NEVER break a contract with Zhongli!

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hello hello and welcome back to another video today we're back once again with gentian impact so if you saw the last video we ended just before we started the fighting competition that bado invited us to to which she offered us a way into innozuma if we won now we would be continuing with this quest today however innozuma just isn't in the game yet it will be out in just a few days as of recording this video so i was reading the comments of the last video and i saw a huge amount of you guys telling me to do one specific quest before i move on to innozuma that being zhong li's story quest so that's exactly what we're gonna do today without further ado let's get back into the game and we're back into the game and we're back in leo now what we're gonna do is we're to go into our story quest and we're going to look at what we have to do with zhong li shadow of york go to the pearl galley you and pymon recognize a familiar face as you come aboard the pearl galley okay is that the pearl galley out there the huge ship all the way nowhere near the docks okay um let's try and figure out how we're gonna get over there while we're going over here if you saw last stream you will know um that we actually managed to pull a c1 lisa and number five oh it's purple lisa okay now i believe she is actually really really rare you guys were saying because she's i think it's amber kaya and lisa don't actually appear on a event banner so they actually have one of the hardest odds to get now i don't actually know the statistics of how rare it is but a lot of you guys were very very very surprised when i got it so i assume it's quite rare all right we've made it up to the top so i'm just gonna try and glide over we have amber in the party so stamina shouldn't be an issue i'm just worried about height so let's see how far we can get we might hit the side of the boat or just in the water but i'm kind of hoping maybe yeah we're gonna be fine if we grab the side there we go awesome good job traveler that was just about the most unconventional entrance any visitor has ever made to the pearl galley i'm here to have a look well you're no different from any other guest in that sense everyone comes here just to have a look then they like what they see so they stay a little longer before you know it they can't drag themselves away nevertheless despite the impromptu means by which you arrive here you are an esteemed guest from afar and we welcome you as any other it would simply be bad manners to show you the door after you've only just arrived but we can't let you break the rule okay otherwise i'm the one who will have to answer to the boss what rule a simple and straightforward rule guests are only allowed here by invitation oh most who sneak in despite knowing the rule are petty criminals with dubious intentions don't fret and well aware that you snuck in by accident blissfully unaware of the rule you are no criminal thank you all the guests you see here are here by invitation by the boss's rules they have the right to invite other guests too okay so if you're planning on dropping in more often your best bet would be to mingle with the guests and see if you can talk one of them into giving you an invitation letter challenge accepted a smooth operator i like your style okay i'll be waiting here oh okay there he is oh i didn't think i would see you here hello are these two your friends yes we had the fortune of meeting not too long ago they are quite a knowledgeable and talented pair and a pleasure to be around oh thanks we were just discussing the history of rex lapis would you like to listen i'd love to this good sir seems not to appreciate the almighty power of the lord of geo as a professional archaeologist i'm inclined to correct some of his erroneous views no one knows better than him yeah let's not expose him no one knows better than him we are discussing the whereabouts of the first mora first interesting as everyone knows the lord of geo taught the ancient people of leo earth the craft of smelting creating goods that allowed them to develop trade with the early nations of that time today leo holds the sole right to cast maura in the entire continent of tibet the world's very first maura should have been cast by the hands of the lord of jio himself thousands of years ago okay according to my research as well as my own hypothesis i believe that this coin of unique historical significance has been passed down secretly through the years as a kind of token hmm for example perhaps the chi singh who control the liu use it in some kind of unknown ceremony they hold when they come to power no no no my research indicates that the first moral coin is not such a simple thing um edmore is a catalyst this we all know even today more is used in the mystic arts for its curious properties of weapon enhancement okay the world's first maura would no doubt possess the strongest power if my next historical treatise will boldly expound on the newest findings from my intense decade-long research okay that is that the lord of geo used this original mora as a catalyst to enhance a dagger and a sword okay a dagger and a sword so he thinks it's in a weapon well by the book when it comes out to read the full story for now i will only reveal this the one who finds the dagger shall become supreme in the leeway and the one who finds the sword may be crowned leeway's sovereign okay i can't say i agree [Music] speak of the authenticity of the dagger and sword first but maura and money came about simply because they are a convenient measure of a contract's value yeah rex lapis just meant for maura to serve as a catalyst for people to exchange and trade the world's first mora is probably just an ordinary coin created by rex lapis as for its fate the same as all morrison it was simply spent somewhere yeah hmm i think that mr honshu's hypothesis seems reasonable mr zhong li's argument on the other hand lacks any evidence how can you so easily dismiss the lord of geo's profound foresight i don't know i don't know how zhong li could possibly do that wrong i am simply stating a fact yeah enough do you think you understand the lord of geo more than me um i'm still not going to expose him no one knows him better than him i know but little about history and i wouldn't dare to brag but discussion is meaningless if everyone has the same opinion no yeah sure then answer me this long ago when leeway harbour was being constructed the lord of geo taught the people how to build houses the model home he used to teach them was completely cast from maura what that is correct wow okay okay then tell me why would the lord of geo do something so extravagant if not because of the mystical power that maura contains there's a simple explanation really okay you're the god of wealth and commerce what material is easier to get than maura jack a point oh yeah it's like you're telling someone else's tale i mean i am talking about rex lapis that is yeah okay excuse me sir uh i have some questions about archaeology can we find somewhere quiet to chat i mean if it's okay with you oh it's no problem but may my friend accompany us perhaps they could be of some help i'm just here for a good story who me of course they can come if that's what pleases you sir let's go i feel like one young is kind of on to us they've gone up here this pla this boat is beautiful look at this this is so cool hello oneyan what i'm about to say is a bit disrespectful of the lord of geo and would draw a lot of angry looks so it's best to discuss this somewhere quiet right in front of him exhibited a cuteness of speech and thought most importantly you don't fall for the boasting and acting of the others you remain objective yes so i have a question for you perhaps you will answer differently from other scholars do you think that all the gods that the geo arkhan killed were evil let's not analyze it in terms of good versus evil rex lapis placed great importance on the integrity of contracts so any gods he killed certainly must have broken some kind of content oh i was doing some research i learned about the legend of the god of salt the god of salt havria was a very kind god but she encountered morax one day in battle morax used a rather underhanded trick to assassinate her not the god of soul no way this this bit of history is a long story but you may not like the truth when you hear it don't worry please tell me what you know this event i've already searched for answers for a long time you look a bit embarrassed strongly is the story that complicated he's gonna give himself away shortly right because if he okay i mean you look a bit embarrassed strongly no it's just where should i begin this is interesting as well i've now i've i've i wanted to say this before obviously because we've just done a bunch of the story stuff we know the gods aren't as innocent as they seem so venti and jung lee if we listen to what our sister and the abyss order have said it's really nice to see it from the god's perspective even if we're not directly addressing it because obviously this is about something entirely different but we're getting to know zhong li as a god not directly but obviously he's talking about himself in the third person if that makes sense so that obviously people don't know it's him but this is going to help us like justify either his actions or confirm anything the abyss has said i'm really really really curious to like know more about each side especially the god side ah mr zhong li i've been looking for you ah so you're over here all this time the fatoui stay back otherwise uh hymon's reporting you to the milliliter hmm first of all i'm not holding a weapon put on the gloves there's no need to overreact now i'm simply an archaeological researcher from snezhnia i'm not here for trouble the fertility say that every time that's true but this time i registered with the liue ministry of civil affairs i could show you the official documentation if you want to see it i will be conducting an archaeological survey here the results of which will all be shared with the ministry okay i heard that wong shung funeral parlor had a consultant named zhang li with immense knowledge of ancient history and archaeology so i paid wang xiang funeral parlor a handsome amount to hire zhong li as my own consultant while i'm in town oh so you mean to say that this is work for the wong shong funeral parlor yes yeah i think it's best to be cautious well since it's work i don't have a choice a consultant of the wong shung funeral parli must respect their duty all right of course you would be such a reasonable man well then let's head out now shall we wait if you are studying archaeology can i go to i am also a scholar in this field so i can help that will give us a chance to continue the topic we were just discussing yes oh and you should tag along too i don't really know anything about archaeology this experience may be of help to you on your future adventures okay it is a story from before the rise of the seven although the god of salt has already perished it will still be a meaningful experience for your journey sounds good wait this is an archaeological expedition not a tour group that's too many people well but this friend of mine has a treasure-finding talent surpassed by no one it will surely be of great help to us i can smell it i smell the gold if my friend is spies a treasure chest they will absolutely find a way to oh okay all right then well let's go there's no time to waste okie dokie the lord of the vortex was crushed chamber recently perhaps something of interest was washed ashore an ancient artifact would be good traces of ancient activity would be great but a piece of the god's limb would be even better who knows what surprises we may find right so it wants us to go to the stone forest we can do that this place looks so ordinary can we really find anything valuable here huh hyman thinks it looks really grand yeah i don't mean the scenery but rather that there should be something out of the ordinary a big battle did just occur in all and i don't even know where to begin looking here hmm guys stone forest is actually the perfect place to be if you wish to learn about the gods or the history of the archon war true legend has it that rex lapis threw spears made of large rock into the sea here piercing and crushing the overlord of the vortex after many years of wind erosion those stone spears have turned into the unique rock formations we see now these mountains were the lord of geo's weapons we knew this already we see now is just the part of them that remains stone spears hurled by rex lapis all those years ago were much greater both in number and in size jeez but due to the different angles they landed at their large centers of mass erosion by seawater and years of gravity many of them have been completely swallowed by the sea so besides wind erosion the initial collapsing of the stone spears also played a big part in the formation of gulian stone forest cool well a god able to fight one so powerful as rex lapis was certainly very strong in its own right indeed this is where the value lies in research at gulian stone forest most of the objects from that time were lost to the sea but the gigantic waves created by the overlord of the vortex have given those sunken objects a chance to see the light of day again okay so you're saying that if we look carefully we'll be able to get very very rich ah yes i mean rich with archaeological knowledge and historical value yes that's all i seek in life sure well since we brought so many people i think it would be best to split up and look sure okay then i will go with my friend here although i have a smattering of knowledge in various disciplines when it comes to archaeology i can't compete with the expert here [Music] me that's you what's the matter this is your profession why are you so surprised i get it i'll escort him then don't worry you'll be fine if we find anything valuable or rare let's meet on the shore opposite from here okay sounds good the ancient god probably left behind lots of elemental marks following them should make our search much easier well go ahead then use your elemental site to look for any marks all righty okay it has just marked somewhere on the map so we'll go over there i think that's where elemental site is taking us hello boys oh okay so we want to smash all the crates and stuff that's okay hello boyos there we go okay that took care of those guys guys stone forest is a place where a god was defeated and its remnants still affect the area to this day okay cool alrighty we got a few more over here baron buddy go go tornado oh this is gonna be a big big explosion nice into the ocean you go come on you as well off you go oh we've got a crate over here is it this ah it is okay all right we've got a new area that's just come up as well so it seems to be oh on the other side okay thank you slime [Music] gathering together here oh no see that object in the center no it emits the remnant strength of the god that would certainly attract me but the hydromimic monsters i have a contract i must put my personal feelings aside go ahead defeat them and recover the relic okay i'll try it's all right lisa will take care of him there you go nice okay oh my god there's even more i know okay i decided to back out and switch just to make it easier for myself it's it is possible it's just these things regen so much that it it just gets annoying at that point there we go this is so much nicer here we go it's just a stone slab oh and its design is quite unique this should be enough to garner some information okay let's head back hello you lot you call yourself a scholar of archaeology you can't even recognize this or that what are you good for jesus come in we'll have our areas of expertise i already tried very hard to explain oh stop arguing what in the world happened yeah this girl just keeps bragging about how she's an archaeologist but she doesn't even know anything about the surrounding ruins i even know more than her she left me to rely solely on guessing i mean experience to find anything valuable to me what a waste of time i've just been researching the god of salt so i'm not familiar with sea relics is that so strange that is a little bit strange why the god of salt and you you kept asking about how much maura everything is worth can the value of relics only be measured in maura i i mean isn't measuring their value in more of the easiest way this also matches the traditions of liu does it not now now calm down no need to make a fuss we were able to bring back some intriguing objects let's have a look oh oh what a shame ah these objects were indeed washed ashore by the overlord of the vortex but they have nothing to do with the god besides being in the vicinity at the time ah the stone slab we found however has a mysterious pattern and faint aura of divine power perhaps it will be useful for research purposes ooh okay quick give it to me well clementine chilled we didn't come for nothing the power of the gods yes this is good oh but these other objects are certainly worth a little something right it should be enough to cover the cost of hiring you it's all mine so it's only valuable for research if there are remnants of divine power on it not at all my quest to uncover the history of the god of salt is because history can tell us about culture and beliefs but you you're just trying to use archaeology to get rich nonsense i'm a professional archaeology researcher from snezhnia i swear if i'm lying may the lord of jio strike me down uh no you're trying to get rich off archaeology you know you're trying to collect the strength of the gods yeah well he's not in it for archaeology he's in it for whatever you want it to collect the strength of the gods oh by the way you probably don't want to sell that teacup oh why's that oh that's not an ancient teacup it's part of ninguang's collection it must have fallen here along with the jade chamber oh so unless you want to mess with the chi sing ah i see what a shame it was of such high quality too see you do want to sell these objects so what objection was both intellectual and material don't be so simple-minded all right then no need to stay here any longer hmm i'm rather quite intrigued by the god of salt too actually let's go to salturai next saltarai okay hey guys i'm not here for you you guys can keep chilling wow this place is cool there's like ruins under the water i heard that sao turai was once the home of the god of salt's people therefore there's sure to be loads of valuable relics nearby according to legend the people of the god of salt havria enjoyed prosperous lives under her protection but this legend has been around for ages with the countless scrap collectors and treasure hoarders in the area there probably aren't many valuable things left here that's just great if i knew it was picked this clean before i wouldn't have come about that i know there's a ruin deep in this cave here it's related to the god of salt which is actually how the area originally got its name of sal terrai okay however the ruin entrance has been sealed by a mysterious power nobody has been able to break the seal i found the mechanism that seemed to be related to the seal but when i undid the mechanism the seal wasn't affected at all so at the moment the seal's origin and how to break it are very important topics in my research on the god of salt okay is it related to the god of salts people is it related to rex lapis yeah is it related to the god of sorts people i don't know there's no concrete evidence but i'm pretty sure the seal is meant to hide some kind of long forgotten truth the god of salt was a benevolent god adored by the people not to mention powerful she wouldn't have any kind of shameful secrets to hide so the one who wants to hide some truth is very possibly her killer morax oh don't go through an accusation [Music] though who cares about all that it sounds like countless treasures of the god of salt lie within this ruin just waiting for someone to find them right you weren't listening at all were you ugh even if there's a mountain of treasures inside nobody can get in if the seal isn't broken yup ah but we have the illustrious mr zhong li with us he looks like he knows just about everything a little seal shouldn't be any trouble for him this seal seems to be quite ancient even mr zhong li may not know all of its secrets i may know something about it what over the years i've heard various rumors with bits of knowledge about seals okay although their references seem rather disorderly they do in fact contain the secret to breaking seals ah let's go take a look at the mechanism miss wanyan just mentioned okay since mr zhang li says so follow me then all right go to the first mechanism here it is there's some debris scattered here that when put together looks like they definitely had to do with the goddess saw that although we activated the mechanism nothing happened to the seal okay because there's actually another mechanism that must be activated uh another let me lead the way from here this place seems familiar huh i remember i think there's some elemental monuments here so you're saying they're related to all this when i investigated the seal last time i had someone with a vision accompany me hmm but when we lit up all the elemental monuments nothing happened that's because you don't just need to activate them at the same time but in a certain order as well otherwise the seal will not be broken ah the secret to this puzzle is hidden in the legends about the arkhan war tienhung in the south yao guang in the east juayun in the west chingsa in the north all desolate and devoid of life leo is vast yet even one haven is hard to find okay to the north to the east do the people of lee you are always talking riddles i think i've heard the saying before okay certainly you have and the contents of this saying are also related to the god of salt to provide a haven for her people whose lives had been ravaged by the arkhan war this benevolent god searched all across liu at that time with the chaotic fires of war engulfing the land even one sliver of peace was a luxury hmm and that haven she eventually found is right here today it is known as sal turai how sad then in the end this peaceful place was destroyed by morax okay enough with these ancient stories now that we have the clue hurry up and break the seal whatever happened doesn't matter as long as we can get inside that ruin tianhong in the south yao guang in in the north okay with this clue you should be able to solve the puzzle right well he said south east west north well let's take care of these fellas all right that took care of those guys let's open this awesome okay so it was south west east north well he said south east west north okay so south was it west east north or east west north i don't remember tianhong in the south yao guang in the east zhuayun in the west it's east west north okay sorry zhang li i got it i got it i got them i got east and west mixed up there we go okay oh the seal really was broken mr zhong li is indeed quite remarkable he is it was nothing really now it's time that people learn the hidden truth lost to time oh okay so i'm assuming right now as we've seen with the story zhang li looks like the bad guy here like he looks like he murdered an innocent kind goddess or archon and jungli is the kind of guy to not try and dispute it like he just kind of lets it happen because he knows once people have a mindset on something he just goes with it so we'll see before entering the ruin i have a proposal that will help us prevent the kind of senseless arguing between you two that we saw at gulian stone forest okay okay what is it i propose you to agree upon a contract stipulating that we alternate who gets claimed to each treasure we encounter with only one object permitted per claim to show my sincerity i won't be taking any treasure this will just be between you all i won't take any either hey don't pass an opportunity like this up so easily i don't agree i mean you want me to split the treasure with this amateur archaeologist no absolutely not i don't agree either he will only defile the precious relics left behind by the goddess oh my god look at this i can't accept that well then if the contract is not agreed upon i will no longer serve as your consultant on this expedition you will have to rely on your own experience to find whatever treasures are hidden in this ruin as well as traps you you have the audacity to demand this okay then even half of the treasure in the long sealed ruin of the god of salt should be enough to make a fortune i'm gonna guess there's nothing in here to agree upon this contract so be it i just have one request mr shangley if we discover the truth behind the god of salt you must judge it fairly even if the truth harms morax's image i can accept this arrangement well then let's go okay it's kind of fun knowing that he's morax because like obviously he doesn't want them to know but it's still funny descend into the cave all right here we go sploosh wow oh wow this place is awesome ah geo boys what are you doing oh a chest there we go nice wow this place looks amazing look at this whoa oh what is this of mysteries and salt recommends bringing geo with us okay i mean is it gonna br oh wait we might get given zhong li right yeah let's go we get to play zhang li whoa a bizarre looking statue that appears to be made of salt oh okay are these statues oh my god they look like they're begging no these are people duh they were probably followers of the god of salt oh my god they become this way oh my god i feel like this is about to get really dark yeah look at this they're imposes as if they're afraid hello off you go there we go okay we can't climb up this oh no yeah we can't climb up this wall oh wait a minute oh that's oh that's okay i like that that's that's very cool that they've made you think about that there we go oh big brain i like it that's really cool oh my word this is this is nightmarish he is transfixed in an earnest posture no perhaps he was also afraid yeah that's what i was saying what is this it's filled halfway with salt just looks like a fancy salt holder seems like the god of salt was a god lacking in treasures according to my knowledge it's no ordinary vessel although it is only half full it is also forever half full that is to say it is bottomless okay what you're saying that even if i pour the salt out the amount inside won't change it's infinite sully whoa able to produce endless salt the god of salt is powerful indeed finally after all that effort i found precious treasure i claim this is mine i just need to pour the endless salt into a thousand or ten thousand bags i can sell it and make a fortune hey how can you use a relic of the god of salt for such a shallow produce okay i do agree with him somewhat on this then the next object we find will belong to miss according to the contract yeah that's true of course as we agreed but how can anything be worth more than this rare find it's no use for me to fight with him then let's move on shall we he doesn't have a point though if you can like produce infinite salt it would be silly not to sell it right especially if you can claim it's from the god of salt oh here we go boys we're about to drop it boom oh my god they're just gone they're just they are just deleted oh that was incredible we need two ah wait crumble oh i wasn't close enough there's one okay i just missed this one so i'll have to put this one down again there we go two yeah oh that's so cool this is nightmarish oh my word oh what is this just a simple ruler it doesn't look to be worth anything this if i remember correctly this is some kind of measuring tool indeed but the god of salt imbued it with another power when you stick this ruler in the ground the surrounding area will become covered in salt much like a rising tide covers the earth oh the deeper it is stuck in the ground the more salt will appear it is essentially a bumper harvest of salt ah that's even better than the salt chalice that was the gamble dude according to our contract the salt ruler goes to miss wanian no unacceptable i paid for and organized this entire expedition why should i get the short end of the stick and this girl has been useless why would she get anything oh boy here we go again yeah so you are saying you want to break the contract oh don't do it what if i break it now that i've seen how the mechanisms in this ruin work i no longer need you oh let's not forget who hired who here why should i let you make the rules because you agreed to a contract rex lapis once said ones who break their contracts shall suffer the wrath of the rock uh-oh that is one of your leeway gods i am from i will suffer the wrath of the rock you may find it rather unpleasant oh what's up oh oh we're doing this then are we okay you can't escape me boy come here all right here we go boom oh that's so i love that so much all right there we go i shall confiscate your treasure as well you are not worthy to continue any further into the ruin leave this place mm-hmm i'll turn you just you wait bye bye some archaeological survey he could only pretend for something hmm at least we had our guard up yeah good thing a liar from a mile away clement's wrongdoing stemmed from greed yes but besides greed there are many other things that may tempt us to break contracts yeah when people see the object of their dreams how many are really able to control their desire and follow the contract hmm i think we should be honest with each other now huh be honest about what oh is he gonna is he gonna tell the truth not a single member of this archaeological expedition came here for archaeology yeah why do you say that miss you lack even the most basic archaeological knowledge and can recognize not but a few simple relics however you are an expert when it comes to anything regarding the god of salt hmm you aren't interested in archaeology or relics what you're really interested in is the god of souls well that was pretty obvious i believe those legends about the god of salt that you mentioned on the pearl galley are passed down between generations at yin yuan hall okay that's enough oh sir you are indeed a man of great knowledge and talents i seem to have been right to seek you out once i plucked up my courage busted right i'm not a scholar of archaeology i come from one of the eight trades under the jurisdiction of the chief singer oh and hall of the salt industry our ancestors were those protected by the god of salt all those years ago when the arkhan war engulfed the land in chaos come to think of it i never heard you say rex's lapis oh true yeah she always referred to him as morax oh right now that you mention it the people of leela very seldom use the name exactly during the war morax assassinated our god out of envy for her power he left us alone and lost in the world we we hate him but this is morax's liu after all and its history is written as he wishes so i seek proof of morax's guilt ah he has blood on his hands and cruelty in his heart oh yikes we agreed to a contract that we will face the truth head-on didn't we mr zhongli you must judge this history fairly okay naturally of course but i must add leo is no longer morax's leo come with me all the answers you seek lie ahead oh no okay proceed deeper within alrighty so if i put the pillar here it should reach all of them right yeah there we go hello i will have order here comes boom he's trapped ah he's so much fun man this is a sword it's a broken sword this is proof this proves that the god of salt had to fight back fight back against the evil morax but sadly she was defeated the power of this sword surely is much greater than that of the salt chalice and salt ruler if we can repair the sword then we can show the world the mighty power of the god of salt it does look like something left behind after being defeated in battle two pieces of a broken sword from an archaeological perspective these are two separate relics according to the contract you can only claim one why yeah why are alternating claims to treasure true but clement is no longer here yeah yes but the only one object per claim clause still holds true you cannot take two relics at the same time wait this logic yeah that's a bit i don't know about that one she seems like a good person and no one is fighting over the treasure how about you let this one slide huh yeah i kind of agree with payment on that it's a contract nothing can be allowed to slide if the contract is not followed then it is broken but it already got broken by the other guy if i only take one half then it can't be repaired and the power of the god of salt cannot be restored okay no matter what i must be faithful to her even if it breaks the contract i don't care so you are already decided um then there is a price to pay oh no contract yeah bro chill to say you consign yourself to suffer the wrath of the rock oh that's okay the god of salt gave up her life to protect her people my sacrifice is nothing and you're crazy punish me however you want just let me take this proof of my faith no you can't hit her oh my god that punishment would be easier for her but as punishment i will tell you the truth oh huh the truth you mean the truth is my punishment yes the truth that i am about to tell you shall be your price to pay for breaking the contract okay i'm afraid to say that the god of salt havria was not the powerful god you imagine her to be rather she was a small and weak god who yielded to all other gods when it came to war she lost never able to win a seat among the seven i'm getting really really dodgy vibes from zhong li right now like the way he words that she was a small and weak god that's like merciless like that's um i don't know that's yeah what during the arkhan war the gods of this world used all their strength and cunning to vie for control of tivat but havria instead chose to flee she thought that by giving up before a fight could start she could save herself and her people from the war that's understandable because she knew she wouldn't win there is no end to the advances of aggressors after making countless concessions avria lost all of her lands until only one small haven remained no no it can't be so in her last days she had not even a single blade to defend her people with not even a single blade then this sword this is not a relic belonging to the god of salt but is instead the murder weapon used to kill her murder weapon no that's not true that can't be true you're trying to test my faith in the god of zhang you're crushing her man i only state the facts preposterous you are a follower of borax don't try to trick me i'm sorry i might side with her on this one i mean that was too much for her to take it is a punishment after all still man i did not want to tell her such cruel facts but the contract was broken let's follow her deeper into the ruin there i fear we will find something that will leave her no choice but to face the truth are these statue thingies running oh they are oh my god salt and betrayal i struggled a little bit there i really hope zhang li has an explanation for all of this i really hope he has an explanation for this he seems to have been fleeing from something no doubt suspecting that something terrible was a fur because zhong li definitely looks like the bad guy here like he he knew she wasn't strong enough to even fight the war let alone fight zhong li she had nothing left yet he still came in she was defenseless she had nothing to defend herself or her people and she tried to hide and john lee killed her but she must have done something we don't know the context of the war either at least i don't hello one yen what did this god assault do that zhong i don't know well i guess we'll find out what are all these what did they see what did they do what what happened since you do not trust me let us continue onward that which lies beyond this door will show you all that happened back then talk to one yen and witness the truth oh my word okay examine salph law ground zero no matter what was once here naught remains of a single flower of soul this is the scene of the crime havrea's body dissipated leaving nothing but these traces of salt her dying moments have since been frozen in time to this very day the story continues that some among her people realized at last that this gentle kind but weak god could never protect anyone in wartime the archon war was cruel in the extreme instead of consigning her to the agony of defeat they thought perhaps it would be better to give her a quick release but wait what about these statue thingies no matter how weak the god the power that flows forth when they are slain is beyond the strength of mortal coils to bear those who could not flee were thus transformed those of her people who were untouched by this disaster left for leo where they sought refuge with rex lapis their descendants feared harry's remnants and lived in terror that she had laid upon them an eternal curse so they risked their lives to come here to break the sword and offer up obeisances in hopes that her anger might be appeased but they need not have done so for how could a god who had never once resisted even till the end nurse hatred for her people in her heart i even if this is so i can't this must be a lie a false history all of it don't you dare try to shake my faith oh she's mortified yikes young lady didn't show any mercy this time either this is the price she must pay yet i would not call it a bad thing she's a strongly my god how she appeared i fear that she will struggle for a time but even if she may not escape that struggle immediately simply recognizing the truth is good enough for now my word you seem too familiar with what happened to the god of salt indeed in ages past havria's story served as a warning to me as well faith in a god who has already passed will do you no good so it is for havria and so it is for morax also the people of leo will understand that one day all right then now would you like to accompany me in taking a trip to gulian stone forest huh what do you want to do young lee [Music] treading old ground telling old stories one cannot help but be reminded of old acquaintances oh my god okay so am i right in saying that zhong li didn't kill her her own people did so they knew that god couldn't protect her and they knew that god wasn't doing anything to try and protect her but the god also knew that she couldn't protect them so they just said screw it and they they killed her and the god didn't even put up a fight like this here is the god not even defending herself like that was her dying when she died she obviously admitted a salt blast which killed everyone in the room or petrified them he once held something in his hand upraised in a pose of supreme effort this must be the one who so the god was portrayed by her own people i'd love to know i guess the whole involving zhong li was just a cover-up story right like they didn't want to admit that they did it so they they blamed zhong li in the stories and said that he murdered her like i totally understand with the zhong li sympathizers out there that obviously know he has lived with this lie for so long like he has lived being accused of being her murderer but i still think even though i love zhong li to pieces i still think the way he handled that whole situation was wrong even if it was a punishment it just wasn't necessary and i feel like the way that zhang li acted there was very out of character i feel like he does he definitely puts on a face when it comes to dealing with people like he he is very kind and he is very you know sweet to those who are neutral or positive to him but i also feel like he's very merciless to those who go against him even if it's like the smallest amount and as much as i would love to sit there and praise young lee for being this very patient god i feel like he does have he has a threshold that he's patient to a point but then he just instead of getting gradually more merciless he's just like okay this is the line you've crossed it that's it and i can respect it but the way that we saw him handle that can i can definitely see that going wrong very quickly hello zhang li now i mentioned before that many gods of old have been sealed beneath the gulian stone forest yes the adept i have presently handed leo over to mortals and havria's time was even further in the past the salt chalice and salt ruler that she left behind should not return to leah okay to leave them here is to let them slumber and it is also a homecoming so what would you like us to do i ended an era with my own two hands i've always wondered how i should remember that which i ended history records but history may be changed this incident proved that time is a mighty force and histories twist in its flow i need to find a better way of recording history in order to engrave its truth stone carvings were one such ancient method but unchanging stone immovable earth even ones such as myself someday we may all disappear hmm shall we [Music] therefore i thought of you traveller you are one who crosses the celestial atlas and who passes through countless worlds if our history is engraved in your memory it will one day accompany you into another world as long as a traveler like you is able to record what happened then a backup of sorts will exist for times and tides of to that hmm it's funny he says that because i've had this suspicion that we are immortal we know we're over 500 years old we don't know what we are like that's still to be discovered so that's why you wanted us to come with you sounds like tough work now then it is time that we consigned both the salt chalice and salt ruler to the sea as i said before this is the place to which the remnants of many bygone gods are consigned who the jade chamber most recently returned to this ocean prison thousands of years ago the adept i and i fought against the turmoil that plagued every corner of this land stone forest where i sealed many gods with my spears after so long not but folktales remain oh sile you and i were foes but our ancient grudge is but a bygone memory now may that which havria has left behind be yours to subsume wow and thus another spark of divinity departs from leo my legacy shall now be left to those who come after to debate whoa okay so is that that done then i will remain here for a while i fear that moments of reminiscence like this can only grow fewer won't those relics cause exile to grow in power yeah let's ask him about osil though the salt chalice and salt ruler do have power in their own right they are nothing before osayo if a day comes when he should recover his strength in return i believe that even so he will be defeated once more ah i feel a bit bad for the god of salt we did not measure right and wrong during the days of the archon war in the same manner as we do today okay of course as i am now i only wish that she could have lived in a gentler time what would you do now that is a good question in the past i might have given you a most specific answer but now yes i suppose i will continue in my role as a consultant at wong xiang funeral parlor but if this journey was to your liking why don't you come along the next time i am seeking to preserve memories of leo's past so that's really interesting how i'm taking on board what he said there about how they measure right and wrong differently back then to what they do now that definitely backs up his claim to why he acted the way that he did maybe just he is used to dealing with things differently to how mortals nowadays deal with it so to us it looks very harsh but to him that might just be how it was back then and i do understand that it must be really hard to live for years and years and years being blamed for something you didn't do especially when you know a god like the god of soul was so weak and it was obvious that zhong li could he knew he could overthrow her so easily but he didn't and it wasn't until her final moment when she had literally nothing that obviously her people decided to overthrow her and of course that then got thrown on morax or zhong li i do feel bad for him but i also feel like the way that he does react to things can be very explosive and very like i said merciless i think that's the best way to put it it's very interesting to see though very very very cool now as much as i would love to do chapter two of the zhong li quests um just before we go to inner zuma i sadly can't get it done in this video but what we'll do next time is we will do chapter two and possibly look into the entrance of inner zuma i'm not too sure yet but we will see next time but there we have it chapter one of the zhang li story quest i can't wait to see what chapter two has to offer i know a lot of you guys as i said were telling me to do them before i go to innozuma so that is what we'll do sadly it will be delayed slightly so everyone will probably have gone to innozuma weeks before i've managed to but that's absolutely fine we're not in a rush i hope you guys did enjoy my reactions to seeing the story about the god of soul and playing as zhong li again that was a lot of fun and very glad that they've allowed us to do that and just before we leave off as always guys i want to give a massive thank you to the channel members who are captain jace bushy potato lou oh helen nix valzad huang lee christine pearl labana sun dreamer zeke nicoma vicky f simmons loon arcadia sugoi bakadesu nianzian kuro d chris wong fredrickson the 96th lee s752 manny k ono veni tulney and an extra special thank you to our full-on wizard member who is sparky 007 thank you all so much and a massive thank you to you for watching i appreciate you as always i hope you have a wonderful rest of your week i will see you on sunday for the stream thank you guys so much i will see you guys next time goodbye my friends
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 20,479
Rating: 4.9671459 out of 5
Keywords: abraxos, genshin impact, family friendly, Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!), funny moments, memes, edits, comedy, free to play, anime, open world, jokes, impressive, intense, genshin impact first time playing, first time, new player, new character, genshin impact wish, Making my first Wishes!, how to, boss fight, discover, combat, mini boss, rosaria, wishes, 5 star, gold, my first, boss, adepti, lore, reaction, story quest, zhongli, NEVER break a contract with Zhongli!, god of salt
Id: K0bzGPm1Qhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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