Everything Wrong With Doki Doki Literature Club in 1 Hour and 16 Minutes

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you know it kind of sucks to be the creative type it feels like they work so hard but get almost nothing for it you know like artists writers actors it's sad because there's so much beautiful talent in the world but most of it goes unseen that's why the following video is sponsored by displate a one of a kind high quality metal poster designed to capture your unique passions choose from thousands of unique and licensed artworks ranging from nature sports movies anime to the video games we all know and love with over 40 000 artists from 86 countries around the world and growing by getting a disc plate you're not only saving trees by getting a poster made out of metal instead of paper but each purchase directly contributes to trees for the future a non-profit organization planting trees in sub-saharan africa and the best part is each purchase of a display equals a baby tree planted it only takes 20 seconds to set them up with no power tools no damages and no frustrations they're having a halloween sale on october 28th ending on november 1st by using the discount link in the description you'll get 30 off one or two posters or thirty six percent off in the purchase of three or more thanks again to display for sponsoring this video [Music] hey i see an annoying girl running toward me from the distance waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself well already this protagonist sounds charming i mean damn dude this is supposed to be a dating visual novel not even two seconds in you're already calling the first girl we meet annoying you told me you would join a crevice here did i i'm sure it's possible that i did in one of our many conversations where i dismissively go along with whatever she's going on about sierra likes to worry a little too much about me when i'm perfectly content just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime ah yes a perfectly cute girl you've been friends with your whole life who dedicates your time to you and worries about you while you call her annoying and blow her off for video games and anime truly a neckbeard if i've ever seen one and that wouldn't be as bad if the whole point of this game wasn't actually you trying to date someone still bad just not as bad yeah i'm going to the anime club come on please why do you care so much anyway well i kind of told the club yesterday i would bring in a new member like he made cupcakes and everything don't make promises you can't keep i can't tell if sayori is really that much of an airhead or if she's so cunning as to have planned all of this out well for someone that's known sayori his whole life you don't really seem to know her all that well if you can't tell between the two everyone the new member is here i told you don't call me a new member huh glance around the room welcome to the literature club it's a pleasure meeting you sayori always says nice things about you seriously you brought a boy way to kill the atmosphere that's sexist this is really good thank you natsuki why are you thanking me it's not like i haven't i heard this somewhere before made them for you or anything huh i thought you technically did [Music] that okay well the game took the words right out of my mouth monica i'm surprised how come you decided to start your own club you could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs weren't you a leader of the debate club last year well you know to be honest i can't stand all of the politics around the major clubs it feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events i'd much rather take something i personally enjoy and make something special out of it well if the club gets big enough you're gonna have to worry about those things anyway especially as club president anyway i've been reading a lot of horror lately ah i read a horror book once i desperately grasp something i can relate to at the minimal level at this rate yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock really i wouldn't have expected that yuri or someone as gentle as you wait how do you guys not know what each other reads already haven't you been a part of the literature club for a while now at least long enough to discuss about what you're reading at the time and that's another thing that i've never thought about in anime clubs literature clubs and whatnot don't you all watch and read the same thing so that you can discuss them i have an idea everyone huh natsuki and yuri look quizzically at monica let's all go home and write a poem of our own then next time we meet we'll all share them with each other but this isn't a writing club it's literally the opposite of what the point of this club is like i know we'd be reading them afterwards but isn't the point to read material that already exists well that's nice natsuki feeds his cupcakes we feed her monica's hair fair trade it's time to write a poem pick words you think your favorite club member will like something good might happen with whoever likes your poem the most oh okay but where's monica i mean i don't think i would have picked her anyway but it's kind of strange that the game doesn't even give you that option charlie always gives it his best as long as he's having fun he helped him with busy work without me even asking like cooking cleaning my room how dependable sayori that's because your room is so messy it's distracting you almost set your house on fire once is that so [Music] you two are really good friends aren't you i might be a little jealous why you just met me yesterday i didn't want you to feel left out so i picked out a book that i thought you might enjoy it's a short read so it should keep your attention even if you don't usually read and we could you know discuss it if you want it i mean i would assume so otherwise what's the point do we just come in read and then don't talk about it manga you read manga right uh sometimes manga is one of those things where you can't admit you're really into it until you figure out where the other person stands yeah like dungeons and dragons or my girlfriend's friend steve he waits to know exactly where i'm standing to really get into her crazy kids how did you know anyway i heard you bring it up at some point besides it's kind of written on your face well first of all ouch second of all duh of course she heard you like manga it literally happened yesterday and you even noticed that she reacted to you saying it wouldn't chairs be more comfortable i'd take my seat chairs wouldn't work we can't read at the same time like that what are you talking about yeah we could we could just put the chairs next to each other it's not rocket science it sounds like you really know what you're talking about maybe i underestimated you [Music] hey wait what's that supposed to mean natsuki gives me a little shove i just meant that i haven't yet seen you at your full power good save is it because i can't possibly imagine saying those words to another human being i only got part way through the volume so far i might fall behind on some shows if i try to get through this oh no a show i'm probably watching on a streaming service that i could watch at literally any time or a cute girl's attention that could lead into a meaningful relationship truly a sophie's choice okay well let's start with the things that i don't like first of all um natsuki rereads my poem never mind i don't feel like giving you my opinion huh uh okay well that's the second time that the game just up and says exactly what i'm thinking that's weird i wrote this when i could have been doing other things well to be fair it's not like she owes you anything plus as part of the club you sort of had to write it do you mind if i read your poem now please do i'd love to share my thought process behind it yuri smiles dreamily as if that's a rare opportunity for her which itself is kind of funny after all isn't this supposed to be a literature club exactly it's not just a poem it's a chari poem and that makes it feel extra special like i can feel your feelings in it sayori hugs the sheet against her chest you're so weird sayori what are you talking about for someone who watches anime and plays video games you sure don't know how to pick up on the the best friend clearly has a thing for me vibe do you if i was looking for suggestions i would have asked someone who actually liked it suddenly the youtube comment section if she could get over herself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective then this wouldn't have happened in the first place what's the point of making your poems all convoluted for no reason the meaning should jump out at the reader not force them to have to figure it out help me explain that to her chari wait there's a reason we have so many deep and expressive words in our language it's the only way to convey complex feelings and meaning the most effectively agreeing them is not only unnecessarily limiting yourself it's also a waste you understand that right charlie what am i like the [ __ ] authority on literature all of a sudden i don't think i've read a book in my life and you're asking me who the better writer is it shows how much you know natsuki i think that's enough huh me but she was so mean to me bruh you're the one that took offense to being called cute not to mention that you started insulting your body talking about how her boobs got bigger when i came along which now that i think about it why would that be something you would use to divert my attention from her if anything bringing up their size is going to call my attention to them and away from you everyone's read each other's poems right i hope that was worthwhile for everyone especially you chari and to be honest it's a nice change of pace from the lazing around we got a little too used to did you guys not do anything before i joined the club cause that's what it's starting to sound like sure being friends with everyone is nice but does it really need to stop there we'll just have to see what the future holds sayori i pat sayori on the shoulder i said that more to myself than to her but it's easy to use sayori as an internal monologue sometimes says the guy currently internally monologuing i just wanted to make sure i don't accidentally give anything away basically it's about this girl in high school who moves in with her long lost younger sister but as soon as she does so her life gets really strange she gets targeted by these people who escape from a human experiment prison and while her life is in danger she needs to desperately choose who to trust no matter what she does she ends up destroying most of her relationships and her life starts to fall apart that's kind of that's kind of dark isn't it you do remember that she said she enjoys complex horror novels right sorry i really didn't know you were self-conscious about that sort of thing i guess i more meant that it's kind of cute what are you saying all of a sudden i okay everyone damn it monica just when i'm getting close to someone again charlie if you're not going to take this club seriously then go home what harsh it's more than harsh it's just straight up mean i mean heck you just met me yesterday and i admitted that i don't read or write much who says that as yuri reads the poem i notice her eyes lighten exceptional huh what was did that say that out loud yuri first covers her mouth but then ends up covering her whole face i uh he's going to hate me yes i'm going to hate you for complimenting the very first poem i've ever written calling it exceptional sorry i know i'm being a sarcastic [ __ ] i don't mean to be rude about it i'm just wait you don't care you're a fictional character natsuki you're right that i liked your poem see wait that's not an excuse for you to be so mean you shouldn't pick a fight just because someone's opinion is different that's not what happened at all yuri wouldn't even take my poem seriously [Music] i understand yuri [Music] you're a seriously talented writer it's no secret that i was impressed well that's but here's the thing no matter how simple or refined someone's writing style is they're still putting feelings into it and it becomes something really personal that's why natsuki felt threatened when you said her poem was cute i see i didn't notice that i i'm sorry but natsuki you took it way too far yuri means well and if you just told her how you felt then this wouldn't have happened in the first place are you kidding that's exactly what i did it was her that natsuki i think that's enough you both said some things that you didn't mean yuri apologized don't you think you should too natsuki clenches her fists in the end nobody has taken her side she's trapped at this point only being defined because she can't handle the pressure i end up even feeling bad for her well you kind of should you ended up scolding her twice i run my fingertips down the side of sayori's hair trying to straighten it out man you really need a brush for this my hair is it's really hard to get right i won't fall for that there's more than just your hair look your bow isn't straight either and there's a toothpaste stain on your collar right here i try to wipe off the stain with my finger but nobody would ever notice that of course they would nobody's going to tell you about it because they don't want to embarrass you fortunately i really don't care about that this coming from the guy that would be embarrassed if the club president overheard that he stays up late every night watching anime i struggle to fully close the button near her chest does this thing even fit you properly it did when i bought it if you ever buttoned it you would have noticed sooner that it doesn't fit you anymore what are you smiling about it means my boobs got bigger again don't say that out loud why not they're her boobs dude siori hastily unbuttons her blazer once more [Music] that's so much better sayori puts her arms out and twirls around so if i keep it unbuttoned then i won't get a boyfriend right what kind of logic is that the same logic you just applied dumbass like i get it it wasn't just the blazer being unbuttoned that made it look messy but you made it a point to make it seem like it was natsuki not to keep glares at me drawing up any words i had in my mouth so instead i turned to yuri yuri but yuri's expression is so defenseless that i can't bring myself to say anything to her sayori yeah everyone's fighting is making sayori uncomfortable how can the two of you keep fighting when you know you're making your friend feel like this chari well that's her problem this isn't about her i agree it's unfair for others to interject their own feelings into our conflict yet you asked me to interject mine how is that fair to be honest i might come off as a good leader and i can organize things i'm not very good with people i didn't even bring myself to interject as president that's kind of embarrassing of me nah it's not like i can blame you i wasn't able to say anything either well you're also not the club president dude it's not really your responsibility to monica smiled sweetly causing my stomach to nod such a genuine person really does make a good president regardless of what she says when they could get the chance to talk to her a little more well i probably would if the game gave me the option to which is still weird by the way you're always hungry and so that only leaves the one option [Music] i give up don't make me feel guilty if you feel guilty that means you deserve to feel guilty damn dude i mean i guess i understand the sentiment but it's just you lending your friend some money man it's not like she killed your family tell china let me borrow some money that's don't get me involved like that sayori besides you should only buy what you can responsibly afford and frankly after pulling a mischievous little stunt like that your suffering is fair enough retribution god damn yuri why did she kill your family too it's just two bucks for a bag of chips or something possibly less you don't have to suffer for it i did something bad and now i have to accept the revolution suddenly every dictator ever don't let her fool you sayori knows exactly what she's doing after all she told you guys she was bringing me to the club before she even told me but you wouldn't have come if it weren't for the cupcakes so i had to check natsuki into making them come on give me more credit than that say ori dude she's right you even said yourself you sold your soul for the cupcake you didn't really come for any other reason well my last period today was study hall to be honest i kind of just lost track of time that makes no sense though you would have heard the bell ring at least i must not have heard it since i was practicing piano what were you absolutely thrashing the keys i practiced singing alongside a friend playing the piano and we heard the bell every time that sounds cool i'd also look forward to it is that so in that case i won't let you down chary monica smiles sweetly uh i didn't mean any pressure or anything like that don't worry i've been practicing a whole lot recently but you said you just started recently she's she's a strange one the top shelf is far above natsuki's head she makes a futile hop trying to figure out how to reach your manga jeez this is so inconvenient i'm moving all these back down there's plenty of room on these shelves and besides they're really pretty to look at when they're all lined up why would you waste that on the top shelf uh natsuki there's a stool on the wall there or you know i could just help get the manga down i doubt i'm anywhere near as short as natsuki and the shelf honestly doesn't seem that tall the classroom chairs have the desks attached so they're too inconvenient to fit into the closet no they don't there's a chair unattached to the desk right there [Music] [Applause] the chair swivels natsuki catches herself on the shelf what are you doing can you at least hold the chair steady instead of sitting and doing nothing oh my god stop doing my job for me [Music] i can i can almost see upper skirt why were you even looking just look down so you don't have to witness when she inevitably falls off the chair anyway you you perv you set me up i set you up you insisted i could have grabbed your box instead the box the box well i guess i'll be honest about it it's a lot easier to write poems when i'm thinking about you stop thinking weird things idiot yeah bacca stop thinking that i like you just because i think about you when performing one of the most classically romantic arts such as writing poetry the noise it won't stop violent grading waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust an endless column of meaningless load me hmm it's even more abstract than your last one huh i guess it's just the way i write i'm sorry if you don't like it no no i never said that it's just a kind of thing i've never really seen before i guess yeah especially that last part seems very disconnected from the rest of the poem i mean i know that poems have spacing and timing but i kind of like playing with my space on the paper choosing where and how to space your words can totally change the mood of the poem right i get that it's just what it said didn't really line up with the rest of the poem i was kind of joking but it wasn't just out of place because of placement here's monica's writing tip of the day sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your game you never know when you might change your mind or when something unexpected may happen wait is this chip even about writing what am i even talking about breaking the fourth wall now who's next natsuki don't make me go before charity it's not like i can compare to you guys anyway might as well let chary lower everyone's standards a little bit before i have to do it um ouch dude this is your outer ray and you're still being a real itch bay to ime yuri sets the temperature on the kettle to 200 degrees fahrenheit or celsius because it's perfect for fahrenheit but i might burn my insides if it's celsius do you mind if we sit on the floor today huh why is that it's a little bit easier on my back i can read with my back against the wall rather than bending over at my desk oh sorry i didn't realize no worries i just have back pain fairly regularly so i do my best to manage it is that so i wonder why that is it's most likely because my uh my your posture right always hunched over like that while reading yes i have terrible reading posture right your posture huge boobs yuri hands me my teacup holding with my hand that's not holding the book i end up in a position that makes it even harder to focus because now i need to worry about making sure i don't accidentally touch your double hankeros how did it even come to this yuri doesn't have hurt her gaze i noticed her massive the bankaloos like before yuri parts her lips but it's different this time i take the chocolate and place it in her mouth i feel her hot breath on my fingers okay everyone damn it monica i was just getting somewhat are you interrupting us on purpose you know yuri would love this kind of this angsty just because she's a talented writer doesn't mean i i mean looks like i'm in trouble i somehow struck a nerve though what i did is beyond me i am so done with you well excuse me for wanting to spend more time with the smart shy girl with the big old ton of hunger cougars not you but we barely know each other in this route is taken to following me you couldn't say that we've gotten quite used to each other the raccoon becomes hungry more and more frequently so my bread is always handy every time i brandish my cutting knife the raccoon shows me its excitement a rush of blood classic pavlovian conditioning i slice the bread and i feed myself again um i was a little more daring with this one than yesterday's i can sense that it's a lot more metaphorical i don't know if it's my fault but i can't begin to imagine what this poem is about you dense [ __ ] what there is no goddamn way there are 24 crayons in that box i only see nine and three of them are yellow no offense to satchel they're a fantastic artist and they did a great job go follow them at satchely but that apple juice looks more like honey also why is it like half drunk already i know it takes a bit of time to make friends with everyone but yuri and natsuki are super interesting people so don't be afraid to give them their share of time and you can talk to me every now and then too i'm not like unapproachable or anything am i well i mean you literally are and that in turn makes you sort of metaphorically unapproachable too it's kind of creepy if i'm being honest but it's a whole day of school where we get to play and eat all kinds of delicious food you sound a bit like sayori all of a sudden monica do they usually have fried squid squid that's a pretty specific thing to look forward to oh come on are you saying you don't like squid you of all people huh i didn't say i don't like it besides what do you mean by you of all people because it's right in your name monika that's not how you say my name at all besides that joke makes no sense in translation then why even make the joke this game was originally made in english also considering that both natsuki and monica understand a joke in japanese but monica calls it out for not making sense in english does that mean that all these characters are bilingual also also i'm assuming that's a japanese joke because aside from these characters names it's not really established that this is japan and even if it was that joke doesn't work in japanese anyway in japanese words are separated into syllabics not individual characters like in the latin alphabet you and i use squid in japanese is ikah and even though in japanese um does have its own syllable the name monica is separated into ma me and ka not mo and ka call me a wee ball you want at least no we was right i've just been thinking about sayori that's all sayori thinking about her yeah she seems pretty down today but she didn't want to admit it to me so i can't help but wonder if something's happened to her ow natsuki exhales well first of all you should really work on your phrasing what in the fresh hell are you talking about oh no i care about another human being's emotional state clearly i must have romantic feelings for them instead of the person i've been dedicating my time to you need to worry about what i think after all you wrote this for someone else didn't you probably not ticky huh i didn't write this for anyone specifically maybe that's not really what i meant though but it's okay you're making new friends just like i was hoping that makes me really happy and you're happy too right in this club well of course i am that's all that matters to me thank you chary sayori is there something wrong huh no nothing i'm still tired today [Music] all right just tell me if you need anything i will don't worry about me okay you can go play with everyone else now i'm not playing with you sayori i'm showing you a poem this isn't a game huh yuri doesn't look too enthusiastic about spending time with me what because of the way i write we're still club mates yuri you know there's one thing i noticed it seems like everyone in the club prefers writing about things that are more sad than happy are you surprised i mean if everything was okay we wouldn't really have anything to write about would we humans aren't two-dimensional creatures i think you'd know that better than anyone you mean one-dimensional uh yeah that well to be fair humans aren't two-dimensional either so she is still correct okay you three we're all done sharing poems right why don't we start figuring out hold on a second is it just me or did you say something strange just now ah something did sound a bit unusual that's right you deviated from your usual catchphrase when addressing the club catchphrase i don't have a catchphrase yeah what are you guys talking about oh the fact that she usually says okay everyone that's hardly a catchphrase a lot of people say okay everyone stagnating air that something is is about to happen foreshadowing sayori always helps lighten the mood a little bit doesn't she it's almost like everyone's balance is thrown off a little when she's not around where the heck did she run off to anyway i thought she just went to pee natsuki please show some decency oh come on uh she actually wasn't feeling too well and went home early is that so i hope she's all right seriously of all the times to not go home with her you pick the time she's not feeling well what the [ __ ] natsuki you're the one that told me not to worry calm down guys i talked to her earlier and everything is fine what did she say anyway we need to figure out the rest of the festival preparations so let's decide what everyone will be doing this weekend i already know what i'm doing cool thanks for ignoring me i play video games to escape from reality not to reflect it well even if you don't know how to pick there's always some dirty work i could give to you it's not like monica's going to give me a choice and you shouldn't be sitting on your butt anyway natsuki tries to mumble a bunch of excuses like that um if i recall natsuki you mentioned that you would like to handle the baking on your own chari may not like to be around if you only make him out to be a nuisance so therefore he may be more suited to assisting with the decorations why do you want me to hang out with you all of a sudden you've been avoiding me all week on this route even though i've gotten pretty used to handling her at this point there's no telling what might end up happening when we're outside of school more than that she told me that she was looking forward to it is this the chance i have to make something happen between us or is it too early for that only time will tell but until then i won't be able to take my mind off of it i seriously can't wait [Music] it's already sunday oh wow okay uh did i stay outside my house all weekend once i reach sayori's house i knock on the door before entering it myself again we used to play so often that we've already made it a habit of simply entering each other's houses like we were family well that's not very safe i mean if your parents are okay with that it's fine it's just strange the thing is i've had really bad depression my whole life did you know that why do you think i'm late to school every day because most days i can't even find a reason to get out of bed what reason is there to do anything when i fully know how worthless i am why go to school why eat why make friends why make other people put their energy and caring to waste by having them spend it on me that's what it feels like and that's why i want to just make everyone happy without anyone worrying about me [Music] i'm in shock i can't even figure out how to respond how is it possible that sayori kept this from me the entire time that i've known her did she really want so badly for me to just not think about her why sayori why is it that you've never told me about this it almost feels like i've been betrayed as your close friend cool way to make it about you dick siori wipes her eyes if i could spend the whole day here i would of all days this has to be the one where i have other plans well you could have checked on her yesterday dude judging by the way you kept saying c is sunday to natsuki instead of see you tomorrow and the fact that you said that you haven't seen sayori since friday i think it's safe to say that there was at least a day let's call it saturday between then and now i was joking but did you actually stay outside your house all weekend hey now you are treating me like a kid i was just trying to be a little nicer to you you know and just because i don't have a mature and sexy figure like yuri doesn't mean you should treat me like uh natsuki catches her words and her face turns red natsuki forget it i didn't say anything i should apologize [Music] i appreciate that you were trying to be nicer i should have been a little more considerate too but also if that's what you're thinking then you should know that there are tons of guys who are into body types like yours okay well i'm uncomfortable where are my parents because like the only parent we ever hear about is natsuki's dad hell when we went over to sayori's we didn't see anybody either ah that does look pretty cool see it's not like baking is just about following instructions the presentation is where you get to be creative and have the most fun well that's not really part of the baking though that's more the decorating cool well this cg frame makes me feel weird and on consensual skill oh god this one's worse skip i would really stay here longer if i could i feel the same way as you so natsuki suddenly gets closer to me wait natsuki standing inches from me natsuki looks up at me i feel her fingers gently clutch at the sides of my shirt as if holding on to me her rose-colored cheeks and matching eyes fill my vision along with her slightly parted lips what is happening my head starts to go dizzy as i feel her soft breaths against me i felt it for a while now natsuki suddenly jumps back sayori is it just my destiny to never get laid even in a video game sorry i like you so much that i want to die well that's a very strange way of saying she loves me to death especially considering what she told me when i went to visit her i really wish that were a mistranslation the only indication of movement is the amber light flickering against his outstretched arm the flickering light is in rhythm with the pounding of my heart teasing me for succumbing to this forbidden emotion have you ever heard of a ghost feeling warmth before giving up on understanding i laugh understanding is overrated i touch his hand the flickering stops ghosts are blue green my heart is amber finishing the poem i start to hand it back to yuri but instead of taking it from me she looks away it uh no of course not i just don't really know how i should respond despite yuri's poems usually being cryptic it wasn't hard to figure out what this one was about wait ghost under the light part 2 you understand but the raccoon was too cryptic yuri thank goodness you're a little early i'm sorry i wasn't home yet were you waiting for a long time no i just got here but i started to get really nervous when nobody answered the doorbell if this game calls out its own [ __ ] one more time i'm ending the video straight up curious of its sharpness i feel the point of the knife with my index finger oh sorry why did you do that i didn't expect it to be that sharp i barely touched it at all it's my fault i should have warned you this knife is extremely sharp it can cut your skin like it's paper yeah i bet wait how do you know what it does to skin a small drop of blood trickles down the side of my finger yuri takes my hand and gets the wound a closer look she stares at it and noticeably fidgets if you're squeamish i'll go wash it off right now without warning yuri puts my finger in her mouth and licks the wound what i feel her tongue curl around my finger i can't tell if this is hot or creepy [Music] i take yuri's hand and lick her index finger and return chari did you really just do that now we're even yuri just looks at me like i did something wrong [Music] [Applause] i knew that would be a bad idea if not for the sweet aroma of the jasmine oil the air would be extremely heavy right now you're so weird sorry i'm weird you just suck the blood from my finger like a [ __ ] vampire you're not a vampire are you it's kind of fun to hang out here even if i have to put up with you natsuki's elbow connects with my stomach oh maybe i won't mind scaring you away after all i was just joking oh i know don't worry i was too [Laughter] physical abuse not funny didn't laugh i felt like i kept writing about negative things so i wanted to write something with a nicer message for once besides the beach is awesome kind of hard to write anything negative about the beach tsunami sunburn that can lead to skin cancer puffer fists that have tetratoxins that can kill up to 30 adult humans and that's just throughout the top of my head so i guess that makes the festival tomorrow our first date huh what are you saying i don't want to think about this thing you know what what you're the one that came to me to confess her feelings and now you don't want to think about dating me oh god it's happening again charlie thanks for being early i guess my capture must have messed up the audio and there's no sound for this part sorry everyone that happens sometimes we should have it back in a bit they must be the ones she prepared that have all the poems we're performing in the end i found a random poem online that i thought monica would like and submitted it so that's the one i'll be performing i'm surprised you didn't bring sayori with you yeah she overslept again that dummy you'd think that on days this important she'd try a little harder i say that but i suddenly remember what sayori told me yesterday and i suddenly feel awful knowing it's not nearly that simple for her i only said it because it's the way i'm used to thinking but maybe i should have gone to wake her up after all you should take a little responsibility for her chari i mean especially after your exchange with her yesterday you kind of left her hanging this morning you know exchange monica you know about that of course i do i'm the club president after all but i stammer embarrassed did sayori really tell her about it that quickly that we're a couple now i didn't really plan on bringing it up with anyone yet ah jeez you don't know the full story at all so don't worry i probably know a lot more than you think monica is being as friendly as usual but for some reason i failed to chill down my spine after hearing that hey do you want to check out the pamphlets they came out really nice yeah sure i grabbed one of the pamphlets laid out on the desks oh yeah they really did something like this will definitely help people take the club more seriously yeah i thought so too i flipped through the pages each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving it an almost professional feel i recognize natsuki and yuri's poem from the ones they performed during our practice what's this i flipped to sayori's poem it's different from the one she practiced it's one that i haven't read before wait there is of my head what get out of my head what the [ __ ] is happening get out of my head get out of my head of my head get out of my head before i do what i know is best for you get out of my head before i listen to everything she said to me get out of my head before i show you how much i love you get out of my head before i finish writing this poem but a poem is never actually finished it just stops moving uh what is this reading the poem i get a pit in my stomach chari what's wrong uh nothing this poem feels completely different from everything else they always written but more than that i i changed my mind i'm going to go get sayori so uh well alright try not to take too long okay i quickly leave the classroom don't strain yourself monica calls that out after me i quicken my pace what was i thinking i should have tried a little bit harder for sayori it's not a big deal to at least wait for her help her wake up even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes her really happy besides i told her yesterday that things would be the same as they always have been that's all she needs and what i want to give her i reach sayori's house and knock on the door i don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday i opened the door and let myself sayori she really is a heavy sleeper i swallow i can't believe i ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house that really is something that a boyfriend would do isn't it in any case it just feels right outside sayori's room i knock on her door say ori wake up dummy there's no response i really didn't want to have to enter her room like this isn't it kind of a breach of privacy but she really leaves me no choice i gently open the door say what the [ __ ] is this am i uncensored now [ __ ] what oh god what the hell is happening what the hell what the hell is this a nightmare it it has to be this isn't real there's no way this can be real sayori wouldn't do this everything was normal up until a few days ago that's why i can't believe what my eyes are showing me i suppress the urge to vomit just yesterday i i told sayori that i would be there for her i told her that i know what's best and everything will be okay then why why would she do this [Music] how could i be so helpless [Music] what did i do wrong confessing to her i shouldn't have confessed to her that's not what sayori needed at all she even told me how painful it is for others to care about her and when did i confess to her and make her feel even worse why was i so selfish this is my fault my swarming thoughts keep telling me everything i could have done to prevent this if i just spent more time with her walked her to school and remain friends with her like it always has been and i could have prevented this i know i could have prevented this screw the literature club screw the festival i just lost my best friend someone i grew up with she's gone forever now last thing i do can bring her back this isn't some game where i can just reset and try something different okay for once i'm glad the game is breaking the fourth wall cause yeah i'm gonna reset wait i didn't put an ad there what the hell is happening welcome to zardy's maze uh oh there's pesky weeds growing throughout your cornfield the largest weeds you've ever seen better grab your trusty tools and give them a good whacking just make sure you keep track of where you're going when you enter the field it's a bit of a maze out there get it wouldn't want to see you get lost or worse can you beat zardy's maze i look forward to seeing you try [Music] did the video start over okay let me just reload my save what the [ __ ] [Music] no what i always tell myself it's about time i meet some girls or something like that but i have no motivation to join any clubs i'm perfectly content just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime there's always the anime club but it's not like there would be any girls in it anyway trust me dude i knew a girl that was the head of an anime club and i was super in love with her what the hell am i saying that's like actually real why is this video still [Music] and i brought a guest with me a guest seriously you brought a boy way to kill the atmosphere that's sexist we already did that one we can't do it again did the sin counter change to four but you know i like a lot of things stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop way to suck your own dick dance elvato wait am i in control again if you're gonna judge you can go do it through the glass on that door she points to the classroom door hey i wasn't judging anything i didn't even say anything it was the tone of your voice but i'll tell you one thing chary consider this a lesson don't judge a book wait isn't the whole point of a literature club to judge books and discuss them okay i'll let that one slide because it's in a new context wait i'm not in control again time passes natsuki is strangely quiet now i glance over at her it looks like she started to fall asleep hey natsuki yeah suddenly natsuki collapses straight into me hey oh geez natsuki are you okay here monica reaches into her bag and pulls out some kind of protein bar she throws it in natsuki's direction natsuki's eyes suddenly light up again she snatches the bar from the floor and immediately tears off the wrapper i told you not to give she doesn't even finish her sentence before stuffing it into her mouth don't worry chary she's fine it just happens every now and then that [ __ ] happens every now and then how are you so calm about that um natsuki that's a little this doesn't involve you taking out your own insecurities on others like that you really act as young as you look natsuki me look who's talking you want to be edgy [ __ ] [Music] sorry that my lifestyle is too much for someone of your mental age to comprehend see just saying that proves my point most people learn to get over themselves after they graduate middle school you know i've gotten a little more comfortable here over the past couple days entering the club room the usual scene greets me welcome back chary ah hi yuri funk hanukkah hoops i'm not sure if it's me or if it's yuri's expression yeah her expression did you do something yesterday oh geez whatever's on your mind i'm sure it was nothing i don't even remember anything bad happening you're the kind of person who worries too much about the little things aren't you but my [ __ ] blind side lifeline and on rap to fatality faultlessly offered malaysia night yeah dude i agree um since your compliments put me in a good mood i was wondering if you would like to spend some time together today i mean in the club what the hell else would i have assumed you meant we barely know each other the book is titled portrait of markov there's an ominous looking eye symbol on the front cover basically it's about this religious camp that was turned into a human experiment prison and the people trapped there have this treat that turns them into killing machines that lust for blood but the facility gets even worse and they start selectively breeding people by cutting off their limbs and fixing them to oh that might be a little bit of a spoiler that's not what you said last time what kind of [ __ ] nightmare are you developing now salvato still you should at least look over my poem you'll probably be able to learn something from it oh yeah that's exactly what this game needs the bible why didn't you come meet with me today i was waiting for you the game wouldn't let me i even catered the poem do you want to still force me on yuri's row please don't kill me i gave my poem to monica all right great job chary i was going ooh in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical i'm not sure why but i didn't expect you to go for something so deep i guess they underestimated you it's easiest for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when i put in some effort [Music] that's not very fair well i guess it worked anyway you know that yuri likes this kind of writing right she does cause i was appealing to natsuki i even got most of her prompts you want to read my poem now i like the way this one turned out so i hope you do too [Music] save me the colors they won't write people flashing expanding piercing red green blue an endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise it won't stop violent grading squeaking screeching piercing sign cosine tangent like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a knife on a breathing rib cage [Music] delete her [Music] sorry i know it's a bit abstract yeah you could say that but if i'm being honest and critical it's a shitty poem because you left out a lot of letters from words a joke a man walked into a club in the club there was a girl who liked him very much they spent some time together and she liked him even more one day the girl realized she was in love with him before disaster could happen a third party intervened with her programming suddenly the girl hated herself for being in love this contradiction caused the script to derail the universe started to collapse but she killed herself just in time that's the funniest joke i've ever read i'm sure my audience thinks this is funnier than me um now natsuki's right isn't she this club it's nothing more than a place for a few people to hang out why did i think that everyone here saw it the same way as i did but that doesn't mean that we're against getting new members or anything chari why did you even join this club what were you hoping to get out of it well that's not really something i can be honest about is it oh now you don't want to be honest about stuff things have been a bit hectic lately haven't they chari i just wanted to make sure you're enjoying your time at this club i would really hate to see you unhappy i feel kind of like i'm responsible for that as president and i really do care about you you know i don't like seeing the other girls give you a hard time with how mean natsuki is in everything and yuri being a bit you know sometimes it feels like you and i are the only real people here yeah but you're not a real person okay [Music] wait a second monica has a poem sprite if it's already in the game why can't i appeal to her did she create the sprites herself look i did some thinking about yesterday i was a little more hostile than i meant to be i guess i really felt threatened or something but i know this is something we're doing together another new member wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool and i guess another girl would be nice this time so natsuki nobody cares why don't you go look for some coins [Music] oh now you don't have a sarcastic little quip main character you little [ __ ] oh man i'm the last one here again were you practicing piano again yeah you must have a lot of determination [Music] ah an undertale joke in 2020 that's a good one okay i did the funny you can add the sin now okay [Music] what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing a sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through their teeth are they in pain i reach the corner and peer around it yuri [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i just want to look at you and then you returned off the light and looked at me with hyper-realistic eyes i've always wanted to try being better friends with yuri and it really hurts me to see this happening i know i'm going to hate myself later for admitting that but right now i don't care why would you hate yourself for admitting that you want to be better friends with somebody [Applause] [Music] i changed my mind ignore everything you just read there's no point in trying to do anything it's yuri's own fault that she's so unlikable can you hear me if you would just spend more time with monica all these problems would go away you are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of monica from now on just monika just monika just monica just monica yuri hold my palm to her chest i'm going to take this home with me and keep it in my room i hope that it makes you feel good when you think about me having it i'll take good care of it i'll even touch myself while reading it over and over well finally we're getting somewhere i'll give myself paper cuts so your skin oil enters my bloodstream okay well that i don't want that chari i think you saw something earlier that you weren't supposed to see i didn't want to have to tell you this but i don't think i have a choice it's getting kind of dangerous for you to spend so much time with yuri hey man you seem to be the one in control of this [ __ ] i'm censored again all of a sudden whatever you seem to be the one in control of this i've been appealing to natsuki and i'm forced on a route anyway i think she just gets some kind of high from it it might even be like a sexual thing but the point is you've kind of been enabling her i'm not saying it's your fault though no that's what me enabling her means while you're at it don't be shy to spend a little more time with me to put it lightly i at least have it together in the head and i know how to cheat my club members you've spent the entire game saying that you don't know how to do that so i'm not i'm not trusting you yuri should have at least had the courtesy of letting you finish sharing it before taking it well whatever if it makes her happy i won't stop her as for mine i worked really really hard on this poem so i hope that it's uh effective here goes [Music] geez that really startled me you got startled i thought i just lost my entire recording i guess i kind of messed up writing what are you trying to do anyway not only is your work already most suitable for one person but my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands mine too want your cupcakes please like you would [ __ ] know all you care about is dragging chari around with you and your stupid books you and monica hey i didn't even do anything like hell you haven't and can i say something i feel like the main character hasn't talked in years sorry i know how fed up you are with these two by now we can just natsuki shut your [ __ ] mouth and let him decide for himself you shut your mouth jesus christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay funny that you mentioned jesus because that's exactly what you need monica also does jesus exist in this world why would you use that as an expletive if he didn't of all the philosophical [ __ ] i'd been dealing with today i didn't think the existence of a god in this game would be one of them i'm not censored again why was i censored for that one sin the whole day was just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful [Music] wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there you said it queen your words not mine normally i'd be fine with spending time with you would you just add the sin already it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name i don't care what the consequences are anymore i don't care if monica is listening please chari just know how much i love you i love you so much that i even touch myself with the pen i stole from you that's fine i just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you that's a lot less hot [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] god damn that was over 1400 lines of text how the hell did i count those that quickly sorry did something happen natsuki just ran past me oh oh [Music] [Laughter] well that's a shame a shame your friend just killed herself also she would have done it no matter what i said anyway so why even give me a choice i just want to have a cupcake real quick monica lifts the foil from his tray and tries a cupcake seriously he's the best i really just had to have one since the last time i'll ever get the chance to you know before they stop existing and everything uh i think they've already stopped existing you deleted their files it should only take a second [Music] is it working yay there you are what the [ __ ] where are we why would you get rid of everything after getting rid of yuri natsuki that wasn't even necessary after all i'm not even talking to that person anymore am i that you in the game whatever you want to call him i'm talking to you chari now that i think about it i don't really know anything about the real you okay i deliberately changed my username on my pc to my actual name for this easter egg and she still didn't say my name at any point so i don't know if i did it wrong or if she just doesn't recognize my name as an actual name in fact i don't even know if you're a boy or a girl suddenly professor oak now that that's out of the way i guess i owe you an explanation about that whole thing with yuri well i kind of started to mess with her and i guess it just drove her to kill herself i'm sorry you had to see that though also the same thing happened with sayori gosh it's been a while since you've heard that name now hasn't it you kind of left your hanging this morning you know you [ __ ] i thought making siori more and more depressed would prevent her from confessing to you and amplifying yuri's obsessive personality backfired too it just made her force you to not spend time with anyone else and the whole time i barely even got to talk to you and you didn't do anything to natsuki she's just naturally that soon today and you assume nobody would be into that so that being said chari i have a confession to make i'm in love with you you are truth the light in my world why because i'm real that's probably the shallowest reason to like somebody at least i spent time with the others i worked so hard for this ending charlie the game couldn't give me one so i had to make one myself the script is broken at this point so i don't think anything will get in the way anymore and you wouldn't believe how easy it was to delete natsuki uri i mean there's a folder called characters right in the game directory it kind of freaked me out how easy it was well you're playing on steam so it was actually a bit more difficult to get to the game directory i had to go into the game's properties and find the browse local files button imagine if you could delete your own existence with the click of a button yeah why would you tell me how to delete character files for someone as intelligent and insightful as you that was a really stupid move i always put all my heart into the poems that i write the truth is all the poems i've written have been about my realization or about you that's why you never really wanted to go into detail about them i didn't want to break the fourth wall i guess you could call it well you [ __ ] that one up didn't you have to be part of the game like everyone else like that would help the two of us end up together i didn't want to ruin the game or anything you know you might have gotten mad at me maybe even deleted my character file if you preferred playing without me gosh i'm so relieved now we don't need to hide anything anymore are you ready to spend our eternity together charlie i have so many things to talk about where do i start hold on a second you're recording this aren't you huh what how did you know everyone i hope you've all subscribed to chari's channel oh i thank you sorry i can't exactly read your comments from here but do you mind telling your friends it's a little bit rude for them to start recording me without any warning i'm rude you drove your friends crazy until they killed themselves well i'm sure i never really questioned it as a kid but as i grew up the more i learned about the world the more i would question it wait you were a kid at some point i thought that by being a part of this game you were just always a teenager yuri did something really funny once we were on the club room and just relaxing as usual and out of nowhere yuri just pulled out a small bottle of wine i'm not even kidding she was just like would anybody like some wine natsuki laughed out loud and they already started yelling at her i actually felt kind of bad because she was at least trying to be nice i think it just made her feel even more reserved in the club bro though i think natsuki was secretly a bit curious to try it and to be completely honest i kind of was too it actually could have been kind of fun but you know being president and everything there was no way i could let that happen maybe if we all met outside of school but we never bonded enough to get to that point gosh what am i talking about this for i don't condone underage drinking wait didn't dan selvato say in a discord message that you were all 18 which if you're in japan would make it totally illegal huh today i learned underage drinking hey have you ever heard of the term yandere it's a personality type that means someone is so obsessed with you that they'll do absolutely anything to be with you usually to the point of craziness they might stalk you to make sure you don't spend time with anyone else they might even hurt you or your friends to get their way but anyway this game happens to have someone who can basically be described as yandere by now it's pretty obvious who i'm talking about and that would be yuri well if yuri is the yandere what does that make you i turned out to be the only normal girl in this game it's not like i could ever actually kill a person just the thought of it makes me shiver but come on everyone's killed people in games before does that make you a psychopath of course not yeah but i'm not actually in the game hypothetically if i killed someone in my reality i'd still be a murderer it's like you're siphoning out all the components of a character that makes them feel human and just leaving the cute stuff it's concentrated cuteness with no actual substance you wouldn't like me more if i was like that right maybe i just feel a little insecure because you're playing this game in the first place yeah which is why i don't understand why you're into me i mean usually people who play these kinds of dating sims do so so that they don't have to deal with the complexities of real people and just get the immediate satisfaction from being a shallow douche why would you be affected oh my god am i having an actual conversation with this person character she is a character i would have loved to wear some cute clothes for you do you know any artists harsh but don't you have access to the credits you should know that satchel was the character artist for this game and delinquent was the background artist again that's actually an at delinquent you can share it with me on twitter actually my username is littlemoneyx3 yeah i know i uh tagged you in a post and you never got back to me now who's simping on who it's not hard at all to just pick some random book that's short and captivating before you know it you might be a pretty avid reader wouldn't that be wonderful and the two of us could talk about the latest book you're reading that sounds super amazing yeah that does sound pretty cool how come we never did that during our time at the club all we did was share poems and sometimes read but never discuss what we were reading man i wish there was a piano in here i never got to finish that song i was working on i mean you do kind of control this game and if you were truly practicing on a piano in your world that must mean there are files for a piano right you just bring that file back hey are you having a bad day or anything like that sometimes i get frustrated that a normal day can be ruined even by really small things like if you accidentally say something in a conversation that someone doesn't like or if you start thinking about how awful of a person you used to be five years ago or if you feel worthless for putting off important work and failing to get simple tasks done or when you think about all the different people who probably hate you or think you're off-putting i understand those days just remember that the sun will shine again tomorrow those kinds of things are as easy to forget and ignore as they are to remember and besides i don't care how many people might hate you or find you off-putting i think you're wonderful and i will always love you i hope nothing else that knowing that helps you feel just a tiny bit better about yourself if you're having a bad day you can always come to me and i'll talk to you for as long as you need oh well i appreciate it yeah you know i have had a bit of a rough day to be honest i'm just thinking about all the things that i want to do that i'm not even close to finishing and how that makes me feel kind of worthless don't use my loneliness against me i was thinking about sayori earlier i still wish i could have handled that whole thing a little more tactfully you're not still hung up over it right oh my gosh i can't believe i just said that that pun was completely unintentional i swear still though i wonder how things would be if you and i just started dating from the get-go i guess we'd still all be in the club room writing poems and having fun together what's the point when none of it is even real exactly monica what's the point of this if it's not even real maybe the rest of the club would still be around not that it really matters it's all lost its meaning once i found out it wasn't real how did you find out this wasn't real anyway did you just gain sentience one day and realize not only that you weren't real but that you could just manipulate the game all right i forgot that this isn't an actual conversation charlie you get good sleep it can be really hard to get enough sleep nowadays especially in high school when you're forced to wake up so early every day i'm sure college is a little bit better since you probably have a more flexible schedule yeah because college students are known for how much sleep they get everyone has a story you may not know what someone is really feeling on the inside [Music] many people who are depressed won't even bother telling the world about it they don't want attention because they've already given up on the inside their feeling of worthlessness is so overwhelming that they don't even want people to tell them otherwise depression comes in many forms but that is one of them just if you think you know someone struggling with depression you can help just by treating them like they're a good friend spend time with them even if they don't feel like doing much and remind them that they always have something to look forward to making plans in advance letting them borrow something or even just saying see you at school tomorrow all those things can help your friend make it to the next day i hope being friends with sayori has given you some perspective on the true face of depression yeah she's gone now but sayori was never real in the first place you're real your friends are real and just by being a good person you can save someone's life as for you you don't struggle with depression or anything like that do you because you too have people who would want to save your life maybe they don't express it every day or maybe they don't even know how to but people do feel that way i promise man humans are complicated yeah you said it monica i mean if you were forced to abandon everything in your life and spend your eternity with a few game characters you'd probably find some way of killing yourself wouldn't you uh are you encouraging me to because it seems like that's what you want me to do you know it kind of sucks to be the creative type it feels like they work so hard but get almost nothing for it you know like artists writers actors it's sad because there's so much beautiful talent in the world but most of it goes unseen and unpaid i guess that just means there's a huge surplus of creativity huh kind of makes you feel like you're just not special at all but that's fine you're supposed to just write for yourself anyway right yeah yeah it is really tough i like i do my best to put in the effort for stuff like the thumbnails and the end slate because i'm an artist i could just as easily pull official art from the game and put it there instead but then i would never get to draw and it sucks that people don't seem to appreciate anyway like i've been working on this thing behind the scenes right and trying to get people to help with it and stay on board with it it just felt impossible so it makes me feel is even worth pursuing i mean i'm not in it for the money it's just it's been a dream of mine for so long and i love it so much that i mean scene does not contain virtual lap dance it's also really important to understand the scope of what you're trying to do if you jump right into a huge project and you're still amateur you'll never get it done so if we're talking about writing a novel might be too much at first why not try some short stories the great thing about short stories is that you can focus on just one thing that you want to do right that goes for small projects in general you can really focus on the one or two things it's such a good learning experience and stepping stone and see that's what i'm trying to do with soul star because like once we have a crowdfunding demo we can settle on a framework [Music] by the way there's something that's been bothering me you know how this takes place in japan well i assume you knew that right or at least decided it probably does i don't think you're actually told at any point where this takes place is this even really japan well see that's the weird thing because i assumed it wasn't given that you guys didn't go to school on saturday not even for the club but then i looked it up and it turns out that the six day school week was phased out back in 2002 but students usually still attend on saturdays for clubs and such and i gotta say i'm learning a lot about japan from a game that's not japanese and isn't even set in japan i mean i guess if we never leave this room it doesn't really matter anyway as long as we're alone and safe together this really is our home and we can still watch the pretty sunsets night after night what sunset it looks like you're in a classroom in space you know this is just some kind of tacky romance game right i kind of have to ask what made you consider even playing in the first place i just figured i could do it really cool ouch i feel a little bad for you hey i wonder if you're his teacher are you trying to fast forward i'm not boring you am i uh no you're actually insightful and philosophical but we've already been here for an hour i've just been sitting here watching you talk at me and we've already talked about whatever you were gonna say how do you still exist at all i deleted your file [Music] do [Music] [Music] hey chary i really want to thank you i mean i'm really happy that you joined the club and everything but the truth is i already knew you were going to there's actually something else i wanted to thank you for getting rid of monica that's right i know everything that you did maybe it's because i'm the president now but i really know everything chary i know how hard you try to make everyone happy i know about all the awful things that monica did to make everyone really sad but none of that matters anymore it's just us now and you made me the happiest girl in the whole world i can't wait to spend every day like this with you forever and ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi it's me uh so you know how i've been like practicing piano and stuff and not really any good at it yet like at all but i wrote you a song and i was kind of hoping that i could show it to you because i worked really really hard on it so yeah how do you how do you even have a piano in there wherever you are [Laughter] just kidding hey everyone char i5 here thanks so much watching my cinema since past teach of everything wrong with doki doki literature club i'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel members if you want to be featured in future videos then consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button to those who do support stay awesome you guys should head over to cinemasons the awesome people that i pastiche they also host sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not check out everything wrong with undertale until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is charles you
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 667,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Doki Doki Literature Club, DDLC, Dan Salvato, Why did I say Oki Dokie, Doki Doki Forever, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, Psychological Horror Games, Games for Halloween, Lost Bits DDLC, DDLC Easter Eggs, DDLC jumpscare, DDLC Dub, Dating Sim, Visual Novel Game, Your Reality, Random Encounters DDLC, waifu, ddlc blue skies, ddlc endings, project libitina, Just Monika, monika topics, monika no 5, monikavania, undertale, minecraft, music video, Soul Star, Kaumonika
Id: nvIcS6MYO9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 11sec (4811 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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