Exploring an ABANDONED Gothic Castle | EVERYTHING Left Inside

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[Music] in the Rolling Hills of France stands a magnificent structure that has seen civilizations rise and fall [Applause] built by Brave Knights of the 13th century this Castle has hosted esteemed businessmen imminent personalities and renowned poets found inspiration within its walls But as time marched on the castle fell into despair today it lies abandoned yet its Halls are filled with Treasures of the years past [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] us on this journey as we explore the mysteries of this abandoned castle Frozen in time and left untouched for centuries so let's see what's left [Music] all right everyone so we have an abandoned castle right through these tree lines right here we have a beautiful hike to it there's a little Lake right there little Pond how you feeling Jeremy's just farting over there I feel great anyways we saw two people at the driveway so we don't know if they're there but the owner was parked across the street earlier so we're gonna hope that we took the right right approach here I think we did and hopefully it's not locked up hopefully we can get inside so let's go see this abandoned castle I don't hear any traffic but I can get to it from the rear let's go I can't even hear him okay well it's open right there guys we've literally heard nothing but amazing things about this location Library uh everything's still left behind and we really want to see that we hit an amazing location yesterday and it took us a long time to get in but it was so worth it and we hear today this spot is 10 times better than that one so we gotta get in we gotta make a video so this is the greenhouse of the place the castle is right there The Chateau so beautiful out here some of the trees are even red it's these massive trees wow look at it definitely an old building so let's hope we can get in well guys we made it to the castle this place is magnificent Jeremy did a little walk through and he says it's ten times better than the best spot we've already done on this trip we're gonna walk in we're going to document this beautiful piece of property here in the countryside of France and I hope you guys really enjoy this first I'm going to show you the outside I'm going to save the best stuff for the end of the video so you guys kind of you guys are going to want to stay to the end to see what is all left in this magnificent building let's look around the outside and then I'm going to take you inside and we're going to see the beauty and see everything that is Left Behind in this Castle so guys this is the pool beautiful castle clouds are out today there's even a swing set right here dude what kind of trees are these because these are massive huge trees there this is one Beauty just a really big piece of History sitting here abandoned [Music] [Music] all right [Music] here's our door right here this place smells abandoned very much yeah how old it is that a classic abandoned smell so this room must have been like a workshop yeah because the tools were right here there's a freezer his freezer doesn't look too terribly old so maybe this wasn't abandoned like too long ago that might go down to a wine cellar a lot of bees could even be bats in here too we've been seeing a lot of bats these abandoned places here in France right well we're gonna go this way wow check out the flooring wow [Music] look at this table [Music] trying to get over you can see it's so dark in here it's a big table oh my Lord look at this attention to detail oh my gosh they had to have built this in this room or brought it in piece by piece but look at that so amazing this is like the most ornate type of cabinet I've ever seen in my life and then you have all the plates and stuff still stacked here wow I'm blown away already this is just the first minute I've been in the house the birds on the wallpaper I'm sure there's going to be a lot more paintings too in this place which I'm really excited for and all this furniture is just spectacular look at that the attention to detail on everything they do in Europe is so much different than America so this is definitely the dining room with this the plates are still on the walls it's so like quiet in here it's eerie check out the fireplace let's break the fireplace but it's also marble around it and this looks like the snout of a boar just laying here what the heck I wonder if the rest of it's in here look at all the plates just lining up on the walls oh my goodness all the glasses are still here I'm sure we're gonna run into some bats with how dark it is but we'll find out here's another matching table but my goodness that piece of furniture there is just something else blows me away this room my goodness must have been a chandelier hanging up too is gone this is the four of the Chateau this is your coat rack when you come in still a coat hanging on it and there's even the initials of the previous owner but here's a staircase I think there's some bats up there at the very top looks like it got a massive grandfather clock so we'll check that out here in a little bit we're gonna check out the downstairs first this is when you first walk in what is this sink so we got Jeremy shooting this from what's up guys it was um a little more a little scarier yeah yeah I mean look at it you can see why they protect it this is like a library [Music] thank you [Music] look at this got a shotgun shell looks like this is just where they we'll just you know how the desk and everything it's a very fancy looking desk details on the corners all these bugs have them hold on and it looks like that out look at all the books that are still here I got the French flag dang this is like it's like trashed in here just a bunch of stuff was thrown in it it's even a motion detector right inside of the bookshelf it's very hidden but I don't think it works you got this hexagon style like uh tiling in here it is library is insane it's crazy get all the books still lined up everywhere this bookshelf is literally starting to collapse books are probably really heavy yeah there's some really big ones there you know the other side though there's another desk area for studying or doing work I mean this is a legit Library there's even the ladder to get books from a higher Shelf which makes me wonder what's in these they're all like trashed no this one doesn't look as trashed I see a 1999 Michelin book there a lot of magazines I don't think this place was abandoned too terribly long ago I wish I knew all these books were about or what they said I don't want French I'm not gonna know and here's your little ladder to go up and get more books how high they go these are like 12 foot ceilings at least blue and white I'm not sure what flag this is from let me know down in the comments if you know I check all these this one has some alcohol in it and then more books at the top just want to look at one of these bucks look at that I definitely don't know what it says that's very cool right there and these books are all getting smashed at the bottom because this is just so dilapidated all right then we're on to the next so we go into this Corridor here and there's another flag some of the yellow and white I wonder what it's for we have this little drawing here but through the corridor comes this oh my goodness [Music] foreign wow check out the chairs in here this place is something else look at that this room is just loaded with this old antique furniture beautiful ornate details literally in the walls look at that even above the doors look at this desk all right wow it's like an old postcard look at all the rugs matter throughout this room I love these style rugs they're just they just feel so fancy but I wonder what this was all set up for this definitely could also be staged but this is just how we're seeing it as we walk in check out that this fireplace is huge but it's beautiful I wonder if this is old man that once lived here had to relieve that room we make our way to our first bedroom look at this so this looks to be maybe it was a girl's room judging by the pink details that are in here this is her little desk which also is a bookshelf as well so it's holding these old books in here definitely old I moved that the whole thing just wobbles it's definitely gotta be careful this old stuff let's just check out how France does this they have these like inserts for the beds and they go in sideways I feel like that would be super comfy and cozy I actually really love that and then above it almost looks like some sort of storage it's kind of strange but it's like how do you get up there it doesn't even look like it opens look at this fireplace the stone work this is definitely real absolutely amazing the books that are still stacked here this is like a fossil of some sort I wonder who this is definitely could be someone that used to live here this window that has these curtains hanging up and this would be the closet looks like there's a printer in here there's still some hangers hanging up this doesn't feel like it was abandoned that long ago it definitely has been abandoned for a few years at least all the wood is cracking and starting to Decay and everything like that this bed looks very comfy this looks like a bathroom that we're going into it looks very clean looks super clean like look at this that looks fairly new look at the soap definitely don't want to use that soap anymore and he's like diapers in the corner there's a very small bathtub toilets here shaving stuff is here it's just a little small bathroom to go with this bedroom it's literally just sitting in this room I am blown away guys this is one of the best places we've seen on the channel definitely one of the best we've seen in France for a fact I'm just like I'm just a guy from Oklahoma and uh place in France right now an abandoned chateau I'm in love this is amazing wow this is like a cabinet full of different fossils but it's all falling apart so I don't really want to touch it and be as careful as possible not break anything this room I'm just back in here I can't believe it it's one of the best places I've ever seen guys this is by far the best spot of the whole trip we want to be sure we get to film everything that's here I'm still on the bottom floor I have another side another section to see so I'm gonna go check that out right now so let me know which is your favorite room so far and also comment down below where you're watching from and let's continue this explore together follow along because there is a lot more to see we still need to go upstairs where there's all the bedrooms and everything is still left behind all right right now we are entering the kitchen of the castle and look at this we have a long table here for giving all your dishes prepared imagine the huge type of meals they made in this place Lobster steak all that stuff escargot because we're in France and here's one thing I've noticed about Europe which is definitely strange the like fridges are so narrow and of course there's still some food in here but we're gonna close that because that stinks but we have multiple different stoves here we have your washer we have another stove and oven right there looks like some pans we're definitely hanging up here at one point quite a large kitchen look at all this stuff I love how there's like a lot of wine left behind this is their clothes rack this is where they hung up close to dry where they did the ironing I assume they probably had servants as well in a castle like this we're not going to spend too much time in the kitchen we're gonna move on one thing I noticed about France too is they have massive spiders I don't know why I'm not sure what this room was there's a bird cage here so they must have had a bird one point in time saying this might have just been like a pantry which I think it was maybe even a little breakfast room or something look at this Frame though imagine the painting that goes in something like this that beautiful details like we have a safe here as well but nothing is in it it's always cool when you find safes in abandoned places all right well we've checked out the side that goes to the Staples which there's nothing in the Stables so we're not going to go over there we are going to go back we're gonna go upstairs guys places like these are literally like museums and I can't believe that I get the privilege to come and do these things travel the world all because of you guys so I just want to say deeply thank you so much for all the support that you guys have given me throughout the couple years of exploring on this channel I can't wait to see where it goes this is everything just keeps getting bigger and better and we see more places like this that are just complete time capsules so let's continue to explore you're not going to want to miss the upstairs it's going to be absolutely amazing I'll see you up there foreign [Music] [Music] thank you right these days it's going there it's very narrow staircase so this is actually a little room above the bed in the first bedroom I think this goes upstairs it's a way full of stuff oh it's a bat there's a lot of stuff in this hallway like a lot of stuff we'll see uh here's a bedroom has two beds in here it's a little bit messy in this room but these two beds are pretty cool these fancy looking chairs here check that out beautiful this goes to their bathroom it's very dilapidated back here I think the farther we move along out that way the better it gets so we'll have to just see but I just don't want to show you everything of the place like old letters here handwritten and everything fireplace check out the wallpaper add like this reddish pink and it's faded throughout most of it maybe there was a painting hanging there and that's why it stayed like that there's several spots where it must have just been like paintings and we're gonna get out of this bedroom look at this there's a baby crib here there's mattresses everywhere let's work our way around got rugs going all through it looks like we go to another room here step on this mattress to get over to it this room looks empty yeah this room is completely empty fireplace it's like green and yellow color pattern in here looks like they were trying to preserve this room I think because there was a tarp on the floors they're trying to protect the floors but this room was cleared out look at the massive windows these houses have the floor is definitely warped right here there's a bunch of little letters ton of them LED 32 inch TV oh my goodness this room look at this wow it's really dark I'm trying to show you guys as much as I can my light is dying right now but we're gonna make it through the whole video take out this dress here my goodness I love these tops it's like a marble top or a granite top with the very nice nicely detailed drawers they take skeleton keys to open them I love how every room has a fireplace and they're all different different Stone different Styles let's check out the bed the bed is something special I love that you got the paintings look at that portrait and there's two of them move one over there too there's a blue wallpaper throughout this room think this is a closet oh wait this is the bathroom so actually I know how this works so the bathroom is right here it goes around this little thing so you can actually turn a corner there and your closets back there very very nice I love that have your own bathroom just hidden right next to your bed I would love to have something like that again with the rugs very fancy rugs another desk here and you can't have a castle without a skeleton key some older some earphones in here and these old handwritten letters all throughout the place look this is the smallest skeleton chair I've ever seen in my life very cool but yeah check out this room oh this guy oh gosh so many bats so we continued down the hallway it gets a little bit better down here but check out the car because it goes all the way down the running carpet this is a very small room right here there's some clothes in it so it's good some sort of closet I think there's a desk here trying to stuff over the stuff that's kind of my mindset and see the cool stuff look at this bathtub it's like a teal blue like a baby blue with this black tiling very nice combo honestly I wonder like oh they might just be open right there it is I was like I wonder why this wall is up here oh my goodness whoa wow I'm Blown Away wow oh my goodness what does even this mean s what does that mean I don't know looks like some sort of like fly or something I don't know what does that mean I'll try to figure that out later but this room is so cool the floor is like very curved in here it doesn't feel like it's been abandoned that long but the floor is so curved and look at these chairs here's the dresser they're still closed folded up in there there's still books laying on the shelves and look at this table is probably the most ornate table I've ever seen in my life look at the heads that are in it look at the red look at the details this table took a lot of time to make and was very well thought out I wonder if this is a is that if this is like a look of the Chateau looks like it might be like a map of it this might even be in the master bedroom just look at that bed though this is a queen size bed again nice fireplace it says Charles x on it look at that looks like a very fancy gentleman it's like a king I love that I love this place so much this is by far my favorite of the whole trip as we're walking into this place and it's literally like a museum like this place should literally be a museum it's so crazy how all this stuff is just still left in place like the left and never came back it's amazing to see these things but it's also very sad at the same time but we still have a few rooms to check out upstairs so you're going to want to stick around let's keep going and look at this is how you open the closet see this is the closet go straight to that room when we're just in back in the hallway chateau this is the Chateau I believe it's just details of it it smells like poop as we walk down here and we're getting to the L shape of the castle and it smells like something is dead down here stinks very bad I think an animal died a few bathrooms storage closets and whatnot we have a bathroom right next to the bathroom which this is actually the toilet and this is the bathroom so you take a bath in here and you take an abdomen here so we can come down here come into another oh my goodness whoa holy cow oh my gosh why I'm absolutely blown away by this bed this is crazy I love the red and the dark oh it looks so good so Gothic that look at the details in it oh my gosh you can tell I'm just like purely excited to see something like this oh my goodness wow this is amazing whoa look at that it's like another king King Louie we have an old singer here love seeing these old singers see I I've peeked around the corner of this room and I saw this and I was thinking oh this room's not going to be that good and then I turned the corner and I see this like oh my gosh and look right on it too there are skeleton keys a lot of bat poop though so I think bats literally are nesting like right here and just hanging below get out the details ornate details all over this bed frame it would be like a dream to have a bed like this wow I'm in love I want one of these one day this one has a marble fireplace this was probably one of the main bedrooms if not the master bedroom of the house this is quite large and it has the most unique bed in the whole place so far and just right here in the middle there's a table I have some photos of some little girls probably people part of the family it's bad though holy crap see what happens when we get to this other side here around the back of it this would be the closet but there's nothing in here just some old looks like some toys some cards and just you know some trash but this would have probably been the closet maybe we can open this [Music] stuff left behind so fancy this place but then we have another door over here so this might go somewhere else this might be like the bathroom door doesn't even open wow definitely definitely my favorite room so far this if this is your favorite room comment down below this is your favorite room and what you like most about it obviously you're probably going to see the bed look at that see if we can see any more rooms like this so we still have this whole hallway to walk down look at that we saw so much more of this house to see smell just gets worse and worse as we get down here this room is pretty trashed for the most part there's two beds in here I don't see any bats you figure there'd be bats in a room this dark but this room's pretty beat up for the most part feels like we're getting to somewhere pretty Royal look at the wallpaper as we come down this hallway gets pretty funky down here all the flowers and stuff this looks like a kid's bedroom a lot of kids toys little tiny beds this stuff for kids so this was definitely like a children's bedroom there's like some Disney stuff just old toys and whatnot definitely kind of been ransacked a little bit though foreign s because they're just mostly you know trashed and beat up but I do want to show you a little bit of them at least so you know what's here we're getting towards the end of the castle go down another couple of steps say we have a bedroom right there and we have like a like a little kitchen here there's an oven there's a little fridge bathroom goes back there but I'm very curious who this room gets inside here find out what it is you know it's just just a bedroom just a regular old bedroom but look at it that's quite amazing all right everyone what an amazing Castle we just explored this place is one of a kind I love it so much we are lucky enough that we got in here and we have been successful with this one we have many more castles to come up on this trip this is like video number 11 I want to say for me and we've just been doing so much stuff and I'm so excited to show you guys places like this so guys if you enjoyed this video hit that like button subscribe if you're not share this video with a friend if you want to see any photos or any reels we take along this trip please check out my Instagram my Twitter everything everything is down in the description so if you want to check all that out please do and guys comment down below your favorite part of this abandoned castle I think mine was that bedroom upstairs you guys know it was amazing so thank you so much to all of you who have joined and thank you to abandoned Nashville for joining me on this trip now we're going to get out of here and we're going to go to another Castle so stay tuned for next time and till then big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 105,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: te8pE4mWCPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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