EVERYTHING Wrong w/ Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker!

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I haven’t paid attention to Joe’s movie reviews since Justice League and Batman vs. Superman.

Those two movies were absolute disasters and he liked them.

Be a critic or be a fan. You can’t be both.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pluckywood 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
guys welcome to our this is my other favourite lightsabre I will I know it's not blue it's green ah as you can tell I'm a big big star Wars fan and this is the extended review spoilers discussion of Star Wars rise of the Skywalker yeah so grab your drinks and your popcorn cuz it's gonna be a long one yes it's gonna be long and and I tell you what since everybody is about you know pointing out the negative in the film and bashing on the film primarily I think there's only two channels on YouTube that they liked that they're overly like the film you know Star Wars Theory which I like his videos and I think like emergency awesome thought it was all right or good no good and you're you are completely entitled to like the film I mean this is just opinions oh no they're just opinions okay and I wanted to show you my crystal chamber so but here's the thing you know what guy if you want cuz I got a lot of comments on my lifesaver on the last review so if you want I can I can show you all my lightsabers pretty soon and and I'll just I'll just go right here with what I just said I'll tie this in this film doesn't take away from my Star Wars fandom I still love Star Wars just as much it doesn't diminish my love of Star Wars in any way so this didn't do for to Game of Thrones with Season eight did the Game of Thrones which I agree with you didn't do this not that bad not it's not like okay I see a lot of comments in the last video there's like aziza good season 8 all over no I'm so dramatic I'm gonna watch the original trilogy insult and I could I could watch this film again be there are good elements so before we get into the place before we get into all the negatives and a little bit of a plot synopsis where we can tell you everything that didn't work let's talk about what did work mm-hmm okay one of you take it I think that they did a pretty like this felt like a Star Wars movie in a lot of ways I think surface-level if you're just going to enjoy a weekend movie like you've got people in for the holidays and you're not looking they like delve too far into it this is probably an enjoyable movie yeah now the first time I watched it I actually there's parts of that I really liked and then on the second watch you know the cracks start to show a little bit but that's mainly coming from like my fandom but if you weren't like a die-hard Star Wars person I think that you may like a lot of this movie you may disagree with some of the the directions that the story wouldn't like I did but I think it's there's beautiful scenes there's cool locations and I think it's acted pretty well it's competently shot there's so there's a lot to like if you're going to the film to be entertained yes a lot of people do it just a casual Star Wars fan and and you turn your brain off and you don't think about it you could probably get through it's in one bad I was entertained Joe I was also entertained in one of my favorite characters Babu Babu freak yeah yeah easily steal steal show I wanted some more of him but overall I did enjoy the film it was a good film Star Wars okay is a good film I'm looking forward to your rating yeah here's what I want to point out the best aspect and and when you when you look at this as a conclusion with a look at the main character storylines I think kylo Ren turns out to be the best sort of through-line storyline I like just I like this resolution I you know even though things didn't work out exactly the way I'd hoped that doesn't mean that I hate the film you know and that's another thing I don't need to address is just because it didn't go the way I wanted it to go doesn't mean that's why I'm beating up on the film beating up on the film because the things that it attempts to do it fails to execute in in a good way in a solid way without holls but I think kylo ren's story story arc his Redemption and now it mirrors very much so his grandfather yeah but that is intentional yeah I like it so if you really think about the whole sky walk or a thing rise this is a story about the skywalker we've always been told that by kathleen kennedy then really the the sequel trilogy is just kylo ren its kylo Ren stories about Ray's story Rey is not a Skywalker know anything at the end she says she's a Skywalker I'm what I don't buy it I don't you're not a Skywalker that's like that's like saying you know in Star Wars here who liked the film said this like saying Obi Wan's a Jin now here's imagine you just named yourself qui-gon jinn you know it works I I know he felt adopted she wasn't okay such a small of all the things to complain about and it's it's on the list of things but it's so far that's not the smallest thing to complain about I'll tell you the smallest thing to complain but anyways you know initially I was on board with the adoption angle but you know that she's an adopted Skywalker and that's fine but she'll never be a true Skywalker's what I'm saying and that reminds me of the fact that this whole sequel trilogy would have been better if she was a true Skywalker whether she was on the lay aside or Luke's side I think a lot of people would have embraced the Rey character in there's so much more if she was Luke Skywalker and gave her the benefit of the doubt or at least lay his daughter but we didn't go that way anyways so let's get to some of the good things before we get into a breakdown there's really good humor in the film from c-3po I'm Poe and him going back and forth I love how Poe is taking up that role of just telling c-3po to shut up babbu freak as Joe pointed out Chuy's reaction to lay his death that's what I was talking about in my review the one part that got emotion none of the main characters got emotion from me yeah but when she was crying when she was are or I can do you know when late I was like yeah did y'all feel that yeah it was it was girl was good and then Han and kylo their interaction I you know where he's like dead and then and and and then hand telling his son that he knows I know and and the memory of him a lot of people is all that's ridiculous you didn't learn how to be a force ghost and this and that and and the stupid is like no I don't agree I'm very clean have the blue tint yeah he was talking he said very close I'm just a memory yeah your memory yeah and so it you know and I I'm very close with my father and and that that connected with me and and that they did that in Man of Steel too and I like you know though they did a little less well in Man of Steel now make that scene is kind of ruined by one of the worst lines in the film when he tries to do the whole I know what to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it cuz they're trying to mirror remember when they were trying to do hey member they shouldn't have done that because it didn't really apply as well as the the first time he said it but otherwise that scene was great I was really I really liked the force link between them to they hinted at that in the previous film where he pulls water through and then they really expand on it here I know you have probably with it you hate it but III liked it and then Luke and Ray's interaction so you know basically JJ Abrams kind of fixing things and and from ryan johnson in the way ryan johnson treated luke's character so all their stuff where it's like luke catches the lightsaber and he's like you need to respect the oh I hit the button like but you didn't all right I need to play this song when we get to some of the bad stuff right the x-wing rising moment was really awesome for me it was just covered in seaweed it wasn't broken yeah in previous thumbnails and when they really zoom in on it it looks like that x-wing is broken but maybe it was just worn down as we saw and her Empire Strikes Back kylo and rays unique force link team up the moment when you know she puts her hand behind her head makes no goddamn sense that's cuz you don't like the force I like the good continue okay one final good won't wait is me yeah one motion that got me where is a win I thought Chewie died I was like really either gonna kill off everyone that was a good thing that was a good good thing for you know I think I got piss because I didn't have enough time to process it just because I went no doesn't make me like it because the very next scene they erase that and so they played with my emotions and not only did they play with my emotions but they [ __ ] cheated they cheated that transport wasn't there all our second trans no okay well if they do it so fast oh so they didn't cheat I watched it on so you liked that part Chewie dying I didn't yeah year months and then finally raised anger so they they did manage to notice that at least you know whether it was Daisy Ridley's acting or whether she was actually directed by Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams to show a raw anger on her face in the original films when I go back and watch force awakens and her intention is to kill Kyle oh she does lunges reason then you know in her fighting style and then in the last Jedi she's she's wrong and here it her intent to kill in force awakens is actually kind of surprising for a Disney film oh she literally murders a bunch of people but anyways you know and here it pays off because her anger is even more heightened but the true origin of her anger I wasn't I wasn't about okay so that is that's the good stuff any other good yeah I think that I was actually really surprised when the you know the opening crawl started happening I was worried that the first 30 minutes of this movie was going to be him trying to fix all of the problems that everyone had with the last Jedi and the opening crawl actually really surprised me because I'm reading it going like I did I miss a movie I hated the opening cross so because what they did is rather than go like hey rather than try to meander from this point to get to this point I thought what they were gonna do is you say look we're gonna take this is the point this is where we're starting from when we're gonna go from there and I was like cool they're gonna do their own thing they're gonna try to they're not gonna dwell on the mistakes that he thought were mistakes he they did sprinkle them in throughout like even poked fun at Ryan Johnson I think at least a couple times yes but I think they try to do their own thing this is positive the opening cross paw was really worried that they were going to just try to spend the first hour and a half fixing the problems the last movie well they I mean that's what the whole film was but but the opening cross fault was really weak it feels out of place next to all the other eight opening crawls because it's three short poorly written paragraphs that are like wait what wait what cringe the first one is the Emperor's alive not only that but he's broadcasting his voice like what a [ __ ] dumbass why are you letting everybody know and then the next one is oh we were just kidding Leia was actually trained as a Jedi even though that wasn't set up in the fourth I was in the crawl yes that was in the crows like Leia and and Ray are working together and doing it if I remember I said finally the third paragraph was kylo Ren rages across the Gallic frames yeah I'm not talking about the specific things in the crawl the issue just like how it started right away let's let's not exposition dump what the last two years but let's expedition dump anyway and go really they've picked a point to try to start with it because if if they tried to go back and fix all the sins of the first by the second movie they never would've been a five-hour movie okay initially my idea was to you know go through the film scene by scene with you guys but I don't know I feel like we should just do you know or problem with it all these negative things because there is a lot there is I mean we got through the good things all right I'm gonna go through I'm gonna go through all the problems that I have with the film okay okay or should we do the other method [ __ ] cuz like it well I don't know cuz like if you're gonna do it do we like jump in because we're probably gonna have the same things okay Alex you you have a very good memory can you take us scene by scene where we don't forget anything probably okay alright we've talked amongst ourselves and we there's just so much new blubber here group huddle we're gonna go scene by scene Alex take us through because he has the best memory of us all we first like we start with kylo on an unknown world right he's already people rampaging through the galaxy and he's just straight-up murdering people that's kind of a cool scene I didn't rages and he just like he's forced pulling people into the saber and he stabbed him through people and you see the Knights of Ren doing stuff you see some stormtroopers and it wasn't bad and he's picking up something I was red planning and we don't know what it is yeah he picked up a Sith artifact and this is the where I have some major problems because this film is filled with way too many MacGuffins not one but two MacGuffin wayfinders so this is a synth wayfinder yes and not only is it a MacGuffin but then it immediately is it MacGuffin eyes into his TIE fighter so without a blink he all of a sudden plugs in if this is ancient Sith relic into his TIE fighter with some cables and we're off yeah we're at a USB port yeah it's butcher oh and so he flies over to continue X ago yes he goes 2x ago and it's just kind of a cool-looking planet you love the design you see it in the trailers there's lightning strikes everywhere you have the void you know and I like that Hellraiser kind of you know triangle look to the the paying homage to the square this one it looked like there were little windows and people inside these are where all the sift loyalists another problem I had thousands of savoia lists we don't see this thousands of them yet that much so he comes into the giant temple and then we he starts to hear voices which again this is one of the parts that this movie was advertised really poorly they tell us in the trailer he's like oh I'm the Emperor and I'm clone that well you see pickled pickled smokes like hanging out there's like Hugh Hefner like lobes back there and it's like okay this is what ruins at this right here made me pissed initially my first not my first but like my second major problem is the fact that coke was a clone basically the most boring way you could have done it I had a theory video where smoke was possessed by Emperor Palpatine if you go with what they set up in the comics they have set that up forced possession of Darth Malgus not Malaga smut like I'm not gonna remember the name like the one there were there was a dark that possessed a helmet and his spirit was in the helmet and it possessed anybody that touched it so they had set up these things and then they had this black Kyber crystal that they were really focusing on on the comics and smoke all red herrings because he was just a clone um and it's like well then why does he look like that and he does he talks exactly like the Emperor so he his recipe is to have there's two heads in there and you're creating multiple smokes and just one they go bad after a while he sends more smoke has a very short show if if it was a possession then that would have deepened the darkside lore it would have been rich in the movie and then it would have created this dynamic where not only do you have to defeat the Emperor or snoke's real-life body but also in that force realm that we've seen in the films and we touched on that and we've seen it a lot in rebels and Clone Wars and things like that and that would have really tied in to the Jedi Sith and the lore and the force way better than just yeah he made a bunch of clones I guess you know they're not the committe Camino wins Kamini wins but they're just like some ripoff you know called this long dark science and cloning is what Merryweather took in the rebel camp references so he's like I made him well that's that's all we know yes I made him yeah I defeated Snoke and I which I've died many times the darts on supernatural things I'm woody and then he creates two plot holes here by at once by saying I'm been every voice in your head and you know and I am in command of the final order so number one why the [ __ ] has he been just over here with a final order for 30 years doing nothing when he's got thousands of systole is 10,000 ships ready to go and then power why does he even need kylo or ray or anyone he could just come out with all that [ __ ] and be done with it means a body's obsessed with being strike down yeah I know a head god you're trying to stay structured okay and then the other plot hole is is so the Snoke thing and he's all the voices and III lost my train of thought well my favorite thing is when they could do the final review of what he looks like he looks exactly like the grim reaper from Bill and Ted's like what you brought her back to make him look like that yes he looks like they're doing a sequel by the way to Bill and Tom excited for it and you're right he looks exactly like that they [ __ ] up the way the Emperor looks he's got the black lips why is he looking like that did they forget what he looks like some people were saying well that's because the true form the Sith looks like that it's like if that was the case they messed up they mess it up and and so then when he sucks the life he goes back to I guess his true form but then why when mace windu was hitting him with it did he warp into that was that his true form the whole time and so he's not in his true form I guess is what what is saying at the beginning of the film but here's what the other plot how I just I just remembered myself it's like he puts so smoke as a puppet as the first order which seems to be a smaller organization really ten thousand times smaller then then the Empire where'd you get that number they said they said he's later in the film they say with their resources are our resources will be a thousand times yeah you're right well they did give a number it's like so but why then [ __ ] put out a crippled force as a placeholder one rising to try to conquer the galaxy which by the way they do conquer the galaxy by by return our last Jedi because nobody wants to fight them and they are the strong yes it how we're afraid of Luke Skywalker and he wants to wait till he's out of the picture look I don't want to put all the way in the movie but like who knows okay anyway so we go we go on yeah and then another thing he just starts after that he shows his power he raises this whole this wait a minute he did all wait a minute you just brought us this is and here's a problem with the movie that it's almost like Marvel superheroes a little too much and and it goes even beyond the Force Unleashed where we're seeing star killer who is no longer canon bring down an entire starship will the emperor who is apparently not even in his true Sith form at this point is not powerless at this point he's at his weakest point lift entire Star Destroyers effortlessly with the force not just one Star Destroyer but ten thousand Star Destroyers number one why were they [ __ ] buried number two why can he do this it's just note but do you see that is a plot hole that is a visual that is I just want to do this cuz it looks cool it did look cool [ __ ] a broker which means you couldn't when Ray showed up and you wanted to you know defeated Eagle and she's dead or kylo you okay and he's dead but what if he was just doing this and he hit the Go button like in the back of the room there was a launch button that just he goes and he just gonna play defender I'm a play defender on when you start walking around with his but that is super funny there is all this it lies let's make him look really good kylos here that's impressed that's what happened he was look later on wizard of the Oz well yeah I look these are space Wizards with lasers what does he tell Kyle oh then uh he's like look you need to go get the scavenger girl kill her stop all the Jedi's life listen to me wife we we don't give a [ __ ] about ray or Luke with ten thousand Star Destroyers and each of them have a goddamn Death Star laser here we go with the damn super weapons again we have this the truth tired of the Death Star showing back up and they do it again here if they're gonna do Star Wars Tropes granted it's a Star Wars trope it should be allowed right then where was the hand well I didn't know hand get cut off did you notice is the only trilogy where no hand gets cut off we got a hand cut off in the first one get a hand cut off in the set in the original no hand gets cut off here god damn it all right so anyway go ahead and so he's like well you know why do we need her and he's like oh you know she's important I know who he is and then the scene cuts yeah and then we go to the training sequence because god damn it Joe she's not a Mary Sue she's not a Mary Sue she trains in the forest yeah and so we see Leia has been training right so this pleased me and to you at saying well that doesn't fix force awakens and in the last Jedi I think it does but but just because it explains the fact that she is so powerful because she's Palpatine's granddaughter doesn't make her a more interesting character when she's perfect at everything you could still have her go through a hero's journey yes and this was stated this was revealed his intention this was JJ Abrams intention and I wish I had the exact quote pulled up here and he basically just says that we thought it would be interesting if she no I'm gonna pull up the exact quote please wait you know when I showed you Joe yep basically internal struggle yeah I mean no no don't say nothing okay do you remember any of the the things so I could try to find it on on Rey being oh that it's Bray being a MarySue cuz that's when he's replying if somebody actually asks him okay I found it he says and it was because they wanted to have a female at the very first meeting with Kathleen Kennedy the idea came up about having a female at the center of it there was an inherent sense of quote unquote we've seen the story before of a young hero but we've never seen it through an eyes of a woman like this and that to me was the most exciting okay and then they bring up the fact that well why does she still gift it why is it and then the kind of a marry suit question he's like yeah spooky right he smiles it's a fair point and it's not an accident it was intentional he says oh this one doesn't include the full court [Music] she's prematurely gifted even for a Jedi she learns things faster it's spooky right we were going with a carrot where was the dam where's the goddamn court where we were going with a character that's inherently good at everything and she was just trying to find her place in the world there it is the idea was to tell the tale of a young woman who was innately powerful innately moral in 8 Li good but struggling with her place in the world and forced to fend for herself every day and so that's what it is he made her all good at everything but her main conflict is she's struggling with her place in the world yeah but that is not as interesting as a full hero's journey oh yeah I think an explanation in the third movie of a trilogy doesn't retro accurately fix how anyone should feel about the first and second film if it didn't feel like a good character in the first film if you didn't feel like it was a good character just because you find out why it doesn't take back it's like you're watching this go like this doesn't make any sense to me so it's because she's palps granddaughter sure but that opens up another plot hole what about Palpatine's son or daughter it's it's never revealed which one it was that was his lineage a son are you sure yeah okay why wasn't he does it skip a generation and if it skips a generation the force in latent force power is it is it weaker than him no parent leans more probably it opens up so many problems when they already had it set up in the comics that she could he that he could have done a midi-chlorian birth as they set it up in the comics that Anakin was this immaculate birth and later it's revealed that no it's from Sidious who you know he's sitting right here and he's like doing this and he's manipulated Anakin the whole time that's why I took great interest I will take great interest in cities was Anakin so then she's not Sidious was Anakin he manipulated the midi-chlorians to create life and he created essentially Anakin as without a birth thing basically being Anakin's father this way Sidious could have been a quote-unquote raised father with having to do the grandfather thing and you get to use the force again you get to use what set up in the prequels you get to use what set up in the comics but they went with this oh yeah yeah my son he [ __ ] sucks you know he's in jail so Syd it was it wasn't play guess who created Anakin it was it was the Emperor who created and I guess play he learned how to create life from Plagueis and then in the comics is revealed and implied that it's Sidious who planned to pregnancy and if Palpatine started the Skywalker's then Rey is kind of a Scott and that's just way cooler to think about that the Emperor that's how the Emperor passes his seat on of them manipulating the middle he does not weird he was actually bust he doesn't actually bust a nut if some girl while he's Emperor old balls and old ball sag he does throw the Reg Milo trick where he you know he finishes and he goes transport yeah you know all right so where are we at so the training in the forest and then we find out that which which retro actively changes the fact that Rey now Leia is well-trained in this yes well enough that she can teach others yes and she can teach lessons and assumedly she taught Rey how to force heal yeah and then we have a short mission where Poe and Finn are on a really cool ice looking planet and they're going to pick up a message cuz someone is someone has a message for them and apparently there is a mole in the first order okay now this part I had a problem with because the ice planet leads to no thing nothing of circumstance feels like a a cool area with this character who's who's gets murdered instantly the this I'll call him tusk guy original spy and and he's murdered later on in the film and there it seems like their stuff cut out of this film oh yeah because we said and don't forget about that creature ugh yeah yeah yeah this what it was he called clop Claude or something and and when they're in the Falcon because they do this chase scene with the Falcon right and and oh it's great because Finn and polar together they're operating the Falcon and it was like oh sorry cuz he like scrape something in [ __ ] and Chewy's met it Chuy's mad at him and it's great but but i don't know where they walk in the hallways at least if they can't fix that he has no arms he is looking at the thing I was like how I guess he uses psychic powers he's just staring at it it looked like a character from the labyrinth which was like kind of cool like man I love Jim Henson but this doesn't make any sense he's a mentally he's at background yes it's creepy as [ __ ] it's like behind you yeah you smell nice what Claude stop it you see these promotional images with Wexley or Axley or whatever JJ Abrams you know lifelong friend that he brings into the movie with him that x-wing pilot talking to him but that's never in the film she'll stuff got cut definitely and I guess maybe JJ Abrams was trying to do a jar Jar Jar Jar Abrams and then maybe Kathleen said maybe got one thing right and said cut cut this guy out because you know when it was revealed that this guy was on the poster initially and some of the promo people are like what the [ __ ] is you can't just do it just drop him unless though he's cut out of the film but they couldn't cut him out entirely because then they'd be walking by and talking to a CGI nothing fix that this is where one of the first things in the movie that really really bothered me happens is as a running away from the TIE fighters they do something new where they call Lightspeed [ __ ] man and this is [ __ ] and and Finn goes how the [ __ ] you know how to do this and he goes I don't I just do yeah I just know how to do it I can like go to light speed and the command lights B remember how big of a thing this was when Han Solo did it and where he he light speeds he's like I'm gonna do something you don't want to know what I'm gonna do Yeah right super dangerous super dangerous he light speeds into the atmosphere of the planet so now Paul out of nowhere not only does that dangerous maneuver multiple [ __ ] times into the atmosphere of other [ __ ] planets but he doesn't multiple times and and he gets it right every single time hi fighters following in the apparently doing everybody in this universe knows how to [ __ ] light Skeets speed skin so they're light speed tracking at instantaneously and like following in them I mean it was just in avoiding all I get to play defender and say that's well that's because the TIE fighters were in their hyperspace wake so if you are close enough to when somebody hyperspace jumps out you can follow them through yes I agree with that maybe once but not through a dangerous maneuver into you know a jump into the atmosphere multiple times but of no they're you know if that's how it works once then that's how it works all the time okay fine but I didn't like it because it's like how the [ __ ] dis poem was done all the time there was no reason for yeah it says you're only running from three Thai fighters we've seen them blow up three titers time and time again the top ones shoot all these [ __ ] things or jump to your base and make sure you [ __ ] destroy all these guys so they don't tell your PO in one scene in the force awakens kills sixth high fighters in five seconds no he kills fourteen I counted it well there anymore in one scene he just like flies in the loop and kills all of them and there's like there's three of a man there's not six of them I don't know what to do alright so he Lightspeed skips everywhere know what happened they land they get back and then we get our first interaction of the main three arguing and being weird yeah so I guess they needed to drum up some conflict between the characters we have this subplot where Poe and Finn get mad at each other that's later on but but here it's it's the conflict is Poe's mad that Ray's not out on the front lines yes why are you here training we need you out there you're our best fighter yeah and you you crushed bb-8 with a tree yeah yeah and and honestly pose right ray doesn't need [ __ ] training she doesn't she beat Kyle Oh twice she beats Luke one-on-one links and she walks she's training her [ __ ] self and she's Palpatine's daughter so she's inherently powerful he doesn't need the yes get your ass out on there on the frontlines I'm with Paul on that one and and apparently she trains and has this light side training or you know but it somehow gets defeated by kylo later on so she she's in a more powered level than him cuz he's not training and she is and yet all of a sudden whatever okay so the other thing that I think speaks to your theory that there's a lot of cut out of this movie because we know there's a bunch of reshoots we know we don't know they keep hinting it that there's gonna be this weird conflict within the group that somehow they're gonna get separated probably between Poe and Finn they're supposed to get really mad at each other we see like them coming to like later on they they like come back together and it's like there was never a real conflict between you two but this is the first time they set it up and it goes absolutely No yeah yeah and so it was just kind of it was strange okay and then so we find out that there is a a mole in in this order in the first order so then we go to the first order or talking amongst themselves that's where the scene says yeah and thousand times stronger yeah people are people are unsure they have a bunch of commanders I did like seeing a bunch of different captain's lieutenants commanders we didn't see that in the force awakens we saw a little bit in the last Jedi it gives the force it gives the first order more believability well it's not bad everybody is young as [ __ ] but that has been explained in previous comics that the Emperor captures children it's even been explained in some of these films that they recruit young children or grow clones as well or our young people to be brainwashed and you know I don't know if there's this one chick in the comics you know and I'm not sure if that's actually her in the film I think her name is like Sloane or something like that and she was pivotal and and I think she was she was an african-american woman and I saw I think I saw an african-american woman on the you know council so I don't know if that she says this helmet looks nice yeah yes I like it your helmet looks great which why did he put his huh I don't understand he smashed his helmet is how it because smoke made fun of it yeah but then he realized his smoke was fake and and Vader was fake the one was talking to him was fakes so why put his helmet back to gays a really big fan of the ancient Japanese art of putting stuff back together with like really little gold inlay band set a gold that's right just read it red is bad that's how you know they're bad because it is glittering it of like bedazzled yes the word I'm looking for dazzle I like it and and so I got it I got a point out that JJ Abrams includes diversity in this film if your progressive if you're you know social justice warrior if you're a feminist if you're you know any of these things that aren't necessarily negative they're not negative things by the way guys it's when you go to the extreme on that and what I want to say is JJ Abrams does it with tact it does it with grace whereas in the last Jedi I felt like all this stuff was shoved in your face the mansplaining the the talking down because you're a man and and your cockpit and everything anyway but but here it's just like this is a matter of fact there there are female stormtrooper voices in the first-order there are females leading the first-order there are minorities blacks Hispanics I think I saw it one time and I'm not talking about what's is me me no no it's not in your face and then at the end we have a lesbian kiss and it and and you know some some poor girls like oh well it doesn't count because it's in the background is like for one sec did you want them to start making out and have an orgy right there in front of everybody it's like no big big [ __ ] deal look Star Wars dealt with incest way before any of this other stuff in the yeah and then I think in the force awakens when finished trying to run those two those two smugglers were dudes and they were gay together but that was far more subtle so JJ includes diversity and doesn't make a big deal about it because honestly it's not a big deal just the way things are and there are there's diversity especially you know now in Canon the Empire was not diverse until they started to fall apart and then they had to include diversity and now that the first order it makes sense if they're a little more diverse turns out half the children you steal have to be women like it turn into the girls that turned into women so I thought that was well handled so we get that little general scene or whatever and yet we see pride staring at Huck's yeah because he suspects that maybe Huck's is the spine yeah I think I mean that might be revealed in a comic that he already had that suspicion and then moving on and then Kyle oh choke somebody but doesn't just do like the normal Vader choke he's like look I'm gonna one-up my grandpa I'm gonna choke you and then slam you to the ceiling which was kind of cool I did appreciate that like kylo has become a little bit more brutal and I like seeing him I don't think he's becoming more brutal I think he they softened him in the film iWhat brutal would be snaps - dude's neck is there anybody else want to say something I'm the goddamn supreme leader right but it is Disney and it is revealed in the comics that it wasn't whereas in the last Jedi we see some flashbacks and it's implied that kylo murdered a bunch of his students in fact doesn't Han Solo actually say that kylo murdered the students in the force awakens I have to look backwards down the to get the tell everyone had heard it down and then took a handful of his students and laughs yeah but I don't know if they actually said he does actually murder because if you look at the last Jedi and you look closely there are dead Jedi everywhere on that ground in the flashback scene when Luke is kneeling and he's looking at it there's dead Jedi everywhere who killed all those Jedi it's implied that you know kylo and the Knights of Ren or whatever Lord the people he took with him did that but no it's revealed in the comics that guess what kylo didn't do any of that and because they wanted to soften him and make him a good guy and I mean what how what happened why is there big fire did he plan a bomb no Sidious from wherever he was calls down a lightning strike explodes the entire temple in a burst of flame so Sidious can fire lightning from anywhere in the galaxy and blow everything up cool why didn't he kill Luke why didn't kill ray why did he kill Kyle you wouldn't have anyway they [ __ ] it up in the comics but that's not in this film so we won't tell ya comics don't Kevin no I just talked about so we find out that there's a traitor we see they he throws the head of the guy that you talk about the tusks soon all that stuff's on there and say and so they argue about like look we're gonna be more powerful this is what we need to do and then he's gonna go on the hunt yeah for the scavenger and so we see that Rey and Finn and Poe and chewy and Threepio are all gonna go on a hunt for a Wayfinder because it just so happens she was just reading about the SIF wayfinder in the little diary that Luke there's another retcon so they realized that Luke wasn't really you know going to up to to die I what do you think I came out here you know he came out there to die in the last Jedi but no he actually came out there to study where Palpatine was hiding because he knew Palpatine was around the whole time apparently and he knew that Ray was Palpatine's granddaughter apparently and he didn't seal himself off from the force at this point at least and like all the others but it's drawn in the Jedi texts that this wayfinder exists yes in the desert somewhere and they they go to that desert planet uh-huh and man this is hard to keep straight cuz we don't remember everything but don't forget about Leia so Leia is talking to them the scenes with Leia this is where another part like especially the second watch really starts to fall apart the the the Carrie Fisher soundboard thing they've got where they're just plugging in the scenes they have really starts to wear thin on like especially the second watch I thought it was well done the first time yeah and I thought considering the circumstances it was fine the second time too you saw more flaws in it was really was really bad where the dialogue was kind of written around her already pre-recorded yeah mentioning the droids you to know don't tell me the news in a bad way tell me a good be optimistic for me and then there's this really awkward scene where he's like Oro we're all gonna die but it's great and got I got a laugh from the audience yeah but look there were people laughing at the commercials before the movie too so like I don't care what those so my point here is that they said they would no they would not use CGI on Leia yeah they use CGI on land they said they would not use a digital character I'm being real now I know we're talking about somebody that passed away but it needs to be said something you need to say this so they said they wouldn't do it they did it they wouldn't do a digital character that's younger they didn't so then why do you have to kill Leia in this film why you killed Lu Han in the first film you killed Luke in the second film and you kill lay in the third film so the the Disney trilogy is killing all of our favourite characters if our legend this was not a guy hey I'll for her to die you know it's it's not if you were gonna save her life and I know we're skipping ahead alright so Leia Leia sends her off and says look you need to go find these things and there's some awkward she didn't want to she's like I don't want you to go she's like I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna sing I'm gonna do it anyway again like that was the scene that on the second watch like this doesn't make a whole lot of sense for like Leia as the general to say I disagree I liked it but go ahead but she says it's the most important mission later on like two scenes later that she says that this is the most important mission this is though this is what everything was about so they go on to that planet and there's a lot of like real fun there's like oh this this thing happens every 42 years well the original Star Wars happen exactly 42 years ago so like there's a lot of fun things there they walk around this festival they see children I did like the festival I was like you were dancing in the movie I was dancing in the movie theater because I liked at that point [ __ ] had gotten so ridiculous and you know everything was moving so fast and I wasn't invested in the film yet because that was the problem if you look at the force awakens and how it starts if you look at the last Jedi on how it starts you settle in and then you get rocketed this one is you your rocket a rocket the tempo was wrong wrong wrong wrong yellows down that's when it's best then wrong wrong wrong wrong again you know and so I was just like dancing that's a great dance I want to learn the exact day so they were dancing around they eventually they had their little children published that was so cute I like those little puppets they were great so as we get choked do you like the children's puppets do a great little puppet show they were watching a puppet show yeah and then we get a great moment in the film we get our first view of someone we haven't seen in a long time when a stormtrooper pops up and he gets cross boat in the eye and then it's landed it turns out Lando is voice mod relation is different so you don't know who it is until it's revealed and it's landed on our I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk to you about Lando uh there are so many it's like Lando is barely in waste waste least used as Nostalgia member berries yep and something's going on there was a ton of Lando stuff I know I don't know it for a fact has to be because the story is different they're scenes later on in the film that make no sense and like creeped you out a little bit now I went ahead I tried to do some research I found the leak that originally said that Lando talks about how he had a diet a daughter and the child he does all the Luke stuff so they explained oh I'm on this planet because I was following Luke and this is where the trail ended but there was more stuff where I had a daughter and she was captured by the first order and she's gone and I don't know where she is and this is where it happened I'm staying here in case you know she ever comes back or I can find her or you know something like that and he's depressed and he doesn't want to be a general anymore so that ties into his motivation like why the [ __ ] is he out there in the first place well first because he stopped searching for a MacGuffin that he doesn't give a [ __ ] about really all of a sudden no it ties to his family right but no they cut that out and then later it's revealed that that Jana is his daughter but then it looks like all the reshoots cut all that [ __ ] out made it look creepy and made it look more creepy and what happens let's find we jump into the end now and caress her like that Josh she sits down next to him like awkwardly and she's like so general where are you from and he looks over her and he you know he's very charming so it's just like oh is you who is this person we don't know it is it's like are you gonna smooch other he's like let's find out where you're from it's like oh I didn't see that I saw it as dropping a hint well now that I read the thing it looks like they're dropping a hint we did the first time we watched we had no eye right you're right it wasn't executed well you like know that we should not be plugging in stuff from my comments and leaks and rewrites to make trying to make this movie better in anyway cuz they're talking about everything in the film every remember a truant we're trying to do it he opens a little thing and he's like let's go and a guy's like okay three guys okay so TIE fighters show up that's a wrench show up and then they have to take off and there's a little seeing that we get through but doesn't no no he has no known on don't forget just Han saying it's like I have a bad feeling about yeah that was - that was like yeah but before that there is a scene where we get our first force link so kya is so the the the oh the I hated this scene the quiet it gets all quiet I like to see see this is where we disagree on the fortunately anyways so to explain so she starts getting a vision all of a sudden it turns her day turns to night for her and she starts talking to Kyle oh she's got this nice little necklace that a little girl or a little child forgot to say that yeah it gives it gives it gives them that what's your last name c-3po translating she was like I don't have one and that sets up what this film is gonna really get it that she's great Palpatine it was a real good at moment it's like yes yes we got to stop it and so they she has this necklace they said they have they have a conversation and he get into an argument of things and then he reaches through space and time and rips a necklace off of her and then gives it to an officer and says analyze this you know CSI first order and they go and like we've analyzed this thing and this you know the sticks you know how sticks exist on every planet but we know exactly these days bead are from is this this valley that happens once every 42 years a celebration on one part of the planet in one culture on this part of them and and they do it in like 10 seconds yes well this entire movie takes place in 16 hours and then and then after they analyze it they're like send send some troopers there and then they cut to the scene and there's a trooper there are you oh there's some RTV they did set that up I had second viewing they're like there are some patrols around because he said not only does that patrol set up well they know about these but the way you know about really sure so that's how they know the analytics of the necklace because they already know that's how they said it out that's not what the big brained move but it doesn't they don't they don't set that up at all they just like we see a sighted and okay so they know she know he knows exactly where they are so they send troopers that's when we get into our first chase sequence second chase sequence yes because the Falcon so then then what I [ __ ] every they're flying and it's cool I actually like it this is the kind of I was like oh I like these vehicles is what I said in my review I was referring to this like little half pirate ship kind of thing I liked that I thought it was cool and they're there they're like skimming on the sand but what they do they [ __ ] up the lore again they go look dig fly now they [ __ ] play you already fought a jetpack trooper in the lore before in a comic book now it granted it's a cognitive existed in that in a universe for ever not only has jetpacks existed on screen before but also in the comics and you clearly tell that Kathleen and and JJ Abrams's they don't even read and that's why they got rid of the expanded lore they don't because they don't they don't care they're not gonna read it all and they don't you can't even bother to read the current Canon once there's really not that many of them yet and they couldn't read it because they fought those jetpack troopers before as they fly now they fly now because it was a funny cheap joke and some people in the theater laugh but now it makes no sense so now I'm gonna show you that it's basically Star Wars and it perfectly sums it up with this Star Wars they can fly now yeah yeah so that that that's been assessment and then we get another it's like forgetting what you've already set up and going in a completely different direction and then we get some cheap laughs based on stuff that like hand lines that they had from Carrie Fisher where bb-8 does something is like that's why you can never you never underestimate a droid because that's one of the seven things they had on tape bebe gets nothing to do in this filming but that and I upon re-watching force awakens I realize how much I love the bb-8 and how cute he was and then he got a little cartoony and ridiculous in Ryan Johnson's last Jedi where he's basically single-handedly destroying seven troopers with with coins oh and and beating people up and then driving in a TST and destroying the first order but then in this one he gets nothing opens the door once the problem is is that they introduced this new droid deal deal yo and it's is voiced by JJ Abrams it's like do you got you you had to cut deal because you needed more time for r2d2 bb-8 3cp Oh all of these droids that you've already put in the film and instead they want to sell a new toy that is the only reason why deal is I'm alive I'll buy a Babu freak but I'm buying no deal cute I like the fact that he can talk English hello no no thank you you know cuz he's been abused and I like it but at this point one job it's too much r2d2 gets cut c-3po c-3po gets increased because Anthony Daniels wants his piece but but you're right and Anthony Daniels does a great job yeah but r2d2 basically say at the base we gotta do some bb-8 and some deal not to be to you but it does make sense that our two stays with lay I do like that but you know we could have had more of that that's true so we get to a so so at the education we get to what they just so happen to fall into the quicksand Lando says I you know there's this guy he's a Jedi hunter different and he has some information and who's searching for relics so let's go to his ship and his ship is just out there you know in the middle of nowhere stay perfectly working spaceship sense it didn't get stripped or anything no job was there but anyway before that Joe what happened Wally they fall into this quick sin which is conveniently placed there well it's like it was beans they were falling into - force awakens it's a JJ idea because I think at one point somebody tells Poe and Finn to be careful in the sandy raise they says it's a bb-8 when she's like you need to go that way be careful of this I don't know if this is the same kind of thing because it's on a different planet but that idea has been set up before but you're right it just so happens to be this small spot right where they [ __ ] yeah it's like everything's like tan dirt and it's like coffee beans it's like maybe we don't go in the coffee beans but since we're talking about everything and this is gonna be a three-hour video I thought it was funny how that jetpack trooper died yeah yeah I was like that one was good mm-hmm I don't want to be a jet pack Oh No so they fall through they go into caves yeah and then they find in old bones if I find out you sponsor potes like bones don't know why he just he doesn't he says like I really don't like bones it's like okay where we going with this nothing Threepio are some great jokes like I'm fine - you didn't mention my name is everybody okay Chuy are you alright Finn are you all right yeah I'm all right too so yeah there's 16 you'll notice is a SIF ornament he's like look at this Mercedes ass if Mercedes yeah it's just like what it's like no it's a Sith hexagon and so a pecchì died was probably eaten by the worm and maybe hurt the worm and the worm has been hurt down there the whole time I don't know eating bugs there next like 10 years oh I don't think they explained how the snake got hurt at all I don't think I think this is a cut I think this is more cut I think there was more with the worm the same things that I was reading with Jonna being Lando's daughter read something that that ray attacks the initially they fight it you know and then the and then she heals it because she feels bad yeah and here it's just heart randomly and then she heals it yeah it was really awkward and I think if we hadn't watched the the mandalorian and we did it work familiar way I called that I've totally called that but I I yeah I didn't it's not that I didn't believe you was like I don't think I like that because I think it would be dumb and I did agree that it was dumb in this but there was just like oh by the way I can force heal what I might I don't know how I feel about the force heal yet I think it's over I think what I Al Bateen get genes give you force healing and lightning sign me up that right there if she's a Palpatine how can she force heal I don't know I want that that sounds so she has a born of a Jedi not fine but but no cuz she was taught by Leia okay that's what I'm gonna say where did Leia learn how to do it yeah from the books No okay wait a minute that's a plot hole found another plot hole there's a lot of horse he'll and you know baby yes I just remembered how there I just know how the Star Wars defenders are gonna say it oh no I'm about to give them their own argument on how to do it it's the diad everything explained away with this stupid [ __ ] dyad the dyad is only mentioned once it's mentioned twice in this I think it's mentioned twice once why Kyla wants to buy a terrarium and that's why because they're just ultra powerful they're more powerful than ever any Jedi ever including the chosen one the dyad is the top then the chosen one then may swing then Yoda then the Emperor then mace windu if she's so powerful and there's supposed to be a team wise kylo sucks so much because he's uh he's not Palpatine he's he's he's mopey well he sees a direct descendent of cities you you say yeah what where Daniken come from yeah he is a correct definitive Sidious to and and Sidious doesn't mention this they forget their own compound it was plaguey as who made him but no it's not okay yeah you you haven't read the comic but okay so no comics are those right you're right but I like that I like that they said they expand the lore in the comics it's a business engine though right it's like you have or don't have to buy this craft in order to make my movie good on so they find the dagger the heel he gets out of the way find a dagger yeah it's a Goonies doubloon yeah Buddhist [ __ ] thing in the film the Sith dagger I wanted to start this review with that I [ __ ] hated the Sith dagger I thought it was the ultimate MacGuffin we already had two MacGuffins we had a [ __ ] third we had four MacGuffin if you count the The Fighter control panels that put it in and then we had we have a [ __ ] sit dagger and not only does this if dagger an ancient dagger but it also has riding on it that tells you exactly where to go but not only is it riding exactly where to go but it's perfectly shaped in the shape of the Death Star destruction and it's perfectly pointing to where you need to go Goonies was cool you liked it when you were six [ __ ] he's still cool doesn't work in the Star Wars universe it's so trite and trophy and it's really when she holds it up and sees that it points and then and throughout the film she's like I need this MacGuffin I have a feeling I need it yeah because JJ wrote it into the script [ __ ] need it yeah and then so did we then after she got the dagger they get out of the snake pit yeah and they are ambushed they so they they fire up the ship that's when they find do it's a working ship really and then it's fin I like this this is a thing I like fin is heavily implied in this film to have for sensitivity yes yes or at least a connection a direct connection into the race so he feels like he feels something and and something's wrong going on raid senses hi lot one thing too though right before they were gonna fall into the pit Finn's like hey I need to tell you something very can't forget that we can't yeah this is another thing do you see we went through a small list of good and we have a massive list of bad because the film is trying to do new things he's trying to do its own thing but then when it gets to executing the thing it executes sit and it chooses the worst possible thing so so JJ himself sets up potential love triangle or love thing with interest between Rey and Finn yeah it was genuine it drove Finn's character he had a character arc and force awakens it was so well executed and done and he it's like all we're gonna pay off I loved it but it's played for a joke here in your thigh absolutely no dad you make fun of it later on there's no reason for Poe to be so you know poking it moves like there was possibly in the cave he's like so what were you gonna say like well I'll tell you later and then when I'm not here like do they have a fight it's a better fight off screen that we just don't know about all it's all like forced conflict stuff but I guess it came off as wrong because we argue all the time and people aren't our comments are like josub treating you you you know Alex and Joe like [ __ ] it's like you don't know what they do to me when the camera turns off while he's asleep it's actually Joe that beats me up well I believe that but I'm nice no alex is super cold to me he doesn't even say goodbye that she leaves Alex is a problem with goodbyes I'm gonna see you in like an hour fine goodbye Joe guys anyways so maybe it could have worked but it just did no it didn't work it didn't work at all it was sort of but it didn't and I was so mad that they didn't pay that off and and I do it I maybe they're planting the seed for episode 10 God do you think maybe they're gonna actually try to continue but I do love that they plant the seed for Finn Jedi Finn I want to see Jedi fence so badly then I was like man that would have been cool you know what I just realized if JJ was in charge of all three a lot of this stuff would have got shoved into the second film right and then the third film we could have had a fan Jedi may be sensitive commander general a general fan on the forces on fighting he doesn't have to do the four stuff because the four stuff should be left to kylo and rey against the enemy they did like rogue one they did it where it's like ya know there's a little for sensitivity and it helps them out in their fighting well okay so they do that here but but anyway I love the Finn thing that he's force sensitive and they pretty much confirmed that now because it ties in to the force awakens when when Finn is awakened in the village kylo is Pat is walking past him and many senses Finn he doesn't look at anybody else and granted Finn has blood on him and he looks a little out of sorts but I know to me that was for sensitivity he sent something there and then when they bring up that finn escaped they were like that that soldier are from the village and it's like yes kylo knows that finnish chalked it up to unease he was kind of funny and he was the only one not murdering civilians also he's like oh I sent some unease with you general he didn't have the force that's not well you just dispelled your own theory there because okay moving on what happens they get out and they go to the ship they start turning everything everything so he gets captured off screen by the Knights of Ren which is again that pissed me off Chewie always go you know you know and for and he's gonna take a few people out this ball caster is no I mean they're gonna capture him silently unless it off-screen I get it if they injected him with something right then he passes out but no his next scene is like space needles how much like how many roofies does it take to knock out a Chewbacca right but the Knights of Ren don't they're worthless you get a decent scene where kylo is coming in a TIE fighter Rey walks out there's what are you doing what do what we doing and she's like I'm gonna buy you guys some time basically and she said they'll be back yes she should have informed them what the [ __ ] was going on so chewy gets captured and then so this time fighters come in and kylo I can't wait for how it should have ended because they're gonna animate the fact that the TIE fighter yeah or shoot shooting this was a hilarious scene that reminded me of Monty Python because that bet TIE fighter is on its way for five minutes she sees it and she's like me and then he comes back again turned it comes back stupid criticisms mine is the best because what if ray wouldn't have been able to do it she he would have slammed right into her butt that make any sense within the universe you can do [ __ ] everything the excuse is I try I'm pushing you I needed to confirm that you're an actual Palpatine that's not what you're gonna run you down with my TIE fighter and that's why she doesn't fire Joe and that's not easy coming from far away they don't do a monopod I was like no fast Tie Fighters go they walk that distance to look at me and then turn around and then start doing the running thing and he didn't test her with the TIE fighter that's not what he was testing her with yes it did that's a part of testing her anyways he's cut she cuts a wing she cuts the wing off and then they go to the real test no don't stop what happens to kylo nothing then put that boy dead well coming on but nothing can happen to any of these people because he was wearing his seat belt so we see Jedi we see the most powerful Jedi ever in the galaxy my Master's pluck loon gets order 66 his his fighter gets blown up he slams into things we see swoops in order 66 slam into things and explode oh those Jedi are definitely dead we see his slamming to the ground flat and blow up and he walks out not only unscathed but not burning or anything he didn't have his helmet on he's just like not didn't even need this another plot hole right there yeah and then then she sees the troop transport because Finn yells hey they got Chewie and we see some other stuff we don't see stuff happen off screen which is really important that they didn't show Finn's role in this movie is that's what actually throughout the whole trilogy he just he's yelling a lot okay and so she uses the force to try to rip a space ship trying to leave the atmosphere out of out of the sky and just look like she's insanely powerful and then it's trying to take off and then kylo they get into this like force battle well this is what I thought he was saying I'm trying to test you because he's trying to get the Emperor he knows that she's the Emperor's granddaughter he's trying to get the powers out of her which he does she changed she forced lightnings the the troop transport she kills so mad yeah so this this pissed me off so much because this is another example the Emperor lifts 10,000 ships out of the the ground and Rey who is untrained now granted keep this in mind she's been training Yoda it's sort of the cross Yoda the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived is seen you know taking effort with rebar from Count Dooku it's taking him even more effort to lift an x-wing right Luke oh I meant Luke it's taking him super effort to lift an x-wing Yoda takes effort Rey effortlessly stops a ship from hyper jumping and going full speed and not only that but she holds it in place and then not only is it hard enough to that but then kylo is also pulling it and she can still pull it and I'm like what the [ __ ] wait force lightning comes out of her hand yeah now that you and me think it's a badass I thought it was super cool I thought it was a cool scene I didn't like what what to happen with it they're like Oh got you Chuy's on there it's angry force lining I always like force lightning Fighting's cool but it's ultimately the demise of the Emperor isn't it funny that the Emperor three times absent [ __ ] self in the face zap you dumbass Shh yeah uses it explodes Chewie - is it Joey and that was the MacGuffin it was the wrong ship the other ship is and so the whole theatres whoa so they got us right yeah and then Julia got us for 10 seconds and remembered she we had the dagger so they're assuming that the dagger also blew up which I don't think I ever referenced the the dagger they didn't look for it or anything they just take off as quick as they can and c-3po is like well it's a shame that the daggers only lives in my memory yeah yeah but I can't I can't read it to you because programs no because the Senate outlawed the Sith language I buy it because I'm a Loren nut but I think the theater didn't buy it was really convenient and glad you can get you up i buy it and it also Brandt lets us get to Babu free Robin free so so they can't read the language is like well what do we do post says I know a droid hacker mechanic who can can do it it's on planet Kazemi that didn't end so well yes so now we fly to planet kijima yeah best was happening the the first order is they're tough and people like roughing people up pull them out of their houses we meet on all the quaint ins of postal carrier Russell's Orry bliss and this was [ __ ] stupid because she hates the fact she knows pins there's Finn pose there she gets exactly where pose at and she coming and she's so mad she's so mad and left me here at me and I'm still digging my way out here very next scene she's like you need to have hope for the resistance I'm like but you're a mercenary what does that have to do with anything that you're doing we do get a really because it really does like him I guess yeah she likes him and I like the thing that it's like who do we kiss can we kiss now no but but so she likes him so she leads him to babble freako the first ray kicks the [ __ ] out of which is awesome that's right so the the all of there's like spice runner crew like pull guns on ray and she beats the crap out of all of them and if she put holds the lightsaber to bliss and Bliss is holding her blaster and she's like you're okay with me I'm yeah what but know that that's a women that's the female thing it's like you don't care but I like you is it a female thing cuz it's also a dude thing I mean in matrix that guy was like you know you don't know man till you beat him up and then then they fight and they're like back respected here but it was so short and truncated that I didn't know it didn't feel right all right well so then they go to the place where Babu Freak is where we get our John Williams cameo which is important he was the bartender I know any ship he had some kind of I missed him know I'm yeah so he's the bartender in there and then they go down and we find out that Babu freak is like there was the the same one that was Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter really okay so he tells him that you know the memories gonna be wiped he's not gonna remember anything go black back so they do he does it and then it's conveniently they're like well it's gonna wipe his memory but there's but our two backs up his memory anyway so it takes away all of the weight of everything else like chewy and then after we get this scene you know Chuy's alive there's this the other so you can talk word scene he's like Oh what are you doing he's like I'm taking one last look at my friends you looking at me archers not here he's not here lay down here Luke's gone true he's dead I don't know who you looking at that's cold knows what I'm like yeah exactly barely knows it come on right you're right but that just shows you the problem with the thing it would have had more impact if it was the other one they barely got to hang out as a crew or if it was really gonna wipe his memory for good they specifically say well it's gonna wipe your memory for good right he's like well no I got memory backup so the only wipeout two days with my memory not even two days this whole movie takes place in 16 hours yeah 16 hours so now I lose eight hours of like ya ever know then you have 20 beers and you lose eight hours anyway and then so they find out that you E's alive and they escape the plan so you know then we get to see Missouri where she know if he inspires and we get yet another MacGuffin what MacGuffin count is this this is MacGuffin five where she presents a captain's medallion or a coin that will get them passage in it there they would like to get no matter what ship they're flying and there's a slot for this very perfect coin so they show a coin apparently or put it in the ship or whatever they do with it here take it yes no the Imperials even though she has worked for the first order before apparently they don't recognize his ship coming in and so they use it to board Chewie ship but we're starting dammit because what happens we get another force linked with kylo Ren that's all because that's where she senses Julie right she senses Chewie they're on their way to escape and before they escape she no no cuz they get the force link when she's on this they make it to the ship they they so they get on the ship they make it all the way to the Star Destroyer and then they go on their little infiltration mission so she separates cuz she's gonna go Mossberg yeah she's gonna go get the dagger and then the other two are gonna go rescue she's gonna rescue - so then they go in there it's it's kind of a cool scene you know they land two troopers like let me see your credentials make sure I'm like holy [ __ ] any come in here they come in blasting people I'm like are you [ __ ] serious a Star Destroyer has the weakest [ __ ] security I've ever [ __ ] yes those about the camera nobody hits a [ __ ] alarm they have a iconic Star Destroyer alarm or death snarling no none of that everybody's dying in the hallways nobody hits no one takes cover there's no there's no emotional way to know hope thing where you know that it's like the Death Star right Oh a new hope thing new hope I was like no hope I think there's plenty hope there I can vulnerable they've got cheat codes on throw this thing they're just running around yeah you can't shoot me eventually they're like all right we've got a little over the top let's like let's give up let's get Poe right there just look just a little bit yeah they run into the corner they see some strong troopers they're like you're not supposed to be here we're supposed to be here yeah I did like that I like that I said I like the humor thing they know all of the humor works in this film yeah there might have been one joke that didn't and I don't remember which one it was probably a c-3po thing no okay so so they split up she ends up in kylos really glad you're here yeah and she's going through she's going through all of his stuff she grabs the dagger she gets Chuy's bandolier she gets the boat Castor's did she grab anything else no no and then they they link up and she's holding the dagger and I'm assuming and know where your ass is no no she has no idea he has no idea she has a dagger in her head because you actually can't see the surroundings it's only when you're bringing objects into this but she has it in her hand and when she's fighting him she's got a lightsaber and a dagger and he's like where are you oh you're pointing out that she had the dagger in her hand the entire time the entire time I'm the second time we watch it was just like was it and then he realizes it when Vader's helmet drops he said oh you're in my room it's like she's got the - yeah it's like you don't want your crush being in your room that's so embarrassing yeah and then I'm clean oh here's another plot hole or you know contrivance when they escape okay they run to escape and they bring the Falcon but they use the Falcons engines to hold back hundreds and hundreds of further soldiers but we're skipping ahead there's something important okay they asked a the Finn and Poe and Chewie get captured again so it's very impressive by memory though yeah so they get they get captured again they're like just execute them because general price doesn't screw around except for the like I want you to execute them when I when I'm not watching I'm gonna go over here but you a busy man yeah you you go execute you don't execute them in the hallways you take them to any room how many people just died in the hallways that's okay well and so general Hux is like all right firing squad he has three stormtroopers like no I want to do it myself and it turns out that he was a spy the entire time he kills the stormtroopers for that - oh the dumb thing yes I was like so Finn what were you gonna tell ray so oh you want to talk about this right now now's a good a time we're gonna die yeah yeah so gets brought up again again no he's gonna is he gonna be like I'm in love with her I'm in love already nope nope nope so then general anyways yeah and we're all like what and pogos quiet yeah I knew it which is which is exactly what the audience did and if you've read the expanded comics like I I'm the only one of us yes so I'm gonna keep bringing this up Huck's is the most murderous villainous hardcore first-order you know raising in the right ranks yeah I know it doesn't make any sense because he's played for comedic relief in the last Jenna you see this change in direction do you see the lack of plan in India so far so in this one you know I guess JJ Abrams does take a threat from ryan johnson right at the end that that hooks was gonna kill kylo until kylo comes to and says long live the supreme leader but now he hates kylo 100% and that will affair to be fair that was set up in the force awakens it was set up it just wasn't executed and but he would betray everything's like I don't care if you win I just want kylo to lose shoot me in the arm do what you tell me I guess it so then they go to escape but they get kylo Ren shows up for the confrontation and then yes all the stormtrooper this is the there's another plot hole because the Falcon comes in uses this engine wash it pushes everybody back including kylo kylo has to use his force powers to stay in place Andray and don't tell me a last shot that the Falcon is in front of her and she's behind the Falcon because the Falcon comes in like this and there's already people getting thrown back including kylo it's coming in like this and she's standing there and I guarantee you once you get the [ __ ] DVD she's doing nothing then yes at the last shot she's still standing there and jumps on him yeah what the foot it's like she uses the force they've got like force her force is more powerful than yes we know her forces more powerful than kylo sports and we've talked about this before they use like their force boot power or something where they jumps across and then they escape take my hand come with me and he does he does a Darth Vader together we could rule the galaxy as father and daughter and I mean lover and lovers but we could also be kind of because he is applied through the comics he's a spawn of Sidious so yeah anyways yeah she jumps in catches there they go take off in the Falcon yeah and everyone was happy after that's what happens no no so they they go they escape the Chewie is back they still don't know how to get to this earth planet so like that's that's the they need to go to well but they don't how to get there right so they have to use the goonies thing on one of the moons of Endor where the Death Star the Death Star is and that's where the crash link is broken why we don't know because they told you the whole movies and the camera cut off there we went for what an hour and thirty minutes something like that and as my camera says [ __ ] y'all so we had to turn the cameras back on y'all guys better be watching this as a podcast because there's no way I'm editing scenes in here from the oh I couldn't do that anyway so watch this as a podcast if we can pick up where we left off yeah so the our heroes are the landing gear broke yeah the aluminum Falcons and sorry that it was just my my on that for six minutes but deal with it yeah so they crash-landed on the planet they get out they walk over a hill and then they use the goonies dagger to line everything this was the stupidest very [ __ ] thing I know I've already said that but IIIi did say exactly like that Jim did this okay it matches up but points whatever yeah and then Jana comes up behind them this is the first time we've seen Jana yeah she's introduced halfway through the film you know and and they're riding on these horses and it's a pier and then we get some magnet we get some exposition later on this position we get a lot of exposition that it was raised you know wall Wray is climbing which is cool she's climbing through the Deathstar which makes sense Lee believable because she's been doing it for 19 years on jakku through super star destroyers and [ __ ] she can get there but we get something that's not believable the throne room is completely intact Mandi doesn't make sense like entering the atmosphere I think what a shattered no no you listen or works the other gather the powered door doesn't know there was the dogs and then the the MacGuffin is floating there perfectly but not before ray Darkrai shows up so I was so mad at this because they teased the [ __ ] out of this and I'm like oh yeah I love how they're flirting with the dark side with Ray and that's one good element of this film they do flirt with the dark side with Ray but they actually have a lightsaber battle but it's too short a lightsaber battle with her a little weird lightsaber that clamps together I think she actually does use it in like clamps it unraised no no she she has it and then it's duel and then she unclamp sit like a trap and then a slicing and then puts it back up and no cuz then she just uses it it happened so quick yeah I wish it was better good I wish she was like more evil she got in her face she's a Frodo hiss oh yeah that was fun okay it scares ray she falls out of the room and drops her artifacts across the thing and just so happens that our kylo Ren is standing there okay so he another force link transfer no no no kylo is there he landed cuz he also knows where they are so he brought the TIE fighter ok new one there the whole time and and she is angry she attacks him yeah crushed she's like the only way you going is with me so our MacGuffins go from 5 to 6 down to 5 yes anyways or 4 and then so they fly they get the app epic sword duel epic sword duel and it this is a nice parallel with the Mustafar scene that we saw in Revenge of the Civil and the good prequel movies with the lava and [ __ ] you know only waves are way less menacing than lava because if you accidentally fall in the water you know you don't yeah yeah and waters going everywhere and you notice you know when Ray's doing all these flips which by the way like well you know obi-wan and Anakin did [ __ ] flips and [ __ ] but these flips are even more impressive is they're flipping over water she doesn't get wet at all I guess they just Disney doesn't want to do the wet t-shirt contest I guess she she forced pushes all the water away while Kyle gives wait he's just so you just walked I think the torso is soaked he's walking right through the waves and does this classic ray of course and she actually we have no idea how he got there pushes we know we know we know he brought a horse page of this they take the skiff right they do say they take the scale she's got a second skiff but how the hell do they get to where you know though you know how she had a climb all this [ __ ] to get to where she is then kylo had to literally land a TIE fighter there how the hell did they find they we get an impressive scene at least in Revenge of the Sith it's shown how they get there here they're just there they're fighting kind of around unfortunately kylo starts to get the upper Kyla starts to get the upper hand even though Rey has additional training Dimmick camera the cameras messed up again Kyla has the upper hand mmm-hmm she's losing the fight he's not gonna she's down on her knees and he's about to do his thing and then we get the weirdest scene of exposition in the entire movie so you see the back Maz Kanata you see the laila leia takes her headphones off and then walks away and then Maz looks at the screen and goes this is the point in the movie where leia is going to go talk to kylo Ren but it's gonna kill they uh and she's gonna it's it's horrible we didn't need it we know yes I know they're trying to tie it in and they're being very clever that it's like Leia used all the rest of her effort to make this one last-ditch attempt to make to make contact with her son in the middle of a battle with Rey so does Leia know that this does Leia kill her son she cooperates with knows that they're fighting this she calls out to Ben Ben yeah hey look if you played video games in the 90s you've I was killed many times by my mother when I was playing video games online and she'd like pick up the phone she just did you know your mom's like dial-up be Darcy oh my god kylo ren's mom be it guy I saw stood in the middle of a lightsaber fight gets ddos oh yeah I really pissed me off all you hear Legos Ben but but then she dies immediately after contacting him so wait Luke can project himself across the galaxy but Bray can only talk for five seconds okay it's me say one Leia cuz the only talk for one word but then this pause is kylo oh my god my mom's dead and he didn't want to kill him on before so I guess that makes sense that he would pause and then Rey right he drops his his saber and then she picks it up and then she stabs him with his own saber yeah and and he's shocked and Leia is passed away and he drops to his he drops that bullet and and Rey realizes what she's done and Leia is dead yeah yeah she were oh she realizes that last day too and she's like oh my god what have I done and I've crossed the line so and then a little bit I just love this moment there's a little bit of water you'll see it when you watch it it falls on the very first time it's just like but and but it's cool because it's like relaxing I love the waves and anyways she's like oh [ __ ] so she uses her force healing powers on him yeah once again and she gives a little bit of her life force - no that's not how it works if you're a light side user you don't have to give no that's how she says it works she gave some of her life to the world this yeah now she gives some of her life to kylo so then kylo comes back from the dead oh yeah he was he was sitting there awake he's in there awake and he's just like I'm dying and then she goes but he's like okay and then she says something she's like look I would have taken your hand before about Ben's hand yeah and so it just makes sense it's like look what there's obviously a thing here you know reloj confirmed no I don't I don't think that that I just I think there's a friendship there I [ __ ] hate that that well spoilers whatever anyways so I would have taken Ben's hand and then she she takes she steals ship flies off he's got the MacGuffin she doesn't she she flies off well Ben that one of the the scenes out of nowhere he starts to hallucinate he starts to hallucinate he's dying no he's he's alive he's just shocked sorry the camera [ __ ] everything up so he's just shocked sees Han Solo yeah go ahead yeah he sees Han Solo and I think this is a part that's pretty contentious between people because this is clearly not a force ghost I'm not trying to imply that it's a force right it's a part of his memory at Han it's in back it's training yeah we'll do a memory thing where I just if he's talking to himself as which what he's doing right because if it because it's not a force ghost he's just having this inner conversation where he's like I don't know if I'm strong enough to do what I need to do see if I hated that line everything else was great in there he's like you know his father tells him you know you you can come back come home he's like it's too late it's too late to come home he's like it's not it's never too late kind of thing and and then he's like I don't know if I have the strength to do it cuz they're drawing a parallel to force awakens yeah but I love this next moment where he's like dad and he's gonna say he'll say he gets really choked up and he can't get it out dad I love you and you know his dad but he says dad and his dad goes I know and that's that's han solo and solo you know I love you I know but it wasn't Han Solo is just a memory of Han Solo this is memory of Han Solo yeah inspires him to become and reclaim Ben solo and this is what I like so I like this scene did you like it I hate it but it's just like it's just it was fine fine so then she leaves we did skip the scene because of we get to Jana and Finn talking with each other as they're repairing the Falcon and she says that her whole company was ordered to open fire on civilians and our whole company said no and I don't know whether it's implied that she is force sensitive because she's like it's just a feeling and he's like I know the feeling it's like it's a force and so that would mean that she's for sensitive her whole company's for sensitive and they said no when they were ordered they just knew it was wrong but I guess in her case they knew it was wrong but in Finn's case he is for sensitive and also knew it was wrong and so you get that little link there and I don't know if they're implying it but if they trying to do like a little crush thing she was definitely everyone is in love with everyone star wars clean and where I can follow this one told this and then they try to put in this love stuff and it was poison and Leia but when when you half-ass it everywhere then it's not gonna work then they had love interest in in the last Jedi and the Rose is not in this movie she's like there there's like four or five things it's the funniest thing her explanation for I can't go you I have to study old Star Destroyer design if we find him when we [ __ ] [ __ ] okay anyway so that was the hilarious thing there anyway so going back to reishi exiles herself yeah she's learned that she is a Palpatine she's conflicted she has no idea what she's gonna do so she lights the TIE fighter on like on fire yeah you tell your a Palpatine she didn't she realized because he's using force light yeah he's holder and you know why was he tall I was the Palpatine trying to get a little girl and like not just a little girl his granddaughter and she's your the force visions confirmed so she knows it she leaves he goes on to she's throwing stuff and she's throwing sticks at a burning ship was trying to make exiled herself she burned the [ __ ] ship so she can't [ __ ] leave her so she thinks and she's like [ __ ] this she takes the lightsaber that Luke's lightsaber which is now hers because possession is nine-tenths of the law I was actually Leia saber but then she because she didn't claim it if we're talking US law lei didn't claim it then it became mazda saber if Maz you know tried to return it to the original owner so but it's great video star wars in real life data and Leia is not his official Mexican though is she yes yes it is Luke Luke Anakin it's Anakin's so then it goes to his children his offspring Luke and Leia but are they legally connected some way the Star Wars universe yes yes birthright anyways let's not get distracted were separated at Birth other documents I don't watch the video link that sounds stupid the throw throw the saber and yeah basically fixes the last Jedi and he says something great nothing he's the last Jedi but he they try he says you that you should respect you know the Jedi weapon like this he was hiding his right hand does he have a ghost hand does he have a metal hand like have the budget for that anyway so so they do that and and he gives a speech tour and he's going real bright and this is I have this great theory and my theory it was confirmed in this film that the that the octo ghosts are brighter more powerful on Ock too because we see later at the end of the film that ghosts are a little more fader than here we'll talk about that later but it basically tells her how good is he tell her Alex or Joe that we knew that you were a Palpatine but we trained you anyway because we saw your skull and we your heart was good and it you know who who you're born to doesn't matter all that much choices you make in life also see the training between young Luke that's right so then we get that little layer retcon and her reason for dropping her [ __ ] training is terrible and this is another thing where I read with the leaks they had a different reason before the reshoots that made a lot more sense she was pregnant with kylo the timing matches up perfectly I think in terms of you know ages but I guess they but no they may claim more powerful it was because she had a premonition that her training would lead to the death of her son yes and that the next person to use the saber lightsaber yeah would save you save everybody or some [ __ ] like that made-up thing and then that that scene that's why Luke hides Leia saver on r2 we do get a CG scene of Luke who's way too young for that scene because they they use like a new hope Luke and if he's training her at the post yep no that's that's way too he doesn't have a scar he doesn't have any of those things like this he's way too young to be okay so but Luke gets bested in combat by Leia yeah original patient Juan has become the master but they see Jeter didn't they say that they weren't gonna do that right before it's like well if you could do that then you could have done a lot of different than a lot of things but they didn't want to so they had a head both ways and they ate their cake too yeah so he gives her the saber saying you're gonna take both you're gonna go fight the Emperor she's like I can't get there and he's like you've everything you need and I hand I'm gonna hand you to myself a is there and we had our sixth MacGuffin or a seventh MacGuffin the x-wing fighter that was hiding under water the whole time oh yeah like that was his ship but wasn't the first ship T she chopped up then that have the artifact that's what you but it wasn't burn artifact because the macGruber yeah the MacGuffins can be probably put a bubble on it and it was not destroyed the wayfinder the sith wayfinder wasn't destroyed well some about the first time they encountered would raid chopped up her his ship in the desert and the desert he liked when rolling and that hello what it wasn't that his ship that has it wow he's got multiple ships or so okay well it's not plural because you have to assume that off-screen he took it out and out it on a shittier deny fighter this one unless Luke has a third MacGuffin away so they do that there's eight they say there's only two wood who [ __ ] knows how to install the new wayfinder on the [ __ ] Thai fighter that she picks up and and to add precedence to my precedence of my theory it plugs perfectly into his x-wing so it's looks I told you it's got blue seed in the first ones wires and [ __ ] and anyway so she's a mechanic but no six they've all no Sith technology to link it into a corporation's x-wing fighters that we saw JJ said that both corporations are selling and they can link up with SiC technology and so she uses it to go talk to she transmits coordinates because apparently there's a force storm nebula that is very difficult to navigate and you will blow up if you don't navigate it correctly yes so she sends these coordinates we see you know the rebel base all that it's it's ray it's Luke's x-ray and this is cool I love it seen her or seen her with the x-wing helmet it ties back into the force awakens I would go down cameras and and she's doing her thing and then she were good on camera yes and then so she gets to EXA goal to confirm for herself you know what's going on to confront the Emperor yeah and so she gets there but simultaneously the rebels are getting their plans to do rebels are getting their plan they got it'll do cuz do had the way there but not like yes is the map of the planet but you know it's a good thing that this robot knew everything that we needed somebody come he's not do an extensive one and we're gonna have to make top ten videos after this because this has gone way too long we might be at two hours now moving on so she confronts Emperor and this is the unfortunately the worst part it just doesn't work the Emperor Hill flat it fell flat so the Emperor's like welcome yeah long last no he says that what kind of it you know he's like Emperor Empress a hopper to Palpatine take your throne and he's like strike me down he says strike me down in your journey towards the dark side shall be complete and though he was talking like the parody there's this parody I showed Joe that can Emperor Palpatine the roommate at college and he's constantly like being and who drank the milk and left the carton it was I I can feel your anger strike me no bad pouts nobody wants to strike you down and so it's it turns into a parody of himself his plan Mexico that you ruined that scene for me he's like yeah I know I was thinking of go watch it I'll link that below as well anyways so he's like strike me down and then it's revealed through lightning and [ __ ] that there's a bunch of people watching 30,000 SIF acolytes just hanging out in this Coliseum do they all have force powers are they the sift soldiers troopers in the red armor you know those robes what so many ropes and there's that many sis like what about the balance in the goddamn force and Anakim and this is so stupid and it goes way over the top and so far so she's like strike me down and and then she's like she's great she's getting how saber ready and then he's like he's NER what she's going to do and she's like I'm not I'm not gonna you know strike you down and yeah she said that you know he's like well your parents are weak you're pathetic he's like no my parents are strong they protected me from you yeah my granddaughter I'm not gonna do this and meanwhile the the rebels are there they've showed up they're trying to stop the fleet from taking off now the big the big plot explanation is the fleet cannot take off because of the magnetic interference and because the gravity wells raiven so they did one time before they should've just taken off from there at least half of it yeah the only they took one off I want to point this out to you guys that they have ten thousand Star Destroyers which are basically ten thousand Death Star's and one already exited and went to exit goal and blew the [ __ ] planet up which by the way is aji van Taska G me and blue the whole planet up and it was a fantastic effect I don't know if they use pray was it looked like practical effects it was kind of um and I'm like wait a minute if they can do that with one ship why don't they do it with another ship and then another but they gave you a 16 hour it wasn't the 16 hours was that breaks the whole [ __ ] film right there that one is already out there and then and then does he go back I guess he's out there I think then they and then he falls that's a stupid thing as well but fine so we get these rebel fighters so you're trying to tell me and this isn't my no you're trying to tell me that Allah that there there's ten thousand star destroyers and they can't [ __ ] destroy 27 fighters yeah they can't take off yet there's nowhere thousand Star Destroyers couldn't destroy 27 fighters fine there's no explanation or worse it's not believable how palps has survived this whole time he's attached to some robot arm the only said was there's thousands of Sisler's so this plan the whole time is to kill him yeah yep cuz if in his spirit will let go but yeah but not but to even do the ritual you got to do it like my way he got what he wanted so she said done we're skipping ahead no I'm just so but but this is a pole that we need to make yeah in five minutes when we get there okay fine fine fine so while that's you as well we see been angry we see Ben starts running trying to help her so bad real to thing gets hit by these massive changes oh yeah he's men and he's a little awkward he's funny make gates a good good and so he's trying to get there to save ray because he's like my your friends are dying and only you can save them if you take full command of the final order then you can command them to survive and live and so he's trying to give her a reason to strike her down just like in Return of the Jedi but it makes a little more sense and they're trying to do The Return of the Jedi thing but the fleet battle is nowhere near as epic as it was in Return of the Jedi I was so excited in the trailers that we see all these massive ship well that's the problem that with the scene is there is no weight because we know that sixty thousand ships show up right there trying to their trouble at this point the good guys are losing really bad she's surrounded yeah and and we see JJ Abrams a friend I wax dies Wexley or whatever its general Poe at this point and he's like I'm sorry I let us I'm sorry and then but then that on your left on your left what is on your left front and Avengers yeah so the thing is like the end of this movie they they realize that people like the way the endgame ended and because it's Disney and they're not creative and they won't take risks with this kind of crap they're just like we're gonna copy everything exactly the way that they did yeah but it's they did it this last year fine he says but there's too many of them but there are more of us really there are more than 10,000 Star Destroyers you're bringing 10,000 rebel ships where the [ __ ] were these rabbit shifts all day so your mother [ __ ] telling me that Lando convinces the entire [ __ ] galaxy to not only fight the first-order galaxy wide but when and that when they wouldn't after Luke gave his life and now lay is dead and so your two most powerful fighters are dead and now they want to show up but it was charming Oh charming yes but also convinces them to fight the final order in addition with the fleet of 10,000 Star Destroyer yeah ten thousand we can handle man why didn't you handle a hundred empyrion first order to target lawyers wait a minute in so tough fight a final order fleet of ten thousand star destroyers in a four storm in the middle of the impossible to get to unknown region that you have to jump imagine this proposition that Lando has to be like look I need you to join me has to ask each and every one of those people if they will join this broad and tell them sure I have to do wouldn't they have questions wait we have to jump where that's isn't that dangerous yes he won't galaxy when nobody answered the call before I [ __ ] hated it was snow she she they don't know what happens after you beat the first order what about the second order in the third order once you beat the last order the final order there's nothing else gonna be the final final for real yes but more real this time so I looked in the ships and I was like you know it's kind of cool in the trailer you saw like you know the rebel ship you saw you know monk Calamari's and all sorts of cool ships I was looking for the Star Wars resistance Colossus which is a car animated it's only ending after two seasons I couldn't find it and but it disappoints me so much if people are able to find that later that they don't show these things more you know JJ says he's gonna tie everything in but doesn't even really show things is he too afraid to show the cores are lots of show I mean this movie could have easily shown a colossus you know in there you could have easily shown in the trailer it's there and and blow those scenes up and actually have a [ __ ] battle but we don't have it was no battle we cut back to the stupid Emperor scene where he's like he sees he's like y'all friends and and then and then Finn and and Janna come up with the stupidest [ __ ] plan so they get there and they're like we need to prevent the fleet from jumping it's a radar there's one radar dish that allows them to Johnny or it is because I'm using the form yeah yeah and and so then they're like everybody attacked this one radar dish that allows all these ships and then the further the final order is smarter than the first order they said they're going to attack the one radar dish transfer it to our lead ship and so then they transferred to the lead ship and then oh no they transferred to the lead ship let's attack the lead ship with the thing that we already brought so they already knew is gonna have it because they can see it to the future and then they'll and the horses on the [ __ ] ship they say we can't how do we get the horses in this we said we can't attack it from the air we have to attack it from the ground luckily I have a plan and Finn comes out he's riding and Jonna comes out and she's riding these horses and then this and then the Sith troopers come out and these [ __ ] said troopers I said this is my goddamn review they're not even any better than the [ __ ] white nothing bears nothing they don't even have force powers so there were shots assumingly they're the same [ __ ] thing and what do they do with that plan they use a laser to blow up the [ __ ] dish it doesn't make any sense they could have done that from the air so the whole scene was [ __ ] pointless the shields though they were within their own shield shut off ha ha that's actually how they could if they're within their own shields they could use the goddamn x-wings from the air get under the shields as they've done in force awakens as they'd done against the dreadknots they could have done it from the air this was a contrivance in order to use the stupid [ __ ] horse Yama do do something like if the Star Destroyer just tilted a little bit oh yeah all there's like BAM are you wish you were next to me because I would've burst why don't you guys spaceship right like we canwe like wow didn't you fix the whole movie grab on it see all these decisions that JJ made that you don't need to make these decisions you have done them in a traditional Return of the Jedi battle where they're actually battling and there's yes [ __ ] you know interplay everywhere you have that many ships to make it a legit battle I all of these 10,000 Star Destroyers manned I mean I guess ya have a lot of sit lawless but but only five of them are firing at a time I mean take 10,000 destroyers and but anyways so what what happens now was well the Emperor says no no yes so kylo finally climbs down that chain and he shoots a bunch of useless stormtroopers yeah the red ones and then the Knights of Ren who've done nothing this entire movie come out nothing they beam up a little bit because he threw his lightsaber away because he's stupid yes and so he picks up a blaster because he wants to be Han Solo no but he's not very good with it and so the five our six Knights of Ren just kind of beat him up real bad and he's losing that fight yeah and then but Ray and him link up and then she uses like you know like Amazon Prime the force addition yes where she just like blinks him alive coolest [ __ ] the implications of being able to blink items through time and space instantaneously they have a force link they have a lightsaber fight thousands of miles away from each other whatever we can disagree so moving on so he she gives him always a nice funky beat stop all the Knights of Ren with the lights and which by the way I got to bring up comic lures and some of the only one that knows it one of those nights of the rent actually has a red lightsaber he never uses it and I think JJ made a conscious decision to not have a sip lightsaber pop out to confuse the audience well who the [ __ ] is this guy but honestly if you take it risks you say all Rian Johnson made me more bold no he didn't cuz you're not taking these written email okay so he beats everybody up that guy never he kills he kills everybody and then he run he comes out and then the Sith troopers start firing the red royal guard starts firing but then they big throw one day he's firing straight up into the air something hits him and it continues to fire straight up into the air I'm like I'm not kind is it too much to ask to get one you know fight that's choreographed but if she was using the force to confuse so he gets shot in the back I think ray got shot back she's over here doing this and you see a shot just go from behind maybe she fell apart is she teleported that somewhere else because she can do that now I did like her grabbing the bowl and we see her redirected wall that was [ __ ] cool and it was like shot an interesting way and and then the Emperor's like sit the [ __ ] down he rips the power out and he's like I'm better than you goddamn Emperor and then and then he does force luck which we've never seen before it's like when did he learn this if you could have done that why don't you four suck off why don't never mind yeah well who I didn't you forsook Luke why didn't you forsook Yoda training he's been down there training okay or learning he's been practicing he's been practicing the Sun is weird he even surprises himself he's like what did JJ write I don't understand my fingers are going back oh my god it's the dyad it has not been seen for generations you've seen this before you you read about this before you've known about this oh it's never happened it's even better than the chosen one [ __ ] Anakin I want YouTube and he sucks them more in there and and then I get in he gets all powered up so a pet and then that's when he goes back to his not his that his final for him right you know it's Frieza Joe and I was like wait a minute why did they screw up his look the whole time no Joe it's not screwed up because he does return to his yellow eyes and his in his big forehead and [ __ ] up looking but if that was his I guess that was his true form that was revealed when mace windu was was reflecting it back and be the fake projection of a real face was it was removed and while he's weak wouldn't he not have the power to do a fake projection why do you just come over from the Bill and Ted sir we already proved that's not true because he already had power to lift ten thousand Star Destroyers up from the ground but if you thought that power was was o P now we get to Opie he has homing lightning sixty thousand a weights of homing wait he says Luke through Luke and Luke's father threw me into the hole so now you Skywalker will go into the hole I'm gonna throw you in my hole that would have pissed me off if that was the end of it and the man the film I would have been like zero I would have been like 1 out of 10 I swear to God but that's not what happens thankfully but I thought and you're talking at you jumping ahead I'm sorry no no he throws him in the thing he throws him in the whole life and now he gets bolts of like huge bolts of lightning into the atmosphere and then they hit the sky and then they only hit the good guys I mean you're talking thousands and thousands of ships and they all the good guys immediately it acts as ion cannons and your buddies turn off well ion cannon is an EMP which I meant to say this when the rebel fleet shows up the general pry for no reason other than plot contrivance says use ion cannons as if we don't want to hurt the rebels we don't want to blow them up because ion cannons in this universe does not destroy chips and only disabled ships so apparently all these green lasers that are being fired out or ion cannons because nobody fires a single ion cannon even though he gives the order so they're like [ __ ] off pride we're gonna fire green lasers and turbo lasers anyway that's my nerdy lower side so you're right then the turns out then then the Emperor fires ion cannons and turns off everybody ship now no look you mean they fall for like no 130-minute it would have slammed into the ground it's they're not in space because I leathers are falling really slow how the [ __ ] do you breathe on a Star Destroyer with your horses if they're not in space so they're in atmospheres they would have fell and slammed into the ground and guys there's no crap maybe there's a reality okay even wit you're right Joe even when he stops doing the force lightning they need to really turn right back off use this fort licen lightning once and blows up the entire ship oh [ __ ] Kuta not jakku but whatever [ __ ] desert planet that is the ship goes zap and then just powerful than a charged up Emperor just play on lightning yeah he went super saiyan it was good enough it's gonna be in the lore in the comments I on lightning it is not very effective yeah do a Pokemon somebody make that please I was a pretty upset I was like come on now's your chance make it a little dark you use slammed a stormtrooper into the wall and destroyed and blue show a couple some tension they don't everybody powers down empowered and you're telling me at this point the final order does not fire any turbo lasers oh there they've got disabled stop firing you know you need it there it locked in dogfighting they just need one offer that's one hell of a maneuver if you just start flying and then use fall out of the sky how do you I mean that's also good so here's what happened Joe the Emperor actually disabled the rebel ships and the gun weapons systems only on his own ships though they were perfectly there allow the engines are allowed to keep going but not the weapons the ion lightning can't remove plot armor that's we understand why I gave this film a low rating now and why people are like wait what okay he stops the force lightning why race stands up rate he's surprised well she she first she's staring at the sky and she's looking at the lightning and then she's looking like deeper into space and it calls back to his scene earlier where she's trying to contact the Jedi of old all the old forces she was for change to be with me yeah be with me and so she just starts chanting that again be with me and then she starts to hear voices and we get this really kind of cool cities coolest where qui-gon and and again mace mace windu is there so yeah I mean we get people from clone like we get even people that we don't know that did the I don't know all the different names Yoda what I the one I was looking baby there was two hours I want to hear a baby giggles right here that would have been so cool yeah everything he's alive at this time qui-gon I was like quietly nobody ever references well except for obi-wan I love qui-gon he's so strict yeah in stoic but he's there or he says something and then also Anakin yeah hey Christensen's voice and I was like cool but you know honestly I wanted a force ghost Khan oh yeah or at least yeah at the very end of all we're doing is we're just looking at stars and we're listening in to voices and you don't know if you're not a star if you're not a hardcore Star Wars fan you may not be able to pick these voice I am a hardcore Star Wars fan there was two or three those like I to look up as like right so why didn't you go full-on and show and this would let all the haters even though we've been doing the most hating shut their mouths don't say it's not great it's not Rey who defeated the Emperor herself Rizzo Pete no she had all of the combined Jedi will and effort and then then sit and and Penn Palpatine even says this at one point I am all the SIF and I want to put myself in you you I will transfer my essence into your body and join me that's what he says and then and she's like Here I am all the Sith and she goes and I am Iron Man no it's exactly the same goddamn scene I am all the Jedi and I am Iron Man and then she the whole time she was secretly lifting been a-been solos lightsaber and or no luke's raise lightsaber knows and uses raisin and Leia's luke's and layers will just say be automatic purposes crosses does an ex Oh boss the stream look at how powerful it was when mace windu used one now she's using two no zapping his own face he's still zapping and he continues to zap aah I am zapping I can't stop Oh once I start I can't stop like piña force lightnings like peeing the Emperor gets his own face three times at the third movie of each of these two energies he hits his own face with his lightning so this time he [ __ ] melts away even though he could stop using your your eye on lightning it doesn't do that super effective well this was blue lightning it wasn't purple light all right so this was the deadly deadly yeah he was you know a landing it was like death lightning it is super effective not against lightsabers though Kyber crystals say [ __ ] that [ __ ] off out of here and reflects back in his face she pushes it boom he's destroyed which is what he wanted and all of the XE and all of the x-wings turned back on and all the ships turn back on and it's what he wanted I don't care the Emperor wins yes so his essence is still out there some but there was a ritual right oh he said he must said something like the wrong what it was like is that what they're gonna do for episode 10 others better not be in it if this was overly successful it makes a bunch of money you will that's why we're not doing trilogies anymore surprise we weren't doing trilogies anymore on the original Star Skywalker trilogy there the Skywalker trilogy is continuing I don't I don't know it's about did Palpatine really win that's all he wanted strike me down kill me but unless like alex was saying has to be a ritual he disagree from left to right yep not from right to left yeah that's wait narrates everything Florio's I was like no no you don't know that's another super person now he's dead how it should have ended please put that in your video take us somebody submit this for the TIE fighter and the very specific way he dies but okay so Yoda says he has to be aligned Yoda sent me this with his death pimp pimp Yoda poppins victory is complete the Jedi Order has been completely destroyed the Skywalker's are dead the Sith are gone the generation strings are mounting now misunderstood and perverted by an emotional unstable golem Palvin team is an even the Skywalker name and hoed stand has been stolen by Palpatine's grando okay they really hate Rey see this is this is the problem some people really hate Rey and they take this [ __ ] too far when I think that she was handled well and and you know if it sometimes you're right but it really put people off when you tarnish other characters and push them off and raise better than this it makes you resent Rey as a lifelong fan and partially somebody's feelings can get hurt or triggered you you take it out on Rey and I understand it because you go to this long as journey of years and years great it's like lazy and inappropriate and she's already perfect and the only piece that she needed is you know who is she oh she finds out she's the most powerful entity that's ever lived the Emperor was [ __ ] pimpest [ __ ] and and this whole message is be proud of who you are and she's not proud of who she is holy [ __ ] she could have changes her [ __ ] name she could have said you know what I am I am ray Palpatine I'm taking her back taking this [ __ ] back me but no she throws that name away and she becomes a skywalk she just want to get in trouble for trespassing oh yeah my name is my name is Alex now no you can so so probably we know he loses because he did he's [ __ ] but he's died many times the Skywalker's are dead Palpatine rape every Star Wars theory he's a clone you just gonna come back they had a bunch of Pegasus no let's smoke it this was the perfect clone what no there was love there was a vat of smoke so it's probably another VAT about just jumps into a new one why does he also said he's like I've done by the way we got again when he takes the life suck apparently life suck gives him new badass robes red velvet option and even like a little Darth Vader belt to like surprise you didn't have like a goat cheese yes is a real genius tracksuit or you know that reminds me of Star Wars theories shirt where its Emperor Palpatine and he's wearing a gold chain is like order 66 he's got a big order 66 there yeah sure is [ __ ] anyways it's stupid as [ __ ] and so she beats him and then she but it's not Rey so don't like and I brought up this point where there's there's a faction of people to [ __ ] hate Rey I understand here cuz she's Iron Man but could you imagine and let's talk together and even include those people I think that people would have gravitated towards Rey more if she was Luke's daughter if she was an actual Skywalker I think people would have given her the benefit of the doubt is it is it stupid is it is a sexist is it raised it's not raised but you know what I mean is is there a little bit of prejudice that all she's better than this much but at least she's Luke's daughter she was a family look I just UK just wanted her to be a Skywalker for real I don't know I think people I think the people complaining about Ray would have accepted a little more they would have been still been likes you too powerful if you didn't change the fact that she's too powerful and doesn't go through a hero's journey I don't [ __ ] care yeah she's Luke's daughter she would have gone through a journey because Luke would have took said no let us train together you my daughter I'm gonna do different things but so that then has nothing to do with her being Luke's daughter because she was arguably from a more power family than the Skywalker family right so she's Palpatine's granddaughter so it's like you're I would you agree with your example that if Luca trained her and done all these other things that we didn't remember anything we'd even get the trolls on our side and then we get them that make sense but what they did to her character and what they did to all the characters beforehand they they they're like this is how you grow as a jedi chewco she gets a bike that's that fast god damn it we forgot one of the most important things and it's because our camera was going off I'm gonna go back which apart rail oh oh we're gonna got to rail oh yeah well they already kissed no we're not we're done we haven't got to the point where she dies okay so anyways continue so she she's killed the Emperor and she collapses because after getting her life sucks and she spies on me so those haters and they're like ray single-handedly destroy the Emperor no no she didn't she used all of the jedis powers then she who was defeated - it was a simultaneous defeat now I think JJ should have done more to show that while she was pushing back on the thing she was getting hit - or something do you like to show her pain and her anguish and it wouldn't make the audience identify with her but again it's like dead cuz she was practically dead before she got up like she's passed out on the floor she's had her like soul sucked out of her body and she's bruised and bleeding and then she barely gets up to stand in front of him so I did and I'm not a I'm not one of the people that like love ray but I'm not a write hater I would like that I think that scene is fine okay and then kylo crawls out of the hole so she's down on the ground and then we see his hand come up you know the you know it's been done he like cradles her up well he's had a hardcore crush on her this whole time in my opinion he's the one crushing on ray he's intrigued with her and and it makes more sense if he had kissed her but this is 2009 she jumping ahead who not have [ __ ] consent god damn it what am i jumping in she's dead he doesn't kiss her all she's dead he stares at her and he's like [ __ ] he heals her back the life force he has the forced thing and he puts his essence into her in a PGG sorta way so where did he learn and that if there's a dyad between the two of them so they just they know everything [ __ ] Diana I thought you're gonna say Luke taught it to him a long time ago as a time no that is right it has to be because that they're the same part of this they can't use force healing as kylo but he's been he's been now and he's back to the line you close he's different powers so but it works differently for Ben he transfers the rest of his life essence into ray so I guess he was just probably super weak and decided that I'd rather her be a lie I think it's so ambiguous here I think they're transferring life forces and and and and yes yeah anyways so that's why he does it as his dying sacrifice to give his life for Rey not I'm gonna force here you and I was gonna die anyway and I forced here with you in time and then I'm dead no because it's shown in the comics again I'm the only one that read them the snow comic meant nothing it was all a misdirect except for one scene now makes more sense snow [ __ ] shoves ray kylo in his training down a [ __ ] hole he falls falls falls falls falls he's gonna die last-second stops himself it in bow empowers him he stops himself so that what must have been what happened here fall fall fall stops himself climbs all the way up mm-hmm and completes that so he gives his life for Rey then then they have a moment well before he dies she kisses him right so she wakes up she notices there was bill smile baby's life for and she well she doesn't I don't think she knows I don't think that she knows that he's about to die maybe Brian I'm saying he gave his life for C you're on that theory I'm on the other thing she kisses this is a guy that murdered an entire village this is a guy that murdered that old dude this is a guy that murdered five [ __ ] planets simultaneously over solid this is a guy that murdered his father this is a guy that murdered [ __ ] you know helped kill ley attempted murder on his mother this is a [ __ ] awful guy like I understand you know Luke wanting to save his father he's not gonna kiss his father he's not you know if it was different it makes no sense that Ray would be attracted to I guess his [ __ ] swole Ness was that swole thick neck boy snick boy really just that was her animal instinct to to get up on mr. swole because race character is absolutely a pose she thinks he's a [ __ ] monster and yes he's dead it's not my fanfiction came to life and you can't handle it it was Ben it wasn't Kyle oh it was Ben Ben can be redeemed like Vader well [ __ ] you know it's not like very somebody came up and kissed Vader while he's helmet came off of his head whatever this was stupid I hated it even the odd even our audience was like the second or the second time we watched this movie people weren't laughing theater there would like the person they get the guy that was sitting nice to me he was there with his daughter and he's just like what several times we were watching this movie was like okay I'm not the only one it's too far and and JJ was like you know what there is a segment of the internet they're very powerful on tumblr they're very active I don't um blur going off I don't know whatever Twitter Tumblr whatever and I guess he threw a little crumb to them and no more than a crumb because this is this this film low-key horny their low-key horny for each other and they kiss and then he dies but need to die I think it would it all like he's made his bold choices the bold choice would have been to kept been alive you think and Ray guys they [ __ ] kiss and they're together now and that's how they bring balance to the force he's they become great Jedi but you have a dark and he also has dark tendencies and oh it's so emo and they both get gold sabers more fanfiction he's evil and she's good and they balanced the force in that way and they live forever yeah he dies and then as soon as he like evaporates we cut back to Princess Leia where she still yes you know very intriguing what do you think that means she doesn't leave until kylo leaves so did she transfer the her good and into kylo and and she was manipulating so but like keeping him on the good side and then she had unfinished business down coast yeah okay force goes goes are we finally at the end no no because then everybody everyone lives all of the the important characters live they all fly back they blow up all the ships and then we see start seeing Star Destroyers inexplicably yeah a lot of the sky so now we have we we said we cut to wicket the Ewok s-- we [ __ ] sea lark beerus is wicked I think his name was weaken it's been a good time and and I just inexplicably first water star destroyers are falling out of this guy maybe there's there's no there's no rebel fleet attacking them they just fall out of the entire location I'm telling you it's gonna get worse we're gonna pick this part even better than we just picked it apart for two hours I can't wave for all we have to do everything from memory that we yeah this is [ __ ] pro level [ __ ] anyways whatever she goes to Tatooine yes well Larry's the that's that's the very lot so everybody has for today they celebrate everybody so I want to force ghost tier I want this is this is when the force ghosts are supposed to show why they are supposed to be there you said dude you would have got a whole [ __ ] point from me a whole goddamn point if Hayden cringes Jim Anakin so I [ __ ] love him I hope he gets his own busines Plus series how about that [ __ ] as Vader killing all the [ __ ] Jedi alright I watched that be cool on Disney you just said it and that sentence like that's something kill all the kids on Disney alright anyways but no force goes goes con instead the slug is back it's a hug gets a hug we see Chewie finally get his matter so I really wanted to see this we talked about this in our really long discussion of is metal maybe luke's metal I think you know Hans or Luke yeah but there was one of the things that kind of joking was like I kind of want to see it'll be really cool it's like hide you we never got a medal it's got a joke and when I saw it's like man this feels cheap I just feel a little I just like I didn't I didn't want this said why did he get a medal and then nobody else got a medal I got Finn and Poe Maz is uh that was it a personal apology from JJ Abrams who said his one of his biggest regrets in the force awakens was having Chewie walk right by Leia after Han died and you see there not only does he walk by Leia or nonchalantly but he stands there and looks off into the dead nobody's even talking to him and celebrating with him he's just like this you know it's so awkward and and so he did right by Chewie here Chewie is the emotional center of the film and then he gets a medal at the end emotional but they he also it's the only Swedish only thing that made me and not even with his death scene with his crying at lay his death is what got me so guys she goes to Tatooine she buries the the two lights oh no you haven't we haven't got through the Lando scene we mention it before but like there's a bunch awkward [ __ ] that keeps happening in the movie it's uh my fault that I didn't film it a proper set up who are you Lando is sitting there by himself behind down yeah no one's talking talking to Lando and you know someone who could be his daughter sits next to him could be a daughter could be a love interest we have no idea because didn't explain it exactly okay and they're like Oh general where are you from and he says I'm from the comic [ __ ] that doesn't matter your pho hey this isn't all extensive a warning we're going all in yeah but though that was they weren't in the movie you're right you try to fix it did we forget anything no they go to Tatooine and she gets up she slides down the sand and then she buries some lightsabers some new force power called for something call back I love the music here it's likes its rhymes it's like poetry and she goes down there she buries the sabers and but it's a new power we've never seen that that force power before burying the sabers yeah horse pushes the sabers in the goddamn sound Ali but you know it's for show anyway this old lady shows up with a camel in the middle of the desert in the middle of nowhere there's a lady shows up and she says who are you and she says I'm ray and then she looks over for approval for permission well the Ray way back Andrade whether I like this or not it's so if you will look at it from the perspective of mother the old lady it's the weirdest [ __ ] ever it's like hey who are you I'm ray-ray who and it's a long scene where she's staring away and she goes Skywalker and it's like what the hell you're nitpicking we've been there picking for three hours okay Skywalker oh cool miss me off she got [ __ ] approval from from Leia and Luke I swear to god they nod their head they do they do yeah okay you support me cool so I think then I like it but Ben was switching from not liking it to life I still think the rise of a Skywalker was Ben she's it is Joe he's a Palpatine too though idols the titles have always referred to multiple characters the force awakens not all right so you're on the no Skywalker team or on the sky yeah we know that but now she's a sky well Skywalker's our Palpatine's ever that's [ __ ] true so it's everything like just it rhymes it's like poetry it arrives yeah it's like bad poetry other kind that you don't want to hear from any okay okay so stuff that I wanted to get at the end we're gonna have to break this up and make a little top 10 video so that people can consume that once you've won through this whole video I [ __ ] love you thank you so much for doing that true but here's what I wanted to say fifth beer if we had if they had added 30 to 40 minutes onto the film to make it as long as Avengers if they had cut Zoe bliss if they had cut Jana their intros in their arcs if they had cut the Sith dagger round og which you don't need if she's been manipulated birth by Palpatine then and that was set up in the law already if pompous return was also set up in the comics too and it wasn't used if deal was cut for more time if you've done all these different things this film could have worked they could have fleshed out the Knights of Ren which would have made more sense which is really important the other thing all that let's save time you could actually make this film and the direction work with some minor changes here and there I think one of the worst things that happen in this film that we have to talk about that is like the the gotcha moment that I didn't appreciate like them doing kochu he's dead under mine he's not dead it was terrible and there was no reason for it whatsoever right they do that was c-3po too so you know there's bold decisions here really Kyle oh you know kind of dies well no he doesn't die in many times motivator yeah lay it dies so I guess that is a bold decision but I mean is it really Kyle Oh didn't kill the Jedi Temple in the comics Palpatine dying in in you know proper teen dies the same way there's no force ghost con there's there's no empire vs Empire we got so close getting that Empire vs. Empire anyways so the preference is on race storyline I wrote here here's what I wanted you know I had five and this doesn't affect my rating I just wanted to put this out there the one thing that I wanted the most who's raised parents I wanted her to be the daughter of Skywalker number one number two I would have been accepted the men midi-chlorian birth number three she's a blood relative of Palpatine I thought that was interesting they went with them yeah but that was number three so they went with my third option number four she's a blood relative to Han Solo Leia I would have rather have seen Palpatine than that and then number five she's a nobody she's her own characters I hate Jedi is that that's the worst one in my opinion though it it's fun for people like the Bruin kid who you don't have to be a skywalk or a Palpatine to have my amazing force powers but now we're back to that so yeah I mean if you're amazing force powers are like you're gonna use a broom then this that's it guys that is our complete breakdown sois obey you there there's all the bad up against the good and that does anybody want to change their or we'd never got Joe's rating and we never got Alex it already we had to go all the way to the end while my rating I did in the angry rant last night and I gave it a 5 out of 10 but I had a night to sleep on it so let's go with one of y'all first I was thinking about it last night too I think for the watching it without the breakdown and everything who sought twice I would have probably give this a five it was an average film but once we get down to the nitty gritty the Star Wars fandom might have to dr. point alright four out of ten Alex I think that this is if you look at this versus all of the movies that even just came out in the last five years this one is better than the average film I think it's a very below average it's one of my thesis Alex likes this film more than me and this is this is one of the worst Star Wars films period like I think it's by it's damn near close to the bottom it's not my least favorite for sure but if you look at just how beautiful it was there was some actually well shot scenes there was some fun to be had in this film the first time I watched it we had dinner together we had a couple beers and the you know ignoring some things I was enjoying parts of this film there was parts where it's just like hard not to enjoy it and then there are some parts that really pissed me off as a fan and then pissed me off because you know I used my brain and then none of it makes any [ __ ] sense and so it was like I was out of five but once you the other side yeah I mean yeah but I like it if we run like the Star Wars scale then yes this is super below-average super blurry but you like if it's on just every movie compared to this one we've seen some real stinky I've seen some mega fans Star Wars channels giving it a 6 yeah you know so it's like I'm thinking that this this compared to all other films as bad and it loses like five years your critic stuff in here - yeah so I'm gonna give this one I'm gonna go with a 5 on the Star Wars scale it's one of my other than at 9 it's all it's not the bottom definitely not the bottom I can't decide if it's the second worst you realize you don't like the attack of on the clones and the Phantom Menace in my life in last Jedi no though I think Phantom Menace was better than this one okay and guys after we go through all of the plot holes I'm sorry I I was already at a five out of 10 but I didn't realize how many plot holes are actually were in my video I was like I can name me five now we can name you 20 now we can go through all the MacGuffins now we can and as this film is gonna be torn apart by critics online once they get a hold of the DVD and everything and they analyze it there's gonna be things that not even we noticed and I just think that this is a four out of ten and and just you know we were gonna do a big long video where we rate at all the Star Wars films and I know I was gonna save this for that video but I'm gonna give it to you though the the beginning of the series Phantom Menace considered one of the worst it was gonna be a four out of ten this film and is this the franchise four out of ten see it's like poetry in bronze that's how I end the video thank you guys so much there is one thing I wanted to say I love lightsabers I'm collecting them and I was like what lightsabers are still out there that exists well we don't we don't have a cache of Kyber crystals anymore that was that planet-killer base and maybe they're out there somewhere but we don't know where they're at so we forgot to say that rape constructs her own lightsaber it's not a switch it's a flip switch which is interesting it look not really see it looks like the tip of her staff that she's been using all three movies really yeah and it's even got some a little bit of you know Star Wars Galaxies has like this Outlander kind of look to it where it's like tusks and stuff and they're like well nobody's ever seen that so nobody's gonna put that on their lightsaber when they come and spend $200 well now Rey has something like it right so she gets in its in its yellow is it orange it's [ __ ] yellow right is it yellow or is it Orange no look yellow looks like rain and so I break a synthetic Kyber crystal in there that you know she made herself so what lightsabers are out there you know obviously the green would uh you know raise which is no longer raised she gave it back to Luke and and and Leia's are buried let's not count those but ones that are still out there I was green my favorite maybe Anakin's lightsaber because Vader's hand got cut off where did that lightsaber go and then raised so well I mean if we're talking about ones that fell in space or gonna be harder to find than one that's just like sitting in the no no I'm talking about like kylos kylo says he just threw nails water that's right we know they work when they get wet he was wet the entire fight so it's just like oils out I want to go on the beach early with a metal detector and you'll find one of this in the same guys thank you all so much for watching where do you think the Star Wars universe goes after this do you think they make more with Rey do you think when when the actor Daisy Ridley is 20 years older than she is now they'll bring her back out as a Jedi Master and she has her own film and and and I don't know it's gonna be interesting yet another thing I'm just kidding too long anyway
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,524,605
Rating: 4.7341719 out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, star wars, rise of skywalker, the rise of skywalker, the last jedi, emperor, sidious, george lucas, kathleen kennedy, JJ abrams, top 10, spoilers discussion, angry rant, angry review, movie review, film review, synopsis, Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe, Rose, Rian Johnson
Id: Q73WNs8rjF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 44sec (8924 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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