We will be reunited!

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hello hello and welcome back to another video today we're back once again with gentian impact so today we're going to be continuing the very exciting and law field quest we will be reunited i've been reading your comments and a lot of you guys are super excited to see my reaction to the end of this quest now dane has asked us to go over to the cathedral after finding a talisman if i remember correctly so we're gonna go and see what they have to say there but just before we jump into the game a lot of you guys were telling me in the comments that there is a story trailer about when aether in my case it would have been lumeen if you picked lumen sensed something in storm terra's lair about how it was something familiar and then we got the flashbacks so we're gonna watch that first right so here we are now before we continue the quest we're gonna watch this trailer and see what happened up on that cliff okay do not belong in this world [Music] [Music] oh okay so i'm guessing that's the dandelion one day this journey will reach its end whoa okay and there's okay yeah that makes a lot of sense but until the abyss has engulfed the thrones my war with destiny will see no end your highness our plan to weaponize the dragon has been impeded by the animal archon he rises again for the dragon's sake [Music] we were well prepared for his interference regrettably your highness the issue is your brother okay outlander your journey ends here oh i'm getting goosebumps man [Music] oh we will be reunited dear brother but not here not now we will meet at this journey's end once the dust has settled then you will understand okay and that's where the footprints were wow oh my god okay that explained a lot so that showed how it was it confirms that it was lumine that was up on that cliff obviously we saw how the dandelion got trampled we saw obviously how the footprints of the ruin guard got there it shows that lumen is watching us like she she could have interfered with us then she could have interacted so she is actively avoiding us right now how interesting okay so we're back into the game now that again as i said confirms that it was our sister that was watching us and that it is who dane has been talking about this entire time so obviously we were like 90 sure anyway but it's very cool to see that they've made that trailer to let us see it from our siblings perspective so for now let's head up to the cathedral um i think yeah here we go a huge statue a grandiose cathedral the people of monstat clearly spent a great deal of resources and energy to construct them but how aware of this was the animal archon on receiving this gift and how much did he give back in return faith doesn't ask for anything in return though does it as long as the gods have a clear conscience about it all there's nothing i can say about it okay we're about to enter the cathedral don't say anything bad about the animals [Music] i never specifically said i would enter the cathedral i'll leave you two to mingle with the sisters hmm aren't you curious you are the honorary knight of monstat they will surely allow you to poke into these affairs with their utmost trust having me tag along would only make them suspicious yeah you don't think you'll be popular among the sisters correct and just as our little friend said i might say something bad about the church at any time when a non-believer steps onto holy ground the result is never pretty i have never received the favor of the gods in the past i don't see any reason i would need it now or in the future either that's enough about that while we've been chit-chatting the abyss order continues to act okay then we'll just go in ourselves and ask around i should warn you about one thing don't go mentioning the defiled statue inside the cathedral the church of favonius wouldn't ignore the matter of the statue but if they rashly tried anything against the abyss order it would only ruin whatever element of surprise we may have all right that sounds fast so meddling in the affairs of the abyss usually doesn't end well for anyone fair enough okay talk to barbara oh my god i mean i was half joking about barbara coming after you but apparently that's who we've got to go and speak to anyway hello barbara honorary night hi how have you been i've been good i did anything today but i should first make it clear that if you need to borrow the holy lady again we cannot a black it seems he hasn't realized it's just an illusion it's been an illusion this whole time we are here to ask some questions about something barbara have you heard about the first field tiller hmm what's that field tiller what does it do ah of course you wouldn't know anything about that okay next question has the church ever the statue of the seven huh you're here to ask about that old story oh okay well i didn't expect that that was such a long time ago barely anyone mentions it nowadays hmm a long time ago there was indeed one statue of the seven that disappeared one night without a trace nearly every member of the church joined the search for it but it was never found in the church's records as you might assume this incident has been called the last statue of the seven yep very descriptive that gets to the point of course uh nothing so do you have any other clues but we can't tell you about the statue we saw just yet like things said outside it's for your own good um other strange stories i'm not sure let me think about what other unusual incidents are in the church's records oh the tyrant's final fury no that's from another time probably unrelated the tyrant's final fury oh this refers to a time of great danger that engulfed old monstat the place now known as stormterror's lair oh many many years ago there was a time when balls of fire would rain from the sky whenever anyone approached old monstat was a fire raining from the sky how terrifying people at that time believed it was a curse laid down by the god of storms so they referred to it as the tyrant's final fury this strange phenomenon continued for about a year no one was ever able to solve it it just gradually ceased on its own how weird yeah so bizarre right later the theory of the tyrant's final theory became less probable in the eyes of the church common reasoning dictates that the god of storms wouldn't shoot fireballs hmm perhaps it was something else that caused the disaster wasn't there anyway this incident might not be related to the lost statue of the seven but i just can't think of any other strange incidents that might be it's okay thanks anyway thanks barbara waitless word thank you again i can never get used to hearing it oh it's rosaria if you're looking for the knights of fevonius they're busy with those monsters again those monsters those monsters that tried to attack monstat last time during the storm terror incident wasn't that the abyss order they're at it again indeed they're gathering in wolfenbaum causing great unrest among the wolves isn't this technically the first time we see rosaria because we saw her during the wind bloom festival but i think this is technically i could be wrong if i'm remembering correctly this is the first time we see rosaria could it be that the abyss order is targeting the spirit of lupus boreas as for what purpose i can't say for certain wait how does she master gene has already headed off to wolven den i must also begin to make a move myself then i will go as well master gene said you should stay at the church and continue your work with the clergy but you're also a member of the clergy don't worry i'll go help as well right we'll go give master dean a hand mm-hmm oh okay if the honorary knight will be there then don't worry bobby one be careful may the animal ark on protect you all thanks barbara okay so it seems like the knights are on to it as well not the statue but the abyss order because obviously the abyss order have been overly active recently so the knights are already just on their case we gotta go speak to dane again hopefully he's still just down here there he is hello dane i see has the abyss order already launched a new operation seems like him this could very well have something to do with the defiled statue we should go as well okay but what is the abyss order going to woven them for anyway are they looking to do the same as they did with divalen not again no that's not likely unlike osile who was just suppressed andreas died long ago today it is just his spirit that stands guard over wolvendom oh the abyss herald may just be targeting the spirit of andreas in an attempt to garner some information from one of the animal archon's old companions okay go to wolvendom so while we're running to warvindum i saw a lot of you guys saying to use my uh fighting team because apparently there's gonna be a lot more fights so i'm very tempted to switch actually something that i've just realized i can officially get my first character to the current max ascension so i think we're going to go ahead and do that there we go oh my god spilling blood okay i possess such power before for such blessings i give you thanks wow so they have their own well she had a like a voice line for it that's so cool now i know a lot of you guys were saying don't level to level 90 just ascend to 80 and then leave it but i personally just want to get it to 90. and there we go we're at level 90 now so rosaria is officially our first ever character at max ascension and max level oh that's so awesome i love that okay so we're going to take care of these guys [Music] don't underestimate the enemy let's take them now all right dane so you might notice that i have a bit of a different team than usual so i've actually switched diona for amber and i've switched yanfei for sucrose there sure are a lot of enemies around here the closer we get to the target the more enemies there are fits the abyss orders style i mean it makes sense right we should hurry and find lupus boris yeah let's go let's do it not going any further what why not is it because you're afraid of fluffy animals maybe he's like i'm not going yeah that's probably not it it has nothing to do with wolves it's because boreas was an ancient god yet he willingly became a servant of the seven hmm i cannot possibly agree with his actions i don't desire any interaction with him besides you're the one people like i'm less likable you really don't like social interaction that is a mood you really despise the seven huh there's nothing special about gods anyway then why is it it's just my opinion but a word of advice always be on your guard when around gods you shouldn't place too much trust in them but at the same time don't go too far in the opposite direction don't go trying to overthrow them or hunt them down even if the god in question is your sworn enemy hmm don't trust them and don't hunt them that's some awkward advice hmm does dan hate the seven or is he protecting them i think he's like in the middle ground i guess what is your opinion on contradictory unless i repeat the failings of my forebears i will tell you one final fact okay huh what fact the destruction of the nation of kanriya by the gods is the reason the abyss order now seeks to destroy the nations watched over by the seven okay i kind of assumed enough chit chat we should get right into business so it is confirmed i will go take care of the remaining abyss order members in the area try and keep your visit with boreas brief all right afterward let's meet at the entrance to wolven sounds good there he goes up he goes strange man i can kind of see where he's coming from yeah that's true you also keep your guard up against unfamiliar gods at the right of descension and leo your decision was very similar to what dane would do when there's a lack of trust it's best to just avoid the situation entirely hmm yeah not the easiest situation not really not honorary night pine james so glad we found you rosaria told us that you came here to fight the abyss order so we came to help mm-hmm then your help is greatly appreciated the abyss order sudden offensive is very strange they have surrounded wolven dumb i am preparing to send out some knights to fight back okay i just scouted out all of wolven dumb but i did not see you we just got here rosaria told me that the abyss order is going after bereas yes what is the connection between them they just like to cause trouble oh do they really need a reason the abyss order already went after the fallen it's not too surprising that they would also go after another one of the animal arkhans buddy hmm that is true regardless whether the reason behind the present threat is clear or not i will handle the situation all right james honorary night please go and check if lupus burrius is in any danger this god spirit he does not often see people but i hear that you have met him before yeah maybe it is best that you are also the one to meet him this time i'll do it okay be careful thank you for your help honorary night of fivonius thank you for your support gene you're a queen alrighty look for the great wolf king of the north oh and the abyss oh no we're not gonna have to fight boris are we okay i've switched just in case we have to fight it you not welcome here [Laughter] so the wolf's wretched spirit likes to raise wild pups now you claim to be a guardian yet your once sharp claws have clearly dulled since your days of godly glory if you serve us we can restore your divine powers you once held in the past don't listen boris what the heck is this ceremony he looks like he's in a lot of pain no oh no is this the same thing they did to corrupt divalen's mind wolves never surrender but this can't go on don't worry razer i'll stop this no matter how many times you resist us your efforts are all in vain are we fighting the abyss harold laborious the abyss harold okay we did this once already we can do it again come on razer oh he's still using the beyblade strategy you see i've come with a different strategy come on razor oh let's go razer oh what a boy it's kind of cool actually that i picked a razor and race is actually here that's it my boy get him nice one rain outlines your fate oh dear race is almost dead all right razer oh all right that's enough of back that all right let's heal up no razor oh my god he's got a water shield now okay oh this guy's crazy beyblades incoming oh that's so fun though i wish i had an ability like that my man's going crazy oh that's cool he opens up like portals and shoots like his ability through all the portals that's fun come on razer the shield's almost gone come on have we got him yeah that's it you get down well done razer the ceremony was interrupted how fortunate for he's free how does an old spirit have such determined will he's a wolf he's got instincts this is but a small unforeseen variable our grand scheme will not be affected oh there he goes it disappeared again are you okay borius at least we stopped at this time thank you you came just in time razor that was all you my dude am ashamed that you must see me in my present state oh borius it's all right but still the abyss herald underestimated my strength lupus barrios never refuses trial but scary outsider not respect trial rules he's cheating i too didn't see the trap it's all right razer don't worry wait so you mean the abyss order had everything prepared to corrupt lupus borius's mind then lured him out under the pretense of challenging him in a trial yeah it's not your fault raiser thank you in the future my claws must get sharper okay smell danger and came here yes sure oh okay what about the danger hi man's nose doesn't even know what you smell for besides coming to help we actually have something to ask you about too ah excuse us mr wolf god do you know anything about the first field tiller i pay no heed to the contraptions of humans he's so cool man i know not what this field tiller is oh though there was indeed one human-made machine that i can never forget okay it entered into my proving ground by accident and i mistook it for a challenger did you destroy it but it could not think only fight it was designed as a pure killing machine from top to bottom hmm i eventually damaged it greatly with one of my attacks before it fell to the ground it fled the proving ground hm it's possible that could have been the very first field tiller right it could have been the first or the fifty thousandth we don't know pymon could it spin yes it could spin leap high into the air and even shoot fireballs could be missiles although no match for a god it was stronger than even many who wield visions oh fireballs yeah hey didn't we hear this somewhere else recently as well hmm anyway this pretty much proves that the first field tiller kingdom on stat doesn't it if they're linked sure like the first one was way stronger than the mass-produced ruin guards that came after but in this story it was damaged at the proving ground while fighting the wolf of the north don't know but did we help yes you were a big help thanks yes you are ryza you need to keep investigating something super important the abyss herald may have left but the abyss forces are still attacking you two be careful yes i smell more danger bigger danger we've got this razor don't worry also be careful oh that's so cool quick let's go all right let's do it oh he's by the statue hello dane or the waypoint not the statue dang there you are did you see master gene i saw her but purposely avoided her hmm as both the lionfang knight and acting grandmaster she naturally would have reservations towards me if i'm not careful one day i may find myself becoming the object of one of her investigations but back to the matter at hand i defeated some of the abyss forces but wasn't able to gather any information did you have more success the traveler tells dane what they learned from the spirit of lupus boreous i see well then or baris more or less figure out where the first field tiller ended up huh really just from a lupus borea story yeah that information combined with a more comprehensive analysis okay for example the old story you told me you heard in the cathedral the tyrants final fury exactly the strange story told to you by that young sister long mistaken to be a curse rained down by a deceased tyrant the fireballs running from the sky will probably miss us yeah i feel like that's probably what it is because that's what um boris said he probably didn't know what a missile was so he just assumed they were fireballs so the tyrant's final fury was really just missiles fired from the field tiller after it ran from moving dumb after it was okay with the wolf of the north it must have wandered into the ruins of old monsta and stayed there then whenever anyone got close pew pew boom he would fire a ton of missiles at them until one day it finally broke down for good and the fireballs yeah that would make a lot of sense back then the people of monsta hadn't seen many ruined guards before so they came to interpret it as the tyrant's final fury right it looks like we need to make a trip to storm terror's lair and comb the entire area no need huh what do you mean i i remember you mean oh my remembers too we saw that abandoned ruin guard sitting atop the tower when we went there before can't forget something like that forgive me my memories foggy but i don't know what they're talking about all right we're going to go to where storm terrace layer is at the very top this one this one looks like a normal ruined guard though i mean i remember this one yeah but i thought i thought they would have been talking about a bigger one this is it right ah okay then use your elemental sight to look for the eye okay ooh so what did you see nothing nothing oh the timer was so excited ah what's going on are you sure you did it right this requires another method there's only one way to do that elemental sight on a field tiller is of no use because it is not powered by the elements yeah let me give it a try okay dane's a wizard and done what the very thing the abyss herald has been seeking all along the eye of the first field tiller wall of the ruin guards today are just replicas of this machine as the prototype its combat capability was unrestricted prototype oh pyman doesn't know that word is it another ancient term from conria as the abyss order has surmised if this eye is placed in the hands of the defiled statue and if the limbs of osil overlord of the vortex are attached to the statue there you have a mechanized god this newly born god will have the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia the abyss order must be stopped yes then what should we do with this eye hide it somewhere no one will find it put it under the guardianship of the church of evonius i was gonna say destroy it but he's probably not gonna like us putting it under the guardianship of the church but i'm gonna say that anyway no no i'll guard it myself huh [Music] you won't go and do anything crazy with it will you you may doubt me if you wish but i must ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands no matter where we may hide it they will find it and as for the church of favonius well you know i don't trust them yeah well oh all right but our work isn't done yet to avoid any further repercussions we must also take care of that defiled statue yeah how by doing what exactly we can't have the church get involved let's handle it ourselves as for what i mean by take care of it naturally i mean to completely destroy it okay destroy it that's a statue of the seven as well as being a really important cultural relic they're actually divine too well good thing we didn't tell barbara earlier otherwise she'd be going completely bonkers right now do the seven really expect me to help them look after what belongs to them let's go back to those ruins and destroy the inverted statue if we are lucky we will also run into that abyss herald okay i'll make sure it doesn't get away this time oh iai okay go to the ruins again we can go there all righty we're back let's go back inside so after all they're running around we end up right back here again look at us we barely escaped this place last time and now we're strolling right back in but we're going the other way surely we must be some of the bravest adventurers that or the stupidest yeah i was gonna say get to that creepy statue we just need to follow the path we used to escape jesus that should take us right to it yep that'll work let's go and remember to be on your gun what is this all right bennett you did this one last time but backwards now you got to do it this way let's go oh my word oh no oh that's so unfortunate okay all right i saw the chest on the left side and got a bit distracted so we're gonna go i think if we just follow one of the walls we should be all right let's land over here and get this bennett well done my boy good job looks like we're here an eerie lifeless dark chamber i hope you didn't bring the eye with you the evil aura you were describing earlier oh such a scary place be careful to not be overwhelmed by the power of the defiled statue the abyss herald it's here [Laughter] you sense correctly hello you are just as vexatious as ever james liff enemy of the abyss hmm i sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed perhaps from your darkest nightmares unless oh and something far more dangerous you're rick of a corruption familiar to me then we are the same we're both dangerous but dangers from outside of the abyss order must be caught and caged hmm it is your words that forever wreak of corruption time to silence you do it dane oh again okay well let's do this again you can't run come on sucrose oh dear okay we got we got mages and all sorts going on oh sucrose come on all right there we go okay we're taking care of these guys very nicely actually okay he's got his shield back again you realize that shield didn't work for you last time all right we've almost got him sucrose nice job go on traveler what is that not this time come on dane don't let him get away is that nice sword is that it is princess hey could your sister and the abyss why are you with dane why are you asking about that wait what we've been separated for so long why are you asking me something that doesn't matter we've been separated for so long your sister knows we meet again going on here dane knows her too mm-hmm you shouldn't team up with this man he is my enemy who the man looks so angry hold on a second but it must be said don't try to stop me don't try to stop the abyss that man daneslath was the twilight sword one of the royal guards of the final dynasty of conria 500 years ago he failed to prevent the destruction of conria a curse of immortality was laid upon him to forever wander the wilderness while he watched the people he was supposed to protect turn into monsters of the abyss you're saying dame is from kanye the same conrad that was destroyed 500 years ago that would make sense the people turned into monsters you're trying to tell paimon that the abyss order is not only related to conria but is actually the people of karmia themselves that is a truth bomb and the whole thing about dane being your enemy oh i'm so confused okay no pymon you you've you you being confused has just stopped me being confused so the abyss order the mages the heralds they are all citizens of conrier before it was destroyed and then they got some sort of i don't know i guess curse that turned them all into these evil monsters evil monsters which lumeen witnessed which we saw in that trailer i guess she was witnessing that i guess it looked like the unknown god it may not have been destroyed conrier and lumine saw the whole thing and dane was one of the like protectors come with me lemme let's go home home yes of course home is wherever we are together but i cannot go with you to the next world to find a new home at least not yet until the abyss has engulfed the thrones my war with destiny will see no end destiny listen to me ether i have already traveled through this world once once you reach the end of your journey as i did you will see for yourself the true nature of this world oh god what a predicament though we need not rush brother i have more than enough time to wait for you oh this is heartbreaking no we have always had enough time oh my god no oh man i empathize with aether so [Music] don't be too sad we'll find them again look on the bright side at least we've got some really useful information oh pie mon i need a second man that's so sad there is hope that's right at least now as well as the seven dane is also a key part of finding your sibling too right once we get to inner zuma we should keep that in mind as we look for more clues that's right um by the way what they said just now it's all pretty confusing did you understand it at all yeah i got it oh well then let's go over it again the traveller panman tried to recall as many details as they can first off that abyss harold called your sister princess yes it seems like your sister is leading the abyss order even the abyss harold answers to her still we don't know for sure if she's the highest ranking leader in the organization we don't but we can assume your sister said that she wants to engulf the thrones and go to war with destiny what the heck does that mean yeah could it be that she wants to destroy the seven and the seven nations it sounds like next thing yeah turns out the abyss order monsters are really what the people of conrad turned into after their nation was destroyed this story is just plain terrifying mm-hmm and dane is from conrad too yeah he witnessed its destruction 500 years ago but he didn't turn into a monster and now he's fighting the abyss order so that's why your sister said that dane is her enemy right but if the monsters of the abyss are the same people that dame protected all those years ago and why is he enemies with the abyss yeah there's still a lot of gaps how come after all this time we spent searching for your sister it turns out she's on the side of the abyss what's up with that okay poem on yeah that's it's a lot of information and there's still a lot of questions it doesn't give me a good enough reason that dane would be hated by lumeen just because he failed to protect them because it feels like if anything lumen is a bit on the on the bad side if that is her only reason to hate dane dane must have done something to either betray them which is why he didn't turn into an abyss harold herald or or he he got a different curse like he got cursed with immortality so he would never die he will just continuously live with what he has done which as far as we know is fail to protect them but if the heralds were also protecting them before they turned into what they are now why did dane get different treatment i guess because he was a higher rank or something there has to be more to why lumeen doesn't like dane yeah we have many new questions and very few answers you're right then we can't let ourselves get down about it now our journey's not over yet let's get a move on time to leave this terrible dark place and get back to the surface where the sun shines bright yeah what do we do about the statue sister wants you to reach the end of your journey well then show her what you're made of come on traveler let's go wow so we've done it there it is why is pymon encouraging us to go against our sister though that's that's something that's a bit suspicious man i've got so many questions so many i'm so intrigued as to what's coming next though obviously inno zuma's coming very very very soon so we will continue this journey very very soon okay so now it wants us to take in the view outside lua harbour to collect your thoughts you share your feelings with pymon before embarking on the next phase of your journey so let's go there and see what it tells us but man in that final cut scene there like i really like i genuinely like the game has been such a good job like gripping me and i i i won't lie i definitely got emotional there like i felt myself really feeling for aether because if you just think about it like all he's remembered is is what happened to his sister and even that isn't a clear memory so the fact that this is the first time he's got to see her since he's been trying so hard to find her like you can imagine like the thoughts that go through his head how she brushes it off as it's nothing and doesn't explain anything and everything that he knew is now backwards because um are you okay i never imagined your sister would have sided with the abyss i'm feeling a bit better well keep your chin up i'm unbelieving both of you and when the going gets tough the tests get going right there's definitely more to this yeah there's there must be more to this than these the eye she said we needed to reach the end of our journey i'm on bet she still has lots more to tell us and we won't find out what this journey is or where it will end unless we keep going that's true that's very very true thank you paimon i don't mention it partner travel buddies are supposed to look out for one another hmm although where should we go next if we want to continue with the journey hmm i still need to find that god oh you mean the god that took your sister away in the first place you're right after all everything that followed all this confusion it all started with her yeah i need answers from her yeah i'mma bet she's the key to understanding this whole mystery mm-hmm well we've ruled out two gods so far the animal and geo archons so next let's go to inazuma let's find the electro archon let's go to innozuma hyman doesn't think we can simply walk into innozuma zhang li said it was a clue's name we'll have to find some other way in yeah why don't we ask someone from innozuma entrance that's a good idea let me try and think of someone i'm sure there's someone we've met yeah isn't there someone in leoa from innozuma let me try and think of someone oh hi there there we go let's see what she has to say all righty okay ask atsuko how to travel to innozuma oh hello hello i mean good fortune right i'm still learning to talk like a local oh is there anything i can help you with we wanted to ask how do we get into innocena oh so that's why you're here well there is a way okay great we came to the right person yes but the chance of success is incredibly small it's a chance nonetheless incredibly small then how did you get out of innozuma in the first place it was in leaving in azuma that i found out just how dangerous this method truly was oh all i had to rely on was a little wooden raft that i'd put together myself there was a storm raging ahead of me and my pursuers were close on my tail i've loaded on the open ocean for i don't know how many days my rations and fresh water supply soon ran out and i remember getting to the point where i was sure i'd reach the end then i blacked out oh but to my surprise my journey didn't end there or to put it another way a new beginning found me oh did someone from leo save you ah that's right i escaped by the skin of my teeth the fact that i'm even alive to tell the tale must be a sign that the gods were watching over me what a horrible journey and you set off knowing how dangerous it was why well because everything is just too restrictive over there the atmosphere is so stifling the kanji commission subjects everyone leaving or entering the nation to a protracted approval process and i felt like i didn't belong there um commission what's that along with the other two commissions they oversee everything in zuma we usually collectively refer to them as the try commission i suppose they're equivalent to the eight trades under the leo achieving ah okay one of the obligations of the kanjo commission is to conduct rigorous identity checks on all individuals leaving or entering in azuma all non-nationals are processed centrally on rito upon arrival okay meanwhile the ten rio commission is responsible for implementing the recently promulgated vision hunt decree they act like the executive arm of the ryden shogun's rule loyal yet unfeeling right it doesn't feel good to speak ill of my home like this but after spending so long under that oppressive atmosphere i begin to lose all hope for the future oh what i mean to say is unless you have an extremely compelling reason to go to inazuma you should abandon your plans of trying to get there i have a compelling reason ah you should know that the sea around inazuma is engulfed in a perpetual tempest of wind and rain supposing you survived that you would still need to get past the samurai guards that enforce the sakuku decree that's awesome the closed nation policy of innozuma that's really cool even if you did manage to find a way you'd still have to produce the necessary documentation at the rito center for processing outlanders otherwise you'd be kicked out immediately hmm seems like they really don't want anyone setting foot in a zuma huh but there are places for outlanders to go right they only set that up as a port to guarantee a supply of goods and information to the island most outlanders would be unable to acquire the documentation needed but if you really are set on going there is one thing you could try okay uh the rask idea sounds a little on the dangerous side plus timeline would definitely get seasick that's not what i meant you could ask someone from the crux fleet if they have some way of getting you to innozuma the crew voyaging far and wide has made them a well-traveled group with a wide range of experiences they may just know how to do that but it's an armed fleet right why would they agree to a request like this that part is up to you if you're able to persuade their captain beto where is pedo it will be out of the way let's give it a try the alcor is the flagship of the crux fleet i heard that is currently anchored by guyon stone forest on a supply run this might be your best chance okay oh that's so cool okay oh i wonder if this is in the game yet though okay go to the alcohol to meet beto okay i wonder there must be a cutoff point but we'll see so i have seen this recently actually on the streams look at that that is an impressive ship this is so cool though i absolutely love this oh wow okay let's land on the very deck of the ship there we go you arrive on board the ship you're the traveler what are you doing here i'm looking for bado looking for the captain does she look like she's someone you can just come looking for as you please oh someone get over here tie this store way up and feed him to the fishies all right all right what's all the ruckus this troublemaker snuck in here said they're looking for well they're up to no good old wager and i thought i would just deal with this for bado all right stop scaring people any old hell or captain beto will scold you upside down uh i alright off you go cool your head now then traveler what business may you have with the captain i'd like to go to inazuma you want to go to inner zuma by ship hmm you best see the captain herself about this she's on board right now but it seems like she's deep in thought recently keep your eyes open and try not to disturb her i've got it huh we've also been anchored here for quite a while been anchored here for quite a while due to her orders which has led to quite a few delays if you're willing why don't you go around the ship and see who needs help oh okay whoa oh my word there's a lot of people okay huh when will we finally be able to get into the city need help with anything all right it's you so you really are going around the ship helping people well i've got a job for you we just pulled ashore so we haven't had time to restock on food out in the open sea for so long eating dried meat every day it eats away one's heart it's not every day we're near the port we best get some fresh food if you're fine with it it'd be great if you could bring us some fall or raw meat allow me so eager okay i'll leave it to you then we want to eat something different now that we've had the chance i'll leave it to you then remember fall or meat did you bring the meat back aye aye there you go have some meat we can make steak out of this perfect with the drink amazing it's mado and kazua wait hmm who have we got here wait i know you you're that traveler aren't you the one who fought against the pettowean asylum right yeah wait ninguang told me about you a traveler of great insight and remarkable skill has saved liu she said wow she's a hard one to please so praise from her is high praise indeed i remember thinking at the time that it'd be good to meet you in person judging by the clothes on your back and this floating thing i guess that time has come hey the name's not floating thing it's primer mm-hmm what a fascinating being you two give off not only the essence of wind and earth but also of yes the stars wow the fragrance of what now that's the weirdest compliment pay it no heed i mean only to say i am certain that it is by fate not chance alone that we should meet and that gives our encounter meaning is this guy a bard by any chance you're not far off but they go by a different name in it oh really this young man is kaidahara kazuha a temporary advocate for my crew for reasons i won't bore you with occasionally he opens his mouth and flowers come out instead of words with this fine ship and the soft sea breeze would it not be romantically irresponsible of me not to acknowledge it with a line or two of poetry beautiful no i can't argue with that okay then once the clash is underway i'll give you a chance to perform amazing only if the mood takes me of course poetry for poetry's sake tends to lack meaning hey you don't want to pass this opportunity up too easily especially seeing as our great hero here might be in attendance oh wait a minute what's the crash uh also just to clarify my great hero do you mean huh i thought you might be here to sign up you're telling me you've never even heard of it the crux clash is a martial arts tournament that i hold there'll be a whole bunch of folks taking part to showcase their talents whoa they're two important rules one competitors must be renowned fighters we want those with real martial arts ability not just people taking part for the fun of it so you've got nothing to worry about there i don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't heard of you two you can't take part if you've got a vision oh otherwise things get a little one-sided that is true i don't have a vision but you must be feeling confident but you might want to watch out there are a few crouching tigers and hidden dragons lurking around in liue and with leeway savior taking part in the tournament now that's gonna turn a few heads i think we can expect a healthy turnout this time but we didn't come here to take part in a martial arts tournament yeah well before you dismiss the idea completely you might be interested to hear that the prize this time round is particularly sought after a trip to innozuma it's a masterless vision wait what applied by myself as a matter of fact if the tournament champion can reawaken that vision it belongs to them is that's so interesting why doesn't it have a master when a vision bearer dies the light in their vision will fade away but the shell that housed that light remains as for whether this shell has any practical application well this remains to be seen but my intuition tells me that while it remains in the world it may just be possible for someone else to inherit it well okay and the way i see it a vision is a badge of recognition from the gods so if anyone's able to rekindle it it's got to be an individual of exceptional strength and talent right organizing the clash is my way of uncovering hidden talents and hopefully this time getting a vision to glow again interesting if you don't have a vision this is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on one of your very own the vision is no use to me yeah we're interested in getting to innozuma not fighting in some tournament in the zuma you want to go there yes well why didn't you say so in a zuma no sweat in that case if you win the tournament i'll give you a choice masterless vision or a ticket to innozuma aboard the alcor you just want him to take part yeah what's wrong with that the more talent we have the better the tournament will be i couldn't let a competitor like you fall through the net what are we gonna do looks like we pretty much have to do this tournament if we want to get to innosuma huh let's give this a shot great then let's get you signed up head to the tournament arena in guyun stone forest kazuha and i will be over soon amazing it seems like it will only be a matter of time before the answer is revealed go to the tournament arena wow these guys are actually here this is incredible before we sign up let's see who the other competitors are oh okay let's do that they had to be renowned fighters look at this who will we be up against uncle yoon hello are you here to compete in the crux clash you bet i am have you put your names down yet yeah what a unit we just want to take a look around first well i'd have a look at the entrance criteria if i were you then allow just anyone to take part the clash is a comprehensive test of fighting ability anyone who turns up for show over skill is gonna get their butt handed to them nobody wants to see that right uh yeah we heard a rule about that so someone's wondering are you a renowned fighter me only a former runner-up in the chuho rock freestyle combat summit oh yeah oh yeah also that doesn't sound like the most official tournament out there what you nonsense have you been living under a rock it's been going on for years there were plenty of competitors when i took part not to mention i've helped the military catch treasure hoarders before there were two of them trying to escape i soon sorted them out well done they tried to sneak past me under the cover of darkness they didn't know what hit him i planted a left hook on the skinnier one's face and sent him flying then the big guy pulled out a knife i stood my ground of course a roundhouse kick sent the blade hurtling into a beam above us sounds impressive i told you unarmed outnumbered but i still got the upper hand i'm not saying i came out completely unscathed of course but the fact remains that i did manage to subdue the both of them and hand them over to the milliliter i received quite the commentation oh yeah for us even for our five treasure hoarders at a time it's all in a day's work yeah thanks for letting us know all right we're gonna keep looking around i'll see you in the arena but i don't plan on losing to a pair of children anytime soon well might be sooner rather than later see ya hi there are you here for the crux class too that's right nothing beats real-life combat for honing your skills that's what our master taught us nice but this tournament is more than just a chance to put training into practice it's also a chance for us to obtain the masterless vision exactly with a vision we'd quickly become our master's top students this master of yours must be pretty incredible huh are they someone famous famous he's the founder of the ling shan clan and his skills are unparalleled liang and i are both proud disciples of his amazing the ling shang clan you probably wouldn't have heard of it it was founded quite recently the clan is nowhere near as famous as the master himself anyway okay he's got to be a grand master or something he's created many different styles of kung fu and countless other clans have borrowed extensively from him to the ling sean clan he teaches a special technique known as force dispersal force dispersal it's a type of breathing exercise where you can train yourself to harness the energy around you and neutralize attacks without moving an inch so you just for example our mask get punched over and over again to the path of an attacking fist or change the direction of an incoming stone all without breaking a sweat one time he sent a challenger flying into the air without lifting a finger is that really possible it sure is but it's extremely difficult to cultivate this ability we've been training for ages and we're still getting to grips with the very basics there's no way we could use it proficiently yet hmm we're clearly not that naturally gifted or we would have at least gotten the gist by now if we don't start making progress soon we'll probably run out of money to pay the tuition fees and still have nothing to show for all our training there's a tuition fee of course this is a grand master we're talking about here he doesn't have time to waste if you want face-to-face training you've got to show you're sincere about it but here we are having trained under him directly all this time without even a hint of improvement master is getting increasingly impatient with us recently though we heard that a vision bearer joined the goohua clan and made pretty much instant progress in their training yeah sounds like if we can get back into the vision too maybe we can finally make our master proud vision won't make you better at martial arts there may be other reasons why you can't seem to master this technique yeah it sounds like a scam well we have to try something new otherwise we're stuck in the same situation hmm exactly it can't hurt to try and if it turns out it does work the ling shan clan will go down in history folks will come from far and wide heck we could even become the dominant martial arts clan in all of ligue well that's the spirit see you in the arena all right see you there hey youngster are you here for the crux clash too oh god so it seems i found myself another new adversary so you're also here for the tournament you better believe it i wouldn't be here if i didn't think i could walk away as a champion for me obtaining a vision is the final and most important piece in the puzzle that is my life okay i feel like okay do you want to become an adventurer no no no it's not about what i want to do this is about who i want to be i am looking to become a perfect person okay i know how that sounds but let me explain i've lived a successful life so far without any setbacks hmm i've passed every exam i've ever taken enjoyed numerous successful business ventures and seemed to get on with just about everyone socially in most people's eyes i am already the very embodiment of the perfect person though of course i'd never let the praise get to my head i know i haven't reached perfection yet because there's one thing i'm still missing a visual vision yeah you have so much self-confidence yeah are you a renowned fire that's not important i have a contact in the crux fleet who was happy to vouch for me so they very kindly made special arrangements on my behalf okay i've also brought along a bit of an entourage for moral support it's such a blessing really to have so many good friends in my neighborhood of course i also put in a few good days practice a few concentrating mostly on rare and esoteric styles of kung fu as a high achiever by nature i'm confident i've done enough to guarantee my victory in this tournament i'm sure you have don't be so sure you don't mince your words do you the arena will be the judge now then if you don't mind i need to finish my pre-competition routine it's not too long now before you'll get to see me in action come white so to recap we're up against an inflated ego some gullible guys paying way too much for their kung fu classes and another guy who's just really average yep seems like you've got a pretty good chance of winning this thing yeah i think so i mean let's go sign up all right let's do it i think it's kind of unfair if we use elements but sure chinks a village arm wrestling champion huh all right you're signed up i'm wrestling next please what's your name i'm a bright source wait uh aren't you did i hear that right is it really them huh aren't they a vision bearer though why are they trying to enter the clash uh i i have to ask aren't you the traveler that helped leela fight off that ancient god that is correct oh it's really him the one that spoke with lady kutching at the rite of parting mm-hmm oh oh i wonder if i can get his autograph later five months fast only those without visions can enter the tournament i don't have a vision really but but from what i've heard the things you're capable of in combat are nothing short of extraordinary you walk into the most dangerous situations imaginable face off against all sorts of monsters even the fatoui and always come out on top so far he still doesn't have a vision though see for yourself my apologies i didn't mean to be rude i'm sure a great hero like yourself would have no reason to lie now could i ask you to provide a few claims to fame it's just a formality for you of course but i have to make a record of competitors achievements as part of the sign up process uh sure so far i've got defeated the ancient god osil so that's one do you have any other is that not enough i'm an honorary united fevonius yeah also don't forget to mention that the previous battles include but are not limited to storm terror divalent and fertility harbinger child whoa might as well declare him the champion already yeah i wonder if it's too late to withdraw oh no okay um that's plenty actually this is the most dazzling track record i've ever seen by a long shot right your registration is complete now a brief word about the prize okay a great hero such as yourself can surely only be here for one thing to win the tournament and claim the grand prize namely a vision that's cute oh we're not here for that we're here because captain bato promised to take us to innozuma if we win the tournament yeah there's another prize too oh my god pymon i've heard of it better must have upped the stakes this time to attract top talent but why would anyone want to go somewhere as dangerous as in a zuma i see so i take it you discussed your terms with beto in advance yes i'm just not that interested in visions that's all well i'm sure a great hero has an important reason for being here anyway the qualifying rounds are about to begin i'll leave you to your preparation okay hey so hyman's thinking about that whole no vision bearers rule in this tournament even though you don't have a vision most people in tibet think that you can't manipulate the elements without one yeah so pymon thinks you probably shouldn't use your elemental abilities during the tournament you know just to avoid any mistakes yeah that was that was what i was thinking looking at the competition it should still be pretty easy for you to win even without using any elements right makes sense all right it's show time you got this thanks paimon you seem like you're raring to go are you ready to compete but before we do any of that i need to end it for today guys i'm so sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger yet again but we have seen a lot in this video and my brain is still trying to figure out what is going on and just what is coming up next i am super excited for it now do let me know where is the cutoff point now is this going to be the last bit we do before the update until it stops us from doing anything if we do get to do this do let me know in the comments if i should bring anything is there if there's anything i should prepare for it but as always do avoid spoilers but there we are guys as i said we'll leave it there for today i want to thank you guys so much for watching this story is getting so insanely awesome and i can't wait to see where it goes next i think i share this with all of you guys when i say this i am super excited for inner zuma it's coming so so so soon and i cannot wait to see it just before we leave off i want to give a massive thank you to the members who are captain jace bushy potato luo belzen helen nix valzard huang li christine pearl labena d chris wong dreamer zeke nicoma vicky f simmons loon arcadia sugoi bakadesu nyanzian ono kuro fredrickson the 96th manny k lee 752 veni and a massive thank you to our full-on wizard member who is sparky007 thank you guys so much and a massive thank you to you for watching i appreciate you as always i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and i hope to see you this sunday for the stream thank you guys so much i will see you guys next time goodbye my friends
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 31,339
Rating: 4.9820089 out of 5
Keywords: abraxos, genshin impact, family friendly, Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!), funny moments, memes, edits, comedy, free to play, anime, open world, jokes, impressive, intense, genshin impact first time playing, first time, new player, new character, genshin impact wish, electro, Making my first Wishes!, how to, boss fight, discover, combat, mini boss, rosaria, wishes, 5 star, gold, my first, boss, adepti, story, dainsleif, we will be reunited, harold, abyss order, lumine, lore, reaction
Id: -yGcFzjwJAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 38sec (4178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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