Everything Wrong With Sonic Origins in 37 and a Half Minutes

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[Music] look i'm not usually the kind of guy that's harsh on pre-order bonuses i think it's cool that companies reward players that choose to put their faith in the company's product with something worth the players time and money such as exclusive features or cosmetics so long as they don't make playing the game disadvantageous for those who are incapable or unwilling to fork over the extra cash but this is one that i just what the [ __ ] is this for starters you have two columns that are basically the same thing except one is dlc for the other which comes included with the pre-order anyway so again why didn't you just make it all one column unless you'd have to pay for this separately if you didn't pre-order the game which is absolute dog [ __ ] of you sega the only thing going for the premium fun pack is the addition of the hard missions in mission mode which i don't understand why you wouldn't just keep in the base game anyway it's not like there are that many of them in the first place and then the rest of the perks are things that have nothing to do with the actual game character animation in the main menu camera controls over the main menu islands character animations during music islands who gives a [ __ ] about any of this like yeah i'd rather have it than not but why is it something locked behind a pre-order pack who's going to spend that much time on these menus compared to you know playing the game and the letterbox background are you telling me that if i hadn't pre-ordered the game that i wouldn't get the [ __ ] png that you already made during the classic mode of the games the classic music pack is the stupidest one of the bunch additional music tracks from genesis titles which includes sonic spinball 3d blast and knuckles as chaotix which you can listen to for free here on youtube and i wouldn't care as much if you could listen to these songs during gameplay i think that'd be sick but unfortunately it doesn't work that way if you want to listen to these songs in game you can't do anything but play the music in fact not only could you listen to this music for free on youtube but if you muted the music in game you could load it up while you're playing and get a better experience than what the pre-order offers [Music] that flicky just exploded within a badnik how is it okay so exactly what purpose does kidnapping sonic's animal friends serve because a lot of them are roboticized but then others are just kept in the egg prison but why why not just roboticize them too also how come these animals are just animals but sonic amy tales and knuckles are anthropomorphic hold on sonic didn't have this ability back then [Music] wait you didn't have that one either you can't just rewrite history like this so assuming this is your first time playing this game even if you know how to get the giant ring at the end of the stage it sucks that control is taken from you after you pass the goal post because it can be staring you dead in the eye but because you were going too fast you can't turn back to get to the special stage that is the slowest moving lava i have ever seen also was it just waiting for me it's okay take your time hold on does that say cope listen i know i'm not the best sonic the hedgehog player in the world but you don't have to be mean about it oh my god [ __ ] spinners how is anyone supposed to see that coming [Music] okay so i ran into this sonic one exclusive glitch where if i keep jumping after destroying the egg prison i keep jumping off screen even after control was taken away from me [Music] [Music] so what you witnessed just now was the first time i died on this run and it was all because of an air bubble that you can't inhale that patch is placed in such a way that by the time the air bubble is fully formed you're out of luck because it'll be behind a ceiling that you can't pass through this is so unforgiving if you get hit at the very end of this climb right when you're at the top you can fall right back to the bottom with no way to grab any of the rings you just dropped now that that matters considering that the climb back is so slow you'll most likely run out of air before getting to the top anyway [Music] did i just get to the top without water touching me until the spear hit me at the end and i won how is that a boss you know eggman you could have planted a bed of spikes down here and sonic would be dead no one would be able to stop you instead what do you do you give us labyrinth zone act 4 you monster wow the flowers are big so glad i collected all six chaos emeralds sound produce i don't know vegetables made sound in this game [Music] wait where'd that emerald come from so that mountain in the back does that just naturally look like eggman as far as i know it doesn't really have anything to do with the plot it's just sort of there [Applause] how did those cards get blown away but not the rest of the deck don't get me wrong i love this intro love me some hand-drawn cell shaded animation and this is probably the cleanest version of these animations we have but isn't it kind of out of place with the rest of the cutscenes you had the original material why not recreate these animations with the new 16x9 style while it's great that they do offer a way to switch between both the jp and us soundtracks why isn't it more convenient to do in story mode i have to go back to the menu go into sonic cd's anniversary mode and change it from within that mode's main menu couldn't you i don't know made that an option on the pause screen so i don't know if this is a glitch in the original 2 or if it's an origins exclusive but i got a shield and then an invincibility and accidentally went into the future but when i got there i didn't have a shield anymore and i'm guessing that's because i time traveled while i had invincibility active which hides my shield graphic egg hbc001 is still one of the worst bosses in sonic history why do eggman and metal sonic kidnap amy she wasn't really doing anything and as far as i know she isn't really useful to them i don't think sonic even really knows her at this point she was just kind of following us around so aside from the fact that i think these special stages kind of suck in general one of the things you can do to help you navigate the pseudo 3d is follow the ufo shadows on the ground but what makes this one particularly rough is that the water is black meaning that half the time you can't even see the shadows also quick side note anyone who's been watching my playing every sonic game until frontiers comes out streams will know that i am absolute trash at the sonic cd special stages but i'm batting five for five on getting the time stones on the first try so suffice to say i got a lot better with all that practice remember everyone if at first you suck ass try try again maybe you'll still suck ass but it'll be less than before you know i'd call title tempest discount labyrinth zone but it's a labyrinth zone i actually like this one still goes out to all my homies who don't like water levels though how how is he so fast why does your machine work this way you designed your machine in such a way that it gets sanded down over time even though i can't reach you this is a hundred percent your own fault ah yes start a speedway zone the lord will they just said [ __ ] it right like they'll figure it out okay who put springs in the middle of a damn 4. i can't believe that eggman developed an insta-death laser something that will kill me even if i have rings and this is the only time he ever uses it was that i got the power by snap that doesn't seem right that object's mass needs way more acceleration to push sonic with as much force as it did i didn't know i was gonna find your name here and i'm sorry i keep bringing this up martha but gonzalez has an accent on it if the emphatic syllable is the penultimate one in the word or name and the word doesn't end in an s or a vowel the prosodic vowel has an accent remember sebastian perez yeah he's in these credits too and he has two accents in his name so it's not like they couldn't print the accents ah yes sonic's by playing the tornado the one he's always had from the very beginning he has always had this plane remember how we used the plane that one time before this good times [Music] is amy happy that sonic's leaving why is she smiling [Music] cute origin story and everything but how did he never realize he could do this before has he never run before also i had to wait for the proper time to ask this question and with their origins being animated for the first time now's a good time as any how do miles prowess tails work like how do they helicopter around like that wouldn't they get tangled up with each other these special stages are so damn hard casually for the longest time i wouldn't even try and do them because of how much effort you need to put in to even try them origins makes them a lot easier with the increased draw distance the fact that you don't lose your rings after a special stage and the fact that you can retry them as many times as you want provided that you have the coins to do so but nothing can change the fact that in the story mode of this game you need to do these with tails which increases the ring requirement and can lead you to depend on tails to get the rings you miss which sounds nice until you realize that teals is on a slight delay compared to your own movement and can get hit really easily causing you to fail the special stages which happened a lot in the original having said that and i understand that it's the first stage so naturally they're going to give you as many checkpoints as need be for people new to the series it's a little ridiculous that you can get all the chaos emeralds in the very first zone of this part of the game [Music] did the music not stop okay so tails started doing this weird thing in casino night zone where his ai would get stuck trying to follow me causing him to jump over and over which wouldn't allow his ai to reset to my position and i think that as a result of his constant jumping the sound engine got kind of broken and didn't mute the stage music when the one-up jingle played like it's supposed to so all the sounds played at the exact same time okay hear me out what if we take emerald hill but make the orange park blue bam new level okay who in the middle of a damn four oh no i'm gonna die where are the spikes uh oh uh does that mean that angel island fell and knuckles needs to find the lost pieces of the master emerald what goofy [ __ ] is this why does playing a trombone summon the floating mines from super mario world [Music] so yeah apparently that's not what you're supposed to do i accidentally did that on my first playthrough of this game and thought that that was an alternate way of hitting eggman it's really easy too all you do is jump while the water rises what excuse me okay we're fine wait shouldn't the explosion cause everything to burst into flames it's a sea made out of petroleum an oil ocean if you will metropolis zone just sucks you got your asteroids your shell crackers your slicers and nothing lets up ever huh no boss that's strange [Music] act three hold up so not only did you make the worst stage in sonic 2 you want me to play more of it it's like labyrinth zone all over again that is the most useless desperation attack i've ever seen like i'm below you robotnik you might think we're saving the animals inside of eggman's badniks from their metallic prison but we're thousands of feet in the air by releasing them aren't we sending them to their deaths well don't look at me like that you blue [ __ ] there's nothing to do right now so i hear all the time people say oh that's such a good attention to detail eggman shot the tornado down so tails added a rocket to make it capable of flight again but what you fail to realize is that a rocket would propel a tornado with such force that his propellers would get destroyed from spinning so fast meaning that the tornado probably wouldn't be able to fly at all also sonic must be swole as [ __ ] if he can hang onto a rocket blasting off into space not to mention it's outer space how can we breathe in space but not water and even assuming that's possible in the first place wouldn't we freeze to death upon exiting the atmosphere how are you faster than me not for nothing and i don't mean to be an [ __ ] about this i know game development is hard and everything but couldn't you have i mean this is this is supposed to be 1080p at the least right couldn't you have upscaled that tiny screen a couple times instead of leaving it at the original resolution also i just realized what happened to the rocket that tails put on the tornado you could say that tails fixed it so he doesn't need it anymore but there's a problem with that the tornado has the rocket again in the very next scene so in the good ending of the sonic 2 portion of the game we see the death that crashed land onto angel island zone and robotnik stomping the ground surrounded by what looked like bushes and who he can assume his knuckles inside one of them clearly referencing the north american sonic 3 box art which is undeniably cute except for the fact that in the very next animated cutscene you show that this is impossible because eggman crashes right into the hidden palace which as far as i know doesn't have any bushes anywhere and you could say well maybe the 100 ending isn't canon to which i would say well it has to be considering that eggman's depiction of sonic and the whole crux of why knuckle even believes robotnik to begin with shows that sonic has all seven chaos emeralds and he goes super at the beginning of sonic 3 and knuckles i have a few choice words to say about this [ __ ] because people were like oh knuckles is using the power of the master emerald to knock the chaos emeralds out of supersonic but no there is no evidence that that is the case if he was using the master emerald's power wouldn't it be clear that he's super charged in some way you know like a super form we know from his fight with mechasonic mark ii that you can turn super with the master emerald's power alone so he's most likely not using its power not to mention none of the manuals say anything about how he does this but you know what the japanese manual says and i quote that day as he always seemed to he was making his patrol around the altar on the island protecting the seven chaos emeralds who sleep and control the power of the pillar is the mission he has been charged with what is the pillar you may ask the altar of the emerald which holds the master emerald now this may be a mistranslation and i don't think that the chaos control the altar but there's nothing that states at this point in time that knuckles uses the power of the master emerald at all for anything in fact there is only one official source that states how knuckles does this and you guys are gonna [ __ ] hate me for this but guess what i don't make the rules i just spend hours looking them up sonic the hedgehog 4 episode 1 story recap states and again i quote knuckles tricked by eggman into thinking that sonic and tails are the evil doers out to steal the master emerald pulls a cheap shot and seals the chaos emeralds from sonic a cheap shot that's it no master emerald no manipulating the chaos energy or whatever the hell he just punches super sonic and catches him off guard which if you'll recall is what i originally suggested was beside the goddamn point because super sonic is supposed to be invincible to anything that isn't crushing him or a bottomless pit but how dear viewer is knuckles supposed to see him coming when he's under the [ __ ] ground [Applause] how are we okay fire breath just set the entirety of angel island zone on fire and somehow we're fine you know it's weird in sonic 1 you reach a special stage by collecting 50 rings and jumping into the giant ring at the end of an act ditto for sonic cd in sonic 2 you have to collect 50 rings and jump into a ring that spawns when you hit a checkpoint but when you do that in sonic 3 it takes you to a bonus stage not a special stage those are reached by giant rings again except this time they're hidden throughout the levels and you don't need 50 rings anymore pick a gimmick what are the rules damn it hydra means water in city mean city and merriam-webster defines a city as an inhabited place of greater size population or importance than a town or village and unless you count the badniks does anyone really inhabit this place american heritage defines it as a center of population commerce and culture and yet do you see anybody selling anything here or engaging in any sort of culture do the denizens of this so-called city of water celebrate any holidays where they may have paying h2 ornaments from their hydrocentric ian flynn author of the acclaimed tome sonic the hedgehog and cyclospeedy as states in his entry on the matter hydrocity or clearly the way you chose not to spell it you stupid bastard i hit you so many times why don't you die also why can tails fly infinitely here and nowhere else oh ew what happened to michael jackson's jam no the other one okay who put springs in the middle of a damn form this one just seemed like a deck huh okay so originally i thought i was tripping balls and just didn't see that the spikes came out at the same time as i approached that part of the stage but nope you can clearly see that i just walk up to the spikes and i instantly get crushed not damaged not stopped by the side of the spike sonic is just tall enough to get hit by the spikes but just short enough to also get crushed by them okay they even added looking up and down sprites to make it more obvious but this one goes out to my homies who somehow still don't know how this works [Music] nope still have no idea what that boss does oh no where's hard times no the other one by the jetsons no the other ones we interrupt sonic organs bring you like the third boss that surrounds itself by floating spears [Applause] yeah so i accidentally discovered that i could do that on a stream and tried to see if i could recreate it for the [ __ ] of it and it really wasn't that hard no where are my big crush friends tell me to go go go go go go go so in the individual video i voiced the community's upset that in the original sonic 3 knuckles they get rid of the big arm boss fight for sonic and tails as opposed to getting rid of the egg rocket which just sort of does nothing but i failed to mention the egg cannon which is just as if not worse than the egg rocket robotnik even has little turrets on the machine that he's in that he never uses but sure get rid of big arm at least he's reinstated in origins this is something that i didn't know in my original video but considering that this is a rocket that's launching wouldn't the exhaust absolutely decimate knuckles like dude must be burnt to a crisp by now okay trust me far be it for me to say that i think a boss should be harder but the fact that i can just comfortably go to the side of the arena and not fall off just seems like you're babying me especially when you have no good explanation for it we interrupt sonic origins from super mario [Music] does it really matter that knuckles is looking around i mean the button is out in the open and right in front of the door i don't think it matters if someone sees you not to mention there are 77 of these things out in the open 34 from this room onwards what's hiding one behind a door gonna do [Music] so something that was pointed out to me was that in this version of the game when you use a yellow sphere to jump across the stage tails doesn't jump with you meaning that a lot of the time he just goes through red spheres and if he can just do that why don't we just let tails get the chaos and super emeralds for us oh you can't grab the blue spheres either why are you even here then [Music] you know for such a creative boss you really think it'd learn to stop attacking itself just because i'm standing on top of it i'm pretty sure it could still crush me without committing to squishing me all the way uh yeah robotnik it's probably not the best idea to shoot your mega death laser inside your own airship could you know damage some stuff sandopolis it's long and slow and boring and rough and coarse and it gets everywhere you know i don't typically bother playing the bonus games too often unless i feel the need to lose my super form to keep my rings so i hadn't noticed that in the gumball machine they didn't change the one-up graphic shouldn't that be a coin now since there isn't a live system anymore [Applause] oh uh huh oh that was a mini boss i guess i sorta just stood there until it jumped into the quicksand on its own okay so something really strange happened when i played this live normally before going into sandopolis zone act 2 sonic walks into the temple and fades in but on stream he sort of just stood there in his idle animation i was pushing buttons and nothing was happening so i thought i'd somehow softlocked until he just went in and at that point i thought oh that's neat they must have added that i don't know why they would add something so random but that's neat and then when i played it again for this video he didn't do that he just sort of did what he's normally supposed to do so what the hell happened on stream what why ah yes my favorite sonic 3 mini boss the five nights at freddy's endoskeleton this is a weird one why do i respawn with a lightning shield sometimes i grabbed a fire shield before i died but i didn't even have a shield when i hit the checkpoint sonic has the strongest and yet somehow the weakest super form ever he can literally destroy all enemies in his vicinity with the push of a button but he gets defeated by tumbling boulder this is one of robotics best mechs it's impervious to intense heats not even lava can melt it and it can't even be damaged by hypersonic the only thing that can somehow damage it are the spikes it tosses at you and he never stops to think huh maybe i shouldn't shoot those spike balls i think they're hurting me or maybe i should make another invincible mech like that maybe one with an insta-death laser how did knuckles manage to get up after that he got bodied by sonic electrocuted by robotnik and then he fell like 15 feet onto the ground head first he should probably be dead nope you can't do this one again you already did this one a nice cap why did tails not get teleported with me he was standing on it better than i was [Music] oh come on that sucks and you know it that's why you put that checkpoint there isn't it so in knuckles version of this fight you also have to fight super mechasonic and how does that work like how can a robot achieve a super form to be fair i don't know how anyone achieves a super form but something about a robot doing it just doesn't seem possible did eggman program that ability in how it's not like he knew the master emerald existed before coming here when did he build mechasonic mark ii why can't it just use the master emerald to transform no one else has done that before and while we're on the subject of super forms what the hell is up with super tails not only does he need the super emeralds to transform at all not just the chaos emeralds why does he suddenly have four flickies following him around what the powers of a god aren't enough for him this part isn't hard per se it's just annoying to try and hit all six bumpers especially because you have little control and the bumper's always moving makes it extra hard when there's only one or two left whatever man speed runners the people who know this game inside and out also say that this fight sucks without a super form so i guess they must have a skill issue too okay who puts freeze middle of a damn four wait so his fingers can crush me but i'm safe because i'm spinning why don't other bosons work like that like the lava reef mini boss again what is hypersonic's power level he can eat a bunch of the final weapons rockets which are the only thing that can damage the final weapon in phase one but he can't damage the final weapon directly in this phase how the hell dare you showing us amy using her pico pico hammer like she's playable in this game and it sings even more when you show her at the end when you play with sonic mania music you could have done that you know if they could make knuckles playable in sonic 2 and you could make tails playable in sonic cd even though neither of those options makes sense given the story you're trying to establish you could have made amy playable somewhere and speaking of knuckles being playable why isn't he playable in sonic cd why was that where you drew the line and speaking of amy's hammer that's not how you spell pico pico hammer it's supposed to be pico with a k like the onomatopoeia for the sound the japanese toy makes not with a c like the sega pico and isn't it supposed to be capitalized since it's a proper noun oh man i'm sorry europe you got this ugly ass box art well we got this i'm sorry again europe it's not fair that you guys get this render gee thanks guys for reminding us that the only way you can legally play this game is on the original 32x this game has never been re-released or emulated in any capacity and a physical copy of this game is oh my [ __ ] god only one tough dude can put an end to the demented scientists fiendish scheme it's sonic the real cool hedgehog with the spiked haircut and power sneakers that give him super speed first of all it's not really a haircut sonic doesn't have hair he may have fur but what's on his head are his quills and second wait so his sneakers are what give him super speed i thought it was just him if you collect a certain amount of rings you can warp to the secret zone where you'll ricochet off multicolored blocks in a 360 degree rotating maze there are six secret zones in each zone your goal is to reach the chaos emerald use the supersonic spin attack to bounce off different types of blocks the secret zone is really a trap no the [ __ ] it's not though cause the whole point of the secret zone is to get a chaos emerald it's not a trap if we want to come here also the manual implies that as a trap you want to escape the secret zone and that one of the ways to do so is to touch the goal but goal is a misnomer because you don't want to hit it you want to get the chaos emeralds also also you say at the beginning of the manual that if you're lucky you can warp to the secret zone which completely undermines your whole oh it's actually a trap statement why would falling into a trap be lucky also also also luck has nothing to do with it you say right on this page that if you collect a certain number of rings you can warp to the secret zone and i don't get why you don't just disclose how many you need it has nothing to do with luck also also also also there are no one ups in the secret zone why would you get people's hopes up like that that's straight up misinformation okay so i have a few things to say about the european manuals because fortunately while i may not speak french german italian dutch or finnish i do speak spanish and for whatever reason spanish is the only language that decided it would be a good idea to translate the character's name from sonic the hedgehog to sonicol puercospin which not only would you not do given that sonic is a proper noun porcuspin means porcupine we have a spanish word for hedgehog it's erison [Music] [Laughter] now i'm not sure i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that's a jfk quote not a sonic the hedgehog quote [Laughter] sonic where are you going now sonic the hedgehog looked over his shoulder at princess sally the young hedgehog who was racing hot on his heels princess sally isn't in this game do you mean amy rose the character whose name has always been amy rose how dare you try to link this to the saturday morning cartoon character who looks nothing like rosie the rascal also known as amy rose what did you think kids were stupid that they wouldn't notice before sonic could reply something whooshed over them princess sally shrieked as she was snatched up and she and her captor vanish in a blue streak of light what the princess sally it didn't take long for sonic to realize what had happened this has to be one of dr robotnik's tricks indeed it was upon discovering the location of the little planet the evil dr robotnik and his robot cronies had immediately set about converting it to a giant fortress when robotnik saw sonic approaching he had dispatched his price creation the metal sonic to grab princess sally and lure his arch enemy into danger okay but that's also wrong amy doesn't get kidnapped until collision chaos which happens on little planet not before we get there again with a spanish typo it says piedrandel tiempo and it's supposed to be piedras del tiempo piedran isn't a word okay this one is just hilarious to me so the european manuals have a habit of translating most of the names for the zones and that makes sense they're proper nouns but they're also places which are more commonly translated and the first few in spanish translate pretty well panic in the palm trees and the chaos of the collision so those are pretty close but then [ __ ] title tempest is just translated as water for everyone like like we have translations for both those words you could have called it tempesta tempest of the waves but no you you went with water for everyone okay i can't with this across the board none of the other languages have been translating the level names except for spanish and german and even german gave up for the last two levels and while wacky workbench is uncomfortably directly translated as meso de trabajo para locos stardos speedway gets a mouthful with velo simetro de polo stellar and the worst part is that velocimetro isn't the word for speedway it's the word for speedometer [Music] what are we talking about there what are we talking about the dash zone uh [Laughter] um uh so oh my god this is the [ __ ] this is the this is the uh proverbial gold mine of uh and anyone who speaks spanish probably knows what the [ __ ] i'm talking about article number seven if we if we look at the english thing it says the dash zones send you speeding in the direction the arrows are pointing but never number seven is called okay and i don't know if this is if this is a spanish thing like a spain european spanish thing i'm gonna look this up right now actually wait no that is what it means that says the [ __ ] zone or the [ __ ] zone or the the the f slur zone how did they miss that i okay because you know the spanish is a tough language you know sometimes words don't translate well across different you know slang is sometimes different across languages that is consistent across both languages how the [ __ ] you get that from the dash zone oh god damn it i wasn't done with you the [ __ ] so this is one of those instances where i'm almost positive they just handed the english text over to someone who spoke spanish but had no context to what they were translating because it calls acts as in the levels axionis which is the word for actions like an act of kindness but this is an act like a stage which would be acto and now i'm convinced that the person who translated this in spanish either didn't proofread before sending it in or just straight up didn't give a [ __ ] first of all yeba is not a word they meant to type yena which means full which makes sense b and n are right next to each other on a keyboard what makes less sense is why they use the word for is twice in a row every zone is is yeba i'm sorry japan i can't let this one slide that's not how you spell characters i know that this is far beyond the least of our concerns but i'm a silly [ __ ] when it comes to proper grammar and punctuation are you up to it should have a question mark and not an exclamation point bro that's not even the title screwed in the final game flash through a high-tech maze built with pipes and ducks robotnik flooded the factory with a pool of toxic liquid called mega mac that poisoned sonic in a few moments the mega mech doesn't poison us it just acts like regular water if it were poison we'd still be dying after we got out of it this is a really small one but it's everything i catch baby it says el malvado dr robotnik and that ah should have an h in front of it it's like the difference between saying the evil dr robotnik is at it again and the evil dr robotnik 2 added again why is half of the north american box art cut off in the manual what you couldn't properly resize it you did it for the other games after learning that the island is able to float in the sky by harnessing the power of the emeralds the doc decides to seal the emerald so he can repair his death egg ship to obtain the emeralds dr robotnik tricks knuckles the guardian of the floating island's chaos emeralds he also tells knuckles that sonic and tails are the ones trying to steal the emeralds wait that makes no sense though because it's implying that the floating island known today as angel island has its own set of emeralds which it doesn't we can't steal what never belonged to knuckles the emeralds he now has are the ones he stole from us at the beginning of the game which we would have earned in sonic 2. why would we come to the floating island to seal what we already have unless they're talking about the super emeralds but that has its own set of issues if the super emeralds are powered by the chaos emeralds and they were being protected by knuckles on the floating island how did we obtain the chaos emeralds in the first place how did they end up in the secret zones in the special stages and if they straight up are the chaos emeralds just in a different form knuckles never had them to begin with long ago an ancient civilization lived on the floating island before the civilization mysteriously disappeared it left behind many secrets and mystical powers being the only living descendant of this lost civilization knuckles has become the guardian of the chaos emeralds which are the source of the island's special floating power okay but in that case knuckles has been doing a pretty [ __ ] job at protecting them because like i said sonic's already collected them twice at this point his name is entail it's tails the apostrophe should go after the s the badniks have always had kind of lazy names but still creative enough to stand out you know you got your moto bugs and your crab meats and your buzz bombers what is this monkey throat coconuts so what are we gonna call them coconuts that's all well and good but in sonic 3 you couldn't come up with a better name for your monkey robot than monkey dude [ __ ] monkey dude so it wasn't until this manual that i noticed that they blocked out all the names of the original sega staff that worked on this game and i kind of understand why but i also kind of don't understand why most of their names are still in the game's credits anyway aren't they and even if they're not couldn't you just have i don't know not included these pages of the manual in the museum badnik is a made-up word so why are you so [ __ ] weird spanish no other language translates the name but you why did you add a c in there badnik is not a word in spanish i don't know how they got this one wrong i know that echidnas aren't native to spain or anything but we have a word for echidna it's pronounced the same but spelled ekitna with a q of all things to not translate why is it something we have a word for and then here you spelled badnik correctly and the reason i bring this up is because the first page where they spelled it with a c wasn't a unique instance they did it multiple times and then just i don't know gave up for some reason europe how on earth did you [ __ ] this up you got his name correctly throughout basically the entire manual except for this giant instance of the name and what's worse you wrote the word badnik which is based on robotnik's name correctly right next to it i hate to bring it to you japan but it's not mashroom hill it's mushroom hill so while it's great that they're explicitly including the effects the lock-on technology has on sonic 2 it's weird that they don't mention that you can literally play millions of blue sphere stages if you lock on sonic and knuckles to sonic 1. i don't like playing them separately but in the original sonic and knuckles the story in knuckles campaign is that agarobo bombs the island and knuckles is none the wiser because he thinks eggman is a kind-hearted scientist who's only trying to study the death egg which crashed onto the floating island but both egg robo and the death egg look exactly like robotnik people like to say that knuckles was never straight up stupid but i don't know man this is more than just being naive these look like some ai generated ass photos like could you not get better screenshots why does europe get shafted like this i mean sake look at robotnik it doesn't look like anything this is another really minor one but why is sonic chaos listed after triple trouble in the museum triple triple is a sequel to sonic chaos i have to say that it's kind of annoying to have to hit the confirm button twice when unlocking content of the museum every time i know there's new content available in the museum you don't have to tell me new content has been unlocked i unlocked it how is it that you have the music for these games in this collection but you had the audacity to be like nah nobody wants to play these games like i get it they're not as good but that's really not the point i'm sorry we couldn't get the music by the guy michael jackson asked to help produce for this one 30 year old game due to licensing issues but we have a remix to an original theme featured in a game that has been and always will be exclusive to nintendo consoles on ps4 xbox and pc hey everyone shary5 here thanks so much for watching i just wanted to give a shout out to all the patrons and the channel members and all of you wonderful people watching uh if you want to join you can hit that join button down there there's a link to the patreon in the description as well um and uh i guess the question for today is like what was your what is your favorite game from this collection like what do you like sonic 1 cd 2 3 and knuckles three in knuckles because for some reason they like to consider those games separately a lot of the time uh what what do you guys think i think my favorite of the i think the best one is uh three and knuckles but two will always have a special place in my heart it was my very first game so i'll always i'll always have that one close that always has a special place for me thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next time in the next video uh stay safe and stay awesome this is ciara5 signing off
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 309,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Origins, Sonic Frontiers, Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, sonic and knuckles, headcanon, classic sonic, tails the fox, miles tails prower, amy rose, knuckles the echidna, dr eggman, dr robotnik, sonic jam, sonic origins missions, sonic origins mirror, sonic origins review, sonic origins trailer, sonic origins news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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