though this rock disappeared i wonder what happened wait did did i run out of time what happened are you kidding me what all that right give us very long at all all right we have to be faster we have to go super speed all right let's make it exactly ten oh all right one one one minute past ten we'll miss the music yes the music is uh the music's very nice um have you watched the trailer for the next patch or did you watch the 2.0 live stream no i did not and that was deliberate because i want i don't want to be spoiled when you when you guys see my video on going there it's going to be my first initial raw reaction like i've not seen anything to do with it so that's why that's exactly why um spider dude thank you so much for the 4.99 um hi abra first team of course just wanted to say great content abra voiced up is amazing also in arizona um i've experienced 51 degrees before that's half boiling point that's over half boiling point how how oh my word thank you so much though uh spider that's very nice of you all right we're just going to zoom go oh we went through the rock okay very magic very magic oh magic rocks all right we're going yes yes it is spider i see that okay humans can't live past 55 i can imagine yeah you're entering like heat stroke territory right okay keep in your garden have a look around oh is there a cave whoa observe it first it could be a trap some sort of drawing on this stone looks like it shows people getting ready to board a ship payment doesn't know what it all means let's record this mural down first take a photo of the nameless i i'll i'll islet mural uh okay okay um it's an item isn't it i haven't really used the camera is it this oh oh my god whoa what did i do oh did that count look for other murals what here on this thing do i take these not that camera didn't it count though that counted it worked anyway oh my god okay okay i'm taking the stuff i got greedy oh there's a chest down here too take the chest oh okay almost fell yes oh my god if i would have missed out on that i would have cried very nice okay are the murals here oh i remember finishing this 23 days ago yeah i did i did some of them but obviously i don't do it off off camera so two more there are other murals you need to find so good luck bro okay oh they're all over the island or all over the map okay is it down here is it like in this cave no i guess they're probably everywhere else then aren't they they're probably like all over the map separate islands okay so they're not here all right all right oh god okay that's gonna be that's gonna be a nightmare have i seen any anywhere i feel like i might have seen some somewhere but i can't for the life of me think about where all right we don't need to do that does it mark where they are no it doesn't oh no at least we got the chests though that's the main thing um all over euros on almost every island oh okay so we could probably just go anywhere right let's go to like this one we'll just see is this the one with the tent and stuff on it i don't know i don't know it's all it's all unknown to me that's kind of cute i used a guide for this one yeah i can imagine i can imagine that probably being the smarter thing to do but at the same time i mean if you've got a lot of time in the you know if you've got a lot of time to do it it wouldn't be too bad um so i mean let's i'll tell you what let's do let's do other stuff for now if we see them while we're running around we'll do them then but all right there we go okay we're just gonna grab as many chests as we can find really um i will probably look if i see that obviously this is going to be gone before i've got everything on on stream i'll look for it like off camera um just because it'll be like chests and little things like this one here late to saying this cause i type slow but i'm so jealous of them hilla chills right now hey so weird unrotated creation anybody from bucharest with a car in the mood for a beach trip i also want rosaria to absolutely axe fishy at me with her th strong excuse me rob jennifer hillary chose right now um anybody anyone in wherever that is in a car with a mood for a beach trip you know what i like is anyone am i the only one but i prefer stone beaches to sand beaches am i weird for that i feel like i might be i don't know where that hilly child went he kind of vanished oh there he is ow you can't run absorption test stand clear um ow benny that was just you shouldn't take that bennett don't take that you don't need to take that uh this place is gonna disappear in two days yeah so if i don't get it done like today then i can have a look sort of off camera was it rob again it was thank you rob um you you crazy boy i like all beaches now you're fine same i agree stone is better people are like bruh stone beach what is wrong with you oh this is gonna take me ages isn't it oh what you're so mean this is so mean okay oh this is so this is so mean no you're so rude all right go yes did i get it maybe i got it what's a stone beach so instead of sand it's just stone everywhere you're walking on stones instead of sand the only reason why is just because i don't like sand like sand just gets everywhere and sand can get i mean stone can get really hot as well but stone beach ouch yeah but i mean hot sand is also ouch hello oh you lot of cuties okay we need to just simmer down simmer down simmer it down boys come on just aim aim again yeah just keep spamming it don't worry we got it you know what i'm not dealing with a shield sucrose just aoeum it sounds painful but usually because it's on because it's on a beach the stones are smooth because obviously the water has like eroded away the sharp edges it's usually smooth stone like it's not it's not sharp rocks all right the bigger ones might be sharper but like this like the ones that you walk on are like uh smooth rocks right um what else have we got is there anything else on this island any murals anything anything of interest i don't know i don't know what about a sandstone beach sandstone could be smooth brightening it yeah brighton is stone beaches isn't it maybe i don't know um hmm i know a lot of you guys probably know where the murals are so i am a part i do apologize if i run past one sir no just no not dealing with it no i don't have to i don't have to deal with it i'm not dealing with it it's not happening you can try but it's not happening all right here we go sucrose that is not what you're supposed to do whoops there we go um there is an amazing puzzle here look for the stone monument okay that was a quick one [Music] awesome okay i'm just double checking all the corners look at these guys chilling look at these guys chilling i don't want to say uh to look for breakable rocks okay what's your highest damage i think the highest i've ever done is 16 000 maybe and that was just that was sucrose go back go back no go back how far back go inside look at the cave what there was a cave where was the cave in the middle half wall what this here or further back oh god oh no that's not right right i'm dealing with you now you can't run i'm dealing with you now look look what you've caused behind the wall oh my god wait was it really did i just literally look at it and then walk away did i look at it and then walk away okay all right i'll go back everybody there we go all right here oh there is a cave here oh my word how did i miss this hello oh it's a mural oh my god no way that's incredible oh look at the frog whoa look at the frog he's got moves my frog has moves alright we got it boys thank you i wasn't sure where oh no dodge dodge oh okay i didn't dodge it but it was close i missed it at first too it is a bit dark so that's probably okay all right this one so i mean i can use this camera so try it again i guess oh i have to observe it okay what's this five pillars or those cups of water pokemon wonders which it is i mean oh yeah wait they look like they're full they also look like okay music let's take a picture of this one as well yeah all right does that count yes okay oh okay awesome um this is a puzzle for this island okay memorize it oh gosh okay all right hang on hang on hang on let's take it let's take it like a brain scan look at it half full half full empty half empty kind of awful empty half empty half full empty half empty remember it chat remember it half full empty half empty go to the middle of the island okay all right chat you're gonna help me out here we're gonna do this together rob thank you so much again abra doesn't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere in conlusion abra is famous main chick actor anakin skywalker from the highly successful film star wars attack of the clones yes i type a lot to get my worth out of these you know what no one blames you for that rob i tell you what thank you uh you can check your inventory in case you forget you have a picture oh okay okay you have a photo of it right got it half full empty half empty no it's half full empty half empty not half full empty half full oh my word okay but yes rob yes i agree [Music] two three one two one perfect way of remembering is it that down there where is it is it this this lake this thing oh what is this is it the water level um kamesa thank you so much for the 10 uh dollars i'm from florida so you think i prefer sand but i grew up um to massachusetts where stone beaches are more common as a kid i'd make little towels with stones and decorate them very nostalgic yeah that's awesome that's awesome kamesa i remember doing that as well you have to either you get a smooth rock and you paint on it or you can like stack the rocks it's so satisfying it's so satisfying thank you though comment that's very kind of you this one step on the rocks oh so it was wait for no half full no half puff full empty half empty puff full wait how does this work though wait how does that how does it even work half full empty half empty oh wait i'm very confused two three one two one okay wait my brain needs a minute my brain needs a minute to to figure this out is it in here this one middle up middle up down middle down that's what i did right how do you how do you lock it in though everything is negotiable except over time there's five pulls on five islands oh so this isn't the only one okay okay okay that makes a lot more which one is this one then oh it's okay okay it's pointing oh i get okay i get it i get it so this one is half hang on let's let's look at this again okay so the top one two three four five so this one is north west south west south southeast northeast east okay northwest so this one is either half of full okay i don't know which island this one is though i get because it's in the middle is there one up here there's one there one there one there oh sorry one here one here one two three four five maybe i don't know don't jump off no this is the middle one it's only on that island it's this island oh so there's five pools on this island is what you're saying one two three four five oh i see okay up okay so this is the yeah yeah okay i got you i got you i got you oh so this okay yeah yeah it's also called broken isle mural uh so this one is empty all right so it's that all right cool next one let's go this way okay okay i've got it again remember guys heat brain not working that's why you lie here yeah okay gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha you got this i know don't worry we'll get there eventually here it is so this one is two three one two one two three one two so this one's middle down one yep and then this one is one so down i think i hope oh we can pro oh you know what i bet this is a thing right animal test 6308 staying clear there we go okay it's big brain time boys it's big brain time the reward is worth it okay that's good i'm very proud thank you guys huh apparently i've been up here already heat and brain not compatible they don't they don't they just don't what is this it's a big circle it's a big old circle what's this then what is this that looks breakable right ah okay since we clarified that i suggest that we keep abra away from timmy clay kiki and diona on behalf of what happened in star wars episode 3 revenge of the sith inside of the jedi temple with the younglings also chat who would be abra's obi-wan who would be abras obi-wan that's a good question that's a good question okay so this one is one uh thank you though rob yeah um don't worry younglings will be fine the younglings will be fine um oh no it was like oh no okay so the next one is over that way okay whoa this one looks fun oh i want to do this yeah yeah the younglings are fine i'm rob this is slander oh okay oh it needs the pyro okay i see all right i'm gonna sneeze don't do it matt thank you so much for the 25 hk dollars yeah okay it's fine did it work did we do it yeah we did it okay let's go we um uh the inter intervals are not limited to three on each pond might want to have a closer look at the pick wink wink you've missed my last message but it's okay okay um did i wait matt what did you say you did oh my god for 10 hk five cups five pounds on the island hmm okay thank you matt sorry i didn't mean to miss it um thank you for reminding me because i honestly when i'm concentrating on something i will miss a lot of things so thank you robbie won oh no that sneeze sounded like pikachu it did didn't it that takes an imaginative brain to put those two together i'm guessing it has something to do with this so this one would be three right yeah so it's two three two three one two one so this is three which is right right maybe we'll see we'll figure it out matt i'll see what you mean when i get it wrong inevitably oh what's that over there oh are those the pillars okay we'll need to look at that go rosaria you can make it grab the vine there you go awesome break it yeah i got it average you like the hot or the cold in general um where am i and what is going on hello rosaria oh god uh uh seizure warning seizure warning flashing lights okay i'm gonna try and get out of this before what is going on oh okay i think it was behind the vine okay i didn't want that to stop flashing rapidly just out of nowhere so i tried to get out of it as quick as i could um okay oh there's a conch up here you're right there's also a frog what's our froggy hat what was that punch quick sound the alarm the tide is coming in drink water thank you thank you for the for the stay hydrated warning uh start challenge is it this what did i hear i heard like a boom sound was it this uh i want to go down down no wait two three one no so it is two it's this one did i do it how do i know if i've done it oops i'm hot or cold i would say i like the coal the hot mole sorry not the cold nor the hot more heat more heat more that's a pokemon challenge get the chest go to the pillars it should be there okay what is this oh go rosario how did you miss okay well i've already messed this up is this updraft please tell me this is updraft it is updraft okay what is i don't know what's happening i'm so confused where am i i'm so turned around what's going on okay oh whoa oh my god i just speed boosted okay awesome nice so what these pillars down here right you know what i bet there was a way to get to each like pillar in an order but because i did it backwards i didn't have the correct maybe i did i don't know but um go to the five pillars okay the three pillars is what you need to find go to the five pillars look at the top of the pillars pillars okay it's up dog what's up dog not much how about you all right what's this i'm sorry what now [Music] okay well these ones as matt said have five on them huh okay do i need to do i need to hear the sound instead maybe it's maybe it's the sound look at the mural do it in order okay wait let me check the let me check the picture ah wait [Music] did i do it wrong i guess i did it wrong have i wait so how do i know which i've done right though one two three four five or is it this is it like this [Music] five oh it was the pillars okay [Music] that makes a lot more sense okay [Music] that's so cute i like that thank you guys for the help by the way yeah so i knew the markings on the pillars meant something but i wasn't sure which one i should look at but yeah i know that makes sense whoa okay i just realized what we've got oh my gosh gubbins look at all the gubbins amazing okay thank you chat i know i'm not big biggest of brains all the time but we're working under circums specific circumstances today we're working under extreme weather conditions all right we got it awesome okay well there's another mural somewhere so where is this one i guess it's on another island where would i have seen it though honestly i couldn't tell you could it be this one it took me hours well i had help from the chat that that i can't take all the credit you guys definitely helped me worth it right definitely yeah and obviously matt as well with the with the pay attention to the numbers three more gems that's that's what we want we'll see how many we have after uh when we go to pull today okay there's a challenge here as well there's chests we can grab there's just bits and pieces everywhere really okay what's this all right go ah no oh what was that come on come on come on go you got this i hate that that doesn't register sometimes i feel like that definitely should come on there we go okay there we go oh that's what this is for okay that makes a lot more sense we've got four of eight got this one all right sweet let's grab that one whoa um oh this way that one okay okay just go down there we go amazing okay uh go east east east from the island you teleported to okay the northeast island is fun if i remember as well okay shanila thank you so much for the 10 hk dollars the satisfaction when opening grand chests i know it's very nice isn't it i'm gonna miss the islands when they're gone yeah no they're definitely a lot of fun it is it is a shame but at least we we could enjoy them while we while they lasted you know all right stop it oh okay um all right where's the platform for this one here okay what are we looking at uh what now okay so what happens if i just okay i feel like i need to move some of these what happens if i just throw it through that i don't know what that's gonna do wait where did it go i don't know where it went um okay now we want it to go that way then this one will go that way and this one will go that way i don't know i don't know we're just gonna trial it and see what happens you can't run that was the wrong button some of these are really hard i hate this one yeah if i can't figure this one out it's not a problem i mean the chest would be nice but it doubles the ball oh how did i how did i just okay i sure i'm gonna pretend like i knew what i was doing and i definitely knew that was gonna work first time right it was like first try what um okay right north east this one is this it yeah i think maybe that was that was purely luck like that was purely luck there was no there was absolutely no like knowledge on what we'll take it all right so what have we got going on over here then oh that was close okay just over there we've definitely seen another mural right have we i feel like we have i don't know where though i can't remember there's a chest down there as well let's grab these like little chests that we see running around there's another one there yeah we've got loads over here cool we'll grab all of these we'll scoop these up and then we'll uh see what's going on we'll see what's going on harvard wants to know your location just yeah oh sorry guys i'm getting a call from elon real quick um i don't honestly that again as you guys said that was pure luck oh whoops rosaria i know you're just you want to attack things but just chill oh god it's so quick one come up one two three four there we go right i'm gonna double check that there's nothing behind it this time right we've got nothing okay we're good we're good um hilly charles just vibing we've done that one already i think where did we see the other chest i think there's one over there i think one up here oh no okay can we swim this i don't know if we can can we swim that maybe should we try we'll see angry rosario uh i need to go it was fun today i wish everyone like i'm wishing um son thank you so much or harusam thank you harusan thank you so much that's very kind of you um i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and good luck to you whenever you wish and pull and do that sort of stuff next check the passages there's a mural inside one of them okay so it's under one of the big archways then oh whoops come on all righty um nothing over here nope we're good how many primos do you have i'm not sure yet well we can we can check that in a little bit what we'll do is give it another like 20 minutes maybe 20 30 minutes and then we can look at how many um primos we have uh hello i'm very late sorry what did i miss uh salone you're absolutely fine don't worry um we are just doing the just island stuff for now we because it's going to disappear soon so we want to make sure we get as many chests as we can um we did our dailies and we solved some puzzles but that's pretty much it you haven't missed too much don't worry ella musk wants to know your location abra hydrate thank you yes i will do that in just a moment oh does it just take care of these guys i think it might be me oh got him i don't like that sometimes your arrow or like your catalyst projectile gets stuck in water so like if an enemy is in water um you can't really do anything about it all right sweet what an amber good job all right here we go wonderful amazing okay oh he dropped two things you dropped two things kazoo kazuha kazuha kazua kazuwa kazuha is really fun to play yes i did like him when i trialled him he was very very fun i'm gonna go back up there got him amos for amber amos would be really good for amber yeah you are correct it's currently on child right now i know i could switch it but i like uh sharpshooters oath on amber as well it's that extra crit damage like when you hit a crit you do more damage oh yeah hydrate thank you guys when will you take the new adventure level that's a good question so obviously as you guys can see i'm stuck at level 50 until i do the ascension like uh domain a lot of you guys have told me to wait because it's really difficult past that point or not really difficult but my damage numbers just aren't good enough for it at least to make it easy not easy but i would struggle with a lot more um so i'm gonna take that advice and just wait a little bit i'm not sure when but you guys will definitely be there when i do it so don't worry uh look in the archways yeah so in one of these i guess there's a chest over there oh okay i'm gonna grab the chest and then we'll look in the archways there's a chest up there as well oh there's so many all right let's go for this one first because it's on the it's on the high ground it would have been easier to you know what we're gonna get uh a better jump drink water drink your water uh you're 50 yeah you're ready for 50 plus you think so i might be but uh one on the big island to your right okay do you mean the the chest or the mural whoa have you seen the heart island it's the arkham it's in the archipelago not in okay wait so on this island you mean the heart one i think maybe i have i can't remember is it a little one or is it a big one that's cute that they have added that though if there is all right all right here we go test you to yeah there we go okay cool at the chest it's over abra i have the high ground yeah no i got i got the high ground with it so it was an even fight uh amber how many five star things do you have right now i have see one child luke and amasbo here we go uh is there another there is another heart island here oh that's that is cute though oh i was reading the chat i wasn't paying attention okay is it gonna spawn me on the side that we were on or on the other side on the side we were on okay well kind of um oh alan and oro i can or i can see both of you there there's auros okay allen said hi abra i like this exploring chill stream yeah it's not for everyone but i'm glad that you guys are chilling um i just wanted to get this done before we um [Music] before it disappears uh so yeah i'm glad you guys you know it and it's very warm today so i thought today would be better just chilling out i'm gonna wait because i'm not sure what it's gonna do okay no we need to move it can i adjust this i can adjust this one though right move up there we go and i can adjust this cool no again that was my fault i wasn't looking at the uh at the screen come on amber come on there we go uh no position two yes okay that should be good rosario is so done yeah i mean if she wasn't my main it would have been everyone else anyway so you know it's it's what it's the perk you get for being one of my main characters i guess [Music] right nice there we go i will take it happily uh all right that archway there looks promising there's a chest i'm ready for it we're going we're going uh abra if you get uh cause kazoo you need the materials from this island to level him um so make sure you farm yeah i think that they will add the the materials on other places on the map so it won't just be gone forever but i have been collecting them whenever i see them don't worry there it is there's the mural all right we got it all right well this is just rude isn't it you know i can't just summon things out of thin air like you you can't run everybody oh very nice good job come here amazing all right uh did he drop anything yes he did okay sweet um is there a chance you may do co-op not today wolfy but in the future i will definitely consider it um i want to make a proper plan if i do co-op um so yeah they'll be in in they will be in in azuma yes they will looks like we found another mural a star archway that's an archway isn't it that's not a cave that's that's a cliff a bridge a cliff or like a rock face and a star okay oh it's twinning aisle okay that's good to know can we uh all right oh thanks amber you just stood half in front of it but it's fine it doesn't matter okay let's switch back to this one just in case we need it awesome twinning isle that's where we're going are we on twinning aisle i don't know what island we're on yeah we are on twinning aisle okay which which archway is it though is it this one over here i don't know um kamesa thank you so much um for the five dollars what level are your talents um in addition to artifacts raising talent helps maximize maximize your overall damage most players have them between six and eight yeah so most of my main characters are most of my characters are on like four to five right now um so it's not it's not bad it's not bad sucrose main dps yeah my sucrose is is one i'm working on currently she's not fully optimized yet but she is what she is it's a secret location but you've already found it oh really yeah okay kazua is really good with sucrose okay okay cool um what does everyone know does everyone know about the new characters no so i i don't know anything about them and that's by choice so please avoid spoiling their elements and who they are and stuff because i know the names but i don't know like what they look like and what their elements are and that's by choice i've chosen to not know where am i going i don't i'm a bit lost is it this thing is there a symbol up here is it that is it that up there there's like a hole because that was where the star was on the picture right no that's a wall i don't know um okay [Music] okay okay for those of you asking who i'm pulling for i'm pulling for all of them so i might i might not go for every single one but i will definitely pull on all of the banners you've already got the journal there oh have i so there's nothing so but what does the picture tell me what is this there's a star yeah that hole okay okay go there and slide down yeah okay so it's somewhere on this cliff face then oh wait is it that hang on is it this this i mean we've already got the journal from in here so if it's if that's if that's if that is it then then we've done it you've got the secret room already okay so it's not like a puzzle or anything it's literally just that room okay you found it okay you've already been there yeah we've already been there so we found it accidentally okay um is there one on every island is that is that how is that how we're doing this okay hi everyone i'm so late ariana don't worry you're absolutely fine you're absolutely fine don't worry we're still we're still going oh no thank you so much for the two pounds um who are you pulling for abra yes exactly like it's it's tough for me to say because as you know with all of them i just pulled for anyone i appreciate all of the characters that i have and i i see a lot of people complain like how i don't use child but i sit there and i'm like well i don't use half my characters so it's like but then i do use them all so i can't win i don't use half of them half the time but i then use them the other half so it's kind of like what what explore in the corner of the map which corner okay is that what did i see a chest yeah i did here again that's just the minority that's not a majority like most of you are just like do what you want and that is beautiful like the fact that the majority of you are very very just chill and appreciate what i'm doing instead of what i'm not doing then i i really appreciate you know the majority of you that you know do that but i get that it's frustrating that i don't use all my characters but then at the same time how can i use all my characters like it's impossible if i could play as every single character all the time i would but it's a little bit impossible you know you know you know play who you like exactly see that's what i mean like i say that now but all of you guys are just going to tell me that it's like play who you want and that's i i appreciate that more than anything sorry there we go a game play how you like exactly like i would totally get if you guys were screaming at me for putting like an animo cup on a pyro character like yes obviously that's not how you should do it but when it comes to like playing a character specifically you've got one part of like people saying choose only a certain character or a certain four characters or eight characters and stick with those only because you know you have limited resources which is technically false because you have unlimited resources um if you farm for it but i do get what they mean like stick with certain characters which i obviously didn't do because i wanted to stick with all of the characters and i've proven that you can do that it's just a lot slower and then you have the other part of some people that say well i've i've chosen my team so like rosaria yanfey bennett and diona for example but then they sit there going why don't you play with this character why did you pull for this and you don't use them it's like because i was told to only pick one set of character but what i don't know it i just found it funny i just find it funny i'm obviously i'm obviously gonna play whoever i want i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let you know the minority you know scare me from doing what i want to do um i just found it really funny like the contradiction i think it just i think it's just something everyone plays the game differently and if you don't play it in their way it's wrong which is obviously it's obviously you know not right but i do get it like i get the frustration like this right now i'm fighting this dude and i'm probably going to take forever but i can use shield because i don't have the proper material to do it but oh well you can't run do what you wish yeah exactly she exactly if you want to use all your characters use all your characters like the people that say that you can't is wrong all right it's more helpful to pick one or two or four or eight characters and only use those ones but no one's telling you you can't use the other ones i mean i've managed it yes it's been slower but also bear in mind all of my gameplay is on video the only thing that isn't is my dailies so i don't really i don't really play outside of videos other than obviously the dailies which is every single day but that's that's it what are you i'm 50 but i if i leveled up my world i'd probably be like 52 maybe maybe i don't know um and it's funny it's funny that the people that say you wasted your pull for a child on zhong li but those people that say that or most of the people that say that want me to use zhong li because he's overpowered but then i don't like playing as an overpowered character which is why i use four stars not five stars half the time because it's like you want me to use him because he's overpowered not because i mean he's fun like i'm not i'm not denying that for the jean-lee lovers out there dear god no i'm not saying he's not fun to play but i'm just saying the reason they want me to use him is usually because he's overpowered not because he's fun to play but because he's overpowered that's their reasoning so it is what it is you can't please everyone that's that's okay if there's one thing i want you guys to take away from that rant is that you can't please everyone i'm embarrassed by those people that scream at you to use him you have an unique play style but that's one of the reasons you're fun to watch so i think most of us like it don't worry about it remember guys every character can be good exactly yeah martina martina you're exactly right um thank you as well that's the thing is i have noticed i am in the very very majority like minority like there's barely anyone out there that plays as every single person like every character and if they do it might even be a majority it's just they're so scared to say that they do because of them the onslaught they get from all the people that say only use four characters and only use these characters because otherwise you're doing it wrong and then those people that want to use all their characters either don't or can't because they have this pressure but i'm just here i'm here to say yes you can i'm doing it don't worry about it do what you want and the majority of you are saying that as well like the majority of you are like yeah play how you want i use one character but that doesn't mean you can't you know chanella thank you so much that's very kind of you for the 25 hk um i absolutely love you stay tuned to absolutely love you stay true to yourself to i absolutely love you so true to yourself instead of going with the flow of others for the sake of views that's why uh you're my favorite youtuber ever thank you that's very kind of you i mean that's the thing is and it's going to sound very generic and very like um is that i don't even know if there's anything on this island um it's going to sound very generic and very like cliche i guess but like bear in mind before the whole genji thing like i always did stuff because i wanted to not because of you know because of views and whatever i mean look at my content it's not exactly clickbaity i mean yeah all right maybe someone might think some of it could be but it's not like best team 2021 and how to do a million damage and no shade on those people that make that content because they want to make it i hope they want to make it but i don't so i'm not going to you know and i know i could probably get more views if i did things up in different ways but i don't want to like no okay so it's it's like yeah it's it's a double-head shot i just find it funny when people always say like oh you only do it for views and money and i'm like are you are you sure i i would dread to think what you think about the people that actually do do it for views of money like i mean yes of course money's involved when you're monetized obviously like do you not want me to have a livelihood do you not want me to make videos like what but the thing is is like if i wanted to do it for views i wouldn't do it the way that i do it obviously like you guys know so i sit there and i'm like what are you are you sure are you sure i don't know i don't know have i been to this island i'm running in circles now i don't know why i don't know where i've been and where i haven't been i think we've got most of it okay there's something over there we'll go to this one cool uh doing one million damage you miss out on one music two boss moves um that you've never seen and three fun oh yeah yeah josh i see what you mean so yeah if you do an insta kill on a boss you miss out on the music you you know you you kill it instantly so there's no gameplay there you just insta kill it i mean again no shade on those people that want to play like that i am not here to sit here and say you can't do that because yes you can anyone can play the game however they like if you want to look up a tutorial on how to do a million damage go for it i'm not here to tell you you can't it's just if you do that but then tell other people that don't do that that they can't do that that's where the line i think gets drawn right that's where it's like well don't tell other people how to play the game if you're not willing to listen to other people you know i don't know that's just my two cents on it but what do i know i'm just some random person okay here we go here we go all right here we go here we go this is it got it awesome um nice and don't get me wrong like in regards to zhong li i would love to have jean-lee i think his meteor is one of the coolest abilities in the game like it's so like the animation for it is so much fun i love it to pieces um so do i regret pulling for child i'm not getting jean lee not at all do i wish i got zhong li absolutely i don't regret it though because i love child i love the stunt switching i think it's super fun very unique um the only reason i don't use child more is oceanid if you want to blame anything blame oceanid she's too she's too intense i can't deal she's harder than any other boss in the game and the thing is it's just she just hits like a train that's the only reason odds is a five-star aussie's an archon come on ozzy's straight-up archon i want order we will have order it's oh it's so good it's it is literally one of the coolest abilities in the game by far um okay i could look for other murals but i don't think we'll do that right now um i don't see anything else that needs to be done maybe i've missed some stuff if i have i will have a look at it um but yes i think for now we'll go back to to that yes we'll go back to that that'll be good um let's let's farm a couple of ley lines let's get the let's get the actually we don't need to do that anymore i mean it'd be good for the mora i'll do i'll do that later latino i could do it now i could do now do we do it now where even are they oh i've zoomed out too far that's why um i'm trying to think is there anyone else that i need sucrose needs this one let's go to this one why not let's help abra farm ocean he didn't go upstream yeah i might need it i might need it it's fine though like it doesn't matter i will manage it like i usually get she involved off stream to like come in and just nuke it for me but um how much do i need for sucrose actually a lot a lot i'm doing the pyro ones the animo ones i was doing the cryo ones but now i've kind of switched i want to do the hydra one more and i need to do the geo one as well i need to do all of them really but how about we do this and then we'll go into i don't know okay hang on i'll let you guys choose do i do the boss or do i do a domain for a bit do you guys want to see me do a level 90 domain should we do some artifacts instead because i need all of this stuff really i'm kind of tempted now you guys are probably going to say artifacts i'm guessing only on sucrose i'm just looking at them for the future it's nothing right now ocean is easy with the ante not when yanfey dies instantly i need to upgrade jan phase artifacts domain domain yeah domain boss boss domain boss boss boss domain domain boss domain domain okay i'm seeing a lot more domains all right i'll tell you what while we're here let me grab the let me grab the there's more of these uh berries around here but i'm gonna grab the ones while we're up here i won't poll it it'll be fine i'll just look at the chat actually mods are you able to do polls i don't know if you have the ability to do that the main dragon spiderman i need to do the dragon spine stuff that's still a video that i want to do um don't worry guys there's just so much happening in the game at the moment like it's it's crazy obviously with uh like uh in a zuma coming that's just it's full steam ahead it's crazy it's awesome though all right let's go and i'm seeing a lot of domains let's go to um where is it is it this one yeah you can't no i don't think so i'm not sure okay i think it is a new thing so maybe only the creator can do it for now but [Music] do you have resin yeah i have resin um level 90. sure this is either going to go really well or really bad it it it's very one-sided i don't see a poll option it will be under the chat you should see it if you can i can i can see it but it's fine don't worry if not i was just wondering all right yeah you know what we'll be fine come on come on in you come help switch there we go oh no that hurts okay all right we should be fine owwww all right fall over don't be mean everybody yeah it's usually these two that are the issue right yeah we should be fine all right animal test 6308 judgment i didn't swirl it my bad come on yeah you can't either i do this incredibly fast or incredibly slow it's always like one or the other this one seems to be a slower one there we go awesome all right bennett let's go amazing come on sucrose ow oh gosh okay it looks fine okay we're good very good rosaria well done one and two okay there was no swell there but that's fine all right we got this where'd you go all right yeah come out there there we go okay cool so it's not super fast but it's not super slow either oh that's so stressful because either i get nuked or i do the new kick it's like it's very there's a it's i mean it's one of three options either i die instantly i kill them instantly or it's incredibly slow all right sadly we didn't get what we wanted what is this one healing bonus the sub stats aren't bad but no we want we want better what would you guys recommend for that if it's going on sucrose what do you recommend on the hat because obviously feathers always attack flowers always health what and obviously cup would be the animal buff so what what would you suggest on the other two damage attack crit elemental mastery that was fast okay elemental mastery can you get that on a hat i'm sure you can right elemental mastery so just always elemental mastery just all okay that makes a lot more sense all right we can we can do that that's not bad sweet let's do it let's do it one more time i'll do the rest of them off stream because then we'll do some pulls does that sound good crit damage elemental mastery em on everything okay right quit damage all right sounds good hey how barren bunny uh all of you but yeah all right oh all right here we go oh that's damaged oh okay we're fine stop it y'all nasty see this is what i mean like this one i'm getting nuked in and it's like what changed no okay he missed okay we need to run away bennett go barren bunny should protect us i'm staying away from you no stay away go away go away nasty nasty burn buddy go aha got him [Music] all right let's do this benny good boy good boy good job all right here we go this one not today good job my man good job no okay you can't run away oh she's doing it again he's going crazy ow oh my word that hit me from there that was a that was a bit of range yeah no no no no no no no no no oh no i knew i was if i dashed into it i was going to be in trouble on sucrose run okay we're fine all right let's do this uh we don't need her it's fine rosario you're fine don't worry it's so stressful oh my word okay so i tell you what amber does so much more than i think people give her credit for that baron bonnie gave us more than like more than once it gave us time to just back off and let the shield drain itself so you see she's not all that bad uh character healing cryo damage oh actually that would be pretty good for um chichi right really uh maybe i don't have chichi is chichi cryo heals right i don't remember for rosaria well not for character healing i mean if we're not going for the buff i mean for otherwise then yes i think i think rosario does have a five star cryo damage bonus who has who's who's cryogeela diona i mean dion is q i guess rosario what element is chichi is cryo sword healer yes that's not bad hey abra do you want to learn how to dragon strike it's a really cool and flashy move that you can do with claymore characters and it's not that hard if you have good reflexes unlike me i have boomer hands someone in discord will probably help if you want dragon strike thank you rob what does that mean off piece yeah that's that's it right i think i have one for rosaria already though dionna and chichi okay that makes sense um but rob dragon strike sure i mean i don't know what that means do i maybe i do i'm not sure i haven't i don't think i've heard of it though attack goblet for chichi oh you think so well anyone that's cryohila really right i mean if it's off piste then i think rosario yeah what is hers oh yeah see this one is increased elemental mastery but it's cryo damage bonus uh energy recharge attack hp attack uh not the worst one not the best one but i can't complain i was leveling it up but then i ran out of things to level it up with so all right 25 let's go back to monstad all right you mean dragon spine yeah hey do you want to learn how to dragon strike is what you said with a claymore user dragon strike is when you spam plunge attacks dragon strikers being able to continuously plunge on a flat surface whoa that sounds cool is it like is it is it a slightly declined flat surface or is it like straight strict flat just like here i could do it here what is rosario's right um crit damage is 35.5 and rate is only 3.9 it's not a lot um i haven't really got much rate on her to be fair i still need to do rosaria's domain in dragon's spine with uh childs as well so child and rosaria are gonna get their tlc when i do dragon spine it's a glitch move oh okay i think it was patched it was patched that was patched straight flat straight that's crazy that's crazy if that is how that works all right what are we looking at 1 000 uh primos zero wishes and then we've got six on this one so god is getting so warm i'm getting so warm okay how many can we get six hmm [Music] okay right six and six no straight 10 pulls this time huh i think i think we could do five and five so if we do 10 in total we get to save one normal and then one um event one and then i want to do spiral abyss soon for primos obviously i'm sure there's going to be new events as and when for new primos as well we've got some domains we still need to do there's still some stuff we can get primos for so for next time we're not drained completely what's your pity that's a good question i always forget um five and five i think is what we're gonna do so it's six 12 18 24 30 35 so this will be up to 40 to kind of like well i mean we're kind of like halfway to pe this or this will put us over five and five singles are fine yeah well we can't do we can't do a temple so five and five five and five is good yeah i don't think we need a poll for that do we and azuma's coming so more primos exactly exactly so we got no we got no stressing obviously it's going to be sad if we don't get kazua but again there's always most likely going to be a chance in the future hopefully obviously these guys are brilliant to have as the uh increased chance on four stars what's my history on a four star one two three four five six seven eight five six seven eight nine oh we're gonna be so close if okay if we don't pull a four star after these five if we don't put a full star after these five i'll pull the other one because then we'll be at ten again right i think we'll see so let's do five normal ones first i think this is the same pity if not slightly lower uh debate cup but remember guys we have 100 on our 5050 we have guaranteed 50 50 on the event banner so when the new characters come out just saying i'm just saying i'm just saying um all right number two it can't be cheating yeah it's a guarantee so it would have been guaranteed kazua but i mean there's gonna be new ones coming out so he's guaranteed to those who are manifesting he loses the 50 50 right who do i have to arrest you are evil not you lot some of you yeah i'm guaranteed so right and number five oh it's purple lisa okay i was not expecting lisa happily yes oh my god oh my god yes i will take elisa happily rare lisa's rare oh my god yo lisa wow rare is she really that red does she have less odds than others actually rare i mean lisa's perfect i absolutely adore lisa rare rather than any five star are we sure about that very rare very rare rarer than a five star rare queen um you can only get amber lisa and kaya on this banner you got kai the other day nice that's rather than a five star super rare i mean i'll take it okay i'll happily take that that's that is a win already like even if we don't get anything here that is a win i mean we are i think we're guaranteed to get something here okay here we go manifest boys his number one oh my god wow okay i'll take it it's a weapon sacrificial sword that will go with um xing charl right that was his that was his weapon um sacrificial sword is for sing chao i believe tell me if i'm wrong i have c2kaya c1 lisa oh that's nice okay the star tree is rare that's good yeah it is sing chao yeah we already have it but this means that we can um refine it so that's perfect that's perfect happily okay four left well this is two awesome okay so we've got some we've got some improvements this is great black tassel okay number three all right cool steal number four okay don't refine it early five star please all right last one for today guys last one here we go number five unlucky unlucky but also very lucky very very very very lucky i only want dubs in the chat we want no f's and no l's that was perfect i will happily take that because that's a c1 lisa and an upgrade for our boy sing child and i'm very very happy with that oh no wrong one let's have a look let's have a look um right let's do lisa first that's so cool actually i'm so happy with that okay infinite circuit lisa regenerates two energy for every opponent hit while holding violent uh or violet arc a maximum of 10 energy can be regenerated in this manner only at one time oh okay while holding oh right okay interesting not bad i mean that helps because her i've noticed her q is it's quite hard to regen but i'll take it wait what is like her final oh wow okay i'm holding by the arc okay yeah i'll tell you what no that's that's pretty good i like that that's very good thank you guys gg i'm getting lisa yes definitely definitely definitely definitely and it was you wasn't it yeah it was you using sacrificial sword it's only level 40 as well so we need to increase that which we can yeah sure why not why not we can level it up as well uh kamesa thank you so much for the five dollars generation youtuber named sekka poco sekapoco secopoco um called lisa the most expensive waifu in genshin i think he spent over a thousand dollars trying to c6 her wow wow okay i'm very very fortunate then very fortunate i will happily have that that's awesome okay don't refine i'm seeing people say don't refine is there a reason i shouldn't do not refine why shouldn't i refine it didn't know you get her an event oh no that lisa wasn't on the event banner lisa was on the standard banner yamara yeah i farm leave it for other characters it's worth refining what do you say refined refine others i mean yeah but i'm gonna keep wishing so all right what does it okay what does it do after damaging an opponent with an elemental skill the skill has a 40 chance to end its own cooldown also it's the same as sucrose's one but it's a bit different there's a 50 chance refine it refine it refine it give it to bennett bennett has a sword though now bennett has one that i want i want bennett to have bennett has a sword yeah and it's not good yeah but no it'd be pointless on benny because benny's cooldown is like two seconds anyway yeah i i wanted to ask people why they said not to just to see what the reasoning would be i obviously if i want to do it i'll do it but i just want to see why i shouldn't but if it's just to give to other characters probably because you have two characters have the sword yeah i mean who else would it be good on i suppose that there's a few that it could be yeah i think i will refine it because i if if i want more of them i'll just i mean i'll probably end up pulling for more things in general okay um let's is it locked i think it auto locked didn't it we should also level this up as well it's funny when people were saying like you wasted so much more on leveling up rosaria and i'm like bruh bruh i know i know it's a waste like i know that it's it's not efficient to do that yet but still all right we're refining it we're doing it oh wait yeah there we go there we go it's rank two awesome you'll be very happy with that and it's level 50 now as well so perfect happy happy happy happy happy happy uh dreamer says it looks like and live each day to the fullest that is what life in monstadt is all about isn't it yes uh looks like your pity will carry over to the next banner still good you have um have you also noticed the weapon changes color after you send them twice someone said that about the who was it someone said a weapon of mine changed color i don't know she queen look at her um but yes i i need to go through all my weapons and i need to um just like sort out like what i can refine and what i can't so i know amber's is like refined fully um any using four stars most of them not four stars three stars i'm mostly refined all the way so haven't you it's all right it's all good it's all good okay guys you lot are treasures and i'm gonna have to love you and leave you today but next week innozuma's coming i know you guys are probably very excited so what we're going to do is sadly next week there will be a video it won't be going to in a zuma yet because i need to record tomorrow otherwise i would have waited um but i do have some stuff i've been reading the comments and i do have some stuff that you guys have told me to do first so don't worry for those of you that have um commented on the on the last video you will know i've read it i know what to do so what we're going to do is next week we're going to finish up anything that we need to do before we go to innozuma then we will go to in zuma the week after so don't worry i'm sure that next week's video is still going to be good for some of you guys because i know it's going to involve things that you guys like so don't worry um there will still be a stream um hopefully hopefully um but yes should i choose look forward to that um i know i'm gonna be a little bit a little bit late to the inazuma party so you guys save me a seat in whatever cafes are in in azuma hey so just to clarify sacrificials are good on refined cause they get better benefits are precious and are good to have more than one on a team what's why i cried last time when you did it oh okay i see what you mean rob okay that's fair that's fair thank you though rob um but yes say hi to all of the other youtubers that go and uh explore in azuma on day one i'm sure there will be plenty of content for you guys to see so don't worry you're not missing out you will still get my reaction it might just be a little bit late but yes thank you guys so much um yeah it's been fun and honestly i know this this stream has been a bit up and down all over the place we're gonna move over to this screen um it's been a bit up and down we've had some we've had some chats we've had some rants we've had some fun we've explored we've had some wishing it's all good but yeah thank you guys so much um you guys are great and you make my weekend every single week so thank you guys so much for watching um yeah thank you for the mods for putting twitch and discord in the chat if you want to see me outside of the videos and streams that's where you're going to find me so yeah thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate you as always i will see
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 17,491
Rating: 4.9664493 out of 5
Id: D03AGgIQoWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 54sec (9714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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