Star Trek: Picard Season Finale Review + Ep.6-10 Rant!

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I used to have the attitude of like what you like and don't worry about it, but now I think I agree with Angry Joe.

If you watch and support nuTrek you are part of the problem. NuTrek supporters are the reason we don't have a good Star Trek right now. Also like he says the shows suck and get some taste and stop watching them lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/chesterwiley 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] god damn it I cannot convey into words how terrible the Star Trek Picard series for me personally is sure [ __ ] hubris I hate it I hate it guys and now you may like it and that's fine but you like stupid [ __ ] and you like crap writing and you like the destruction of our law our characters our universe and and basically turning something into it's it's not I mean the the the producers of the show have been quoted as saying we just wanted to piss people off we wanted to rile people up that's is that [ __ ] thing well guess what it [ __ ] worked you've ruined Picard you've ruined Star Trek this for me is one of the worst Star Trek series I bet you Star Trek Enterprise is better than Star Trek Picard at least more faithful at the Star Trek series I hate nearly every aspect of this new supposed Star Trek I hate the characters I hate the writing I hate the plot I hate the contrivances I hate the melodrama I hate the lack of chemistry the unearned camaraderie between the crew I hate the [ __ ] ship it just looks stupid I hate how [ __ ] the chick keeps calling Picard Jael shut the [ __ ] up with all due respect jail shut the [ __ ] up yeah I move a card with all due respect and at long last shut the [ __ ] up dead she does not even give and then goddamn Federation I hate the Federation that goddamn Admiral [ __ ] who constantly is telling Picard to [ __ ] off shut the [ __ ] up sheer [ __ ] hubris he want an apology shut the [ __ ] up there is so much cussing there is more cussing and half of an episode of Star Trek Picard than there was in all of the rest of the Star Trek proving that this is not Star Trek it is not it is a vehicle to make money to milk the fanbase to trick them a vehicle to inject current social and issues in and things that don't and and then handle it poorly that's fine because it's what start drink as for and does and has done in the past but it's done [ __ ] poorly that is the end of my angry rant for now and we're going to get your opinions okay my opinion I'm not a big Star Trek fan right and I still stand - from what I said so for I'm more interested in your opinion Joe because as a mega Star Trek fan this pissed me off as a person who doesn't really care about the characters of the Lord no did you like it no I must say is still I'm still at a for like I was before from coming into the first episodes cuz I don't care about these characters none of them are likable this whole Shoji and the sister stuff I do not care about this is a generic run-of-the-mill little space thing they don't you see on one of those sci-fi channel ones it was a waste of my time I honestly would not watch this if I didn't have to but shut the [ __ ] up you hear [ __ ] hubris Joe how dare you not like these artists right dress a pepper someone loved that one I hated that one there's like I guess there's this special moment as I go Rikers ago I gotta say before yeah but it didn't really hit for me I was like okay so this is like from his previous thing but overall I did not enjoy this it was like no impact for me the chemistry wasn't it and was not there at the end like these people like coupled up I was like why'd ya like I didn't even know these try these guys were together exact why are they holding hands there's no [ __ ] reason Joe exact yeah that's why I have my question mark right yeah I think you walked up on your rom you know I did because the entire time I was lost in this shows like what what what's going on wait did I miss somehow I get the question yeah and I feel I feel like Sochi whenever she's talking to her mom she's like oh you log ours you're only like 40 seconds then you fall asleep that's how I felt that's like I'm watching this episode overall nothing nothing impactful and like you guys always talk about TNG's ago I'm gonna re-watch this I'm gonna do this for me I would watch Parks and Rec the office those are like stuff I would go back to this I'm gonna forget about there's nothing memorable in this and I want to make clear that the reason why we don't like Star Trek Burkhardt is not because it's not TNG I don't want it to be TNG I don't expect it to be ginger it would be great if it was TNG but I don't want it to be that so stop with that [ __ ] criticism now so number one what did you think so I was really struggling to come up with a way to express my disgust for Picard and so I I wanted to give people like an analogy and so I think I came up with kind of fitting so you know in survival situations where there's people that are starving they they crave nourishment like you want something like we as TNG fans where we're looking for that and so there's no food around and so there's something called second harvest now second harvest is when survivalists find animal feces and they will eat it to find little bits of undigested a not great in that because I threw this giant pile of steaming [ __ ] in the woods to get these little little bits of nourishment like there would be a scene a Picard and go like alright well you know that was a nice scene the send-off for data was incredible there was all yes things yeah girls little good juicy juicy bit of nourishment but the writers I had to chew through so much [ __ ] to get to them that ultimately if I wasn't starving to death which I'm not I'm not starving to death for entertainment there's so much out there right now that this is not worth doing so unless you're the kind of person to eat [ __ ] we a cyclist are Kurtzman's horrible dialogue plot story logic everything about this was bad other than things that I that were totally and completely unearned well the last scene in the entire series was such a high note for me it was crazy emotional for me I love seeing the send-off though their spoilers the send-off for data was great the song Soji actually did something good in this thing where she's actually the one singing that song it that was great some of the things with Picard were great I love seeing Riker even the pizzas stuff as cheesy as it was it was great seeing these characters that I loved pizza with tomato basil and non-venomous bunny corn sausage sounds wonderful thank you the problem is everything between that was [ __ ] yes so that's that's where I met with I'm right there with you there are great moments we're not saying there's not great moments cuz there are I'm supposed to sit around in the woods making pizza while you have all the fun I broke the card there bits and piece it all the more painful when you see these these small flashes of what the show could be and you realize what the show is and it's not just second harvest from ala what's his name Kurtzman but also Michael Chabon Chabon he admitted that he wanted to piss off or provoke people that's this shouldn't make it's made it so you're you or you guys are [ __ ] idiots when we were looking for a good send-off for Picard you've Burtt butchered and murdered the character just he's no longer Picard he's I don't know he's a [ __ ] he this whole series is called Star Trek Picard but he goes through it and he does absolutely nothing he is a shell of his former self he is guided around by the nose by all these characters most of them in in it feels very much like an agenda female empowerment and gender has been used there's not there's mainly one strong male character that this one introduces I mean I like the captain guy he was pretty cool I mean as much as much as much as a caricature and I've read that he was where he liked he played soccer and he smoked cigars and drink tequila he was still kind of fun it's the only one yeah that's the only one I literally hated all the other characters so in the Federation there's no there's no male characters it's just everybody is [ __ ] you know all the important characters are female and their drive the plot forward and Picard sits in the back seat of his own [ __ ] series and he doesn't really do anything and he makes suggestions and he does one or two speeches but that's it he's not at the forefront this isn't Star Trek Picard this is Star Trek so G this is Star Trek synthetics this is a Star Trek bastardization it is not it doesn't that Gene Roddenberry would be like what what is going on here this is not I don't know what you're doing because this is well you destroyed the University built like this universe free of currency that were so far in the future where we're not cursing anymore yeah no now no yeah now everyone's spiritual for their space races again we're back to like we're eight hundred years in the past and so you've ruined everything that you know the the all of the series is kind of built up it's hard just gives up goes to his vineyard Picard the guy who saved the universe multiple times just gives up and goes to his vineyard Romulan signs are [ __ ] in English that the you know a chalkboard the Ralphie is mad at him because he's rich and she's poor oak beams heirloom furniture yeah I'd show you around my estate but it's more of a hobble so that would just be you know humiliating what you know I'm just ridiculous ridiculous stuff I've I [ __ ] hated every time I watch this year's and as I'm watching this une giddy it gets worse and worse you know as you go along from episode five six seven eight nine and that tenth episode by the tenth episode I was saying this with all due respect and at long last shut the [ __ ] up the clip that I played you should play the clip where they're all hitting themselves killing themselves yes oh yeah so stupid it basically starts check the card it rehashes a story that we've seen a thousand times we most recently seen it in Mass Effect it literally just Apes that entire storyline just takes it rejigger zit around for various thing and says I made this while destroying the the Star Trek universe in the law and the meticulous crafting world building that went into that universe and all for nothing all for [ __ ] all for less than optimal characters even Rios is like an average carrot he'd be like a side character in any other Star Trek series not the one that we all like the most it's absolutely ridiculous and I really don't know how to convey in the words how disappointed I am and how this series started good and we were worried and now it ends up as one of the worst Star Trek pieces of content I've ever seen and and the worst part is it's not with side characters it's not in an alternate universe it's not you know with characters that yeah Archer I don't give a [ __ ] about it see I don't care about know you're using like the main [ __ ] people that I care about and you're doing it very poorly and that was probably about the worst thing that could happen she is not one of the new ones you are going to have to die set up to get it all out these characters I don't only care about the whole scientist chick her whole arc is crap [ __ ] yes and everybody just forgives her for being a murderer the first thing that she does after she murders her [ __ ] husband or boyfriend or a longtime lover and she goes and [ __ ] Rios [Music] I'm more than make any [ __ ] sense one more man I had to watch that whole stupid episode of them dressing up and then she just kills it and I [ __ ] hate her and she's a part of the crew like like hey we're going on with her and she's gonna be a great character it's all [ __ ] off the ship now yeah and [ __ ] hard the worst thing is as a tour is very sternly saying what you did is wrong oh really murder bad get the [ __ ] out of here well when we arrive you will surrender yourself to the authorities for the murder of Bruce Maddox what happened to deep space 12 am i still under arrest there was a change of plan [Music] am I still under arrest yeah like I was saying hey I hate her more cuz during that episode I hated that up so they had to dress up and try to get Bruce so they put me through that hour-long [ __ ] and then she kills him then they talk about some of the later episodes I'm like that talk about that yeah I'm saying her character just pissed me off because of that the whole thing with Picard and data data did they have like bromance what was going on no not at all no no not at all respect he treated him as another crewman he treated him as an equal and respected him but he never liked [ __ ] like loved him maybe maybe there's some undercurrents there but then in the movies they really kind of blew up this relation car that really scarred is basically well that's so what I got from that I guess these two guys the movies friends this is a continuation from the movies not TNG so four out of ten mm-hmm I'm really surprised cuz that's slightly below average but that's from a person who hasn't because I this is basically just like rock I said before just a generic sci-fi yeah little thing you see on the channel that you've played before in Mass Effect I mean I could definitely definitely understand what you're coming from having no experience with this world this does probably does feel like below average Syfy yeah there's a lot of like not very good sci-fi and this probably just feels just below it I didn't like any of the new characters well I like I said I kind of like Rios he was but he was like yeah I get that but like I'm giving trying to give it credit where there's a credit they do right so I kind of liked Rios I think from a thousand feet or yards away the story is fine but the second you look any closer than that you're like okay this is the overarching story like this this happened and then this happened and then it's how we're gonna resolve it's like a fun respect that they gave to this series that you know it sounds good on paper but when you examine it any further you can't you can't look any closer than that because as they are doing certain things or retconning things that we know from they're changing things timelines that happened in previous episodes there's just things that don't make sense the there there's a lot of that well yeah make a two-hour video on how many [ __ ] plows are we'd have to go episode by episode in order to get that done well I don't want to I don't want to go into too many of it but like there's things like the the crazy Romulan on the ship recognizes her as a story there's no way that doesn't happen if they're making it up because what they saw was not pictures of her was not pictures data it was a you know a synth message for since and we know exactly what it was because they showed us later on and her face isn't there so there's all of this stuff that they just kind of make up to try to trick you into one thing and then they showed you what it was in the end so I think it was really lazy writing as far as like dialogue overall plot yeah but there was some really high points that I don't think that they absolutely deserved there were parts where they use you know sound bites from ds9 and TNG that really got me going like emotion because I loved those things so much and I love seeing the send-off at the variant like the last scene in this in this series was really really powerful like it got me right there I'm like man the song is really good this is perfect so there are really really high highs but the problem is they're so few and they're so far in between that I'm not just a little below average I'm probably I'll have a 3 out of 10 and that's being realistic honest like feeling wise I'm like [ __ ] this 1 or 2 out of 10 it's horrible garbage but there were some ok things it was kind of nice to look at it is like a you know made-for-tv type series but it's I don't think it's worth watching and I think if you have any love for any of the characters like I do absolutely stay away stay away from this act like it doesn't exist the universe stays intact re-watch TNG re-watch any ds9 chick or watch babylon 5 again because that shit's cool [ __ ] you can even watch the goddamn Star Trek movies and still be okay no I don't want you to watch this and and you know as an on Star Trek fan but Jo has already done that I agree I want to give it a [ __ ] zero I want to give the one I want to give it a two with how much I cared about this universe and how poorly was treated and executed Star Trek you know it says Star Trek for card but he really does nothing in the series and is sidelined there's so much so many different social agendas of current events and what's going on in the world now injected into the series but done in poor ways and done in ham-fisted ways and done in ways there's not really any morals or lessons to take from it it just falls on deaf ears and a lot of it just feels thrown in just to throw it in just to like placate or pacify a particular segment of the market for example at the very last one of the very last shots is a seven of nine who has had a relationship with Chico Tay you know other jobs and all of a sudden she is now bisexual with yeah but she's with Ralphie what's the girl's name Rafi Rafi me it's like they're shown to be holding hands and they're smiling at each other like they've had sex so they've had relations in this series they introduced 7m9 as being Allah you know as being bisexual I chalked it up to like I guess that happened before and something I miss right sure they do that storyline with that other lady where they go into the underground seedy world and 7 of 9 has been experimenting you know you know sexually and you can you can believe that because she's a Borg and you know she's probably you know pretty good at her facilities like data was and things like that and she's just experimenting with you know humanity and all these other things but it at the very last scene out of [ __ ] nowhere these two are in a relationship and that's implied that they've been together and they're doing something now and they're now partners and you're is you're like what it wasn't [ __ ] at no point the first time she's on the ship she beams over the ship she doesn't even look at her she doesn't yeah so she doesn't say nothing says like there's no chemistry no chemistry there's no chemistry anywhere anywhere this was on between the [ __ ] [ __ ] hell Ronde and picard and and seven of nine and Elrond there's no chemistry here you use his name I know I know but they just throw it in there to throw it in there like oh look at that that's you know that's great it's like but but you didn't lose purpose you need to earn these moments because then next when you show it you're like well I don't know when they met and I went yeah it's just I don't care about it's so stupid it's so [ __ ] stupid whatever these things over constant in my head and get remember one because I'd miss you well I mean they also these things constantly well conveniently the you know so geez like that really the main character and she immediately falls in love with this Romulan so not only such a forced romance with narak so she was programmed to love such a huge part of your series is a romance and none of it works and then you'll have a incestuous relationship will they won't they [ __ ] did you [ __ ] her did you did y'all [ __ ] did y'all have sex like shut the [ __ ] up what is this doing in Sarge I don't understand this this is not Game of Thrones alex kurtzman yeah hey this is not Game of Thrones you stupid [ __ ] idiot you you're taking what's popular now and you're forcing it into the Star Trek universe I'm pissed I'm gonna go episode by episode now if you don't want that it is a three it's a [ __ ] three out of 10 you want to know why because Riker is cool they have a great send-off for data and there's maybe one other cool moment one of the episodes felt a little bit like you know some of the [ __ ] like it was like episode I party with the [ __ ] you know like flowers and [ __ ] and interesting ships right yeah that's so three points there but everything else in between so got dang I rolling my eyes will literally fall out of my head they were rolling so hard the name is allele guys if you like the series I'm I'm not personally attacking you I take it back you don't have bad taste you don't recognize good writing you you are you do recognize good writing and characters and motivations and properly set up relationships and camaraderie and themes there's this not know you're stupid you are stupid I'm sorry I'm just kidding I'm just kidding with you you're perfectly fine to like this look this give me your favorite series if it's the only series you've ever watched if it's the only Star Trek you've ever been exposed to if you've been exposed to other Star Trek especially TNG where all these characters learn in previously some of the background ones are the ones they would like to focus on there these are not those characters and you have to be a little bit upset about how they've treated them anyways if you liked it cuz tons of fun I'm just gonna call him out tons of fun he said it yeah he runs AJ's table time for us he likes it he's like you know for all the hoopla I like it he did but he couldn't defend any of his positions I think either trying to rile you up or I mean sometimes when you your legs doing that when you sit down and you just watch something and you don't put into it like you're just enjoying right you turn your brain on that's fine and there's nothing wrong there are you but even when you turn your brain off the little little nuggets of a sweet candy that they give you an inner [ __ ] you've hidden in the image shooting hidden in the ship but even that has no [ __ ] value it isn't it's not even not even that sweet so I go into your grandma's house and then eating their candies and they look great but then these candies are not so great where did you get these candies grandma thank you guys so much for watching we are going to do a massively huge big spoiler section and I may make it a separate video because this is going to load it and I have just so much notes off each episode so yeah thank you guys so much for watching Star Trek Picard is an abomination it flies against everything that the Star Trek universe was set up for the showrunners have admitted that they were trying to piss people off and you know put some social commentary and things and that's fine and it's good to tell people hey wouldn't it be great if humanity has risen above these things and and if they have like you know how do we you know how do we fix other racist problems or how do we have conflict and this is none of that this is this is literally Trump as president and the world is falling apart and it's class warfare and it's basically current times just with a veneer of Star Trek and some of the old characters kind of shoved in to make you feel great and then a few highlights here and they're giving you closure on data making you feel good with what Riker is doing and a car just kind of visiting very shortly while doing this really really shitty plotline my girlfriend by the way who the card oh yeah yeah the only time he shows up is whenever he's in trouble yeah he brings trouble [ __ ] [ __ ] you one a Picard or JL yeah yeah yeah that's terrible I'm gonna start calling you JL now alright guys thank you so much for watching stick with this English spoilers discussion extended discussion area and we'll see you on the next angry Joe show right guys bye guys you [Music] welcome to the Star Trek Picard season finale review season as a whole review extended spoilers discussion I'm gonna go episode by episode it looks like for some episodes I have zero notes I must have just fell asleep like fell asleep got very angry so [ __ ] so five I have nothing sixth I didn't think it was possible to be worse than the last episode it's my first no a five was a dress-up time right I think my one note for episode 5 is dress up is garbage and that's that's all I wrote because the whole episode is garbage yeah and I didn't think it was worth it was possible to be worse it was his episode six he got forced romance with narak you've got the captain playing soccer just to play to a demographic I guess sure fine he's mad you know he's he likes soccer the doctor has sex with the captain after killing her husband like literally immediately after she kills her husband just like [ __ ] some superpower let's do it anyways right it's not just like you know like you know [ __ ] you know getting his dick wet or her being horny no it's like now they kind of have an on-and-off relationship and they have feelings for each other and then towards the end of the series it's like legit feelings is a good holding hands like shut the [ __ ] up worst thing in the series I get pissed me off so much oh that's the worst thing for the episode the worst thing that episode I think the horse thing in this episode is apparently the secret Romulan police thinks it's think it's easier to delve into the subconscious of the most highly developed Android to ever exist than just to follow the chain of space Uber's it took to get to the artifact seriously yeah they're gonna try to trick her into walking down this [ __ ] Candyland path to unlock her [ __ ] subconscious to go into a dream to see some moons that are apparently real moons because they knew it was there and it's make me [ __ ] offences and instead they just go like oh she took a taxi to here we'll just follow the taxi receipts oh and the taxi came from this planet cool that makes sense so yes that's very true but on top of that the whole the way it's conveyed the whole episode is boring as [ __ ] Elfi Ruffy sweet talks of Federation like to into doing something black nails income blackmailed there's no [ __ ] way that she could do this but all because she had sex with that girl and babe it's implied they had a [ __ ] relationship so they're gonna have you know she needs help since she gets help on something that they're not allowed to do and go visit that confusion it's but but then it's like wait is this cube owned by the Romulans or the Federation is it a joint operation and so like what I just got by them and spying spying I don't know you can just approach the board cube artifact there's like no build security and ships flying around that will shoot you the [ __ ] down if you try to approach a board [ __ ] cube they just go over there there's layers no like before they had clearance they're like over there like get the [ __ ] out of here no Hugh and Picard is reunited that's like the archiving internet but but even from you know that way kind of like no there's nothing he kind of likes it but it lacks impact even for me and yeah we've seen Hugh and maybe two or three TNG episodes out of one hunt through Khan Tech I so many episodes right and we're supposed to this supposed to be a big moment anyways and then the so so geez dream sequence in this stupid [ __ ] Romulan room that narak like sweet talks are into going in and it's just a stupid thing it's so stupid it's a choose-your-own-adventure for a jump to conclusions it works on the brains of androids it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all okay so [ __ ] that episode we're moving on episode 7 7 scene of doctors seeing the visions from the Vulcan lady right and this scene of this horrific thing it's just awkwardly cut together and and she like immediately believes them right you you like you see that right and it horrifies you but you know you're gonna immediately 100% like a zealot believe in everything that that that that scene you know she could have you know influence you should could have just she'd you could have just made it all up watch cgi movie and then is putting the movie in your head like there's so many things right but no she immediately believes her so god damn much to her core that she's gonna kill her husband and she's gonna go on to the chip to be a [ __ ] assassin for the federation or don't train your mind is also stronger than like 90% of the the Romney secret Romulan secret police killing themselves with rocks and she said I'm gonna show you what I saw and it's just like oh and she doesn't think she's going to one of the greatest scientists who it knows a lot about Android research no I also want to point out how stupid the ship is like every Star Trek series has had cool a ships I [ __ ] hate Rios's [ __ ] it's an empty row is it what is it called to some tameria I don't know what you do you know the ship name oh of course is that not a problem it's [ __ ] State Star Trek you don't [ __ ] know the ship name it's a piece of [ __ ] I can't even visualize the ship that's how [ __ ] shitty it is I hate all the numerous floating instruments and panels in that ship though that [ __ ] would go out if the slightest system damage that you would take all these floating things got someone just figured out in an adobe premiere how to put those things up on the page so they're like hey I figured how to do I can play and drive like this we take one photon torpedo no we can't press a [ __ ] blame at least yes TNG yes the Saw III what's the name for it the tech the tech system I used to know the name they were filled those vinyls were filled and built out of sparks though because any time they took damage like sparklers would explode out of them but at least those were buttons anyways though you can still press when the ship was it's damaged um I don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing but there's lens flare galore everywhere in Episode seven it's like this is completely this is based on like the Abrams like right there they're borrowing heavily from like the Abrams films right now all Romulan supernovae are two elements from yeah but there's no reason to grab the worst element from it he just figured out how to use Adobe AIR dude I figured out like every floated panels it is a for literally the lowest common denominator and that's not what Star Trek is for it's not no no [ __ ] Russia should be forever everyone should watch TNG you're right I'm just mad it's forever I'm just very angry that you're stuffing unnecessary lens flares covering up the characters and covering up everything that I'm looking at has never been instead the more lens flare there needs to be a theme there needs to be you know a cohesive vision and this is this is nothing like what we've seen before and it's awful yep anyways Eleanor is a stupid subplot with you in that episode yes how does Eleanor fought break his way into the most secret Queen's chambers of a Borg cube he's never been in there boys so and he has a [ __ ] sword and he looks like an [ __ ] and he breaks his way into the most secret room that no one else knows how to get into by the way and he's just like I'm a space samurai and I'm here and it's like what the [ __ ] is this yeah why are you here right and I guess he's now he's I [ __ ] Picard you're more hopeless cause all you Borg idiots are stupid and y'all are helpless and I'm gonna fight for you now with my sword with my sword um it's literally garbage this episode's literally garbage topic art is being planetside and this is finally when we get to meet Riker and Troy so episode 7 so like that episode is garbage until we get planetside then episode 7 has a bright spot this is what I gave one point for Riker and Troy they have a daughter and a dead son for some reason perhaps to explain why they wouldn't just pack up and help Picard immediately when Picard comes with a problem they're like well you know our son died and we're taking care of our daughter and so we can I think that the son dying was to push that the anti synth brass legislation like really hurt in other places too because their son died because they weren't able to create the enzyme to cure the son because that's myself there's a Star Wars reference I wish I would have put more detail with their Star Wars reference there's really shitty awkward dialogue exchanges back and forth on the ship Riker and Picard exchanges though we're so damn good and then when they're on the lake talking as two people there was a lot of scenes in there that were just like horrible exposition where they're like hey we need have Riker and Picard me you're like cool are you gonna write anything they got this no we're just gonna write the good scene and we're everything else just like say whatever you want and it didn't feel cohesive whoever wrote that scene got it right yeah um try one a tomato like like this never you've never eaten a fruit or a vegetable or a anything she was she was broke how do I try one like this you put up yes she knows every language she knows every [Laughter] like this take a bite the reason her son died from a disease is ridiculous it punches you right out of this great moment in the episode so when when she's trying to explain you know the counselor well they they had the technology to do it but then they didn't want to do it and then they had to fight they have all these replicators and all this technology to cure diseases and stuff but all of a sudden they don't have all this stuff and then they can't do all this and then they need to do this or that it's just the gymnastics required to get their son dead is [ __ ] ridiculous and it's just written in there because of what Ally Alex said and then he was killed as no one can hit a grown man with a disruptor I guess they're firing and they can't hit the target apparently in here so they're about as good as shooting as you know Star Wars maybe that was a reference apparently replicators look like chief 3d printers by the way you see a replicator real quick and it is literally just the the string cheese 3d printer that prints something I'm like it that is not a replicator we've seen replicators before in this universe did the budget run so peaceful I [ __ ] hate episode seven moving on to episode eight broken pieces this one starts so laughably this is getting dumber and dumber and dumber everyone hang on to the merry-go-round oh [ __ ] this shitty vision is not even horrific and these ladies start to commit suicide the least you could have done is did some individual scenes I'm surprised more something more terrifying instead you're staring at things that you can't comprehend or look at him and it's like red it's like flashes and and it's dumbest [ __ ] if you slow it down I slowed it down it was like you see Mass Effect did a better more horrific version in their vision which it's the exact same vision by the way and also yet another all female group I know it's so weird for me to say this because I don't want to seem like a men's right activist because those guys are [ __ ] morons but at the same time I see a goddang agenda in here every important character every person that makes decisions are females and the guys are idiots they are broken they are stupid they do nothing and they are subservient to the women so yes we have another all-female group this Vulcan or Romulan group who can see these visions can they handle it can they not do you know another all-female group do you get it do you get it get it how shitty men are and how awesome women are men suck and women are strong as the nofa card with all due respect and at long last and then you Noel Elrond or L nor or whatever the [ __ ] his name is what what group does he come from no no very specific growth at the battle nuns yeah odd all-female group whereas they shun him for being a man beginning a battle no [ __ ] get it balanced hey who's in charge of the Federation what do you get it [ __ ] you Picard you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] alright and the other Federation lady we otherwise tell hey the [ __ ] is going on there Robin yes anyways Star Trek forgot apparently Star Trek forgot that people can lie and make [ __ ] up and make up visions Lisa why believe in these people so fundamentally right they're saying the universe is gonna explode and evil things are coming you got to provide a little more proof but no everybody is convinced that this is really happening so anyway seven of nine saves Elrond this you know auntie character she did this this is oh yeah this is my favorite walking my favorite part too but go ahead my favorite part of the whole thing is so the ant character went through the vision question she couldn't quite handle it she loses her mind a lot I hated her kitchen so she ends up on a scout ship with Romulans that inner that get contacted by the artifact the artifact assimilates them now when she gets assimilated because she her mind is filled with despair it's like her brain is filled with such despair but the despair in her brain bro broke all the board up more cube the most powerful weapon in the Star Trek universe one of the highest threats of their species we won't get into that but one of the most powerful threat Joe was destroyed through her sheer despair she was breaking a Borg cube can live in space by the way which is what happens later in this episode we've seen that in Star Trek its first contact see seven of nine is the worst Borg Queen yeah she literally could have scooped up all her people and put them back in their things but when she shows up with a Borg cube it's all on fire and it's [ __ ] up and it's a piece of [ __ ] and everybody's dead because she's the worst Borg Queen anyways but I just want to point out how he's not lying she broke a whole [ __ ] Borg cube with her sheer force of despair that's the quote [ __ ] this series how bad she was to drive away a robot she's a woman Joseph what what she's like depressed abortion it parent like I rather think that her her despair broke the Borg sub-matrix severed the cube off from the rest of the Borg and left everyone else and so what are they trying to say about women I have no [ __ ] idea what this is this is sexist so it's trying to champion women but apparently it's saying that we were so emotional Rios stares at Shoji and picard because and and card just ignores this so real it's like what the [ __ ] when he sees so Jesus and Picard is like yeah he just [ __ ] ignores that and he believes the doctor I don't know hold on so he is like hard [ __ ] stupid in this series like he is so meticulous in details and he's really [ __ ] good and all of us say he just doesn't understand that he notices something between Rios and and so G then but car doesn't believe the doctor is an agent for the enemy yep it's Picard oh [ __ ] dumb in the series he has brain problems remember yes true but they don't imply that but part are dumb so I am so sick of you know Clancy that's the character that old woman who is oh I am so sick of her cuss cursing look ah I wrote this down I am [ __ ] angry Joe I have been cursing like a sailor for 35 years okay but when it's done here in Star Trek it feels forced it feels like ooh edgy ooh it's shitty right is what it's like your friend's mom cursing something is like it doesn't sound know your friends mom's aunt you know not even like a grandma no no it's it's so stupid it is this whole series and what is she doing she's telling Picard one of the you know legendary characters and he's right in this instance he was right and she was wrong and she tells him to shut the [ __ ] up because men are over and women are smart because remember that's the theme of this end the theme is Star Trek the card is men are dumb and women are smart and even when you're right shut the [ __ ] up Nova card with all due respect and at long last and at long last I'm sending a squadron to rendezvous with you at D is 12 now stay put until they get there and okay card is the title character so we'll let him be right once but shut the [ __ ] up I hate this show i hated this episode not for being boring like some other ones but for being absolutely insulting ly shitty and then Rafi her research with the hologram and the doctor is hilarious she literally finds out the most complex thing in the universe in in the hollow in second so is so [ __ ] boring the jump in logic there and what they needed to discover via this [ __ ] was too much yeah too much it was bad writing because the writers wrote themselves in corner and they're like how are we gonna get these characters to know this and then go there guess what they're setting up seven of nine to be abort Queen I knew that was coming and then later on she becomes a board Queen how are the board cubes destroyed before if they have nanites that repair themselves so fast so it's shown that board cubes have these nanites that could just repair [ __ ] mmm well we've seen board cubes be attacked in the past and they don't release the nanites I don't understand are these nanites new or they had a wreck on a bunch of stuff because like it directly challenges the finale of Voyager and a bunch of other things where they're just like beauregard nothing like you've ever seen before there's something new that can survive in space and everyone's stupid the qubit seems to be I would almost say it's regenerating I would almost say it's regenerating or with all the food for the journal room jettison into a counter space [Music] episode does get its Picard in this episode we're still in episode 8 does kind of admit that he would his coldness towards data and so that was nice he kind of admits that you know he didn't treat data the way you should have treated him but you have to do that if later on if you're gonna have secret love for him which is fine because he had a love for every single one of his crewmates he didn't show just didn't show it that well and so it was nice to see Picard admit that maybe he didn't show it that well so the Scottish engineer of course it's the Scottish engineer Ian I said hold up by Ian first if I'm gonna ask him to call me lassie again do we know it Rios is hollow because Rios has 15 [ __ ] hollows Rios has some kind of password so G right and captain Rios has a relationship with his hollows so this medical holo gets in people's you know space so then one of the medical olives just gets in people's spaces just like his play for a joke I did not laugh it was not funny and I didn't like him he was the only new compelling character so this is when I realized that the only new compelling character is Rios because he's got he plays so many different characters he's but it only just barely as we don't know his past you know and by this episode we don't know his past it looks like Sochi was his girlfriend or his wife at that point there's five hollows of Rios and we sort of try to investigate his past but yeah anyway and then when people talk about that vision of the Romulans did you see that vision it was so horrific it's hilarious because the vision itself is not [ __ ] horrific we've seen it there's like there's like a still of data in there for some reason like you see his eye and it's like what no is that data just look like a random Android to me it's so pathetic and hear people talk about is just the worst they film everything so bright and colorful it needed to be red red blood just cover the face of an Android in red and blood and hellish backgrounds not these little bright little cheery things the writing is so shitty the doctor is empathetic that a droid oh I'm sorry the doctor is so enthusiastic that a droid drinks when she's thirsty and we were Saudi drinks doctor you drink it when you're hungry but with like what she just saw she wouldn't have this feeling any longer about androids so you're telling me simultaneously she was affected by this vision of what androids could do to you know in the future and she's gonna kill her husband and lover but at the same time she's gonna marvel that that Shoji drinks and she's like emphatic with it yes we [ __ ] the writing I'm just trying to point out how the writing is so [ __ ] pointless then the doctor refuses to kill Shoji even though she killed her lover hello she's the [ __ ] destroy she's the whole reason she's the reason she's the reason you killed your husband instead of killing your husband he could have killed her and then done and then you could have been sad about that and but then you would have saved the universe but no you kill the husband and then you can't kill her nope mm-hmm so just like you want to know why because she's a woman and [ __ ] him in she then does the most melodramatic thing and then says that they are like her family I'm their mother sir or rather crew which no one [ __ ] believes no one likes you I'd sooner believe that c-3po is friends with rape oh and Finn then I would believe that the doctor is friends with all of these people on this ship 7m9 becomes a bored queen just like I predicted but the Romulans just jettisoned the Borg under her control before they can attack which is a useless attacker she could just take all the board put him back in the ship 300 thousand years ago the the eight sons it put put in the plane in the middle and put the warning and Adam are out of Martian or whatever they call it at Martian an admonition right sorry and the warning says don't do what we did we created synth life and likely the board it didn't go well that's when I realized that they were doing Mass Effect I was golfing so that was it episode 9 I have no [ __ ] notes I [ __ ] checked out the one thing that I have written down is 218 warbirds exclamation question exclamation question exclamation exclamation exclamation question question exclamation question how many 218 warbirds the Romulan Empire has been [ __ ] destroyed and and their [ __ ] homeworld is gone and they needed help from across the galaxy from the Federation to help them transport their people to other planets but then they couldn't do that the Federation pulls out so the Romulans are mad at the Federation but yet they have 218 father [ __ ] warbirds that could have got that [ __ ] on their own the fleet dedicated to destroying Androids mmm-hmm but you wouldn't get that one cool scene it was like how many of the mother no they couldn't say that there's 200 there was so much wrong with that episode because I'm right to get to this place that would normally have taken like days like a wit to get to this planet but they get there in like nine hours one little dude one dude in a Romulan little shuttle ship can also figure out how to Borg tunnel into the board where a mole to get there and when he sends the translation and so when he does that he doesn't send the calculations to the 218 he's like no no I want you to take a week cuz I need some time to yeah the tracking device how the hell did he find us he must have extrapolated from our last known person condition he wants to extrapolated from our last known courtney position he's smart cousin box that can do the thing super smart yeah I see a net like the line is literally how did you keep following them after they lot you lost him no he based on where he extrapolated your new position based off your old position that is not [ __ ] warp-drive words you cannot know where somebody's going this is not Star Wars and the [ __ ] I hated it there see the job that the tracker the warp tracker did know whatever honestly what I was just doing I was like all right it's probably happened before [ __ ] it no let's [ __ ] move on get the show over with chalk it up to some chips constantly retreat through hyperdrive you know that is over and you're done and you either follow them to their home planet see if they went that way or if they went somewhere else you're [ __ ] I don't know it happens in episode 9 they get to the planet they blacked out I blacked out there is a new Shoji a bronze Shoji that's fair the data make up so yeah the data make up so she is no more Bronson and data she's better yeah they they kind of welcome them in for like a bit they give them a little doodad because the ship is broken they hand them this dude I and I had to go back and re-watch this scene I know like what is this things what the [ __ ] you mean it fixes things and so looks like an ocarina brass knuckle combination and you use the power of imagination to fix your [ __ ] and you can fix literally [ __ ] anything with it this is the most powerful thing that has ever happened in Star Trek and they're just like it fixes things here have this it's like what the [ __ ] is this you have to use your imagination my imagination okay thank you [Music] so other one gets taken down by a flower which was cool-looking I think so because they crash on the planet and they walk over there there's like since playing soccer cuz they really want to hiding yeah he plays soccer cuz it's important because he sneaks in oh yeah you played soccer too it's like seriously soccer intergalactic [ __ ] side the androids are playing soccer yeah you play soccer let's connect these sneaks in a bomb in a soccer ball which is the oh yeah you could come on with that device yeah soccer ball we recognize that then then evil so G they they capture bad romulan boyfriend's yes but evil so G lets him out okay yeah guard now yeah and the only cool part was that was like what the [ __ ] of these flowers coming up from the page oh oh [ __ ] it's like grabbing us and whoa well what are we doing we're going down oh wait but they're actually waiting Oh actually they're cushioning the fall of the board cube in okay so they're kind of cool that is the kind of stuff from TNG and even I will admit that little doodad the MacGuffin is kind of [ __ ] that you might find on a TMG TNG episode but it was far better written and far better executed like but you're right and that's like one of the most powerful things that says basically the Ito Guardian protector from that one planet where like you would have to be that level of [ __ ] strong or Q levels of strong and these they're not so it's this you immediately see the writing you immediately see the writers room and these people it's just so cringe-worthy when something like that is there it's like this is gonna be used to get anybody out of anything as a plot device and that breaks the immersion of the goddamned specially in the next scene because the girl that hands them the the MacGuffin gets stabbed in the eye like a centimeter deep stabbed in the eye with a necklace right where's the little [ __ ] thing that just goes bloop fixed yet deny not only that it is a goddamn Android how does it shut her the [ __ ] down you know how much damage data has to take before he goes down know what I didn't whatever moving on episode 10 this is when I and I basically did my speech I've I hate nearly every aspect of the show and I went through every single thing again understating how much I dislike Star Trek Picard in fact I think enterprise would be a better Star Trek series and I have refused to even watch that one but now I will because there's no way it's as bad and it makes a mockery of its legacy as this show does the incestuous pointless Romulan lust will not go away her line is have you [ __ ] anyone like Hulu shut up nobody gives a [ __ ] the constant Federation swearing at the legendary Captain Picard this is the episode episode 10 where she says again shut the [ __ ] up pure [ __ ] hubris the unearned moments that fall on uncaring and deaf ears the audience is uncaring and death when Elrond says that he cares for 7m9 it rings hollow they just met it just you just saved me five seconds ago but you care for her she's your deep friend but they're trying to do that because they will desperately for you to love this crew when it's not armed it's you could do that over several episodes you know how many episodes our characters don't [ __ ] like each other in TNG or voyage or any and then they slowly grow to learn each other's name good season and pros and cons it's not of that here anyways the little MacGuffin tool we already talked about it fixes an entire ship in this episode the hardest thing to possibly fix is just like our whole Power Core it's like dude I've thought about it it was cool well the thing was like well I guess I'm skipping ahead when Picard goes down she has a little MacGuffin as I could fix is everything fixed you the battle network the babble they speak here in that that scene Joe they say this they say jaha Lagoon the jaha Lagoon you know when she blows a blast on the horn it will unleash all the Telugu who've been waiting since the beginning of you know this guy will crap and through the crap in the sky the Chalobah will come raving you know it's somehow stupid as hell we can't fire where it wouldn't yeah we wouldn't be otherwise it wouldn't be otherwise where he's doing his his speech and and this is kind of like a TNG stuff this is what feels more like TNG and stuff enough but even here just rings so hollow because these characters you don't buy them you know what you're looking at a rising Ajala cool shut shut up when he said that I was like not a villain from it man and then dr. data you know the brother died like soap opera with what was this so this dr. data essentially you know he's like a bad guy but then he switches sides and like three seconds flat and now he's the goodest of all good and then he kills one of his own and these droids that he would do anything for it you see the writing you think this is what we call surprise this is what we stay trophy this is what we call week riding when you have to do [ __ ] like that and people turn on a [ __ ] dime it doesn't make any goddamn sense the motivations are [ __ ] anyways they attempt to fight all the androids that was their plan okay well let's just fight every single [ __ ] Android that is 15 times stronger than us right they attempt they can and and then this is great the warbirds start to warp in and then they go like this they're on the planet space warp in the low orbit Joe they walked into goddamn space bit monitors maybe when no this was before the water nurse popped up and showed all these ships they heard their eyes many telescopes where if I can I don't even want to edit this that don't even want to put in go cliff but I swear to god it says earlier they said they have five orchids left they're like all my god we have to fight 218 war birds what do we have well I got a gun I got a fist we got five orchids left how many of those things you have five but I'm gonna give credit where credit is due and I loved this scene they said that they had five and that they can make more and and there's maybe like 13 in the sky and then they all attack the warbirds though the probably the warbirds would have eviscerated those flowers because there was 218 warbirds but whatever creative license this was really cool and this was one of the shining moments of the episode almost worth the price of admission like I said there are good moments in here but I it's just you know there's little member berri things give the membered berries get out of control the member berries with the picard movie oh we just mentioned the picard maneuver for noises we also skipped over that a synth can Marvel can mind meld hmm that's that something that's whole you read the boss she read the OSHA read the book so every she studied them she studied their future videos because you're studying culture you could do it you could you just know how to do it know how to do it YouTube videos okay it's so stupid so so they just mentioned the Picard mover out of nowhere just for member berries you figure out a way to get us out of this morning carte maneuver we don't know that's actually a thing isn't it and for no reason then Picard says oh no that wouldn't work here and then the very next line explains the extremely rare instance that it will work here it will be useless against so many enemies vessels we have to multiply the sensor images and then find some way to disperse them like an ancient warplanes scattering bits of mirror to overwhelm a radar system and then just the MacGuffin suddenly comes back even though the doctor didn't use it before she uses it to project her stupid face on a bunch of a bunch of [ __ ] times implying that it's the exact thing that the ship needs to duplicate itself and remember she is going to retrofit this device in less than six minutes as stated before could they have less than six minutes but at this point it's like four minutes so she has four minutes to retrofit this device into this [ __ ] stupid ship to project your stupid goddamn face or a bunch of tell if she's gonna project the ship but a bunch of time you didn't think those ten in less than four minutes that's the power of imagination this is my problem with all of the variety green lantern [ __ ] is like you have the power of imagination would you make I have a hammer it's like you have this thing that apparently can make anything you want let's make like the super space nuke or like a Romulan virus that like you can go through space and whole walls and it just goes like I'm gonna everyone's dust if you don't think that this writing is ridiculous and off the rails and bad you do not have good taste I'm sorry you mad at me you can call me a jerk an [ __ ] but I'll be the one I'll be the one that falls on the sword this is ridiculous and to further support my argument the first thing that the Romulan says the Romulan Aeroseal orcs in execute planetary sterilization plan five ready planetary sterilization pattern number five whatever - the first one - in Tomah that's when there aren't androids with flower creatures with an old man leading the one is that that was Joey's lizard yen and three is Klingon yeah cuz you know and for you you don't wanna know why would and then the Federation shows up there this massively large fleet that's kinda cool of some of the coolest [ __ ] ships ever oh I [ __ ] love it was as bad as yesterday more maybe in some of the later episodes and TNG when [ __ ] is getting [ __ ] real but we see it here and it's like a cheap thing but tell me this why would the Federation send that large a fleet or even half a fleet that size why would they have that on standby they hated Androids they banned them they refused to help the Romulans they hated Androids they banned the androids why would a fleet that size be on [ __ ] standby in seconds probably took them three days to get it together well Riker I guess well yeah so this is one of those things that I thought about it all and okay I mean Riker so because it was gonna take them like seven or eight days to get there normally but then he see in a throwaway line later he said these are the fastest ships ever so it's like okay maybe you made up three days time and there was three days logistical period and he conscripted himself and volunteered and as all of the dumb things this is like number 1001 so I'm gonna like fine I'll give you two I forgive dit - because it was a cool moment Rikers it wasn't anything I wanted but yeah the very exact reason y'all made fun of Star Trek Discovery's first two episodes for having a goddamn badass battle is now what you wanted here but not y'all but other people like [ __ ] you alright the summary is better than Star Trek this Picard I'm sorry anyways so why almost worth it though that's why I wrote it's almost worth it to see Riker in command and such a large fleet oh and he and he's just like [ __ ] on winging it around going in his [ __ ] dick I wanted him to be sitting the opposite because the way that Riker sits in chairs is backwards because he always wants to be crotch out and so he turns a chair around it just like she straddles it and I wanted him to have like a folding chair he was straddling while swinging his dick like I'm gonna blow you up yeah but even this Howard he said he said it and the quintessential Federation I'm like Riker is the Federation he's the real Federation not [ __ ] was the old lady that you know you're [ __ ] humorous klancy or whatever it's Riker so that's what made me feel faith in the Federation again anyway everybody was supposed to Picard meets data in death right he's they they have data stored in this positronic quantum entanglement room race anyway Picard tells data that he loves him and then you know and that was a good moment they you know they try to give closure to data's dead I wish they didn't have to die but they did it and so and we never got a real goodbye so we gotta go by here and it was cool and I liked it yeah I love this scene like this was definitely the highlight of the entire series yes yeah I love help TNG to it don't you know like put on steroids and them better yeah I'm good I was kind of upset where they're like oh it is alive it's like you've been here for like four five six seven days and you didn't tell me that the guy who sacrificed himself for me one of my friends like that we worked in over 20 years is alive in that quantum room yeah [ __ ] you right so now you you've hate you hate me you hate this whole video because you like Star Trek Picard yeah but I'll tell you this scene the Riker scene the fleet this scene it's all 9 out of 10 it's all like [ __ ] 9 out of 10 10 out of 10 8 out of 10 this is what we wanted but none of this I've been listening to their edition of blue skies like over and over for like the last week yeah it's good it says putt but then the card comes back as a golem the card is a golem he's a golem he's a synth uh why did dr. son give up his golem he's just gonna make another one okay Picard kills data by request [Music] and everything ties in a bow at the end there which is so so disingenuous so stupid the doctor gets with captain Rios they imply that they have something right like their whole 7m9 gets with with Rafi that makes no sense and then just why are they a crew like these people understand the ragtag team and I will say it has its moments - basically I wrote Riker and beta here's the main criticism nothing nothing is allowed to set nothing is allowed to breathe nothing can be elaborated on nothing can be contemplated on everything is let's go next thing go go next go and then it's no alright I didn't want him to be a Gollum I would rather they use the doodad and they're like hey we fixed you it's not going to give you just so long it right but so like what I don't want I was your imagination dad is more I want to use it myself if I was Picard dude I'm 30 years younger yeah so that's what I wanted from I didn't want him to be like oh you're a robot body but we made you eat we made you exactly the same way and you will die very soon and we know exactly I would've like 20 no Picard 10 so does that mean that that science tells you exactly when you're going to die like well quit standing on something with this much technology that's [ __ ] up I didn't want it as soon as data close his eyes and participate it to black and then they should have been like and then everyone went home and forget about don't be racist about this card as a synth and you like the card so you like sense though they remind you at the ends I think you go anywhere you want and now so can i because I'm seeing too we can't bring this face because the blur can't all right guys great way to end it guys so those were all of our I just like there's huge areas where I could tell I got sad so that I just I want to go anymore I got some more written down the whole point of this whole [ __ ] thing is Bruce Maddox sent out two synths to go investigate the purpose of the synth band right so they send one to Japan to meet with the doctor kind of makes sense she Sensoji Sensoji so bored keep white why is Shoji a tab or Kiwi figure out what the synth ban was there no one you don't know either because how is she gonna feel or somehow to get into this no no the Romulans support work the board right the Romulans are at the Borg so they're gonna talk to the Romulans the Romans are a lot of other places other than the art maybe they knew how much the Romulans hated the board the since that branch I don't know no there's no reason there's nearly no and they asked in episode 9 they're like hey did you accomplish your mission it's like what the [ __ ] was remission what's your mission her missions like go fall in love and [ __ ] some random like Romulan spy guy then get her mind opened up like yeah train remember the cube people like the cube these these these synths are so far beyond data that it's like data compared to the other androids and TNG right because these ones have libidos these ones like fall in love with people like it's not like data had sex with with lieutenant yar right but he's not like into it he's just like alright I'm just gonna do it but like this girl is like fall in love with like this the random people that you see so Bruce Maddox is sitting his computer going like hey libido 211 like it's just like what are you doing in love with like the ugliest most betray both sinister [ __ ] shitty ass dude but they play this dude like he's [ __ ] cooler [ __ ] and and he actually cut out a lot of his [ __ ] because I would like I just would black out when you get on the screen cuz he's so [ __ ] shitty and his sister and their incestuous relationship but oh I'm cool now can I join your team I'm throwing rocks at your [ __ ] we need to work together I could have blown you up with these grenades but I'm not going to you cuz I'm like the coolest and I'm like the hottest boy so yeah you know say the grenades for the soccer ball and he kicks the sod like a soccer ball to blow up the thing that's how this thing ends this ends because the Mexican space captain kicks a grenade filled soccer ball at the beacon that summons the state's name yeah yeah I know it doesn't make any goddamn sense right jeez best car ever man is sexist racist and a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and he ruined Star Trek but there's spaces Alex it's Alex Kirk and Michael Chabon you you anyways yeah I don't mean I'm not saying I could have done better than him terrible no because the guy Michael said season 2 is gonna be more of what you've seen oh yeah yes because there's nothing else on CBS I'm not reviewed I'm not reviewing it I'm not watching it I hate it is so [ __ ] much it made me so angry and it ruined Star Trek my you know and it ruins the direction of my characters I don't want this to be time we Worf and I want Geordi and why so they can [ __ ] him up yeah you ever gonna be a [ __ ] janitor on [ __ ] janitor in an all-female convent who they're whipping him with chains because he was an evil man I can wake of war and everything else that he would have liked like evil nuns robbing him and prune juice and he said he probably would like and then we have Geordi LaForge what is he doing he's on the pleasure planet he finally found a woman he's a polygamist he's got 17 wives yeah and I want him to have a happy ending no pun intended and then Beverly Crusher uh they got divorced right no more yes so she's gonna be there hating on my car the entire time no no she's gonna be the person like nagging Adam as the ex-wife character you're stupid the entire time wait a minute can we still get them together that would be like the saving grace so they get back together I wanted I wanted them to be happily ever after but they obviously doesn't work with a family Angie unless the you know cue continued and changed everything [ __ ] here's the only reason the only way you might get me back I know Whoopi Goldberg is gonna be there is cute that I would love is thank you come I wanna I want to see cute [ __ ] with everything and just cute please save us just change the whole reality he has that much power you just [ __ ] change everything back all right Q in season two and maybe maybe I might put myself through this again you look ridiculous all right guys that's it thank you all so much for watching we'll see you on the next angry Joe show bye guys
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 451,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 50sec (4850 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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