The Most Wholesome Prison Stories You've Ever Heard - AskReddit

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it was sweet seeing these inmates who were in jail for violent crimes protecting the frog prison guards what is the most wholesome thing you have ever seen happen in prison while working the floor one night one of our officers had a heart attack and collapsed an inmate rushed over began CPR got another inmate to run to the control booth and get help on the way and saved his life the inmates cheered and applauded when the officer revived not one inmate in that pod tried to take advantage of the situation there was also an incident with the state facility where a prison bus was hit and rolled the inmates did not flee helped the injured including the guards and even directed traffic at the scene until police could take over in both cases the inmates involved received reduced sentences I've had many a prisoner jump in front of me when someone gets too close and aggressive and tells them to back down we're just doing a job and shouting at us does nothing I've seen prisoners assist staff and restraints when they're struggling one particular prisoner was shouting he had razor blades in his mouth and wouldn't spit them out another prisoner overheard this and ran in to grab him out of his mouth before he could bite staff I've seen prisoners talk people they've never met down from suicide and I've seen them do their best to make life for people who were there bearable they make me laugh my butt off most days and they're honestly one thing that's kept me in the job as long as I've been in it not prison but locked inpatient psych unit we had a prisoner ship to us because he needed chemo during his life long sentence I was only 21 female at the time and he was 6.5 in his 40s I was assigned as his one-to-one sitter and transport companion I was terrified to be one-to-one with him because he was so much bigger than me and had murdered three people about 15 years ago one day after his chemo session I was sitting with him and we were both eating a sandwich he looked over and said I really hope I don't scare you I'm a different person now thank you for eating lunch with me so simple but so pure when I had to do community service in my small County I a female had to go out with the work hang from the men's jail there weren't any other options for me so it was a young twenties me with a bunch of hard-bitten frequent flyers more than twice my age one of the days we broke for lunch at this little out-of-the-way Park it's one of those first really nice days of spring and it's all breezy and pretty out I finished my lunch and decide to go swing on the swings at first the men poked a little good-natured fun at me then one of them came over to join me then another next thing you know there's a bunch of convicts and one deputy playing on the playground equipment and we're all having a grand time we spun each other on the carousel we went down the slide we attempted to seesaw it was such an odd moment of fun I'm a social worker in a prison in Belgium we were doing a cooking workshop with some of the inmates there was one guy in the group that was a bit mentally challenging we were decorating cupcakes and he really didn't know what to do so he just threw some sprinkles on it randomly the others stopped him told him to breathe and relax showed him how to make smiley faces how to use different colors all that good stuff they did it all together slowed down the pace just for this one guy let me tell you those cupcakes looked amazing and the one guy was so proud I work in a prison with a lot of mentally unstable guys and every time there is one participating in a group all the other guys are just so patient it's amazing to see I walked up on a group of four inmates playing Dungeons and Dragons when I asked how they played without dice I think they said that they played rock paper scissors they had an ongoing game for like three years working as a jail nurse I had an inmate that had a family member passed while they were in he was clearly upset that he was unable to attend the funeral the other inmates in his pod held a memorial for him to speak and have support I saw inmates playing truth or dare like little kids since I worked at a federal prison most of the inmates had been in since they were young the inmates also played a game of pretend 90% of the time they pretended that they weren't in jail and they had families and jobs last year I left for the army my last day on shift as a co the inmates came out of their cells and the ones that were sitting all stood up and began clapping then they began hugging me shaking my hand and wishing me luck top three greatest moments of my life for sure I was pregnant and remained full duty with both of my kids my first pregnancy I had a block bed all 69 of those inmates turned into whelming and grandmas while I was on duty I'd get up and do it round and I'd have guys running for the stairs to make sure they were clear and dry I'd come back to my desk to find snacks and drinks which I'd give back to them I did doubles with the package room Co so I knew where the stuff was from and that it might have cost that visitor a pretty penny to get that stuff for their person but thought that counts I was due not too long after Easter and I was the subject of their main prayer that year also a lot of old wives tale stuff got spouted my way but again it was the thought that counted these guys were also genuinely concerned I would go into labor on the block and there was some sort of emergency plan the heavy hitters had should that have happened involving what each would do how to get help to the block the fastest etc I didn't find that out until about a year ago my second pregnancy I changed bids and was now the yard officer still AM my old block guys they'd step to any one from another block who they thought was giving me attitude being rude for just generally inconveniencing me in a mild fashion they also step to new guys in their block and told them what for I didn't really know this was happening until much later in my pregnancy and had to tell them to chill out as I didn't want them to get in trouble if someone took it out of hand they also prayed for me again that Easter but I was asked by the priest that time if I was comfortable with it which I was my best friend at work recently had her baby and her regular inmates fell all over themselves as well former CEO while I was walking the housing unit hallway doing headcount there was this inmate that was laying on his bunk with his back turned to the door and when I banged on the door with my mag light he wouldn't move a raise his hand I banged I banged nothing I couldn't stop my count so I continued after i radioed the sergeant and told him to make contact in the housing unit I was in the inmates on both sides of the cell of the man that wouldn't turn over began to bang and make a lot of noise to attempt to get him up you could tell by their expressions that they were worried I ordered them back to their cells since it was I doing an active count and they weren't supposed to move from their doorway eventually the sergeant came in and shook the inmate awake turns out there was a change in his medicine and it made him sleep heavy when he stood up his neighbors cheered and were visibly shaken though those men came from different backgrounds and all have a different story some form strong bonds with each other I used to like seeing them interact with each other during the holidays - they are aware of their surroundings but they made the most of it a friend of Mines aunt used to be a warden of a prison in MD she had a cook book at her house solely made up of recipes from the inmates one of which was a tamale pie that was to die for not a guard but did some time at a minimum security facility for drug possession my cellmate was a professional tattoo artist before his sentence you'd think there would be a lot of requests for ink jobs but he spent most of his time making drawings for other prisoners they'd give him things out of commissary in exchange for a picture they could mail to their families the warden eventually just let him hold art class once a week even though having to check in and out the pencils and pens was a stark reminder that yes we were in prison those classes were a lot of fun and helped pass the time we'd talk trash about each other's art your drawing is a crime against the arts we hereby sentence you to 30 days of finger-painting for some of the guys in there this class was the first time they had any real exposure to art instruction seeing someone in their late 30s 40s 50s get really really excited about shading and blending and in general just stoked about what they made was pretty cool I'm not a prison guard but I was a prisoner out in the yard a frog found its way into the enclosure from under the door a group of inmates found it and started pushing other inmates that wanted to step on it they protected it until it went back under the door it was sweet seeing these other inmates who were in jail for violent crimes ready to throw down to let the Frog live at the jail our work at we have a frequent flier who's always in for drugs and DV mostly he's not all there in the head either one of our CEOs were putting said and made into a holding cell and the CEO collapsed to the floor with a seizure the inmate grabbed him midair put him on the ground while screaming man down and quickly went into his cell and locked himself in there because of the backup call the inmate probably saved the co from getting some injuries former CEO in the pod adjacent to mine a nurse was passing meds when an inmate grabbed her and put a pencil to her neck and threatened to stab her the co called a code and I took off running the 100 or so yards to respond by the time I got there three inmates had tackled and subdued the hostage taker I walked up and we threw cuffs on the guy and escorted him to seg the three inmates who helped had a little ceremony and received a reduced sentence you don't mess with women and don't mess with an inmates medication probably my first three months on the job I was doing around on a housing unit My partner radios me because I was in an inmate cell telling me to step out quickly when I do I realize he's not looking at me but a floor above and across the unit there was an inmate who was scaling the bars on the third floor trying to get out over open air attempting to jump off I made a dead sprint to him and as I reach him I jump and grab his coveralls legs but was losing grip suddenly a taller in made his next to me and he is able to get hold of a foot and higher up on his coveralls together we were able to pull the inmate off the railing and down to solid ground I was able to secure the inmate and the other one quickly walked to his cell and locked up due to the code being called needless to say the guy that helped me was given a bag of lunch as a thank-you and he was humble about it said it didn't feel right to just let the guy do his thing without trying to help juvenile correction here my friend from the shuttle emphasized joining a group so that no one messes with you first meeting in he approaches the most rotten apples in the bunch until another guy pulls him out you don't belong here do your time and get out made me realize that they are wholesome people who just made a stupid mistake in society shunned them I feel like if the guy hadn't stopped my friend he would have been there much much longer my fiance spent some time in a minimum-security prison and has misspent youth and one day he went into one of the activity rooms and accidentally interrupted a Kwanzaa celebration he apologized and went to leave but they told him to stay and learn about it with them so he stayed and they spent the entire time teaching this blond-haired blue-eyed punk kid about the true meaning of Kwanzaa he loved it cousin was a prison guard for several years so this comes from him you know that prison advice where to establish dominance when you first get in you pick the biggest guy in the room and knock him out most prisoners are smart enough not to try that but one time some new guy did guy comes in spots this enormous inmate that some of the other prisoners are hanging around calls him over and just decks the guy it doesn't knock him out but the second he threw the punch about half a dozen people jumped the attacker and beat him into the dirt when the guards pulled him off and put him in solitary they asked just what the hell was he thinking and he repeated that advice he had heard the guy he tried to pick a fight with was well loved by most of the inmates and even most of the guards dude was just big so the city has decided he was the one that he needed to knock out to establish himself as the tough guy tough guy apparently had a very hard stay for a while after that my brother's story he just retired this year read all the way through it's not as obvious a story as you think at first blush back in the late 90s he worked minimum security there were two guys will call them Jones and Smith Jones was a huge very quiet guy who just wanted to wait out his time and be done didn't cause problems at any time and any time by brother asked him to do something he did it without complaint one day Smith arrives at the facility he's new and apparently has watched too many TV shows about how to be a tough guy in prison a few nights in my brother tells him it's his turn to mop the hallway in bathrooms Smith goes into a tirade calling my brother every name in the book threatening him etc my brother just shrugs it off knowing that soon enough it'll take care of itself he just stands up and looks Smith dead-on saying you really just wanted to get your mopping duties done buddy as the tirade continues Jones appears out of his room it's minimum-security they weren't really locked into their rooms walks up and asks my brother if there's an issue my brother says he can handle it but Jones says well mr. Smith here is being very disruptive I'd like to help him with his work if it'll get it done faster my brother says sure and next thing you know Jones is literally dragging Smith into the men's room a few minutes later Smith comes out of the bathroom grabs a mop and bucket and heads to my brother's watch desk he apologizes and says it'll never happen again and begins cleaning fast forward two years during this time smart but Smith has cleaned up his act and is really a model inmate he and Jones become great friends and come to find out Smith is a really good cook whenever they have movie night in the block he cooks up a storm and loves it and the floor ends up really enjoying having him fast forward another year Jones has been released and it's Smith's turned to get out of prison one night while my brothers in town after work he bumped into an old high school friend who owns a restaurant in town they start talking and the old friend complains that he can't find any good cooks he'll stay on the job and be conscientious about their work my brother tells him I have an inmate who gets out next week I think he'd be perfect if you were willing to give him a shot now understand my brother is one of those guys who if he vouches for you everyone in town considers that a big deal the restaurant owning friend says send him my way my brother gets back to work the next day with an employment form in hand for Smith and says fill that out and when you get out you have a job waiting as a line cook Smith is in awe and fills it out sure enough he leaves the jail and ends up working at this guy's restaurant fast forward three years and my brother is at the local mall with his wife and he hears someone shouting his name still calling him officer he's not sure what to make of it and his wife is a little concerned knowing someone shouting officer X Y Z means former inmate Smith comes up and says remember me you got me the job at the restaurant when I got out and so they start chatting when my brother realizes who it is Smith says you know you were the only person in the prison system who treated me like a human being and Jones always said to me if you get a chance to pay that respect back you better well come to find out he didn't just take the restaurant job he excelled at it and was now head chef for the restaurant having risen through the ranks he profusely thanks my brother and heads off a few weeks later my brother bumps into his old friend who owns the restaurant the friend says man that kid turned out fantastic you ever get anyone like that again I want dibs and that's the most wholesome prison story I know thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification Bell for more uplifting videos click the right box for the video about wholesome facts let us know in the comments what you think about these stories and watch Shawshank Redemption best movie ever
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 129,383
Rating: 4.9680285 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts wholesome prison, reddit prison stories, reddit prison guards, reddit prison guard stories, prison guards of reddit, r/reddit prison stories wholesome, wholesome prison moments, wholesome stories reddit, most wholesome stories
Id: TRq7uNoTlew
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Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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