She has a C3 Mona and doesn't even care about her... (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets here on bone's account again the history hasn't updated yet but she just did a uh yolo tin pull and got her fourth mona you can't see it here but literally look at this she got hutao one tin pole before that tin pole i have no idea how many souls bones has sacrificed to whatever weird god to be this lucky but regardless uh she in fact does have a c3 mona now and um yeah look at this level 70 that's not raised yet you need at least level 80 to be an actual character but that's not the worst part that's not the worst part look at this level one talents she has a c3 mona and she doesn't even care about her bones might not like this too much but i'm going to raise her mona i'm gonna raise her as much as i can today i don't believe her talents are actually i don't think we can do anything with her talents because yeah her books aren't open today may we'll do a part two once she's really raised but like you can't just sit on the c3 mona like i have a c0 mona and i freaking love her what why bones why why you do this at least stellaris phantasm is level talent four yeah we'll worry about the talents later for now we have to farm some oceanid we thankfully do have a lot of these annoying mushrooms i'm not sure if that is gonna be enough to get her you know her sixth star i don't think we're gonna get her to 90 she might be a little angry if i do that but we're gonna probably get we're probably gonna try and get the sixth star because you get a nice little bonus there you know energy recharge base stats and it's not that expensive we will have to do a lot of oceanid though i think we're just gonna try it with whatever her default team is here we have razor khalid chichi and vinty what the hell did oceanid talk before i don't think so we're starting with the birds that's not pog at all i need to get ganyu in here that would make this thing a lot easier also we can take a look at that uh r2 wolf's gravestone in case any of you were there for the weapon summons we were trying to get houma for bones and we got gravestone i decided to not refine it immediately and left that up to her but of course she refined it i would do the same thing more birds over there ha ha but those dumb birds there we go all right we have the wolf proc let's see this in action well probably not anymore they just keep running away it's pretty annoying um but yeah first run we got three cleansing hearts all right all right any good gladiators nostalgia not really no while we're waiting for oceanid to be undead we are going to farm a few mushrooms because i think we'll need more than what we have are you farming some of these mushrooms already bones because uh yeah i'm not seeing them here i think she's been raising barbara which also needs these mushrooms oh there's one hopefully she hasn't farmed all the ones in monstat also this is not looking good also we do have cli with us so she would show it on the map like in the form of a little hand and yeah i see no hands yeah we got one oh that hand way out there is definitely not a mushroom oh yeah there are also some at don winery nice nice nice i think that was it unfortunately back to oceanid we go though i think i am going to get gone you in here are you guys ready for machine gun ganyu apologies to my future self for whatever editing that will require so what do we got here two cleansing hearts gladiator intoxication cryo damage bonus interesting interesting subs make it garbage cool how far away are we from the mona oh we can do it we can get her up to 80 at least ascend got some energy recharge it's all good it's all good uh oh that that is a problem that is a problem bones well she already told me she doesn't want any new characters for a while so uh i guess we can use these guess we're gonna have to farm some character books well let's see here chaparoo paimon's bargains yes that's the good stuff all right 300 so i don't have to get her to 80 i wonder come on let's go let's go oh yes it is and then we need to do approximately eight more oceanides i would say oh and i think there are literally zero of these mushrooms in the world right now regardless there is still something very important to do because as you can see she doesn't have a single artifact on her either so we're going to build her mona i don't know if i'm going to raise artifacts unless they seem really really good for her i know we're probably going to go hydro damage bonus here i don't know yet if we're going to go four piece but definitely probably got to try and get that hydra damage bonus she also does currently have a level 20 solar pearl so that's kind of kind of kind of pog i guess but yeah honestly we're probably gonna go uh energy recharge for the hourglass because she gets a hydra damage bonus and also her ult is insane so that's a pretty much given mico two-piece uh two-piece hydro two-piece uh oblige let's see what kind of energy recharge we got attack def def oh god that's horrible i think that's actually it this is gonna probably have to be an off piece but then again we need hydro damage bonus here so oh we do have a hydro please be okay it doesn't need to be perfect but just okay it's not it's not really okay what does this dude have oh wait there's 110 elemental mastery though bones can can mona just steal water dude stuff we're gonna steal it for now and i'll tell her about it so i guess that would mean energy recharge here would probably be the off piece i can imagine i mean we could go this but it's subs are so bad so i don't know i would really like not want to uh let's check the rest if there are any really really good ones hey wait water dude has one wait how is that plus 20 what actually went up uh flat attack and flat hp but it seems like it didn't go up enough for being plus 20. well this one isn't equipped on anyone 27.2 crit damage that seems pretty pog yeah that's like perfect let's go ahead and equip that bad boy but now we need uh one more hydra damage cup or maybe we should at least raise this one maybe if the the fourth sub isn't bad let's get it to at least four it's defense percent so we're going to stop with that i'm actually not sure probably closer to crit damage honestly here i'm actually not too sure how to build mona mine just built like a general dps but just energy charged instead well first we have to see what we're working with here so let's go to heart of depth first and see what kind of options we have so there's crit rate there depends on the fourth sub if it's going to be better uh here we have crit rate and crit damage so that wouldn't be bad either so that could potentially be good depending on fourth sub that's hp death attack and attack so we actually have three options here uh three with some potential at least but let's check out oblige now what do we have here oh vinty has a crit damage with tin crit rate you wouldn't mind if i just i think she would actually murder me if i touched her venti honestly um but yeah see what else we have here crit damage with elemental mastery nothing nothing i think was that it oh crit right here on child she doesn't really use child very much but if she is going to stick with solar pearl then she might have enough crit rate i might steal this off vintie at least for the showcase but uh probably this one wouldn't be bad this would probably be like the best case here but we only need one more heart of depth since we have one here so if we go this then we have to find two decent obliged pieces here this is already plus eight i went to flat attack but otherwise jeez this one is kind of the same you know attack energy recharge attack crit rate that could be good if it mostly avoids flat attack starts with four subs as well i kind of want to raise it all right we're gonna try and get it up to four and just hope we can avoid that flat attack we're gonna raise it until it goes to flight attack and then depending on when it goes to flight attack uh okay we got attack a 2x enhancement bonus and it went to energy recharge which is also super good for her if it avoids flight attack once more then i think we're gonna plus 20 it oh it did it went to energy recharge again this is turning out to be a this is not obliged though moga forget it it's actually turning out really good for her we can swap out we haven't even raised the circle yet so it doesn't matter that much you're out of four stars well we're gonna have to kind of buy some five stars i i generally know what she would throw away and what she would keep probably gonna keep a lot of the water stuff for now since her set's not finished yet uh but yeah like def and then a bunch of flat stuff we're just gonna throw that away energy recharge again this is really nice for mona you know she gets that 20 hydro damage on it this plus 12 4 star gladiator i'm probably going to chuck in there because it's pretty bad and yeah you know just some free cheap xp oh and we got a 2x bonus on it of course it it couldn't avoid flat attack but still i think it rolled exceptionally well it avoided it up until the very end and we're probably gonna give that to her actually all right which means we need a different one here she currently has royal mass so that means we're gonna try and find oh we don't have very many obliged plumes to choose from here we have the one child currently has on which is quite pog uh decent decent what do we got here that could be okay depending on fourth sub and then here same same story kind of childs is probably the best out of here even if they were all plus 20. we're gonna get this one up to four see what the fourth sub is if it's like crit rate we're probably going to raise it a bit higher come man oh that's crit damage i don't know though i think we'll actually need more crit rate well for now i'm probably just to give her childs just to get a general idea about her current build i mean her build would more or less be oh yeah then there's this again i'm going to give it right back please don't kill me bones i just kind of want to see what we're working with here so i think everything she has on is plus 20 currently but mona will get a good 20 more crit rate from her weapon once it's raised currently it's 34 to 158 maybe she'll have almost 60 crit rate once the weapon is raised a 201 energy recharge which isn't that bad but why do we still have 61 hydro damage bonus let's get her in our party and see if that changed anything oh yeah dude look at that now we have a 101.9 hydro damage bonus that actually did a lot more than i thought but yeah we have 201 energy recharge we're gonna see how far we can get her solar pearl just to get a better idea of its like potential here hope she doesn't mind that i'm using all of her three-star weapons i told her she should just get all weapons to like r5 uh and then lock them so you don't have to worry about it anymore i don't know if she actually did that not that it really matters who needs three star weapons you know once you're much later into the game you just don't use them anymore i guess except for thrilling tales if you're running barbara that's like the only exception we actually have a ton of this material i wonder if she was farming it specifically for solar pearl probably not because she achieved i don't know she's been very slow with raising her mona especially a c35 star character how how could you not like make that your top priority i don't get it oh yeah she hates moving with mona kind of like i do but even so you know come on get used to it we need to go to the alchemical crafting table and we're going to use our c3 mona to hopefully get some bonuses oh yeah i really hope she wasn't farming all this stuff for someone else or someone else's weapon i maybe should ask her all right i'm back she started screaming at me and saying something about how i'm ruining her account where is that bad boy boom level 70 oh nice and we can get it up to 80 as well it actually has less crit rate than i remember but that's the way the cookie crumbles isn't it i don't think the crit rate will go up that much more the base attack should but yeah it's not a super good ratio there she needs more crit rate well i guess if she takes hutau on the team you know it gives like 12 or something from her talent also for talents we're probably just going to focus on alt for now well i mean dang we got it up to level 8. that's already pretty good let's go and check out what those constellations do real quick c1 first of all i would say the main cool thing here is vaporized image being increased by 15 percent so you know you do her old they have the omen boom i don't know you do a d luke alt or a huto alt or whatever vaporize increase by 15 big big reactions this is more for our main dps mona but i actually am basic attacking with her decently often when i'm playing with her as well uh even though i use her as a support so you know pretty cool just randomly a charged attack which are quite annoying to do with catalyst users so having some free charge attacks in there is always good and then of course c3 is just her ult up by three which is you know not to be underestimated her ult is like the biggest thing about her and having that plus three levels is pog as hell oh snap we can also claim an acquaint faint may as well go ahead and use it to be honest you're welcome bones oh i want the thrilling tales of dragon slayers but yeah i guess i'll pretty much do it for the initial sort of initiative to raise mona she deserves i mean c3 she bones you've gotten four monas it's time to raise her and well you have kind of no she is kinda raised now definitely needs more work on the talents but they're not open today but yeah we're gonna get a part two up in here probably early next week usually in these types of videos i do do some kind of showcase but but i don't know mona is kind of a weird character for me because she feels more like an amp than a like a damage dealer really and her talents are so bad right now besides her ult that it just kind of feels like it wouldn't make sense or wouldn't be really representation of a raised mona right now you know what i'm saying so we're probably gonna save the showcase for when she's actually like good and decent probably gotta change around the artifacts a bit as well um but yeah make sure to let me think in the comments down below dropping a like on this video if you did them to enjoy as always greatly appreciate it as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 944,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact mona, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tips
Id: 51uVULWj5Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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