Sonic 2 is a Masterpiece

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sonic 2 the introduction of tales this is where the sonic games start getting good they got him cornered they don't grab his tails i didn't know bullying existed in mobius sonic's like uh hey who's this dude following me playing the game as it was meant to be with tails following me and likely just going to die constantly i mean he did that in uh sonico 6. you know i'm going to say what everyone's thinking i like emerald hill zone better than green hill zone look how good i am at sonic 2 i already got a one up that's cause sonic 2 is probably the sonic game that i played most hey that's me what i want to know is where did tails learn to spin dash like sonic does it and he's like alright i'm going to copy you but like hedgehogs naturally can ball up he's a fox look at this the speedrun strats you didn't know you were watching chalk games done quick to the special stage we go get 40 rings no problem i think out of all the special stages this one might be my fave like 36 rings throw a challenge at me give me that chaos emerald it's a little nerve-wracking because you're like oh crap i gotta get them and then like they throw me so fast there we go easy i'm gonna try to get all the chaos emeralds because i i want to see super sonic so when i was young i used to just go straight to debug mode and level select then for some reason just go immediately to wing fortress zone and get super sonic i think out of all the 2d sonic games sonic 2's boss fight music is probably the best i got a lot of crap for not using the japanese soundtrack when i played cd but you know what i didn't think to switch it over the japanese soundtrack is obviously better i just i don't know i started playing the game i i didn't think hey let me change the soundtrack although i probably should have just the us soundtrack is awkward as hell speaking of soundtracks chemical plan is probably a top five in every sonic game ever don't you dare oop sorry damn it stupid tubes there's a broke little hedgehog trying to collect some rings all right seven to go bam give me a checkpoint it's gotta be around here somewhere waiting oh damn all right let's roll into act two kind of feel for anyone that works at chemical plant zone because they have to like go up and down these hills downhill is probably easy but then you gotta like go uphill if like you're going to lunch or something all right going 44.50 or is it something just wait and take my rings away and know it oh here we go you know my friend and i went to pax one year and we heard a remix of uh hotel motel holiday inn where the hell name that song is remixed with this and i could just never find it online it was just like playing it in a queue i've just never heard that piece of art ever again all right so far so good gotta avoid the bombs bombs bad oh oh no damn it no oh crap i need 29 rings this ain't happening i i messed up oh we can retry that's right oh this is just gonna make it so easy to get super sonic also i just really love this special stage so i can play this over and over give me a whole ass game like this i gotta get more rings just to create a buffer because uh you guys saw how that last try went oh it's happening again it's happening oh no all right all right we're good we're good we're in we're in all right two for two don't fall in the water all right please i don't i don't want it all right see how's you fall in the water that's fine just beat the rising water i just i i don't want to i don't want to hear the music this whole series is just me reliving oh no this whole series is me reliving my traumatic childhood experience it oh i got crushed that's cool why is my gameplay just drastically better from like sonic 1 and cd to 2. i don't know if it's only because i played this game so much or just like the level design is also much better immediately put foot inside mouth hey don't don't you dare spill that blue stuff on me don't you dare spill that blue stuff i don't even like the blue gatorade the worst why you boring me i'm right i lied the ice blue one is good the dark blue one bottom tier hey it's grounder oh hang on bubble time oh wait a second tails you stole my bubble i'm gonna die oh no oh no come on please where is it where is it where is it oh god oh we're on zero tails stole the air that i breathe tails you're dead to me i like how there's just no indicator of when he's going to die he just does come on tails we're leaving too many mosquitoes here just look at this flying zooming you know i just need to face my fears head on let's just start listening to the jingle casually come on that was that was so stupid all right it's gonna hang out up here this is the speed runner strats they don't tell you about i just got crushed can i reach come on like one more hit die ah yes sonic and tails go gambling all right i messed up i didn't get the third emeralds in that zone so it's fine got plenty more zones to get it i used to love playing two-player casino night zone like the versus mode with like my friends or like my dad the elevator left without me and it's weird like little stretched orientation and not figuring out for a while that you actually have to hold the jump button here i said this before but can i just like travel back in time just to confront my like three-year-old self or maybe i was a little older when uh sonic 2 came out so confront my five-year-old self to be like listen one day you're gonna have like a hundred thousand people watch you play this game you're not gonna be any better at it but people are gonna watch and that's really cool no seriously that that actually is like i think about it and it's kind of surreal and as of this recording we just passed 500 000 subs and i cannot be more grateful all of you for just letting me like do me live in my dreams and i get to be myself i really couldn't ask for anything more than that all right i'm getting sappy but what i need to get is good because we got emeralds to collect i'm very proud of sonic and tails for making it through two zones of a casino and not being tempted to stop and play some slot machines come on sonic i was just talking you up all right just one more pull you can't lose twice to be honest i'm surprised they even let tails in the casino just canonically he's what like seven or nine hey why is he in the slot machine tails is something you want to tell me you just sell yourself to konami you're only making pachinko machines now if you lose tails you just hear him jumping for eternity and into the special stage we go all right okay i'm gonna do it on the first try i promise for people that are really good at this or actual speedrunners like i want to know what's the strat here well i mean i guess the strat if you're speedrunning is just don't do the special stages oh tails come on man told you to hold the rings okay tails you're fired but i don't even work here i gotta really front load this one it's like it gets kind of dicey towards the end just need to get as many rings as i can early on also just knowing that uh tails are gonna drop a bunch of them uh that was clearly tails fault but that one was actually tails fault why do i have to be penalized for his mistakes i'm not his guardian we just made that one that was so close all right here we go now pick up the slack damn it tails when i jump you jump i hate it here i'm getting better at the uh the anticipation of the okay maybe not okay come on two rings there's two rings right there's two come on after this turn there's going to be a jump damn it tails come on man messing us up i'm gonna jump really early this time like now all right hang on i think i got it i think we got this one oh come on i had it you son of a whoa oh it's so the last one can't really give you much room for error in this one case in point okay did we do it finally screw special stage three all my homies hate special stage three oh that's right we're still in casino night zone cause we spent about four years in special stage oh no the eggman oh god we almost got three of them i'll just say it's probably bound to happen eventually if i just keep bouncing into it i love this boss fight mainly because it's really satisfying to launch yourself off the wall like mach 1 fly into eggman's warship he's almost dead one more i've never actually counted the hits i don't know how many it takes well whatever it was it was that many like i'm out of here i'll see you guys at the craps table hilltop zone i've always loved hilltop zone and uh tails is dead again although hilltop zone kind of scares me because lava so it's a volcano it's called volcano zone let's call it what it is people not just any volcano active volcano zone i don't know why but just the lava and sonic games is very menacing must be all that blast processing that uh sega was advertising in the 90s all right we're underground now where you think there would be more lava oh hey wait here it is don't don't smoosh it what is that guy full glowing ball head these uh these lips over here not very safe being held up by two vines they break immediately all right okay okay don't please don't crush me please don't crush me oh oh no oh ah the lava hot okay let's just uh head into the bonus zone real quick and another chaos emerald i'm gonna do it on the first try this time i promise tails is like i'm helping it's the turns that get you because i can't see stuff that's coming up damn it tails one ring one way oh to rule them all all right we're almost there said it did we get it yeah i told you i was gonna do it first try all right zone one in the books uh-oh nope okay here don't smush me tails i'm sorry you're probably dead again we need 50 rings to enter a bonus uh yes excellent level design where did tails go i never know where that dude goes all right hang on we're getting another one back to back emeralds oh they're throwing rings up on the ceiling now they're getting crazy i recently decided that i am starting a a second solo channel which you guys can go subscribe to at the time of this recording i don't have any content there but it's going to be used to post things that i feel wouldn't fit here and i think one of the first videos i want to do there is somebody released a sonic triple trouble fan game that actually looks really dope up there on the ceiling yeah that that didn't work okay the the last one was really achievable i just gotta like focus on those swirly bits talking about collecting rings like it's cereal why are these later bonus stages like much easier than some of the earlier ones i'm just trying to get super sonic like really early in the game boss fight time oh damn it he's got a flamethrower hey hang on keep the ring keep the one ring this is how we win okay i did it we did it get out of the lava oh hell yeah it's mystic cave time i love this zone because it's got like castlevania vibes to it which is something i didn't like until i got older you know i still have only ever played the first castlevania game you're gonna get a lot oh okay cool yeah great i'm gonna get a lot of comments telling me to go play more castlevania games and i will it might be best suited for the director's cut channel though so this will make chaos emerald number six and i can't remember were there um were there seven chaos emeralds in sonic 2 or was it six and it was eventually changed or am i thinking of a different game oh you're going to get fancy huh now you want to get fancy you want to be a big shot really satisfying to just like hit a loop here like three rings that's it did we do it too easy man all right we've done it and this is to go even further beyond oh i guess it's seven chaos emeralds why do i think it was six in this game i like how after you come out of like a beautiful mystical cave you go to oil ocean zone aka corporate pollution zone just only the giant corporations of mobius could create that much pollution i don't want to lose my rings because i want to get that last emerald so i'm not going to do it to a lightning bug no little glowy butt's going to take my money from me all right here we go the mission for the final chaos emerald man i haven't manually collected the emeralds in ages i told you guys i would just go into like the debug menu and this is going very bad i okay 63 rings to go yeah right in my misery i was talking smack about some of these uh later bonus stages and i'm about to get what i deserve oh hang on jumping helps jumping is actually kind of the move see cause i'm talking about oh hang on they tried to throw me off that's cheating fool me once oh they're scattered they're all over the place where's the bombs though that's what i'm worried about we got him we got to hold on to them now damn it tails oh we got it oh we're done that's the last emerald it's supersonic time and this is to go even further beyond oh can i go supersonic i have enough rings just gonna beat him with iframes too easy can i go super sonic yet there was 50 rings and jump i had 105. great just the place i wanted to go super sonic for the first time new jersey is there any way out of the sludge water i feel like this shouldn't even be allowed come on get me out of here come on i just want to go supersonic taking all my rings away from me it's not fair i gotta figure out this super sonic business because work too hard for these emeralds oh i remember this this is fun you just get to enjoy the the ride for a second sonic's like hang on let me jump into these cannons no idea if he's just absorbing some kind of weird chemicals all right so i did some quick research i was like how do you go super sonic in sonic 2 and uh apparently you have to double tap the jump button which i don't think was ever the case if i could if i could get up there if i can i if i can ever i just want to see my family again just out here trying to collect my 50 rings so i can go supersonic that's it it's all i want simple things in life money blonde hair now we're gonna fight the boss now all right fine we'll go super sonic in the next stage stop it stop it stop stop this one's creepy because he's got like the stinger that comes out my question is why would you want a submarine to go underneath that water why would you want to do that and can you see anything and i feel like the the fire right there that explosion probably should have set this entire ocean ablaze i i feel bad letting these animals out they're gonna get like oil stuck in their fur we're gonna have to put them in the dawn commercial you know you know the one where they clean the ducks with the soap i like that commercial droplet zone is a banger by the way i didn't need to tell you that though you you kind of already knew oh don't squish me i'm trying to go super sonic i have i have an agenda all right we're gonna do it this time gotta double tap apparently [Music] i'm double tap i'm triple tapping how much tapping is needed ding ding ding ding oh there we go i just have to press like x why'd it take that many tries i forgot what this power felt like and we just got to keep rings so um we don't lose our super form we just blaze through the rest of the game so fast nothing can hurt me i guess only time time can hurt me look at the the stance is so menacing look at that the thing that sucks is you have no rings and you're just completely vulnerable so like now i can just die [Music] [Applause] see i think i can just fall here forever oh god help oh there we go metropolis zone more like labyrinth zone right because it's already his own going super sonic is funny because tails just has to like stand there and watch you think sonic thinks he's hot now see like super sonic did this way faster see like these spears don't even bother me i am unbothered by pointy objects i think it's hilarious that sega was just like able to get away with this in uh the 90s because like they blatantly ripped off dragon ball dragon ball wasn't popular in the us yet it would be another several years like i didn't start watching dragon ball until probably 96 [Music] almost got clipped there sonic almost went to the big zone in the sky actually we're going to the big zone in this guy soon that would be sky chase zone you know it was it was a death joke you get it how did i miss every single one of those rings are you dude that was some bs good thing i had a ring there because they want to punish you for playing the game any second now sonic any you're gonna get there any minute don't you ever just sometimes feel like you're running in place metaphorically okay tails is like off screen somewhere just jumping for his life like i don't know where this guy's gonna kill me isn't he oh we killed him okay nevermind he'll die to something else okay grow rings rings oh no good thing we hit the checkpoint oh i don't grab those because we're going into boss fight right now this one is just like all right just spam jump because you don't know like when you could hit him kind of a broken strategy wait look at the look at the fake robotnik the balloon oh tails nice he stole the glory that's fine we share it we're partners now for sky chase zone the iconic zone where you're just riding on the tornado it's a little bit peaceful but also a little bit stressful you got flying turtles that doesn't really make sense and they're like on bigger turtles it's like squirrel and blastoise before squirtle and blastoise any rings oh here here we go [Music] okay in a panic i managed to miss every single one of them wing fortress zone i know wing fortress zone like the back of my hand i have played this zone probably more times than any other zone in sonic 2. i know where everything is i know how to get my 50 rings and activate super sonic and then follow my death immediately i've done it all i think i just used to jump to this zone immediately because i knew i can get 50 rings in like four seconds no it's actually probably good that they ch oh come on am i really missing this jump twice and four tails tails is like i'm i'm going down with the ship sonic that's a real hero so as i was saying it's probably a good idea that they changed it so you have to actually activate super sonic because like i would get stuck using super sonic here then i would like run out of rings but i can't use it in death egg so i'm gonna just have to eventually also this is probably one of the worst zones for it in terms of just like trying to stay alive it's very easy to fly off whoa okay sonic just stancing i'm so slippery oh god oh big job oh no i missed i got no rings now i gotta do this like a peasant listen i said i knew this uh zone like the back of my hand i never said i was good at it there we go all right now let's go super sonic okay don't don't fly off the stage getting close to the end we gotta just destroy the whole thing ah you can't stop me this boss fight is annoying though you can't you can't i'm unstoppable all right tails the homie he's back fixed this thing in record time now for a hedgehog to boldly go where no hedgehog has gone before space the death egg zone for probably the most iconic boss fights in 2d sonic so i learned recently that uh this is no longer silver sonic and we have renamed him oh yeah he jumps that's right how many hits it's a lot right it's it's quite a few hits he's gonna jump watching this stand right here play game of chicken he's jumping he's jumping i know it oh you didn't jump there we go i like how quickly dr eggman shuts like the little window when mecha sonic blows up he's like oh i remember this being a lot harder when i was younger and now we have dr eggman who can outrun sonic i really want to get this toy they just released it i think like jack specific put it out so i wish i had one ring just like a single ring how many hits can you take [Music] look at his little belly ah you got me if you think about it it's kind of vicious of sega to make you do back-to-back boss fights with no rings you just gotta like watch for his uh little spiky hand like why did that kill me why did that kill me i landed a hit all right you know what i'm just going to play this really safe i'm only going to hit him when he drops his belly i don't know how many hits it takes it's got to be like i don't know 10 maybe this is actually a really easy boss fight if you're just patient and not stupid like me it's actually really simple if only i did this as a kid did you guys see the sonic 2 movie i'm only asking because you know not going to spoil anything in case you didn't put i really enjoyed sonic 2 and i'm way more excited for sonic 3. there we go dismantling all right we're out of here as i can get the hell off this thing i have absolutely no plan i might die in the vacuum of space but alas sonic made it and all the animals on mobius got to watch the fireworks that night and tails is wondering if he's ever going to see sonic again and the birds like go after him he needs you now more than ever tails literally because he will die where'd you get 50 rings pal i love this ending sonic's just chilling and like that sonic 2 is done oh does the death egg just casually fall to mobius how does it not destroy it [Music] you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 318,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic origins cutscenes, sonic origins trailer, sonic origins review, sonic origins, choctopus sonic 06, choctopus sonic colors, choctopus sonic adventure, choctopus sonic origins, sonic origins choctopus, sonic origins full game, sonic origins full gameplay, sonic origins full movie, all sonic origins cutscenes, all sonic origins animations, all sonic origins games, sonic origins all bosses, sonic origins all cutscenes, sonic origins all animations, sonic 2
Id: 4L_ple_DhEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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