The Rite of Parting!

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hello hello and welcome back to another video today we're back once again with gentian impact so the plan today is to continue the story over in leoware now we have to go to the golden house because the child is apparently over there now i have no idea what's about to happen but you guys have warned me to bring my best team with me i am extremely curious to see what's gonna happen so without further ado let's get back into the game and we're back into the game now before we do anything i just want to show you this okay are we ready which number one emerald okay if we got jan fey at c1 that could be pretty cool another blue want a blue streak there's the purple oh we got yanfey let's go okay i'll take c one yanfei yes that's awesome yes okay ravenbo and last one guys put all your luck into it oh it's a purple okay c2 do you wanna see one that is wonderful okay and we'll get diona we will get down to c2 from the event as well that's awesome should we do one ten pull on the standard wishes because we've got 29 up there i've just been saving them i haven't been using them we've done a temple it's a purple okay so we didn't get gold but that's fine oh is it bedo baidu i really wanted this character i've seen this character from okama actually i really wanted this character let's go yes oh my god i did not expect that okay slingshot magic guide harbinger of dawn raven bow ravenbo again skyrider emerald raven bow cool steel okay you know what i am absolutely happy with that hello knights thank you so much for the two pounds if you do a single pull on you're guaranteed a four star wait am i well on the on the normal banner let's do one i think you might be right you are right there's a weapon rain slasher oh my god wait is that claymore can we give that to bado increases damage against opponents affected by hydro or electro yo it's a weapon for pedo no way that's incredible and there we have it as you saw we unlocked bado now i'm super happy with beto i think she's a really awesome character her concept is amazing how she's a pirate she's an electro claymore user as well which is absolutely awesome not only that we got c1 yanfei and we actually got c1 diona and c2 deona from the recent event that's really awesome for our main team speaking of which we're going to use to go to the golden house now i'm really really curious as to what's going to happen i really don't know now a lot of you guys have been really good with keeping tips spoiler free now i have a good idea of what might happen but i guess we're just gonna have to go and find out now while we're going to the golden house i think ning guang and the qi shing are actually with the adept guy over like outside the city somewhere so i hope we get to see what the resolution of that is child hello the golden shadow your pursuit of the truth brings you to the very heart of the political storm that has been slowly brewing in leo harbor it is time to appear beyond the glittering gold and see what lurks in the shadows all right we're gonna bring rosaria deona bennett and yanfey these guys are my kings and queens hopefully we'll be okay here we go wow this is the golden house damn impressive enough from the outside but who would have guessed that it was even fancier on the inside and so full of maura oh my god i swear all of that is minted right in that case maybe they won't notice if a few more go missing come on touch a single mora and we're done for if it was that easy this place would have been emptied long ago yeah touch a single bar and we're done for oh so it's a trap well not quite tricky good thing pymon's got you here but even if we can't take any we can still have a closer look right climb on or better yet take a nap on top of a mountain of laura it's like a dream come true oh my god okay yeah something definitely feels i missed here oh right that's the mist it's too quiet surely someone's gotta be guarding something as important as the exuvia look what happened here oh no i was gonna ask what happened to the milolith they've been knocked unconscious the milith smells trouble oh god we have to go make sure that the exuberance is all right whoa okay hello exuvia wow that is so cool you've already fulfilled your task as guides oh no so why do you still linger here haven't you already seen enough trouble for today child uh-huh who's there child if you were for tui i imagine that you would be entitled to a generous reward from the tsaritsa herself but now you're nothing but dross and you're in my way gile what's going on how did you find out it was here well we we know how he knew because he had people spying on us so looks like i was just in time then although i'm deeply grateful to you that i was able to effortlessly find the secret location don't you think that trying to stop me now would just be wasted effort stopping the more immense hiding away the exuviae the chasing are really pulling out all the stops this time so you've been planning to take the gnosis from inside the xuvi all along of course he has as one of the eleven fatoui harbingers it's my duty to see the will of the cerrita fulfilled yeah she will get that which she desires oh no okay so yeah what happened to venti in monsted is now going to happen to the exuberant in leo now if i have anything to say about it i won't allow you to get near the exuvia yeah i won't allow you to get near it i'm not asking for your blessing and there's nothing you can do to stop me anyway the time for discussion and diplomacy has already passed i mean if it were up to me i would have skipped that stage to begin with but i'm willing to do us that saritsa deems fit either way we now come to my favorite part a simple pleasure and one that i am oh so delighted to be sharing with you the battle okay so you're the type that goes looking for trouble huh of course he is you could say that oh no when senora offended the deities outside the cathedral in monstat she swiftly left the scene once her mission was accomplished instead of confronting you directly she chose to rely on the snow and ice to make her escape she wouldn't want the knights to come running towards the sound of battle now would she when she faces a worthy opponent she will prioritize her mission weigh the outcomes and consider the consequences of her actions but as for me the greatest pleasure of being a harbinger lies in crossing blades with strong opponents okay we won't let what happened in monster happen again so you intend to fight me good i won't kill you traveler i'll just play along to feel the thrill of battle besides you could never defeat me not even in your wildest dreams but hey try to relish the fight anyway because if you ask me without that what else is there i could never defeat you you're completely delusional yeah that's it [Laughter] fighting talk i love it now let's see you live up to it oh this is hard to come by so show me all you've got oh my god we're actually going to fight him you ever get the chance to square off with the petunia harbinger so come now amuse as much of this fight in as i possibly can now it's gonna probably be a lot of me concentrating so i do apologize if i am quiet for some of it but so quick oh my god okay get out of here come on let's go that's it jaffe let's go okay that's it running in circles look at you try this okay okay we got this we got this we kind of know his moveset from having him as a character so oh my god that's insane whoa why can't i do that you share a lot of uh bado's energy ow you can't run all right come on diona get that shield up here we go [Music] have a cocktail okay we've almost got him i feel like there might be okay yeah a phase two was so wary of you is he like true now that just means i can go all out whoa brace yourself okay okay i don't doubt that you can do against the might of a harbinger all right harbinger this happened to that oh my god he's like dressed as the fortuity now that's so cool though i love that all right jan faye sort him out do you know let's get some heels up get the shield she's kind of trapped in a corner now i don't know what oh god okay where did he go there he is come back come on diona that's it the music that's so cool come on we've almost got him okay yes let's go okay is that did we do it i feel like we did better than that not bad your swordsmanship is quite impressive but that's about as far as you'll get come on let's go traveler whoa did we use animo angio there [Laughter] what didn't think you had that card hidden up your sleeve you were just playing closely oh quiet down stop acting like some wide-eyed recruit you've seen this world you of all people should know this should have been expected oh my god well then i'll be taking morax's gnosis now ah it's gone i see well this is most unexpected oh oh you you beat me to it didn't you uh i wish i did yeah oh my god oh okay there's a phase three what is going on child what not bad but this is going to trust you [Music] oh my god okay come on hello that is so cool oh my god okay i'd like to say i did but okay okay okay okay this is fine now don't the music is so good wow okay stamina needs to come back that's something i need to work on is my stamina consumption i keep using way too much stamina okay okay that's fine okay there's some good damage there that's some good damage you can't run all right do you wanna get the heels out oh look at this we've just got a healing call out all the time this is amazing oh god where did he go uh what is that it's the whale run that is so cool i so wish i could do that okay we've got riptide on us now i don't know what that means but all right oh this music is insane oh now he's angry oh now we've angered him okay dionna give us our shield danfei use your q let's all right all right let's teleport behind him wonderful do you know if you got your heel yeah we do oh god what's he doing hello i can't get you up there ow oh no okay we got him is that it did we do it sit down child look child's back to normal again well then time to cool off it seems the burden of the foul legacy transformation was too great for my body i lacked the opportunity to think this through and now that i consider the matter more carefully you never had any chance of beating me to the gnosis you had no connection to the gnosis no matter where it had been taken who has it though even trying your show of ability today far surpasses that of senora's initial assessment of you and monstat tell me how could that be now i'm trying to think who would have it because ninguang obviously hid it here but zhang li has had access to the body so it's got to be one of those two right because i'm gradually restoring my former power you already know the answer don't you i can see it in your eyes but if that is a secret you wish to keep i guess i'll just have to curb my curiosity this battle has already left me satisfied anyone who strives as i do to grow stronger shall be called a friend even if our friendship can only be shown in battle against one another pretty sure that's not the normal week unfortunately i must bring this amiable conversation to an end my quest still beckons given that the gnosis wasn't taken by anyone then we must look once again to the beginning perhaps it was never in the exuvia to begin with in fact it might be that the exuviae was just a diversion of sorts what wait so you mean that yeah rex lapis is still alive yes it appears so what interesting to say the least it seems that the guardian deity of the capital of commerce is also well versed in little maneuvers beyond the boundaries of contracts as such we must now look to our backup plan i had hoped it would never come to this for the week will be swept away in the process the truth is the world belongs to those who pursue strength i seldom willingly involve myself with the weak unfortunately we cannot be picky about our methods as fatoui harbingers children must all learn to eat their vegetables sometime so what are you planning to do yeah i will awaken the god that lies dormant beneath guyan's stone forest oh god oh sile overlord of the vortex who was defeated by morax the gr con in the arkhan war why and who has remained pinned beneath the waves by the geo archon stone spears ever since draw the arc on earth if such an ancient god would be unleashed upon leo harbor defenseless without the protection of its deity do you think the cunning rex lapis would just stand aloof and watch the ensuing destruction okay the arc on war ended 2000 years ago how could an ancient god appear in a world now overseen by the seven simple i've already prepared the means to awaken it why hey those are sigils of permission oh no yeah so from my understanding rex lapis has pulled a barbatos and just gone poof like he i guess he just wanted to step down and pretended to die i saw your research with my own eyes you've been trying to duplicate them yeah i saw your research indeed the one that was given to you was just a byproduct of our research with the power of so many sigils of permission concentrated in one place along with that which was bestowed upon me as a harbinger by our cerrita breaking the subduing might of the geoarkhon spears for a time should be no obstacle using the powers of ancient gods in such a situation fails to interest me and is largely against my principles but knowing that such an action will not only force the geo archon to show its hand but you as well that makes matters a little more intriguing [Music] oh oh my god this is getting so interesting wow that is terrifying let's see will the nation that has lost its deity be swallowed up by an ancient malice once more if you wish to drown together with the people of leo you're free to stay and enjoy the show go travel and go huh he's he's already gone that guy is fast what's going on is that the jade chamber whoa is it like a hydra i'm speechless i'm absolutely speechless whoa that is insanely cool if we hadn't happened to see the jake chamber flying over just as we came out of the golden house we really wouldn't have known which way to go did we make it a dime is the overlord of the vortex still in the sea it hasn't destroyed leo yet has it what what are you doing here it's you hold on it's all of them what are you doing on the j chamber pieman thought you were arguing with the chasing is the fighting over faced with a calamity of such magnitude we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy hello so how do you plan to defend leela that is insane just seeing this overlord of the vortex guy puts a pit in my month's tummy even from all the way out here it's not just you we've got new milliliter recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking the force of an ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any closer to liu a harbor heck yeah so the arkhan war was bought 2 000 years ago against enemies like that thing now that's scary that's awesome so will the power of the chasing milolith and the death die gathered here be enough to stop that god we've already discussed this together our conclusion is not necessarily oh no wait all of you are supposed one certainly could huh the chi singh did once research the matter of the guijan ballista when it peaked their fancy okay and as fate would have it one who did craft the guijang ballista with one's own hands is here for what could you mortals ever learn of adeptdy mechanisms yet it would take one but a little tinkering to turn this ballista into an engine of war beyond all signs point to zhong li is it i suppose this is one blessing from the adept eye that we should be thankful for so be it we shall use the upgraded guajiang ballista to fight off that god all the adept i hear can lend their strength to man it okay we haven't a moment to spare our battle begins now let's do it here hey whoa [Music] oh my god that's so cool let's go that is so awesome [Music] oh my god oh come on let's go oh that's so awesome oh my god are we gonna fight in the middle of all of this the three adapt higher manning the queijon ballista do not let the fatoui disturb their work all right let's do it with me i have not faced a god in several millennials this is absolutely insane what strength remains within you one wishes to witness okay we've got this we got this oh my god i'm so glad we get to bring like rosaria bennett diona yanfei into this fight this is so awesome no leave them alone okay here we go yes all right there we go i'll try and again with the child fight as well i'll try and cut out as little as i can that way you guys get to see the full experience that is those divine powers whoa be careful not to get hit okay oh my god okay we got here anyway that's fine their attacks are unrelenting okay it's all right we got this how daring eyes diplomats will answer for this afterwards okay there's a lot more to pay attention to now get out of here oh we need to get rid of the hydro guy okay he heals i believe what's going on madam ping don't lose heart here take this wow that light from your body it's like the time enjoy your cars i'm trying to see here whoa wait what did she just do oh my god what is she doing madame pink's a queen get out of here of injury by the wayside and fight with all your might i too did this during the arkhan war i'm speechless my name means sweetness take my power and run as i do [Music] now look at us go oh my god we're so speedy this is absolutely incredible oh wow oh my god whoa you are strong in body and spirit perhaps you can withstand three forms of adeptal energy at once what this will hurt a little please bear with us okay once you've adapted try to use them in battle so we are we super speed and we are super strong as well oh my god this is incredible go on yan fee go go go no you don't oh no you don't this is absolutely just fear that the insane power has reached its peak in other words if we hold here there's nothing worse to come right yes oh that's a good attitude i like that go benny go benny go up get off it this isn't yours oh my god this is absolutely amazing all right get rid of you everybody okay nice okay this one's almost gone but that's hopefully that's okay come on you need to get out of here that's it come on we got this okay there's them them ones numbers are thinning yes come on once we finish well done okay i'm running back over here hopefully we can stop this one getting destroyed oh my god that is just insane well here we go yeah you go girl the interlopers are no more now we may commit ourselves fully come on moon carver whoa it's working we just need to keep this up okay oh no oh no that doesn't look good oh my god oh run here he comes what a king wow moon carver that was awesome i thought she was riding on moon carver the guitar ballista is destroyed without its covering fire retaliation shall be difficult but the jade chamber is our last line of defense we can't give another inch no matter what i have another idea what do you mean lady ninguang i'll sacrifice the jade chamber what what is the meaning of this [Music] huh i understand traveler lend me a hand farewell friend oh no let us meet again in the future well we're just gonna drop the j chamber onto it go go go [Music] what did it work i assume it did oh no pudding guang man she lost her jade chamber is it finally over i am speaking the ominous aura of that monster has indeed begun to fade the effects of the sigil of permission last but a short time okay it will be some time before the overlord of the vortex can make any waves again we are indebted to you for your assistance if the adept i hadn't happened to be here the future of leo harbor would surely have been in great jeopardy [Music] save your flattery we didn't just happen to be here surely you won't pretend to have forgotten the reason for which we came oh yeah speaking of now there's no need for such harsh words cloud retainer i've heard that when ninguang began learning to do business she had already started setting aside part of her then limited income in preparation for building the jade chamber at first it was only the size of a small room but with continued expansion it has become the palace that lies before you now it is a testament to ninguang's entire life both as a businesswoman and as the backbone of the leo chi singh seeing the jade chamber destroyed in the defense of leo means much to her to me such cooperation and sacrifice deserves at least some recognition don't you agree that was awesome i was really hoping you would say that such sacrifice could at least be used as some leverage in our negotiations [Laughter] thank you all for hearing me out we know very well why the adept i came here today but please forgive us we cannot yield to your wishes 3 700 years according to our records the adept i signed a contract with rex lapis to protect liua 3 700 years ago even to this very day lyua and its lands have stood the test of time immovable as stone just as it was thousands of years before this is truly no small feat but that does not mean that the liu of today is the same city as it was all those years ago do not merely cast your protective gaze upon the land instead focus your sights on our city and each of the citizens that dwell within it are you questioning our means of protecting leeway [Music] i mean no offense i simply hope that our adept eye for bearers would see liua in a new light forebears you say one doubts you would be fit to be part of such a lineage this morning rex lapis appeared to me in a dream what in the dream i yearn to tell him that we chising though mortal are equally bound to the contract each passing generation of the chi singh leaves many things of value to be inherited by the next generation i also thought to tell him how the past generations of chi singh had strove under his rule to survive in our mortal world establishing a network of contracts which has since come to be known as trade but i dared not speak i could only gaze at him in silence until the moment i awoke so you didn't actually tell him that where is young lee in all this i'm i don't know we're all on the same side here yeah yet another perspective what are you trying to say outlander when there is discord between the guardians and those they were meant to defend harmony becomes very difficult to restore right that's something that happened in monster it's a story about the four winds true the animal archon the animal archon sought to quell the strife between the two sides because he believed that such conflict would only scar the hearts of both and that nothing good would come of it this is what we learned in the city of freedom each of the seven nations has its own scars from the past though your point is the very height of simplicity as a depth eye we've become a laughingstock to be chastised thus by an outlander who has lent us such sucker all right all right didn't ninguang suggest that we should focus on the city and each of its citizens i know i already have so why not see for yourselves i apologize for appearing in full armor i am afraid i cannot show the proper courtesies and who are you i am fang yan a sergeant of the milolith i have come to extend my thanks to the adept i i thought this battle would perhaps be my last but thanks to the aid of the adept i our forces were not as badly battered as i feared we might be although i am a mere mortal soldier i promise to hold the line and never betray the grace given to us by the illuminated adept eye this day that was good timing huh why does everyone look so down didn't we just beat that big monster weren't you frightened dear it was quite the predicament i wasn't afraid all the strong milolith guards were there and those powerful heroes with their visions were there everyone was there chiang chang dangerous near everyone always protects me and the rest of the time or is it like chung chunks and tasty snacks and and loads of things that make the harbor so pretty thanks for protecting me harbor oh come visit us for the next lantern right unfortunately we wouldn't be able to participate huh because we are a depth guy oh okay [Music] it must be hard being an adeptist you see this is what leewa is like today the country of contracts is grateful to the adept eye for their protection but it is no longer necessary for the city to rely on the adept eyes power to solve every little niggling matter although their blood is weak there is still strength to be found and those we call mortals the time of contracts between gods and leo has long since passed now is the time of contracts between leo and its people hmm seeing the port around us now it is hard not to feel a bit out of place wouldn't you say so cloud retainer your line of inquiry is askew one did not spearhead this expedition to luer harbour hmm seems like the adept i have had a change of heart they've listened to what the people have said they're trying to understand things from their perspective yeah well they've done both let us return now eager to leave a conqueror of demons yes one understands what the conqueror of demons means the city of leo has changed much after our long separation one fears that by the time one finally grasps the new contracts of liue you humans would have once again changed the place beyond recognition fair enough away we shall and return once we came okay the others can fly i have consensus then one shall persist no further but how will we ensure that the leo chi singh will not simply exploit their power once we depart in my view that is still a thing to be guarded against all right moon cause you needn't worry it seems to me that this right of supervision is best left to the people of lua looks like the conflict between humans and adept i was avoided all fluent you can say that again the adapter were quite reasonable in the end yeah the adapter were quite reasonable oh right it's nice that we've got peace and all but we're forgetting one thing zhang but we were able to handle the overlord of the vortex on our own so rex lapis never showed up well did he oh and speaking of that don't we still need to get to the bottom of that arkhan's death team yeah there's still a lot of questions but also a lot of answers he doesn't get it but isn't the strongest lead we have the adaptive rite of partings that we're organizing no idea where young lee's gone let's ask for him at long term funeral parlor so now now we're gonna go and see jean lee okay i have a lot of suspicion but i don't know i don't want to say anything just in case it's completely wrong but there's been too much lead up for zhang not to have a really important role in this okay furry lady hello is there anything i can do for you two i'm afraid that wong shang funeral parlor isn't in the best state to receive guests we've come to see could you please tell him we're here unfortunately zhang li isn't here at the moment it seems he went to northland bank nothing back since the northland bank belonged to the fertility yeah last time we saw john lee was before we went to the golden house do you think he doesn't know about the attack on leela visiting the vetoing at a time like this could only mean more trouble we had better go and make sure that everything is okay mm-hmm there's no way he doesn't know did you see the size of that thing alrighty here we are you call this cooperation between harbingers cooperation involves communication you know what are you doing here don't take it to heart child besides aren't you happy that you got to skip the formalities and bring chaos to the land i'm sure you must have enjoyed that oh it seems that some of your friends have arrived hey it's young lee and child and you you're also one of the harbingers signora it's you two i believe we've met once before in the city of bards was it i'm glad you still remember my name even if i can't pronounce it right i imagine that it must have been rather hard to forget watching helplessly as something precious was snatched away from your friend um breathe stay calm i still have time to take it back no don't let her get to you you've yet to gather the powers of all seven elements and our last battle at the golden house was almost more than you could handle so it might be best to keep things peaceful this time seeing that two of the harbingers are here well this is our first time seeing each other since leo was nearly wiped off the map this is certainly a bit awkward wouldn't you say i'm a knew that we should never have trusted a fetui harbinger oh now don't say that sure i may have misled you but i never had anything against you personally besides i thought we were getting along quite well together didn't you except for that little tussle we had at the end nothing personal we just have different views that's all of course you may very well hold this against me but that's up to you the real deceivers here are senora and zhang lee cursed them for leading me on wait zhang li tricked you signora and jongley so actually i think stop wasting time child there'll be plenty of time to chat once i'm through here you remember the agreement morax what now if you would be so kind the gnosis please what huh what agreement notice it morax the contract is fulfilled that which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee for my promise is solidest chong lee what how sanctimonious why so jean lee is actually rex lapis yeah he made i did have my suspect what so you're the lord of geo no wait that's an exciting twist and all but why yes that's exactly my thought i do not give it for free i give it as agreed upon in the contract for it is a matter solely between the tsaritsa and so why that why would child go to the exuvia knowing that it wasn't there why was it a ploy to get us away from zhong li i'm so confused i don't understand yeah you don't think you went a little bit too far with that whole fake death thing you could have just done a venti preparing the ceremony for you and splat this big dragon falls out of the sky and all of lyric goes into an uproar talk about a disaster did the child not know i guess child didn't know gathering all the forces that had been bubbling behind the scenes and then stirring them together in a pot that was bound to boil over that's what he wanted to see am i right wait what yeah child didn't know it's best that i explain as you know i've dwelt upon this world for more than six thousand years i witnessed the founding of leo together with the adept i 3700 years ago even boulders that can withstand whirlpools will erode with the passing of time i kept convincing myself that cracks had not begun to form and that the end of my time had not yet come until one drizzly day as i was strolling along the harbor i heard a merchant tell one of his workers you finished your duties go ahead and call it a day but he wasn't talking to you i stood motionless among the crowds asking myself have i already finished my duties oh but as i began to consider relinquishing my divine role i soon discovered that many reasons still remain to not hastily depart was leo the city i had dwelt in for so long already prepared to enter its next age i decided that a test was needed in order to reveal the answer so i feigned my own death and gathered the cast of child the adept i and the leo were chasing to play their roles together on the stage that was leo this whole thing was just a test for zhong li to know if leo could handle itself which it could but why give your thing to signora i don't get it let me guess you had another plan in case it all burned down that's right which is why i continued to safeguard the gnosis until now so you mean that if the chaos ever reached the point of no return you would simply appear and use your divine powers to bring leo back under control of course and it would have been all too easy for him too which is just as a child quickly matures after losing their parents so has leo matured when faced with the death of its deity i was pleasantly surprised with the finale of the show that you all put on why you even deserved an encore the adept i deserved the greatest applause considering their years of seclusion they hardly recognized the city yet faced with such a crisis they exerted the greatest amount of restraint not only did they manage to cooperate with the chasing but in the end they even tried to understand the heart of the people and hats off to the emissary dispatched by the cryo archon to fulfill our contract senora she managed to keep everything she knew in strict confidence far from the eavesdropping ears of her colleague child just as i had requested all the while i carried on as zhong li and fulfilled the traditions of leo in this mortal form thank you for walking that path with me traveler these things were all a part of my script the only unforeseen plot twist was the conduct of the leo achieving i had expected them to do no more than the adept i to come to the defense of leo but when all was said and done they seized the opportunity to supplant leo's divine protectors and used the subsequent power vacuum left by my death to quickly gain complete control of leo huh that doesn't sound good at all isn't that what you wanted though on the contrary i think it is excellent i had always feared that it was too soon for them to take over from me well that's exactly what you wanted and it was also that which i longed for the most as such this is the best parting gift anyone could have given this god of old hey what about me doesn't anyone feel the least bit of remorse for deceiving me you've practically kept me in the dark i think that thanks would be more appropriate you certainly played no small part in all of this wreaking havoc and turning the city upside down the lord of geo ought to thank you for your performance if anything if you hadn't created the pressure of a battle between mortals a depth eye and a god the lump of coal resting in the hands of the geo archon liu would never have been able to become a dazzling diamond of a city huh just whose side are you on mocking me like that are you itching for a fight we were both equally fooled you really embarrassed yourself this time i mean yeah we were both equally fooled my brain is trying to process everything they've done really well to explain it jean lee's been incredibly selfish with the way that he's done this he said before that he had a friend from monstart i assume he means venti now but if he would known what they had done to venti did he fear that they would do the same to him so he just did it peacefully we were both equally full be that as it may you've come out of this as the hero of liu i on the other hand will be forever prescribed as a disturber of the peace no well that's what you want you like that well then with the gnosis in my possession i have no use for such idle chatter we should return to zappilyani palace and seek an audience with her majesty this ariza come child fine i'll meet you there later i'm not sharing a boat with the likes of you do as you wish i've paused it there she just said her majesty now we've seen that our sister is also known as is it the princess or her majesty now if they're referring to her it would make sense as to why they're trying to collect all seven of the arkhan's powers now maybe i'm a bit late to realize this but that's what we're trying to do what we are but in a different way like we're not trying to steal it we're just trying to obtain it in a in in a friendly means whereas if i'm right our sister's trying to take them by force i could be wrong but that's what i've just that's what i've just realized now then is there anything else you wish to ask me i don't know how i feel about that about zhong li in this whole situation what could possibly be worth the gnosis yeah what did the cryo icon offer you right as genry always told us a good trade is a fair trade payment has no idea what could be a good trade for a gnosis yeah realistically speaking there is no such thing huh then why however i am the god of contracts for thousands of years i have made countless contracts if the deal was of no benefit then i certainly would not be inclined to agree to it my agreement with the cryo archon will be the last of my contracts as the geo archon my contract to end all contracts as for the bargaining chip that the tsaritsa used to balance the scales the threat uncover that answer for yourself in your future journeys come on you at least we deserve an answer i don't know whether to feel betrayed fooled or sad of parting although the star of the show is fake we spend so much time trying to organize it it would be a real shame not to go there now i've switched back to the traveler team so we're gonna go up to the right of parting now even though technically as pymon just said it's fake but man my i'm i'm equally speechless but i also have a million things questions and stuff that i just want to say well since we're going through with this rite of parting i guess it means that those rumors hit the nail on the head so rex lapis is really but they didn't catch the culprit did they oh come on do you think that the assassin could have been a normal person you know what i think i don't think any of the gossip on the streets you hear from those shady types is worth anything there's only one real possibility in my mind i've heard that the assassin was that fatoui fellow youngish pretty high in rank i think they called him child the fatoui hmm they certainly are very suspicious who knows what those greedy crooked folks lower your voice if the fatoui catch you in their sights rex lapis won't be around to protect you this time hmm so they are so people are spreading the rumor that it was child you know that god from the ocean couldn't have just shown up out of nowhere i mean it's been 2 000 years since rex lapis subdued it yes and to think that this happened right on the heels of the incident with rex lapis too say do you think the person who assassinated our lord and released that evil god might have been one in the same now that you mentioned it that's very possible yes it's very possible indeed i mean it all fits together that person must have colluded with the evil god to harm rex lapis [Music] still what sort of supernatural prowess must this person possess to be able to do such things yeah i have never heard of such a person in all my years ah forget it guessing's no use to us look the milolith over there looks like he's about to make an announcement let's hear what the ministry of civil affairs has to say first it is nice to see it from like the civilian perspective because obviously we know what happened but it's nice to it's nice that they've included like what the people of leoware suspect hear ye all the chi sings words though a dragon soars ageless as the mountains it too must return to dust this is common knowledge gods and adept i live glorious lives but both light and shadow have their season so too must they face divinely appointed trials rumors and hearsay abound on the streets that rex lapis was murdered now let the truth be revealed having been thwarted in his trial rex lapis's soul has recouped the celestial heights he beseeches the people of liu to grieve not and to let not their hearts be saddened nor are they to believe street-born rumors or indulge in baseless speculation ah um diamond needs a translation on what the chi singh's announcement said yeah i i was like hang on what what okay so they said that rex lapis wasn't murdered they said the rex slappers died because of the divine of a divine trial i gathered that they basically cleared up that he wasn't murdered so that's how they're spinning it yeah something feels off why would they suddenly give up looking for the murderer not to mention how this excuse sounds like something they just made up on the spot my mom we know what happened did she sing already have known that rex lapis wasn't dead but john lee said that neither they nor the adept i knew anything true actually hmm did johnny tell them in secret after his gnosis changed hands yeah that's definitely possible exactly right oh seems like the rite of partying has been going on for a while now let's go have a look okay i'm very curious to see what the right of parting even is in general oh the the chi singer here look it's ning and kuching are they saying something i'm going you speech is over as said previously rex lapis's soul returning to the heavens is the end of the contract and it is also the end of an era 3 700 years of contracts burnt and reduced to ash we the people of liua were indeed prosperous but blinded by our prosperity we forgot that time can be pitiless the long unending dream of our archon walking among us now that we have awoken from our dream we must learn to say farewell will you stand with us as we re-establish our contracts as we build a new age of prosperity so concludes the words of her eminence the tinchuen does her eminence the yu hung have anything to add huh is she looking this way traveler yikes she really is looking our way is that the traveler who they say defeated the ancient god wait we so young we didn't do it the liu and chising always repay their debts and as you have heard our eyes see far and our reach is long name your price you deserve that much whoa hi mom uh uh hi uh could you help me put up some missing person posters yes let's go what an answer i love it yes oh my god that's amazing talk to the people taking part in the right okay oh it's the knock to lucas jade guy ah rex lapis flex lapis hmm now that i think about it if everyone's of the same mind as me perhaps mementos for rex lopez might be the best short-term business opportunity oh my god okay who else have we got oh we got madame ping as for the mortals an adept eye of leo what shape shall our relationship take from now on and last but not least yinga hello and to think i'd put my best perfume on before coming here thinking you'd like it but it seems as if those perfumes really were meant to be offered to rex lapis um well that's fine suffer no rivals in love they say and that's three gone in one stroke oh you look for zhong li at the scene hello zhong li hey zhong lee look at this everyone in leela is caught up in their emotions thinking that they'll never see rex lapis again hmm and here you are looking all relaxed [Laughter] why would i not feel more at ease after laying down the burden i have borne for 3700 years right if the two of you can spare the time i should treat you to a meal at the shin your kiosk that sounds like big talk zhongli might have believed you if you were treating us to some third round knockout but you'd have to pay out your nose just to stand inside chin you ate kiosk are you sure you can afford it you're right i do like the mora you've been this way the entire time but but why would moral acts like maura as the rex lapis morax i can easily create more but since i have chosen to walk this earth as the mortal zhong li i should abide by the same rules that mortals do when i was journeying with you though i still had the gnosis in hand i knew that i must soon retire from my role as an archon so i had to rehearse a little for my new life okay oh no wonder him gets it now you didn't look at the price tags when we were spending because you've never had to ah okay since you weren't used to not being able to just make more maura as in when you wanted to you had to try becoming a parasite to society you don't have to say it like that in the city of commerce we do not merely exchange money or goods we also exchanged knowledge memories and foresight as well as positions roles and lives the arkhan morax could never experience life as the true mortal zhong li could no matter how many times he descended to be with his people i must thank you for that i will treasure the memories that i made as zhong li traveling the streets of lywe with you it was a fine journey that is true but there is no journey that does not end no meetings without partings hyman thinks that we should make a move and continue our search for the seven mm-hmm i fear that continuing your journey may be difficult the nation that neighbors leo by sea in azuma is presently close i love that okay it's because it's not in the game yet that makes sense closed who's the god yeah who's the god the electro archon electro ball and just as the people of leo preferred to call me rex lapis she too goes by another name that is the case and since ryden is also the shogun of the inazumabakufu people call her the ride in shogun ah okay that said though people at the wharf were saying that the situation in inner zuma is very tense doesn't remember that always being the case it wasn't that bad last year since you're rex lapis shouldn't you know something about what's happening there just how did inazuma become a closed nation it's because of visions visions okay when faced with circumstances beyond their control humans often bemoan their lack of power but if a person shows true strength of will at a desperate and fateful moment in their life the gods will look upon them with favor this is what visions are magical foci bestowed upon those who have been acknowledged by the gods uh-huh that's how people in tibet see it but starting from last year the ride in shogun began promulgating the vision hunt decree vision hunt decree yes it was an order to seize all visions within innozuma's borders oh and to inlay them upon the hands of a statue of the thousand-armed hundred-eyed god geez they want to see his visions but why aren't visions blessings from the gods i should think that in the ride in shogun's eyes it is precisely because they are divine blessings that they should be under the soul dominion of divinity hmm that's harsh the animal arkhan is the god of freedom and the geo archon is the god of contracts for her part the ride in shogun is the god of eternity it seems as though she has finally decided to eliminate any unstable elements that could pose a threat to her eternal realm okay the fact that even i the oldest of the seven have now passed away will only strengthen her resolve to pursue eternity hmm knowing her she must have again quoted that adage she is most fond of when proclaiming that decree to her people seven ideals for seven gods and of these eternity is nearest unto heaven heaven all right then was there anything else you wish to know ah so like with venti where we're able to like ask him and talk to him about certain stuff so what about child yeah about that before the chasing made their announcement we listened to a lot of people talking on the way most of them put the blame for everything on child these are indeed false accusations but it remains undeniably true that child did send people to the jade chamber to prevent the adept i and the chi singh from defeating the ancient god i've heard that ninguang is busy milking that for all it's worth on the foreign relations front at the moment brow beating the envoys of the fatoui [Music] those poor snez9 diplomats if it were not for child's exalted position as a harbinger i'm certain that they would have shifted all the blame to him and called for his dismissal by now so about the trial ah that was a good one failing a divine trial how they came up with that excuse i will never know that said the reason why the chi thing were so eager to resolve the incident and stop pursuing the culprit was indeed because they received news in secret that rex lapis was not dead ah i hinted as much to the adept eye as well okay how did i accomplish that you ask hmm have you ever heard of this particularly convenient adept i art known as gifting dreams and visions oh that makes so much sense was there anything else you wish to know as for the lyrics he's saying the time of the adept eye has long passed if even the leo achieving don't want to face that truth then what future is there for leo kuching is absolutely right in saying this now though i did laud ninguang's desire for power believing this to be a good thing and thought as a matter of course that she must have been behind the chie singh's plan to take governing power over leo from the hands of the gods and adept i hmm could the original person who brought up the idea of seizing power have been there is a question that i do have when an archon ascends or passes away doesn't like another vision holder ascend to our con status so surely there's just going to be another geo arc on eventually right is that how that's going to work or have the chi ching completely cut that part out somehow i don't know if any of you guys know please do let me know about maura that's right now that you don't have your gnosis what's going to happen to all the more into that since morax is dead are they all just gonna disappear also isn't the golden house the only mint in the entire continent will it even continue to work the more a present now will not vanish but the golden house will indeed have to cease operations for a lengthy period of time since creating mora requires the use of the geo arkham's power ah this is terrible we're all about to run out of the world is coming to an end yes this is indeed a major issue from a financial standpoint uh well i suppose we'll just leave such troublesome matters to the leo chasing to debate okay then did you at least set some private funds aside for yourself oh a private fund hmm this does seem like a good logical common sense idea it's a shame but he didn't what's a shame it's a shame that i didn't think of it at the time well then i suppose you'll have to find a way to get inside this closed nation have patience i suspect that some serendipity must first come into play oh wow okay so there we go we've completed the act oh my god that was a ride jeez okay so i believe that's leo's archon story quest done i don't believe that there's any more in terms of the main story if there is you'll have to let me know for now there's just odd jobs to do until the next nation comes out but i think we will leave it there for today guys i that was so much story and information to take in but it was so awesome like that whole cinematic the whole fight with child everything all of it was just so awesome so what i think we'll do for next time is we will do some of the character story quests i believe there are some hangouts with some of the characters that we can do there's also a lot of side story to look at around the entire map so we can just have a run around see what side quests there are just explore the world a little bit and there we have it guys that is the end of the story for now however as i said there's plenty more in this game to explore so we'll get to that next time feel free to leave comments on anything you want me to check out if there's places on the map that i've perhaps gone past and there's some exciting quests to do there do let me know and as always i just want to thank you guys so so much for joining me on this journey you guys have absolutely made this whole game a wonderful wonderful place for me to come to and just grab you guys and have a lot of fun with just the streams and the videos reading the comments you guys are just absolutely phenomenal so thank you guys so much and as always before we go i just want to give a massive thank you to the members who are captain jace luo potato senpai hannah corey huang lee valzard helen nix ho nico verhal dreamer zeke sun vicki f simmons loon arcadia d chris wong sigoy bakadesu hamsuki nayansian kuro belzen nicoma and a special thank you to our full-on wizard member who is sparky007 thank you guys so much and i want to give a massive thank you to you for watching of course there'll be a stream on sunday and i will have another video out next friday so look forward to that i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and a wonderful rest of your week take care of yourselves i will see you guys next time goodbye my friends
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 66,464
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Keywords: abraxos, genshin impact, family friendly, Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!), funny moments, memes, edits, comedy, free to play, anime, open world, jokes, impressive, intense, genshin impact first time playing, first time, new player, new character, genshin impact wish, electro, Making my first Wishes!, how to, boss fight, discover, combat, mini boss, rosaria, wishes, liyue, 5 star, gold, tartaglia, my first, zhongli, the rite of parting, childe, beidou, boss, tartaglia boss, adepti, god
Id: PFOVO8-l8c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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