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[Music] foreign [Music] and investigate this fascinating and mysterious abandoned house left to Decay at the roadside this beautiful home was once owned by the Halley family Patrick and Bridget lived here for many years raising their two daughters Rose and arm many memories were made in the home over the years but eventually the children grew up and moved away and one sad Winter's Night Patrick passed away in the house from a bad fall on the stairs after many years of living alone in the home Bridget was awakened one frightening night with the home filled with smoke after a fire had broken out in the kitchen unfortunately that was Bridget's last night alive in the house as she sadly passed away through inhaling smoke and fumes the house has been left abandoned at the roadside ever since join me as I take a look inside Patrick and Bridget's house and discover what and who remain trapped inside thank you [Music] okay guys so we are inside this house now proper creepy Vibes looking at it from outside looks like a classic haunted house but check this out a lot of fire damage in this room door frames burnt to a crisp smoke damage all up the wall so it does look like there's been a fire here quite a while ago as well but check this old cooker old cast iron cooker still here little old style heater on top all rusted away would have been quite cool back in the day they've bricked up the windows as well here for some reason in this back porch way it's just like an old Pantry but it's all burnt to a crisp you've got the oven just a few utensils and plates things like that just hiding in the back there white is all coming down it should be condone this house even if it isn't but we'll just head through start at the back I think look at this nice staircase old wooden staircase would have been quite a nice house back in the day what's this bathroom oh just an old bathroom here Decay coming down the ceilings Ivy Through the Windows completely overgrown outside but look at this all the ivy coming through the walls a couple of glasses and things like that on the side here the old flowers look at the contrast with the flowers in here compared to everything else it is absolute creepy Vibes in here though guys look how narrow the doorways are too what do we have here doors stuck the floor is so sketchy as well look at that so we're gonna have to be so careful walking around but some sort of dining room maybe I'll check that the classic farmhouse kitchen Diner unit So that obviously folds up you put all your Cutlery and pots plates cups all in here an old style book here just covered in white mold a Bible it is every house you go to here in Ireland just absolutely filled with religious artifacts budgie cage there is a lot of cool stuff still in here wallpapers falling off the walls the old iron carpentry old carpentry book this is the page they were on look bookmark Christmas not really sure you'll see the Christmas greetings I wonder if it was abandoned around Christmas time then check this old suitcases handbags it's just completely full cheeky flip-flop more books just so many personal possessions left we have Holly here as well so it could have been Christmas time the old suitcases also filled with books here look at this what do we have the untempered wind but these are just so decayed now look how old they are definitely seen better days I should definitely be wearing gloves guys this is absolutely stunning house it would have been absolutely beautiful back in the day it's such a shame to see the places like this religious families the houses just burnt to a crisp just found some holy water here crazy that this is all just left you can see why though this time usually you can't tell but it's obviously because there's been a fire here they must have had to have left pretty sharpish just back out into this hallway Oh my days what is that something's been out this wallpaper look at the little scratch marks so it's been scrolling on this wallpaper a rat maybe a Hungry Cat no idea check this stuff out though near the front door now you can see it would have had a big doorbell clock thing not really sure I'm just thinking doorbell because it's got the wire coming through we have Jesus glass in the house whole toilet I shouldn't really do this but oh imagine if there was like a big ratty there and he jumped out on me I would have cacked my pants all right we should head into this room floor's dodgy again so we're just gonna big step it over there oh it's a bad dream there I can feel there's absolutely no floor under my foot there see I'm not really sure would that be like for writing on or something like that more dresses single bed down here fireplace is in good condition a retro lamp shades check that out that's pretty cool wardrobes but the the wallpaper just peeling off the ceilings there proper adds to the atmosphere here but I can't really move around in this room I've literally took one step but check the old retro wallpaper as well we're just gonna head over to this room now before we head upstairs oh that was a bit dodgy that room proper give me the willies wow look at this furniture guys I was thinking maybe this clock was the one that was on the above the front door I do think it was actually it's been placed in here wow a little service Bell absolutely amazing mustard colored free piece the third coat over the back there but definitely someone's been nibbling on that here we go we can see it properly here wow look at this furniture that would have been all hand carved back in the day the detail in there is absolutely beautiful look at the legs [Music] I've seen this knocking around quite a lot ah pardon the pun knock water still got water in there that look at that hasn't been moved for such a long time as well but I'm pretty sure that's like holy water lovely little bit of trinkets on the side there and the big sofa matching the other bits in here well imagine how much something like that would cost now be a bloody fortune and it's just sat in this house rotting away see where they've boarded the windows but Ivy's making its way through nice big dresses in here looks like some people have been having some sort of romantic dinner in here with candles here's the old owner oh look this is in here look there's the unit behind her and there's the fancy mustard colored chairs on her right so this would have been the idea that uh was living here at the time when they're the house was abandoned she possibly passed away in here there's a daughter we are gonna try and find out but look how crazy this is look at the carpet on this picture contrast to today you can still see the pattern slightly over there but what a shame that is I wonder what her name is I haven't seen a name anywhere yet and there's the whole family she's holding a little baby there wow all the trophies have been stolen cleared away a few little trinkets that she would have had a few ornaments eyeballs at the back there these shells so we know what she looks like now we know she was an old deer that lived here possibly on her own I didn't see another old man there obviously when this house has been on fire she's either passed away or been moved out of the house we are going to do a bit of Investigation see what we can find see if anyone is still lurking Within These Walls you never know Guys these are old houses even if it's not her it could be someone that lived here before oh look how look at them deep scratches in the banister [Music] there's some sort of carcass or I think that's a bit of a fur jacket that's been left and rotted away here's our old bathroom Oh my days straight out there into the blue lovely Skies wow not much damage up here guys a lot of Decay though a hell of a lot of Decay so we're gonna check these bedrooms out look at this old coffee maker with the timer on it I've always wanted one of these you know when you can just wake up and the Brew's ready for you a goblin tease made that's pretty cool I like that but like I was saying everywhere you go there is a picture of uh Jesus conscription of the family of the Sacred Heart Patrick and Bridget there you go oh the second name was hello or heli Bridget Helly so this is Rose and Anne conscription and their parents Bridget and Patrick so I'm guessing that the old deer in the pictures is Bridget Patrick would have been her husband so we are in Patrick and Bridget's house nice old dresser there so much decay in these houses oh look at this wallpaper coming down you can see the smoke damage on the walls on the doors too so many personal possessions left which I find really helps with [Music] um the investigation part got an alarm here I wonder if that was like a break and entering alarm or a fire alarm Oh my days look at the cobwebs in here that's disgusting the sunlight catching it kind of kind of nice actually but we have Jesus here what would have gone in here if anyone knows guys let me know in the comments what what would they have kept in the little pocket there I do wonder that when I see stuff like that quite basic in these houses as well I haven't seen any TVs or electrics just the standard old double bed there I just want to see what this is this artwork that looks pretty cool hopefully oh it's broken it's broken it looks like a pheasants or owls pheasants I think but they're like 3D they're actually coming out of the picture that's pretty cool that would have been up on the walls Once Upon a Time I love how they uh put the lamps over the over the headboards for when they were reading look at this little Jesus there I like how she's put the tissue there she's probably quite um particular about scratching the furniture so she's put the uh tissue there look at it now though it should be fuming heading into a next bedroom oh this one has a bit more life in it check this out you can see pretty much how it would have been decorated and how they would have lived in this room we like this smoking the lying in bed which is very naughty little doorbell there maybe somebody was ill and they've had this installed so they could get somebody to call to their room someone's burn in this drawer as well but that's nice and then we have this little fella not sure what he's up to but giving it that given it that is another ashtray I think cheeky piss part will have a piss pot but double beds got the uh lamp thing over the bed are there as well that's pretty cool no clothes left so either somebody's been in and ransacked it or it has been cleared after the fire more religious art not sure who that is look they're not very good at you know proportions because look at that that's meant to be a baby but it looks about 30. and the head is just so tiny so I'm not really sure who's drawing that but needs work that's what I'm gonna say hi to paito some fella being held as he's dying there not sure who that is that's for your magazines you'd stick magazines and newspapers in there these little prayer cards I've seen these knocking about as well that's a yeah poem of uh from our Lord and savior there but all little bits in here Rose and Nana is not Anne so we little kids oh look at this got all the books in here that's a nice little find cookery books uh blue books our lady wow I wonder if there's anything hand written in here I do like finding handwritten oh look at this what is this this looks quite fancy oh it's a Bible look at this obviously she's got bits and Bobs of her favorite scriptures in here what was she reading where can we find here's where the bookmark is she was on [Music] according to Luke The Gospel According to Luke she was up to so she had a fair bit to go there but look at the uh casein it's in please tell me that's not just a tissue oh Roman missile for Sundays and holy days that's cool love that leather case on the Bible there it's a pretty cool look at the mold black mold it's quite ventilated in here so I'm not too worried nice fireplaces as well and then the book that's the book she would have been reading when it all came to an end in here but it's nice you can actually see like the character of the room in here see out onto the lake you can see where somebody's been shooting through the window so a bus move absolutely loving this house so far guys let me know in the comments if you are I am gonna walk around with the K2 straight after a little walk through see if we get anything maybe do an aquaphonics if we get anything on that as well absolutely loving it though one more room to check out and it's another full of character and you can see the life that was once in this room check this out still got the bedding on this one I wonder if this was Patrick and Bridget's room [Applause] I think it would have been it seems like a master bedroom vibe we've got the Pope here the second we'll pop that on there on there so uh we can just make this bad and just see what it's like see if there's anything hidden under the quilts look at that though guys absolutely stunning I love the decay in this room see the chair where he probably got ready put his socks on sat here reading a book maybe two there's a little uh newspaper stand next to it so he probably had his magazines and books and stuff there an old bush radio seen better days there nice furniture all wood and old furniture lovely fireplace in good condition with the green tiles nice bit of detail along the top all gold look at these walls though so much damage damage to the lighting as well here same picture as in there with the weird baby head and we have some fellas here not sure who they are that's obviously Jesus he's had his hands knocked off he was originally back there but they're pretty cool aren't they and then the cross there you go holy water empty but this dresser is oh that scared me then spider skins in there just tea cloths or whatever they are some sort of cloth wow nice we have some of these as well a little seating things with storage empty and the nice wardrobe again quite basic I wouldn't really call this it like a rich family even though the house is stunning outside and it's in an absolutely amazing area I wouldn't really call them a wealthy family with what's in here so we're just going to walk through the house now with the K2 see if we pick anything up I think that's possibly do if we do we're gonna concentrate on those rooms maybe do a necrophonics see if we can contact Patrick or Bridget or if anybody was uh here before before them let's do it guys okay guys so we're gonna do a lap of the house we're gonna have the spirit talker Play and see if we can pick up on any words we're gonna have the K2 just see if we get any activity at all hopefully we do we're going to begin in these back rooms pretty much just do a lap of the house we're in the burnt out kitchen at the moment we are going to turn the spirit's all cut on hopefully that'll shout some words out if it gets anything if there's anyone in this room with me now do you want to touch this device in my hand let me know that you're here it'll change the colors they'll go to orange or red would be absolutely amazing if you want to make any knocks or bangs anything just to let me know that I'm not on my own here we'll walk through guys we're not just gonna stay in one spot oh my bag hit the wall myself going past those scratches on the wallpaper maybe have a look in this room maybe a lot of activity when the people are alive in here I'm agitated can you tell me why you would be agitated is it because I'm in the house do you not want me here do you want to touch this black device if you'd like me to leave or you don't want me here if I'm not welcome you can touch this device let me know you can speak to the device on the table speak through it but we'll just uh we'll just have a Alma or anyone else in the house you know like having holy water and bibles around if there is anyone here outside I was just about to ask if there's anyone here it said outside who's outside whoever's outside do they want to come in and speak to me you touch this device in my hand be absolutely amazing I don't mean any harm my name's Adam I'm just an Explorer I just look into the Paranormal I don't mean any disrespect being in here if you want to repeat after me you want to make any knocks or bangs speak to me through this device or let me know that you're here at least We Are Gonna Keep listening out for the spirit talker app what such a squeeze through some of these doors keep checking the K2 for activity injury that said injury we've got some holy water in here too we'll pop that on the side is that what made you pass away was did you have an injury in this house injury Caroline I feel like we could be dealing with like older Spirits this house has got to be 100 200 years old easily felt like something moved next to me then so we've got outside injury I'm agitated and then the name's Ava Alma and Caroline I was religious that's so relevant to this house the pope stuff the holy water everywhere right so we're just gonna head upstairs see if we get anything there I was religious that makes so much sense to the house check outside I'm not going to be able to do an Eva Eevee work with what we've got otherwise we're just going to get so much interference from the traffic starting in the bedrooms I usually like bedrooms you do get activity in them so we're going to place that on the bed still playing so if there's anyone in this room with me now in the bedroom can you tell me your name can you tell me if you want me to be here or not you can touch the device in my hand you can speak through the device on the bed obviously you've told me that you passed away from an injury and that you were religious can you tell me if you're male or female I'm very lonely here so you're very lonely do you mind me being here with you do you prefer to be on your own so it's just a vice in my hand you can make a knock or a bang you can repeat this sound if you'd like to repeat that anywhere in the house I'm very lonely here I bet you are darling I bet you are just hit nothing I bet you uh [Applause] just did nothing hello [Applause] just said knock it if that was you that's just in the knocking can you do it again you can repeat after me just said something again footsteps guys what are the odds footsteps as I heard Simon if that's someone in the house making those noises can you do it one more time repeat after me repeat after me to me No just add two Knocks [Applause] I don't know what that is hello nobody's answering me okay whoever's making those knocks downstairs can you come upstairs speak to me through this device that was so distinct as well I hope the camera's caught a lot that freaked me out it's proper freed me out that I know this house isn't very easy to get into I think I'd hear if somebody was coming in so if there's any Spirits in this room I mean now if it's Bridget Patrick or one of the names that have been called out can you touch this device in my hand you can speak for the rest of that late what the hell does that mean that's freaking me out so there's anyone in this room with me now do you want to speak to me don't let me know that you're here make any knocks or bangs you can speak to me very touching this device [Music] you can speed somebody through the device on the side oh well on edge if you want to make any knocks or bangs you can repeat this sound okay just heard a knock after I talked on the door I'm an angel I'm an angel that guy's last room foreign I mean it could be an animal but what are the odds that when I say can you do this knock and it copies the knock very strange so we're just in this last room now getting quite a bit of activity in the first bedroom not really the devices but the knocks and bangs so if there's anyone in this room if you if I'm not welcome here you can tell me you can touch this black device in my hand like sometimes I'm protecting you can you tell me what you're protecting me from it in this house that wants to harm me I'm protecting you it's us so late 17 I'm an angel and I'm protecting you we've also got injury I'm lonely definitely somebody that I feel like may need help Gonna Leave This Katie's just gone off for the first time as it wasn't on camera amazing alright guys so we're just going to go straight into necrophonic from here let's see if we can get anything so if there's anyone in this house that would like to speak to me you can speak to me through this device as it's scanning through the frequencies hopefully it'll pick up some voices but you can speak to me I don't know what I'm saying I'm so on edge so if there's anyone in this house you want to speak to me through this device now [Applause] Eric and quite what my voice is that K2 is going off can you tell me if this is Patrick or Bridget wow that seems to go on for quite some time now can you tell me if you're male or female can you tell me if you're trapped here are you trapped in this house yes [Music] just hit blood twice can you tell me if you mind me being here come on do you want to be left alone K2 was just going off there you go it's the first time the Tattoo's gone off is that you over by the dresser by the black device [Applause] can you tell me what you're protecting me from [Applause] sounded like it said the man man leave I'm hearing so many voices uh noises from downstairs hello just there is so much from down here hello Jesus Christ that's right what the hell is that the K2 is just going off and I've heard so many knocks and bangs from down here there's no one here I can't even see into that room guys I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty freaked out I think I'm Gonna Leave This one here I think we've got plenty to look through on the necrophonic didn't get much on the K2 but the spirit talker came up with some absolutely amazing responses so so relevant to the house but yeah I'm a bit freed out now so I'm gonna leave it here I'll see you next week guys [Music]
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 463,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haunted abandoned house, haunted abandoned houses near me, Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned places, haunted house, abandoned houses with everything left behind, frozen in time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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