Exploring a P*rnstars ABANDONED Modern Mansion | Mercedes-Benz Left Behind

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foreign [Applause] what's up everyone it is Big Banks and we're back again for another video this is a a very unique mansion that we are in as you can see there's a giant gorilla about the size of me in here this place is nicknamed Villa gorilla actually as you can tell we're gonna try to figure out some stuff about this place but kind of what we think it is I mean this guy was definitely into some freaky stuff there's a lot of uh weird mask around the house there's like porn there's a lot of just weird things throughout this entire place we kind of you know we did a little walk through just to kind of figure out what might have happened it's hard to tell though but definitely into some freaky stuff but they definitely had a lot of money this is just an amazing place there's everything still in here there's Vehicles outside there's a boat there's a pool there's everything this place is just absolutely gorgeous and you got this guy here but anyways I'm with the band in Nashville we're continuing this trip and I think this is going to be a good one this guy may have been a porn star I think I don't know but we're gonna figure it out hope you guys enjoyed this video if you're new go ahead and hit that subscribe button we'd go on Epic Adventures every single Saturday without further Ado let's get right into it in today's episode we take a look inside a modern luxurious mansion that was left behind in 2016. the man and woman to live here owned a chain of party stores but inside the home you can see that at least one person did much more than party [Music] from what we could gather the man started creating adult films after his wife passed away in 2014 he kept every video he ever made inside a closet inside the home [Music] in 2016 he had gotten into some legal troubles and the home was seized and everything was left inside [Music] so join me today and let's see what's left [Music] so here's the pool foreign check this out here's the boat in the back of the house let's see the castle part of it it's beautiful it's looking at this place they wouldn't think it's abandoned but this is this is cool to say the least but let's go check out the front real quick so it's actually a Mercedes look at how I like that it looks bad it does look like yeah [Applause] this is the front of the house guys and this is the van that's left here definitely does look like an ambulance pretty wild but check that out look at the castle that this house is just incredible now it's time to go inside I know I filmed the intro inside but we're gonna go inside and we're going to check out what's all in there you guys know this place is going to be absolutely insane it looks like a castle out here looks like a modern Castle not really like an old castle but definitely a modern one there's this Mercedes out here there's a boat there's a pool everything and all this stuff is inside so let's go inside and let's check it out and hope you guys enjoy the video all right so first things first I'm going to start you off in the main living room of the whole house you got basically like one to like three or four different Living Spaces in this entire place it's kind of amazing but it's really strange at the same time but it is like a castle like I said so it's pretty massive it's pretty big building but there's a lot of really nice furniture in here as you can tell already but we're gonna go through this so I'm gonna start you guys off in here so we're gonna go over this way work our way around the house and then we're gonna go upstairs and see the bedrooms there's also some weird there's a lot of weird things up there so you want to stay tuned for that let's go so this is our first little living area right here there's multiple green couches it's a matching sofa right there and we have some of these strains like taxidermied and we'll see I don't even know what this is it looks really bad though almost looks like a little dog but really nice furniture this is like a green marble it has the speakers under it it's a nice leather couches and then there's like these weird masks that are all over the house and this is just one that's like up for Decor but there's a lot of different like really strange ones throughout the place and like I said there's like four Living Spaces in this place because there's like that little seating area this seating area another one in there and another one back there so it's like kind of strange right here there's a lot of little tiny statues it's like a mother with a child really kind of like older looking ones I got some bucks not really sure what these are this is all going to be in like French that looks Egyptian right there and there's even more of those on that side I don't know what these books were for and then right below is like all these board games things like that so I mean there was like a family it's just hard to believe that all this stuff is left in here so it's like makes you really wonder what happened to them to leave literally everything like I'm talking like every single thing is still inside this house the last date I saw was 2010 but I'm sure it was abandoned a little bit later than that I want to say it's probably been invented like five years but we're gonna find out for sure we're still in this living room here and we have a beautiful fireplace check that out with all of these little statues on it got the little angels this is like a crystal and it's like a bird there's two of them but these are like for books so you would put books in between this you got a nice very ornate little mirror here you see the spider webs are kind of growing within it and then there's more Taxidermy this is just a pheasant you see a lot of pheasants here in Europe but yeah that fireplace is really pretty it's just a gas fireplace more beautiful like antiques I'm not really even sure what this is but this like well yeah this comes out we've got more of these little statues everywhere and this might have been the guy that that lived in the house before just like a little sketch of him very well done the plants are not alive Jeremy how many times do people say it's not abandoned because the plants are alive oh yeah those are those are different things they're fake plants like we remember okay so me and Jeremy do we did a exploration a while back it was probably a year ago right oranges the oranges fake Decor guys there is such thing as fake fruit for decorations looks like some more board games oh and there's like a whole collection of CDs here a ton of them are all still just lined up in there it's all good it looks like all French artists I mean I don't think they're gonna be like listening to you know American stuff but there is AC DC here so I may have been a little wrong may have spoken a little too soon this is still in the case too it's still like a plastic wrap on it and then you have this beautiful Chandelier hanging right here love to see the chandelier still hanging up a lot of people just steal those right off the bat so it's nice to see that still here I think the floors are marble floors by the way you got your table here a little bowl nothing really in it but now we're going to come around you're gonna see the gorilla there's even a Mona Lisa there so we're gonna check that out and all this rest of this stuff so let's check out what left what else is left in here um so we have this table here it's kind of randomly just here I don't really know why it's here the space is so large I feel like you could do so much with this space but on this table looks like there's just regular old tools here a lot of keys maybe that's for the house itself maybe that's for the boat outside I have an old boxing glove pretty sick but then we have a beautiful little cabinet and look at this look at this stuff that is left in here it's like all got gold trim around it beautiful of course you got the skeleton key to open it up look at that beautiful painting hanging up there some chalices here [Music] you can tell the Dust it's been sitting there for quite a while and of course we're gonna open up more and it's just all gonna still be here this is like for Soups and stuff see these at like Japanese like restaurants use this to eat the soup it's pretty cool we got a lot of just China and I love the pink little moldings that are on all the walls even on above that chandelier there there's this pink moldings and the accents are pink like inside of that and on the staircase it's all pink but check this out so you have this which would be it's like a little card that you probably bring like wine on and stuff some alcohol laying right there already there's some snacks would be there I'm not too sure but then you have this fancy Victorian furniture and check that out it's like this green color look at that the details in it and of course you have Mr gorilla here look how big he is he's huge this is a giant gorilla look that's why they call this place Villa gorilla and not only that it's a freaking Mona Lisa replica right here honestly that's pretty dope I'm not gonna lie that is pretty dope you guys know I love art and the Mona Lisa is the most famous art piece in the entire world so it's two couches and then one sofa here beautiful details in it I love the green I love the wood carvings and all of it it's just an amazing piece of furniture so I'm seeing on the floor here these little you guys know what these are Fourth of July you throw these on the ground they pop it looks like somebody just had a heyday with these in this house then check this out here's another cabinet full of these like little teacups here these are probably the tiniest little cup look at look at it compared to my hand foreign but I want you to get a good Overlook of this room you tell there's like a library going up the top there beautiful staircase with a marble even little statues everywhere check that out but this is a huge living space then right here this looks like a little jewelry box still a little bit of jewelry left in it how much got these little I thought that might have been an iron at first but there's nothing in it this could be a lady that used to live here and they might have been religious too because there's some religious things in here but like I said they were into some freaky stuff whoever was in here and you'll just see when we get upstairs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] shape but we're going to go to the next living area right over here we're going to see what that's like so right in here this is like another living area and look there's more mass because of Donald Duck mask but you got the leather sofas everywhere you got the nice carpet I mean this is just a nice place here right over here there's a shelf and there's look at this this is a movie about Hitler it's like some uh show about Hitler or something underneath there's more movies like VHS movies and then up in here it's like volumes of stuff I'm not sure what they are we have our our lamp we have the glasses still here this is probably their classes that they wore but look at this I think this was a cat yeah this was the cat and it's dead it died right here on the couch that's really sad this is a beautiful little living room the couches are very nice table is very nice but then you have this area over here that's just more of the China the chalices and all that stuff there's no telling what's all hidden in this place but we're not gonna like go through and dig through everything but just check out what we can see look at this glass this is quite an amazing place this is even a bottle opener that has like shells and whatnot in there but yeah these cabinets are just full of glasses and all of that stuff so maybe they're big drinkers of champagne or wine or all that stuff these are probably like little Polaroids yeah these are little Polaroids right here cool you see I've seen those quite a few times and while exploring in Europe right on the mantle here we have more statues and here's even a bottle you'd put like your liquor in and stuff like that he wasn't even an old video camera right here that's pretty pretty neat no normally see those in places either looks like there might have been like a bird or something in here at one point maybe a DOT maybe it like got in somehow and died but we're gonna exit this room now let's see let's get a little Overlook of the whole thing see that see all the couches so this is like this is probably where they hung out the most it looks more like a comfy area for family to hang out maybe I mean there's no TV in here so obviously they didn't watch TV in here but maybe this was like this there normal family room right here we come out this is like one of the front doors there's several doors to get in this place um right here is where their coats went so it's like a little door you could put your coats in and then this is the kitchen so here in the kitchen see what's in there this is probably like a pantry there's no fridge though so maybe they took the fridge out oh this is the fridge there's no food in it so that's good but that's I would not have expected that that's the fridge whoa okay this is your kitchen here and they must have had yeah see there's the cat that's cat food look here's even okay so this expires in 2016. so maybe that's when this place went abandoned in 2016. there's even some Belgian chocolate there gotta love that just random things up there look here's all their like pans look at that that looks like something out of Egypt or something that looks amazing this place is just One of a Kind some more of their stuff is clear that hasn't been open yet Katniss full of glasses what do you know this is a cool place and then here's like a little Little Pantry area there's like fantas still in there uh like sweeps a lot of rat a lot of rat poo all right guys well we're gonna head upstairs now we're gonna see um what's up there and we're going to end on the other side of the house downstairs so there's still a lot a lot to see so let's go upstairs and let's see what that's like foreign [Music] [Music] I have to duck down just a little bit but we have made it upstairs this is like the library little section there's a lot of stuff in here and even in this little area right here there's like a secret door that I'm going to show you but we just made it upstairs Jeremy's downstairs right now I can see him I'm literally overlooking the huge area and I'll show you what it looks like from my point of view with these chandeliers and everything just an amazing place we're in right now but we are really tired it's jet lag is really hitting us hard but we are going to do our best in this spot so coming up this like beautiful staircase it's like marble staircase it has beautiful accents on it it's like brass or gold definitely not like real gold but probably could do real brass and then you have three identical chandeliers they go across very beautiful chandeliers to say the least and like I said before they have the pink moldings I love how much pink is in this house really gives it that cool character as you come upstairs the first thing you're gonna see is these glass shelves all across this hallway right here there's like portraits it's like a little mannequin's head like a little styrofoam head there's books there's all kinds of things look at this this is freaking weird what the heck is this is this a deer's foot bro I think it is why is it shaped in a heart on the wood that is freaking weird yeah magazines they have a lot of magazines in this place dirty ones and regular ones some art left up here there's art in this room as well and check out all these books it's like little Knights here little soldiers books all around I don't know what's in these oh snap some more books National Geographic books there they're still in the plastic not something you'd normally see in Europe I wouldn't think shotgun shell but maybe they hunted because there's a you know a pheasant taxi derby down there looks like any shelves it's just like another place for their other books it kind of didn't go well together right here because you can tell like all these are supposed to be put together it's like a collection I don't know any of these books this looks like a bandeau on the book see this is still in the plastic this looks like a board game of some sort it's more National Geographics down here check that out still in the plastic and then there's this beautiful molding that goes all across but here is where it gets weird this is like a secret door so if you were to move this you can see the hinges are on the inside so if you were to close this you wouldn't be able to tell it was there and then back here is just like storage a bunch of stuff I can't really fit back here being so tall but the other boxing gloves back here it looks like they might just use this as storage but it is hidden so it's kind of strange makes you wonder but I definitely cannot fit back here on plastic looks like cheap purses though like something you'd sell like a venue but I'm going to take you guys back on this side we're gonna go into our first bedroom so in here it's like when you first walk in it's like red like fabric wallpaper yeah it's like fabric then you can see back here there's like art that's just been kind of left and this little this little Nook back here you can only imagine like the stuff that's underneath all of this like I imagine somebody probably died and then they kind of just didn't go through everything and kind of just hid things maybe they couldn't get but with people being rich like this you can only wonder what could be hidden in these boxes like there could be Rolexes there could be money it could be gold like you never know and this is the family that I was looking at so that sketch that we saw earlier is that man and it looks like there's a sun two daughters or maybe that's even a grandma I don't know it's hard to tell but yeah it looks like a family of five or a family of four could have just lived here if there's a TV right here this box is just full of stuff I just wonder what's all over there but I don't want to like dig through things you know what I mean it's not my place I want to respect the property so I'm not going to dig through their stuff another painting of like a castle this is very beautiful we have the bed here it's just a queen size bed and this room looks like it's kind of been ransacked but all the clothes are still folded up here's all the ties the man's ties still in this box a lot of little knickknacks right in here but yeah this is the bed and it's just got a bunch of stuff on it oh my goodness this is in the living room maybe they're in the house but this is in the house for sure he's an older lady all this stuff is still sitting in there too which is pretty bizarre looks like they had plants all in the house look at all that furniture still a lot of that's still in here too close my mind you find photos of inside their house and that we're literally exploring here's like a matador it's like a postcard I like the red there's like a lot of red accents but yeah there's even stuff under the bed there's stuff all over here there's like a little record player here we have a keyboard probably still works if we plugged it in even a microphone so maybe she was like singing maybe she sang choir or something for their church or whatever but that's beautiful the music is still set up amazing foreign is sketches of their kids the Son and the daughter Olive clothes to folded up her purses are still laying in here and look at this here is a back scratcher and the thing to put your shoes on that's pretty cool I'm getting a cool glow from this bathroom right here so let's check out this bathroom gotta see what's in here look at that there's your sink it's got the red floors got the jetted tub very nice some big spiders that died in there you can see check out the stuff that's in here though even the the like the heater in here is red you got Febreze I wonder if we can make this place smell a little better it smells like somebody has been using the bathroom here so let's make this Bando smell good there we go it smells nice and fresh now there's even books in here so maybe when you're taking a number two you can read a book maybe when you're taking a bath you can read a book look here's like some cologne here's some uh different makeups and razors whatnot here's more of the same kind of stuff but for women's dang I made this room smell good Jeremy's gonna come up here and be like yo why is this room smell so good didn't smell like that earlier my goodness this is just one bedroom so this must have been like maybe the master bedroom it is kind of large I mean it's larger than the rest but there's a lot of stuff in here and it looks like uh this would be the master over all the rest of them um it's pretty cool but the other rooms have a lot more stuff in them so we're going to check those out and I just scared myself I saw myself in the freaking mirror over there and I thought oh my gosh here's your books and these are like really strange they look like really naughty books I'm gonna say like you know that looks kind of like a naughty book uh I think these are like raunchy romance novels or something and then even in here we can open this up and get a look out into the main living room so guys we're gonna walk across the hall we're gonna go to the other bedrooms and this is where it gets really weird some of the things we see over here like really really weird so let's check it out and there you might let me know what you guys think there is a uh like an exercise bike not too weird you know we have the bed you know this must have been like maybe the girls room it feels like a girl's room it's a lot of little things left behind here's a robe here's some high heels you know things like that so this was probably the girls room but everything is so cluttered because it looks like it's been kind of ransacked so clothes are still left in here step over all this ah here we go this is an obituary type thing she was born in 1926 and she died in 2013 that could explain the raunchy stuff that we're gonna see because she died maybe he uh had to find a way to cope and you know make himself happy I don't know but either way says she died in 2013 and I'm just I'm just saying that because we saw um the expiration date on those snacks and those snacks usually don't last long anyways um definitely not for three years I don't think 2016 seems like the last time somebody lived here so we're gonna keep going with that until we find something else I mean we see yarn we see little bits of jewelry looks like rats have been through this enough we have more family photos we have like little games here and there Dora the Explorer you know so this must have been like the girls room of the house which makes sense and there is some tennis rackets a few of them there's quite a few down here a lot of books on the shelves um nice couch right here for some reason that's just up here in this little corner maybe this was a little seating area there's a lot of room in this house a lot of room all together beautiful but here is where we're gonna go to where it gets a little bit weird first off what is this then here's where we start seeing magazines there's tons and tons of magazines these aren't the dirty ones there's actually a closet literally dedicated to all the dirty mags that he has but this room is cool this isn't like the little uh castle looking part of the house I don't know why this like scaffolding thing is here but it has like a lot of his stuff on it here's even pornos right there but here's a staircase and we'll go down and see the this side of the house after we see all of upstairs look here's even like a molding for a mask looks like Elvis Presley come through and March doorway with a lot of spider webs he got a whole hallway right here see this is a big mansion here's your here's another bathroom you got the toilet the bidet and look this is like this is like soccer medals there's a few of them there there's a patch looks like something for tools honestly yo but look at this look at that there is a freaking huge tub here and if some animal skin rug that's inside of it but I'm not sure what it is you know what's crazy about Europe is like there's no AC in places so you have to open these big Windows to get some airflow last night we probably got the worst sleep of Our Lives it was so bad like it was just so hot uh we had to sleep on the same bed and it was just miserable and we had to wake up early to come here and now we have to make another like five hour drive to another spot so basically we're only going to film like two places today and we're gonna try to get our rest so we can start going really hard on this trip we still have a lot of days left it's only day three I'm definitely not gonna upload these in chronological order but we're just gonna go with the flow you know but there's a lot of weird stuff in this bathroom so we're gonna keep checking it out so along with this like weird tub here there's like boxes and these boxes like this has like party balloons this one that's a it's still in the packaging a little kid everything like that and that's like all throughout the house and stuff like that it's just so Random you got your your medicine I don't know what this medicine is because it's all in a different language from a different country so I'm not really going to know what it is um you got your toothpaste your toothbrush is still in here your your Q-tips deodorants on this side this is a pretty nice bathroom to say the leaves honestly oh this is good stuff Boss Cologne it's actually really good but it's empty dang but you can see how moldy it is in here we have a closet but I want to show you what's in these boxes that I see like this is literally just a random random stuff this is like a hot dog keychain whatever love these toys now one side of this closet is pretty normal there's just stuff storage you know there's another one of these toys so it's like they bought bulk of things I don't really understand there's like bulk things in this place I don't know why there's a whole box of Lighters here [Music] I'm not working anymore but either way yo this freaked me out would that Not freak you out if you saw this what the freak oh my gosh that is that's terrifying and this guys is the porn stash so I'm not gonna spend too much time on this because I have to blur it all out but there is porn everywhere there's magazines there's uh videotapes this is his stash of porn all these VH VHS tapes are probably porn there's more mass cut to Elvis Presley mask again I just noticed this too look at this this is a fencing helmet it's actually quite heavy but you put this on when you go when you're like fencing and for people that don't know offense again it's like sword fighting that's so weird it's kind of freaky honestly but in the room right to my left here we have it which looks like maybe a game type round there's a pool table here still got the pool balls I don't see the the billiard sticks but they probably hear somewhere but look at that you got the pool table here it's a nice pool table you got the random toys on it they're just random crap you come over here and it's looking like this is where he did some work there's like it's like a desk almost his records all up in there record player amplifiers and look you could put like beers and stuff in these and you could twist it and get your own beer or liquor or whatever I just want to know what all this random like hey look here's like a bulk of those spray guns it's like so Random bulk sunglasses there's more lighters there's more boxes just full of stuff oh guys poo in here it's fake you got I fooled you guys look at that it's fake poop all right now we get to this other bedroom and it looks like it's pretty uh ransacked as well a lot of stuff on the bed I wonder if family did this like going through to try to find things you know here's a cool looking jacket but this room I'm gonna say it was like the kids room like the boys room that's what it looks like has a nice bed and this is a pretty cool part of the bed and one thing about Belgium is a lot of times they leave the power on so the lights do come on in here so just check out this room everything is still in here you got marble here's even like some old money looks like this is some euros things like that but there's just a lot of stuff on the bed there's a TV so they would have watched TV there there's even a globe over there I saw that cool but this bed is pretty neat there's even speakers here so they have like surround sound all that good stuff Joy look here's another lighter hold on actually it might work there's a lot of champagne boxes like these boxes for champagne this box is for champagne a lot of those are all around the place so like I said before I think they drank a lot of champagne but this is like the boys room let's go ahead and turn this light off closets still full of clothes everything guys if you hear my stomach making any noise I am so hungry we have not eaten breakfast we've only had a cup of coffee that's literally in water like I am starving like so once we get out of here like we are going to Chow Down and we're going to head to the next spot and hopefully we have a little more energy there but we are tired this jet lag is really getting us but I think it's time that we head downstairs and see the rest of that let's go and let's check out downstairs this room is like super moldy but this is the actual front front door of the house but yeah check that out they got the nice chairs just sitting here this staircase I wonder if it had like a had like rails on it or something which I might have he's like an old flat screen TV not really too flat but it's flat enough foreign this is like a cabinet with it's like a tarp some cards in it nice shoes and whatnot and there's like books and there's even some poker chips and so you put poker there's another champagne now these plants are dead you can tell but here we get to our next living space so this living space feels more like a din but obviously it's not a den but that's what it gives the feel of there's a couch here there's two couches here um I mean it's it's not a bad looking room definitely would have been good for chilling if you had a TV up there maybe um the fireplace is beautiful check this out there's like faces carved it's like a man and a woman there so this is like really cool I just really really like this house I love the brick that's in here it's like shiny that this stone is like really shining it's really glistening in here we come back here and I'm assuming this is like an office at least that's what it feels like it feels like an office a lot of books there is an office chair there so that's what that's what I'm meaning by this a lot of like files is filing cabinets there's everything in either stamps so I think that the man may have worked out of this room may have done a lot of his work in here I'm not sure what he did yet but we'll figure it out and you guys know it's all in the beginning so if you haven't seen the beginning if you're joining like for a Premiere or anything you need to go back and watch the beginning to know the history of the place it's really cluttered it's really uh like ran through kind of like walk through here but look who's even a Xbox 360. so that's a little bit older this room is is not not much to see besides just like filing stuff and I mean it's just papers and you know we're not gonna be able to read them because it's all in French and yeah cool room though to say the least there's more office chairs there's a big table here there's like little things that are just left about and we're going to go back towards this way and here we get to a dining room so dining room is kind of cluttered as well mostly the most like Time Capsule looking place which this is all a Time cap so people can live like this the living room is like a really really good time cap so look at this we got Balmain that's expensive was a wash but it's not in there so I'm wondering where that is because even the instructions for it but yeah this is like one of the dining rooms right here look at this look at this little statue it's like silver two people dancing that's quite amazing and then you got all the glass is still here just like all the other rooms what an amazing place so yeah this is like a dining room and this is a cool thing that I just noticed walking in here so you can see it gets a little more decayed right back here but this is another dining room and this dining room has a skylight check that out not only does it have a skylight there's a fish tank built in right here so I wonder if they had fit it doesn't look like it's been used in quite a long time like it doesn't look like it was used at all honestly there's no rocks there's nothing in it you have this area back here which probably would have been like for plants or maybe even just like uh your cat is cat food bowls and stuff like that but yeah you have another like this is probably for breakfast uh things like that it looks like on the family photos that we saw at the dining room was actually used in the big area in there so maybe that's what it was the Skylight is really cool it's really decayed back this way of the house and we have another cabinet and it's just full of stuff like knickknacks there's uh Bailey's so there's alcohol there's a lot of random things there's coins there is like look this is like a little coin thing where you put the Bitcoins here so you collect the coins there's like a it's like a gold bracelet I don't know if that's real or not but yeah just a lot of cool stuff in here I mean there's some skeleton keys as well there's a lot of skeleton keys throughout Europe I mean they use skeleton keys to even get in their furniture and this is the most decayed part of the house this is the washroom and another like little kitchen area but the washer and dryer is back there you can see all the mold all the debris is falling in here just check it out it's just really bad looks like they might have a dog too there's some dog food in the corner but yeah this is like the washroom where they did their laundry and all that stuff [Music] thank you [Music] guys that is the house I hope you guys enjoyed this place just as much as I did I'm sorry that we are like so tired um it just took a lot out of us this place this whole trip has been taking a lot out of us but we are going to get some rest today and we're going to get back on track back on a grind and we're gonna get this stuff done and see some amazing locations so check out Amanda Nashville if you guys don't know him he might even be changing his name soon so guys be ready for that he is an amazing guy amazing Explorer and I'm glad that he's coming on this trip with me Good Vibes all around and this is the best spot that we've seen so far so we're gonna get out of this place hope you guys enjoyed if you did hit that subscribe button leave a like comment your favorite part and we'll see you next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 687,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: 7jWsdoikBZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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