Fallout 76 Angry Rant! - Extended Review Discussion

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My post Title is slightly tongue in cheek, But watch the video for proper context.

Essentially he originally gave FO76 a 2/10

But raised it to 3/10 considering how much play time one of his friends had and how much fun he had with friends.

But after seeing other reviews, seeing other issues, seeing the crappy response from Bethesda... He admits that maybe he was being a fanboy and maybe it does deserve a 2/10

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/oridjinn 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Who gives a fuck?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/i_broke_wahoos_leg 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Too bad there is an anti-Angry Joe circlejerk in reddit so about 90% of the assholes in this thread will coment without watching the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey guys we're gonna try something new well we've done it before an extended discussion on one of our reviews here with me I got del and I got other Jo so guys okay so Bethesda has finally graced us with a reply after what feels like radio silence forever on pretty much acknowledging a little bit in their PR way the disaster that is fallout 76 of course they don't consider it a disaster I've got their press release here November 27th huge thanks to all of you plant who have been playing Fallout 76 you mean millions of you are playing the game and playing it a lot millions anyway regardless you know the quality of the product at release so we continue to read your feedback and watch your streams well hopefully you watched my review and hopefully you're watching this extended discussion and you haven't blacklisted us and if you watched my streams yes sorry not sorry so here's the upcoming patches we're eager to get improvements into Fallout 76 as soon as we can why wasn't it there from the beginning it we have all all these discussed extended discussion and questions that will go after we look through these patches together so here let's take a look at what's coming up over the next few weeks December 4 I just want to say none of this matters it doesn't matter I'm done I'm done with fallout 76 now it's great for people that maybe are considering purchasing it in the future which I probably wouldn't recommend you do until February until it's like 20 bucks it's down right so util goes free-to-play that's something another thing I wanted to discuss free-to-play but I'm saying it doesn't matter because guess what millions of players have already played the game and I and they're pretty much done with it at this point because there is no endgame there's nothing to do and yet again something we need to discuss but ok so so here are the fixes that are coming for the player who might purchase it in the future or return to it the December 4th next week they're going to increase the stash limit really now you get more glue increasing it for 400 to 600 and that's good because I mean obviously the stash thing was so [ __ ] annoying numbered all the time well that is tied to what what the server can handle cuz obviously the server needs to figure out you know how many items you have what they are and take it from server to server so that's fine boss lute player should correctly receive two or three items after taking down of Oz and that's something that we talked about a little bit in the review getting randomly not getting legendaries number one even though you're fighting legendary people and then sometimes just getting like one-star legendaries from [ __ ] and a really difficult boss battle so they know and they're fixing that yeah they're rewards it's really bad cryolator effects players hit with a cry later now chilled frosted froze and depending on how many are hit without it wow that was a problem respawning went over encumbered we resolved in issue affecting players who died wall over encumbered that only allowed them to respawn at ball 70 say sometimes it didn't anyone it didn't even let you respawn you had to just close the entire game and then stuck in power armor we've addressed an issue in this patch rate you could cause you know I'm stuck in power arm yo there's the patch that they didn't do three years ago instead they still not doing the patch that's not it that doesn't resolve that I think that's actually a problem with the engine and their peoples are other engines fine and dude guys work on that [ __ ] engine seriously I mean you don't need to throw it completely out I'm not of that camp that thinks that you need to throw their engine could bleed out it makes me worried as [ __ ] that star field and Elder Scrolls six better look nothing like fallout nothing like fallout 76 that engine better be backtracking on that so much different what do you mean backtracking fallout 4 look way better oh yeah yeah well I I don't know if I would say way better I think that the color really helps out it was it was I would say this looks slightly better than follow me it's it's just because fallout 4 was so driving and I was just and I'm glad there's color here so then so that's all December 4th then December 11th the next update you'll have PC additions push-to-talk setting December 11 multiple we had to wait for three weeks to do this that it blows my mind that that wasn't it's like it's like these people when they get in their design meetings they don't talk about anything and they're goofing off or doing something I have everybody with thumbs up their asses because that should have been like the very first thing have you never played an online game but there's it it seems like nobody in your office has a branded this is your first online game no technically well there's well yeah but that's the game studios but you're right in that Elder Scrolls online so you should have learned some of these lessons or ZeniMax especially since ZeniMax their publisher like ZeniMax would have been like hey what guys that you need to do these things because players you know as the fov slider mentioned there yeah 12 21 by 9 and a field of view settings are all being implemented on PC with this update if it was that easy why wasn't it in the original you can do it through the any like you like you send your review but like were they really that lazy not to just put that in the freaking settings I read somewhere that because of the engine it like [ __ ] with trees and in Lego kid I know that's what confuses me so maybe that that [ __ ] wasn't correct but we got a special respect after level 50 you'll finally be able to choose between a new perk card or moving a special point you had previously allocated so they're letting you respect but they're letting you respect like super slow so it's basically you either choose a perk card or you choose to move a point right yeah well at least it's there it should have been there from the beginning camp placement this is something that that todd said you could build anywhere like previous fall outs you can play this game so low in quest but the easiest way to survive in the wasteland is to team up and build together and in this one you can build wherever you want and you can also then move that to wherever you want and you can't build anywhere it's so there's always like you're running around trying to put your [ __ ] camp down and you can't put it in cool ass places ironically there's a lot of places that you shouldn't be able to put it but you can and then the places you should be overly yeah like I just found like I mean we didn't show in the review but I found like a legendary boss spawn in one of the actual buildings you're not supposed to be able to build in and I said screw it I dropped my camp there put turrets up where it couldn't attack and every time I load into a server just dies and now they got something called bulldozer this is a new camp feature it allow you to remove small trees rocks and other obstructions so it's easier to place your camp great players are not gonna bulldoze everything I was in fallout 4 - no they won't they won't bulldoze important things it probably won't be able to actually bulldoze those elements but that's good that's going to all help the game but this is in very very minor ways and that's December 4 December 11 so as you can see in December you're not really getting anything major and you gotta believe that because they're working on all these fixes they're taking time away from their updates yeah I mean there's a lot of like caught new content yeah but I mean like at this point I don't even care about new content I want to be able to play the game for five minutes without a game breaking bugs like they're not even mentioning that you do no damage bug that 70% of the player base is encountering you look at your riff that completely breaks again we've showed that off multiple time it happens it happens with every gun randomly and like you go look at the YouTube comments in the review and there's people straight-up saying I can't play the game for more than five minutes without this happening and it's it's they're not talking about it and I can't even play it anymore for hilarity sake because I just I log in 11 seconds in I got the bug last time I tried to play yesterday and I was like I'm done just all that Ford and just didn't even look at it again yeah losing items a lot of these different types of bugs the power armor and okay so let's actually get into the extended discussion the spoilers discussion where we weren't really able to jam some of this in the review it's a forty minute review guys I hope you enjoyed but I had to cut some parts out so first off a lot of you said I was generous with my score of three out of ten I'll be honest with you I actually gave it a two out of ten I could play a clip here you know that I was I was showing stream that I recorded a two out of ten but so check this out the final verdict for fallout 76 is it to a two out of ten maybe it could have pulled a 4 or a 3 but to release in this state to rely to us this month to charge everyone that much in microtransactions for this never again alright so that that was the original but at the last minute and that's why the final score section is kind of jiggered around it's all messed up and I gave it a 2 or I gave it a 3 when I really feel that after watching my own damn review and after watching so many other issues from other players a 2 would have been a statement you know to Bethesda this this is like super unacceptable but you know over time I mean Dell did reach on and forty hundred and eighty hundred eighty you couldn't play the game that long well number one it's his job so he has to but other than that do you think it's a two out of ten or you think is a three out of ten I mean now it is I can't even [ __ ] play it anymore yeah at least when I said hey I'm at a three it was because I could play for like an hour or two without my game completely breaking but they did a patch and they broke it even more and it's like I can't do anything now it feels like the server's go down every like five minutes I'm in a match I can't do damage my UI glitches out my inventory breaks it's just not playing well it's not playable anymore I think Joe the reason why because you know we gave it a three is because you know it's a time waster you know it's really good at you you it could waste your time when you're playing with friends is fun but that's you know well not even really that fun ouch but no the game not playing with you obviously see that's probably what got me playing with Joe play with Joe is always fun playing with Dell is always fun so that probably got a pity point from me and it's the fact that it's Bethesda and I am literally a Bethesda family ok it but I'm starting to have my eyes open if you guys watched Jim Sterling's video he made this great point it's like me you know the idea was that maybe we've had rose-colored glasses a little bit and if you go back and you look at some of the other releases this isn't anything like massively new no that's all doesn't it be this broken I mean it's been broken in the past but this is to me this is something new this is unplayable this is so boring I don't want to play people were so used to it they even made that joke at their press conference like oh the internet says our games are very buggy on launch like yeah that's a problem why are you making fun yeah it like it goes from cute to that this [ __ ] ain't funny anymore like dude do not reference that again without an apology all right that's this is not cute okay so all right so let's talk about so in their press release they said they you know they got the list of fixes there they say Oh a million players why do you gotta brag when you're trying to apologize that's basically like [ __ ] you well it's basically like look at all these people we conned it's it's like we conda million people instead let's tell you how many people we fooled yeah instead of just saying we're sorry for the issues with the game they're like yeah but millions of people are playing in it's like that just seems super high to me yeah it sucks that it's not on Steam anymore because on Bethesda's they didn't you can't tell how many people I think I know why that is - because they're not offering refunds and if they had been on Steam they would have had to abide the steams refund policy and they don't want it so there's this whole thing with you know a potential Clause class-action lawsuit I'm not into those kinds of things I think maybe a lawsuit is a little too excessive it's a little too extreme there for certain games maybe like when they come out completely broken that I'm oh but I was able to play this one but I hear from some people they weren't you able to play so I don't know in lawsuit no lawsuit just revolves around how hey we were giving refunds and then they stripped that away and so it's deceptive business practice which is hey you yeah these people are legally entitled to a refund so when you tell somebody we're gonna give me a refund and then later on you're like we're not going you really fun it's like no [ __ ] you and so that's why they're doing something they're like all right well if you're gonna do that to us we're gonna find some pretty much all you can do yeah all right so yeah I understand that but yeah so players like what I said here's players are done with fallout 76 pretty much mostly I mean they'll likely only get back about you know twenty five percent of their users after they fix all this I mean they're they're not addressing from those patch notes the the fourth which is like they need to get big stuff fixed they're not addressing the fact that the final boss scales with player level and is unkillable if you don't cheese the game they're not addressing like any sort of the major game breaking issues like the damage bug like we said or the server crashes stability anything there it's they're not fixing what they need to and it's like yeah things like an fov slider and push-to-talk or cool but it doesn't matter if I can't even log in like and it doesn't matter of so many different game elements of the game are broken we're gonna go over those now but to add on to my point people have already played 30 hours 40 hours 80 hours 120 hours that's why it's so important to get your game dawn on release and and get it right the first time okay cuz they're done with it I'm telling you even if you fix it very few players are coming back but maybe for this I don't want them to not fix it because this is something they owe all of us yeah I spent $200 on this plus tax it's ridiculous so you need to [ __ ] fix that but like you said it's probably gonna take forever so anyways I something I had to pull out of my review is the framerate on consoles I really wanted to show you guys this clip from YouTube and these guys did great work baffles show horrendous slow down even patched with frame time spikes all over the place on the Left graph pulling the trigger on any gun and especially for automatics will chew into frame rate until the clips unloaded so what that means is the one moment you need that solid performance is taken away from you taking down enemies with grenades makes it plummet further on ps4 and it becomes too erratic to hold your target reticle on any enemy for much longer than a second this was a problem in fallout 4 but it can't go on like this for an online game where team play is a factor and as you can see here on on consoles Dell this [ __ ] is even worse it's terrible like the fact that we have high-powered computers probably is why we got a game with the three because we didn't run into any of this type of performance issues if the [ __ ] was running 15 frames a second as you see here and I was playing that this [ __ ] would have been a - yeah the load times were crazy on some of the places in consoles - like one minute two minutes just to go in and out of a building and it was just I can't imagine that so now considering that the consoles are two out of ten and the PCs probably a three out of ten is what I'm thinking but alright let's go over all the fundamental negatives of the game okay and I want to talk about let's start with PvP first it blows my mind that this game it's okay so did they get the coop right yeah but that ties into another point AI right so you can't really get the coop monster hunt together right when you have shitty AI on everything it is it is honestly one of the it's there brain-dead AI they've had ever since like fallout 3 and Skyrim and they have not innovated at all with it and you go you know like you said co-op is fun and in some cases but every monster is stupid as hell and they just lets you shoot them yep and so these big battles with like death claws and stuff they just go and they just stand there and they growl at you and they die and that's all they do yeah I had one stuck in the alleyway I was picking them off yeah there's like a tiny little trash can in front of him or just like a piece of wood and it just stands there he doesn't understand how to get around it that's the kind of AI you deal with so that's what I said try to talk about PvP he's got two sides co-op in PvP but even the co-op is [ __ ] because of the AI and now the PvP is completely [ __ ] I mean they're probably the only good aspect of the PvP is when you do the radio what is that that radio style arena maybe that kind of thing is a little bit better than this random I'm gonna shoot you a bunch of times to let you know I want to fight you yeah and then I met a disadvantage because I'm already using resources to start killing but you don't do any damage you don't do any damage then they get the first shot on you even though you want to start the fight so there's no sneaking up on something so sneaking up on someone even if you're wanted and you're not on the map anymore like you know you're stealth and around you've already flagged yourself even if you find like if your level 200 and you find like a level 7 yeah if you have a the most powerful gun that ever existed 10 million damage a shot you're not gonna damage them yeah we showed it we showed you that I'm the exact click which is so funny that we've also got a PvP damage above yeah at the same time one recording that the damage bug effects everything including players I guess which is insane and that was only four minutes of being logged in so yeah I told him for that specific purpose we need to get some footage and it [ __ ] broke it that's hilarious I shot three times and it busted on the third shot and I was like so even if he does initiate combat with you it's not fun the combat in Fallout 76 is just it's not good okay you're running around and you have these piece-of-shit weapons unless you're you know unless you played to level 180 right but you're fighting each other and then your healing and you're fumbling through your inventory and the dice of resources it's only a waste of resources in time and why why what is the endgame once you kill the guy there's nothing and the problem is the person you pvp's and starts it or like a tax up building or something your bounty goes up so fast and you can't [ __ ] kill the people who are coming to kill you correct so not only do you get nothing I mean you get like resources but you know whatever they have even cool [ __ ] yeah you don't see the cool [ __ ] that they have and pull it off instead what you get is a huge [ __ ] bounty you don't really get anything rewarding is what I mean you get this huge bounty so you get nothing but negative and that's why in the game nobody pvp's nobody nobody and that's the point when 50% of your game idea or 30% whatever you want to quantify it as is completely non-existent and broken that that's awful and what was messed up is we tried some of the PvP events where you're supposed to fight each other right and there were times where it was so buggy we were getting bounties for fighting in an area designed to PvP in completely broke absolutely busted like absolutely all right but okay so and then not only that but the respawn so you kill this guy and he responds right next to you and then starting fighting again like in some cases like 10 feet away from you because you are now bountied and you are now able to be shot and killed and it just goes over and over in this big loop until one of you is like [ __ ] I don't want to do this anymore than you long ago oh [ __ ] finds that fun no one who nobody you know what we should implement oh I know I want PvP and fallout I think it would be a great idea let's let's talk about how they could have [ __ ] done it right you know I mean way way bigger map and actual factions you can form we're like the only two ideas like they have they have they have talked about faction based PvP oh they talked about but what I think it would be better is if you start letting us see servers right and you give us some PvP servers were you going it's a hardcore [ __ ] server you go in there and somebody could kill you at any time now yeah it's a little unfair with the level 1 ATS like you're you're organized if you get lucky and get a legendary like the one I got that does like 5,000 damage exactly it doesn't matter it does not matter how good the other players and it's level 15 gone I'm using a level 15 can you right but that see that exposes something in the game it would not be fun it wouldn't be fun because you have these these legendary dice rolls on your weapons that can kill somebody in one shot it's literally like it's like judged level 37 and he has that gun and he shoots you and and he's bought ask naked like his character likes dragon yeah I could be drugged out of my mind in the best armor have the perfect stats that Gunn's gonna want at me every single time so so they have this fundamental problem because they didn't design the game from the ground up with PvP in mind to where okay if we have PvP servers we need to balance some of these things and now they have to go in and back and do all of that balancing if they want to do it right which I don't think is ever gonna happen no it's not at this point if they balanced PvP like if they went and started changing the core fundamentals of their game for PvP it would completely break the PvP or PvE aspect and I'd say about 95% of the players at this point don't even want to fight each other because the taste has been ruined yeah well that well that's what I'm saying there needs to be separate servers you have your role-playing servers you have your PvP servers and then you just have your casual servers for people that just want to cooperatively beat up on a shitty AI right so so that's a fundamental broken piece of your game the AI the PvP the endgame talk to us a little bit about the endgame Dell since me and Jo didn't give a [ __ ] enough to go to the endgame so the entire endgame is around the Scorch those really generic means that apparently everybody turned into in five minutes I'm stupid that there's no Raiders at least Raiders have personality if they talk to you they taunt you you can hear conversations of them talking to each other it feels alive scorched yes they're [ __ ] zombies so you gotta launch a nuke you got a nuke this thing called a Fisher you there's the prime Fisher which is where the Scorch beast queen the person that's are the thing that started all this is and so the idea is you launch a nuke on her she pops out you fight her you have 30 minutes to fight her but the problem is if you have anybody above like level 30 trigger her sh her level scales based on the character that spawns her and so she's supposed to have preset health she has like five million health or something preset at level 50 if I run in and spawner at level 95 she has hundreds of millions of HP you saw that gun the gun that was killing those mirelurk queens in one shot yeah it was moving her health a fraction of a fraction of a parcel yeah and it was like I'm hitting therefore 5,000 damage every shot my allies were unloading thousands of rounds in her health is like one inch not even bene and that's why we said in the review it's a complete waste of say I can't do it unless once you kill her she drops yeah she's gonna drop some three-star Legendary's and some schematics for like the ultra site stuff but that's not even worth it yeah exactly you can find you can get lucky and then you can get lucky and not fight her and get way better weapons what we're saying so your end game is completely [ __ ] you have the nukes that that the codes are on [ __ ] ready Joe pissing me off yeah you waste your time right just like you know these codes I already got the codes what and then you drop you everybody goes to alpha cuz it's the easiest and then you drop the [ __ ] nukes but don't drop more than one at the same crash the problem is now that we know what the nukes do we were willing to do the code thing before now that we are before we knew what they did like we thought it would be way cooler than it was but now that we know that it just spawns some glowing guys that kind of could drop loot like if they went to the sisters up some buildings if you built a [ __ ] camp but you could just rebuild your camp instantly and if they went to the system where it was randomized every time nobody would launch nukes anymore because that's like hours and hours of work for something that's not even worth 30 minutes of your time laughter it happens so the world events are all lame you know like feed people no I don't want to [ __ ] feed people feed them nukes like we said but you see this is the stuff that players want to do cuz players are shitty right see if there was a human settlement guess where that nuke is going today it was in the wall three you remember like how cool would it have been if there was like actual NPC towns and when you nuke them like you get the implement they're named but they're like horribly mutated and you could be like I'm killing the vendor I didn't like cuz he's a zombie nope so just the idea of a multiplayer Fallout can be done right and the game is nothing is nowhere near the quests were so boring like it didn't want me to pursue anything else with these holotapes I didn't like these holidays yeah that's it tape us are lame what is the most fun quest Dale that you ran into I don't know maybe it's the Brotherhood of Steel bass line in the sand it was a world event where you're in like a fort and there's a missile launcher and the Skyrim dragons flying around and you're like defending and guarding them is that first time I did that I was like okay this is this is this is one that they should have put right at the beginning okay do you imagine that one right at the beginning or at least maybe midway like okay but that's like the end of the game I know and if there were multiple ones of these then you're on the right track instead you got turn the water valves and and to make some you can have that in the game but those need to be filler and in between and you need to make them unique okay well yeah we don't want to tell people to just turn this water valve we want to tell people turn the water valve and then water actually starts to flow in that amusement park and it's all radiated and then and it does something or it shows it to you but it doesn't do any of that it does jack-shit you want to know something hilarious what so you know the overseer quests you know how she's like leaving tapes for you but you never meet her she's still alive if you go in and into one of the silos and you read the tit you grab the tape out of the box before you go in she's like I found a silo this is cool when you go in there and you come back out you left another tape for you that's like how could you launch this nuke and it's like why didn't you just say that to my face like you were here five minutes ago yeah well it that that happens from time to time in these holotapes where the holotape knows exactly when you do something you remember that Joe we were like searching in an airport and we were doing a stupid Patrol and that we went to go do something and the tape was talking to us like oh good you killed all those things like wait a minute do that you knew which ones we killed so so stupid that there is no human NPCs and that's the other thing human NPCs why did they not include it because there are actually NPCs in this game there are but they're not human yeah there's the super mutant with his cow yep so funny anyways Bessy the MooMoo yeah Holly the movement the movement see like that is the kind of if we had way more interesting guys like that and he's funny and he's awesome but you have one you got one and that proves that they can have NPCs right so you know at first I thought maybe if you have NPCs it breaks the game or Bethesda simply didn't know how to do it because if you have human and then you kill the human then your quest line is [ __ ] but guys do you really need me to explain it to you this was figured out in like 1999 8 where you Jin mmo's you let people kill them but they just get knocked out and then they get back they reach five minutes or something exactly you give that person the satisfaction of killing him and then if you want some penalties they're then put a [ __ ] huge bounty on him and make him read immediately sort everybody in the world can sneak up on him and kill him for killing an NPC even though that NPC gets backed up after being knocked out like in Skyrim their own [ __ ] game already did it they have the solution like you said I don't know if it was Todd that thought that players were gonna want to be role players but you didn't even put systems in the game to incentivize them to act like that to be NPCs so why would they ever write like there's no real like economy where you know I I saw this video on one guy was talking about like you can make all the best prime rib steaks in the game and everybody's gonna come to you two for the best prime rib steaks I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking they're not but as you forget some power you can decide like I'm gonna focus on cooking it and you might want to vet you can sell these things to other people on the game so you're like I make the best we're by stake in the game it'll it'll over fulfil you and give you a health bonus and here you go 40 caps yeah I can farmer myself in five minutes what are you on about yeah so I have no idea what they were going with with this game sometimes you think it's a survival sometimes you think it's just a co-op fallout and sometimes you think it's an MMO but that's the big problem is that the design team are making these three different games and none of them were very good and all of the design decisions behind the game were wrong yeah they were terrible wrong bring that back Superman alright guys time to make it fun at this [ __ ] game but I'm gonna continue that's let's go on I'm so tired let's there's so much [ __ ] in this game that sucks John I know that in between like a lot of these things we talk about he's gonna show all the extra clips that we find there was like 50 extra twitch clips we got from just stupid bugs and they were fantastic okay so [ __ ] vats let's not even talk about it let's talk about the fact that you can capture bases and sell the [ __ ] Delta tell me what's happening here so I found out that even if somebody puts down a ton of turrets the workbench that you capture to get the place to build anyway in the first place if you just walk up to it and capture it back their turrets don't even shoot you and then when you captured you could just help authors and and I was like no no [ __ ] way and is there a negative to that person that built all those turrets did he waste all those resources they spent goes away you don't get a bounty or anything nothing do you see do you see though this was not planned out oh I need an explanation for this but does I really do because this worries the [ __ ] out of me I think I have one okay I'm about to blow y'all's minds okay okay how did this happen Todd number one Todd lying to us yeah okay Todd or what would you call it some people you know they'll kill me if I say anything bad about Todd he was hyping his game up to an insane level that it started to become disingenuous just like the no man skies not even not even know shittin like there were straight-up lies in the press conference about things that weren't even in the game yeah I mean interviews yeah but okay by now I could show you clips of those but instead I'm gonna tell you that you know he said like all of these studios fallout 76 is by far the largest project that we've ever done it encompasses parts of the studio in Maryland Austin Montreal for Bethesda Game Studios as well as we're getting a lot of help from other parts of Bethesda some of the great folks at ed software our pain is that our max online and so it really is a huge undertaking not just for us but all parts of Bethesda listeners one two three four five studios that worked on this I really think that this was only worked on yeah those studios did contribute probably like the old assets hey do you have that uh [ __ ] horse can all right skin that texture yeah well that's kind of the other studios oh so don't [ __ ] throw ID under the bus and [ __ ] they're all making do them they're like wait what we do it's probably what happened anyway so I think what happened and it breaks my heart cuz I live in Austin I love Austin I love Austin studios but I think this game was developed primarily by the Austin studios that got their game got shut down and shuttered this was Bethesda it they rolled it into Bethesda Game Studios and they've not put out a game yet okay this feels like a first attempt this feels like the talent is not quite at the level of their other Triple A studios who have delivered games I'm not saying you're talentless I'm just saying you're new at this and this what's that what that feels like there was a game called battle right no battle cry does anybody remember this know you're I was walking around in e3 and some of the paksas they had big booths for this game it's a bethesda game it never came out that was being worked on by the austin studio battle cry or something like that and it was basically a copy again it was a copy of overwatch I wanted to get into the hero arena shooter apparently it wasn't good enough or they didn't think it would do well millions of people playing all right that's right there's a brag what happened what no I think they got that decision right I don't think it would have done well because you remember that other game that we liked from battle battle it was a battle it's everything battle I think actually battle boy yeah and and we liked it but it didn't do as well as overwatch it did got shuddered and shut down they released it two weeks before overwatch which was like yeah so but I think that was the right decision for them to shut that down right it might have been cool for for a while I probably would have been better than fallout 76 and that's a lot of work from those guys and my heart goes out to them because those are original characters that probably could have been cool could have had some fans instead it gets shut down and they're like they probably got moved to this they're like alright now you're gonna work on the fallout 4 engine and you're gonna pump out a game and I need it in a year what they don't know how to [ __ ] do that are you serious they did a documentary remember that huge like one outlet document yeah they did a documentary over time they'll be working on this I have an idea four years ago yeah well everybody had the idea eight years ago everybody had the idea and fallout 1 when you were playing that [ __ ] this would kind of be cool if I can play with friends yeah I mean so don't give me that [ __ ] right but okay but what I'm saying is so that that studio took the brunt of it and it was just completely unfair to the guys in Austin to take the brunt of that and push this thing out as fast as possible without the experience the knowledge and that's why so many studios had to help that's why I had lists all those people because they didn't have the expertise and they're being [ __ ] pivoted so quick and then they rolled in another studio escalation Studios which they bought up and got rolled into Bethesda Game Studios as well back in 2007 and their mobile games okay and so you get a little bit of that influence maybe the perk cards and the microtransactions arrive early and and and then you've got this game so I think that's what happened is there B team or not even there B team there C team worked on this game and but yet the disconnect here is that Todd presented this as a triple-a game from the best of the best this was a tentpole release and it comes out and it's utter garbage it's garbage [ __ ] a lot of people just felt betrayed as hell because he was promoting and flaunting this game everywhere and talking it up and saying things that were to be in the game that weren't in the game and you know I saw people defending him like oh maybe he didn't know the extent of how bad it was no he had to oven his he's attitude he knew and he was ok with it like I I like Todd and I met Todd I talked with Todd several times I was just like hey man I forget what I said to him but I was like you know I was like dude I really love your games and I think you're a fantastic producer I just gave him so much praise and and he was really nice and smiling and he was like wow and I was like I'm a little nervous and he's like you don't have to be nervous I was like yeah I never get nervous and it's because like he's made my favorite game series of all I am elderscrolls like I love those games to death and angry Joe got nervous around him and I felt embarrassed and he's like nah man it's cool and then but and then the very next thing that comes out and he and I believed him I believed in time all the things that he said because all its spark on his eyes and he was me you know this guy you know this nerd in high school he talks about the ballot cowboy joke and he said well I didn't want to be the desk alva quarterback I'm gonna make video games for a living and they all made fun of him and stuff and he's doing it and that's my dream I want to make board games for living and and and so I just loved that success story of Todd and he's won awards and he deserves those awards and I I hate to see targets [ __ ] on so much but honestly you know when you do when you make something amazing you get the praise and angry Joe gets nervous around you you make something [ __ ] and angry Joe's gonna [ __ ] yell at you you know what I mean this is deserved I'm serious it's dessert no it's it's a hundred percent deserved and I think I mean the fact that they're not just owning up to it the fact that they haven't done like a hey we we came from humble roots this is what we do for a passion we made it or at least be honest with people yes this was for Austin studio with our mobile studio and and we're learning this is the first time we're doing a multiplayer experience in this way with these people and we're learning a lot from it and then maybe drop some little hints that in our future games we could start putting in multiplayer because we've learned so much and make this sort of you know okay they learn from it and now our future games are gonna be better and instead they drop this like [ __ ] PR apology where they don't even really apologize no it's not that's not an apology thank you for playing millions of you have played we can't wait to fix the game ya know like it feels so not human like a corporate entity is just like we're sorry was that something I want to talk about yeah I also really really like Pete Hines I've met him several times conversations have always been good actually when I first started I don't think people liked me very much because my interview style I'm real aggressive and I was asking him hard questions and he anyway yeah and and and we had this relationship where he'd give me a look and I give him a look but yet we do it anyway because you know I at least I had the audience and Bethesda I'm gonna be honest with you for a time that des des was the most friendly to youtubers I've seen one of the companies as good as Ubisoft friendly and open and they know and they talk and but lately I have to say this they've become a lot more corporate I don't feel I feel like Bethesda is losing their way there is are they smelling their own farts at this point I see with this coming out and they're getting so involved and and then they got the whoo they got the whiff of that mobile micro transit and fallout shelter no that's that's why blades is coming because they were like okay we want it we need now we need to do this with every single one of our franchises it worked so well with Fallout and fallout shelter frankly is a good mobile game okay and and I'm not gonna [ __ ] all over fallout shelter because guess what the game is free and you can put as much money as you want into it I don't recommend you go crazy because you know that helps ruin our other games that's that's the danger and and and now we're gonna get blades and I think blades is gonna be one of the best mobile games but I'm really worried about those microtransactions in there it better be free anyways so you have all that kind of stuff and I'm worried that but des des is becoming too corporate and they're losing their way and they're turning into a little mini EA a little mini Activision and I just want to tell them guys like stop it please remember what got you here because as as quick and as well I don't know if it was quick but your rise to to such great community standing and people love and adore your games it can be destroyed you you are ruining your reputation I think you the community is taking a huge hit right now I don't think you can unless Elder Scrolls six is like the best game we've ever played in its and so like the thing is is because you guys have gone and released such a crappy game you've basically made your job 50 times harder with the Elder Scrolls 6 because now you're gonna be under that microscope you're under the mind you're like so if you're getting it is if there are game breaking bugs and buff every other game you've ever released because your story was good you got to look past it people were like I'll look past the fact that my save gets corrupted that I have all these quest issues it's a good game it's Bethesda but now that you released fallout you can bet your ass that everybody is going to go over your game with a fine-tooth comb and pick out every problem but I guess what guess what I don't care about the black still if there's bug like him I care about game breaking bugs okay but but I'll even forgive some of those if you can find fixes around it what I care about is your game design tentpoles the the major decisions that were made and fallout 76 that we're all wrong I want PvP to work I want PvE to work I want the AI to work I want quests to be good I want there to be a story that actually you can listen to I want there to be interface improvements these kinds of things are what's important to me yes you are gonna get raked over coals just because it's funny and it's YouTube content that a lot of channels are gonna do anyway even if maybe you don't deserve some of it it's coming just because of what you did here would fall out you set yourselves up for that and like you you've honestly they have removed a lot of their buffer they had that people were willing to tolerate because now you're the goodwill from the community it's destroyed it's gone and really hurt your standing with your community and I think your apology just made it worse like honestly non apology that that basically shows us that this was a cash cow this was literally we don't have a major tentpole let's pivot cancel battlecry we need something fall out everybody loves fall out we can make money no matter what on fall out no matter if we put it out Todd it's not ready man we need another year I'm sorry I just don't have the talent right now and it's taken us a little longer I'm sorry can we just get another year no you're putting this out now that may not even be tongs fault it's gotta maybe balls Todd it's marketing [ __ ] is the president over there because I've never heard of ever met him I've only seen Pete Hines who's VP where the [ __ ] is the president it honors a shadowy it's it's a [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] assault Ron it's the fun master from fire it's pretty much just it feels like they had to make a quota on numbers and sales at the end of the year and I mean they could have taken it why did bethesda do this it's money money has to be money and don't accept my money like seven times i bought like skyrim on every [ __ ] console and we should talk about that too so the question is why did bethesda put this out no temple releases this year was it for their shareholders it's a publicly traded company i don't think i don't know to keep them afloat that's why they put this one out right to fund future games to or to make a quick buck i think i think it was all of those and i mean like you know by us saying they haven't released a major game like we're not talking the sister subsidiary studios under like arcane and aired and stuff yes they've released games but bethesda themselves hasn't this came out this year a lot 7676 and i don't repeat their big game yeah that's what I mean alright it that just it blow it bugs me alright guys do you think will it go free-to-play Joe no you don't think there's a goal in Christ job but they what they won't do it won't do it they won't budge on that I know what do you what do you think I think they will just because like every other game that I've seen has realized that you sell your game for 60 bucks you wait about six or seven months to when nobody's playing it and then you release it for free and you add more micro transactions and you double your money mm-hmm that's every even world of warcraft no I wouldn't put it past him at this point just because of all the steps that they so many people - so I don't know if they fix everything in February 25 percent of the people come back and and then they're like we have to monetize those people because we didn't get all of the people back they've got to do it in some way you're gonna get more micro trends and I'm gonna go for it it's gonna be 20 bucks or free to play guys in the comments tell me do you think the same is gonna be free-to-play now here's the worst thing okay do you think they're gonna monetize the perk card system it feels like game probably I mean does it why where why did they create the perk system why is it a pax I have a theory and it's a conspiracy theory but it's it's coming from it's coming from the place of betrayal why'd you betray me now everything that you've done has been put into question including the perk system I think this is they put it there and they put no microtransactions and they give you them at intervals to see what happens and guess what happened every single review on YouTube that I've seen even including ours but I softened it is oh I love this new purchaser what's one good thing up the perk system yeah yeah the perk system is great I didn't say it's better I said it was interesting yeah it's not better because and but everybody's saying oh it's better it's great a great great inventory but and so they've gotten all that positive feedback now and I think that was that was the little planting the little seed and like Halo in the Halo franchise it's going to pop up in a future game if how about this if they do that skill system that perk system in Star field or in Elder Scrolls 6 and it's monetized or you can buy packs what would you guys do flip the [ __ ] out yeah probably laugh and be like I told you so you buy the game or boycott the game um I gotta buy the game no matter what we have to do but if I didn't write probably not I probably wouldn't [ __ ] die the game until it's free because that [ __ ] is [ __ ] yeah if I was right or we didn't have the job for it that's predatory that's gambling [ __ ] and if you want to do that fine make the game free I mean the the perk packs already you like when you get five levels and you get that booster pack and followed something six it's all flashy you can get duplicates repeatedly and this is like rare is like bellick's yeah it seems like it was originally developed as a free-to-play game with this as the main system to get money and they probably saw if this really was in development for four years which I highly doubt but let's say it is let's believe them they saw what happened to EA battlefront too tied directly to progression and they're like [ __ ] we cannot have that because our stocks will take a hit so I almost kind of think in a conspiracy theory way that this system was being developed or at least it was discussed in design meetings should we monetize this can we monetize this and now I'm scared in the future that because it received so much positive feedback that they might be able to take that extra step I'm telling you right now but that's duh no no any news PU you think this is backwards I need a roll stop it man I need the rolled-up newspaper but anyway don't do it you think this is bad with fallout 76 no [ __ ] with the elders do not [ __ ] with progression and microtransactions or you will go the way of EA not only will you have destroyed the goodwill with the community but you'll have a revolt straight up those me as a fan that's one of my feet you'll lose me no so J I will be am your opponent instead of your supporter okay anyways so please don't do that with the perk system and I think it's prime and setup for that anyways so um you know what I want to talk about it didn't make it into the review but I sent you a screenshot of I had a bug where I lost four thousand caps from something that was didn't work and it cost four thousand and so when I sent a ticket in and the first thing was when you design an MMO or multiplayer game you designed tools to let your CSRs and your customer support help people who are having problems with your game when I sent the ticket in and you'll probably throw up a picture of the response email I got they basically just said we don't got those tools we can't fix quests we can't reset characters we can't give you items we can't do anything and they admitted this and it's like that's it's probably it's probably a third party call center are you still we're gonna call center long ago and all you have is knowledgebase right and you and you click on things that's probably all they have but every other that employees like yeah I'm just gonna be honest but every other MMO every other online game that's online only like this game if an item breaks or your character just does not work their game masters can fix it and they even said we can't escalate it we just can't touch yourself the responses from Bethesda they need to look into how they deal with customers because somebody sent me a screenshot of somebody saying hey the DA I ordered the $200 collector edition and it said that there would be a premium duffel bag or they said that what material it would be or they showed of material in the marketing materials and it turned out to be a piece of [ __ ] nylon duffel bag and somebody sent in a support ticket hey can I get a refund or can I get a compensation or something like that because you're showing something and it wasn't that and the response was so flippant that I was like no the internet had to change those words around yeah but because that's how bad the response was it was something like oh yeah we know it was it was too expensive to do the other thing and yeah we don't ever plan to do anything about it bye you didn't say it let it say it exactly like that but I swear to God if you read the actual things it's like this has to be somebody's last day yes or or the internet [ __ ] changed it but that doesn't change the fact that the [ __ ] thing is a piece of [ __ ] they can't fix problems in their own game which to me is hilarious because if I went through their ticket system on their website and it's like account problems character problems item restoration we can't restore items was the response I got and it's like why is that an option then like what's going on and it's just they didn't even have the forethought to be like oh we should probably have the ability to fix these bugs where we're four players before the game came out you you copied and pasted to Fallout universe on to a survival game you're so late to the survival John roof failed because all the game systems in there aren't built for the game they're built for Fallout 4 and they're poor choices a fallout MMO I think could work I think you could actually do a real fallout multiplayer game and it might work if everything was created from the ground up it could be something special but other than that no it doesn't work so let's talk let's end the video by talking about the future of Fallout 76 the future content they're talking about faction based PvP will you come back for that no no will you do world events if they put there's already world events in there they're awful I you can do to fix like here's one thing that I think they've been telling us the whole time it's been in front of our face I'm gonna reveal it for you guys they're doing human NPCs they're gonna put in human NPCs to try to get people back I think it's their one ace in the ACE that they could try to get people back what do you you guys believe me now okay here's why I think so because they've said multiple times now that other vaults will be opening they keep referencing the fact that other vaults are gonna open that that to me guys realize that confirms human NPCs doesn't it no I think they're just gonna do what they did with the other vaults and the other games where they're already they're all dead in there yeah they're gonna have like quest lines you're gonna go in there and you're gonna listen to [ __ ] right though like they they're gonna do they're gonna be DLCs and they're gonna be like missions for specific vaults but you're gonna get if that happens I'm far everyone's gonna go ahead and you're gonna hit a button on a recorder like you know like I'm already done but I'm done done the drums are sounding in the deef and oh my god alright human NPCs yes or no dough no human NPCs yes or no rules maybe not actual people I I think you are wrong in order to save their game they have to put in the number one request just think they're gonna try to do the patches and just try to do the bare minimum their minimum and then they had planned I think somebody date a mind like six DLCs they're all free because nobody would pay for that yeah at this point I you can't you can't fix it like you can fix the technical problems but the game every single part of the game is busted or awful and this is a shock to it can't fix it you you just can't I am so so disappointed in you Bethesda $18 for [ __ ] blue four blue are you serious with this evolved your memory the ball my dog no a weapon and he fall was more generous it was blue but it was blue and it was [ __ ] blue but they didn't even make like unique-looking power armors or something different like even in their live action trailer there's a guy that looks like he's got an alien's colonial type that's not in the [ __ ] game at least I haven't [ __ ] seen what I've seen and that's the kind of stuff that maybe you could charge eighteen dollars for if you [ __ ] put some alien stuff on it but that would be [ __ ] IP theft anyways yeah guys that's it fallout 76 it's done they're gonna be bogged down by fixing all the bugs and the fundamental broken game designs for the next two three months and then they'll start to put out the DLCs but by then they'll only have 20% of their player base yeah let's be real if they go as dispatching pace it'll be two three years or never or never they'll just be like the community Oh finally I'm gonna laugh so hard if there's a Windigo man and starfield oh oh my god yeah they just maybe the community will fix it alright guys thank thank you so much for watching I don't know how these how this video will do I don't care if it gets 100 views this was therapeutic for us and we got to give you a little insight into the review it was a 2 out of 10 until I cut it last minute and honestly it deserves a 2 out of 10 it could eventually become a 3 out of 10 how high do you think the game will get it they fix everyth everything like every everything like all the but are we talking if the game was good never mind I don't know all right guys thank you so much for watching if you liked the video let us know we can do this in the future for future games yeah and let me know if you guys want to buy fallout 76 I'm selling it No $10 dollars it's taking up space in my computer and I have the Xbox one version I don't open I haven't users know discs by the way it's a piece of paper you can have card for it yeah and I want to probably get rid of my helmet and this is just so sad I want to cry alright guys thank you so much for watching I really will cry in the corner thanks a lot but as de I'm never gonna forget this have a good day bye guys see on the next anger Joe she'll see you guys don't forget to subscribe to our Channel show your support for our channel and hit the bell notification or whatever are gone or grab some of these shirts that these fools are wearing and alright thank you so much guys see on the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 3,026,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, fallout 76, angry rant, review, extended discussion, spoiler, bethesda, fallout
Id: Y9svSoRB2zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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