The Last of Us Part II - Extended Review Discussion

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at least I don't wear wig anymore everyone noticed it was a Elsa wig look if that's and that's like a giant Elsa wig I like the the new means it turns into a different word I don't know about everybody's been diving it guys The Last of Us 2 part 2 has given me a headache and we worked our asses off on it and you know I'm happy that many of you are enjoying it so we're just gonna use this there's going to be spoilers this is an extended large extended review discussion things that I was knighted things that I was not able to include in my hour-long review stuff I had to take out stuff like that I want to thank you guys for watching I want to thank our sponsors G fuel here's a badass flavor guava highly recommended golden ale Paris mine click the link below to support us thirty percent off guys let's get into the last of us to discussion mm-hmm justice for Joel justice for Jessie that is one thing that I actually I I guess I ended it out I thought I talked about it but it wasn't there you know that Jesse is shot in the mother [ __ ] he's like what are the few new characters that I'm like alright cool this guy and he's shot in the [ __ ] head and he's never [ __ ] talked about ever again yes you just go immediately to playing the a B it seemed to be father just forgotten like that yeah I know right he never gets even meet a son that cute little baby JJ right yeah for Jessie Joel maybe maybe Joel justice for JJ hashtag but I mean you know that happy ending though talking about the baby God that thing was was like it was so post car so tranquil so over-the-top but I thought it was a dream sequence for the longest time we're like whoa like they're doing this dream saying no that's it you're telling me that that's the life that she had like some people would kill for that she did pre-apocalypse yeah you know and it's a post-apocalypse she gets to live there I have that family I'm the little boy the little kid or wife essentially and you're telling me and by the way this is a big thing that I only realized later she had closure I mean it's revealed in the cutscene that she was speaking with Joel and they kind of talked it out much more with that scene Joel could have explained why did exhaustion we were so frustrated yes like tell her we were all screaming telling her like look this has happened before there was it wasn't a hundred percent sure and I basically grown too attached she was like my daughter you know and I didn't feel like I wanted to take that risk and you don't know what's gonna happen yeah Joel Joel was done dirty in that scene twice because there's two cuts aren't dirty the whole [ __ ] game so one of the flash the first flashback where she pretty much does I don't want to speak to you again yeah he just sits there and just gets this emotional beating from his daughter fear he knows he's going to lose her forever yeah and not once that he bring up look yes I didn't give you the choice whether to be the hero or not but they didn't give you the choice they took you they drugged you they beat me up they threatened to kill me and I wasn't gonna let them do that I have then he found out where he didn't make this decision right knowing this but he finds out that she's not the first immune they have found other immune people before multiple ones killed them could not make a cure even if she is the magic cure the fireflies are kind of a terrorist organisation is it's a very low success rate and agile did the right thing number two you cannot create a vaccine for a fumble in fact virus number okay you have magic yes believe and then even if you could then like you just said they could become a tyrannical organization and that's a whole new [ __ ] you know problem which actually could end up solving nothing so but they didn't give her a choice either and that's the big thing is he's like look you said that I didn't give you a choice they didn't give you a choice they just took you when we're gonna murder you without letting you know yeah and that's it so yeah that was a big part for me like that wedge that was just so forth between Ellie and Joel yeah it's like you didn't need that come on it's I don't here's the frothy is a piece of [ __ ] they completely destroy Ellie Ellie is is she's Tigers no it's beyond dark like I said she goes on that murder spree after already having closure after having the most ideal life it did this game spits on the original story it undermines it it diminishes it it leaves our characters in a much worse place you know it's beyond tragedy it's more parody you know and on purpose you know without a profound message at the end that that you know makes those types of stories bittersweet this is not bittersweet this is just you know she lost her spot you and I I'm not even really sure what they were going for they were going for the whole you know trying to show two characters at once two sides of the coin but the problem is they couldn't execute the two sides of the coin Abby and Ellie and Ann in a fair in a meaningful way they give you know Abby everything now all the agency all the attention I liked I liked the game and this is something I got plans or you know it was three never you gonna die from apena in fact I do like the game I think that this this game was it was it was beautiful I think the gameplay was pretty good you know there was some longer like walking loops that were a little unsatisfying and then the whole file cabinet spelunking got a little old sometimes but there's some satisfying gameplay I think the issue that I had with the story and I only have issues with some parts of the story I do think and I know the Internet's can be mad do you think that the writing is bold I do think the writing was ambitious I do think very well it was done well let me let me let me finish look so I do think the idea of half being able to play as the villain while you do all these things and kill Joel early and then to have the revenge mean nothing is bold the problem is it wasn't successful UK started off as something truly bold but the problem is with believability if you have to have pinpoint precision you have to have perfect pacing you have to have meaningful dialogue endearing you to characters and tying everything Garrety together but the problem is they didn't and when you don't do that when you shoot for the moon you fall double [ __ ] far because what happened is it wasn't believable I don't buy that Tommy gives up Joel I don't buy that they purposely leave Tommy land there Joel says his own name eventually but he's already given up his name right but why don't that scene where they're fighting why doesn't Tommy just Joel looks like he's gonna die and then Tommy coach Joel no Joel fixed it now Tommy just look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] in that scene we're like oh cool he accidentally gives up his brothers name in like this this believable scene like we can go through all of these unbelievable I didn't fight his way to help get but he dug he doesn't that's on how he gives up Joel's name he gives up Joel's name goes hey my name is anyway he gives it my name's Tommy this is Joel if John like hey Dad yeah yeah and so it's not it's suitable just stupid way exactly believability it forces the end of your suspension of disbelief yeah when you've been knocked out of a story like this happens in movies a lot when you watch a movie when you're knocked out you're you're begging for a way back in and this story never gave us a way back the event to further that you know one of the complaints that people get is like Oh years we're talking over cutscenes I sat through and watch all 11 hours of dialogue and cuts well it's important to tie back to them I probably watch this as so many more times than anybody going through 40 hours of editing those 40 hours of the stories in and out no but to go to the point is when you sit and watch the 10 hours of cutscenes in every single cut scene is contrived it's filled with coincidence I hope bad dialogues weird things and when you watch them all smash up together that it is so jarring that you're like I could never get back into this story because that carrot that scene has two new characters it like introduced where it's like Oh Abbey's dead open open occur yeah bad guy monologue gonna stop that kill okay well no she's gonna die get Oh run away and I did a supercut of that and that got you that that thing can go another [ __ ] hour 20 minutes it's a super fun because there's ten hours of pure cutscenes and I was at some point I got sick of it and I started hating my review because the guys watched it so many times and I was like I just can't it's like so I started cutting everything down but just to give you an example of why he liked everybody's like no you don't understand it's no you you don't like you we get it but we think the way it was told was incorrect the way was told let me just give you an example here is the beginning of the game there's too many jumping back and forth just when you feel like you're getting in a groove then it cuts and then when you feel like you're getting bored because it drags out it's like the you know the the quiet moments are too quiet and too long the the okay so here's an example Joe four minutes and 30 seconds writing to Jackson then it switches to Ellie for 20 minutes slow walking with min Jackson then it switches to Abbey for six minutes then to Abbey for for 20 minutes fighting in the outer Jackson in cutscenes in between then back to Ellie for an hour then back to Abby for 12 minutes then back to Ellie for 6 minutes then back to Ellie then Ellie again for five hours then Abby for do you see what I'm saying the pay it's know if you wanted us to identify with Abby or Ellie let us spend a good amount of time with them not the first time we spend time with them be this semi open world Seattle day one after Joel's dead and we're already [ __ ] pissed off and and our emotions are running high it's not it wasn't the right way to do it in terms of pace yeah I think the gameplay really like did a disservice to the storytelling on several times the game and I think that's that's like a perfect example of it there are times when we're playing as Ellie and we are told we are not shown we are [ __ ] told that she is reluctant and killing someone she shoots Owen in the chest she stabs Mellon the neck and you're like oh she's real Buckton the problem is the gameplay director did such a good job letting us have fun everybody snapping next what am I supposed to do let the pregnant lady [ __ ] stab me with a knife because she's [ __ ] pregnant don't told to go out there yeah like Joe I lost it I blocked it out it's so [ __ ] stupid Neil druckmann 'he's writing that he wants this pregnant lady on the front lines are Kombat slamming her baby against cage is doing all this kind of stuff and everybody was like rightfully on my side about that it's like you dumb [ __ ] well we didn't even you desert there's one piece that I kept out of here I'm gonna play it for you now I miss Callum the party last week excuse me you mean our mezcal what does it matter I mean you're out on combat patrol might as well drink you don't give a [ __ ] about your baby you know give a [ __ ] about the baby stupid is that crap there's tons I just realized I have so much so much hair got caught on the cutting room floor I could do that I don't know if I'm gonna do that they're all throughout the review we'll see but here go ahead the additional thing about it is so they clear mell for combat that day to further drive home this point that day they had the most licensing defenders try to defend yeah well she didn't know she would be under it are you [ __ ] kidding me they just finished saying that they've been attacked more and more with the scars not to mention the [ __ ] zombie apocalypse women on it just that they go to the morgue that day you go to the morgue and say we have more people die today than pretty much ever Ellie cuz they should go they show you how much Ellie has murdered all of them and they're like oh you ready oh no Danny I had a look at who did no I'm serious and I saw in our comments it's like I'm glad to see I wasn't the own crazy and the only one who didn't know what Danny was yeah the boys didn't know what Danny was either and I was like yeah apparently I tried to look it up the only information regarding Danny is in the Last of Us one and a little notepad on the side I showed a picture of a coloring book of who Danny might be and it's like wait no that's a different story that's Seattle I don't I don't know who [ __ ] knows but you see it's that kind of stuff and failure that is a failure to make us care about the new characters because all of the new characters are shitty and the then a few new characters that were there jesse is [ __ ] dead don't disrespect justice for Jesse and Dena here's the thing about Dena I liked Dena but in terms of gameplay she always gotta know a city partner she was no test she was no le and it just makes you not like her that much but I'll give Dena this you know she's alright but then at the end Dena does this one [ __ ] eighty you know she's like well if you leave don't come back it's like I like no no no no that does not fit her character what did she do for a girl she just met and just fell in love with she's gonna go on a [ __ ] revenge mission she know you're acting while pregnant and now and and so then she has don't even [ __ ] talk about it that's almost Dena's fault for not even helping Ellie through her PTSD and talk that is not a healthy relationship if you go and try to resolve this on yourself [ __ ] you I'll never speak to you again instead of let's talk about it right now what are you going through now Tina doesn't pay attention you're like oh yeah I was immune to the basic you didn't tell me was like I told you she was high she was high she Idina they had been friends for they'd known each other for at least four years and so it's not they've probably been friends all throughout growing up and so that I do buy that she goes on this you know Dina is ride or die kind of girl I don't mind that Dina left cuz we did talk about like there is no way in hell that Ellie you're going to avenge my little baby's father okay yeah no never come back well we talked about this picture picturesque like ending that they had they had this wonderful farm this this wonderful everything and then Tommy and unbelievably again the attorneys Tommy comes in for no reason goes you have to avenge Joel it's like you were the one that said you shouldn't do this in the [ __ ] first place what the [ __ ] itself that is so true and nobody talks about that enough Tommy is done dirty in this game Joel everybody's done dirty it's character assassination Hugh Sassanian you know Ellie the whole game is character assassination for Ellie you're gonna tell me that Ellie's gonna go around picking up the shitty little discount super Harold cards as collectibles and she's not gonna pick up the PS Vita that's that straight character assassination Joe don't you tell me she's over here picking up these little shitty cards and putting them little [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] arrows with the lawyer with the heroes on speed dial really and [ __ ] like that and she dopey twins for no obviously a joke which is kind of but still there's even truth to that it's like Ellie is not and you look at the previous Ellie and it's like a breath of fresh air anyways guys look you know I have so much problems with the abbey character I try to say it in the review that Abbey you know never shows remorse for killing Joel and and she never deals with it it revenge is okay for Abbey but it's not okay for Ellie you know and people will counter saying well you know she she lost all of her friends you know and she is essentially turned into the Joel character right because she has her own you know Ellie which is Lev and that's what stayed our hand multiple times but you know it just it never makes sense to me why Abby never says why she killed Joel - Ellie chin told you she had so many [ __ ] opportunities to tell Ellie why not only Abbey but none of her colleagues ever say it either even when they're pleading and begging for their life for Ellie to not kill them we were we thought we were justified we weren't it was revenge it was justice nobody says energy right because it would ruin the paper-thin premise it would ruin the story don't and that's that's profound writing that's so that's a bold so I don't know what to give more emotion is it Sam I feel bad killing her now right give me some kind of lines but they thought they were justified in getting their revenge but yet they never say hey we were justified in getting our revenge here's what Joel did so that Ellie can then say well here's what this dot random NPC that you really Rhett conned into an important person this random NPC was going to I wrote it down here but I just from memory he was gonna [ __ ] kill a little girl who you know not by her choice he was not only gonna kill a little girl for an operation that probably wouldn't have worked but also not telling her father figure that he was gonna do it not only her and not telling her he's a piece of [ __ ] like okay if Ellie was like if he explained it to Ellie you know so I want to do this all right but no they they just [ __ ] put her under anesthesia and they were gonna [ __ ] murder and they didn't even give Joel his guns so I liked Abby all but if you take away five minutes from the Abby storyline which is where she just out of nowhere kills Joel the issue that I have is she tortures jolts death and kills him and then we learn that I tried to explain the Abby's a good person if you ignore that part of the game Abby's a good person and she goes through she's loyal to her friends she goes out I mean she chooses she does she which does suck but she plays with dogs cheap they set her on Stanley let's Ellie and Deena live at Sochi she's also she gets saved by these two random NPCs and is so it's so important to her to help these people that saved her life that she goes on this wild murder mission on persecution island and ends up killing her friends and allies the WLF on that I remember she goes on a mission to kill everybody and then you go back and you look at the death scene of Jo and you're like I don't buy it enough you had done that differently and have where Abby is reluctant to kill him and a winner or man like mani we're supposed to pay right Manny hands with the golf clubs no you need to do this I can't she's a [ __ ] into it yeah then and then she beats him she's like well or even somebody else kills him but she's still a part of it and Ellie is like no you were a part of it and then you create some internal conflict we're pointing out Jeremy John's and I was saying like you could have made the duo Ellie and [ __ ] Abby and people would have been happy and that would have made their conflicts so means so much more at the end but in this one it's like no [ __ ] Ellie Abby is the character that you should care about you know it's like look at how nice she isn't looking how right she isn't looking at how many times you did something right and Ellie is completely destroyed and now she can't even honor the memory of Joel and by the way she spits on the memory of Joel now she's all alone it's like so stupid man I mean look I just and and I try to convey this multiple times I just you did go the way you want you just want to go to lip the whole time it's like yeah sure fine why can't Joel live the whole time but if you're gonna kill Joel then you know I want to live oh oh hey well this you know like this story is [ __ ] garbage because you didn't want it to go the way I just makes me so mad it just makes me so mad when I see people you know outright going too far in defense of the story and then not considering the other side yeah and so like oh hey the story's [ __ ] garbage but you need to like it since that was that's what the writer wanted yeah you have to like it because this is the way the writer intended its explained Jo that part is explained there there are situations there are right like good or good writing where I don't like the outcome but I know that's well written on the red wait the red wedding is a good example in Game of Thrones three like I didn't want all these characters to die it was like a child and it was shocking but you're chatting but you know what I didn't have problems I didn't get on the internet go how dare they do this so shocking it's like no it was shocking and it was wrong it was written well and it was believable and they set everything up and then everything kind of bent together but no it's oh my god it was so surprising so shocking well you know look I can open a box and [ __ ] and it'll be [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] well this whole surprise expectations subverted cuz you gave me a box of [ __ ] it doesn't make it good or something that I like to feel I know the entire time we were playing boxes [ __ ] is we the the game focuses on shock and surprise versus suspense and substance yeah and so okay we did a lot I did a lot of research on that cuz it's really important like the difference between shock and and suspense yeah and so I actually found a really short thing written by Alfred Hitchcock and he describes the difference between the two is this surprises when two people are sitting at a coffee shop and a bomb goes off and that's it you're just like wow that was crazy it just happened now suspense is when you see someone place the bomb and then they sit down then every word that they say you're like is it gonna go off what's gonna happen and it builds and builds and illness every single cutscene we get no suspense yup because it's out of [ __ ] nowhere there's jump scares there's jump saves there's jump random [ __ ] build with them and that is poor writing and that's what this game is filled with The Game of Thrones Season eight instead of Game of Thrones Season one yes as basically it doesn't exist all right here's some stuff I didn't get to talk about in the review that I want to put it here okay there's a lack of enemy types really one new infected Wow Sam blue am I almost yeah it's almost as if like the infected like they didn't even give a [ __ ] about I'm tired of zombie games and don't you [ __ ] say it to please haha but I don't want to play a zombie game and I do want to play a zombie game that explores some more interesting lore and [ __ ] like that this didn't do that I do got to give the game props here's some props here's some positives I didn't give it the best accessibility options got to the point where it goes into parody because you couldn't like there's like people are calling it journalist mode where you go proudly visible ice like damn we should have turned that on and used it as a joke when Joe came over and then and there's a color mode where you can like see the different items that you can pick high contrast there's so many so the accessibility even in the difficulty there's different like the tickers and sliders I want to give credit for that but you know honestly if you didn't like the combat before you were screwed here you know yeah because there are a lot of people that I talk to they didn't like the combat at the first game I loved it yeah I liked it very much but they were thinking okay maybe the sequel will have some kind of new innovation or make more breaks in this story or more set pieces or things like that it didn't really it had to set pieces the skyscraper and the Jeep the Rattler the Rattler compound is amazing I don't want to play that over and over and over that's amazing but I also want to bring up how that was another point that it's like they bring up this last faction last minute it's like there's no characterization you've got all four the Rattlers or these other guys or people like they're killing people or they're using them for labor but yet they're also crucifying them like what they're slavers you know it's ridiculous anyways the game isn't too long you know it's gonna be all those groups too long no the game's not too long it's too boring at times yeah you make those sections more interesting yeah they think it's too long because there are legitimately boring sections in the game that's it oh you have to go to the over here first one is too long yeah but the what fills that gap is meaningful and endearing dialog between the two characters though the reason the Dena and Ellie scenes feel so long is sometimes yeah but it's an endearing either like that you talk but they have one they have one they have lesbian small talk which we were like yeah this is cool this is character building and it kind of stopped yeah they don't rip it or they get separated at first and then they get back together and then she saves her and all this other stuff but they needed more moments of characterization yes like a relationship yeah cuz I just felt so disconnected it was just noise it's like it's not even a story just noise I wanted to like Deena more than I did I me too me too there were like I said they were fewer scripted fun little different events you know what was the most memorable thing from the gameplay besides Joel dying what is the most memorable moment in the game Joe flashbacks remember when you and Joe had great times together yeah that was the member remember this better game I was like this flashback shot this was so much fun but then you go back to you yeah the dinosaur flashback was the best I did like some of the flicks was the best moment of the game or gameplay either one yeah of the game definitely the the museum flashback okay this one but that's my point yes is the gameplay what was the most memorable moment from the gameplay the Rattler the the final compound is is so fun you could go back and do that thing in a hundred different varieties in a bunch of different ways hiding in the grass releasing the zombies and if the game had been all of that yeah towards the end I was like look guys you know cuz people are making fun of us that we were trying to do in different ways we're trying to go melee bill we're trying to do this other way we got serious in that edwin cuz the game got serious and we're like this is [ __ ] phone is out yeah in this last section here anyways uh let's see you know the graphics animations and details just want to say that their next-gen probably better than what we're gonna see at launch with these next-gen consoles I don't think these next-gen consoles are gonna be that big of a leap and we'll have to see anyways in the music - his music was a fan when it when it was playing there was a lot of times there was silent and it you know it basically just boils down to a petty revenge story with a shitty unlikable characters told in a jumbled mess withou mark movie without the connection that the first one had Ellie is totally transform into a dark and brutal and no longer likable character unfortunately adds nothing new to the lore messed with our old characters and does them injustice this new character desperately wants you to sympathize with it just doesn't work and to see this game get tenant attends in so many 10 out of tens I felt like the journalists did kind of circle the wagons there and like for the wrong reasons and maybe overrated the get their copies they felt like the leaks were unfair to the studio and that people were already judging the game before it came out I think that when it did come out they circled the wagons and even more so unbelievable and this is true and I said it in my review Sawney barred people that they gave review copies to from speaking on anything from a certain point in the game on yeah fifty percent fifty percent of the game essentially and the ending even you know it's it blows me away that they are allowed to do that and then even more so not only is it revealed that that Naughty Dog and Sony and Neil druckmann himself were behind some of the copyright strikes right we thought oh was a third party company hired by Sony yeah right exactly in order to hide the fact that it is that's literally in the fact okay so we understand we know and I knew that before but that's they literally confirmed it now but also for you know Sony on behalf of Naughty Dog to go and contact the reviewers who gave it a good score but said some negative things for them to point out well I think it's unfair for you to characterize this is this you know and like vice vice got contacted by Sony yeah and it wasn't confrontational but it was like in an official capacity like we disagree with many of the things in your review we thought you were little you know unfair and this way it's like that affects these major journalists and major outlets like well if I say what I'm saying are they gonna give me the next they're gonna give me ghosts of Tsushima no sane person isn't responsible for giving up those games and the same person has left us on red fur months and so yeah yeah I mean we've tried to contact Sony and we've not gotten any responses and you know it's aw so so unfair because I used to have really good contacts in Sony like they were really happy when I was [ __ ] on the Xbox for trying to do the nanny state console and for you know all these other you know problems with the Xbox and it's the only way to gamers right yeah I mean I think we saw this is ps4 then a lot of people right but the moment we say hey this game isn't as great as people are you know saying it is circle the wagons blacklisted you said people know I'm fair I am fair and sometimes I might go over the time I amuse a meme or something but I don't go as far as some people we didn't give it a zero out of ten yeah no we don't give it a zero ten and we try to keep it as fair and entertaining as possible so if there's any jokes that may have offended somebody and I apologize but you know their jokes you know jokes can tend to offend people and stuff and and we like I'm and that's the thing that bothers me the most people some people go too far and we never go too far but it doesn't [ __ ] matter they're usually basically if you said it with the question and you don't like it with conviction if you try to tell people that maybe it's not as a ten out of ten sorry I see I'm sorry jack I understand people liking and loving the game and so there's nothing wrong with if you were sitting in your chair right now going well I love the game well good I'm really glad that you did maybe you weren't playing it and maybe you weren't thinking should I play the first yeah but they've people don't play and then critique things as they're playing right sometimes they just kind of get in that mode oh yeah they just like they're they're gonna ignore some of the conveniences and they're like look I'm fine that's stuff that I'm used to in my video game but the thing is when it's in my opinion when it's a narrative story character driven game if the narrative and the characters and the story I know isn't isn't good that's why it really detracts from me and I could never give this a nine or a ten right out of ten is this this is the game where the story is so important and you know the people keep complaining comparing it to like a list yeah and Citizen Kane a video I'm like are you rose and if you didn't like that sex scene you're a virgin like yeah so people people taking a little right here so I wanted to break it down like this you know my actual score look I think we can all agree that the game has a lack of innovation they could have given players a choice like that could have been the innovation branching options like let us do do we take revenge as a B do we take revenge as le that imagine how much replayability that would have given the game and then left it in the air and then fans debate each other for years until the next game comes out and it's like official stances this is how it happened you know what I mean that could have been the innovation we didn't get any innovation in this game except for proning right so that's minus one point so we're at nine out of ten even if you thought it was a ten out of ten it's this [ __ ] sequel at least this is what I put on my [ __ ] ratings like if this is a sequel you have to bring your A game you can't just you know redo things or take things out or do things less did we forget that this has no multiplayer it has less value in that in at least the Masters idea yeah ten extra hours of [ __ ] boring [ __ ] that I don't want to play a be completely side like they've forced it in the game don't piss me off Alex we have to be yes just actually back use 10 hours a [ __ ] that I don't want anyways 10 10 out of 10 and 9 out of 10 right ok well the new characters they're introduced they're not that great Manny oh and oh now you love these guys now you love me I know you love Mel Joe yeah I Danny Abby Dina demons all right Jesse good guess what Jesse daddy gone no [ __ ] justice for Jesse you know Yara yeah and she's there but yeah laughs Wow cool like I'm really well 13 your lab is like an ally I like Elly more than lab but I do like lab more than pretty much all the other characters and so anyway the original game had better characters for sure minus one now what are we at eight out of ten the characters we do know no longer act like themselves Joel's too trusting Tommy acts like a dumbass and it's cause of the whole game basically and then cause of Ellie having her life destroyed at the end of the game - Tommy's the real villain of this game actually I'm just realizing anyway because he's like goading her on anyway Ellie is now mean she's just a shitty person she's so stupid for throwing away a dream sequence that it's so good it's a dream sequence and then she just becomes broken so that's another negative one so you're right literally seven out of ten you know negative digit negative um in terms of value the first game and multiplayer this game has nuts thus game has more gameplay like you said but half of its game plays a B's which to me is some of the most boring segments to play minus one so now you're at six out of ten now but we're not even done the story itself and like we just talked about this how it's told the pacing of it the flashbacks are jumping back and forth between perspectives and nedelin lever planning players get settled and attached in the new characters for too long and let's count how many times characters are surprised or have plot armor I was gonna do a segment here where I was gonna show you them all but there's literally too many like go through the 10-hour they have compilations of ten hour like go through it and you're like what hell how many time and how many times our expectations our server Tavor subversion sake too many - one five out of ten wait the ending like the ending is so important for a game for me like that's a point a point is that risk if you [ __ ] the ending up of the game if you literally faceplant at the end of the people were saying I turned into Sponge Bob and I did that anyways the ending that ending was wholly unsatisfying - one I'm not even gonna talk about it cuz it makes me so mad so I realize wait a minute I'm not a four out of ten right but it's just that the game gets so much other [ __ ] right we're just talking about that [ __ ] but it gets so much other [ __ ] right that it pulled it back up from and almost all the way up from that four to six like the people at Naughty Dog are so talented animations like I wanted to I was gonna show more bits of the animation and talking about how these animators and designers are the best in the industry and I need them well they weren't allowed to go home until they finished and so of course it's right because there's like you will finish wish so let me show you this little segment where we were impressed by the ropes in this [ __ ] game and you notice what I said there and their stories where that like 60 70 percent of the company is left like this this game took a toll on Naughty Dog like people I've read so I'm wondering if any of those animators are those people that made that sequence or now at other studios or not to make other games that I can enjoy and there will be yeah or if they stayed at Naughty Dog and maybe Naughty Dog can redeem themselves with the next story that they tell and I'm fine with it but I just want to make clear that there are the most talented people working at Naughty Dog and just because I [ __ ] on the direction of the story or [ __ ] on the direction of the new characters or the plotting and pacing doesn't mean that I think that this game is a complete piece of [ __ ] like you said anybody that says it's a zero out of ten you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] anybody was mad that there's focus on trans sexual characters or that Elly is gay you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know none of that stuff has anything - wasn't in your face it was done it was done perfectly there's no there's no reason - I want to make that clear but a lot of it a lot of it was pushing a certain angle and they had to push that angle so hard and they pushed it too far and it just did not stick the landing and you can feel the writing behind the scenes you can feel that agenda you can feel the the thing that they're trying to do and it just didn't work here and and like I said it was bold you said it was bold very bold bold but but bears battlestar galactica anyway so now if you let it didn't have a problem with any of those things that I just mentioned they're like I can see how you might think the game it's like a no not even a ten I can see how you think the game is a nine because there are to it there's like innovation problems there's a sequel expectation and if you thought that you know any of those things were not stupid or genius like maybe you can kind of see how people can get up to eight nine ten and I'm not taking that away from you if you like the game if you think it's an eight nine ten if you think it's a ten out of ten then great on you but our scale a game needs to do a little bit more and stick the landing a little better in order to get the legendary rating and I'm not selfish with my I am selfish with my ledge Neri ratings but I'm not unwilling to give this game in 10 out of 10 if it had done that I mean for Christ's sake we gave the previous game a 10 out of 10 and people are trying to say well you ordered came out it's like no I judged the leaks and then I was gonna judge the game when the game came out and the leaks were the game so like why are you surprised you know kind of thing well you mentioned the scale and something that people continually get wrong I mean written articles and in comments is five is average seven not Gael that's our UK our scale is five is average yeah it's it I don't mean I don't you wants a mediocre I'm just like everybody wants it to be seven it's not seven it's five five is average so a seven for us isn't an average game six isn't a below average game six is an above average game seven is a good game and then we go on to like great you know better great and then ten is tens the highest yeah so we've come to the end let's uh you know go ahead and try to bring up anything that we may have forgotten I would love to get y'all score on the game I was kind of hovering around a six or seven but then after thinking about it like this for me this is a one and done so like I played it I didn't really feel don't know light again Joe I don't I did have fun with it at times at times and I'm gonna go with a six I do agree with that and some bullet points that we already talked about a lot of people wanted me to give it a four like four is like the one the gameplay that one had me hooked that's so much fun I know you got flame why are you giving a controller to Joe have you seen Joe play he was running in the street like Joe needs to be like the bug tester oh I forgot to show you the bug okay I'll show you at the end cuz I found one bug yeah and I cut that out of the review cuz I was like this is you know it's a polished game it's a minor thing but we did run into a bug anyways Alex shooting mystics yeah I'm gonna give it a 6 cuz like the characters kind of fell flat for me I didn't feel anything for these new characters they try to push on me and then they introduce these new factions like I will what why do we care about these and I wanted the core focus about the effect and stuff like that but that took a backseat all right so for me I liked the game I loved the way that it looked I liked the way that it played and I liked what they were going for right it's pretty clear what they were going for I do think it was I hate that it's such bold writing you're right it is it is bold writing and they did take a lot of risks and I do want to see game companies do it but I want them to fix the mistakes that I had and the mistakes it that I had that we keep talking about is like how convenient everything is how dumb the characters are for the sake of driving plot how none of it actually makes a whole lot of sense the dialogue wasn't as good and the issue is I love just straight-up was not as good as it that you want you play the first one you go back and watch the first one and then you come back and watch this and that's the issue with what you call its sequel itis it happens all the time when so the first one is good it's hard to live up to it and they just didn't they needed to try harder they needed to do be better and they weren't and so if in a normal game when you're like okay well graphics is one game play is one in stories one well that's not fair this cuz this is a character-driven a story driven game and you have to wait the story higher right so I'm a 10 out of 10 for graphics but yeah it's a console game I don't play console games for the graphics I don't give a [ __ ] I have a PC I'd rather play on the PC so you have to wait that a little bit less the gameplay was above average for sure I had a lot of fun with it but there were sequences that were two strengths of the problems too long and there were parts of gamers like now I'm kind of bored can we move on with some of this other stuff and the story again I liked what they were going for and it's very clear what the messaging is I don't have a problem with Joel dying I don't have a problem with playing with a B I liked a B after the initial part I don't have a problem with the ending what Dena did I don't run with any of that stuff the issue was I don't believe the story because it wasn't wasn't written well he takes inspiration from things like the road city of Thebes which you know Abbey's even reading in there and there's not one time when reading either those books and go these characters are being stupid to drive plot yep not one time in the book or in the movie where you're like man that is stupid be convenient because you were engrossed in the story and they just didn't do it here so it's like he's got a paint-by-numbers of the Mona Lisa and some of it he's doing really he's got other people working on it but then there's parts of it the important parts he's got a [ __ ] broken crayon and not a Crayola crap you know those shitty rows are crayons and are mostly wax and like no pigment than to give you at like Chili's or something and he's like out of the lines on these things but the thing is even though but the problems is like even though most of it is good you see those flaws you see him go out of the lines and you see those little fuck-ups and for me it just sucked me out and go like yeah kind of sort of looks like the Mona Lisa but you [ __ ] up that part right there and it ruins the whole thing and that's what it did to get to all the press so at times he gets all the praise for the first game so he should get a lot of the negative feedback for the second game I don't have you know Neil I don't I don't hate you personally or anything I don't know if you watch our content or not you know you made an amazing first game you got a 10 out of 10 from me and and if you ever feel like you hate me go watch my first review again because it don't eat you and you know I do hate what you did to the characters and what you've done to the franchise and I think it could have been maybe peer reviewed a little better within your company maybe if there were people that were telling you hey neo I'm not sure this is a great idea can we can we look at this again I wish you would have listened to those people a little bit more but other than that you know I think these guys I just I just remembered yeah you ready I was originally gonna give it a 7 but ultimately when you when you wait this story because the story is the most important thing because the story especially with these types of games you took away most importantly for sure and it has to be so originally the way that I normally do it would it would fit perfectly out of seven but I have to take another point off and finish out of six because the story was wholly unsatisfying as far as the way that it was told not and what happened yeah the way it was told I was rated now I might even go down to a five guys after talking about know after talking about it some more and realizing how important that story how important the thing is and how you know yes the combat is great but I don't think the combat is as great as you guys are saying like there are moments anyways like really like we made it fun could you imagine if we didn't play that way with a B or C didn't even get made that particular way you know it's like uh it does have the capability of a five and I might revise my anyways but here's thing I missed this I wrote some notes and you know there's a lot of plows in the game and we've discussed some of them or not plows but just characters doing things that doesn't seem correct I've got it I've got a whole three pages of [ __ ] where it's just here's some [ __ ] let's talk about okay let's end the video with some [ __ ] that I forgot if you have any [ __ ] bring so I never understood why Tommy left before Ellie like in their conversation Ellie makes it clear that she's going with or without him and she's gonna [ __ ] go so Tommy he's like well I'm gonna go first or something he knows he's gonna [ __ ] over Ellie if he does that Ellie's going with or without him yet he leaves without her making her vulnerable to not only all these [ __ ] crazies that are out there but also it's a two week long trip you can't just get there before her own like a [ __ ] Abby and her crew should have been [ __ ] dead by the time they got to Jackson anyway knowing that she's gonna go you know where she's coming from where she needs to go to and and she should have been killed trying to follow and she should have been killed so many times or we've seen that in the story how many times they try to call the police and and like I said Abby should have killed been killed so many times going from Seattle to [ __ ] Jackson and then just so happy ending to show up at Jackson at the right area to find this particular thing and then Joel being right there I've been there zombies saving them right there and then Joel saving happy and they wanted to do these things because they wanted to make it more poignant surprise surprise and how could he do that you saying David know you're ignoring the characters for the plot you established the world last time you know to follow the rules then you established you wrote the [ __ ] rules you wrote down how there's a story and there there's a plot but you forgot characters characters alright and how that factors in historian plot so one thing [ __ ] I want to make this I wanted Ellie so Ellie we see Ellie use her immunity once but I really wanted her to go dark in that second thing I wanted her to like grab spores put him in like the ventilation system the WLF she's [ __ ] immune use it well she was she went on a murder rampage she killed hundreds of people in this game that have nothing to do with nothing her all right so bad for them leaving the map behind like Ellie dropping the map that says we are here come murderess here it's like how convenient is that them leaving the characters alive live going back to the island of persecution where even Yara's like the mom's gonna kill him like she's never gonna leave she drink so much of that I understand that one cuz it's like it's your mom you want to convince your mom that you're not a monster just for you know who you are her mom thought she was a monster and tried to kill her and celeb killed her mom and so the mom died and Yara died that's never died and Isaac died and it's just like yep yep everybody died just alright anyways this videos gonna go on too long if you want us to do it maybe we'll do it in the future guys thank you all so much for watching I want to thank our sponsors G fuel go grab this flavor is delicious inspired by Castro guava I'm so jealous that he got guava before me I'm Puerto Rican it's just delicious guys check it out link down below 30% off thank you so much for watching seeing our point of view and again if you like the game that's great but here's our reasons why we had problems with the story you can forward this to other people to kind of show them some of the inconsistencies and characters and story here and pacing and a number of things alright guys so we'll see you on the next angry Joe show [Music] [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,149,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U7ioKSwzn8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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