How to Play Project Zomboid - Beginners Edition

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Perfect noob guide!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ggsonego 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I hope this video teach us using drilled plank with tree branch looks like no one know this fire mechanic.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EkmekKnife 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
project zomboid has one of the steepest learning Curves in any game I've played in this series I'm going to turn you into a zombie killing machine first off the tutorial first thing you should do when you launch the game is do the tutorial it'll give you a good rundown of all the basic mechanics to teach you about the antidote for the virus wink Next Step starting your world always start with custom sandbox and select a starting town I would recommend Rosewood as it's a good starting place the Zombie Pop isn't too high you can always guarantee you'll be able to get guns from the police station good melee weapons from the fire department and a backpack from the school now this is we're selecting custom sandbox is most important there is a large variety of settings that highly customize the world you play in from how many zombies there are to when your water and electricity turns off you can change everything the only setting you should always change is in the time Tab and select 5 am this will be important when you start each game go through everything and play around with the settings for people with lower NPCs I would recommend not having insanely High Zombie populations and turning down the corpse removal time and blood level as it can have some effects on your performance part 3 building your character in this spot I will cover a really basic character build that will help you get started as well as a more advanced build to make your character stronger the occupation I recommend while you're learning is burglar you start with some stealth medium Fitness and more importantly hot wiring vehicles you'll need to choose some negative perks to get your character to zero as burglar takes six points as a baseline I would recommend taking High thirst to get your character back to square as water and drinks are very easy to come by you can either jump straight into the game or build your character up with some other traits if you're happy with that build and you want to go straight into the game you can skip to the next section but if not here are some other negative and positive traits that I would recommend that won't hinder your gameplay too much while making your character much stronger when you're playing single player you should always take slow reader you're not going to want to read without being somewhere safe so you can always speed up the game time in the top right of the screen I would also recommend taking weak stomach as you aren't going to be eating rotten food anyway next up prone to illness you can counteract it with a cheaper trait and the faster rate of zombification isn't a big enough deal to worry about you're still going to have 12 24 hours to get somewhere safe and lock up your zombie Bowl after prone to illness I would also recommend taking smoker smoker is easy to deal with as cigarettes are abundant and matches and lighters are very easy to find and finally I recommend on the way when you first spawn there is plenty of food and it's very easy to gain weight eating a diet of all the snacks you can find in a gas station will rapidly increase your weight just try not to go over 80 kg you can find your weight in the info tab in-game now you could also select very underweight but your Fitness will take a minus two and you'll get tired a lot easier with all those negative traits we have 19 points to spend positive traits are entirely up to you you can build your character however you want if you take prone to illness make sure you take Outdoorsman as rain and cold won't affect you as much and you won't be catching those colds you are prone to selecting your positive traits I always start from the bottom selecting my most expensive traits first as the smaller ones don't affect your character nearly as much your first pick should be one of the strength and fitness traits whether it be expensive strong and athletic or the cheapest Stout and fit strength gives you more damage with melee opening locked Windows pushing zombies over and you can carry more Fitness being your endurance melee attack speed and how fast you recover stamina there are a lot of smaller passive effects with each trait I recommend you read on the projects onboard Wiki if there's any other questions you might have the wiki has plenty of good information after you've selected your Fitness and strength traits choose whatever you'd like to build your character around for example Do you want to build stronger bases choose handy do you want to be a mechanic choose the amateur mechanic trade it's really up to you on how you want to play your character your outfit is also up to you make sure you at the very least have shoes socks pants and a shirt on I'll explain why in the next part now on to the gameplay the house you spawn in will be safe start by shutting all the curtains to keep zombies from seeing you you can also turn the TV on lower the volume and turn it to life and living this is why it's important to start your world at 5am life and living has shows that give you free XP for watching them first show starts at 6am and here's a timetable of the other shows for free XP search around your safe house find what food weapons and books or magazines you may have a container for water is also important you could use beer bottles mugs pots or even a bleach bottle just make sure you zip the bleach out first always arm yourself with something whether it be a frying pan guitar or a kitchen knife you can't punch zombies in this game so you need a weapon if you find any of the beginner skill books make sure you read them or keep them to read later they will give you a XP multiplier to level up faster combining that with the TV shows you can level up really fast you can survive in your starter house for as long as you have food in the kitchen and remember those socks you chose in the outfit screen here is where they come in handy you always want to have some bandages on you you can rip your socks and a lot of other clothing into makeshift bandages and you can rip up the curtains off the windows Pro tip you can disinfect your bandages using boiling water disinfectant or bourbon to lower your infection chances on your wounds lastly I'll provide you with 10 early game tips climbing through a broken window without clearing the glass first is a recipe for disaster equip a weapon or an item in your hand right click the broken window and remove the glass sprinting should be your last means of Escape you walk faster than zombies so why Tire yourself out sprinting sprinting also makes a lot of noise and you'll just Tire yourself out while Gathering a lot of unwanted dead attention in your display settings enable aim outline for any weapon it will help you learn the range of your melee weapons and say which zombie you are targeting foreign level up your carpentry early on you can disassemble Furniture including beds chairs and tables make sure to read the books for that XP multiplier leave your car running my car running or saving multiple times where I've gotten overwhelmed and had to retreat back to the car red all right you never want to get eaten through the car window while you're trying to start negative moodles affect your damage with any weapon try to take care of as many as you can before fighting zombies you can use beta blockers to remove Panic painkillers for pain and cigarettes for stress guns are very loud and ammo is an infinite only use them if you have to when using guns if your aim skill is very low stick to shotguns we won't be able to hit any zombies with a rifle at level zero there is a project zomboid map that shows you the entire vanilla map I always have it open on the second Monitor and I'll include it in the description hitting zombies with your car will damage the pie you hit it with once your hood is broken your engine will start taking damage leading to your car stalling foreign [Music] I'm going to cover your first weeks in game and a detailed Combat tutorial until then keep slime [Music] thank you
Channel: Nightshift
Views: 454,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginner Zomboid, How to Play Zomboid, Project Zomboid, Zombie Game, Zomboid Tutorial, project zomboid, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid getting started, project zomboid guide, project zomboid guides, project zomboid new players, project zomboid tips, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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