Everything Wrong With Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) in 57 and a Half Minutes

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you [Music] really this is our title screen broken buildings against a blue sky with some sword and shield s looking trees oh yeah like I'm flying last that long [Music] why do you say that like it surprises you don't you live in this apocalyptic world don't you see these kinds of things every day I'm not supposed to be able to do this what's the point of all this it'll never end exactly what everyone said when they got to this point in the story Pollak team was like what should I design for the villain be for the new Sonic game we need something menacing fresh edgy miss all the reakless on TV are said perfect you must eliminate the individual who has awakened a bliss the a bliss trigger if I eliminate that guy will our world be saved silver why are you even entertaining this guy's ideas he sound like a crazy person has shown you no evidence that what he's saying is even remotely true so that blue hedgehog the ablest trigger why is the T in bat capitalized it's mid-sentence also that emerald didn't show you anything that was just sign against the fiery background he wasn't really doing anything I see it so that blue hedgehog the ablest trigger [Music] why is blaze Lawson thought here it's never made clear whether or not this is the same blaze the one rush or whether or not this blaze even know sonic they never interact with each other so what was the point of her maybe remembering [Music] wow what an effect one second you're there the next second they just moved the models off camera where am I please please yeah why did all three of them go to different locations when F let's brought them to the present what the hell is silver doing I hope silver is okay he's pretty insecure when he's alone maybe I something to do with his best friend pointing out his character flaws behind his back they just get stuck on the side of a checkpoint shadow works for gun now look just cuz you buried the hatchet doesn't mean you have to be okay with them now they still killed your best friend and kept you locked up for 50 years why do I get stuck on the walls as Rouge like to this day I don't know what causes it or what fixes it it just sort of resolves wait the agent that we're here to rescue is Bruges I thought she and I quote was going to give up this line of work I probably should have brought that up in my shot of the Hedgehog video too but it wasn't as clear that she was still with gun mare whereas here it's a huge part of both shadow and Rouge is part in the story okay so here we're given two pretty distinct objectives shadow says he needs to break the searchlights but the narrator says we need to destroy the searchlight pillars which yes would also destroy the searchlights themselves but you would think given those instructions that the search alerts are the important part not the pillars and then the narrator says that we need to destroy five searchlights to open the door to be outside so I'm on my merry way destroying the searchlights on foot because it's much faster and a lot easier than taking the buggy only to find out that the game doesn't register the searchlights is destroyed unless I take out the pillars but what's the difference why even allow me to destroy the searchlights on their own then so shadow says that and you would think that that implies that you can attack the egg servers directly now not having to grind on its back anymore but nope that does no damage there's no point to the armor breaking solely on a city of water it has a constitutional monarchy no the primary industries are tourism and crafting precision machinery tourism for what there's nothing to see and so lianna the current sovereign is Princess Elise the third well wouldn't she be a queen if she's the current sovereign why does Eggman's base lead to an odd place like this that is a legitimate question that is never answered I have a little favor to ask of you could you escort me to the GU and rendezvous point gu n yeah I know those are the letters but we've never pronounced it like that it's always been gun Queen chefs Nanako sister bring you the latest idol fantasy game pleasure to meet you at last princess of so Liana that's a pretty snazzy performance there you're right cuz it isn't also how does it least even know what silver looks like roll credits so did everyone just believe cuz the town was filled with people celebrating the festival of the Sun but Eggman just showed up like a minute ago wouldn't we still be seeing at least a few people I know that Elise is wearing pantyhose but her legs were so shiny that it looks like both of her legs are prosthetic and that they both got a tan how the hell did Eggman sneak up on you his mechs aren't necessarily quiet I finally found him the ablest trigger why did you say that again didn't you say the exact same thing before egg men kidnapped Elise Amy you know shadow I kind of get they have a similar body type and clothes that could be mistaken under the right light but Silver's got boots in a pot leaf head did you just slap him because you made a mistake and then immediately apologize not for the slapping but for the mistaking him for someone else tails long time no see till his mouth moved a total of like once during that whole exchange [Music] you [Music] you Jesus Christ his [ __ ] load screen as long what that was it you needed a load screen for that waiting truck Sonico six to bring you superman 64 oh my god there's another load screen just for the results screen [Music] and another one just to return to the hub world and that happens every time you go into a town mission why does this guy never stop talking like geez yes my guy I understand yourself things k-wave Ocean Emerald Coast called it once it's everything back that the game 300k why does that take so long to happen the mod speed section suck there's no stopping no matter what you can't correct your position midair so jumping has to be kept to a minimum if you hit anything you better pray there's more Road to run on otherwise you'll run into a never ending animation loop of Sonic getting hit which will result into death and worst of all you never know what's coming the first time so pretty much inevitable you're going to die meaning you have to do the entire Mach speed section again once you do oh you like that's fair how was I supposed to know that I would fall off the side it's an automatic glue okay so something you might have noticed by now is that I'm tackling the story in chronological order or at least in a chronological order that makes sense but this is the first level you'd play when you put up the game for the first time and if you get a game over which mind you is very possible to do given the Mach speed sections you have to start the game from the beginning and I'm not talking the beginning of way motion no I'm talking the very first cutscene of the game meaning you have to do everything all over again which just means you're gonna have to sit through all those long-ass loading screens again just to get another shot at doing wave ocean and I know what you're thinking well that's stupid doesn't this game have an autosave feature no no it doesn't this 2006 PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 game doesn't have an autosave feature Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Genesis had a [ __ ] autosave feature and that was 1990 [ __ ] 4 was moved to another location does it tails doesn't look like Eggman and his giant goddamn battleship which Elise is currently on has moved somewhere else when all we've been doing is chasing it because it's moving what the hell is the point in going back to the city that's the opposite direction Eggman and Elise are going I need an antigravity trip to [ __ ] slide and moreover didn't the lights be - sort of become part of Sonic's natural move set by heroes why do I need not only a special chip but special shoes in order to do it and speaking of a slide why can't we travel 40 miles with it so we can't unlock the mirror to Sonics dusty desert until we rescued the little girl from this rooftop but according to her she got up here by choice meaning she must have done it somewhat safely so why do we have to get her down why doesn't she just come down the same way she got up here and don't tell me she used a spring to get up here like we did she's human if the spring didn't kill her the fall on the way down did [Music] how long is this gonna go on you shut the [ __ ] up because I've still got 10 and a half hours of this to sit through and that's not counting all the loading screens okay you be careful tails ah that's some quality dubbing right there he had like two weeks worth of dialogue where you condense in two sentences nothing the homing attack makes much sense on its own but doesn't it seem counterintuitive to be able to do it while holding someone why the [ __ ] does Sonic need a slide when silver can just walk through the gap did today me just spawn in already dead this game has spirits that you have to help move on to the afterlife and yeah there have been ghosts in Sonic games before but never any that straight-up look like humans is Amy's classic ability of being able to turn invisible wouldn'ta cuz Amy ever been able to do this also why is your Piko Piko hammer almost like a normal sized hammer in this game it's so tiny and its range is awful so I've never had an issue with a ball puzzle in this game in fact I got it on my first try but this one goes out to everyone who does have issues with it this puzzle but if you don't have to deal with it there is the thing you can do that you're not supposed to twin sure of Sonic oh six to bring you the Windows XP desktop background it's nothing no literally it's nothing I don't think he even got hurt your smile that's all I need is this what my girlfriend hangs out with her friend Steve because I have the virgin walk while Sonic have the Chad stride Eggman mentioned the flames of disaster [ __ ] he said it was you were there no Sonic I don't think you understand you run so fast you can physically rip her arm off nothing starts until you take action if you have time to worry then run that is awful advice you're basically saying what you got issues whatever who cares don't worry about it just run away from them what the [ __ ] is chaos smash that's not even in the game where do we get this glider why don't we just hang on to Rouge while she flies us to the extraction point you will need to collect yeah I got that narrator Roos literally just said we were gonna need three keys no need to repeat it what you know what game everyone loved Shadow the Hedgehog and you know what elements of that game people enjoyed the vehicles but people like the guns too so why don't we had vehicles that have guns in them [Music] you know Eggman you had way more than enough time to tell your robots to grab the scepter before it fell to the ground you have no one to blame but yourself methyl Asst who is he okay I guess this is a film noir now just like the fight hey why is it just the word hey with no punctuation is this a joke how could someone like you caused the destruction of our world well first off you attacked him when his guard was down so kind of a dick move but second he beat your ass the future the ablest trigger must be destroyed goddammit didn't I just save you don't you dare turn your back on me it's time I finally put an end to this Amy where was Amy she was literally with Silva the moment he spotted sign didn't she hear all the commotion when they met where did she run off to he's responsible for destroying my world would never do that but it's true based on what idiot an edgy gif of Sonic you saw inside a jolly rancher between the world and Sonic I would choose Sonic you crazy [ __ ] Lina's normal as dog compared to the freak of absolute nature that is Sonic the Hedgehog speaking of dogs fine Pele the beloved dog is probably the stupidest town mission in the entire game come get your [ __ ] dog on your own Pinto two of the soldiers might lie to me well are you one of them hey you stupid son-of-a-bitch I am trying to rescue your son are you clown I don't have the goddamn time to play these stupid little games you what is the matter with you Hanako six to bring in Pokemon the first movie no really you think I'm not supposed to be able to do this knuckles [Music] yeah no I don't think you're supposed to be able to turn around and go up during a snowboarding section or do this also icecap called and wants it so yeah okay I'm not supposed to be able to do this where's the lease My aren't we impatient sonic wait what you just reached over to your left and grabbed her but as we can see there's an entire room to your left and Elyse is nowhere to be seen place it down [Applause] do isn't the same thing they did an adventure too when Eggman sent Sonic out into space and the capsule it exploded really couldn't have asked Mike Paula for a longer life instead of cutting his laughing half they've just been teleported by my glorious invention to another time who knows where they'll end up don't you mean when they'll end up since he's after dr. Eggman let's sneak into Eggman's base how would you even know where Eggman's base is do you even know who dr. Eggman is isn't that the Chaos Emerald that Eggman just got from Sonic didn't he say he needed the Chaos Emeralds for his plan why did he give the Emerald to the egg Genesis how did the least managed to escape herself kind of looks like she just opened the door and if that's the case that's the SPEA cell I've ever seen no that's not possible we're still in the doctor's base you mean you're back at the doctor's base cuz methyls teleported you from the old so Leon a castle in Kingdom belly not Eggman's base and white Acropolis tails can fly knuckles can glide and yet Sonic's the only one that landed on his feet oh look who's here I didn't expect to see you guys well isn't that a coincidence seriously one of the goddamn odds that both these group of characters got sent into the distant future by different characters to the exact same point in time down to the very day long time no see it feels like every little moment in your life is huge are those sparkles meant to make Amy look cute because she still looks horrifying has Amy not her that Sonic's been the one saving Elise because I feel like everyone in town knows that by now and Amy's somehow remained oblivious to that fact I see you mean using your chaos control will yes but that alone is insufficient who was the [ __ ] who directed that camera moving I was like yeah that looks good did those buildings just randomly explode why did those building just randomly explode cool I'm stuck on this [ __ ] rail [Music] - hello points and the same building explodes in Sonic's version - why is this building just randomly exploding okay so not only did meth Phyllis and Eggman separately and randomly transport our heroes at the same time in the distant future they also happen to end up around the same time at slower and blazes adventure start seriously what are the odds [Music] if we don't return in time Elise will die on board Eggman's battleship what do you mean if you don't return in time I'd hate to break it to you Sonic but at least that Eggman died 200 years ago you kind of don't have a time limit right now nothing mention it if you guys do find a way back that means you have the power to time travel meaning none of this should mean anything to you you can just go back in time as many times as you want [Music] yes tails thank you for once again pointing out the obvious also yeah where did you find that emerald you kind of just had it in the last cutscene signal indicating there's a Chaos Emeralds here but you mean we've got to go through there if you don't like it you can stay here you've got to be kidding did they just use that speed turning animation for knuckles twice in the same scene don't be late what do you mean don't be late aren't you guys heading to the same place at the same time like I know you're not gonna be holding hands but yeah no I don't think that's how gravity we're all right sonic the hedghog fastest thing alive also satan cool so that stupid stuck on walls thing also happens with knuckles and you would think that if it happens with more than one character that they try to fix it but nope who was the [ __ ] that was like let's put a fire spout in front of a dash pad which you can't avoid meaning that nine times out of 10 you're gonna get hit by the fire when you get to this part I'm sorry does knuckles just tipos when going through a rainbow ring I'm not suppose to be able to do this or who knows maybe I am supposed to be able to do that considering I can do the exact same thing with Rouge so when the cell is this is after silver and blaze fight ablest at the beginning of silver story meaning that the big a bliss they fought has reverted into a sort of larva so couldn't silver just get rid of it bliss by defeating the baby form wait so all you need to create a time travel portal is have two people and do some chaos control this when you guys did that an adventure to and all that happened was you teleported the Archaean travel through time excuse me what does that say daily saw Rihanna also who took these photos didn't the city evacuate the moment Eggman showed up there didn't seem to be any people left it doesn't leave about restoration expecting it the [ __ ] does that mean [Music] what was that supposed to be a vent or something how'd I end up here shadow shadow shadow and he doesn't have a Chaos Emerald anymore wait why did the Chaos Emerald go through the portal to begin with when did shadow not only let go of the Emerald but throw it through the portal for it to have ended up with Rouge also Rouge went to the portal not long after Sonic Tails and Knuckles did and if they got caught up looking at that newspaper she would have at least bumped into him [Music] have you retrieved the book of Darkness look of Darkness not only is that different from what the sub shuttle say but my dude does this thing look like a book right now I have a priority situation to deal with I need to contact e 1 2 3 Omega immediately breaking the 4th what why is she looking at the camera [Music] hi long time no see so decided to void your return ticket now did you why are you here did you ruin this world the answer is yes and no no it's pretty much only yes just cuz shado got blamed for it doesn't mean you didn't do it how the hell did you lose contact with Rouge she's right at the warehouse have you even tried contacting her again why would you think she's there to begin with shado so I think I may have caused a black car crash because I spun out and even after that no one caught up to me I don't think I'm supposed to be able to do that this is Rouge GU n HQ C you can contact her here why I was gonna saying they lost all contact with her yes pull all available data on an item called the scepter of Darkness for me for what weren't you as an agent sent to retrieve it already briefed on all the information they had to begin with tell me who is the Iblis trigger why does he want to destroy the world why does that matter to you uh because he might be trying to kill an innocent person that has nothing to do with what he thinks why do I have to buy the heart of win to advance to the next part I can get past the guards on the way to the train station without it you got kidnapped again god damn it didn't ami technically just save you question why can't I just use my ESP powers to break down that seemingly frail wooden door so something really weird happens if you reach this part of the level with shadow and aren't riding a bike you sort of just freeze in place for a couple of seconds unable to move that doesn't happen if you're already on a bike though wouldn't the door have been easier yeah maybe if you were on a moving train when you capture methylase you must bring him to me then I'll tell you the truth about Solaris did you just agree to that why would you trust this idiot [Music] we just rescued you and guess what you have to watch that cutscene three separate times and yeah I know it's because all three characters are in this cutscene but that just means you have to watch at least get kidnapped again three separate times what's the point of being able to grab shadow with silvers ESP if you came throw him chaos control was was something really about to just punch shadow in the face you have a psychokinesis you idiot chaos control Oh son of a [ __ ] did silver just chaos control never mind that he's only ever seen shadow do it once I'm not even sure silver knows what chaos control does let alone how to use it follow me if you want the truth wait so how does time-travel work because you just made a portal on complete accident yet you were super confident that it would take you ten years into the past do you just decide will you go through the portal or do you have to know what you want when making the portal hell it's clearly not the latter considering you made the portal an accident still managed to go when you wanted did for kids not have any money left after hiring Lacey Chabert that they had to recycled angriness knuckles not only for the main bad guy but for this guy too normally I don't not voice acting because whatever I get it but here all three of those characters sound exactly the same no really who else would you have gone after he was the only one left okay so using the chaos booster sucks ass because you can't homing attack chain while using it you just fall making it less useful than just being normal shadow control okay so if I'm a recap cows control seems to be able to do a multitude of things it can teleport people it can slow down time freeze time completely cause time travel and now it can also apparently seal the embodiment of darkness itself suit [Music] well apparently noggin so locked up 200 years later did shadow really just let the scepter of darkness fall into the floor does he not remember what happened last time that thing hit the ground shadow what do you mean you'll be looking out for it didn't you see a blitz and methyl is separate from each other let me get this straight when methyl it tells you that Sonic is responsible for the destruction of your world you don't bat an eye and just trust him but when shadow straight-up shows you that Mathis isn't what you think he is you still have to be convinced okay admittedly these ball sections aren't the worst but they're still way more trouble than they're worth and I don't know anybody who likes them hey what are you doing how are you even still alive you are at the epicenter of an explosion of a Sun God and trouble remember be brave don't cry no matter what happens otherwise your tears will come forth the flames inside you wait you mean to tell me that when you said don't cry you meant it literally you expect me to believe that this seven-year-old girl hasn't shed a tear for 10 years and speaking of which what constitutes tears in this scenario what if she laughs until she cries is she allowed to yawn what about dust it's not her goddamn fault of dust gets in her eyes what are the rules damn it [Music] you're going to leave it behind yes I already know what becomes of it in the future yeah it breaks that's exactly why you should take it with you that way Netflix won't be a run in the present because the sceptre of Darkness won't even exist for the past ten years oh [Music] yeah your dad just died are you telling me that this child didn't cry when she found out her father died while protecting her it's an excuse me are you telling me that princess ELISA third sovereign of so Liana has been in possession of the blue Chaos Emerald for the past ten years because that's impossible unless there are two blue Chaos Emeralds how did sonic fight perfect chaos how did sonic and Shadow fight the final hazard how did son it tells him that close fight metal Overlord how does shed a fight devil doom I'm sorry I guess they were just a Chaos Emerald this whole time and then in shadows version of this cutscene silver doesn't even give at least the Emerald and yeah I know the shadow doesn't witness and do it but in that case why not just cut the scene before silver jumped through the portal no no we clearly saw that you don't head first meaning that there's no way sonic will be able to catch you so easily at least should be dead do you think you can intimidate me with just your size let's see what you can do you know I overheard my girlfriend say the same thing to her friend Steve but there's no way it was in the same context as this so now I'm confused I'm not supposed to be able to do with this green jungle call that says on it I don't like this look Elise is giving sonic I don't I don't like it what the hell happened to this person was she a victim of solarz exploding - okay cool what was the point of tales following the egg carrier Omega is still in pursuit of methyl as' so where's the kid what kid silver how did you even know we were doing stuff with him as far as you knew we were chasing after Eggman what so where's the kid what did you find ten years ago how did you know we went into the past that was a spur-of-the-moment accident I need you to access to UN's database specifically find out what materials the scepter of Darkness was made from sure but you haven't answered my question I found the means to seal methyl as' what do you mean you found the means you had the means you saw the scepter of Darkness breaking metal let's escape you know what you needed you idiot the candles are everywhere you know but I have no idea where to find the candle of darkness and the priests prayers what is that a priest praying I honestly don't know how to make it clearer than that I'm on a boring assignment today I have to test people to see if they have what it takes to be an agent yeah it's that test you took years ago years ago shadows been a gun agent for years as in plural [Music] that's it that's all I need to make a scepter of Darkness [Music] did they they can leave it out taking the game but hold on if I press up against a wall and spam the hover button I hover up [Music] I'm not supposed to be able to do this race what did you see what did he see where how do you know where he was a bluish trigger wasn't Sonic the Hedgehog no he was just not in the way you think in fact you saying that kind of leads me to believe you haven't learned anything [Music] crowd of people noise I don't understand is it describing the type of noise or is the word noise a verb either way they both sound wrong I heard that the princess here left for dr. Eggman's base in response to his earlier threat she got kidnapped again Shh what are you trying to do dr. Eggman why do you wish to revive the flames of disaster are you [ __ ] serious he already told you world domination what other reason do you need okay so you might have noticed this little meter in the bottom right corner of the screen it limits Silver's ESP powers as well as Sonic and Elise's shield and it quantifies shadows chaos boost energy but Sonic still has it even when Elise isn't around and that's because you can purchase these special gems that go on Sonic's shoes lick ran or special abilities depending on the gem but the thing is the programmers of this game are [ __ ] morons and didn't code Sonic's meter correctly meaning that Sonic gem abilities have no limit the meter never drained so you can use the gem abilities for as long as you want and that breaks the game completely because you can use the red gem to slow down time indefinitely or the purple gem to jump indefinitely you can do things that you're not meant to do because the only care - they didn't code the meter for is the one that shares its name with the [ __ ] game how does Sonic self-proclaimed biggest fan not recognize them cool so if you try to use a spring while slowing down time I guess it just doesn't work or I just hit the spring wrong who really knows so I don't show it because Amy is a quicker choice but you have to choose between Amy or released but if you choose Elyse why don't we just keep Elyse with us aren't we heading to Kingdom Valley precisely to go get Elyse not to mention what the hell is the point of this is a trial let alone as a mission neither choice matters anyway [Music] Pam was incredible I barely got the s-rank for that I did that in under five seconds how fast they expect you to do that it's not even like I can get rings to boost my rank at least not to my knowledge wait we needed to do those trials so that an eagle could carry us over to the mirror to Kingdom Valley why didn't tails just carry us over there that dump bastards already here uh yes Sonic oh six the game that asked you to and I quote capture the six children with from the time limit again I feel the need to ask what was the point of the trials if silver can just fly over to the mirror what are the people in charge going to say no to the psychokinetic 3-foot hedgehog okay so I know I explained why the Mach speed section sucked but this one in particular is awful because I can't see dick and if I get hit I have to do this section all over again and if I can't see enough dick I have to do this whole level all over again I'm not supposed to be able to do this [Applause] why just randomly cuz I mean no one's done anything to the engines also couldn't you just evacuate you have that egg mobile that you've been using to kidnap police why not just take that in abandoned ship if we return to an earlier point in time we'll be able to save her [Music] I understand okay so I was wondering what happened to this emerald because it's the one that the Duke uses to seal a bliss and Elise but we never see him give the Emerald to silver so I thought you just left it in the past how do either of them know that the other knows how to do this they never saw each other do it and silver literally just learned how to do the chaos control earlier today the battleship will take off any minute tails knuckles let's hurry wait you met up with Tails and Knuckles at what point that would have been nice to see also what is nice to see is that aquatic bases have no changes in the past ten years it looks the same as when we came here with shadow and silver discount egg viper seriously the lasers the fighting I'm floating great said beam final boss and sonic story hell Eggman even says when you beat him speaking of beating him if you throw the sky gem a few seconds before you grab onto the [ __ ] and you'll be pulled back onto the platforms and get an early win you don't even really have to damage the cockpit I'm not supposed to be able to do this [Music] aren't you worried if you have time to worry tonight that's not what that means at least it's a metaphor for evading your problems but he's taking action by literally running [Music] ya know both of you should be dead also you know what I just realized we're not the piece of cloth that at least put on Sonic's arm go by the time they go back to castle town it's just gone actually looking back where did that piece of cloth even come from nice smile wait that's how he winks he has one eyeball but two separate eyelids you know don't wink at each other sure change Elise its fate and that in turn should change your future too you know I never thought about it but silver never introduced blazes Sonic she's just kind of there they never have an exchange in fact I'm pretty sure blaze never talks to anyone but silver in this game like yeah she speaks in the presence of metalist but that's more her reacting to something silver said she never once directs a word to anyone but him [Music] okay so the portal does take you to where you want to go when you go through it but then how does that work the silver and blaze just think take me to 200 years from now is this exactly 200 years in the future I'm still unclear on how the rules work I know how to save our world now we don't have to change the past but wouldn't that be easier you go back to when the solarz project was being worked on and you shut that down so that Solaris never splits into [Music] I got a 30 mm point time bonus that's over halfway to an s-rank that stage took me 14 minutes how long do they expect you to take on this level so the Bible isn't called instead it wants high and low energy attacks back eternal Sun the living flame that has been entrusted to the royal family fall into slumber with my soul lipless euchre see flames of disaster because you're not royalty pothead did you learn nothing from your trip to the Past wait chaos control can do that too also what would that accomplish yours taking a bliss to a different world how long until he destroys that one too you might as well keep him here [Music] I don't understand being that she's royal team that she can already control fire shouldn't blaze be able to contain a bliss perfectly fine I mean he'll at least did it perfectly for ten years and all she had to do was not cry blaze barely shows any emotion at all why should she feel the need to seal itself in another dimension Lord Metis his daughter and no I'm not going to dignify her by calling her by her actual name what the hell happened here wait you put explosive boxes as obstacles on your motorcycle driver's license test so it's either get the license or die his movement shows he's seeking any Chaos Emerald he can find supposedly he needs one in order to join with a bliss again but he's had the purple one since the start of the game why would he go looking for another one it just interrupts yourself to mid-sentence Omega [Music] it's destroyed who the hell put a space between the I and the T and the word its you had one job absorbed your power through your shadow of the past what may have worked Ted no longer done and that's exactly why you should have brought the scepter of darkness into the present with you [Music] wait how'd you get the green ksmo she I don't ever let go of it as far as I know you must realize now did they really have to animate his mouth I mean it hasn't been animated this whole time I still would have understood that it's the one in the middle that's talking the world chooses to become I suddenly Sonic X also how did you take those things off I mean they kind of just fell to the ground but they still look like a full ring meaning you must have slipped them off your wrist but your hands are way too big for you to have done that [Music] Wow at least that was the most allayed response to anything I think I've ever seen well it's only fitting that this would be the game to kill Sonic the Hedgehog also they killed Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] finally the seal is broken wait that was your plan kill Sonic so that Elise would cry and break a Bliss's seal that's convoluted as [ __ ] not to mention [ __ ] you control time why not go back to when you vote separated the first time ya shadow and silver were there but what was shadow gonna do seal both nephal is's net full of sigh you could have just joined with Iblis then or hell you were already in the future and already had silver doing your bidding for you just have him beat the splat of ablest until he reverts back to his baby form and join with him then and I mean dance didn't the Flint of disaster originally got released after at least died on board the egg carrier at least was going to die one day anyway why not just go to that point in time and join with him then why did you go to all this trouble just to kill Sonic so I've neglected mentioning it until now but this game brought back using motion capture for the cutscenes and I get it when it comes to the human characters but they also do it for the sonic characters who look all accord as hell and this is the worst example of it and it's weird because there are three different kinds of cutscenes in this game the Inogen cutscenes with the ugly models and the laughable motion capture the beautiful pre-rendered CGI cutscenes at the beginning of each character story which are animated without mocap and look better because of it and then there's this weird in between where the cutscenes are pre-rendered but are still using the in-game models and therefore the mocap and it just looks weird but then there's this cutscene where the models are higher poly than the in-game models and it's pre-rendered so it looks nicer but for some reason the characters are still animated through mocap making their movements look hokey issue and I don't get why they did that the last time they use mocap was adventured - and even then it didn't look as awkward as it does now they animated it themselves and heroes in shadow why'd they bring it back what are you doing here this is all so confusing yeah I agree with everything silver just said what are they doing here why just them no one else Solaris consumed all existing timelines and time itself will collapse and disappear into nothingness the instability of time caused this time-space rift but shouldn't that mean that blaze should be here too I mean it is a time-space rift oh and she was kind of important to the story certainly more important than knuckles and easier we've no time to waste we've got to defeat it now no it is a transcendent life-form that exists in the past present and future defeating it here now would do nothing no I won't give up there has to be a way if you say it exists in the past present and future I'll destroy them all at one silver I don't think you understand how time works past present and future aren't exact points in time there's always more past in the past and more future in the future [Music] what's the matter I feel Sonic's presence in the wind Oh bullsh no you don't I don't think he's dead what I'm sure of it it's not too late well it just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead there's a big difference between mostly dead and all that of course let's call him back with the power of the Chaos Emeralds since when the kept the Chaos Emeralds been able to bring someone back from the dead hey Joe we're bonding sure mr. boat on that one huh you can do it princess you were the vessel that was used to seal a 'bless you should be able to use the gems power to rescue sonic soul that makes absolutely no sense because one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other Solaris plug the Chaos Emeralds to the distant corners of this distorted world and by distant corners of this distorted world you mean the confines of so Lyanna because that's as far as we go and I doubt Solaris is affecting just solely on [Music] I mean I don't know why knuckles turned around Eggman did say it was in the corners of the world and everyone kind of seems to be going in the same general direction how did I do that like what a field day some exercising a terrible piece of advice [Music] just why are you did this count as necro bestiality honestly I don't know which one of the two bothers me more regardless shouldn't Amy be losing her right now like not only the dude that Elise is attracted to and that she herself encouraged her to pursue and kill me because I'm about to say it Sonic but she just kissed him or rather his corpse [Music] oh so you can do that huh I can't believe this game did something right that Sonic Heroes did wrong but then again at least did kiss a dead animal so [Music] I'm sorry it's the large the sound effect is to slow down wolf is it impossible to defeat a super dimension of being after all something stupid coming home survives we cashed up oh I wonder could the giant glowing me orb in the middle of the super dimensional beast possibly be the core and therefore the thing I need to attack did you destroy it No you know as opposed to the fake solarz we fought and then we'll never have to worry about the flames of disaster I mean I guess who's to say that time itself won't collapse if Solaris is gone maybe he just won't exist from this moment on you and I it will never have happened [Music] I to tell the truth I don't care what happens to the world what the [ __ ] is the matter with you you're choosing knowing someone you meant literally a day ago over the potential lives of billions of people [Music] so none of this ever happened is is this supposed to be the festival of the Sun why wasn't the whole point of the festival to appease Solaris if Solaris never existed what the hell are they celebrating also wouldn't that mean that everything that happened due to Solaris never happened for example the Dukas Oh Liana wouldn't be dead unless he died he was another reason and Silver's future isn't stuff meaning there's no reason for blaze to go to another dimension because Able's doesn't exist anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no it didn't [Music] okay so every episode has its own credits and you know that's fine I'm used to that in Sonic games but in every single version including the last episode after the main theme of the character you played as you have to listen to the same version of his world and don't get me wrong I like his world I think it's a good song but there were three different versions of it when this game came out and they still played the same one on all four credit sequences [Music] [Music] 465 465 loading screens oh yeah I counted him 465 and that's just the ones you have to see not including any missions you fail any unnecessary times you go from one hub world to another this is assuming you do everything in the game perfectly and you want to know how long the loading screens are together oh yeah I did that too one hour 58 minutes and 34 seconds that's almost two hours of nothing that's almost too goddamn collective hours of waiting for something to happen and you are [ __ ] idiot if you stop for a second that I wasn't going to count each and every single god for sinking load screen and add them to the counter remember you wanted this you asked for this and now daddy's delivering so sit back and enjoy [Music] it's no use hey everyone charai five here thanks so much watching my cinemasins pastiche of everything wrong with Sonic oh six I'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel if you want to be featured in future videos and consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button for those who do support stay else you guys you turn over to cinema see the awesome people that I pastiche you also go sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not check everything wrong with Sonic forces until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is jar i-5 [Music]
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 2,195,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Sonic 06, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Movie, Princess Elise, elise kisses sonic reaction, Silver the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Dr Eggman, hahaha one sonic, Solaris Phase 2, Mephiles the Dark, Iblis Sonic 06, Flames of Disaster, soleanna castle town, soleanna new city, soleanna forest, sonic 06 loading screen, Crisis City, It's No Use, shadow kicks silver in the head, sonic 06 fandub, sonic 06 remake, amy, omega
Id: KUiDcaLwwiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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