Predator: Hunting Grounds Angry Review

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He isn't wrong and i am glad that he put up a review.

Here's to hoping that this will put some fucking sense into this developer but that's very unlikely.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/TwwIX 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

He talks about how there isn't enough time to defuse a bomb, shows two examples where they fuck up and hit the wrong button, and act like the point is made. Plenty of people can disarm the bomb. There's enough time for you to disarm it but not so much there is no tension. It's this huge rush when you're doing it.

Those "random Colombian drug lords" that try to destroy the body are Stargazer mercenaries! That is abundantly clear in the game!

Those were two obviously wrong points that stuck out to me. The game is not above criticism but he isn't even giving it a fair chance! A 3/10 is insultingly low.

EDIT: I remembered another point after reading some other comments. I, too, am afraid of Berserker combistick, but he doesn't talk about the ability to parry it. It's possible to hold that monster off while you and your teammates do some damage to it.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/HowComical 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honestly, I knew this game was gonna be ass. But, I love predator so I bought it.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just finished watching and gotta say I agree with him on a lot of stuff. But man this sub is gonna roast him hard.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/gxkjerry 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like how they said Beserker pre patch was broken and resulted in an automatic loss but they used footage of a hunter who was using wrist blades...wrist blades lol. I agree with some of his points but actually play and get better at the game before making those comments cause they didn't parry once in that whole video.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/AndoionLB 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Perturbed Pedro is clownshoes level game review.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dirkberkis 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not to be a jerk or anything but... was anyone else pull right out of their immersion when these Drug Lords, Terrorists and other low lives in these far off jungles of whatever country, all sound like generic American soldiers? I don't know, it just completely took me out of it as soon as I heard one of them speak.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/xadirius 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's funny because I really liked the game, but was pretty critical of it. Being Illfonic I often compared the failings of this game to Friday the 13th and it was often thrown in my face about the licence lawsuit.

But now I kind of say: "What's the excuse?"

Oh, well. Hopefully if they make an Aliens asymmetrical game it gets give to a better developer. I'd love to play a game based on it but maybe at a larger scale, like 12v3 but every human captured alive becomes another alien. Could be really cool.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/xadirius 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Normally enjoy these angry reviews. But 3/10? Not in my opinion.

Sure the game is janky and maybe a little overpriced. It needs more maps and variation, Predator que times are fairly long, and Dutch should have been free, but I love the hell out of this game (thought I've to experience the heartbeat error, maybe I'm just lucky). I guess my smooth brain finds enough enjoyment out of the core gameplay loop, as Predator and Fireteam, to override the repetition.

As for most of the balancing complaints Joe had? You'd be changing the game for the worse. (Though they have nerfed the Beserker since). To be fair, I wouldn't expect someone to commit the time to learn a game they aren't enjoying... He's bad. He's just bad. There's more than enough time to disable the Predator's self destruct, I do it all the time and the vast majority of teams I encounter do too. Anymore time and the self destruct sequence would be a joke. And rarely do I see the self destruct actually kill anyone anyway. Any competent Fireteam can take on the Predator easily if they play smart, Beserkers included. Stay together but don't clump up, use good guns, ping like hell, and parry his attacks when he's coming at you, leaving him wide open to absorb a ton of damage from the rest of your squad. And don't kill pigs. The Predator can see them on his map and regain health from them. The Scout class that he complained about being weak? They're one of the hardest to combat when they play smart. They can stay invisible for extremely long periods of time and snipe you from the trees with the bow and your friends too when they try to revive you (any class goes 100% invisible when you stand completely still). Hell, I even do this as a beserker to similar effect. As for the Predator, rarely do I ever loose a match nowadays, and when I do it's often my own fault for screwing around with Fireteam. Use complete invisibility to your advantage, use slams to take out chunks of health from multiple members, go after the team when they're fragmented, hit and run. The net gun is useful for neutralizing friendlies that can aid them while you cut down a member and claim them.

Really what sucks is that I think he's making Illfonic out to be more malicious than they are. Incompetent to a degree maybe, but I don't think they're an insidious company trying to milk you. He doesn't even mention you can bypass loot boxes and buy 99% of the cosmetics you want directly. They really do seem to be fans of the licenses they've worked on so far, F13 and Predator. I could go on about F13 too, sunk a ton of hours into that. As for that free-to-play theory of his? I don't believe that for a second, but I guess time will tell. (But yeah, a polished single player game maybe with Dutch and other survivors like Danny Glover's character from Pred 2 would be rad.)

Anyway, that's my fanboy ramble. They're games are clunky af, but I find them endearing as hell. And fun.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CD_King 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
guys I just finished the predator hunting ground reviews I intended it to be our shortest review ever it has ballooned to over 40 minutes I have no idea how that happens but it's done I hope and it'll probably be our least viewed angry review it's month oh but I freaking love predator and I went all in here and this is very very angry so prepare your speakers but first I want to thank our brand-new sponsors Nord VPN guys click the link down below please please support our show by clicking that link and considering their service we have an exclusive parody at the end of the video which is really funny and I know you guys are gonna like it so thank you to Nord VPN and there's even a cameo from gaming cosplayer a fellow content creator on twitch and YouTube just first starting out I think you guys are gonna like his costume stay tuned for that visit his channel and and thank him for being a part of it I hope you guys enjoy here we go so as you can see here with this budget allocation chart with seventy percent of our budget going to the acquisition of the predator IP fifteen percent towards Ronald's likeness for the DLC and thirteen percent for the soundtrack just should be live our budget if we get these numbers wait a minute so you think that you can develop the game the UI and the maps Oh map map pull textures sound AI on two percent of the budget I did forget about the AI but I should have enough okay please show us what you got to the predator of course hey Jimmy [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you don't [ __ ] it up quit all [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah ah predator hunting grounds it's based on one of my favorite movies ever predator 1987 with Arnold Schwarzenegger Dylan you son of a [ __ ] which makes this all the more painful to have to tell you this but this movie licensed game sucks you son of a [ __ ] and it's not worth its purchase price oh I know I know shocking right but actually this time I'm very proud of you guys because it seems as if none of you bought into this [ __ ] in the first place okay Chad does anybody else have this game anyone any was the only one of you stupid enough to have bought this game like us are you stupid like we are are you a fun guy but also an idiot are you an idiot that's how bad this game is he's like even our fans are like we love you and all but like we're not buying this game even I got standards proud of you guys daddy angry Joe is proud of you son and daughters now sure the film seems tailor-made for asymmetrical gaming a bunch of Billy badass commandos in the jungle fighting some drug lords getting up and close and personal with an alien killing machine one on mini style yeah perfect game concept which is why it's been tried a few times already left for dead yet by daylight death evolved and way many more hell even by the current developer of this game ill phonic with their previous title Friday the 13th [Music] and honestly this game actually suffers much of the same issues that plagued that game countdown right now I hate it redditor I'm frozen I froze now popping will you in network a record session heartbeat failure verify Internet content connectivity that's [ __ ] [ __ ] that was happening all earlier today [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] it feels unfinished it is unbalanced it's lacking content and the whole thing gets repetitive way too easy anyway for it's a below-average [ __ ] shooter without the predator is like the AI so [ __ ] dumb the generic alright move to the next objective literally I will try to find a better predator next time sure it's fun the first few times as you deploy as a commando especially if you force everybody that you play with to roleplay like I did so what do we do alright what did I go out let's go to the missions office dad pull yourself together okay now all we have to defend this I don't know how long this is gonna take [ __ ] he's going up the tree right in front of us thank your club Oh Alex got kicked it's not the Internet it's their servers it is it's beating on one of us every single game it's actually kind of cool when you first encounter the predator with your friends and you you sort of see them in the trees and you freaked out Hey in the trades there's a pig no no three four five as he turns on his thermal vision and to track your footprints to lure you into his perfect trap with candy [Music] want some candy then you suddenly see a shoulder cannon firing at you in the distance and all hell breaks loose it's targeting you as moments later he's on the ground and footsteps our founding in your ears and then he's calling at you and ripping your freaking heads off it can be exhilarating I mean the fishnets are kind of hot he's right that child jolly not yeah jump up the bed keep shooting shooting we got too greedy but after your like v match you realize you've seen everything the game literally has to offer at that point the predator becomes more [ __ ] annoying than anything else [Music] no no KD predator why does this happen so fast well because the game only has one [ __ ] mode or group either quick play or private match hell even [ __ ] evolve when it came out had one two three four five modes and sixteen different Maps hunt nest rescue defend and it even had a single-player mode evacuation but predator hunting grounds it has one that's all you [ __ ] get one [ __ ] mode are you serious okay so you must at least get to do this one mode on tons of different maps keeping it fresh right wrong there are only three and actually basically it's just one as they all feel the same let's see there's the jungle the jungle oh and the jungle all not even a [ __ ] la cityscape like from the massively underrated predator to film I [ __ ] love that film they probably knew that their game was bare with one motive three maps which is why they asked only $40.00 but even that is true way overpriced for this [ __ ] and of course they had the balls of course to charge $60 for the digital deluxe edition which adds what a few pathetic skins some XP and a digital comic [ __ ] pathetic I know how much you like predator so I got your predator hunting grounds Oh Jay you son of all friends what's the matter Oh Jay corporate got you're pushing too many pencils hey get that [ __ ] out of here get that [ __ ] out there know as much as I wanted to like this game while role-playing [ __ ] that has a true fan I know when we're being milked and this game is [ __ ] milking the fans it has been only one month since this game is released and it's already nearly dead on PC in fact it would be completely dead if not for cross play with ps4 consistently we match with ps4 players way more than anything else and even that is growing thin look we get we get ps4 players like constantly there are literally no other PC players hmm could it be because unless you're playing as the predator whose only objective is to hunt and kill the humans in the game if that it's a boring [ __ ] slog I only have one friend here and it froze what the hell a completely crashed I don't even doing nothing playing is the humans sock are you are you telling me a military-trained [ __ ] can't get out some simple [ __ ] rock so time ed kid he's out of med kits god dammit alright move to the next position let's move move up together as a group what the [ __ ] this little piece of [ __ ] branch are you serious are you [ __ ] serious [Music] branch the mercenaries only weakness everything in between your confrontations the short confrontations with the predator it is below average the gunplay in this game it's slow its clunky it's stiff feeling the graphics or look the a eye on the enemy NPCs it is beyond laughably bad murder these men the AI is hilarious hilariously bad AI I'm just gonna go knife everyone since these guys don't feel anything is way more satisfying that we just [ __ ] cleared I thought we climb impossible did we just watch that guy [ __ ] warp in the Albany Ike warp this is so [ __ ] stupid what the [ __ ] they can't even make a [ __ ] him come out of the shack predators here what so [ __ ] lazy this gaming it's piss-poor potentially on purpose as the new players would have to occasionally deal with predators harassing attacked simultaneously they literally spent nothing on AI yeah what is e so as the humans you do these mindless objectives like pressing F on the [ __ ] plants and [ __ ] valves I'm working on one I'm working on one as well I'm hacking the mainframe man I'm gonna press the button semantical day killing mindless crappy AI and wait for it pressing F on papers awesome eventually once you complete a series of pointless repetitive objectives against [ __ ] and BC your final event goal is to then e back via the chopper yes you either win this your goddamn fault or by defeating the predator which can be done by pumping it so full of lead before it runs off to heal that it just drops to one knee now during that time the predator has this short window to activate a really cool self-destruct sequence which the humans can try to shut down but they only have a limited amount of time to do it in too limited in fact we tested it multiple times defuse it you can do it for the predator this is a lessee small a lessee this is your fault he'll even in private matches it's so difficult to shut it down with nothing happening around you manually and worse you don't get anything cool for doing it that way just doing it right no you don't get [ __ ] he's on me we got is that we got his answer this is the best chance you got it Joe you please Joe goddamnit I always had it I own it you better not drink it it's best to just run from the explosion when this happens I'm safe you guys make it yeah oh yeah oh we did it boys anyway if you manage to kill the predator before they can activate their self-destruct things get even stupider weirder you have to protect a predator body when suddenly all those Colombian drug lords that you've been killing mindlessly become possessed with the sudden murderous urge to destroy a predator alien body as if they are somehow part of some kind of government / predator galaxy-wide [ __ ] cover up he doesn't eat its protect him Joe that's a lot of guys over here there is no mitigates not letting me hit up on him what he's just it makes no sense why they ignore their own lives to come and try to shoot predator that you killed and you know what it's just stupidly easy because again the AI for them are incredibly dumb now playing as a predator is better which is why it takes nearly seven minutes on average to get a single game as one of the Predators as everybody wants to be a [ __ ] predator estimated time the waves is already six minute six hours and five min just came out ain't no one want to play this game yeah you know how many people are gonna watch a review if we put all the effort into making the movie - you can't see the time back so just a few minutes we're coming up pretty quick on 6:28 ya know but even then there's problems the Predators are wildly unbalanced you see how cool that last predator was that just [ __ ] your [ __ ] up yeah yeah where are y'all but make sure you will take them down just give me at what flashbang we've had him he killed two people at once are you kidding me and here it bump their heads off at once you ripped my head off well cool you don't get to play this guy no hell no first they force you to play it's this shitty predator for hours and hours and hours as you level up [Music] [Music] [Music] the predator scouts died so quickly and your initial equipment sucks balls each predator then requires different tactics and ways to approach the game I'm down with that that is perfectly okay it offers funds different playstyles but the issue is the final predator the Berserker that you unlock at the very end is 100% positively without a doubt completely broken and unbalanced which you're about to see his spree may 26 beserker gameplay watch how quickly he kills me from foil boom done and it quickly rips my head off so that I can't can't be resurrected there was nothing I could have done about that we're done here so then he moves on to the rest of the team on top quickly he kills the other team kills this guy in two hits three hits maybe less watch how many bullets were putting into everybody kills okay the F key when everything else in the game is holed the F key ripped him apart we can't be resurrected but he killed oj in like two three hits look at this [ __ ] not only did the berserker prefetching then he [ __ ] rip this guy off I mean we're already dead I mean it's already gone where those beach yeah tongue sir tandem this is what games were like guys it was [ __ ] gendered they didn't even bother to balance the [ __ ] yet he makes the original predator look like a [ __ ] joke [Music] [Music] even a team pumping all of their magazines and ammunition into him simultaneously doesn't bring him down he's so [ __ ] tanky which means if you're playing against a berserker you lose [Music] and the [ __ ] is made worse by non-existent matchmaking that's right they have all these powerful new weapons that you can unlock the longer you play and you level up and you rank up the more you get but there's no matchmaking which means in level 2 Marines can go up against the level 60 [ __ ] Berserker making for a terrible play experience every [ __ ] time so we're missing one there goes he's down he's got it right there market with me we got him come on come on boys boys get off me please what the [ __ ] buddy down the goddamn spear this game is unbalanced this [ __ ] yep yep we were tied if a team that is that close that is that aware has zero chance against the predator this game is [ __ ] I guarantee you that's a berserker and the Berserker knows that he could just attack a fireteam right away with the his current level and win period how much you want a [ __ ] bet that's a Berserker to prove my goddamn point prove it sir I will prove it watch this just Larker you're the best the best berserkers are on balanced pieces of [ __ ] they berserkers is literally level 50 predators the highest level and they're putting us up against brand-new [ __ ] players because matchmaking is [ __ ] in this game it's lazy it's broken and predator deserves better and that's the game you do this [ __ ] over and over earning that in-game currency to unlock [ __ ] loop boxes loot boxes it's just a little box what the [ __ ] is this tab you're gonna get a [ __ ] tab [ __ ] gray [ __ ] blue this is how you better not be able to buy these so as long as you know you can't buy them that'd be fine fine fine thankfully there's no way to purchase these with real money alright admittedly and and thank God because there's never anything good in them at all at least you don't have to [ __ ] pay for [ __ ] blue I guess like an evolve what do you what do we get what is this is it is that blue is that is that [ __ ] blue is this is [ __ ] blue you're giving me a gun that's painted blue and you want to charge me two dollars it's not even good DLC but you know I wouldn't put it past them to eventually make this game free to play and make these paid boxes that's where I think this game is eventually headed [ __ ] blue [ __ ] gray [ __ ] desert and this crap is what you have to look forward to and that's it that's if you can even play at all with the game's constant disconnects I forgot about that all right stay tight we know what we're gonna do different in this one is we are going to muddle first everybody mud up hiding why can't I mutter I am NOT multiple why am I not moddable I think you're ready mudded but I didn't even hold it alright let's move those birds didn't move for no reason and that's why I couldn't mud up a pig wait are you out of the game now god damn it the general bulkiness of the game is infuriating it's hilarious at times [ __ ] game don't buy this game but look at look at what's happening on the goddamn menu look look at this [ __ ] are you seeing this [ __ ] he took his head off no he took his head off and made him low-polygon Joe he's old Joe powerful huh yeah he's so strong he ripped the textures out of here your guy I will say though that 100% the best part of the game I forgot to mention is the music but that's literally because it just takes the 1987 films music and rips it one for one goddamn the music is like the [ __ ] 10 out of 10 that they're just ripping it straight from the movie itself that's cheating they're these collectibles these 20 old WLF tape recordings which give about 30 minutes total of extra content I shouldn't say extra actually context I should just say context of this non-existent story of this game so the son of Gary Busey's character from predator 2 he describes some of the events from his perspective of the original films and you know and that that's it there Duran debris thrown about the levels and not worth your time at all they do mention Dutch which is cool but you know it does remind you of what we could have potentially oh my god what we could potentially got a fascinating single player like sequel movie gained somewhat like 2009's Ghostbusters game but no none of that kind of effort here ultimately predator hunting grounds feels too little too late and worse like a low effort cash grab using a famous IP while containing no solar substance the final verdict is a three out of ten mainly because I'm a hardcore fan I'm showing it tough love I would have considered that most of four out of ten and then having the audacity to charge for Arnold the only thing worth a damn in the franchise that should have been in the game from the start no three out of ten I wanted to like the game I really did I do think there's great potential for a game within the predator franchise but this just ain't it chief hell no you son of a [ __ ] and as consumers we can't support games like this [ __ ] anymore okay that are all about the name on the box over the game play and worthwhile innovation or even substantial content like [ __ ] Star Wars il'fan ik got away with Friday the 13th right but they [ __ ] up predator here what's next for these guys a shittier version of the rest of my favorite franchises from the 80s and 90s like all low effort and misquoted like what [ __ ] Robocop you gonna do Robocop next oh [ __ ] don't do Robocop next [Music] [Music] lightly wounded a gravely wounded come over here I appreciate you following directions no I think not unless they're willing to put in a lot more effort here and give us all the [ __ ] that should have been in the game in the first place like the [ __ ] Arnold DLC from the beginning hey guys as you can see update to the angry review it is May 26th Dutch just came out an hour ago we had no idea how much he cost it until the second it went up seven dollars let's check it out so far everybody has been playing Dutch you've been having for Duchess and as you can see here we have three Duchess it's actually rare than what you see little buddy not playing that's right now so you want to spend money on Dutch yeah Dutch is too powerful Dutch is not worth seven dollars you're gonna be spamming the same five phrases over and over and he's not need em oh he's really that good brother you know what worse is that they wanted to charge us money to play as Arnold and one new gun and one new knife Wow awesome and and look they bragged that the right the rifle and the knife will be made available free later in June such such generosity good [ __ ] right off and this is just one of four paid DLCs for this game that lacks this much content with the second paid DLC coming in June a third pay or paid DLC coming in July and a fourth paid DLC coming in August are you [ __ ] serious you guys for this you should be ashamed of yourself you're one ugly mother [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check it on or BPM yes yeah they're great I use it because there's like 45 streaming services now and it's all region lock content so I get around all of that now it's also nice because like when we go out to like dinner or something we can then mo H other and have to worry about our data getting leaked some people actually use it to like hide with their browsing stuff from their bosses and ISPs some people sell that data but you don't need that high things you say Oh Jay We Need to Talk buddy whatever you owe you absolutely disgust me you googled where to buy Henry Cavill mustache trimmings 16 times you saw that diaper clown party erotica don't we eat in this room you googled is there really a sex watch and where can I find one I was curious the truth is out there Jo I needed to know that his location so I could stay away from it yeah what about hot single grandmothers in my area xxx Superman deep fake it's been three days and the rash will go away why do a lian's like my booty hole so much what the hell is meat spin you were on that page for like three last week Joe give me gettin' gettin' no I'm cutting your ass [Music] guys seriously don't be like other Joe protect your internet browsing history and take control of your internet location and IP address we here use it at the show so that we can gain access to all sorts of different shows on Netflix on Hulu on it pretty much any streaming service that is reaching long and right now you can get 70% off a three-year plan plus one additional month for free when you go to north VPN com back slash angry joe or just use code angry joe with superfast service 24/7 customer support and six simultaneous connections Nord VPN is the best way to go into whether your peer-to-peer sharing whether you want double data encryption unlimited bandwidth you've got it all risk free with a 30-day money-back guarantee guys check it out with how much time we spend on the Internet it's a good investment thank y'all so much for watching [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 1,912,229
Rating: 4.8823299 out of 5
Id: _5SDD1z0jIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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