Exploring a CULT'S Abandoned Mansion | Everything Still Inside

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what's up guys it is Big Banks and we are back again for another episode today we are exploring this abandoned mansion here this thing is beautiful and the story behind it is what I believe to be owned by a cult now there's a bunch of houses out here and from what I've heard is that they all lived in this little like community of this these houses and the leader lived in this house now there's a lot of stuff left here and I'm ready to take you guys inside shout out to Donovan for bringing me to this place uh if you want to check out his stuff it's down in the description but let's hear the history of this place and then let's take a look at this whole little community of abandoned houses and this beautiful mansion here so if you're new hit that subscribe button and let's get right into it in today's episode we hike deep into the woods to discover an abandoned mansion rumored to have been owned by a cult along with the Mansion is three other large homes that the alleged members lived in and from what I was told a very wealthy family used to live here and would often throw extravagant parties even having some very important political figures in attendance now after doing extensive research I could not find anything specific about this alleged cult I did however see that at one point in time the Mansion was used as a wedding venue that boasted a gorgeous view of a nearby River but unfortunately due to the lack of funding the wedding venue had to close leaving the property abandoned many things are still left behind waiting for the day to be put back to use so join me today and let's see what's left [Music] so at this property right next to the mansion is a pool it's really cold today but we have this pool here you can see the the cover is on it but it is deteriorated over time so you got to be careful walking here because apparently this is all ice on top of this but we gotta see diving board over here there's a little shed back here probably for the pool supplies and whatnot and then check it out you got the pool here with the diving board and of course the Mansion right there from this side it wouldn't look too big but then you go around to the side of it and or to the front of it and it's actually quite large and then like I said there's even another Mansion right there basically wouldn't you say it's I mean that's pretty big house yeah I mean it's it's pretty big yeah yeah so we have that one to check out as well as this one and all of the houses in the community so we're going to check out all the community houses first and then we'll go inside the Mansion so you're going to want to stay tuned to see all of this now I love how this diving board is here and all of this fencing is along but I wonder if since it was used by a group if they shared this pool they might have maybe this was actually a hot tub E I think this actually dude yeah this was the hot tub and it's overgrown yeah you see the yeah so guys right here where all this is was a hot tub you can see they try to cover it up with wood but now all of these water plants are growing inside of it wow to even get a beautiful view out there like this is amazing let's go take a look at these Community houses and then let's go check out the Mansion here so it looks like looks like right here is our garage I think a squatter is definitely in and out of this place I mean this one's a little bit more Dusty but look at all the furniture in here some Timbs those are like sneaker boots so guys I don't know exactly how many houses are here one two three four and then the mansion but before we go and check out those let's see what the actual front of the mansion looks like but uh I believe this place was built backwards so this is technically the back side of the house and the side that I showed you in the intro is the front really beautiful house I think it's colonial style very nice I love the shutters they have Little Moons on them you have this balcony amazing little walkway going all the way up to that door right there so what a beautiful house weather is so gloomy today I love it so we're walking up on this house right now you see it's got a beautiful sun room yeah but all these trees have kind of falling down so it looks like we have one house the Mansion over there and then we have two more houses right there and a house right there and this is where everybody stayed at way back here hidden on this property but let's check out what's in this one real quick let's take a look at the front look at this tree that's falling down wow it's really neat foreign then we enter the sun room all right now we're entering this house super musty in here golly yo there's still Furniture here no power in this one so a lot of furniture has blow up mattress stuff like that no power in this one though I know that's crazy right I would say this is like a mick Mansion this little house because it's it's quite large here's your kitchen here got this wooden Island here there's wine there's a lot of stuff left in here actually there is power here look at this says reset right here on this but this house is super musty so this is actually your foyer right here and then it comes to a den so I wonder if this was like their main living room or if this was just a den but this is the main foyer here front door you got a chandelier when you walk in see that guy's right up there and then staircase not not too impressive but not bad at the same time got a bathroom here with this like crazy wallpaper in it like that out and then that leads back to the kitchen here and I believe our first bedroom on the right actually now this is not a bedroom I don't know what this maybe a dining room or something there's a den down there and there's literally an entire intercom system through this whole house I say we go upstairs now see what's up here we saw a little bit of furniture on the lower floor there so I don't know what could be up here I'm assuming not much if anything at all no it's pretty empty here's a bathroom pretty fancy looking he's going got another bedroom here nothing really left inside walk-in closet as we can see come through here and check out this you got this silver well oh you scared me yeah oh my gosh whoa that's sick what the heck that's a huge tub jeez dude uh of course you fit for me in here I love the wallpaper in here too it's like this shiny silver Floral trim on the uh yeah this is a sweet little house there's no furniture left but I mean hey still got has cool architecture more modern for sure and then here's another room and this has the same type of wallpaper the shiny like silver wallpaper going throughout and then of course we have a walk-in closet here with a cup of noodles look at that cup of noodles all right so we're literally uh just going to kind of run through these little houses I don't think there's really much left in these we'll see all the architecture that they come with but our main focus is the mansion so like I said again stay tuned because we're going to go in there and it's going to be quite amazing um but now we're gonna go check out the three other houses that are here that house the other cult members just really neat to see what uh it's hidden in the world so let's uh let's leave this house let's go check out the other three and then we'll go to the mansion now we're going up to our third house here but we see a bike over there and we saw when we walked up initially so we think there might be somebody here but I guess we'll find out this is our third house and then we got one more over there I believe you said the other one was actually a barn right yeah yeah okay so I thought there was another house but there's actually a barn so there's actually one two three four houses here but they're all pretty large houses doors wide open oh my this one's pretty bad look at that we got a old fireplace there that's pretty cool yeah this house is really run down there's dead mice everywhere really old this one's definitely older than the rest of them here's our kitchen right over here you can see it's all pretty much torn up the sink is completely torn off of the counter foreign 's really dodgy too yeah so we just have another bedroom right here like I said we're just going to kind of run through these little ones because the Mansion is actually really good a lot of stuff left in it uh they look like they're all Bowing in the middle yeah be careful be careful oh gosh yeah so we're not gonna go upstairs on this one guys but it's it's empty yeah you're totally right yeah it's all like Bowing in the middle two motorcycles yeah two motorcycles Left Behind of course I want to see that big two-story Barn here so now we're in the garage and a lot of busted up stuff is in here it's a two-story garage looks like check this out there's two motorcycles here and they're a little bit older one's a Yamaha I think and this one's a Honda the red one so that's pretty cool it's not often I I don't think I've ever found motorcycles in America I found them in Europe but I haven't found any motorcycles abandoned here in America so this is the first but the rest of this uh Barn here is pretty run down say the least even the floors have holes in them all that stuff so we're gonna move on to the next house this is the smallest house of them all and it's got a big barn right next to it let's see if we can see anything inside this one whoa it's got a whole nice deck out here built-in uh chairs and everything that's sweet again pretty plain washer and dryer room right here oh the floor cracking yes step out of that one I mean this is already pretty strange little house what the heck mirrored an entire mirrored wall and there's a couch left here too I feel like somebody sleeps here so this is like a four bedroom house technically with that other room in there yeah everything's empty and all it kind of looks the same too just this basic uh beige carpet what the heck a couple of dresses and some board games well this is the final house so I guess it's about time to see the Mansion well we just saw everything now it's time that we go inside of the Mansion I hope you guys are ready for this because everything is actually left inside that one I know these were kind of bare and empty but now we're going to get to the good stuff so let's go and see the mansion and I'll be ready for this because this is really really cool so we'll see you right over there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign everyone so this is technically the front door that you we come in so this is what we're first seeing weird how this house is set up it's kind of like built backwards like the staircase is on the other side of this wall right here and this is just a closet so I'll take you around there but let's first go to our right and see the main living room of this mansion so as you can see guys there's couches here these are really really fancy couches like this is really nice leather right here you can definitely tell that somebody has kind of been squatting in here there's some newer uh bottles of water there's boots there's coats and there's all these beds that look like they've been recently slept on but this place has pretty beautiful architecture I have to say check out the fireplace here and it's even marble all down there so left behind here is looks like three of these leather couches one little chair right there as long with this coffee table and this really nice piano we have here still got the music set up I wonder if it still works [Music] some of them work not all of them [Music] that is a pretty nice piano and it's got really really nice hardwood floors throughout the entire house thank you yeah me too I think it's I think it's beautiful and then over here we have built-ins so you can see we have built-in shelves right here this place feels like a place that would have a lot of really cool built-ins grandfather clock here still in good shape besides the bells down there but look at that foreign take this out there's a lot of like uh Pottery in here too especially when we go to the Attic and you'll see that whenever we get up there but we're seeing just a little bit of it as we're in the living room here so along the walls here we have really nice windows and these are like doors but windows I don't know how to really explain it you open it and it's just another set of Windows it looks just like it some nice chairs all stacked up here in the corner and this is what I meant by that see how it opens up like a door but then it's just another window it's weird I also wanted to mention the doorways here check that out almost has a spider web looking effect on the glass and the beautiful crown molding above it too and there's a door to match it straight away here so we're going to go straight across the hall into our dining room check that out tables still here and it's a it's a mirrored table so instead of being glass on top it's mirrors which is pretty cool I don't see that too often yeah the chairs still set up here but for the most part as long as far as like personal items it's pretty bare in that aspect but in here we still have a beautiful fireplace matches the one in the living room you can see right here has that beautiful detailing in it and the marble as well and I love how on both sides here as that doorway is those same doorways this looks like it came straight from China crazy detail on it look at that a really cool piece of furniture here like I said not a lot of personal stuff left behind so but we have a lot more house to see here this is just two rooms but before that I got to show you the staircase like I said this house was built kind of backwards so I took out the doorway here look at that spider web looking effect that's the paint peeling here and this is your staircase one large staircase going all the way up pretty neat so we're gonna go up there here in just a minute but first we're gonna go to the kitchen foreign it doesn't feel like a homey kitchen to me but this would probably be like a breakfast area right here where this fireplace is I would think and then you have your industrial type kitchen back here and we gotta also see again that the pool is just right there right outside you can see how this house was built it's more built-ins right here and it's all like a beige color throughout this kitchen but check out this like industrial stove here it's a six burner as well as the sink here I mean it's not too fancy but the countertops are marble that's what I'm seeing now guys we have to open up the fridge but I want to say there's probably not anything in it oh power's on it wow but yeah this I mean there's not much to the kitchen unfortunately it's very bare in here but you have this marble table here still once we get upstairs we'll be seeing some really good stuff foreign [Music] all right guys so now we have to make our way upstairs and as you can see the staircase is quite large you could fit probably four people so we're gonna make our way upstairs and we're gonna see the bedrooms this place has one two three four I think four or five bedrooms so let's go see what's up here so guys when you're upstairs this is what you're seeing really nice woodwork that goes along the staircase up here in this like u-shape it's not often that I see just one massive staircase that goes right through the middle of the house but I think those are honestly my favorite I like the double staircases the double ones yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right those are nice too we're gonna make our way to our first bedroom but to the door to my right looks like we have a washer and dryer so as you can see there's a bed Left Behind as we're already coming into this room there's no mattress but the bed frame looks pretty nice itself and see this is what I mean there's a little bit of pottery left here a few vases and whatnot and this uh this dresser to match the bed but like I said again guys not much personal stuff foreign couch here and I can only imagine the other type of furniture that was in this house now it's looking like we have a TV over here so let's see oh check that out TV just turned on see if anything comes on channel three and I think every room has its own bathroom as well so this is our first one again with this beige color such a weird it's a weird color to have I don't know it's just not my style but I'm not knocking it not a bad looking bathroom we got a clawfoot tub here pretty nice it looks like the oh this looks like it's almost wooden but I think it's just rust down there I don't know if you guys can see that or if they left anything in here no you're going to want to stay tuned guys because that bedroom straight away is amazing but first we gotta see what else is here so right here we're entering another bedroom this one's quite smaller and there's a desk here so maybe someone did their homework or they're just regular work here it feels more like a kid's room type thing so this could have just been for the kids oh my look at this dresser got some things left in it we got more Pottery down here some plates and glasses and whatnot and in the closet there is some beds and like blankets and whatnot there's a shirt hanging up next we have another bathroom check it out there's another claw foot tub here looks really fancy I love coffee tubs they're just so classic next we have another bathroom now the tub is not a claw foot on this one but it is pretty nice still this is I think the master bathroom here and it looks like somebody has been up in here some muddy shoes Footprints everywhere and this is your shower here has a nice tiling on the backsplash still some shampoo and whatnot Left Behind nice porcelain sink and then here is like the most personal stuff I've seen so far left behind some shirts I see some toothpaste and glycerin suppositories oh gosh we have one little bedroom right across the hallway from that bathroom looks like there's a really nice blue chair here blue couch and it's a pull out couch too you can see it in there but there's sleeping bags here and somebody has left their uh shoes so that's and the reason we you know I believe there's a squatter here is because we saw that bike outside yeah and I saw the air in the tires yeah everything like that looked brand new check this out this says Japan 658 low radio it's pretty neat but some of the stuff that they left in here is like really neat like look at this what even is that I mean I know what it is but what this is strange and right through here is your another is another closet and there's a bunch of hangers here so they definitely took their clothes and whatnot now it's time to see the best room in the whole house [Music] [Music] foreign guys the windows are really blown out today let's check that out we have a very nice Victorian couch here and it's long you could fit this is probably eight foot couch it's pretty long I could definitely sleep on that couch we have a bed that is still made Master bed so this was a hundred percent the master bedroom of the house thank you let's check out the bed all that Floral nice dresser here so yeah they definitely cleared out all of their clothes but check these out these pink Victorian chairs are absolutely amazing there's two of them here I know these go for a lot of money too so it's crazy that people leave this type of furniture behind lights are on check that out oh here's where all the personal stuff is in the closet the shoes lots of clothes on the floor everywhere even down here so what's next the Attic the attic I really like this this like yeah I noticed that so that's typically I think they put a carpet right there like a rug it might be right uh just to fit where the outlines go to so you still get to see that design but it's weird the placement of it is kind of strange to me because the bed is like taking up part of it so I don't know it's weird to me time to go to the attic though so as you can see somebody kicked the door in here and now I have to make our way up these stairs these steep stairs to go up to the attic where there is a lot of stuff left now this is where all that Pottery comes in we just see statues everywhere like this zebra it's like a vase and a zero is the top but all of these boxes are filled with some sort of like Ceramics it's really nice up here though you can see in all of these boxes it's just different types of Ceramics like plates statues all that type of stuff and guys another thing that's in this room is a nice bricked fireplace check that out it's really large too so there's another brick fireplace the other one was painted white this one is not painted at all which I think I like better honestly that gives it that rustic feel check out some of the decor in here like look at that all these plants are fake by the way too you guys can see how large this room is but yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys we just explored this entire property that was once owned by a cult now guys I hope you enjoyed this video just as much as I enjoyed exploring this place all of these houses are absolutely beautiful it's a shame that they are left in such ruins and I hope one day somebody can come and reclaim all of this and turn it back into something really good so I hope you guys enjoyed this video check out Donovan and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 1,084,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: cajbhHRVYCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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