Everything Wrong With Pokémon Generation III (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) in 34 Minutes

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picture this you're on your way to a pokemon center and log on to lynette's pc and all your pokemon are gone you're level 71 rayquaza gone you're milotic that you spent hours trying to find a fibas for gone that shiny zigzagoon that you caught early game but didn't bother keeping on your team gone and that's on you because it's a decent hm slave lynette's pc got hacked by a super nerd so all your pokemon stored as fragmented data on her server got stolen but if she had been using surfsharkvpn she could have avoided all this surfshark lets you know when your personal data's been leaked somewhere online complete with quarterly reports on your personal data security and you know i think i might know why this data breach slipped her mind with all these files and computers she's gotta deal with she probably gets stressed and just wants something playing in the background and while she may have been netflix topo hulu love disney plus she just can't seem to find some of her favorite shows from when she was younger due to those pesky geo restrictions for example hoenn's been netflix doesn't have the first season of the pokemon anime but if she were to connect to a server in the ori region she'd find that they're no problem the best part of it all is that if she wants to install surfsharkvpn on let's say her pokken app she can because a single serve shark account can be installed on an unlimited number of devices and i mean okay this is great and all but lynette still has a server to run all those hoe and pokemon gotta be stored somewhere and she's already paying a whole lot for that server space how much is this gonna cost her surf shark is only 2.49 a month and she can get three months for free by scanning this qr code or by using my link in the description 249 a month i paid for lava cookies more expensive than that and if you already have a subscription sitting in your car but you want more bang for your poke dollar enter promo code char i5 at checkout to receive an 83 discount on a two-year plan why 83 i don't know i guess they must really like magneton and hey if at the end of the day it's just not your thing don't fret because surf shark offers a 30 day money back guarantee with every subscription again weigh your options scan the qr code use the link in the description or just use promo code char i5 to check out that cha 2 rs 3i's and a 5. any of these options will help you get a good deal on this virtual private network and thank you again to surfshark for sponsoring this video stay safe out there everybody [Music] uh [Music] [Music] okay imagine this right your 10 maybe 11 and your dad has a brand new job has this really important position within the country you're moving to and you're heading to a nice quiet little town your mom's busy setting up everything in the new house meaning everyone's already there except you so your parents stuff you in the back of the u-haul truck instead of bringing you with them i need you to understand this my mom had me shipped here like a goddamn package instead of transporting me here like a responsible parent would so our mom sends us to our room to set up our clock and it's now that i why don't our parents have a room this is the first and i think the only pokemon game where we have both our parents and yet where do they sleep the couch my dad's a gym leader damn it i think we can afford another room [Music] hey you who are you oh you're comedy aren't you moved next door right i didn't know that you're a girl my dad professor birch said that our new next door neighbor is a gym leader so i assumed you'd be a guy that's sexist so cowboy i've heard so much about you from your father i've heard that you don't have your own pokemon yet but the way you battled earlier you pulled it off with a plum i guess you have your father's blood in your veins after all i mean that would be true regardless i know what you mean but i'm no less my father's daughter even if i sucked ass at using pokemon comedy i get the feeling that you could befriend any pokemon with ease we should head back to the lab [Music] i'm heading back to my dad's lab now comedy you should hustle back too i mean yeah you told me that like two seconds ago i that i was on the way here honey if you're going out on an adventure wear these running shoes they'll put a zip in your step [Music] cow moody those shoes came with instructions press the b button while wearing these running shoes to run extra fast slip on these running shoes and erase in the great outdoors wait how would different shoes make me run faster and why can i only do it outdoors what the hell is the b button do my shoes have a button on them if you have pokemon with you then you're an official pokemon trainer you can't say no to my challenge or what no like seriously what would happen if i just said no would you physically assault me if i turned down your challenge you know i'm not gonna lie it was really shitty of norman to give wally just one pokeball like the amount of confidence that man must have had in this kid to catch a pokemon on the first try is one that i hope to have in myself one day also yes before anyone says anything i know that this ralts can be shiny and then not shiny in later fights and i also know that he can knock out the rolls and the game still considers it to be caught even though that goes against what the game is trying to teach us i did it it's my my pokemon cow moody thank you let's go back to the gym why are you thanking me i literally didn't do anything you're ah you must be cow moody right thank you for playing with wally a little while ago he's been frail and sickly ever since he was a baby we've sent him to stay with my relatives in burden turf town for a while the air is a lot cleaner there than it is here what's that where's wally he's already left our wally i wonder where he could have gotten by now wait you mean you let the kid go out on his own like yeah he's got a pokemon now but it's a level five ralts that's trapped inside a ball what's it gonna do if something health related happens to wally if you take bug pokemon to school you get to be instantly popular said no one ever while this isn't the game's first instance of a double battle it's really weird that two trainers that have virtually no relationship to each other just implicitly decided to gang up on me for no reason also both these guys have two geodude each game freak you realize you have more rock type pokemon right like not many but more than just the one i study at school and i study on the way home too [Music] i'm mr stone the president of the devon corporation i just got word about you you saved our staff not just once but twice i have a favor to ask of an amazing person like you i understand that you're delivering a package to slateport shipyard so i was voluntold oh hey comedy you had a match call feature put on your pokenet cool how did you know about that you just got here first you want to face the water then use the rod focus your mind if you get a bite pull on the rod sometimes you can snag something immediately but with bigger catches you need to time the pulls on your rod to haul them in you know i often heard my ex-girlfriend's best friend steve say these things to her but i just thought that they were fishing and honestly i should have known better she never came home with a fish after their camping trips i just thought she sucked at it the fishing i mean i like what's hip happening in trendy i'm always checking it out listen have you heard about this new pretty popular that's right of course you know i mean sheesh pretty popular it's the hottest thing in cool wherever you're from pretty popular is the biggest happening thing right huh it's not the hip and happening thing oh hey you have to tell me what's new and what's in huh i am sorry yeah that's right yeah i knew that knew it all along of course i know about that i am sorry right yeah that's it it's there isn't i am sorry the coolest or what you disgusting clown chaser the knuckle badge makes all pokemon up to level 30 even those you get in trades obey without question and you'll be able to use the hm move flash outside flash is still in hm damn it dude why [Music] okay thank you you went through all this trouble to deliver that i need to thank you let me see i'll give you this tm it contains my favorite move steel wing foreshadowing i know since we've gotten to know each other let's register one another in our pokenapps i wouldn't say that me delivering you a letter and you giving me a tm counts as getting to know each other we have met sir the water around these parts is clean but i get my zigzag to pick up later from the shoreline at times dirty water becomes rain and joins our rivers which we drink from if we pollute the sea it all comes back to haunt us eventually but did we listen no if a wild pokemon gets hurt it heals itself by chewing on berries did you know that somebody saw that and got the idea of making medicine from berries did you know that to turn berries into medicine they must be crushed into powder did you know that all right did you know berries just give me the powder jar okay pokemon your mid-2000s internet sling is showing oh i am feeling slimy all over yeah because that's what i want to hear right before i start a pokemon battle that's disgusting go shower in recognition of your three win streak we award you this prize a shitty full heal that's what i get for beating sleep for its battle tent like i get it it's not that big of a challenge but i figured at least be something i couldn't get at a pokemon or pick up from wild pokemon hi i'm doc captain stern commissioned me to design a fairy oh that there i think devin goods but this won't do captain stern went off somewhere he said he had some work to do could i get you to go find captain stern and deliver that to him i mean i already was that's kind of why i'm here i was looking for him isn't that the place where you can buy used cars or whatever i came to see what was taking so long to snatch some parts and you simps are held up by a mere child i'd make a joke about whatever online gaming community but you can just fill your own blank here i can't believe we have to discount pichu in this game i fell off cycling road i'll get over my embarrassment by battling with you never mind your embarrassment are you okay that's a hell of a place to drop from anyways your pokemon looked pretty strong i like that here take this hidden machine oh okay well i'm glad i'm going around talking to all these npcs because again i would not have known this was here no one really points you in the direction of this guy well well what have we here a most energetic customer me you may call me rydel i'm the owner of the cycle shop you're running shoes they're awfully filthy did you come from far away you're saying that you came all this way from little root my goodness that's ridiculously far if you had one of my bikes you could go anywhere easily while feeling the gentle caress of the wind i'll tell you what i'll give you a bike well that's incredibly nice of you considering bike shop boners in other regions charge exorbitant amounts of money for a bike isn't this really bad for business especially when i can just exchange the kind of bike i have whenever i want really more gambling i am a child i should be allowed in here why is there no security so i don't know if this fight is meant to be this way to showcase wall-e isn't really a good trainer but on my first battle with him all his roles did was use double team and i somehow managed to hit him every time anyway like if that's all you're doing you'd think i'd miss at least once i know what the point of moves like detect and protect are particularly in the competitive scene but why give the computer trainers the ability to use this move 95 percent of the time all it does is waste my own it's not like they have any setups where using the move would be useful they're just delaying the inevitable i'm shocked by your power get it shocked because it's a battle in the electric okay so i don't understand what the point of this youngster trainer is you fight him in the marvel gym which like i said is the electric type chimp in ruby and sapphire he only has a zigzagoon and an emerald they add a gulp into his team but neither of those are electric pokemon nor do they use any electric type moves so i don't get how they fit the theme of the gym at all oh no i'm sorry anna i let you down [Music] we can't take this lying down you will come back won't you dragged donna down if i didn't she would have won your pokemon have some good combinations i'd say you're second only to us second i beat you did we not participate in the same battle oh hey you got that bike from rydon oh it's clearly obvious it says right on your bike ridal rydal rydal rydal rydal rydal rydal right alright jesus all right dude i thought this video was sponsored by surf shark not rydal calm down say it don't say it don't say it don't ah slug my balls oh you should take another rest here that's a fine idea you should do that that's right take your time and rest up oh dear t are you pokemon still tired you should take another rest here grandma i've rested like four times already i think i'm good [Music] thanks for fighting me but we still have to battle i didn't find you i literally had my back turned to you you came out and surprised me oh hello you are okay your name is cal moody i can see that you're a trainer so that means you use the pokemon storage system i developed how i arrived at that conclusion is a simple deductive process you spoke to me because you wanted to access something on this pc no i spoke to you because you're an npc i have no pokemon in the storage system no i'm sorry i'm lynette get it lynette she's internet okay design boxes hold up to 30 pokemon each each trainer should be able to store 420 pokemon in the pc system look everyone it's the funny weed number that means lynette does weed so done you're supposed to shout yodel ahihu since it doesn't echo here what how the does that fall on me it's not my fault there's no echo here yeah douse them in fire let me douse them in fire pucciana only learns one fire type move in this game and it's sunny day which hardly counts as dousing someone in fire you don't need to change bikes here but it was on the way to lava ridge town on the mock bike that i realized how inconvenient it is to come across an area of the game where you do need to go back to mauville just to make the switch and then go all the way back [Music] it pleases me to nowhere to see the young step up and take charge get it take a charge okay what the hell is the point of steven showing up here he shows up randomly asks what kind of pokemon we like to train proceeds to tell us that that's none of his business so we don't even get to answer and then leaves the trick house is getting trickier isn't it it's really not in all honesty this one in particular is pretty easy i mean realistically what's stopping me from taking both they're right next to each other and the mirage tower takes a bit to crumble anyway oh hey those go goggles suit you but i bet they look better on me let's decide who they look better on with a battle wait i'm confused are we battling to see whose go goggles look better on who or are you implying that if i lose you'll steal my go goggles presumably you already have a pair of your own otherwise i don't think you could be here this is one of those battle quotes i don't see people bring up when talking about stupid pre-battle dialogue how does you beating me make your own go goggles look better on you [Music] if you step forward we step forward if you turn right we turn two wait so you guys are coordinating with me why and how do you know amidst all this tall grass [Music] oh i like kid trainers the institute created a type of pokemon that has something to do with the weather we're here to take them don't tell me you're looking for that weather pokemon too that's a no-no we were here to get it first guys i just want to cross the bridge i wouldn't even be here i wouldn't even know about the weather pokemon if you guys hadn't told me vbas is one of the stupidest pokemon to catch in the whole series get this right fee bass are only available to catch by fishing on route 119 which has quite literally hundreds of water tiles and feedbacks can only be found in six of them six and which ones i don't know no one can know the randomized and the best part other pokemon can be fished up in the same tiles meaning that it's not enough to fish on each tile once to see if fibas is there you need to fish multiple times in the same spot until you are damn near certain that feedbacks can't be caught there and you could still be wrong no you don't understand this took me 40 minutes to even find and that was lucky there was still so much more of this route that i hadn't fished on yet oh my god there was so much more no seriously you do not understand i found and caught a shiny magikarp before i found a fibas this is at a time when the shiny odds were still one in eight thousand one hundred and ninety two that is a point zero zero zero one percent chance of finding one in the wild the odds are so low i've been playing pokemon physically my whole life and this is the first full odd shiny i've ever encountered no way [Music] i found a shiny before i found the bee bass and you want to know what else sucks about fibas the way this little evolves they could have made it evolve through leveling up or by trading hell even by trading while holding an item and you know what it'd be inconvenient but it'd be better than the actual way this ugly piece of sushi evolves you need to raise its beauty condition gen 3 introduced contest conditions which are extra stats pokemon can have which are divided into cool cute clever tough and the only one that matters beauty fifa's will only evolve after gaining a level when his beauty condition reaches 170 and how do you increase a beauty condition let's strap in for this one there are these things called polka blocks which you can feed to your pokemon which increase their contest stats and to raise the beauty condition you need to feed your pokemon pokeblocks that are dry tasting or blue colored what determines their taste in color berries yup you don't just find pokeblocks you make them with the berries you find throughout hoenn and you can't just make them whenever no you have to go to contest halls in order to use the berry blender or at least that's the way it worked in ruby and sapphire because emerald had to be extra and get rid of the contest holes replacing them with the battle tents and having the one contest hole in hoenn be found in lily cove city oh but then then you need to do a stupid mini game after you pick your berries that you need to do well in so that you can get a good feel and level a pokeblock's feel determines how much it fills up your pokemon meaning there's a finite number of pokeblocks it can consume and level determines how much of any given stat will be raised and you want to know what else even if you make a banging pokeblock with good feel and level if your pokemon doesn't like the flavor you're going for it'll be 10 less effective what determines whether or not your pokemon likes any given flavor or not it's nature which is determined when the pokemon's personality value is created which can be anywhere from 0 to 4 billion 294 million 967 295 or basically it's random so let's say you caught a feedback with a careful nature it's going to hate pokeblocks it needs in order to evolve meaning it takes more berries to make it evolve are you kidding me it didn't evolve so what am i supposed to do i just ha i just have this thing now and the thing about berries is that gen 3 relied on a battery in order for clog based events to occur after you harvest a berry from its tree the only way to get more berries of the same kind is to plant one berry in soil water it and wait for it to grow but if your battery dies berries can't grow in your game anymore unless you replace the battery oh except for the fact that doing that resets the clock and no new clock-based events can happen until the battery's clock catches up to the last one meaning that you won't be able to grow berries until that happens anyway there are so many variables to how evolving fibas works and admittedly i'm probably making it sound more difficult than it really is but god does everything surrounding getting my lodic suck ass pokemon and people have adapted to nature for survival there's no need to make nature conform to the way we want to live but you kind of did considering you built a house inside of a tree merchandise you buy here was sent to your own pc that's fantastic i wish they could also deliver me home like that you want to be delivered through a computer as data yo how's it going champion pam cal moody for treat gym leader why not as a master of flying type pokemon she's waiting at the back of this gym behind the rotating doors she's waiting for new challengers who are trying to take win get it take wing all right i ain't get money it's me just as i thought you weren't at the port tree gym your strength perhaps you really are the trainer that i've been searching for wait how did you know that we were you watching me we ninja conceal ourselves under our camouflage cloaks i bet you didn't know where i was yeah you totally weren't behind the obviously fake looking tree can't you see that i have all this stuff with me despite that you still insist that we battle you challenged me [Music] what do you mean you can't do that here i'm on a roof how can i not fly [Applause] am i grave robbing right now ooch ouch there are holes in the ground here and there i didn't notice and took a tumble from the floor above are you okay do you need medical assistance that's not normal why did they even bother giving mega drain and giga drain different descriptions they literally only changed a word wait that thing you have there is that a pokemon fossil would you like to bring that pokemon back to life i can do with my newly developed pokemon regenerator excellent let's do this right away [Music] the fossil regenerator which i made is incredible but it has one drawback it takes a while to work so uh leave [Music] thanks for waiting your fossilized pokemon has been brought back to life that wasn't a long time i left the building and came right back in how does the trick master know this oh do you perhaps like pokemon i'm on assignment with the tv network i'm gathering stories on pokemon and trainers that occurred recently if you don't mind could you tell me something about yourself oh you will thank you then please tell me anything of interest that you recently experienced involving pokemon [Music] oh what an uplifting story is it though how the was i supposed to know to come back to the jagged pass all these hours later when i got the magma emblem they won't let you into the team aqua hideout because they think you're team magma so clearly i need to find them first but the only thing i can think of when i think of team magma is mount chimney where i first fought them not slightly underneath mount chimney where a bunch of normal trainers are at this point in the game you have fly and if you have the mock bike like i did why would you ever go through the jagged pass to get to mount chimney instead of taking the cable car i understand everything our leader says but you know what doing stuff like digging up a super ancient pokemon and ripping off someone's meteorite i think we're going a little too far what do you think hold on if you agree with me that what you're doing is wrong why are you fighting me how many feeling good i'm doing great i'd heard most deep student leader is pretty strong so i decided to come take a look-see for myself but there's something wrong about this town people are going on about a warning letter in the space center i don't think it concerns me in any way though [Music] cool good talk scott i got this from steven but i don't know what it's good for i think it's called king's rock do you want it why would you want it you're weird why would you offer it to me then you clunt also i'm weird you're the one offering a total stranger something that was gifted to you how how are we breathing underwater where did you come from what yes yes town i've never heard of a place like that no that doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense i mean i can't use that here is the water not deep here it's clearly a darker shade than the rest of the water i can surf on so getting to the sky pillar sucked admittedly not finding it right away was on me i misremembered and thought that i had to take one of the currents on route 132 to get there but what i was remembering was a steel chamber on route 134 which don't worry we'll get to but i spent an imbecilic amount of time trying to find the sky pillar which isn't even what i was supposed to do at this point in the story well imagine how i felt when after finally figuring out how to get there that the damn thing is closed because i was given like five different indications of what to do next after defeating maxi at the magma height up naturally you already know that the aqua hideout is east of lily cope so you go there but the grunts tell you that archie is off to steal a submarine well the only submarine you know about is the one that belongs to captain stern so you go to sleep port and you see captain stern being interviewed by gabby and ty naturally you're curious about what's going on and he tells you that they found an underwater cavern on route 128 after which archie appears to steal stern submarine after that archie drops the hint that you should go to the aqua hideout finally letting you in so you go there fight a bunch of grunts make your way through the base and then you fight matt who tells you that he's been stalling so that arshi could make his way to some cave under the sea presumably the same one stern told us about matt then tells you that we'll only find archie if we search the cb on lilly cove which isn't technically incorrect if a little misleading it's like saying that team magma's hideout is at mount chimney it is but you don't access it from mount chimney anyway i'm not bitter after that the game remembers that you're trying to take on the pokemon league instead of having a child take on two criminal organizations for the price of one so you're finally given access to the far east of the region where you can go to mossdeep city wherein you can challenge tate and liza the gym leaders and after making your way through the puzzles the gym has to offer and getting your seventh badge team magma returns to invade the moss deep space center so you have to go in there and team up with steven to defeat maxi and tabitha after which steven gives you the hm for dive which earlier in the game you'll most likely have come across the abandoned ship which you'll probably remember had areas you couldn't access because you didn't have dive yet so you go back there to explore and you eventually find the scanner which you have no idea what to do with because all the description says is a device found in the abandoned ship no all you know is that you never saw team aqua again so you go back to captain cern to inquire where you have to go and it turns out he's the one you give the scanner to in exchange for a deepsea scale or a deepsea tooth after you make the exchange all he'll ever say is a thank you for giving him the scanner so what you do next since you saw a few patches of deep water on your way to moss deep is head back there and head west towards lily cove to check it out but as you're headed there you're called by professor virg's kid to tell you that they were just in pacific long and that they saw a huge green pokemon flying across the sky so naturally you reason okay well that's obviously a legendary most likely the one on the box and i'm being called by a character who up until this point has always had a certain relevance to the plot and has always been pointing me in the direction of where the plot would advance i'm pretty sure i need to go to pacific log so you start making your way there but first you come across a giant patch of deep water bigger than anything you've seen yet so you die to investigate and wouldn't you know it you're in satopolis city where the final gym is located you figure you're already here you might as well look around the city and talk to some folk and when you're done you're back on your way to pacific lucktown bear in mind this whole time you've been fighting a bunch of different trainers no matter where you go as well as a bunch of random wild encounters you finally get there start talking to the locals and so many of them are talking about this giant flying pokemon and where it was headed and you hear mentions of the sky pillar so you think okay giant foreboding tower that's probably where the legendary is let me make my way there you spend so much time trying to figure out which current is the correct one until you finally get it and it's closed after all those things i had done it had been three hours since captain stern told me that they had found an underwater cavern so now i ask you after everything the game has you lets you and tells you to do do you remember where i said it was would you even remember at this point after everything you do after the team aqua hideout that that's even your main objective kamudi don't say anything when have i ever so steven shows up outside the seafloor cavern and tells me that if this deluge doesn't stop the entire world will be flooded and the game tells you and expects you to go to satopolis to advance the story as you saw i'd already been there but because i kept flying back to pacific log after every failed attempt at finding the sky pillar i formed a habit and accidentally flew there instead and i gotta say man everything looks normal here i think this whole bit of rain isn't gonna do a whole lot this situation is getting worse this isn't good the weather distortion is spreading even here right quasar should be farther up from here i'm worried about zotopoulos i've got to go back everything is in your hands now don't fail us dude what the why me i'm a child you're putting the fate of the world in the hands of a child you're sending me and i cannot stress this enough a child to tame a giant legendary skydragon why don't you do it i'm pretty sure you can handle it being you know spoiler alert the champion of hoenn not to mention you're the one who opened the sky pillar for me in the first place clearly you're some kind of qualified to deal with a disaster of this magnitude and even if you're not what the hell is steven doing he's the strongest trainer in this entire region wait but i can fly from the top of the sky pillar obviously it makes more sense than not being able to fly from there but how come i'm not considered inside a building there but i am one on the roof of the department store [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that was easy all right quiz i had to do was yell at them we could have done that i'm not gonna say this fight because otherwise sydney's pretty easy but this tree can go to hell it's move set is so annoying because it knows torment which prevents you from attacking with the same move twice which you know it sucks but you should have other options to begin with and he hardly uses this one anyway then he hits you with swagger which raises our attack stat but also confuses us so not only can we not attack with one of our better moves now there's a chance our other moves aren't going to hit either and hit us extra sensory is another one he doesn't use too often despite being a signature move and the only move that can actively damage us but he'll use it when he out speeds causing us to flinch when he does and then the uses double team and when i say uses i mean spams the out of the move until no one on my goddamn team can hit him anymore if you do not take down the shift tree in the first few turns you're probably screwed the pokemon you sent into battle at times they danced like a spring breeze and at times they struck like lightning at times lightning was the only way i could beat you you clunt the team i have right now are the only six pokemon i use during the entire game and when you arrive at the elite four unless you've been grinding your pokemon are going to be in their early to mid 40s fighting pokemon in their mid to late 40s and they just get stronger from there how many times do they expect people to fight these guys wallace's team is full of pokemon in their mid to late 50s i'm not going to raise my team 10 whole levels in just four battles it's like they expected you to only raise one pokemon for this and your mylodic sucks by the way toxic ice beam recover have an ass and it has a citrus berry and you have four full restores i didn't want to say it but this fight dude uh you guys spelled tsunakazu ishihara's name wrong that's kind of embarrassing considering he's you know the president of the pokemon company what a trainer needs knowledge strategy luck guts spirit bravery and ability well i'm all set in every way i'll be unstoppable at every building huh pokemon what's that what do you mean pokemon what's that where do you think you are what do you think this world is the pokemon duplication glitch is so easy i haven't done it since i was maybe 10 years old and i still pulled it off on my first try i'll forget where the seafloor cavern is but i'll never forget how to get multiple master balls this kind of sucks why do i suddenly need the mock bike to traverse the sky pillar when i didn't need it before now i have to go all the way back to mauville and then come all the way back here after you become the hoenn champion some people in the pokemon trainer fan club will start supporting you but some of the others like talking mad saying that trainers you fought and defeated are better than you i think a lot of you knew this was coming what the hell were they thinking with the reggie trio it's bad enough that i struggled on route 131 with the sky pillar now i have to do it again to find the goddamn seal chamber and what the is this is it braille how am i supposed to know what that says how is anybody apparently according to the wiki the manual is supposed to come with a chart that you can use but i have a boxed copy of emerald and i promise you there is no such chart in the american box and what's worse is that it's not negligible you need to know what this says in order to put a relicanth and a waylord in your team in very specific slots in your party to even start this side quest and then regirock has you do the konami code or whatever and then use rock smash like a dumb ass why is trainer hill the one building i can run in regex has you run around the room hugging the wall counterclockwise like a dumb ass it is my role to pass on the legends of home to future generations and the crisis that just ended in pseudopolis rewrote the legend have you the time to hear the new legend of o and it happened long long ago the world was racked by a ferocious clash between the pokemon of the land and the pokemon of the sea the pokemon of the land raised mountains and created continents the pokemon of the sea raised huge waves and coughed out oceans their fierce duel rage without end the world was engulfed in massive fires and vicious storms it was then that the pokemon of the sky descended from a storm the pokemon shining a victory green become the two enraged pokemon then the green pokemon flew off into the wild blue yonder and into my pokeball to be digitally encapsulated in lynette's pc for the rest of eternity registeel makes you use the stupidest hemp for no reason like a dumbass no you know what you got another sin for that because flash what do you mean can't use that here oh go to the middle of the room and use flash what's the middle is this the middle okay sure whatever this game [Music] hey everyone chari five here thanks so much for watching my cinema since pasties of everything wrong with pokemon generation three uh thank you to the patrons and the channel members whose names you're seeing on screen right now uh you guys are awesome thank you thank you so much we've uh grown a lot over the past few weeks uh my question for you guys today is what is your favorite hoem pokemon um i've been working on this video since like before the tetris one uh i don't i would say who is my favorite i'm not sure i think design wise jirachi might be my favorite but i i don't know i still have a huge soft spot for like mudkip and swampert i i love those two um but yeah thank you guys so much for watching stay safe stay awesome this is char i5 signing off
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 90,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Pokemon, Pokemon gen 3, pokemon hoenn, pokemon ruby, pokemon emerald, mudkip, treecko, torchic, gen 2, ruby sapphire emerald, battle frontier, team aqua, team magma, steven stone, soul star, kaumudi chandra, hacim sol, scott the woz, patrick mealey, pokemon sapphire, pokemon ruby and sapphire
Id: gbJB760K6wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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