Cyberpunk 2077 - Angry Review Extended Discussion

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hey guys welcome to the cyberpunk 2077 extended review discussion as requested by you guys uh i want to thank you guys for watching the cyberpunk review being very patient before that one came out a lot of footage to go through a lot of mixed feelings uh got to push through it didn't even want to play the game for a long time it's very disheartening i kept trying to convince myself like they'll they'll fix it they'll put a patch out and i can play it when it's done no it's going to be several months um and i want to thank our sponsors uh g fuel for helping me get through this uh so i'll be having a little g fuel here uh right now uh as we dive into the extended discussion for cyberpunk 2077 so let's let's jump in because um you know you guys are here and you guys played the game yeah okay let me get your experiences with the game alex let's hear alex's experience i played on ps4 and so that was super i did i did too that's where a lot a lot of the bugs but my mantis blades were expertly crafted all right i made them myself it took all of two minutes so funny uh the ps4 day of uh didn't work it just straight up didn't work it would crash all the time it was like it would stop go in slow motion it would chug and chug and chug fake everyone was i just kept getting reminded of remember the madonna and dick tracy the movie where she's got a smooth face like everyone was like her character uh and they quickly patched it and they got into like actually pretty good spot i think it was 1.04 i think three right and then four three no no i think four fixed it okay four fixes to the point where it was like playable and i got like a lot i mean it's a crash every now and then and the visuals were still kind of bad and it definitely felt like i don't it felt like when i was playing on ps4 they had like the dial for like number of npcs in the world was turned way down um but yeah it was kind of a nightmare in the very beginning what would you have given it if you were reviewing in the first two days yeah uh well just yeah everything a one yeah the lowest possible thing yeah it didn't work you could not like you could not have finished it you could not have played it in the first two days or maybe first what day of release because jacob had the same experience that i did right it was just jacob's our other friend uh he was the uh cheerleader and um in wonder woman yeah as well wonder woman well there was a some cheerleader game that we reviewed a long time ago and you can find them in like uh j3 our dance group when we were doing just damn well no those videos are down due to copyright all right sorry guys anyway he had all the same experiences we had i've had similar experiences joe what is your experience in cyberpunk mine is gonna be like uh what alex always tells me i'm not mad i'm just disappointed yeah i was like ouch that kind of hurts more yeah i did have uh quite a few bugs but nothing that really made it crashed i'm surprised i haven't messed up my computer at home you're telling me you're like the inverse of me on this on cyberpunk i ran into so goddamn many even some of my friends and people online are like wow joe like this is like oh joe's just showing off all the bugs he's like trying to cause controversy yeah like some fanboys i'm like i'm not [ __ ] doing anything this it's just happening i don't want there to be anybody i played live on stream i know but people are still [ __ ] ironic chasing these as like no we're not anyways yeah i had a lot of blogs but nothing like really major that crashed it yeah but it was just like i said it's very disheartening like i see the potential of the game i wanted to wait but yeah i was like man this sucks like i don't want to do this but i'm still playing it and i'm just let me uh okay yeah so let let me uh talk a few things about okay but no what would you rate it as well honestly a seven yeah a seven okay overall like with all the fixes obviously back in there um and they still got a long wait and alex yours was a one when it was unplayable what do you think overall by the end and and where i'm at if you had to issue that final rating the the my rating actually was kind of wild because it started off really low and then i think i think it was 1.04 really stabilized on the playstation 4. it was playable for a long time it didn't look great but it was really playable and then 1.06 came out and it was the patch to fix everything and it [ __ ] everything up that once every two hours it would just crash on the ps4 i want the final range i don't know though but it's like one to an eight to like it's like a six or a seven i don't know it's okay it's like it's a good game you can see there's but it's those problems yes seven yeah okay so uh illusion of choice there's a few things that i wanted to talk about in the review that a lot of people maybe had misinterpreted what i said um you know a lot of people are like you know i agree with everything you did in your review except for that illusion of choice i don't think that there's very much choice in the game they said and to a certain extent they're right you know it kind of comes right back together but i was saying there's consequences and there's missed quests and during some of the branching storylines so i'll agree with many of you that it could have been better they could have actually had uh various uh branching paths i was also wrong in one of the life paths now originally this life path was supposed to feel far more unique to i was led to believe that the life path would be more unique outside of the first mission and then maybe some dialogue options and then that's it and then at the ending it didn't really factor in right uh and i said that the uh the nomad path was the one that had the exclusive mission uh and i had replayed the game but it turns out i missed some of the exclusive missions uh for the other pastors the other path is little man big mouth is an exclusive mission for the street kid and war pigs is the exclusive mission for the corpo but still it just gives you a tiny bit more context to that abernathy thing but not what we were looking for not uh just because each life path has one extra mission uh you know i would say that's not enough i would ramp that up to three i would also involve a little bit of it maybe towards the endings where you can get different endings on that um so i will agree with you guys that uh the illusion of choice uh is not quite initially as good as i had thought um and then there was you know several other things that we'll get to in there some things that i had to cut out of the review i had a segment about the ripper dock animations like i was led to believe that you know there was going to be this internal struggle between like how much tech do i put in my body and it's going to change my whole look and am i losing my humanity and you see it in the trailer and the very first time when you go to vic you get like this nice little [ __ ] thing but then there's never again every time you go to a ripper dog it's like a big old [ __ ] screen and then you just i'm like come on man we need a little more you know involved ripper dock animations is something that uh that i missed out on yeah like man i wanted to look like the tin man yeah oh nothing just want to be tin man yeah well there are lore characters and that's another thing in the game that they they showed a few of the lore characters um smasher rogue spider murphy silver hand uh shaytan like a cyborg some some kind of cyborg uh character and this is kind of centered around johnny's crew and stuff they had to change the cyborg character he looks different in the uh the the uh source material but um you know they're that they looked unique and cool and stuff like that and i wanted to start to look like that you actually can look pretty cool in here um but it ties into another thing that you guys pointed out in my review that upon further reflection i'm like yeah you guys are kind of right character customization while i well i will grant you know granted there's lots of hair and there's lots of eyeballs there just needed to be i think a little more i was expecting a little more every character is the same goddamn height yep that's miserable yeah it's really bad you can't change your height and here's another thing did you notice what's wrong he's mad i brought up the h word he doesn't like talking about god uh did you notice that you're the only one in night city that rides a motorcycle because you're the only one that you will never see anybody else ride a motorcycle no npcs ride motorcycles outside of like uh scripted uh mission segments oh that would have been amazing just like nothing but got like invisible bikes that would have been sweet uh but yeah um so after all of this and after our review uh you know it's very clear that uh cd projekt red was not ready to release it oh yeah and i want to talk about the trailer their mentality over there like it's done when it's done it's coming when it's ready when red honchos man wasn't ready they had honchos yeah ultimately the um the that buck stops with the leadership and i have been to dinner uh you know when we flew to poland one time to check out wichita i've been to dinner with the ceo and and the co-founder uh and you know incredibly nice guys and they were saying everything that i was hoping they would always say everything that you're well yeah exactly it'll be ready when it's ready i promise and then when you get deep into the [ __ ] you make decisions so i'm just hoping that this was a decision that they were regretting uh and that you know i hope so oh i'm sure they're trying their tears with the hundred dollar bills right now are you kidding me they said 13 million copies including they could have more money but then she got this lawsuit and everything going on they obviously yeah they don't want to lose up to 10 percent that's a lot you know some people were like uh oh well uh you know oh you got caught from robbing a bank well uh give me ten percent of what you rub no it's not like that because there are legitimate sales when you're creating a game and stuff like that and there were there were multiple versions but uh 10 is a is a hefty penalty it could be more could be less by the end of that lawsuit we'll check but uh a question i wanted to ask you guys do you give a [ __ ] about multiplayer like because guess what multiplayer's delayed till 2021 no 20 maybe even 2022. do we even want it no i honestly just want to play cyberpunk because yeah i love playing these kind of games playing games i don't know what would multiplayer be like in a game like this with the weapons that are completely unbalanced completely broken yeah i think wasting time in a multiplayer mode in cyberpunk is kind of futile now come you know show me some material on it and convince me that i'm wrong but like i don't i don't they're gonna show you material that looks great and it's gonna have all this stuff in there and when it comes out it's gonna be like red dead multiplayer which you know do you think a lot of people would cry if multiplayer was canceled yeah i think people like to [ __ ] and so i think they they would but ultimately i mean i just want all that time to be going into fixing the game i want the game that they originally promised i want some of that cut content back i want uh the game fixed for christ's sake so i can go through it without losing my immersion yeah and i know several people in the comments well i've never had a single bugger glitch going into the club everyone's like doing this amazing dance come on that was amazing full face liars and just the psychology of it i think it is that they do run into bugs and glitches but it doesn't register with them because they're having such a great time and that's completely legit but i but this stuff where i didn't run into a single thing no even cd projekt red's confirmed like yes that elevator glitch is for everyone and this thing includes for everyone just call you out as a bold face live one who gives a [ __ ] if you didn't experience it congratulations you win but just because something bad didn't happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to a bunch of other people and you just you know we we were saying what happened to us you know oh it didn't happen to me so it's never happened before it's like crafting was another thing that i talked about a few people in the comments were like oh man you know you could craft this and you can crack your weapons upgrade your weapons and it's like a one 5 000 damage bullet and then multiple bullets and stuff like that so yeah but crafting needs so much money it needs so many resources that's why i called it relatively useless but if there was uh more emphasis on the crafting more user-friendly more in front of your face and easier to get into where you um then that's kind of what i meant about the crafting did you guys do any crafting at all we i did um i think crafting they they made a mistake with the the pace of the game and the crafting is is one of the things that suffers from that where it takes a really really long time for it to become useful and some of the cyberware is this that same way some of the stuff that's game changing is so expensive that i ended up picking up so late in the game i've spent most of the game going like man crafting's kind of useless as combat just kind of meh and my experience at the very end was wildly different and it it could they could have showed me more early on that like hey this stuff can be cool this stuff can be awesome and so i imagine on a third playthrough you know i'll probably do a little bit more of it but you know you got to show me that there's cool stuff in your games right now i gotta get to my second play through because right now i'm just like okay only one i don't want to do it again i'll wait yeah i want to play it again i want to play it on stream with you guys i want to go through i want to do that secret ending where you [ __ ] take on all of our osaka and you don't have to have any of your companions no no you can't do that because there's no such thing there's no choice remember no no no no choice remember no people that we're saying no choice doesn't matter oh there's only a whole secret engineer alex for backing me up on that yeah but honestly i love all of your comments guys i was reading through all the comments and i want to incorporate that a little more into these experiences risky i know but you want to mention how many reviews uh they're really really good but i shouldn't have [ __ ] mentioned that at all shut up joe anyways if we keep it positive so anyway i wanted to come um you know make uh i wanted to incorporate comments a little more in extended discussion this might be a one episode only thing uh but i we had a a um a comment from one of our community members he made some great points it's paul barnes uh great review really accurately captures a lot of my experience everybody loved that principal uh parody that we did it was good i was behind the camera i was like trying not to laugh this is gonna be good i came up with it because i would that came from a genuine like it wasn't even a parody to me it was just like how would i talk to cd projekt red you know and it just came that tone that was coming across was like uh somebody who really cared about your success and wanting you to do right and you're going down wrong the wrong path i was like principal i'm a principal angry joe and you what really set it off though is i i at some point we were looking at the bench and alex was like look at look they got some benches over here we could do another scene and i was like let's do a scene where like the bad kids are doing drugs and alex you're acting in that it's i've cause i edited the thing a bunch of times perfect and joe how howie's like i don't know what it is but dlc is such a perfect name for these hard drugs they're pens by the way yeah those are pens and we found that a lot of the angry joe show like happens just on the [ __ ] floor tape and tinfoil i literally found those pens before we were like looking around like what are we gonna find and it was like stuffed in some drawers like oh no i was moving stuff from the old place to the new stuff and it was surgeon simulator a little promo thing that they gave away a long time ago in their pens i was like oh my god so [ __ ] perfect a lot of our parodies come together last minute so if they seem cheesy if they see corny that they're they're supposed to be and they're thrown together so anyways getting back to this you know he points out there's like no car chases there's no one-night stands there's a car chase they just don't matter no real police system at all the bounty bounty hunter is completely gone you know he's the one that pointed out there's not a you know other bikes on the road besides you know the cut scenes um broken uh crafting economy weapon perks are pretty much pointless halfway through the game it's right because the weapons are like you know they get completely out of control but he kind of summed up his experience in that act one started strong and it did like i [ __ ] loved jack yeah what do you think um and like i got choked up you know and like when jackie was going down but i felt like we needed a little more with jackie before they took him away i've got so there's parts of the writing in act one was incredible but the game play in act one is like inexcusably bad there's there's there's a lot of exposition dump in there well there is but there's like he says there's no car scenes that that is the point in the game where i sat there go this is gonna be my experience you're in a car chase that doesn't [ __ ] matter you can sit there you can throw your controller and then all of the car scenes all the car chases they always end at the same point you're in no danger you don't have to shoot anybody and you can go take a piss and come back and you're like oh i'm still safe the bad guys are about to crash hey they're crashing i slam that van into the [ __ ] no matter what turn around for the first time [ __ ] driving yeah it's trying to load the whole city got you anton v ain't for the nobody wants to drive next to his face that's so sad it's okay if there it takes away the tension of a game if i know that i can't fail these events i can't take any damage and there's no point in doing anything so it's like yes the writing was 10 out of 10. but the gameplay is like worse than ubisoft level [ __ ] yeah it's a carnival ride basically yeah it sucks um and you would think that those first missions are like one of the first things they work on so that would be like the most polished it was the least polished in the game it's almost as if they put together those first missions at the end of the development cycles like what but this is the kind of stuff that was kind of in the gameplay trailer anyway and then he said you know act two felt like a little bit of a slog you know there's lots of side quests there's no like main direct you could just go off and do whatever you want right and that's intended uh but you know there there seems to there needs to be an inline direction in the the uh you know game to kind of keep you on task or at least have the side quest be super entertaining and there's a ton of super entertaining side quests if you find them joe did you um and then just things that you like that oh uh did anybody do the side quests at the clothing store where you got that like max tex trailer lady you know in the beginning how they it's like where's that lady because remember they were giving away those statues a long time ago if you saw the gameplay and she's got the mantis blades and she's sitting down it's got this bullets guys like where the [ __ ] is this lady in this game never found her she's actually in the game joe but she's so well disguised and hidden that you're like what so there's like a clothing store you shop there and then a cycle comes in and like you you hold off the psycho and then that team comes in that military team that took down that cyber psycho in the trailer and you look at one of the that team that comes in and take them out and it's her and if you look in the trailer you're like oh [ __ ] there's a little story in the trailer i didn't realize that in the they shoot her but then at the end she becomes her the cyber military tech that took her down so now she's a part of the team and i'm like is that the same lady and if you look on her there's a scratch on her cheek just like there's a scratch on her cheek from the bullet in the trailer i'm like in your game they had faces [Laughter] yeah they're what i'm saying is what a different game you play god damn it alex i'm trying to tell him there's a good attention to detail from the questions what was your fault i had details um any good side quests tell me what side quests you really like uh the delamane side quests were all super interesting some of the cars had such great personality and there were great references to like other games in there so those were really fun to go through uh did you did you do the the rogue side quest i did yeah i bet you did over and over no i slept with an old lady how is this happening over and over joe this is really starting to clean out is this a joke that is getting out of control i don't know we're gonna film today i know we i just said guys they want an extended review discussion so it's not a joke that's getting out of control this is legit no this is his life i love that joke by the way they put in the game they want you to do it right yeah it's not going to force my hands onto her body your dream your dreams have come true i mean you killed the one i was very disappointed about was a hand to hand that was hot fires are gone awful lord two shanks i'm gonna be the best ever lord two blades i hate this the boxing was so worse now i'm going again we were talking about comments and they're like oh all you have to do is get grill arms you have to be really high level it doesn't matter yes it's true if you get girl arms you can be overpowered in a game no [ __ ] chance it yeah it doesn't tell you later on yeah but the the fact that their punches are homing yeah that they will start a kick and even if you dodge the kick will follow you in 3d space and home in on your face it is so poorly designed and it's so much worse than other games they've already put out yeah like they there's no excuse for it they're like oh we didn't have time it's like you've already done this before you've made it better in your previous games what's wrong with it that's how it's kind of sad about but the other one's pretty nice oh the road quest well tell me talk talk to me any anyone's in particular did you i did okay he likes he likes taking the old lady to the uh the drive-in movie theater and getting handsy with her and i guess um jk guys okay all right okay all right anyways moving on so what did you guys think of the endings like do you you know which ending do you think is the good ending do you think the endings were satisfying one of them you know it sucks because i wish you could kind of explore the world more and there's really not much you can do kind of does the whole reload thing uh uh the ending ultimately is uh you know you get tricked and thankfully you know i had already kind of you know with chat in there and and also uh just kind of reading stuff it's like ah how do i want to end this because i really like some of these characters and i don't want to [ __ ] things up and you can be easily misled uh when when picking these different things joe alex what endings did you like or hate i like the the one if you go with pan am um you know yeah that i think is good that's the quote-unquote good ending yeah and so it's really satisfying i mean some of the but there are some [ __ ] endings that are just awful yeah that this is not good not satisfying and uh but it's like you did it to yourself this is spoiler spoilers obviously yeah it's extended discussion let's do it joe let's jump into the lord it's a suicide one i know i was i was surprised by that it's like yeah let's just not do anything that that's that's about it and then it zooms out and it zooms out and it zooms out and you get the gunshot i'm like this is the worst ending hey but you did it to yourself but i didn't say far enough back the other one was mad at you because you're going to die oh yeah yeah all of your all of your relationships get pissed off if you don't want to go with her on with the nomads and you want to stay in the city and stuff like that i mean pretend here's the thing potentially she can come back to you i mean yeah you get [ __ ] pissed off at each other it doesn't mean that she's gone she says we're done and here's another day hey look i want to spend the last moments with you no you need to leave here's the here's the thing is that if you all guys don't know some more spoilers is v dies in all options well no no not texas well his his he's deteriorating so it's assumed that he only has a few months live but even in the good endings it's assumed that you would maybe maybe hinted that you can find a cure what i'm getting at here is that do you guys ultimately think that that v is a good character or a character that's as compelling as geralt from witcher 3. you know are we gonna see v again my opinion is no he's not he's nowhere near geralt he's not a character where it's like oh man i can't wait to see v again in cyberpunk 2017 yeah i know well let's do but they can't do that joe because then they would they would have to do cyberpunk 2076 which would be a completely different game with 16 times the bugs it already has a lot people were surprised i didn't make that that joke in the review somewhere 76 cyber bug 76 i saw the other one yeah yeah but what do you what do you think about v as a character and would you like to play as him again him or her right oh i played i played it as her people i played as him you play as a boy girl boy okay i ended up with judy it was it was awesome yeah that was pretty sweet maybe i'll do that i did i did do a a load of that uh i think it's it's a fine character i mean like geralt the the choice i think it sucks you can't just do both ways you know what i mean but nope she's a lesbian lesbian she does not want to do it she's not bi so you just have to deal with it i'm like god damn it judy but just give me a chance girl well yeah go ahead there's a lot of there's limited there's limited romance options but i think that you know v he's the kind of character that you know you a lot of what you perceive me to be there's some choices yeah but you can make these choices and some of the choices are kind of bad and like man who would choose these choices like people that it's like i mean i'm being a dick i don't want to choose that um and so i don't know i think v seemed to be like kind of a throwaway character and i would much rather explore throw away characters let's play something else i don't think we'll see him again i don't uh or he might be referenced or cameo in in say cyberpunk 2078 i don't know what they would title it twitter spot cyberpunk 2077 too i don't know um but you know as far as the game state and and after all of this fallout i would rather see them make the game right rather than this dlc coming out like i would almost even want to remaster before a dlc you know something that's like completely upgrade that [ __ ] before we move on to some additional stuff but that's that's the way we're going um a lot of a lot of comments on our review also denoted that it's going to be long wait longer than march for them to supposedly get this thing under control because i said i speculated three months i also speculated six months so a lot of you missed that but um you know uh one of the things that bothers me so much about you know some of the defense of it it's like well in defense of cdpr this was by step bro uh pretty much everyone complained about delays and then they get an unfinished game then they backflip and say that they should have delayed it and then people saying they should stop crunching and they got death threats like i hate that so much that people thought the reason why cyberpunk 2077 was released early was because gamers were mean and they were screaming at them there was death threats to developers that's not at all why and i'm putting that to bed now i want to even talk about it in our review it's not what happened anytime i start reading that statement i just immediately write that person off yeah as an absolute crayon swallowing [ __ ] you're right you're right i shouldn't have even brought it up dumbest thing possible well all of gamers who are one entity with a hive mind and they and the person who talks about it online speaks for all gamers that is one that is not how that works it's no one the person that the same person who's like i want it now is probably not the same person that goes it's a buggy mess and it's not the same thing stop yeah be best okay yeah be best so you know this is an opportunity to talk about some of the things in the review that i missed or that got wrong like hamza isa says you know there are some life path exclusive missions but there's only one um in a game that size it is inexcusable that there's one yeah uh there's another thing segment that i left out i i was gonna include a little parody where we showed off the cat because i was like oh my god you can't pet the [ __ ] cat zero out of ten would you pick the kitty zero out of ten that's how you get fleet zero out of ten you actually have to be careful about ringworm with the street cats and i showed the little thing and uh but you actually can you actually can pet a cat you can get a pet cat for your apartment so uh you know uh it's it's called nibbles it's a little shard and a garbage in in near your apartment you can put some food in a bowl and you can get the uh cat and apparently johnny likes cats and i was like oh cool so i want to get some credit there is a cat in the game but i never put it in the review so i'm glad i did it i'd rather have faces than a cat i like all the extra stuff though this the extra stuff here is what gives the night city its lively uh you know illusion uh and all the side stuff like there may be no mini games but did any of you guys repair and ride the roller coaster hell yeah you need to ride and repair the roller coaster joe it's the only time you see him repairing it i wouldn't rather he repaired that noise yeah it's the only time you see johnny smile or one of the only times you see johnny's mom having some good times because they're like yeah we're like bros you know we're [ __ ] riding a roller coaster today uh roller coaster it's it's pretty cool joe so you can check that out we'll we'll probably stream that yeah um and then uh you know sort of kind of wrapping this up in in terms of the lore where do you think that they will go with the dlc what what would you like to see uh from what i think it is let me talk comment on it first is i think it's gonna have something to do with the blue eyes guy at the end well his i think his name is mr blue eyes uh you know there's some kind of conspiracy going on with night corp or with his whoever employs this person uh there's speculation that you know uh that this is a rogue ai because his eyes are lit and you'll see several times throughout the game that people's when people's eyes become lit it means they're being controlled by somebody else it's red if this is being controlled remotely and i think red for human and it's blue if it's being controlled remotely from ai is what i'm thinking and so there's some rogue eyes out in cyberspace and i think that's cool you know it's like uh that also ties into gary the prophet uh you know our friend co carnage that's so cool that not only is his character in the game but his character is like sitting on some explosive stuff sitting on like some secret lore [ __ ] if you constantly listen to him give him donations like that [ __ ] blows up and they're like wait a minute there's more like gary is the key to one of the keys to you like together we can bring them down like he wants to help and stuff and he's got like i noticed they have like little rings or some kind of insignia um for this but then he's late if you keep going on his path he's later captured by people who have blue eyes and their little replacement picketing so there's some [ __ ] going on with that and i think that's what's going to be the dlc is something with blue eyes something with rogue ai it's just you know are they going to get v to come back and do it um you know what do you guys think the dlc is i honestly really like the idea you had last time with like just previous stuff you you did with jackie yeah i just want his character i know that he always thought we fast forwarded through all of the games oh that makes it looks good that mission looks good do something like dude yeah that's kind of stuff a bit because we already know what's going on now but yeah like i said wishful thinking i i i would like that too i i'm at the point now where i don't think i've moved on from a game as quick as this especially a game of this size um i mean we i finished i know i finished valhalla and then i finished the game and then i went back to do a lot more stuff in the thing i am not interested at all in any way to go back to night city i don't care is that because of its state or it's because you didn't like the characters in the world and uh i like the characters and i like the world i think it's just the stages i want to go back i i want to replay it but i want to go back when it's fixed it's not fixed right now and look i've got a good pc at home but you know we kind of decided that i was going to play it on playstation 4. yes and it still crashes once every two hours ever once every two hours the game will crash and if you're in a long segment that prevents autosave you're just screwed and i don't want to go through you don't want to go through other parts where you're like i've been really good about going through this whole thing stealth i'm gonna make this thing happen and it crashes and you're like [ __ ] this game i'm gonna go play league where i'm gonna have two i would rather have 12 year olds type nasty things at me all day than play cyberpunk and that sucks i don't want to be there i would never have guessed that's the case yeah um you know some people you know are saying let's see psychonis uh one of our commenters on the youtube video secret ending also gives you the exact same results as the other endings is pointless in my view though i do agree with your final verdict a four out of 10 for the ps4 it's actually not true like in in the secret ending that i want to do i haven't done it yet but i want to do it try to do it on stream and and i i just got to make sure to like grind as hell and get like the most powerful guns and maybe somebody could help me crap high [ __ ] because once you die you're dead you know but yeah i mean you can reload um but here's the thing is that uh it's different because you save your friends i think people are forgetting it's either rogue that dies or saul that dies to smasher and things and if you want to save everybody and leave it open-ended because it could be hey johnny is saved too you're he's still in your head and you're like what happens to johnny like what is the future for johnny what is the future for v and that is probably what they're going to explore in the dlc or maybe a sequel or maybe they'll just say [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah we can't afford keanu reeves anymore or we have because they made a bunch of money right they're gonna actually they can afford them if they want and and i heard that kiana reeves actually took a big pay cut for matrix four so keanu will take a pay cut if he like cares enough about likes the project but i don't know if i want to see keanu as featured as prominently in another game having to do with cyberpunk i don't want cyberpunk to turn into the keanu reeves show that's a big rumor that's going around right now is that the game was the story was wildly different before they got piano to agree to it and it was more about i don't know is that the one that city project red stepped up and said these rumors are not true yeah so what what i heard is that it was way more about jackie spent way more time with jackie and it stretches that party and but once he agreed to be on and had a big part they kind of squished all that down and made it more about keanu at the end yeah and so i got i have no idea i just i really my little cousins are you know when we were playing through you know showing them and they were like where's where's keanu reese creon i was like wait he's later in the game no where's he is i i was like oh my god this one [ __ ] rushed through the game to try to get to keanu i'm like come on man enjoy jackie's cool too jackie is way cooler i like [ __ ] jackie yeah i like jackie more than keanu and yes kian is a great character in the game um but just in in such a short time jackie i loved him he won me over too but what i'm saying is in the future you know even if keanu wants to be a part of it i do think he should if he wants to but in a smaller capacity i i would hope um you know fix it first just to show you that the universe of cyberpunk is massive and wide and you know do you think they're going to do a sequel yeah spaceballs in the quest for more money i mean that's that's what it's about i mean we they have completely shown their hand they they care more about making sure it's released at the christmas window than revealing a finished game they'll just simply apologize after the fact and someone at the top will just i'm sorry like everyone else does they have turned into the company that we make fun of week after week after week and that's fine look i know you guys are out there to make money but don't pretend to be something that you're not because now like you've shown us that you this is what you are you are just as bad as ubisoft you are just as bad as bethesda and and ea and activision and all those other ones so it's like yeah of course there's going to be a sequel they're going to use the same engine they're going to do all those other things and eventually they'll fix it and unfortunately i like it and i'll probably buy oh i'll buy it so i'll buy it but i you know here's the thing is i want to try you know here i won't take my time with the second one like i did here i think this one like literally depressed me like i'm serious like i think i actually went into depression for like a week i didn't want to play it i was like no i'm just not gonna because of how many bugs years of waiting and and years of being told we're gonna get it put it out when it's ready i just didn't i did put my head in the sand i didn't want to [ __ ] do it you know it's not bad it's not bad if i don't play it it's not bad i think what i was doing why it took so long for my review to come out but anyways um you know there is a little bit of a a conflict in the comments okay you have to keep bringing this up it's all of our comments are positive but just people that point out some stuff um joe it was it was uh in development for four years not seven years because i said seven years and so that's technically not true it's true and it's not true because it was announced in 2012 okay uh you know and then it but production didn't fully start until 2016 as if you know exactly when productions uh that person guaranteed was there because that person is is a part it's definitely the ceo of project documents i know here's the thing to me if you will [ __ ] announce a game that means that you're already working on it all right i don't care when development starts if you announced it in 2012 or 2013 even if you haven't done full-blown production there's something called pre-production meaning there might even be a little time before you even announce that you were working on working on it right you're working on something before you're working in my opinion they had seven years to get it right more than seven years to get a little bit when did we go to their studio and that i i don't even remember just because we win you're like oh what's up there we're working on cyberpunk you're like okay they wouldn't let me there now they were working on it they were working on something yeah that was a lot longer than four years ago it was yeah so they were working on cyberpunk longer and four years ago yeah internet guy that's right firsthand evidence yeah because joe is my mind better memories and just get his little sneak peek you're like no no because there's stuff on the walls there's production there's notes everywhere and stuff and i was like [ __ ] so i was thinking about just sneaking got him next time and then i put my face against the wall you were there looking through the window they didn't let us go upstairs not actually there um but yeah guys so it's just um it might have been the case where it's like cd projekt reds themselves were getting fed up with you know how long it was taking them to develop it and maybe uh cycles or once you have those investors do once you have investors like it becomes about pleasing them rather than the the the gamers they made a huge mistake like eight years seven years ago they made a mistake saying that they're gonna put this out for the last generation consoles now in their defense they didn't know what consoles were coming later but they were working on a game for a ps based ps4 at the same time they were working on games with the pious power pcs and and they've said that over and over it's like we were designing this for a pc and it's like look the difference in technology between these two things is staggering and you can't design something for a high-end pc and just like i'm gonna turn the dial down it does not work and you know how i know it doesn't work because the game didn't work yeah so it's like what are your gameplay yeah all right guys so i mean that's everything you guys want to discuss anything some some extra characters uh anything that you really liked about the game i think we we managed to cover a lot of it 40 minute review here like 50 minute discussion um it just sucks playing this game i play this game right after valhalla because ubisoft had a game that other riding in valhalla is nowhere near nowhere near as good as the writing for for cyberpunk but valhalla like was it more a tight complete game yeah they fixed they finished that thing in just a couple years yeah and so like yes it was just a carbon copy of like all the other games that they did but it's like that's what i'm that's what i was going to get at yeah is that they've already established a formula so it's a little more easy for them this was so this was cd projekt red going outside of their formula and trying something new and i'm i'm telling you there's completely different processes involved in making this game then there was witcher 3 oh there's no winter three was way bigger than cyberpunk it's like this is different it it truly is different and so they have the stresses of that and creating an all new system you go how quickly this game loads even though it doesn't load everything you know completely so you could tell that that was putting a lot of stress on and there might have been some veterans in in the industry that either they got new jobs or they moved away uh and and then people that were put in charge of development cycle or maybe spinning their wheels for a little too long and finally got some traction and now they've got some traction now i'm not making excuses for them i'm just trying to explain they're the largest video game company in europe and the company culture i i can tell you the company culture there's like it's strict like they they believe they're the best they want to be the best and if you're not there to [ __ ] work and you're not there to get [ __ ] done get the [ __ ] out you know and and that i mean that's the way to do it but what's not the way to do it is crunch time overworking your employees like cracking the whip and that needs to stop so yeah uh it was it was worrying from the very beginning and i i'm just i'm checked out and i i want to be checked out because i want to be able to have them fix it and then revisit it in a period of time where it's like you know yeah i got a couple days i'm gonna go through and see what they've done and see if they fixed it but yeah that's what i'm winning for my second playthroughs like first one's like okay well i'm done i'm gonna put this down yeah next yeah i'm i'm looking forward to seeing how cd projekt red moves from here makes it right what i'd like to see is a you know a message from them i'd like them to direct gamers to you know um address it directly is what i'm saying and uh you know just maybe give us more details on how exactly it's going to be fixed when they think it's going to be fixed you want another yellow note yeah we're sorry no a video this time i want something i want i want something more concrete to know that uh they're going to make this right month after launch though yeah all right better nothing all right guys that's our uh extended review discussion thank you all for hanging out with us a little bit maybe put in the comments some different things that you noticed in the game that maybe nice comments remember keep it positive right keep it positive and uh no don't keep a positive angry joe show if you want to go rage on the game tell me what you hated about it then then do that i don't know i don't want to get your feelings oj's muscular thighs intimidated me so that was another thing it's like you know uh there were so many comments of joe about how you don't skip leg day so don't skip like that you're you're doing good job joe working out there working out so that's why you lift all the weights a lot of positive comments joe i just i just hope you guys love the parodies that we're coming up with here and uh there's some funny ones with the [ __ ] ball disco balls so uh anyways um sad honestly we didn't have the little fog machine oh yeah all right uh guys thank you all so much for watching and we will see you on the next angry joe show bye guys you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 831,060
Rating: 4.8933706 out of 5
Id: P1nVDg_K-y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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