What is a negative fact about w€€d we should know?

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our slash ass credit by Reddit and chill what's a negative fact about marijuana we should know it crosses the placenta a lot of misinformed women don't realize this himself medicate with weed against pregnancy pains edit I am in dental school here are the risks I learned in embryology where I was told to advise against it I'm just trying to inform people and I'm not here to argue or judge decreased fetal oxygen and increased carbon monoxide levels increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight increased risk of future learning behavior delays potential fetal withdrawal symptoms it is counter indicated by the American pediatric Society CDC gaveling can confirm hospitals reported to law enforcement when newborn test positive for THC which happens frequently I was a heavy smoker for a few years I have my medical license and live in a state where it's legal got pregnant and stopped smoking told my doctor as I knew it would show up in pee tests for awhile they tested me my whole pregnancy the day after my daughter was born they told me a social worker is coming in to talk to me in that they're testing my baby for THC because the nurses wrote I smoked my entire pregnancy and that it would be bad if she tested positive my bf and I were paranoid that I had not smoked in eight nine months and they came back hours later that everything was fine and there was miscommunication with the nurses notes that was the worst few hours of being threatened with my baby being taken away after I knew I was clean for months edit thank you everyone for the kind words and sharing experiences of your own was not expecting this to blow up it's unfortunate we have to treat a plant with such share but I'm glad to share my experience as a reminder to everyone to enjoy mary-jane responsibly I can't believe the stress they called you you were open and honest with them at the beginning good on you for kicking the habit whilst pregnant I know a lot of people struggle to even cut down you're still inhaling smoke into your lungs which is harmful edit yes I'm aware that there are other ways to use weed the fact remains that if you smoke it which is the most widespread method of consumption it's bad for your lungs I feel like inhaling anything other than air until your lungs can't be good even inhaling air in certain places is bad for you to be fair though it isn't the air which is the problem in those places it's what's in the air that shouldn't be it's dangerous for dogs keep your stash well away from your pets my friends dog ate some bait leavings that fell on the floor the dog started acting all weird stumbling not wanting to move and looking sick they figured out what happened after an awkward trip to the vet trip to the vet shut up and do IT butters cannabis affects everyone differently one person could get major anxiety relief from medicating while another person could have an anxiety attack with the same herb I've seen too many people try and label it a miracle drug that's the answer to all our prayers don't get me wrong it's fantastic how far we've come but stop sugarcoating it another person could have an anxiety attack with the same herb that's me ask me anything I have always been entombed I was allergic to it because out of the five times I have tried it it was unbearable and I just wanted to end the high ten plus years later reflecting back I think I was having panic attacks each time and just didn't realize what was happening this is the first time I have heard someone else that reacts the same way edit there are dozens of us dozens I have a friend that had tried it five times over the course of four years and never had a pleasurable experience for the entire duration anxiety was either immediate or delayed cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome I was a daily user for thirty years and developed it after heavy consumption during illness cedars-sinai org link I am thankful this got some attention I live in a city known for its cannabis use it was very open about my usage with healthcare professionals and it still took a dozen trips to the over the course of a year before I was properly dar nosed I've had a comical number of serious health problems over the last four years but CHS was the thing that finally broke me the link really doesn't highlight how distressing the symptoms can be I will be sweating so profusely that my jeans and hoodie would be entirely soaked through then there's the scratching a combination of screaming and retching accompanied by seizures and extreme anxiety at one point I was begging the doctor to kill me I'm a brain tumor survivor I've had one continuous headache for four years I could go on and on but it was CHS that brought to that point I hope this post helps others get diagnosed so they can experience some relief edit if you are experiencing these symptoms see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and to increase awareness in the medical community edit neem oil does not cause CHS figaro thought comlink Road thanks for the great read a lot of my experience makes sense now I was smoking heavily for 15 years recreationally in South treating intense nausea and dry heaving and when I tell people the nausea ended up being from the weed they act like I'm crazy I let myself be gaslighted to the point where I didn't believe it myself and tried it again this year after three years off the dry heaving came back within a week I'm finally done with it for good that nausea was no joke it was so bad I was contemplating regularly my mum used to get sick from weed apparently my dad and their best friends decided it would be funny to get her stoned and put some in her pre-rolled cigarette she didn't find it so funny when she started dry retching just tagging on to add a note about sneaking pot into people's smokes or giving them edibles without their knowledge don't do it there are so many reasons why this isn't a move but one sticks out for me some people are allergic to THC cannabis after attempting to try smoking a few times my best friend has vomited and had a hard time breathing Airways swelling ingesting it makes her very ill she can touch the dried plant though edit for formatting the smell to non-smokers is very prevalent my mum was oblivious to what the smell was fierce she genuinely thought there was some trendy body spray because everyone in my town stunk out it I corrected her like a [ __ ] idiot she thought I just had Newark's I went to Amsterdam for my senior class trip in our country weed is illegal so of course everyone was smoking hoping not to be caught one particular teacher have no idea what weed smelled like so she thought she was melon bear one of my are King idiot class made straight-up told her no this is actually marijuana I wanted to slaughter her thought she was melon bear hops are closely related to weed very hoppy beers do smell a lot like weed people want to claim it's not addictive while that may be true on a biochemical level I'll be damned if I don't know a bunch of people that act identical to addicts when it comes to pot edit mr. word it's 100% able to be psychologically addictive it's an action that has an instant reward I can't understand how people think some things are magical exceptions from being addictive the literal reason it's called psychological is that it's independent of the substance something makes brain feel good kamma brain once more you can get addicted to literally anything so you mean like when someone drinks too much or bets the house on the ponies or when someone eats too much chocolate cake or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake and then bar sit back up panic attacks for me and I guess many others wheel accentuates and magnifies any feelings I have prior or during the high if I'm happy weed makes me laugh till I cry happy if I'm horny weed makes me crazy horny if I'm feeling depressed or anxious much more sad anxious to the point of inducing panic attacks I have absolutely no history of panic attacks and have only ever had them one very stoned and feeling worth it's rocking horrible feeling though short of breath become paranoid about breathing heart rate skyrockets sweat comes on convince myself I could potentially have a heart attack at any moment it spirals until I almost convinced myself I'm about to die two hours of manic terror then slowly I get my senses back and think why the yuck do I put myself through that willingly sometimes weed can be good for thinking outside the box and gives me clarity on things I must do to improve as a person other times it can scare the living [ __ ] out of me I guess it all depends on your state of mind I also find when smoking in a social setting surrounded by people I like that I never experience panic attacks must be related to state of mind in that you are enjoying yourself in friends company here's a comment of mine that I sent to someone else I have been smoking for almost two years and last night I had a sort of panic attack I took a week-long break from smoking and last night I decided to end my streak and toke up I smoked two puffs and already felt stoned but I was a fool and decided to smoke more and more after six puffs I started feeling anxious and my heart was beating super fast I was definitely panicking my subconscious had taken over my mind and my thoughts were only negative I forced myself to calm down and had a glass of water but it was awful and it was the first time this has ever happened to me it could have been the strain which was a new strain that my friend gave me that was probably a sativa with low CBD and it was probably also my lower tolerance and my mom has anxiety so I think it runs in the family anyway it was a pretty bad experience and I hope it won't happen again panic attacks caused by weed is seriously scary I had been smoking with my buddies for a month before I had mine they were all experienced and one of my friends was going through med school at the time while I took three big hits and all of a sudden I could feel my face go flash my hands got sweaty my mind was racing a million miles an hour luckily my GF recognized I wasn't doing too good and took me to bed she left the room once we both thought I was good and ready to sleep next thing I know my heart is beating out of my chest and I start screaming call 9-1-1 all of my friends come to the door luckily my med buddy has my GF hold everyone back while he explains to me no one has OD on weed and that it'll pass it made me feel better for weeks after I felt my chest hurt and I didn't smoke for close to a year I was the only one that experienced it that night so I doubt it was laced some people think panicking on weed us funny it's not I have anxiety already as it is and when I got to college I found that weed started to make me paranoid you go into a place you can't escape from and you're stuck in a state of morbid terror I tell people all the time my worst fear is accidentally eating an edible or smoking wax on accident if you smoke regularly you're still kinda Spacey even when you're sober I'm a STONER but I've gone on a few extended breaks because of it I don't know any sources for my claim except for experience so maybe it's just me but I doubt that it's definitely not just you I'm currently on a break myself and I can recall thoughts conversations and even past memories much better than I could while smoking I can recall thoughts conversations and even past memories much better than I could while smoking being able to not recall thoughts conversations and even past memories is why some of us smoke edit medical marijuana is available for those suffering from PTSD I'm not self-medicating I'm using under medical guidance you should probably also be talking to someone about those feelings my friend used to smoke heavy at some point of his life a few years later he stopped he said it scared him when he came to a realization that he can barely remember any events or stuff we did together in the past few years that's me now and I don't smoke weed I'm told it's a sign of severe depression can I just be trauma I don't remember much without prompting but I feel much less depressed than I once was spotty memory is absolutely a symptom of trauma yes a certain subject of marijuana smokers will let it consume their life even if it's not chemically addictive if this can be wildly destructive like anything consumed in moderation edit I know that marijuana can lead to an addiction by way of dopamine release same as with literally everything else I included that clause because people have started night long arguments with me over that [ __ ] and I didn't feel like arguing with stoners through my entire shift edit - it was suggested that I mention our slash leaves they literally tackle this exact problem by helping people combat addiction dependency whatever you want to call it exactly I think we all know that one guy who's always I starts forgetting time commitments never up for doing anything besides hanging at home the park whatever to smoke literally me I needed to read this to realize I need to get my effing [ __ ] together thanks bye our slash leaves I was an everyday smoker for the better part of three years I had to quit cause it was a king with my head making me all paranoid I've been sober five months now and holy [ __ ] the dreams I have are incredible I would never remember my dreams when I was smoking even if I'd go for a little tea break every now and then now my dreams are insanely vivid I often have lucid dreams and opes now I look forward to sleeping because of this whereas I used to just pass out also during the first month or two of quitting memories would just flood back to me long lost memories from years and years ago some good some bad but it was scary to see just how much I had forgotten due to being high all the time weed is a beautiful thing it absolutely has its time and place and under those circumstances it can be amazing but when you smoke every day it loses its magic and so do you it dulls you down makes you content with doing nothing I believe that anyone who says otherwise is in denial but hey this is all from my personal experience so I could be completely wrong exactly this there's using there's abuse if alcohol was treated like marijuana it would be illegal too because of alcoholics who abused it instead of use it a glass of wine or a beer is fine but downing a bottle of Jack Daniels every morning before work isn't just like having a joint every weekend is fine but having a joint every day before work isn't edit if that joint before work inhibits your work obviously not if you need it for medical reasons edit comparing a bottle of Jack Daniels to one joint is obviously not a fair comparison it's more like having a few beers before work versus one joint I agree with a lot what you said daily smoker for four years now I always bailed on Crichton because of sleep there I can't for the love of God fall asleep without it anymore it's not like I could fall asleep before I started smoking any organ it affects your memory as well as your memory a wise man once told me it also affects your memory people who are really into it can sometimes be really boring because they won't talk about anything else this is a legitimate concern once people smoke a lot they tend to just want to get high why enjoy a hike in nature if we are not smoking a fat doobie it gets exhausting with some people why would anyone want to do drugs when they can just no alone you ever enjoy a beautiful scenic hike on weed marijuana using teens iceberg and associated with the development of psychosis and schizophrenia in a small percentage of users furthermore there is a dose-response relationship the more marijuana consumed by the team the greater the risk of psychosis it should be noted that for there to be a risk you already have to be predisposed to it however the danger comes in as you are highly unlikely to know if you are or aren't as a team unless you have a pretty detailed family history happened to my bro massively schizo now not sure if it would have happened without the weed but it certainly triggered or amplified it I myself developed panic attacks that still persist 14 years after quitting smoke bud II from high school became schizophrenic after we lost touch his personality changed so much I don't even know if that's the word to use it was more like his soul changed he'd stutter all the time and now has a weird tone in his voice kind of like a cartoon character he was constantly saying what and couldn't focus on our conversation I'm pretty sure he'd been smoking all day and night for four years another friend of my mine is still visiting a doctor for OCD one year after she quit really makes you wonder if the weed brings up these issues or if it's hereditary weed causes burnout in some people rare smoker here the next day is a complete write-off I don't even feel well enough to drive after three paths that means you're into cannabinoid system is pretty much bang on you barely need any care to explain a bit more I have a few friends for whom he does nothing but make them feel it all George Carlin once gave an interview where he said marijuana is a drug that engenders its own dis use he explained that after a certain amount of time the expansive creative element of being high goes away and all that's left is the loopy dull-witted effect I found this to be very true for myself in my teens and twenties getting stoned had this golden feel where it felt like I was thinking on a different level and the world felt more vibrant after my mid to late 20s that golden feeling became rare by the time I entered my 30s it was gone a permanent part of the past nowadays on the rare occasion when I get stoned it's just a different form of intoxication it's like a different flavor of being drunk for lack of a better description I'm not sure if this is the case for all people or just for some at the very least it seems like the dull sort of drunk vibe is good enough for a lot of people to keep going with it for me it isn't you mileage might vary but it's important to know that the way weed makes you feel might someday change edit this post seems to have resonated a lot with people it's also neat to see that there's some variance with how people have or have not experienced this phenomenon I feel like this is an area of marijuana usage that should be studied more right now there's really only anecdotal information to go on it's really not a matter of tolerance while taking a break from usage will make it easier to get stoned quickly it's still the same stoned feeling that lacks the golden vibe of earlier years I don't know if this is something that has more to do with age or with time spent using it might be something that involves a developing brain and its elasticity and adolescence versus a fully developed adult brain being more rigid it might be that the golden time is there whenever one begins usage but is a limited quantity that runs out over time this is definitely the - must in need of study so far as I've seen strains don't make a difference some kinds of weed get me more stoned than others but I haven't encountered any that have the same golden vibe from before next time I'm back home in Oregon I'll give some different styles a try and see if there's any difference thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences this is too true I used to smoke everyday as a team it made me fill out books with drawings and paintings and did wonders for my intense depression and suicidal ideation as I grew older I found that all it did was make me tired like I just taken a benadryl or something no more desire to be creative which really sucked reminds me of this short video that visualizes what you said I'm 34 and I totally agree now to rattle it my attention span is finished at 24 I would watch two movies a day nowadays I can't sit for the 15 minutes books are both through Amazon and kept on the shelves games are lined up but I don't want to even do that I completely lack focus and concentration less is more when you find that's no longer true it's time for a break I discovered this recently I've been a daily smoker for about three years but recently I've decided to cut down from my mind and my wallets sake even after just a few days of not smoking I can get insanely high off just a small amount now before I'd nail three four joints a night on my own now just one puts me on my ass clarification I am a STONER but everything has a downside I'm just curious about what those are since all I hear is weed is amazing I'm totally psychologically addicted and it's hard to quit because it's comparatively safe edit and the fact that everyone says that it's comparatively safe implies it's not fully safe there are few downsides I'm sure but they have got to be downsides long term who's followed by quitting cold turkey can trigger depression as cannabis causes a dopamine release when it's introduced to the brain it's a similar effect to alcohol but less extreme edit if you're struggling with withdrawals or considering dramatically reducing quitting here are a few studies on what you're dealing with and how to treat it the NLM nih.gov linked as five title be NLM nih.gov link be NLM nih.gov link there are thousands of articles out there with advice on how to get over the withdrawal period it sucks pretty effing bad in the beginning speaking from experience but RESPA hindered there are many ways to reduce symptoms and speed up your recovery put in the effort seriously it's worth it and most importantly you're worth it I actually started smoking because of depression not the healthiest choice sure but much cheaper than therapy I know myself well enough to know I get addicted easily so I recently went on a cold turkey break just to prove that I could about a week or so after that I fell back into a pretty heavy depressive episode could have been caused by anything mind you but I'm definitely going to be careful about taking smaller but more frequent breaks going forward ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 306,335
Rating: 4.8363914 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, negative w€€d, reddit and chill, w€€d, What is a negative fact about w€€d we should know?, negative fact about w€€d we should know?, pineapple express, negative, negative effects of w€€d, what you dont know w€€d, medicinal, what you dont know, negative effects, must know, facts, facts regarding w€€d, everybody should know, travis scott, how its made, mary j, drugs
Id: 60LNYRyiqFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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