Everything Wrong With Paper Mario: Sticker Star in 39 Minutes

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okay so i'm on vacation right now and i did not have a script planned for this video but i don't care this game sucks um so yeah today's video is sponsored by squarespace um i have a website now ludicrousproductions.com if you want you can check it out you can be up to date on latest videos and you can uh stay up to date on stuff like soul star which is a video game project that i've been working on for the past few years now it's now in development um but i don't really know anything about coding or web design or anything like that um i've wanted to work with squarespace for a while and it always just seemed like a good platform to put my domain name on because you can use your own domain name if you want uh you can customize it to the best of your abilities there are a lot of great tutorials out there you can check on youtube you can check on the squarespace forums um you know you can add galleries you can add blogs you can add videos i've even added like my own twitch stream and my twitch chat to it and it's great for that um you don't even have to go to twitch directly if you want to do stuff for your merch if you want to present anything for like a business or products or services that you offer it's a great place to start and if you head into the description you can go to squarespace.com char i5 for a 10 discount or when you check out you can use code chari5 that's cha two hours three eyes and a five and you can get ten percent off your first purchase again uh there's a link in the description you can go to squarespace.com5 or use code chari5 to get 10 off um yeah cool thanks squarespace [Music] no i refuse to believe that paper mario sticker star is the game where the toads actually put up a fight against bowser even a super mario galaxy where the toes had literal [ __ ] spears they did less to defend the kingdom no really gosh i'm so glad you told me who this is i would have been so [ __ ] confused otherwise what's your deal you you're the one who touched the comet what is wrong with you it's a sing from the beginning of time never ever touch the sticker comment you must have heard it a million times you don't think a comet pack full of people's wishes might be the teensiest bit dangerous no you and your infinite wisdom had to lay your grubby little hands on it and keblamo total chaos and you even realize what blew off to who knows where in that blast the royal stickers yeah those royal stickers royal stickers also what the hell are you talking about i barely know anything about the sticker comment huh someone named bowser touched the sticker comment and you're mario how dare you pinning the blame on someone else talk about cowardly talk about completely unpaper-like unpaper-like so you acknowledge that i'm made out of paper and that this whole world is made out of arts and crafts materials because in this whole series especially the last game the paper thing was more of an aesthetic than the truth of the world what makes some paper alive but other paper not alive a lady is in serious trouble here ask yourself what would the famous mario do at a time like this wait so you know the famous mario but i'm telling you that i'm mario and you still don't know that i'm mario we've had cases where people don't know what i look like but never outright refusing who i am i came from the far away sticker star to grant everyone's wishes at the sticker fest [Music] it's not me who runs them mind you no the snickers who wield the mystical superpowers to grant those wishes are known as the royal stickers now they're scattered all over as their caretaker it's my duty to find all of them or else i can't return to the sticker star roll credits not bad huh any sticker you find just pop it in the album trust me you're gonna need as many of those as you can find later on so take good care of them oh boy you want me to get right into it don't you okay as usual i hardly ever complain about gameplay in these videos gameplay elements i don't like you might and vice versa but i have never played a game with a gameplay system as inherently flawed as paper mario sticker star i can't believe i'm not even 10 minutes into this game and i'm already mad i went into this game fully expecting myself to have at least an okay time i went into this knowing people hated it or at least didn't like it but i wasn't entirely sure why and we'll get into the many reasons i hate this game personally usually when that happens i think to myself okay well if people hate it i probably won't mind it too much i'm going into it knowing that it's bad and that's the thing this is not a glitchy game this game isn't broken it has good looking visuals and a great soundtrack but and god damn it i can't believe anyone allowed this game to be designed the way it was the first two paper mario games were sort of an rpg platformer mix where platforming was a huge element of the game but felt more like an rpg because of how you navigated the world it was chapter based but you still felt like the world was interconnected super paper mario was more of an action platformer focused game with rpg elements in it probably superfluous rpg elements but that's fine you still have kind of a traditional linear mario game where the chapters are more like stages and whatnot but those stages still sort of fall in rpg format where they lead into each other making it feel like the world is still pretty big albeit section in the way that traditional platformers are this game follows kind of a similar thing where it tries to be a platformer rpg but it does feel more like a platformer where the rpg elements sort of feel like an afterthought and no part of that is more obvious than the sticker system and trust me i am not just judging this game when compared to the previous paper mario games although in certain aspects that is a factor i'm looking at this as a standalone game in most rpgs you go in having the ability to attack or run away with special attacks that may or may not be available from the get-go which costs something be it magic money whatever something expendable but in this game every goddamn attack is expendable meaning if i don't have at least one sticker on me i can't do [ __ ] in combat and okay that's rare right you kind of get stickers up the wazoo in this game i get that but why the [ __ ] do i need a sticker in order to jump especially when i can do that in regular play and this wouldn't be that big of a deal if the combat weren't turn-based like a traditional rpg because sometimes you run out of the thing you need in order to actually fight meaning that you're stuck with stickers that are useless that you have to waste anyway and because they're individual stickers it's not like you can use them whenever you have an external resource available to you like you would with say magic there's hardly any management with stickers because once you use one it's gone you can't replenish your sticker count the way you would with abilities really limiting what you can do in the main combat system and speaking of limiting you can't choose who you're going to attack if you use a sticker you attack the enemy closest to you if you use more stickers the game selects the next enemy in line to attack while this can be strategized around it feels like an unnecessary way of limiting what i can do further for a system that already limits how i can attack in the first place and let's say you don't want to deal with all that boosh right you know how annoying it is in the pokemon games when you can't flee from a battle even though you know you're probably gonna lose or just don't wanna fight yeah imagine having to take three to four seconds each time you try to run away only to find out that you can't for whatever arbitrary reason and see that's the thing i have very little reason to actually stick around and fight you would think that because it's a turn-based rpg that there's a leveling system right i mean hell even super paper mario had a level up system you don't even get experience for winning a fight in this game you don't need it because the battle stickers all do a set amount of damage meaning that there's not really a sense of progression you don't get stronger you just get more stickers and whenever the game says it's time to better stickers which aren't really worth the risk of experimenting with because you don't know if they're rare or not and that's where the worth of fighting comes in battles are only worth it for the coins sometimes the stickers but you'll usually get more stickers by traversing the level anyway what do you need the coins for to buy more goddamn stickers and that's it well why would i want to do that you just said that we'll find them throughout the level anyway and you're right unfortunately for you there are these things in the game called things which is the laziest name for any item in an rpg i've ever heard but things are interesting because they will make or break this [ __ ] game things can be found in sometimes secret sometimes open areas of the game that you can collect and then turn into you guessed it stickers to later be used in combat the catch is you can only have one unique thing at a time and things are either super useful in battle or on the overworld because get this stickers aren't just used in battle sometimes there are specific stickers that you have to use in order to progress kind of like puzzles except most of the puzzle pieces are the same goddamn size and shape and only one of them is the solution and if you're wrong you lose that puzzle piece and need to either backtrack and find the cardboard that made the puzzle piece and then backtrack further to the one place you can turn that cardboard into a puzzle piece again or pay a lot of money in order to not do that both options are a waste of time but at least one's a little faster and here is the absolute worst part of things they are not made equal some things turn into huge stickers taking up half a page in your albums so that design choice that already limits my combat abilities yeah that's limited by inventory space too which only expands after you beat a boss but some things turn into slightly smaller stickers meaning that they're less important than the bigger ones here's the thing no pun intended you will not know what things you need in either a boss fight or puzzle until you need it so you most likely won't even have the damn thing in your inventory i can't believe i'm about to say this but they purposefully made it so that your key items are also your special attacks which sounds cool until you realize that you can waste your key items jesus h roosevelt christ i haven't even gotten to the story mario bowser's passing us up all over the place [Music] luckily i've got just a thing for a crisis like this here take it [Music] if i have a hammer then why the join is sick i'm having a stroke that's the only thing that can explain this wretched acid trip of a video game mario get out again [Music] [Music] wow that was rough no mario you're gonna fold it eight times well i got folded 256 times literally impossible you want to know how many times you need to fold a piece of paper to get to the moon 42 times the way you were folded it looked like you'd fit my wallet [Music] oh what the hell what sense does that make how does hitting the floor with my hammer make something next to it flip over entirely oh day every day it was endless all day every day didn't bowser just invade last night wait is that a save block but my game saves automatically every time i leave a level what's the point and if you're gonna have save blocks why have an auto save feature well we've got sticker power too mario pull out your stickers that's all you've got nope might not be enough here as a special favor have some of mine [Music] that is literally one less than the number of stickers i already had to begin with [Music] holy bananas did we ju oh wait hold on a second so we've established that we're literally made out of paper not just for the aesthetic right and we just used a special sticker that summoned a bunch of scissors that cut up bowser jr right we had to do that for the sake of learning how that works how is he fine how is he not dead okay let's do this time to vaporize oh don't even get me started on this [ __ ] they should have called this game paper-ized mario sticker star because the only thing you'll be doing as much as collecting stickers is using kirstie's paper eyes ability and good [ __ ] luck knowing where to use it i figured it would be something like this right where something's missing from the world and you need to reapply it and it would always be obvious maybe you only need to use it now and again but no after enough times of not knowing what the hell to do i ended up just using it basically everywhere just in case there was something i couldn't see that the game wanted me to do six craps back on where they've been torn out stick stickers in suspicious places with paperization you can do all kinds of things why button for paper ization don't forget it the game won't let me forget i need it for basically the rest of the game huh what's that i have to tell you i'm not familiar with that thing it's so rare to see something that's not flat that's not really true when we still live in a three-dimensional world where the environments are made out of cardboard ugh the wind's too strong it's really messed this place up anyway looking for advice what a wind i wonder where it's blowing from that's not [ __ ] advice kirsty you are the worst companion ever i can see that there's wind at least tell me i'm being an idiot and there's another path instead of being an idiot with me okay this is an example of a thing that's only used as in battle and is just as big as the things that are required to advance the story how the hell am i supposed to know which category this one falls into the category [Music] hey you matched two now you can use two stickers at once still it could have been better if you'd match three you could have used three stickers all right fine just this one she got a little special treatment wait if you can control this [ __ ] why don't you just give me the ability to use three stickers all the time do you want me to say the royal stickers or not as if i needed something else to complain about why kamik we had a perfectly good magikoopa character in kamikoopa [Music] mario wait if i jump down from here i'll hurt my feet and then i'll cry it's a foot long drop and you don't even have to jump your paper just turn to the side and step through the gap in the [Music] yay gate all over for me i can't take it i'm gonna [ __ ] scream finally we're back above ground and all thanks to you mario you're like a great bodyguard now keep it up and get me all the way back to town just a little ways to go okay this is what i'm talking about when i mention the world feeling bigger in the other games i'm not saying that i would have rather traversed through the other levels to get back to decalberg but the fact that i have a world map to get me to the levels that are available makes the world feel non-cohesive which i know is a hell of a complaint for a mario game but this is also the fourth game in a series where they've done that pretty well so far if we're gonna backtrack so much for things that are required for story purposes why have levels instead of areas [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was so goddamn unnecessary and stupid why couldn't i just push the blade myself if wind is what makes it turn [Music] wait now the game is forcing me to use its stupid roulette mechanic which i need to pay coins to use this isn't strategy it's literally a pay-to-win system just with in-game currency and even then after i pay i can still [ __ ] it up i'd have to pay the extra 15 coins in order to ensure that two of the match [Music] what i could have used any witch stickers to cover up the vents okay this is straight up unfair i've been taught up until this point that if i don't use the right sticker when i paper eyes that i lose whatever sticker i use but i could have used whichever for this dumbass part cool thank you sticker star very cool [Music] hey you managed to win the day but you sure used a lot of stickers don't you think maybe there is a more effective sticker you might have used instead what why would that matter i've had to use any and all stickers up to this point are you possibly implying that there is some way some things even that would make boss fights easier because having that be the case and not telling me what i need until i fight the boss at least once would be totally and incredibly fair oh i love getting to an area that forces me to backtrack if i don't have the arbitrary expendable items that i couldn't possibly have known i would need that's awesome world 2 3 sucks to navigate i get that it's a maze but even in a maze you can turn back if you make a wrong drop here you have to start all over from the beginning and at that point you've probably already forgotten where you dropped from okay this is really stupid technically you're allowed to explore any which level at any time you want they give you that option despite the fact that the levels are numbered meaning that you're expected to do the levels and worlds in a specific order so here i am in world 2 4 not really knowing what to do just looping around until i ask kirsty for advice who then tells me that maybe there was something useful at surfshine harbor and i have to ask design-wise how anybody thought this was a good idea in previous games i seldom needed my title partner to tell me what to do or where to go if you need them that's fine but the games are designed in such a way where you can easily pick up on context clues on what to do or where to go next if i had not explicitly asked kirsty what to do how on earth am i supposed to find out that i have to go to surfshine harbor i wouldn't be this upset if 2-4 was an optional level but you have to do this in order to proceed with the game there was nothing inherently stopping me from going to surfshine harbor and exploring before i got here but why would i until now i've had no reason to okay i was gonna let this slide but the more footage i watch of this the more it annoys me and just illustrates the point i'm trying to make in order to proceed in this area i need to be able to see but there doesn't seem to be anything i can do in order to light it up naturally because this game hates fun i paper eyes on the off chance that there's a sticker i need to place there and yep of course there is i reason that the sticker i need is the light bulb thing i got into too because well i need light and while i'm glad that i already have it if i came to this area and didn't that means i have to exit level go back to 2-2 walk all the way to wherever the light bulb thing is and get it of course because this game rejects the very concept of joy before going back to the warehouse in surfshine harbor i first have to stop by decal bridge to go to the sling of things station to turn the damn thing into a sticker and oh boy you better hope that you have the space in your album for it which i feel bears reminding you can't possibly account for because you won't know how big the sticker is until you already have it meaning you have to keep getting rid of enough stickers which the game tells you to stack up on just so you can have one sticker that you're going to get rid of immediately oh and look at that i got rid of so many stickers only for the light bulb sticker to be the same size as a normal sticker which makes no sense because the vaporize area makes it seem like it's going to be at least four times as big and before you think that this is all for something completely optional which i'm gonna be honest i'm not sure would be a better or worse thing just know that once we do get the light bulb here we find the ship's wheel which you need in order to beat this game if you thought that whole explanation was long tedious overdrawn that was a summary of what i had to do and you do the same thing so many times in this game goodness me mario you made it all the way up to the tip of this tongue you impress me you really do i'd say what was on the tip of my tongue but i'm too much of a lady just keep your fake compliments to yourself you villain you're here for some no good scheme admit it good heavens no good steam that sounds so tawdry besides from where i'm standing toots you two are the villains after all you're plaguing me at every turn anyway kirsty was it how did you know her name she never said her name to you how was i supposed to know that this was here the cacti before sinking i guess but how would anyone know without a guide the first time i got a game over in this game was because i purposefully sank in an area where i thought there would be a secret so i didn't want to risk it a second time and once again this is required in order to complete the game because you need the tablet piece that's down here to get to the second boss his body's got too many segments this guy's just way too powerful we'll never make any progress like this i just want to take a swing at those segments hey any chance you have a sticker that could send those things flying with a mighty crack oh now you tell me you shiny piece of tape how come last time i fought this without the [ __ ] bad thing you didn't say a damn word also what could have possibly led me to think i would need the bad thing for this fight before i got here anyway yeah once you're already fighting it it's obvious but i didn't goddamn no how is this fair and all those things notwithstanding [ __ ] this fight it goes against everything we know about pokeys and the mario rpgs normally you can't jump on a pokey because of their spikes right makes sense so you use your hammer instead but tower power pokey is the opposite you can't use your hammer but can jump on it in order to deal damage yeah remember that trumpet thing in world one six hope you picked it up and held on to it like i did so you can wake up wiggler in world 3-1 which you would have had no idea was coming up until you came across it honestly i really like the concept for the bafflewood but it's so reliant on guessing as opposed to observing that it gets annoying to have to restart the entire maze especially because you get all the way back to where you messed up only to go down another path that will restart you and have to repeat what you just did having learned nothing i could only assume kamik was the one that paperized the comment pieces in order to hide them but why did he leave one he could have scattered them all and made our job that much more difficult [Music] hey the wiggler segment ran away ah well this is pretty annoying oh so you're aware and and yet you did it anyway [Music] i don't have most of the [ __ ] that i use stickers up why is me not having a hammer suddenly making me unable to use a hammer i don't have a fire flower or a shell and i can still use those what are the rules goddammit [Music] what were you doing while you were off calaventing about i got kidnapped by those trees and hung up like a painting not fun at all [Music] not only that but the sticky web was chafing me like you would not believe leaving me hanging there was completely and utterly unacceptable [Music] well despite all that i'm grateful you saved me are you because you really seem to be complaining a whole lot i don't think you realize that i just fell down a tree trunk and lost basically all of my abilities forcing me to collect every single sticker i collected up until this point where i inevitably ran into battles i didn't want to partake in for which i needed the stickers i lost all so i could find you you [ __ ] little stamp [Music] oh [ __ ] off how are you supposed to be able to see that i had to rewind the footage a few times before i even understood how i saw it [Music] [Music] oh you [ __ ] and they give you back the bowling ball thing like haha yeah we know that was funny as if you're not wasting my [ __ ] time by having me go back and turn this thing into a sticker again you found all of wiggler segments [Music] settle down segments on behalf of wiggler segments allow wiggler to say thank you thank you [Music] all that fleeing hiding struggling i can't say it was especially fun so you knew you knew that it wasn't fun gooper blooper this was it this was the moment i realized i hated this game mega sparkle goomba was okay it was challenging but it felt like a progression of the combat system we had been taught up to that point there's things that will make the fight a lot easier but they're not essential to the fight tower power pokey was a lot more annoying you're not told that the bad thing will make the fight a lot easier until you already have it as a sticker and even though it's super challenging you can beat it without the bat you don't need it now you can't and i cannot stress this enough cannot beat grouper blooper without the sponge thing which is really easy to miss in world 3 9 because it's covered in poison and kind of just blends in with the background if you do not have the sponge thing you will get poisoned and will be lucky to ever hit the boss in addition to losing hp every turn the only way i can see someone defeating gooper blooper without the sponge and avoiding getting poison is use leaf stickers to perfectly block the poison each time he spits it at you but here's the catch the sponge not only protects you from the poison but also spits the poison back out at the boss which is what the boss is weak to [ __ ] any strategy you might have had it doesn't matter how you want to play because there is an answer to this fight this isn't something that helps this is the way the developers want you to do it no skill no sticker management just have the right sticker and use it when you're supposed to because god forbid you use the sponge too early because then you might as well not have picked up the sponge at all i i had to take a break from this game after this fight i i feel like i need to take a break from this video like you could say it's not that deep it's not that big a deal but this piles up it's not isolated incidents that teach you to be prepared i never know what i'm going to need going into a level or a boss fight this game doesn't make me feel smart for figuring out how to beat a boss or how to solve a puzzle it creates a system where it has no rules and yet somehow manages to break them anyway i i hate this game man oh i can't see through all this poison hurry we have to wash it away do you have a good sticker that'll do the job we might not be able to block the poison before it gets to us but it is a liquid maybe something that could absorb could work jesus mary and joseph r martin you mean to tell me that the only time you'll give me a hint on what sticker i need is after i get hit by the poison after i've already used the damn sticker to protect myself the first time so i clearly know what i need and can only carry one of hope you had the scissors if not go get another damn pair of scissors hope you knew you needed the hook and also knew that you had to wait for the cheap cheap to go in the water for you to use it even though there's no way you could have possibly known that was going to happen the first time around [Music] oh [ __ ] you man okay so when i first got here i put the radiator thing sticker here right because i figured okay well a radiator emits heat and we probably need to mount this ice and i've never been more irrationally angry about being right the thing is you are supposed to use the radiator to melt the snow in the room right before this one okay whatever you know at least i wasn't too off the mark but you still made me waste that sticker which made me have to go back to decalburg just to buy a new one and i get it a fire flower creates literal fire it makes sense that i can melt the snow but a radiator emits heat apparently enough to melt an entire [ __ ] mountainside are you gonna sit there and tell me i'm wrong why am i supposed to use one but not the other why can't i use both i'm sorry i guess i'm the silly [ __ ] for not being able to work that one out it was so obvious okay that's really clever but how the [ __ ] am i supposed to know that a boo is hiding there okay i have tried everything to get this last boo i need kirsty what do i do i sense that there are terrifying things nearby i genuinely have no idea what i did differently in order to fight this boo is it because i was looking away as i walked toward it because i swear i did that before and it didn't work wait didn't the toad from the enig mansion tell us that this was a painting made by the previous owner meaning that this wasn't something that was paper-ized hope you had an extra secret door sticker on you to place on this one area that isn't marked with a door outline like every other one is this thing is just huge it's not fair regular stickers are barely even making this monster's feet hitch we need to go all out break out those things stickers i am and i've been using every single possible heat emitting thing i even went out of my way to find the stupid hair dryer that i didn't even know i basically need for this flight that the oven the radiator i even risked using the damn bowling ball which for whatever reason apparently crashes the game by the way i'm like it didn't happen to me and all that did was half his health four different thing stickers the strongest kind of stickers in the game three of which the boss is weak to and all that did was half health even when fully prepared with a couple of fire flowers one flashy and one shiny i still had to finish him off with an infinite jump [Music] i'm so sorry i just made a wish on this shiny sticker and then all this madness happened i was disappearing from ice to fog returning to the sky i just wanted a body that wouldn't melt when the cold snows fall next year you'll make me again won't you wait so mr blizzard is gone now right is that his soul talking to us what how did oh my god this is the third pair of scissors i found in this game and as far as i can tell nothing makes it unique from the other two pairs it's just for the sake of giving you more cutting type stickers without giving you the ability to have more than one of the same type of thing sticker okay even if you have the ghost thing as a sticker on you how are you supposed to know that that's what you need to use here this whole place is presented as garbage not as foliage the only hint i can think of is that you can find two pieces of paper that have what berto was singing written on them but that was so random how are you expecting to remember what she was saying hope you had a cold-based thing sticker before you got here otherwise you can't proceed you know i hadn't thought about it but how does water work in this world if everything's canonically confirmed to be made out of paper is the water made out of paper too because if that's the case can we just walk on water and if water's just normal water why is that the exception how does anything in this world survive in water okay do i really need a bridge for this but i feel like i can make that jump easy petey piranha is the best boss in this game and the reason that's a sin is because i have no idea how the development team didn't see this fight and think oh maybe all the bosses should be like this he is the only boss in this game to have his weakness be a part of his character as opposed to a sticker you probably don't even have when you fight him for the first time not only that but when you hit his weak point he actually gives you stickers you can use to keep the fight going and there is a part of me that is convinced that the only reason the fight is designed this way is because you don't have kirsty with you meaning you can't use the battle spin to attack multiple times but if limiting how many times like an attack is what's stopping you from including a dumbass stipulation that i would have no idea a is coming b is required to win and c even what the sticker i need is how do you not see what's wrong with your battle system bowser's face that must have been bowser's castle the last royal sticker is there the last battle is finally upon us to bowser's castle or maybe not that thing made for the top of those clouds and i can't fly us all the way up there mario you wouldn't happen to have any friends that can fly that far do you uh not that i can think of not in this game i don't think we've met anyone who can fly us up there the only characters i can think of that can fly are kamik and bowser jr but why would they help us get up there where would i even find them wiggler the friend that can fly me up there is wiggler a character that i would have no idea metamorphosized into flutter unless i came back to visit him and why the [ __ ] would i do that i was taught that wiggler could walk through poison not [ __ ] grow wings and fly re-watching my footage i paid attention to every damn thing wigler said that would imply that it would come flutter and the only thing even close to him implying that he undergo any sort of change is him saying that he was going to eat a bunch of leaves and grow even more this is after kirsty compliments him on growing psychologically not biologically i i do not understand how we were supposed to know this this fight this fight [ __ ] this fight the turning my stickers into flip-flops that do less damage and unless i can remember what and where each of my stickers are i'm probably wasting really useful ones as annoying but manageable but now i have to fight three of these bastards and this can be either just another annoying roadblock or what i think might be the most unfair fight in the entire paper mario series up to this point remember how i said that you can't pick which enemy to attack well if you manage to get three matches on the battle spin at the beginning of the fight and get three excellents on each flip-flop that won't matter but if you whiff one or in my case all of them because i don't have enough practice with the flip-flops to know their timing be prepared to spend a bunch of your time coins and stickers just to get through this fight each camec can fly slightly upward putting them just out of your reach making you waste a sticker every time remember you can't choose which one you're going to hit so if you have one attack slot and one directly in front of you is in the air you have two choices waste a sticker or run away it doesn't matter if the ones behind him are on the ground if you don't have more attack slides from the battle spin you will not hit him and if you don't get rid of all of them they respond meaning that you have to go through the whole process of trying the battle spin only to waste stickers because you can't reach him hey mario throw the [ __ ] sandal he's right there i only just now discovered the sticker museum up to world 6-3 the final level the game took me roughly 13 hours my footage totaled roughly around 20 hours because i figured you know what i can't truly hate something until i've experienced all of it so i set out to collect every single goddamn sticker in this game because i like collect-a-thons i like a sense of completion that means collecting every single thing turning it into a sticker coming here to empty out the album because you can only collect so many go turn more of them into stickers and before you know it you're out of coins which you need to either re-buy things you've already collected or the secret door stickers which are 80 coins a pop most of which lead to a new thing there are 35 secret door outlines in the game but you only get two secret door stickers for free meaning that you have to buy 33 of them totaling 2 640 coins for the secret doors alone on top of that i had to get every variation of the same sticker meaning bass shiny flashy big shiny and mega flash totaling 96 battle stickers and 64 think stickers for a grand total of 160 stickers i made a goddamn spreadsheet to be able to keep track of what i needed and what i already had and you know what honestly as a platformer and just exploring and collecting stickers i had more fun in the sixish hours it took me to get everything than the 14ish hours of the rest of the required game the only time i ever fought anything was when i had to grind for coins using the first set of shiny goombas in world 41 which was more of a time investment than anything i don't know if i'd call it fun but it's better than have fighting literally anything else in this game but wait you get separate completion rewards for the thing stickers and the battle stickers so what's our reward for getting all 64 thing stickers a music gallery where i can't even pick what song i want to listen to i have to manually cycle through all 29 songs until i find a song i want and what's my prize for collecting the more time intensive 96 battle stickers an enemy gallery that i have to pay a coin in order to use where once again i cannot choose which enemy i want to see and my time can run out meaning i have to pay yet another coin in order to continue viewing them i have never felt such vitriolic defeated rage toward another piece of digital entertainment this is worse than no prize i have listened to these songs i have seen these enemies for free i could do either whenever i want to with more control than the sticker museum gives me the postcard from sunshine is better than this at least that's something new you never see it before it shows up oh my god i genuinely forgot peach was kidnapped this whole time i was going around collecting the royal stickers and no one really mentions the princess being kidnapped aside from at the beginning of the game i hope you knew to bring a thing to block the doors in phase one to stop enemies from spawning a cutting thing for the whomp and phase two a cold thing and the fan for the potaboes in phase three a few tails for the chain chomp and phase four because the timing is tricky and enough battle stickers that bowser doesn't burn preferably infinite jumps for the final phase before coming into this fight because thanks for sticking me up mario [Music] i give to you all my shine you must win [Music] looking back i realize i kind of forced you to come on this adventure with me i'm sorry [Music] we went through a lot but it was fun no it wasn't also if you think that i'm gonna believe for a second that christie's actually gone after this you must think i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] which you know what after collecting all the stickers in this god forsaken game i don't blame you now please use the power of those royal stickers to crouch your own wish [Music] mario what is your wish for bowser to say something he doesn't speak one word in this whole game bowser is one of the best written mario characters in the rpgs and you didn't give him any dialogue i wish you could have seen my reaction when i saw this zero out of five luigi showed up on my screen i had never in my life given a video game the middle finger before this moment i saw every single luigi how was i supposed to know i had to paperize him the one time i was close to doing it was when i was on white cat beach but how the hell am i supposed to see luigi turning around from that far away hey everyone char i5 here thanks so much watching my cinema since past teach of everything wrong with paper mario sticker star i'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel members if you want to be featured in future videos then consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button to those who do support stay awesome you guys should head over to cinemasons the awesome people that i pastiche they also host sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not everything wrong with super paper mario until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is char i5 signing off
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 763,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, paper mario, paper mario sticker star, super paper mario, The Thousand Year Door, Color Splash, The Origami King, Sticker Star OST, Paper Bowser, Nintendo 3DS, Mario RPG, Intelligent Systems, Megasparkle Goomba, Power Tower Pokey, Gooper Blooper, Mizzter Blizzard, Petey Piranha
Id: qPmncDJBE2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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