Ex Female Prisoners Reveal Their Story (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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women who've done time what was women's prison like not me but annexes older sister got three duis and the last one men cheated a few weeks in jail she was hot but in a trashy way one of the first things she said she learned was how to make a prison deal though out of a toilet paper roll saran wrap napkins and a rubber band she said she didn't use one but she said it was more sex Hilda than she expected she's a fine member of society now but just had a bit of a reckless stage still makes me chuckle thinking about that prison deal though though it is a word mom was a corrections officer for a long time so she worked in a jail not prison she said there was a ton of drama and six in the women's unit compared to the man's she referred to it as working with the itches long I miss my frickin mom as someone who spent time in jail yes the same jail my mum worked at I can tell you drama in the men's unit is usually at a zero or a ten the women's unit was probably more of a constant six theaters just walked around like they were in a high school dorm haha my mum went to prison when I was a junior in high school she was innocent the other people had more money and our lawyer was complete sheet long story short she was in there for about a one one stroke two years there's a lot of girls who either are or one of their tend to be lows they're literally horny all the time I remember being 18 and visiting my mom and a few of the younger inmates had looked over at me a couple times and had given that BJ a look with their tongues against their cheek another thing is cleanliness a lot of things get missed inmates pretty much do most the work around the prison and my mom knew some people in the kitchen and they had been cleaning one day and figured they would open up the meat grinder because it hadn't been cleaned for a while as they opened it they found about a million maggots inside it basically it hadn't been cleaned a lot longer than people thought and the whole prison had been eating maggot meat my sis isn't juvie and she's the only girl there they are in separate areas but she basically in solitary confinement says it sucks what did she do she stole a TV in an electronics store next to a donut shop she ran out with a TV and a cop from the donut shop chased her when the cop grabbed her she dropped the TV on his foot they said she threw the TV she got like 10 years in the clink for that sheet edit no no yo damn business a high school ex-girlfriend of mine went to Lodi jail for prescription drug us she said that all the inmates would bark at her when she walked by because she was the puppy of the pound she got an improvised tattoo from a wood staple in a mechanical pencil and apparently they have a lot of freedom there we exchange letters I've been to jail twice no present Oh most people told me I didn't look like I belonged in jail gave me the WTF did you do to land here one of the male guards flirted with me about my tattoos mainly I just keep to myself until I got out there I was the only blond girl there when I went I'm not a woman and I haven't done time but my mum did it was before I was born and though I never knew why she got locked up because she would never tell me I think it was something to do with prostitution or breaking and entering though she was still naturally beautiful Prison had done a lot of damage to her physically she'd had her nose broken in multiple places so it was really crooked and busted in she would tell me how some of the bigger woman in prison would try to sexually a shoe out her grape I guess but how in her own words and I love this about her that she would take the beatings of her life before she would let them do that to her she was only a small woman not much over five feet to end was pretty skinny but she had the heart of a giant so I'm sure she welder made it hell for anyone trying to take advantage of her like that she passed away from a drink driving accident when I was 16 she was an alcoholic and though she'd defeated a lot in her life alcohol was something she couldn't so woman's prison sounded like a rough place coming from her I really miss her and I wish I could have asked her more about it and the rest of her life before she had me but no matter what though she was a bit of an outcast to society she was and will always be my hero love you mum probably late to the party but the best way I can describe it is like a boarding school full of every type of female you can imagine I spent about two months at a facility with around 400 women his charges ranged from small petty crimes to grape and murder everyone had their own cliches that they kept - but there was a lot of stupid drama try to think of the most troubled girls from high school and they've imagined 400 of them stuck together in a place that is miserable where they are isolated from their family and the rest of society that's basically the gist of it but like any community there are good people and bad people and most of the time you can find a like-minded individual to make friends with the facility I was at at a huge library pretty good food and cable TV so I considered myself lucky in that aspect I mostly kept to myself and weed a lot and I never got into any fights and stayed out of trouble for the most part drew Gus and contraband still got it that always made things interesting I met some really strange people and saw women who committed unspeakable crimes it opened my eyes to a lot of things I had never seen before overall though my time wasn't as bad as it could have been and I learned some things and hopefully I will never go back man who has worked in various prisons here I will take immense over woman's any day of the week sheets scary men will act aggressive to assert dominance it may escalate to violence but a lot of the time it is just a matter of one guy wanting the other to submit and the level of violence may stay mild if someone backs off women aren't as prone to that sort of physical domination when a woman decides to fight another she wants to hurt her the escalation to severe violence can be quite sudden and less likely to end just because someone backs down my mom has had a couple of stints in jail prison I could always ask her if she'd be willing to do an AMA she's definitely made some poor choices and served time for those choices and she isn't shy about it especially if it were to be in a somewhat anonymous fashion such as ridet I'm a jail deputy who oversees women inmates as part of my daily assignments I can answer any questions anyone has I must caution that jail is not prison but I can tell you about women inmates that my level if anyone is interested I had an accent a good friend that were both locked up different times but in the same state they both pretty much reported the same stuff a lot of Droog us had people offering them prescription pills immediately upon entry a dearth of good books and [ __ ] guards the extra didn't get undergarments for the first week she was there for literally no reason other than someone forgot to give her the Matson point and they didn't want to admit to it the friend is a strict whole life vegan and they wouldn't give her veggie meals even though they are supposed to she ended up having to eat only bread and apples the entire time she was there lost a ton of weight and still has digestive problems to this day mind you both of these women were model prisoners scared white girls from middle-class families that made straight as in school both went in for drug alcohol issues and they still got treated like sheet I can only imagine what it must be like for the troublemakers I can tell you from my experience working at one that females are the most stressful inmates to deal with they nag and itch constantly and will get pleasure out of giving you a hard time in the most childish ways imaginable it's even worse for the female employees I worked in jail on women's units for a while had a girl come up to me and tell me the Cologne I used I hadn't worn it in four days is she like half dog I was a volunteer tutor at a juvenile detention center the boys and girls were separated the boys were pretty well-behaved and polite the girls program was shut down due to an incident that happened over five years ago the director of the program told us he tries not to remember what shut it down but told us the boys are much easier to handle than the girls he looked like a man who had seen some things my dad used to work in a women's prison he told me that most of the women there were really nice people I can imagine women's prisons are mostly a lot less dangerous what country I can imagine that the case in Switzerland or the Netherlands the ladies I soar in jail in the u.s. I can absolutely not say that about can edit to be firm from what I've heard Canada's men's prisons are much more legitimate as well damn shame they canceled the prison farm program the town I live in had three prisoners two of which have been closed so it's not like all those prison shows where they are all nice to each other and use crayons as birthday candles with a cake made and whatever was in the cafeteria that day they do actually using commissary items they make cakes they can actually taste pretty good too on Halloween we let them dress up the stuff that came up with was truly creative and incredible I spent a Monday through Friday in jail a couple weeks ago after some troubles from earlier this year there's not a lot I can say about my time because I spent the whole week sitting in a cell by myself trying to go back to sleep no one to talk to and no way to leave it was just me in a room with a slot in the door for food I didn't ask for anything or attempt to communicate with officers because I ultimately just wanted to be as an offensive as possible and not cause any trouble it was freezing cold at least to someone who had zero physical movement and there was no way to tell time I counted breakfast and read reread reread again my paperwork stating how phone calls worked and when I'd get out all in all I found it very draining mentally exhausting just trying to keep occupied while having zero stimulus jail food is not as bad as elementary school food was the officer who released me seemed excited to have a good job that day where he's dealing with people who want to put their real clothes back on and hit phone technically I was in women's prison though it was five days so I can comment on is the fact that the overcrowding thing can be real affe the cells held two bunks each and the entire hallway was lined with extra bunks because it was over for there's a whole lot of prison officers 95% good and 5% bad reading these comments now I'm one myself let me tell you there is some sheet that goes on in prison that you wouldn't believe this type of crap is committed by the 5% please don't believe that every officer is corrupt uncaring indifferent last night I talked a prisoner out of an instant his weapons with no violence from either party tonight when I checked up on him he asked for panadol Tylenol I guess and I didn't have any so he threatened to heal me and great my wife and kids this kind of sheet and worse is what we as good officers put up with daily so please members of the public if we seem a bit stressed just remember what we do to keep you safe prisoners if we seem preoccupied it's because we have huge castle ODEs sometimes hundreds of others and can't spend all our time dealing with you one of my friends did time she was in two different prisons in one she had to work hoeing fields in a chain gang with guns pointed at her in the other she had prison guards bringing her subway and she worked at the store she said there was a ball of air and it was easy [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, Cowbelly, Dankify, Emkay, Updoot, ToadFilms, memes, funny stories, girls, women, prison, prisoner, police, female
Id: MGy88ST7iLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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