AJ's - ALL DCEU Films Ranked from WORST to BEST!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to the DCE you ranked and this is the only list the only correct list your list is wrong your rankings are wrong our rankings are right my rankings are well then are you these three lists I'm right I'm right let's see you're wrong your list better be the same as my list okay so basically what we're going to do is we're going to take the DCE you so far seven films officially starting with Man of Steel we're gonna raid them and this is our opportunity to re-examine our ratings because honestly when we first started rating movies we were not very good and we were a little overly generous to some films Joe yes and Joe was guilty of it too now this was all before Alex came so Alex doesn't share the blame in this you use dodged the bullet on that one but you know what we grow as critics and sometimes you realize you were wrong in certain things and you were right in others and there's some really embarrassing ratings that I've given DC EU films probably because I'm not exactly yeah I am biased in a certain way I will it make that admission but I'm telling you this is the definitive list so first off glassy Shazam if you haven't seen Shazam it's a great film it needs your help when I was buying tickets I didn't notice that it was like selling out so I'm actually getting the feeling that she Sam is not gonna do as well as I was hoping it would now I don't think it's gonna do like 1 billion dollars like Captain Marvel or black panther it's not that kind of film but I wanted to do at least better than some of the films that are lower on this list yeah and so please go out see Shazam it really does deserve your money Joe went in salt Shazam today so we're going to talk a little bit about that or no you know what we'll just we'll include it when we get to Suzanne okay okay so let's just jump right into the list so um I'm not sure how to start this thing should we start at the top or the bottom do you want to go like like what you're worse is we're gonna go electron illogically and where we think the movie fits in on your list yeah no we're going to start with the bottom we're gonna start with number seven the worst DC EU film now many people think many people because we all rewatch them all and here's a lot of things there's a lot of bias on the internet when some when a film comes out and audiences hate on it at the same time the hate rain and it becomes me nameable and and also the opposite can happen it can come out with really positive rankings and maybe it doesn't quite deserve that much positivity but it that that perception remains and it continues and I think that actually happened with the bottom movie on my list believe it or not the film I'm most ashamed of rating what I rated it i rated it very highly an eight out of ten in 2018 i rated justice league an eight out of ten and as we were assembling our lists I realized that Justice League is my Lucifer is that we [ __ ] up we had no idea what we were doing wait I let here's why rated at so high so happy was like all these things that we grew up are finally getting a move on that's a high thing well here's the thing there were at the time there was a lot I was so mad at the dark and morose you know DCE you that and and WB was trying to course correct and then Joshua joss whedon there was just so much marketing [ __ ] out there and I think the corporate pushed this as well and it got under me and I went under my radar then I felt good about Justice League but upon re-watching that film it is not good it's not good the tone it's all over the place the action is not very good the villain is probably the worst villain out of all seven of these films I think justice Lee has the worst villain Steppenwolf yeah just terrible really the saving grace of that film are the Amazonians you know at that battle at the beginning the Amazonians fighting and and it's just all over the place and they should have started with the Amazonians fighting it doesn't we go around with bad man we go around with you know some of this other stuff and and after being so pissed off at the waste of Superman's death Justice League is a [ __ ] mess why is it at the bottom of my list and what do I really think it's deserves well Justice League is at the bottom because it had so much potential I mean you're literally put this is supposed to be the Justice League and that's what we got yeah they came together to fight a CGI monster he's got a first base with these struck out he wasn't even that much better than doomsday well they they also like they did all the characters like they did him dirty like Wonder Woman was kind of useless in the whole film like her and Aquaman can't beat the big bad guy so I could've just thrown in there because like we need something firmed up clops cyborg whatever he's still useless Batman cut a lot of his scenes and he was practically useless I forgot flat like we were talking about this yesterday flash was in this movie yeah flash was in he was the comedic relief yeah he was one of the bright spots of that film but Batman Wonder Woman got very little to do Batman was done the worst Batman goes from in Batman V Superman it was very controversial to have him kill to have him be just so [ __ ] scary he turns from the scary ass thing to a little [ __ ] the only person he fights is Wonder Woman like he it's constant like picking fights constantly bickering back and forth and he's unsure of himself and he's moping and he's cry well he is responsible for Superman's death except for not really Superman is responsible for sue know the dumb ass writers are responsible for Superman's death because it could have just been Wonder Woman to throw the [ __ ] script a night spear just as strong as Superman you [ __ ] no uh because we saw in this movie Shannon even beat Steppenwolf so right so what it's just awful and then we're following this Russian family and they're just one family out of nowhere and the only good things alike as I do like the fact that you know there's some jokes in it now it's it's very well known that this production was [ __ ] Zack Snyder had this vision of going very dark he even I think there was a trilogy whether it be Batman V Superman and then to Justice League's or in actual Justice League trilogy the [ __ ] was gonna get dark Superman he was basically a ping in justice he was doing dark Superman and if there's there's scenes of black suit at Superman fort the Snyder cut I want to see it but I'm at it but what's so complex that I I do want to see the Snyder cut but I'm glad that we didn't go in that direction I I'm just I'm really glad that we didn't go in that direction now some people say Joe you're wrong you should we should have just let him finish his thing and then judge it on its complete and I understand that point of view but I think that's why I was so easy on Justice League by the end because I felt happy that we were trying to inject more comedy in there and we're trying to be lighter but it just doesn't work upon re-watching it the only scenes I really liked was at the beginning when they're fighting with the zoning Warriors and then when Superman comes back and takes everybody's [ __ ] upper lip was a [ __ ] joke you forgot about the upper lip didn't forget about the upper lip Joe what I did is I [ __ ] buried it in my subconscious because ruins Superman he's ruined that film forever how does Justice League open it opens on a [ __ ] shitty iPhone video with his upper lip so bad whoever did this sees you yes whoever did the CGI for this permanently ruined it permanently ruined Superman and now you know why I think Justice League is the worst DC EU film it doesn't live up to the premise of what Justice League could have been at [ __ ] over Superman it is a film with mixed tones and it's just a Frankenstein of a film and it's not necessarily it's you know it's just a travesty so I rated it an 8 out of 10 Oh so I [ __ ] up bad I'm more ashamed of that rating than I am with Suicide Squad what I rated Suicide Squad remember how everybody tries to dismiss me and they're like yeah this guy likes Suicide Squad you should be saying yeah this guy like Justice League so what did you guys think what is your lowest that is I'm gonna agree with you on that I think all of ours unanimous agreement the Justice League is even worse I can't watch it watch it twice yeah upon rewatching all these films we were actually able to make it through many of the films but when we were relaunching Justice League it just made you angry it's just it's like what the [ __ ] did they do what were they thinking and it's because DC was rushing rushing through they're in a good spot now it's horrible I think the DC EU is absolutely on fire and spinning out they've got some bright spots but the DC well we can talk about this at the end but ok see you proper the actors don't want to be in it no one wasn't right for this thing like it's there are three three of the the biggest characters they've got we don't we don't know actors for better Alex and the DC EU is improving so that's where you're wrong but you're right that the two most famous characters that you thought was gonna bring in the tickets aren't bringing in the tickets and we have no idea what's happening with them but we will soon and I really [ __ ] hate DC and I hate WB for what they did to Superman and Justice League you just give him a [ __ ] beard that would have solved everything let him keep his mustache and then let him have grown out a beard and bearded Superman and we wouldn't have such terrible CGI in that film moving on so I gave it a [ __ ] 8 out of 10 well I am going to revise my rating for Justice League now in 2019 after being a critic after seeing it multiple times in preparation for this and the extended and the extended cut it is know that I didn't watch a Justice League extended cut I watched an extended cut of Suicide Squad and I watched an extended cut of Batman V Superman no Justice League is now a rating of below average four out of ten what do you rate just asleep or what do you raise Justice League what did you rate Justice I want to embarrass Jo if I have to be embarrassed jo has to be embarrassed I documented it all jo rated Justice League a seven out of ten so I gave it an 8 and he gave it a 7 we're here to correct is a terrible film and if you want to defend Justice League if you think it's an 8 out of 10 that's perfectly fine but you're wrong moving on it's not fine moving on number 6 what is our number 6 film on my rating which is the only rating that matters I don't know how to do this with all three is Batman V Superman at the time when it came out i rated it a six out of ten I said it was slightly above average and I upon re-watching it it just makes me mad because this is really where the rails came off of the DCU for me the second film in okay I you know you you totally there's so many stupid plot points with Superman that it makes me so mad he's email in it everybody thinks that he killed people in Afghanistan because of bullets Superman doesn't use bullets and he's having their dead Lex what they did to Lex Luthor jolly Jolly Ranchers scene his heart Lex Luthor Jesse Eisenberg I don't know I understand what he was going for but it just didn't work here in this film and it may not even be his fault it is a little bit of salt and then just them fighting the the fight itself is cool as [ __ ] don't get me wrong Oh two best parts the two best parts in Batman V Superman will y'all agree with me is the the fight though it could have been better and uh Batman warehousing warehouse oh man it so that's where you're like this [ __ ] is firing on all cylinders Batman is a God dang badass he's the goddamn Batman that's who Batman is and that one but if you rewatch it it's just so dumb Lois Lane has nothing to do in it the her side plots go really nowhere and it's it's pointless and makes no sense in the first place that people think these you know that Superman was the cause of all this Superman gets mopey and he flies away and but yet then but then Lex Luthor uses Lois says I'm gonna drop you because Superman always saves you he so he comes from half the [ __ ] earth because he's exiled himself in the Arctic in the fortress of solitude he he saves lowers so he can hear Lois and know where she is in the flash we know nobody can't go and save his [ __ ] mom down the street and has no idea can't sense his mom but he can sense Lois Lane that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense or say simply say hey man man they got my mom and I'm here I got a fight her name is Martha but I will still defend the Martha thing I kind of like it I thought it was interesting and then of course and then of course the battle and the death of Superman how [ __ ] dare you that you kill Superman the second [ __ ] film in you didn't even earned it and watch my review with nostalgia critic because I put all the points in there as well as I ever [ __ ] could and that's why I felt they wasted Superman's potential cinematically they got it wrong they were rushing they have the dumbest villain and they also waste doomsday resilience and and it makes no sense as Lex Luthor is like I wanted to put this all on Superman and blame Superman and he'll get all the fault but then he released his [ __ ] doomsday which he can't [ __ ] control and it's gonna everybody's clearly gonna blame doomsday and not Superman it makes no [ __ ] sense and I I just don't like it but why is it rated higher why well why is it above Justice League on my list I gave it a 6 out of 10 it should really be a 5 out of 10 it is an average film because it gets half of the things right and it gets half of the things so wrong what does it get right the action why is it a 5 in Justice League is a 4 well the the Batman vs Superman I would have preferred world's finest like them working together and and not this murrow's of fighting and all this [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] together and they kind of do that at the end but it's it's separate and they're wasted that but the action is better I mean the action in that film is better than the action in Justice League I think the actual in that film is probably better than most the action than the rest of the the DCU yeah like there's individual fight scenes in that one that I think are like the some of the best the [ __ ] drag-out fights yeah they're really good and even though Lex Luthor is just over-the-top stupid-ass villain at least I found him more entertaining to watch than Steppenwolf oh no I Steppenwolf every single day of the week before the Jolly Rancher you would take Steppenwolf over Lex yeah over that interpretation I just see that as like Lexus son they went crazy or something you know anyways that's what is so that is my number 6 what's y'all's number 6 my number 6 Suicide Squad we watched it yesterday and I still didn't like it okay and where do you rank Suicide Squad what rating did you give Suicide Squad 4 out of 10 [ __ ] I haven't documented here what did rating did you give Suicide Squad Joe that was another embarrassing error because we were both in on that and we got so much oh you gave it an 8 ok an 8 out of 10 [ __ ] is wrong with you Joe well everyone is running chat right now is like Joey G happen so 4 out of 10 maybe yeah Joe we watched it together yeah that one no 4 out of 10 we were you like that time you didn't hate it well compared to the other ones don't let that don't let the peer pressure from this guy cuz we'll fight all day long like the soundtrack but there is still like that's why it's an average film Joe we'll see what he made we'll see what happened to the Reagan all right now your sponsor five out of ten yeah from a sixth place five out of ten okay so Justice League four out of ten Suicide Squad five out of ten is that what you're doing final answer yeah this is the end-all be-all list Joe it's either four it's five if you made me watch another one like right now like which would you rather watch I'd rap because I was forced to watch her sin squad yesterday I'd rather watch Justice League it's [ __ ] irrelevant that was 100 watch just I would watch suicide squad so it's five out of ten and let me address suicide squad because that is my surprising number five everybody out there in our comment section is probably gonna say suicide squad is the worst because it is this mean it is distinguished like this is the worst film of all time re-watch Suicide Squad it is not it is actually really entertaining it's got a great soundtrack it's got great visuals it's got interesting characters it's got a tension in its fights it's got some character arcs El Diablo I really liked that character I even liked the final battle I even liked enchantress and I liked her judge everybody makes fun of her gyrations I'm like you know what I don't like the fact that she's so pretty and babyface looking they should have kept her original like dark dirty moon during the gyrations that would have been way more like [ __ ] creepy but she's incensed she's perfect skin and she's so dainty looking and they just didn't look that just looks but i rewatch Suicide Squad and you know I realized that I succumbed to peer pressure I let you guys bully me on Suicide Squad I rewatched the extended cut and I realized this movie is entertaining me and all the criticisms that you know everybody had that it's disjoint it's all over the place I think Suicide Squad was executed about as well as you could have for its concept if you read Suicide Squad comics it's a really very faithful recreation of that you've got these little individual stories for each character they were like oh my god and what do we need backstory for every single one of these characters yeah and then it does that and then they're all my god there's too many backstories for every one of these characters it's like Islip now just because did but just because the source material is bad doesn't mean you need to translate it into the same yeah so this is this is Alex's you know counter to me every single time because he likes Suicide Squad less than I do but not that much less no I don't think it's horrible it's not the worst movie I've ever seen I didn't enjoy it yesterday because it's a stupid concept like Thor is now one of the most popular [ __ ] heroes and he's kind of stupid in the comics and and guardians of galaxy if it were like that could never work so I can understand that you could take a source material and elevate it to me this was an perfect adaption of the source material nailed what it wanted to nail and it really got Suicide Squad I actually felt for some of the characters and I think Harley Quinn is a good character I think Deadshot is a good character I think [ __ ] El Diablo is a good character and I liked some of the side characters in there as well and Slipknot is one of the best characters of all time is the best back story we've ever seen he can climb stuff real good yeah I just love how they introduce him but he comes out of like a truck he's like Slipknot the man who can climb everything weak because we know you don't know who this guy is so we have to tell you the climb stuff so so over time I lowered and lowered and lowered my rating to appease my fan base and I realized I was betraying if you like it you like it if I like something I have to own it and I say you know what I do like it's dumb parts that's why I like it because it's [ __ ] dumb and sometimes my ratings are reflect that I like something dumb and I just didn't articulate enough that I knew it was dumb I knew as pulpy I knew is stupid and of these parts but it was just fun to watch and come together and I liked it so I gave it an 8 out of 10 just like Joe gave it at the time and the movie-going experience affects that a lot we drank heavily when we Suicide Squad the first time and we had fans of the angry army watch it with us so that was an experience so we were just high on it at eight out of ten it is not an 8 out of 10 I will agree with that now upon re-watching completely sober and then re watching again an extended cut I realize you know what I [ __ ] liked this film and I'll loan it Suicide Squad to me now I'm looking at my rating and I'm kind of teetering no but I gave it a 7 I gave it a 7 out of 10 and and I think it deserves a 7 it's entertaining enough if you go and I wrote all my notes the helicopter bursting flares the [ __ ] you know minigun Joker the you know fight scenes the ridiculousness of Harley he being able to compete the enchantress fighting them on their own terms to test their abilities because we all know Suicide Squad as a concept is [ __ ] stupid they cannot handle 80 they can't handle 18 villains and they handle 18 villains in the con mix and they handle 18 villains and this and everybody's like that's so [ __ ] stupid they'd all be dead and Harley would be dead and yes but that's an inherent problem with the concept and they executed it well about as well enough as they could here that is my defense of Suicide Squad it is a seven out of 10 and it is the number five film what is y'all's number five Alice Batman V Superman baby super zoo so I hated the story of Batman V Superman I hate lex luthor I hate doomsday but you know I think you nailed the the good parts of that MasterBrand would you see a bat when you knew what you're getting into right no one goes to Batman V Superman and expects Ben Affleck to blow you away with his acting this isn't Argo this isn't when any of the other movies he does when he's got a Boston accent he can act you're not expecting Ben Affleck to act you expect Ben Affleck to punch Henry Cavill in the face and he does and then he punches all of these other dudes in that warehouse and it is a garbage fire of such as everybody and the action he poaches Louis at one point he should I mean yeah but all of the things that I wanted to see in that film other than the garbage story I actually kind of saw like it was an action movie was a comic book movie where I'm expecting these two juggernauts these two characters that I love go at it the reason they did it were stupid and I hated that but that's why this gets and this goes above Suicide Squad and above Justice League because actually I got something out of it yeah it's something I was it some of my expectations Suicide Squad hit none of my expectations I was expecting - a good story didn't get it character arcs that I approved of didn't get them I don't like anything about that movie it was below average in pretty a blow my expectations in every way you're allowed to like it internet your lap people a lot of like stuff I guess Batman V Superman at least hit a couple of my expectations and that's why it's higher than the other two you gave it a 6 out of 10 is that what you're sticking to no I think it's a 5 I think that the bar not only has are we refined average is wrong like but we've also refined how we review things we've seen a lot more comic-book movies and we're watching some of these things you realize that man Jolly Rancher seen like six to five based on that Jolly Ranchers sort of feels like yeah for me I really like the fighting scene everything else is pretty dumb the way Superman was kicking Batman's ass he's like I've seen a week when I make some time to train in a week I did a lot of pull ups and stuff he got really strong you watch Batman V Superman / Suicide Squad in Justice League you gave it a 7 out of 10 at the time do you still hand by that rating when you were high on know or do you would you give it now it's an average film just I just want to see the fight scenes yeah if it's a fight scenes in yes I would give it a 7 ok that's a story no in my opinion the fight scenes in that movie are like 9 or 10 out of 10 within the DCU so just a cap jar I don't think you're realizing you're on ray so is Sousa just asleep for you as a four out of ten Suicide Squad is a 5 out of 10 because you said have it I didn't know what you meant by have it is that 4 out of 10 having the 8 or having the 10 down to 5 because you have Suicide Squad at 5 and now you're giving Batman V Superman a 5 right and they can be the same rating you can like one over the other even though they're the same rate we can't have point fives or highs or lows yes but you can over the other so 5 out of 10 yeah ok alright so let's move on to number four number four for me is Aquaman and for the same reasons that you really liked Batman V Superman's action is what I think holds up Aquaman and then it takes it even higher because to me it gets its characters right where does it where Batman V Superman have the action and gets its characters wrong Aquaman has the action not only does it have the action it has epic action and it gets its characters right and it goes into deep [ __ ] comic-book lore and it makes Aquaman cool again and it's got really cool technology I just love the aesthetics in Aquaman Aquaman is [ __ ] awesome I think James Wynn did a great job you're shaking your head no but you're [ __ ] wrong I agree with you the next on my list is awesome I also agree your boat your bow that yeah your bow that for Alex I haven't told you where I put Manistee okay as I just re-watched it today I wanted mine is a four so you at number four for Aquaman are - you like Aquaman it was a lot of fun it was entertaining but it was like don't fun okay that is one of the stupidest movies in the DCU but it was so much fun I was a dumb fun but the action was incredible like Aquaman had fun being Aquaman which watch the desert side thing yeah that was did not work at all between him and Mara yeah yeah and then the fact that like none of the history made sense where they're talking about like a hundred thousand years ago like we put these these puzzle piece that were only built when Rome was a whole [ __ ] that doesn't work like oh no I thought they were gonna need to blow on it or put water you don't fit that lemon and [ __ ] with a little [ __ ] stone that is what they did they needed water on it yeah you're telling me super dumb so Aquaman for me though was a seven out of ten and that I rated in 2019 and by then we had a real solid idea of how to critique movies and get overly excited and stuff so and I think I was a you know so seven out of ten is a good rating for it in my opinion Oh J rated it also a seven out of ten are you staying with the seven out of standby okay and Alex rated it a seven out of ten staying at seven I want to take a point away for that stupid-ass octopus playing the drums no reference to the comic that was just an easter egg super stupid in defense of the octopus I knocked the camera so there can't see like I saw that other people like we'll come on they did an ant man remember the ant was playing the drums yeah come on just because it's stupid in another film doesn't mean I have to like it in this bill I liked Aquaman you should go see it but it's a seven at number three the third best DC EU film is Wonder Woman I have a lot to say on Wonder Woman I really really like Wonder Woman now I'll go all the way back to Jango Joey Joey we go way back I was wrong about gal gadot I think she's a fantastic Wonder Woman I wanted somebody more bulky somebody with fighting experience somebody that show little girls that you don't always have to be the supermodel you don't have to be an Israeli supermodel right you can be she's also a Kirino exactly Gina Gina Korean Kirino and but you know what gal gadot [ __ ] nails Wonder Woman she knows how to pose now I don't know her acting is solid enough but I don't know it was she she needs support I think a little bit you know in certain scenes I feel you know what it was the reason why I am questioning or acting because honestly when I think about it in Justice League was not very good no one was good in Justice League I know but that's where Wonder Woman came down for me but that's not fair if you just look at her in Wonder Woman she does a fantastic job in acting she's just great action they got the character right there are these heroic moments and and and having fun with the character smiling there's actual emotion in Wonder Woman that a lot of these other films lacked the only thing that Wonder Woman really falls apart on is that I didn't really like the supporting team with their World War two guys and it's it it copies so much of Captain America you know fed the first Captain America film that it's and also the terrible third act the the villain five no no this is you you can't you said that a bunch and it is not accurate the third out of that movie is only half bad okay the last ten minutes of that movie are unforgivable yes but it's not like it's a lot true they just simplify yeah but it's but I think that when people say oh the third act it's like well that's a 1/3 bed okay no this movies 90% year.i and 10% horrible yeah you're right but but I was a little more rougher on it but then both of you yeah reason for that why would I give Wonder Woman to 7 when I praised it and praised and praises she's my third favorite superhero of all time and I think she was the turning point for the DC EU and she got herself right the reason is Wonder Woman has been done better and they were adapting the original Wonder Woman whereas Superman I can look it out as an else world story Wonder Woman they're clearly trying to do the original Wonder Woman and I've seen it done better in 2009's Wonder Woman look it up it's an animated feature it's basically the film that we saw in theaters but the film that we saw in theaters does it worse than the animation DC animation is so damn good and you guys need to see that film so when you have a wealth of Wonder Woman comics and stories and animations and you see how she's been handled before and then you see you're done right finally on the big screen done right yes it's great but I'm it's it's tough love where I give Wonder Woman a 7010 by that that's tough love by that like I would have to give Man of Steel for and that's not fair to man to see like Superman no it's not I'll explain that why and I'll explain why because I don't look because clearly when they built Superman they weren't going for the original Superman they were not adapting the original Superman I'm trying to have you realize this concept I just explained it they were trying to adapt the original wider woman I don't they executed or very well but just not at that height but like its Man of Steel they were executing a completely different Superman and they executed that well for that just because they've done it well in a different medium doesn't mean that it lowers the individual quality of that specific movie mm-hmm like I don't you cannot look at Henry Cavill go like he's he's no Christopher Reeves the original ones were better I like also all-star Superman I like Superman red Sun better and I do I like snow now what I'm doing it all what I'm telling you and in so many ways is I feel the story is weak and I feel the characterization of Wonder Woman is good in certain parts but I've seen better okay and that's how you rate all movies you said we've seen thousand movies and now now that we've refined our criticism and we realize what's out there in comic book movies and you could compare that's exactly what I'm doing with Wonder Woman but see we always argue on Wonder Woman because he likes Wonder Woman better than I do and I give a little bit of more tough love to Wonder Woman secretly but so all of these ratings I've actually kind of lowered or stuck with Wonder Woman is the only [ __ ] film just that I might actually consider taking my rating from a seven up to an eight that but Bette but that's just showing you the tough love I want to give to Wonder Woman and I think she has so much room to grow and I care about her so much that I just need a better villain for and I need I want to see some more from her anyway so that's what my number three is on this yeah number three what is your number three Joe yes I am so you just saw Suzanne I did we just saw Suzanne and I thought it was amazed I was really good movie I really liked it it's like something okay with power do like how did you like the same thing I really enjoyed it did you see all the wish fulfillment you only were running around little kids of Superman does not touch your heart so the final actor uh-huh it was very anticlimactic mm-hmm I wanted like a badass kind of fire we could talk spoilers here because when somebody clicks on a video about this there's been throughout this so go ahead and talk spoilers Joe so you did not like it as much he threatened his family I get in the beginning he's like all right he's learning his powers and some dad he's like oh now we have your family it's time to man up I was like I'm gonna try to do whatever I can but then like he's still trying it doesn't seem like he's actually going full force or goddamn powers god damnit these guys when I walked out of the theater they immediately [ __ ] allied and the reason Joe's criticism is there's not enough action and Shazam and that was Alex's criticisms I would walk down not enough action in there there's plenty of action but because because they never show an outright one two three four five six seven that's not good enough for Jodi Shazam's main powers Shazam's main power in this super strength and lightning does he use his lightning if she yes he uses his lightning plenty of times but he doesn't use it in combat you realize he's a fourteen-year-old kid and this is the first fight experience he's ever had yeah it's not with Shazam film where he knows how to fight yeah and he does fight and he does use all those powers but I will agree it's cut away it's off-screen he does punch once avala or whatever the [ __ ] doctors name is the beam Eugene gets his powers for half a second the first thing he does is lightning and he goes I'm gonna do lightning zaps because they were trying to emphasize that each one of those focuses on a specific power you notice the speed of mercury the the youngest got the the the fast speed the strength of Hercules the fattest got the the muscles the green one and then bear and then the blue one is the flight and then and then the Asian dude was the the gray one was the electricity so that's why he was using electricity but Shazam used electricity and it's not we'll get that in the next film you know so I so after we argued at the parking lot for the longest time about the action is Azam because we both agreed we did we both agreed that it would have been nice to see Susanna at least once go you know to one of the demons and really get the demon on his feet and then the demon somehow you know [ __ ] morphs or fades away and then they go into a drag-out punch fight but these guys just want to see punches and like the fights aren't always like that especially when you have an inexperienced fourteen-year-old and I thought there's access for all of the inexperienced people within moments of getting their powers know exactly how to use them and he doesn't use them once okay fine so we thought for the second time just now today yes and I thought damn is the inverse Aquaman Aquaman has a dumbass story with a lot of cool action epic fights yes an amazing CG Shazam has like touch it's touching it's full heart the character developments pretty good I mean there's some real the moments where like I can see people going like I cried in Shazam I didn't but I can see understand where people did but it is action anemic there are parts where I just want something to happen and they do the the part a mana mana steal I don't like it's like if you have two people fighting while they're flying I don't care because they're not doing it they're just like flying off in the distance like touching each other and they're going back and doing this so yeah Joe I need your rating for Shazam is number three and give it an eight I love the emotion and eight out of ten that's respectable it was a great character development I really expected more I really wanted to try to get you up to a nine and convince you a nine because when I first came out of that I was so excited and I will have to see my rating so that was your number three Joe Alex what is your number three she's in yeah I'm about to jump across the table and celebrate with you because that must mean my anyways okay why you should am your number three so we watch it again today and I still have all the same problems Billy Batson is an [ __ ] the entire first third of this movie and you're like that's not a problem he steals from a crippled foster kid one day I ate him ilex leo $600 from up a [ __ ] yes that's terrible but look here the wizard had no choice sure Billy Batson was good enough I'm not saying you take a risk I'm just saying that when you have this one order to make that point they have to show that he's stealing from well here's the thing they made their point and then they stole from a crippled child I believe it's like his whole thing is like I need to get back to my mom I need to do this and he wants to get back to his mom he wasn't but like you could see the transition it was a good transition usually and that's why Susanne has way more emotion in it than Aquaman Aquaman has zero emotion exactly I said they're inverses in each other the other thing so the other part about Billy that I don't enjoy is he lets a crippled boy get hit by cars get beat up for no reason and then only selfishly does he go help him yeah and that is the reason that he's the champion yeah so they went overboard there I hated Freddie for 10 minutes of this movie they have this weird side plot where it's like you're the superhero and you need to come to lunch because I'm an idiot I didn't know I like where that they're the sidekicks and stuff like that that's great but there were dwelling on that way too hard it's like well you have to do this for me it's like come on he's like it's just as much mine as it is yours but in no ways it is whatsoever but that these are little kids minds and this is the way we were if you were in middle school and you got these [ __ ] powers this is how you would think this is how you would deal through it and that is a portable heretic or be that guy that's hard to digest character arm you would be super jealous of my powers Joe if I turned into Shazam you were my manager would you not be jealous of Shazam's powers and would you not say well you need to come to lunch and support me here that's the least that that's the least you could do because you have all these powers that no it doesn't sound like it sounds and it's just it's something that like I already love Freddy the entire ds3 but this part but it was false conflict they understand there's mistakes they make mistakes I'm not saying it's a positive thing I'm saying is what I'm saying I know he disagrees because they reward him at the end of the film with an appearance from Shazam and even Superman yeah and then they give him the powers on top of it and he's there's like there's a lot of flaws with this that's always great you should go see it this is the movie you should see this weekend but this movie but they're trying to argue me down from a nine it is they don't think it's as they don't think it's as great as I think it's because it's lacking the action but it has the emotion it has the family it has the fun it gets its character so right you guys are wrong what so for me I look at what expectations I had going into a comic book movie with a hero that is like on par with Superman and I got some of them but I'm it I got it almost a goose egg in one of the the I want to see this kid finally use his powers uh-huh and he only uses his powers to run away okay so Joe you gave Shazam and eight just now you gave Shazam a seven are you sticking to seven yep okay so moving on to the second film in the Justice League universe according to the best list my list and that is Shazam Shazam is a damn fine film for all the reasons I just [ __ ] stated these guys are wrong the action is there but the reason why the action isn't dragão punch fight is because he's an experienced he's a fourteen-year-old and they were cutting away a lot from the main fight to focus on the family fighting and the main fight over here so he probably did fire lightning and he does fire lightning they're wrong about that as well and Alex was wrong in the spoilers section of Sam where he said that Mary never does [ __ ] Mary does three critical things in the film Mary fires the BB that nearly destroys doc the doctors i killing him outright or get rid of his powers Mary that's not true at all that is yes she grabs it at the last minute but shares the bravery and the balls to do that and the accuracy well it's that's a good that is so sorry buddy Hawkeye won Avengers because he shot that one arrow it was usually Mary didn't do [ __ ] when the demon attacked her you you were wrong she grabs all of his tentacles and throws him on the ground and that she never throws a punch he never gets to do anything you were wrong again because in the background and I saw this again I was looking specifically at Mary she's the only one and you know how they said they had a bungee she's the only one that really did the the thing that they want you see her in the background beating the [ __ ] out of that there should be George Darla had like seven times the screen time and the guy who could lift head five times the screen time the guy who could fly Freddy of course had an incredible amount of screen time no and they didn't you think the guy in green had way more screen time Mary he's the only one that does one satisfying superhero thing you know who I think got [ __ ] in that the green one he doesn't really get he died but his super strength is he holds up a ferris wheel and he punches a demon they all punch demons and he punch doesn't mean the other ones are like I wanted him to get more because I was like you know what I is this Joe would this be Joe because Joe wants big muscles Joe wants big beer right and Joe's Hispanic dude the dudes Hispanic so there's Joe that's John I will still stand that Mary got the least amount of screen time for probably one of the most important like she's more important than the arla and then they I mean what's the problem makes she is Freddy yeah and then she got very little screen time she didn't do very much from anyways so just explaining that these guys are wrong because Shazam is wish-fulfillment it's great so yeah that was yours yeah that was my but I'm gonna give you my rating so I initially gave it a 9 out of 10 and upon re-watching it and even in the review I said this is the last film I'm going to do the excited thing for because even in that review I was saying maybe the critic in me is an 8 and he's like this is the last film I'm giving a 9 out of 10 but because we're going in and we're revising our ratings and we're trying to take this very very serious and we're rating it after we've watched it multiple times and ranking it against the other films within the DCE you Shazam is an 8 out of 10 it's not a 9 out of 10 and that and the reason for that is several fold there you know Shazam here's another thing this is separate Shazam soundtrack there is no soundtrack there's no theme for Shazam it really makes me mad and I can understand your guys point about the lack of action I thought that Shazam has the best soundtrack montage anything no there's no doubt like I was I was humming The Ramones don't want to grow oh yes no it's got a great soundtrack but he doesn't have a hero theme sing me Shazam steam you can't nobody can in that film anyways and I'm worried that it's a little overstuffed with the Marvel family I think we could have saved that and focused a little bit more on Shazam himself and maybe we would have seen those drag-out fights with the villain and coming to terms with his powers better if we didn't have to worry about this a lot of marketing yeah well I love that too I loved all those drops to Superman and Batman I'm Batman when he throws that [ __ ] toy at the doctor hilarious as he's chasing him down I just love it it's a fantastic ride so you know it's like a 9 out of 10 but it's an 8 out of 10 all right so that's that was my second what is your second Wonder Woman uh-huh okay and your rating for Wonder Woman you rated it an 8 out of 10 at the time down stand by and tell me why Wonder Woman for you just like usual fill that part at the end I did not like the villain they've been the villain they just can't seem to get the villain right in DC yeah man they just they're villains are all [ __ ] terrible that's a great point fishes an villain was not all that great I wish they'd flush them out a little bit I liked him more than a lot of the usher because he is fleshed out in it but he is fleshed out but he just doesn't reach any heights because he's your standard like little brothers I'm evil because he's evil because he's evil but he's fleshed out evil because he's evil at least what is your second I don't know we already talked a lot so the thing is my second no your second my top no no I don't my top two you're tied like like for sure they're both in my opinion and I just watch great I'll buy you a beer this is unexpected I am so happy with you Alex you're my new best friend Joe you've been I think man it's it's tough cuz I really I actually like both of these films for wildly different reasons there are serious flaws with Man of Steel and that that I just unforgivable like how dare you you made General Zod I'm eugenics caste system like let's pace not Jenna Seidel space knots it's like Bob why and then in Wonder Woman we made Ares this creepy pedophile mustache toddler fights where it's like I hit you with the laser no immune delays yeah I was so bad I'm gonna throw asphalt at you I'm gonna make that US Fault in the armor well I shot you with the laser beam will absorb the laser beams and shoot back at you it was terrible so the Lowe's and Wonder Woman were loved really low but Wonder Woman was like more consistent all the way through the problem is that first 20 minutes of Man of Steel like I didn't realize I wanted like the series on the last year of Krypton as bad as I do after watching that 20 minutes it's acting it's made its fleshed out there's some parts where they cut it kind of dumb and they think it's badass you'll have some problems with on the editing room where they say something and you're like man that's horrible and then they say something a little bit later you're like oh that's not as bad and it's because they probably filmed the three-hour movie and had to cut it to 2 hours and 20 minutes yeah it's a long film I think I'm gonna like I'm saying my number two is Wonder Woman waiting for like four or five Oh I mean okay but then that that means what is your rating for Wonder Woman then and a a your Wonder Woman rating is an eight Adam yeah I think that Wonder Woman could have been nine or 10 out of 10 had they changed some things in the story I think that the development like the hurt they're introducing her his character out of the park best job in almost any of the comic universe that we've seen in actual real film period I don't think there's an origin story they didn't do any other tired crap we didn't see like pearls fall on the ground we didn't spend 30 minutes in Kansas we got a world that we hadn't seen a whole lot of they flush it out really well they set up this like super naive almost Superman asked person they had someone kind of spider through all that stuff but then we got into fish-out-of-water guys yeah yeah yeah and then so hoping they correct that in the sequel it looks terrible but here's the thing and you wouldn't know this was coming already my number-one film is Man of Steel Manistee wins yes Jokers I got you but I'm shocked with this guy I know right what the hell of talking [ __ ] and it's super fun but piss me off it is it is it is a really solid feel I want to buy you a beer Alex I'll buy you a beer I'm so happy we are at a consensus the Man of Steel is number one and I know and you said although you're so buys you love you wear the shirt and Joey you're you're right I am biased but I can defend my position yes I'm biased but also this is the best DC EU film and in many different aspects it has the best action it has the best soundtrack it has the best it has character development it has emotional moments it has almost everything great visuals the effects still hold up if you look at all the effects of the other like Wonder Woman and some of these other ones if you go back and look 2013 it took three years for other DC EU films to come out and you would think that the CG wouldn't hold nothing there's parts of it that doesn't hold up but it holds up surprisingly well there were scenes in Shazam that we saw today that were worse than I think anything I can remember seeing Man of Steel earlier today yeah and and then it's just iconic and and I get I get this but even I could admit that it has major faults you know it but it just has a lot of strength to it is the best villain in the DC EU who's the better villain than Superman is it [ __ ] is it Steppenwolf Lex no is it [ __ ] is it [ __ ] Lex Luthor no is it [ __ ] Ares no is it [ __ ] enchantress no is it well who else was in there you can't even remember the dude's name for Susannah it's super funny [ __ ] doctors Cevallos Shivani Fagin you can't either it's Ivana I don't know Bonnie its Gwen Stefani it's actually [ __ ] Zod because in Man of Steel you can look at that film as Zod as the hero if you were born on Krypton Zod is there all of that bill yeah you obviously he's the bad guy I'm not saying he's a good [ __ ] guy so evil is I think if even if from the Kryptonian point of view the guy goes he's like caught like cartoon over I have an explanation for that what do you mean cartoon what do you the first thing he does is he murders a couple people and then he's he's a military general he doesn't give a [ __ ] I get that the only thing he cares about is his people his that's all he cares about is his people but the first thing he says is your bloodlines are weak and I'm taking over and then jor-el goes wait a minute you want to take over cuz you want to decide what bloodlines move on he knows about the caste system and eugenics and all this other crap I mean the first thing that we get and then if this military master gets his ass kicked by the head scientist yes know what I'm telling you is right he's an empty shell and he's also lying about the eugenics I mean I just came up with this because I know you were gonna bring up the Nazi thing in the eugenics the reason why is he's false posturing he's obviously I mean [ __ ] Superman's father kicks his ass but he ultimately wins the general ultimately wins yeah and the thing is is he was just coming up with all those excuses because you're right he ultimately just wanted power and so he was using whatever he thought that the audience did that the masses would accept and that his own followers would accept he probably manipulates people everybody around him so that he can have the power so he may believe in that he may not but what he does believe in is making sure his his planet is dying and then when he's fighting Superman he's like you basically just killed all of my people I have no chance now Krypton is gone and I know what you care about and now I am going to kill every single one of your people the things that you care about he was gonna every single one of these humans I'm gonna [ __ ] murder and you're gonna watch it and it's your fault Superman he was terraforming the earth twenty minutes before that he's a bad guy he was killing everyone on earth anyway he's a [ __ ] bag I'm not saying that he's not supposed to do bad things I'm just saying that he was so over the top and so like the other yes but he was entertaining he is the best villain for you I know you're arguing against me but even you agree with the bad yes you're right that's the one who has a villain problems and DCU because for me I felt to give any of these movies a nine Zod for me this is Nate yeah yeah we're on the the DCE you actually achieved a nine once out of these seven films and it was with Man of Steel's your good Man of Steel number one but you don't put as high so your rating is what eight out of ten and what you rate it eight out of ten okay I give it a 9 out of 10 and I look at through the lens yes I look I am biased yes but I I look at it through the lens as an else world story as the greatest sci-fi there's the elements of sci-fi in this movie are so good the opening on Krypton don't you and [ __ ] enjoy it you told me it's amazing that's where it starts dipping from yeah this movie is great it is you know in the character development during redoing the origin story yes it has pacing problems look I'm not saying that Man of Steel is it is a 10 out of 10 so I might have said that in the past but it is it is for that particular story and look when Man of Steel first came out everybody gave it so much [ __ ] because Superman because number one Superman kills in it and number two there's tons of destruction but both of those things have [ __ ] reasons to them and the third thing I agree with I [ __ ] hated to take that it's a little too dark it's a little tumor morose Superman never [ __ ] smiles he does smile he smiles twice I counted them he smiles when it when he's in the the prison or you know when he's talking to Lois Lane but then says sexy smile I was trying to put on he sees a girl he likes and the second time is when he's flying and it's this weird gold look on the internet type in Man of Steel smile you will not find him smiling in the film he does this weird smile as faint as popping cuz he's flying so that goddamn fast and he's enjoying the flying part but there needed to be more of that there needed to be that rescuing a cat out of a tree moment I'm not saying literally he needs to rescue a cat out a tree like Christopher Reeves but something that connects him more with the people that he's trying to save and yes he makes that ultimate sacrifice between Krypton and earth when he snaps nods head because if he doesn't do this it's so I'm so tired of people i laser eyes would have killed these four people and it was that is a symbol for what he's really going to do yes if he if he even gets out of that situation he's gonna murder everybody on earth it's not just about that small situation it's about everything he's about to do and Superman had to make that choice killing his last [ __ ] brother killing his you know you know a fellow earthling from there a Kryptonian and and so all these things had reasons and that's why I defend this film as an else world story it's not the Superman from the comics that we know he's not gonna save everybody and this is literally somebody thrust into an alien invasion that has to fight 40 versions of him that are just as powerful as him and that are military trained and yet he somehow finds a way to rise above it and I like the destruction that they had at the end like yes it's very chaotic and it's a real world he can't save everybody he's doing his best yes but character arcs in here there's emotion when he goes to save his mother and you could punch him and I know Joe loves it when there's punching in the [ __ ] thing Superman punches up [ __ ] at it it's a comic book superhero movie you expect him to beat somebody up that's what they do in every single anomic when he defends his family the the problem that I had with towards the end and the reason that it gets that it loses some points for me is the VA's auditor it's Superman interaction in the last 10 minutes are garbage and Zod's like it's gonna be you or me it's like yeah we established that you're gonna KITT you've said multiple times and you even try to kill everyone on earth and you said you're gonna kill my mom like when was it not going to be you and me and he's the only one of us five it's like we've been fighting he's trying to recruit Superman he doesn't want to do it because he's he feels Superman's bloodline is good and it's above everybody else and he's like you could you could just join me and that's why he's trying to keep some man alive and then finally when he realizes well you just destroyed my ship there needed to be a scene of Zod looking at all the dead Kryptonians on that ship that's crashing pods and him turning around as Superman in like a there is actually what he's holding the ashes oh that's right and as his chamber so they they do it they do explain the emotion and all that stuff is good what I [ __ ] love but that that the problem is all of the parts afterwards where they set up this thing and I don't you I don't have the problem when he breaks the neck I know the people okay the problem is that's what a lot of the problems online more we do yeah that I don't care about them the problem is like getting to that point where I never for a second thought that they weren't gonna kill each other because they had been trying to kill each other the entire time so I don't understand like there was no oh he's gonna kill the last one it's like the final battle what it did lack it is it lacked that Superman moment I wanted him to smile as he could as he crossed the screen just like Christopher Reeves do that throwback that that cat out of the tree moment you know in Shazam remember in the Shazam climax he gets knocked into a [ __ ] prize booth and inside the prize booth we find that there's a father holding his daughter his daughter is terrified I remember that scene and and and because Shazam like really like the Tigers when he was back at the carnival he sees this terrified girl he grabs a tiger he says here you can have it hold it tight and she says yeah and she holds it tight and and it tries to make her forget about what's happening around her that small character moment you feel that is what that's what Superman lacked that's what man have still lacked and I hated the Jesus imagery the second he went for integrating what would it really be like if Superman was in real world wouldn't know you know what the real world [ __ ] sucks and that's why the film didn't work as an a traditional Superman film because you want to aspire to be said the better you want to have the hope and this was about you know the the cynicism of the real world and how would people look at it will they look at him like Jesus so many went fooled himself for the good of the world [ __ ] hated the Jesus imagery stuff because Superman is not like that he would do what she Sam did in that particular instance he wouldn't do what he does in the film where he's like you know what that meant that moment where he's hovering above that lady who's on the top of the house and he's just a he's just sitting there's a [ __ ] saver don't sit there and [ __ ] shadow I [ __ ] hated it and it pissed me off because he wouldn't be doing that [ __ ] but that is a different it's a different Superman so the Jesus stuff brought it down and I look at it as an else world story a sci-fi story and a story of a super amendments and experience that comes into his own and it's set up perfectly for that sequel and when when did it come out 2013 we're never getting it because we don't even have a Superman act sad is it gonna be we're getting 2009 squad 2 before it's called be Suicide Squad it's actually a repo job I can't believe we're gonna get a [ __ ] reboot before Superman gets his proper sequel that he started the whole in DC eeu he had the best film the best bill is the best soundtrack you still hear that's not when I hear that do you still know what song that's from if I hum it people know what the [ __ ] that's from sing Shazam's theme song it's Man of Steel is [ __ ] awesome it's not the best film ever it's not a 10 out of 10 you can argue that it's not a 9 out of 10 it is and that's where that come on I put it I will admit there's some bias in there and that's number one so you're being a critic and you're saying it's an eight yes not a nine it is a deeply flawed film that they could I want I don't think it's deeply flawed I think there are flaws in it but it gets the core ideas right hey just from a different angle just you can you can get the core ideas correct but then if you you have to cut out I want them to listen to what people are saying about their films and fix it yeah so everyone watched Batman V Superman and they hated it so much they radically changed the rest of the rest of the decent so if you tell them that their [ __ ] don't stink and this [ __ ] is horrible then they're gonna continue to make this garbage that they were making right and they wouldn't have started course-correct like you gotta be honest with the people I know then I can listen to this yeah but if everyone just says oh I like your stuff because I'm a Superman fan they're not gonna make the things that you want to see I can't I I'll die happy man if they come around and make Man of Steel - with the attitude the DC CC + WB has right now where they're realizing it's superhero fantasy it's superhero fun it's it's above it's rising - what these characters were in the comics not forcing them into the morose real world of oppression and and an emo and darkness and what it would be like and distrust and menace we could tackle those things but we could do it later after you've set up these characters after you've had this this thing they did it [ __ ] reverse and now they've wasted their to heavy hitters I will bring a wheelchair I'll take you to the movies we'll do it together Joe well we'll [ __ ] have to be willing each other then well you work out more than me so I'll probably be in the whiskey there he'll be in the wheelchair - he's a tall mother I will be dead no you won't be dead just me we'll we'll finally get to see Man of Steel - in 2037 hey cuz if you look on the docket man there's no [ __ ] Superman film they got everything planned for the next seven years and there's no it doesn't go that far then goes to 2021 or 20 and so the earliest we might see a Superman even if they fast-track it would be 2020 like - and when did the first Manistee will come out 2013 so how many years is that in that [ __ ] crazy and I hope it's Henry but he might be too old by then but here's the thing and and within a span of like three or four years I forgot the exact number Manas our Iron Man got three films in the time it took that I liked - did you add parts of I like parts of - I think that's a different video but we like that what is your list this was the only list your list does not matter my list matters I'm just playing are okay fine y'all good you my list all right everybody's list matters put your list in the comments below we want to see them we want to know why we're wrong but one things that I've got to point out is that our worst film is the same and our best film is the same Justice League is the worst Suicide Squad is not as bad as everybody says it is no wait actually y'all think it's as bad no not quite as bad as everyone says you said it's a 4 out of 10 everyone thinks it's like a 1 or 2 ok but if you watch it again it's [ __ ] entertaining as [ __ ] and I will not apologize for that you're right it's not as good as I originally said it was but it's not as bad as everybody says it is it's just a maim at this point anyway and the best film is still Man of Steel we're not saying that Man of Steel is flawless and we are saying that it has just as many problems or more problems than Wonder Woman and Shazam but problems in a different way and what it gets right extends to the highest heights and what it gets wrong isn't as low as some of the lows and the other ones and this is where does our list is where these ranked we want to know where yours ranked what I want to end with is the DCE you at seven films right now is going in the right direction and I want to see this list get up to ten I want to see the next three films be really well where will it stumble we've got you know birds of prey coming we got Joker coming but that's a stand alone does not count DC EU we've got the Batman and you know yes development it's it's being developed it's it's got a date so Batman birds of prey we know for sure and then there's like one other and then you know there's like untitled projects it gets just [ __ ] mess I'm cook Oh Aquaman to fast trackers are made a billion dollars they have you know a lot of money so anyways thank you guys so much for watching this extremely long video we love talking comic book characters especially my boy and the DC Universe we're catching up it's getting better it's getting better we're doing what we should have done previously not copying Marvel and now doing our own thing and I cherish the day when I think after endgame Marvel is probably gonna lose steam and DC will pick it up and I want to see this back and forth it's good for competition okay there is an EB competition they just both need to make good stuff you're he's right they go make good movie so I can watch it go make good movies are you watching thank you so much for watching see you on the next angry Joe show bye [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 825,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, DCEU, DC films, man of steel, suicide squad, justice league, batman v superman, wonder woman, shazam, aquaman, joker
Id: 3LC0Ij1dUwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 1sec (4261 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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