Abandoned WHITE HOUSE Mansion | 2 Pools, Library, And Ballroom

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what's up everyone it is Big Banks we are back again for another episode today we are exploring a beautiful marble Mansion here this place was built in 1983 and there's a lot of history to it that we'll get into in just a little bit so stay tuned we're going to go inside but first let's take a look at the outside let's flat the Drone and I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you're new hit that subscribe button leave a like down below and let's get right into this expiration yeah in today's episode we ventured down south to an abandoned White marble mansion that to me resembles the White House in Washington DC built in 1983 by a man we're going to call Mr K he was originally from Poland and moved to Canada in the 1950s but dreams of actually working in the United States and he accomplished his dream moving to Alabama and starting up a hotel business that was very successful in the 1970s he and his wife moved into a home that used to sit where the Mansion sits now they planned on Renovations and adding on to the house but became an issue because of the extensive work the house needed so in 1983 they tore down their house to rebuild their dream home [Music] with Mr K being from Europe and his wife being from Alabama they both had certain styles that they loved and that's how the design of this Mansion came about the Mansion features 12 000 square feet of living space two pools with one of them being indoors well over 30 chandeliers and a 2 000 square foot master bedroom not to mention the crazy amount of marble and ornate trim above each entryway [Music] in 2006 Mr K passed away at the age of 93 and the Mansion was sold off the ownership of the Mansion changed several times until 2008 when the house was winterized and no one ever moved back in so join us today and let's see what's left [Music] all right guys so this is the outside of the Mansion right here got these beautiful pillars there's 98 of them going around the entire property now I like to call this the biggest one-story mansion ever it is a 12 000 square feet two indoor pools actually one indoor pool and one outdoor pool and just all of these beautiful pillars everywhere marble is even on the outside as you can see amazing doors how many chandeliers do you think are inside I can't even count so we're going to take a look around this property we have special permission to be here the owner of this property was kind enough to let us look around let us take photos this place is heavily watched neighbors are always on watch for this place the cops are always patrolling around here and there's security systems so we're on the back side of the Mansion now we're going to take a look around and then we're going to go inside so let's take a look at this huge driveway right here and there's even pillars going all the way around the back by the way while we're right here anyways we got a new car and I haven't showed it to anybody yet but this is our new car 2020 Dodge Durango I'm about to do a lot of more stuff to like new Wheels new hood all that stuff but yeah that's it so we're gonna walk around to the other side looks like we have an old Jeep here that's pretty wild so guys there is a three-car garage here you can see there's a lot of landscaping equipment check out the garage looks like there's just a bunch of lawn mowers and stuff in there but here we get around to this side and here is the pool wow it's actually bigger than I thought quite a large pool looks like it goes to about 10 foot there's a lot of water in there so I'm not going to go in there this side looks really like different from the front doesn't it like it looks night and day different almost this place is beautiful but this is the pool and there's these little things right here too and this one and this also has like some tiling inside is blue tiling so imagine like this being clear I can only imagine like if there's any tiling down there too yeah I bet it was pretty there's a lot of cactus out here too and look this is that whole like indoor pool so it's all glass right here but let's make our way inside after you darling so I'm not sure what some of these rooms are meant for but already walking in is this gorgeous chandelier here and look at the moldings right above it and this this looks like almost like real gold like you know how there's a lot of brass stuff this is like shining like a real gold I don't think it's real gold but that's what it looks like or at least gold plated something yeah it's pretty it's really pretty but even in here there's a bar a lot of the flooring has been stripped out this has been all marble flooring for one so that's quite amazing and there's still a lot of the marble flooring throughout the rest of the house but this is what we're seeing in this room we have a bar here check that out there's even like it's pink marble on top this is a really pretty house like a massive fireplace oh my holy cow it's like this pink granite or what whatever kind of stone this is in a large brick fireplace in there just architecturally this is quite stunning I mean even the moldings on these columns here everything's like gold and white and this room is three identical chandeliers as we can see here now we're going to go out here this is the indoor pool doors locked so we're going to go around we didn't even see what's over here like what's in these little spaces oh here's a bathroom all the marble flooring is still right here too at another bathroom right here so looks like probably a his and hers type thing going on here I can tell you right now this is not a bedroom I don't think you just like walk in and there's two bathrooms that's crazy yeah do you think this is a this isn't a bedroom I don't think it's like some kind of like living room get together room or you know something something like that or game room because there's the bar here but there's also a bar in another room yeah so I think it's just like family room something yeah but this is our first room that we're seeing so that's really cool even the wallpaper it's like this pink floral wallpaper and it's textured too quite amazing when you find textured wallpaper and even along all the ceilings is that same golden molding up there what a stunning home I'm going to call this the dining room yeah I think this is the dining room you got two beautiful chandeliers hanging up here they're matching along with another very beautiful molding up there [Music] I'm hoping to not overuse the word beautiful today guys but you know this place is what it is and right through here we're going to see the indoor pool so imagine having a pool indoors and then another Pool Outdoors we're going to go in there in just a second but we're going to keep looking around right here these chandeliers are just amazing I just want to point out the entryways to like each room have it has this like columns and this crown molding above it is so so stunning I can only imagine what the place looked like and it's Prime I mean even check out these doors or these doves yeah these are doves stained glass and then check out this wow so much detail and that's like every bedroom too so we have a little step up onto some pink marble and it's all still here and another chandelier so how many chandeliers is that so far that's one two three four five six chandeliers seven eight right there we're gonna count how many chandeliers are on this entire place there's a lot so this room area maybe but being right next to the pool I feel like I really don't know that goes into the kitchen yeah oh yeah you're right okay so that could this could be the breakfast area and then the dining room right there through those doors we have another door right here though looks like there's a space in between the door is really jammed it's just like a space between this door it's just like a space between the door that goes outside and then here so I'm not really sure what that's for why there's like a space in between doesn't make much sense but let's go check out the in-ground pool so right now we have just made it inside of the in-ground pool area and check this out you have a full and I want to say this is like eight or nine feet maybe even 10. it's pretty deep but I've never seen this before where there's literally a pool right here and maybe 10 feet that way there's another Pool outside you guys see that like just surrounded by the pillars and then you have this beauty right here I don't know if you can see but in each one of these tiles there's like a little like design right here what a cool spot that we're in today what a really cool spot you know we almost we almost left but then we got a hold of the owner and he was so nice to let us in so thank you again if we continue this way and we look up we're going to see that this entire ceiling is literally glass so you get all the natural sunlight in here that you want while you're swimming indoors so I wonder if this was like heated and they use this like during the winter or something I know some people do that and then this was their like summer pool I don't know what do you think makes sense right let's continue to look around never seen two pools at a house like that before so now we're going to make our way to the front foyer and then we're going to work our way down to every bedroom master bathroom master bedroom you're going to want to really see the master bathroom so stick around to see that but I'm entering the main foyer here and oh my gosh it is large it is single story so there's not going to be a staircase or anything like that but it has some amazing features so let's take a look so walking in this is what you see from the front door for one there's a massive chandelier right above me and two others that match it perfectly so you have three huge chandeliers when you first walk in all of this gorgeous marble flooring check out the columns those columns are even marble themselves you have the textured wallpaper it's like this white wallpaper going all the way around and like I said before all these entryways are just mind-blowing what do you think so far Funeral Home Church yeah but in here we can see that there's a lot of chairs and there's this beautiful fireplace right here made of this white marble got that gold trim again all the way around the light fixtures that are in the walls I mean look at all these light switches mirror lights North Exit North Exit just a bunch and I love look at the light switches like the amount of detail that went into everything of this place is just quite stunning and I haven't even showed you the door and the glass yet look at that look how intricate it is and it goes all the way up there like I said this is the biggest single story Mansion I've ever seen in my life foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we have two ways we could go here we could go down this way that leads to the master or we could go down this way which leads to I believe the ballroom so a lot of bedrooms down this way I think there's only like two bedrooms and a kitchen this way so I think we're gonna go this way first and then go down to the ballroom so let's go see the master and all these bedrooms down here so it's really dark coming through right here it looks like there might be doing some renovations which is really nice that'd be really cool to see this place alive again I mean look at the look at this this is like up close to what's along all the ceilings and all the doorways and entryways it's beautiful golden like trim right here and here's our first bedroom we're walking in see a lot of things are stripped out of here there is some some chairs even the old 60 inch Christmas wreath seems pretty big in a box that big goodness so you can see that how this room was actually set up I imagine a bed probably went there or there maybe even here and then you have your own bathroom so I wonder if there's a bathroom for every bedroom so we've definitely seen that before in these big mansions I can imagine there was like a nice mirror here he got the sink and stuff and here's the bathroom for this bedroom shower water heater all been winterized it says it was winterized in 2008 this place has been abandoned since 2008. I'm noticing this as I'm walking through this hallway here is that along this is all marble along each side you didn't this is probably the most marble I've ever seen in a house yeah like imagine how much marble this is all the floors the walls even everything for At The Mention there's another chandelier here and another one right there that we missed everything is identical but let's go into the kitchen now definitely spacious it is quite large you got the big island in the middle everything's a bit outdated because it is old nothing really left in the drawers yeah [Music] look at that we got the two ovens here definitely been some animals got the Paw Prints dirty paw prints on here check out it's not even like digital I don't think I don't believe anything is really left like as far as any items like that this is where the wine would have went so much cabinet space I don't think I've seen so much cabinet space in a house before it's literally just cabinets everywhere check this out gin air how dusty that is I wonder what the fridge is this is like some sort of pantry right here maybe this was like a spice rack of some sort and maybe the fridge was right here I guarantee you the fridge was right here wait this is not where the fridge went this is where the washer and dryer went I see now I'm I'm done sometimes I'm dumb guys so that's where the washer and dryer went so the fridge must have went right here this is what I'm missing this is where the fridge went more and more cabinet space everywhere but then look at this straight from the kitchen you got the indoor pool again so let's lock that back there we go so and look there's even cabinet space right here what the heck or is that supposed to just look like cabinets because I don't see where this would you don't have that much space so I think those are just made to look like cabinets but yeah guys look there's even a tray ceiling and there was supposed to be a chandelier here I can only imagine what was in here look at all that cabinet space though oh my Lord guys comment down below what you think of this place and your favorite room so far but we're about to enter the master bedroom right now and this is definitely the biggest master bedroom I've ever seen in my entire life to me it is like almost too much and I swear to you this one master bedroom is bigger than my entire apartment bigger than probably any house that we've had I believe that this master bedroom is well over 2 000 square foot itself so let's take a look I could be wrong but we're going to take a look at maybe over exaggerating that a lot but we're gonna we're gonna look around as beautiful chandeliers in here and wait to see the master bathroom oh my goodness so when you first walk into the master there's going to be this marble fireplace here at these nice light fixtures but this room connecting to the master I believe this was their living room for like you know them I see I see master bedrooms that have areas as like living spaces so probably had couches in here TV all that stuff but it was abandoned in 2008 so this might have just been really really formal and really nice and maybe they didn't watch TV who knows check that out we're going to come through another one of these massive doors and this is the master bedroom and guys I know it's stripped but look how big it is guys like look at this it is huge in here huge I'm gonna like clap and see like like I hear myself echoing so much like it's loud Master bed went right here so guys the master bed went right here up on this we've been seeing this a lot lately we've been seeing master bedrooms have this like step to where you go up to the bed but there was a huge bed right here I know it for sure you have these beautiful marble pillars on each side with the plants these are fake plants by the way guys nobody's watering these plastic as we're in here we see these beautiful Windows everywhere we see the chandeliers like look at this look at this chandelier right here how are you going to have this in your bedroom like look at that that is amazing now guys the one thing I wanted to show you right through these doors right here look at this master bathroom follow me right in here this is a completely like marble I don't know what kind of stone this is it might be marble but this is absolutely stunning there are one two three six pillars for this one bathtub now when I think of a bathtub like this I'm thinking like how do you get in and out of this without like slipping you know what I mean let's keep looking around this place guys I'm going to show you more of this room and the master a little bit more and then we're going to go down to the ballroom it's like two sides to this how many chandeliers are in here one two three four five six and seven just in the bathroom now this has got to be one of the coolest if not the coolest bathtub I think this is actually the best bathtub I've seen in any abandoned mansion or even any Mansion given that yeah it looks like really like this like super luxurious but it's it is really cramped in here isn't it like look right over here this is like the space I have between the pillar and the sink you see that so it's kind of a bad design almost and then look the toilet is even made out of the Stone what I have never seen a toilet made out of stone like this it's a thick booty toilet that's what we're going to call it beautiful mirrors it's just weird how like this it leaves you like no space like no and then in this mirror there's all this like golden like designs in it which is really neat to see and like I said I think they put a big bed right here how amazing is that and I love how in the master that molding up there is actually a different design and a different like color it's almost like it's iridescent in some way it's like changing colors as I look at it from like an orangish blue to like a gold to like a green and then the two matching chandeliers like I showed you before that's just incredible and look at how it's like curves right here this whole wall literally so much room for activities in here like I can imagine like I can't even imagine this being a bedroom like the couch sitting area yeah like I have no idea probably more seating I mean that's what I would imagine like what else would you put here [Music] yeah exactly so right on this side of the master bedroom we have a closet nice walk-in closet by that look at that it's got that gold trim on it as well probably nothing really left in the drawers here look at all the for shoes purses or whatnot and then there's one more on this side right here and before I take you in there look at the door knobs this is in every door in this room it's insane and then we have one more closet here another spacious walk-in closet check it out what a beautiful place [Music] foreign [Music] well now we have to go to the other side of the house where there's more stuff and then we got to see the ballroom now the ballroom I believe is more like a game room type of thing it's really large and it has a bar in it but we have several bedrooms here so that's I think we saw two bedrooms right here now we're going to count how many bedrooms we're going to see down here again beautiful entryway here's our first bedroom it's a little bit of a smaller one but you have your closet here no bathroom in this one but here's that wreath that we saw isn't this the biggest wreath yes I'm sure there is but that's pretty big this room is completely stripped but there is a chandelier in here I love how like they all match they all have the same Vibe but they're a little different yeah they're all just like a tad bit different does every room have a chandelier oh my gosh look here's another one there's three more here's a planter what are we walking into right here oh what why is there a printer in here this thing is massive this is like a printer my grandparents used to have at their business this is just like a closet area maybe just storage area I don't know what is this what's on the floor that's just water damage I think so you have the two sinks here at least fancier part Lou that's a really vibrant blue the toilet is blue as well very vibrant gold handle still they do oh open that door what's in there there's a water heater oh just a water heater okay look at this well what would you even it's weird how this lip is just like yeah so low yeah you could put decorations up there I guess silly I think maybe here's our next bedroom another chandelier yeah this one's more silver room is very small so these are just like guest rooms I want to say oh my gosh what the look at this I don't know it's Exquisite it is exquisite it's like you just have to go across the hallway each time right pink yes so maybe one was a boy someone was a girls wow this bedroom has a lot of floral wallpaper nope is there no Closet in here oh there's a closet in here yeah these are all like identical like layouts for each room each of these rooms on this side a twin like a twin even a king in here but yeah but it would take up a lot of space of course another Chandelier there is and look at the wallpaper going all the way down I don't know if you guys can see it on camera but it's like this white and it has like this beautiful like ornate stuff in it foreign something Paranormal Activity hole it's weird that it's cut out like that again same layout similar chandelier to the others and this one has roses on the wallpaper it's like a very classy style yeah with the wallpaper and crown molding what do we have here uh why it's like all these chairs it's like a cult or an AAA meeting it gives off that Vibe gives out that Vibe it's definitely not that but it definitely looks like that right I bet you there was I bet you there was tons of books in here I probably use this is probably the library I think I think it's an office Library yeah because this is a lot of space for books and obviously these are all bookshelves right here I'm assuming yeah I'm assuming the desk would be right here paintings behind you uh oh my gosh the walls is marble here this entire place is marble wow are you are you amazed or what like guys I'm not gonna lie for this being like such an empty house like there's no personal items Left Behind or anything like that like I said like they they really want to renovate this place so they have it cleared out but all the details all the architecture is absolutely amazing the marble is everywhere like I've never seen so much marble in my life so oh my goodness but yeah this is the office room or the library beautiful golden chandeliers these are probably brass but you know very amazing let's walk out of these French doors what's next another bathroom this one's like a teal green color in here this is how you go to the Attic there's your second story right there this is just so much marble oh here's your desk this desk was probably in there but maybe they felt better it being in a smaller space I don't know I bet you this was in that big room but everything else is stripped out of here like the the flooring wallpaper I love how they still left some of this like beautiful wallpaper and guys here we enter what they call a blue room but this is the ballroom right here absolutely stunning it's so large such a big open space look at all these chairs lining the walls and there's one two three four five six chandeliers in this room alone and probably the largest fireplace I've ever seen in my life like honey stand next to this fireplace like this is you can literally lay in there the massive fireplace goodness and look at each molding above these lights they're like much larger amazing painting of a flower that literally looks just like these on the edges I love how this marble is like stacked it's like actual solid like blocks of marble foreign textured wallpaper in here that's why they call it the Blue Room like a lot of chairs I don't even know how many chairs this is but there's a lot of chairs in here and then not to mention the bar so here's the bar guys it looks a bit nicer than the other one but the other one was covered up in a lot of stuff this is the bar I love how these mirrors have this golden like Accents in it too yeah it just gives it a little more Pizzazz Pizzazz yeah pizzazz [Music] to choose from I have a water oh not working that is the inside of this gorgeous Mansion guys foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] of today's exploration I hope you guys enjoyed this thoroughly as much as we did this was absolutely amazing and it's even better that we got permission here and I want to say thank you again to the owner listen uh this place is I wouldn't even say it's abandoned like they watch it very closely they uh they have police patrolling here all the time now the police have came by a few times but our car is here they let us in so you know hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that subscribe button check out Lakota her stuff is down in the description as well as my stuff if you want to check out our photos Facebook Tick Tock all that stuff be down in the description so leave a like and big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 1,183,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: OSmU_-FDkek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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