Exploring a Doctor's ABANDONED House in the Woods | Found Guns

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what's up everyone it is Big Banks we are back again for another episode today we are exploring this abandoned house now this place is a complete Time Capsule and I cannot wait to take you guys inside this place is hidden in the middle of the woods here and the guy that used to live here was a doctor and he traveled all around different countries performing his medical practices and everything like that his wife was actually an actress in a different country I'm not going to say the country just to keep everything private but today we are going to go inside and there's still a whole lot more that we need to find out about this guy so hopefully there's Clues inside to tell us more about this guy's life and maybe we can figure out the actual story of this place so without further Ado let's get right into the history and we'll go inside in today's episode we take you inside of a home of a very successful man that lived a rather interesting life [Music] the man was a doctor who traveled many countries performing surgical procedures being in Japan the longest the man later worked in Western Europe where he met his wife who happened to be a famous actress in her country shortly after they married he moved his practices to the United States where he and his wife would ultimately stay but as the man Grew Older the spark in the relationship began to dwindle which led to a tragic divorce the man was then all alone in his home growing in age one day while out on the town he had some sort of accident that caused a severe injury to his back and with how the divorce went down he was struggling very badly with finances as well as a huge amount of medical bills eventually The Man became desperate for money and was forced to sell his home at a price of nearly six hundred thousand dollars it's very unclear why all of the man's belongings were left in the home and no one ever came back to get anything [Music] there's a lot more to uncover throughout this exploration so join me today and let's see what's left [Music] foreign guys so we just heard the whole history of this place what a crazy story I'm on one of the three balconies here there's one right here one over this way and another one back over there now there's still a car left behind too and we're gonna take a look around this whole place this place is about 5 000 square feet has a jacuzzi has an office all that good stuff and a full basement and everything is still inside so I cannot wait to show you guys this so let's take a look around the outside and then we'll go inside and see what's left so we're on this back side here and the roof looks actually really good for being abandoned only about seven or eight years ago it's pretty good roof [Applause] [Music] it's got the wood siding and this place has a lot of glass I don't really know what kind of style this is it's like kind of a mid-century modern oh there's probably a bungalow a bungalow yeah shape on the outside yeah it's pretty cool it's a really cool house and when you walk up to it you wouldn't even think this is even abandoned because look at this they're still moving because they're all solar powered got the hula girls and everything and there's just such cool stuff out here we're literally in like the middle of the Woods check out the shrubs all the Woods back there so as you can see there's just random Decor sitting outside looks like it was around Halloween still pumpkins and ghosts and whatnot hanging up out here and look guys we have a car left behind come down these steps and I believe that's a Toyota I want to say it's a Toyota yeah old Toyota car left behind and look at this literally Halloween got this ghost guy sitting here and this beautiful house with these shrubs surrounding it let's go back up and now let's take a look at the other side of the house right over there and we'll see what that looks like this is the very front of the house so we have a wrap around driveway it's a whole circle and this is the front of the house so anybody any guests coming this is what they would see when they pull up looks like they might even had like a nice Garden or anything here too and we can already tell by walking up to it that this place is full of everything that is the outside I know there's not really much to show but it's quite um quite different on the outside than it is on the inside I'm going to say this you would not expect what's inside from looking at it where I'm at right now without further Ado let's go inside this house and let's see what's left we'll see you in there [Music] foreign [Music] guys well we have made it inside I'm going to start you off at the front door and when I tell you this is a complete Time Capsule this is literally just that so we're just now walking in and we're seeing what's all through this place and it is bizarre so let's get right into it and it's one thing is it's such a mystery like we don't really even know what's going on with this place why it's abandoned we know who the guy is that owned it but I can't seem to find out any information about this particular house that he owned by he was a doctor that's all we know right now so let's start right here at the front door let's work our way around let's see what's left in this abandoned house so this is the front door you can see it has like a pretty neat design in it and this house for the way it looks on the outside the interior does not match it almost feels a bit luxurious when you come in here but right when you walk in this is just kind of full of stuff suitcases Walkers a bench paintings and there's a gun safe right here I can see it's just still sitting in here there's boxes everywhere I don't see any guns in there but there might be a gun in the house we'll just have to find out this painting is very trippy see you kind of have to like step on stuff to maneuver around a little bit all right now right here there's these double doors these French doors that open up into the living room see they have like a big hand along and this is why I mean like this house doesn't match the outside I mean you guys saw the outside it does not match at all and through the double doors we're entering the living room now first thing off the bat is there is a bench here with some clothes and whatnot folded on it with this flag of a Datsun so we got rugs on top of carpet it's all throughout this living room and this to me feels like something a squatter would be sleeping on and then we even have a treadmill in here see what's in these drawers here look at that we got keys to a lot of things here maybe the keys to the car outside a bunch of random stuff Master locks dog collars look this is like a and more keys like what are all these keys for sunglasses more keys more car keys right here so like every drawer is just going to be full of stuff see there's BB's right here a lot of pills what not now this guy is an older guy and he had to take some pills and there's oxycodone and all that stuff in here you guys look right here just on top of this dresser we have a few 22 bullets probably for a 22 rifle or a 22 pistol so like I said maybe a gun is in here by the way we got Steve Ronan what's up fam and we got dunno somewhere there he is so this hallway goes down to the master bedroom and a couple other bedrooms but we need to take a look at what's all in this living room here you can see how large it is and right above there's this weird ceiling it's kind of strange for this kind of house right here I don't know if you guys know these are like Ottomans that like open up so people actually use these for storage a lot and you can see there's like winter clothes throw it away in this one we even have another one right over there guys look at this honer guitar never seen this brand before that's pretty cool and it seems like there's a lot of workout equipment there's a ball here I'm sure this is for yeah red DX Fitness see all the shoes and whatnot and then I believe right in here even more shoes so here's your main seating area got these nice couches I don't know what kind of material this is but it feels really nice feels like it'd be really comfy and there's two to match right here look at the window covers this entire wall basically where you can see outside smile direct Club that's definitely not that old we got a watch here doesn't look like anything special there's no name on it or anything if you got your TV left behind I wonder if they had any kind of Gaming system or anything doesn't look like it down there but as I'm like walking around noticing the amount of animals like statues there's fish right here dogs there's like parrots hanging up everywhere like over to this side there's still more furniture and rugs everywhere and it looks like underneath the carpet is marble flooring so it makes me wonder why they actually put carpet up I think they had a big luff for Animals though because I mean look at this it's a big old polar bear came in a little picture of a doggy right there but I think it's weird that they kept up like all of their clothes and stuff in the living room and I can even check this out here's a weight belt so if you're lifting heavy weights you know you can use that so I wonder if this guy was like super fit really really large living room and I just noticed that right here there's even a fireplace and all these Dash hands wiener dogs must have loved wearing dogs they might have had their own [Music] [Music] foreign I can only imagine what's underneath like everything here oh gosh there's a dead animal here all right now it's time to make our way to the kitchen after we just explored the living room and we can see it looks like there's still power on in the place candles on the on the stove like here's all their spices tons of stuff in the drawers and some of this stuff is newer in that I will open the fridge but I feel like the whole gang needs to be here to open the fridge I am worried right now y'all ready yep oh wow that's quite a bit huh yeah okay close that up that is so smelly oh my gosh all right well this oh the smell is still lingering in this kitchen goodness okay let's just keep looking around see what else we can find so right here this is where your sink is looks like they had some dishes still to do there's so many things in here that are newer like newish kind of stuff like this is a filter for your faucet like a Brita filter a bunch of knickknacks looks like they like to golf too plastic wrap so just your like everyday kitchen stuff I really need to wash my hands after this I should have worn gloves everything is sticky like like uh that's nasty gotta maneuver around stuff and look at all these parrots hang in here like there's so many of them oh my this is all of his pills we did look at some of these and some said oxycodone other things like that but we're not going to show the name of anything to protect this location but this is your dining room it is smaller this feels more like of a breakfast area but this is the actual dining room of the place you have a little chair here a little table and all these chairs are like clear so strange I've never actually seen clear chairs like that before kind of strange to me I have like more cabinet space and this just looks like stuff that they bought and put here for cabinet space nothing that was actually built into the house but it could have been and if there's a blender and there's just so many knickknacks dude and check this out this is strange these are all solar powered so they've been moving like this for years just they just have not stopped working it's actually insane okay it looks like they added some extra stuff in here like a TV in your kitchen it's like all the knives and this is our first bedroom coming into it's a really small bedroom this is one of the smaller bedrooms I've ever seen the bed just goes right here a little twin bed and it's even got the built-in drawers and there's just like a lot of stuff piled on top of it like it looks like cookware or something six vacuums over here dude this one's brand new dude this is a brand new shark those are expensive this has a tag on it and it's empty like it's never been used dude that's wild those are I think those are like 300 or more sharks are a big brand yeah I think they're really expensive I mean look at this stuff in the closet codes and whatnot you always wonder if there's something hidden back there could be but this place is very dirty check out all these coats car hearts all that stuff a few of them there's even more vacuums and this looks like a little desk Office Space right here maybe this was just an office but I had a bed in here that could be the case hit the knit but this room has its own bathroom check this out here's your shower got this funky like Egyptian looking shower curtain here toilets right around the corner there I know you guys you guys don't like to see the toilets so we'll skip seeing that [Music] foreign so as I'm walking through this I am like shocked it's it's more shocking that there's just such strange stuff here but you know people are into their own things and this person was just into all these knickknacks and animal stuff but we're going to go back to the living room because the man's office is right off of it and we're going to see what is left in there now we're entering the office as you can see he's got the whole desk and oh my gosh guys here's a shotgun right here I believe that's a 12 gauge shotgun and here's your 22 rifle right here now that's crazy I can't believe that's left in here and this is like kind of bullet is this this looks like a uh slug there's a few of them here this room even has a bar check it out wow so if we go behind the bar I'm not seeing like actual where this was alcohol so it might not have been like an actual Barb this might have been more like looks like music and stuff all right that little player right there there's like a CD holder there's speakers all that good stuff I'm starting to think that they really enjoyed polar bears like they really liked polar bears maybe that was their favorite animal kind of like my wife her favorite animal is a giraffe they uh they loved polar bears because there's a lot of little pomegranate knickknacks but there's also other animals too so yeah they loved animals check this out this is right by this window here all these little knickknacks all these like cups and stuff and check out the ships I love these ships little ones too a cobra they even did their little workouts in here like they got the punching bag and the boxing gloves and there's more than just one boxing glove too there's a couple here it's just more knickknacks and there's all these books here more polar bears too but guys I cannot believe that we found two guns here this 22 rifle and this 12 gauge shotgun that is crazy but guys this is the office space slash I mean could be a bar but I don't think it was used for that seeing a lot of cool stuff today [Music] all right guys so we found this uh piece of paper and I'm gonna blur it out so you guys are going to be able to read the names or anything but I'm going to read some of it to you this says must sell due to Serious injury of my back the price 595 000 it says jacuzzi marble fireplace five bedrooms three bathroom bathrooms three decks as is one more note I want to show you but I am going to blur this out for privacy but it says I was unable to use my fax I'm sending everything by mail I am very sick and need every dollar thank you very much 2015. okay now that we've seen this part of the house the living room office kitchen all that stuff it's time to head down to all the bedrooms there is a basement and I think if we check that out we're going to be checking it out all together let's go down this hallway we're going to see all the bedrooms we're going to see what's left in them and all these closets and all these light fixtures and everything in here so first off this door is open and it goes to a closet has a lot of coats jackets all that stuff but there's all these bags down there and it makes you wonder what's back there I see tennis rackets I see cat carriers all that stuff then another closet which is more like like cleaning stuff and random tools and whatnot it's all right here as we just found this box and it's full of lottery tickets like full of the Powerball happy holidays do you think you want anything and these are all like Powerball and everything jeez man bro imagine these are like winning scratches dude I bet I bet he was struggling so much with money that everything that he had he was just spending a lottery tickets yeah just trying to make it back this door right here goes to the basement so we'll wait until the end to do that just like kind of random stuff in this hallway we have our first bath bathroom I think this is strange looking all the walls are mirrors completely mirrored yeah yeah this is the bathroom so everything's completely mirrored but there's so much moisture in here that uh it's all fogged up and stuff oh my gosh what the heck well I thought it was zebra print but it's just flowers all in this closet what the heck that's crazy that's trippy walk around here looks like we have one of those really fancy toilets it's all black matching the sink here and just all these mirrors everywhere look at that razor is still here pills toothpaste this my grandpa used to use these for his feet kind of like soaks your feet everything with Epsom salt it's a weight scale there's tons and tons of magazines I just noticed all these seashells down here too and coral all right we're going to leave this mirrored bathroom come back out go to my left here 's a bedroom it is very musty the smell in here very very musty and there's steps up to the bed which I believe was probably for the dog I'm gonna guess because the bed is underneath all of this stuff and I'm assuming they had that for their dog to come get in bed with them another closet full of clothes are just stacked everywhere makes you really curious about this place why is it left like this and this is for hanging up nicer clothes like suits and all that stuff it looks like there's just jackets and stuff in there so not much going on with this bedroom here all right we go right through here to our next bedroom this one has the same a little desk area as that one other room that we saw but there's no like computer or anything unless I just use this for like a vanity a walker is in here and here's another bed no bed frame this looks like it was stacked on top of everything there's more steps probably for dogs I want to say they probably had several animals look at this I think this is for ab workouts something like that there's cables on it too so maybe you could do a cable type of workout too and check this out there's two pool sticks here and they look really nice so maybe there's a pool table somewhere here in the house I want to see oh my look at this phone that is fancy right there check that out check this out all the clothes are still in this one too looks like they might have a cat some of these pictures look old though and these drawers said there's Just Books in this one time to head down to what is the master bedroom in this hallway we still got like it's just random stuff like look at this is a dog and a tie how cute is that like imagine how much stuff is just hidden throughout this entire place but now let's enter the master bedroom so the bed is not here I mean there's this twin bed but you would think there would be a master like a king-sized bed in a room like this one thing we suspect is that they did have a drug problem now I'm going to show you why here this is a detox Pro kit it looks like from Japan and all the stuff is still in it unused so it makes me wonder were they doing drugs and like like needed the detox and just never did it and like what happened to them like that makes me really wonder what could have happened to them did they overdose did they like get put into rehab and this place has been a band ever since like who knows set up a strange table over here this has some old pillows and storage stuff there's even a really nice old radio here record player CD player all-in-one type thing I think they definitely enjoyed Fitness too though there's so much Fitness stuff over here got this little setup here and look at this guys look at the spider webs cobwebs all up in here nobody's been taking care of this place like all these drawers are just full everything this like says yoga got tape here you know all this stuff like can you imagine what's just underneath all this like I'm not gonna be going through all of that but can you imagine what could just be hidden under this with all the weird stuff that's in this house it's just strange and we have this desk here that's probably where they got ready at feels like a woman's room and this is Saint Laurent right here V Shine I'm not sure what V Shine is but there's a lot of boxes and bags to say V Shine On It not sure what that is though here's one of the drawers there's some gauze in here buttons and I love these dressers too looks like they might have even wanted to move out and just took some things and never came back oh my god I didn't even notice this look at the chandelier in here see this is what I mean it just doesn't feel like it belongs in a house like this but it's here that is wild that's beautiful my goodness and now we get to the master bathroom but even before I go in there look at this chair here this nice like old Victorian chair that's so cool now we enter the master bathroom check it out it's pretty large let's say at least guys what the heck look at the closet we have to we have to go check in there my goodness that's crazy so there's a vanity on each side so his and hers type thing I wonder if this opens cholesterol care maybe there's something on his side there's a lot more over here for that I'll tell you that look at this they even got a wall shaver electric toothbrush I wonder whose side this was and then we have the nice jetted tub to top it off with this like pink marble all surrounding it all the shampoos and stuff are still here guys like typically you know we explore really old houses where things have been abandoned for quite a long time and this one I like I see some of these things in my daily life too so it's it's kind of like uh shocking because like you know you don't typically see an electric toothbrush you don't typically see like Tresemme like newer stuff in places like this but unfortunately it does happen people do abandon things that are newer into the closet we go already the amount of shoes is insane it's almost like they didn't take one pair with them like when you look at it like this it's like did they even take any pair of shoes with them because it looks like they're all here even as nice dress shoes are up in the top closet is full full of clothes everywhere on all sides of me below me there is just clothes and everything is left here we even have his tie rack look at this so many ties there's also three cases at the top leather jackets fur coats everything like that like and I bet these full of stuff too but I don't I don't know I don't want to take them down and you can only imagine if we found guns people hide guns in closets so it could be where like there could be guns hitting and hidden in here I said to pack the suitcase just to not take it with them it's like the back side of its mirrors right there check that out all those clothes we have all these drawers here that are probably for like socks yep I was right this sucks all in there all this clothing like just everywhere and rats have taken over this place and I want to take another look at the ceiling that is bizarre it's mirrored and it has like the lights inside it's very pretty but it does not fit the house what a cool spot there's somebody down here oh okay actually first came here there's someone down here everybody is going before me here so let's see what's down here it's like a whole nother house down here right this is where he did his washing his clothes and stuff full black mold down here [Music] so much and this is like the AC units it's like a little pool there yeah oh yeah this is bad holy cow this is awful there's purses down here it's really dark down here guys it's really dark there's even chandeliers down here which is really strange for a place like this this is more like a workshop must have to pull it one time got the pool Leaf Grabber whatever a lot of black mold Jesus don't want to be down here much longer whoa whoa we've got a wheelchair all these duffel bags all these chairs workout equipment still bikes please a whole bunch of stuff on this side more pills canned food even electric scooter down here all right well that's a lot of black mold time to go back upstairs all right well we explore this entire house and I hope you guys enjoyed this but before we actually get out of here we found some really cool stuff this guy actually knew the president he knew Obama and he knew Bush they actually met in his photos of them right here and also this guy won the lottery looks like paying him ten thousand dollars a week for ten weeks so he won a hundred grand so that's pretty good and he has all these letters like thank you letters from Obama it's really neat and there's also a picture of him with bush here and there's also a photo with him his cat and his two dogs right here so this was one incredible expiration and thanks to Dunham and Steve tagging along and yeah this is going to be a good trip this is just the first spot so we're gonna go hit some more today and yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that subscribe button check out my guys in the description down below and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 490,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: kBCcS8glzyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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