Everything GREAT About Jurassic World!

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everything great about Jurassic world is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club my girlfriend Julia and I sat down in the theater to kill bill and I immediately said I just realized this is Quentin Tarantino it might be really gory for some reason it hadn't occurred to me and almost the same exact thing happened to my wife Julie and I when we sat down to Jurassic world my initial memory of the Jurassic Park movies is fun dinosaur is pretty yay once you've seen it it's just pure joy but these are actually thrillers borderline monster horror films all that to say I love that this ominous music reminds you of that by the way it's the same girl and then a creepy Dino hand to confirm okay not to how wrong our interpretation of dinosaurs was when the first film came out and that they're a lot closer to birds way to give away the whole finale of this movie by showing stills of the 1925 The Lost World War here the first time you were wrong about something David Wallace if you had just answered Michaels calls okay and it's mini Leslie Knope from the Model UN I want to live in this winter wonderland where the snow has not one trace of dirt in it even kicked up from tires onto the glass and you can have feet of snow in your front yard but only a light dusting on your roof my wife really hates it when I shovel the roof yes that's a thing New Englanders actually have to do we don't know why we live here either I remember something chases you Judy Greer is always a win what's the big deal you got bizarro Rachel Weisz instead you'll definitely be safe with her why would they kill such a sweet innocent babysitter there he is Jeff Goldblum is always a win even in book form Zach perfectly embodies me getting excited for this movie I love how the main theme is teased as he runs through the park [Music] I know nostalgia is the devil how dare you play in my emotions guess who loves happy memories and music that stirs their inner child fancies and gene-splicing have opened up a whole new frontier we've learned more from genetics in the past decade than a century of digging up bones how did you get two different kinds of dinosaurs - you know good thing we have more on money guys so someone can explain gene splicing and genetic modifications is that for Stan Winston like the special effects guru from all of our favorite 80s movies I think the best thing going for this movie is the realization of Hammonds dream and for all intents and purposes it seems to be working so far who knows how many accidental eating's they have to bury each year could've been because it was a second feature at the drive-in but it was ironically this scene with mr. DNA in the first movie that I fell asleep for a few minutes it occurred to you maybe that's in poor taste the shirt that's the best kind of lamp shading Verizon Wireless presents the indominus rex oh so terrible Justino says the guy with Mike and Ikes on his desk hm-hm-hm yeah that's either the worst product placement ever or just actual stage dressing clairvoyance I mean Claire voyant initial how's it doing I think it's having fun enjoying life I do love the Jurassic Park take on CEOs definitely following in his footsteps people give the world runners that stumped Park Runner is a hard time for not having planned things out and from making dumb decisions but that line 16 minutes in is a perfect encapsulation of how the park is run it's bigger than expected bigger than expected that's exactly what dr. Ian Malcolm was talking about they don't know what they're doing they're Cowboys rushing through genetic engineering without doing their due diligence to push products out is it looks like and when the guy in charge of it all is just concerned with patron satisfaction these things happen we have the best structural engineers in the world well I don't know if I'd say that Hamid's engineers designed walls that turn it to cliffs if it was raining too hard it's kind of insane that Spielberg and I guess Michael Crichton knew right from the beginning that the rafters would be the stars well actually villains then anti-heroes villains again and then stars two decades later that way you're not sending in your reports we're being busy I'm too busy to cash your paycheck what do you need buddy so obviously I hate Benza d'Onofrio's character in this movie and that's exactly what he was going for even if he's achievable though let's be honest here for a second the mere fact that private Pyle Edgar more sugar or Wilson Fisk can play this role as well as those others makes him always a win these guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat him but buck on off how long has [ __ ] been practicing this pitch since the day we hired you add the Navy I mean that does make sense why would they send a Navy SEAL to train dinosaurs if not to turn them into weapons something I was a tad worried about was if they would sort of dumb down or tame the Raptors too much but man do they not there is only an inkling of domestication in that they listen ish to Owen otherwise there is vicious as ever don't ever turn your back to the cage just roll it sighs star brontosaurus mer Stegosaurus last one I swear I've said it before but you guys know brands exist in real life go ahead I dare you to look around you right now and tell me there are no brands in sight Canon Dewalt Dell Swingline Petzl Apple Apple HP know what's what's this Dixon Dixon Dixon pencils oh and Vic you made a new dinosaur but you don't even know what it is the lab to finish assets and we show them to the public more evidence that they didn't think any of this through I know you're probably thinking but isn't that not a win not if the characters are specifically written this way that's the point these are the reasons you shouldn't be surprised when they're confused and start making terrible decisions later on it's just dollars and cents - I know so convenient right not really they showed us earlier that the indominus Patek is outside the normal park establishing later that paddock is four miles from the closest attraction and they're on an island to begin with I can't get service in my office right now so cell phone's two-way radios all that stuff is gonna be touch and go especially inside giant concrete walls ever been to a Home Depot and that's also the reason she starts driving towards the control room notice she doesn't blip up on the map until she's been driving for a while this is what you get for making your amusement park on an island in the middle of nowhere they hadn't landed that Verizon contract yet and I don't hate that the conflict starts really quick the old zombie saying applies you don't have to be faster than the indominus just faster than the other guy so they have a big door of course they have a big door what if they need to sedate and move the IREX out to upgrade slash clean the paddock you can't only have human sized doors it's just not realistic just eaten alive by dinos apparently he was listening to Claire you might want to change your shirt they're very sensitive to smell you can change your shirt everyone remain calm I appreciate this pause it's not something thrillers often do once the action and killing starts it's every man for themselves but yeah the people who are safe are gonna be freaked out and sad that their friends just died mmm that arm does smell delicious right you're gonna get two birthdays two Thanksgiving silver linings that's her tracking implant she caught it out how would it know to do that she remembered where they put him in I like the way her level of intelligence is left vague but still really scary all we know for sure is that she's committed to slaughtering some humans and brothers dinos oh that's some good stuff Ian Malcolm's chaos theory explanation lives on everyone's slowly looking up like that not sure what they're seeing since she's camouflaged hey it's Monaco's corrupt politician fiance still better than getting thrown on a window nah no it's yeah unfortunately she doesn't need a mouth to master you are brutal but sort of tasteful and artistically pleasing in a weird way you're better off the last guy with a messy desk didn't go out so hot what do you thinks gonna happen from you just staring at them we never do no but man do we think it works at 15 do we ever or if you prefer not to be eaten by dinosaurs no Keith no matter how much you pout Nancy wheeler is not gonna date you I know he was whoa and Jurassic Park but BD Wong will always be the bad guy from mystery date for me 93 ethan hawke you guys know what I'm talking about many of them would look quite different but you didn't ask for reality us for Lauren see but that's a decent explanation for why they don't have feathers are there any drivers fears left in the valley no they're all accounted for it's my job what yeah there's one in the field Nick Miller being terrible does job is par for the course [Music] yikes gravity to the rescue that was scary brother they loved where they could use CGI and probably 80% of the audience wouldn't know the difference they used an animatronic Dino and it looks amazing this is what happens when you put Jimmy Fallon in charge of safety well that's pretty awesome this must be where Rexy took those Raptors down as they all escaped back to shadow Moses one last time self-confidence is out there I know for a fact it is definitely not out there all right totally safe discretion all right turn it over do you work yeah you're all tough now i rex crush that old t-rex ability you just wait oh okay this movie just a pattern I mean I learned my lesson after dresser part three about scary Dino birds but still they were not wrong about that being the money shot so epic one thing I will say is that this entire unfolding of events is another perfect example of why things go so bad Wes Ronnie seems like a really sweet guy caring more about the animals and guest satisfaction than profits or unfortunately safety just like Hammond he's naive and it's what makes these movies work the creation of indominus rex itself should have been stopped long before it started I think it'll scare the kids kids this intense nightmares oh and also I don't know that wasn't really self-sacrifice he just kind of died might have actually made things worse he was courageous though so courage but yeah worse something about her accent reminds me of the little girl from Resident Evil could be I'll calm she isn't trying to make everyone else feel calm and not notice they're about to be back to them this is freaking crazy I know people died in the other movies but most of them were either heroically saving someone else or like you know just doing their jobs or they were like stealing shaving cream or whatever at the very least people complicit in the things happening in the park these are just random innocent patrons oh is this some meta commentary about how we're responsible for the types of entertainment we consume topical has the right idea we all know how much alcohol costs at amusement parks even kind of looks like Jimmy oh my gosh that is Jimmy Buffett you leave that tricera take alone ha the one time being a chunk of a baby pays off oh hey that other pterodactyl saved her okay this can't get any worse Oh spoke too soon yep this is meta commentary we did this guys we killed the innocent baby sitter no bachelor party although she did try to deprive her fiance of a bachelor party so I guess comeuppance it's no helicopter blade but it puts in perspective how paralyzing these creatures actually are one thing I just noticed is that Claire's hair realistically gets curlier / frizzier as the jungle movie progresses it starts out straightener stick straight in the beginning hitting max curl when she picks up the gun and becomes a badass good girl ah all she needed was a life-or-death situation to see the value in Andy you as long as you know you're definitely in it it's Chris Pratt the brothers okay we'll always be brothers and we'll always come back to one another there are a couple relationships changing in this story but brothers learning to get along is always a good one I can't it's sort of insane to me how they pulled the coolest things on the original trilogy and amped it up to 11 in this film the Raptors are amazing the way they move how fast how agile so satisfying to see them in all their glory and how could you possibly make it cooler oh yeah just throw Chris Pratt on a motorcycle riding along Pat have to be the elevator pitch for this movie [Music] have I mentioned I thank God for Chris Pratt the boy sons are badass yeah I was getting to that that has good guy and hey instead of having the kids and Claire follow along in the expedition to keep them a part of the action they stay safe behind that's the craziest twist ever I know I know it's so clear now but first viewing you weren't even thinking about it it's got Rex in the name and I mean really as much as we love seeing them as the good guys they need a little stint of villainy good call kingpin next time you should just smash the eye Rex's head in the paddock door you know dude you know why you don't want to share your sweet and sour sauce with the kids right I like ketchup it's a pretty beautiful Raptors wanted some sweet and sour human no I have a boyfriend that's some realism and a cliche dodge and they actually set this up earlier I didn't you know meet him in town 13 I definitely consider Karl to be like she's not offering personal information because there at work nature is the gift that's so perfect monologuing about what nature has taught us while nature sneaks up to interrupt your blathering on your side that's good enough to stop Newman good enough to stop her after for me this scene made sense because when the Raptors initially changed allegiances it wasn't against just Owen it was a bunch of humans with guns is if they realized they'd helped the hunters find one of their own after the irx clarified some things at the end it's just blue who was Owens beta and Owen and famine Oh longer a threat now the threat was the I Rex she was just killing to kill it all depends how much intelligence you're willing to give these animals I give them all of it [Music] also in love with that moment as if own and blue started speaking the same language again yeah sticking up for your elbow Honus me sure cool cool headedness come haha even if I knew it was coming I was not let down Rexy to the rescue running faster than a t-rex in heels here's the thing it's a short distance she's almost there by the time the t-rex even gets going and seconds since it is Rexy from Jurassic Park one she's ruled no way she can keep up with the TV and apparently she didn't like Jurassic Park 3 either remember the Spinosaurus killed her cousin [Applause] yep haha hi to huff Owens this was your plan this has got to be up there with craziest awesomest finales ever t-rex vs t-rex 2.0 + Raptor hello to the rescue get my girl blue also keno score is totally passable but doesn't really stand out too much unless he's channeling slash sampling slash just straight up using John Williams score from the original but this track my ex is bigger than yours is so over the top of the background rival voices I love it also while we're at it the soundtrack includes other track named gems like as the Jurassic world turns loving the time of Tara Soria and rapture your heart out good stuff chiquinho best teamwork ever the Blue Jays vol top t-rex is back again there's something so fulfilling seeing the Raptor work with the t-rex after their disagreement a drastic park it's like all your happy memories coming back to fight off your new nightmare there's your more teeth also that's what you get for hanging your tail over the edge of the water like a fishing lure [Music] also yeah that's probably a little too picture-perfect but consider that even if they wanted to fight right now even real animals would most likely retreat after a crazy battle like that I'm not saying they wouldn't eat the blueberry Slurpee pouches over there also this t-rex has literally mess with Raptors before when she inadvertently saved the day divorce ending hugging [Music] to paraphrase my friend he said that seeing the t-rex were like that made him light up like a kid again and I couldn't agree more I also like to think that the t-rex specifically just went on a four mile hike to the indominus his paddock to stand on top of it and roar mockingly another one of those too late sequel cash-grab reboots that should have been a mismatch of callbacks and playing on nostalgia while giving us no interesting characters amidst a mediocre CGI fest and I guess some of you felt exactly that way I didn't but that's at least what we were all nervous it was going to be and then for a lot of us at least it wasn't it was a fun adventure movie that captured the wonder / tear of the first film that's still sort of indescribable is it a monster movie sorta but do we all secretly want to be friends with and owned a few of the monsters yes one of my favorite things about this movie is something Spielberg did well in the first it's not set in the future it's just our time but with dinosaurs and realistically like our consumer culture is currently after being open for a few years people are already bored with the status quo or more likely the stockholders aren't seeing the insane initial growth and are trying to recapture it but it's a world in which dinosaurs were cloned in the 90s and since then in Genesis Emma convinced the world that it's totally safe now one easy way could have failed would be borrowing too much from Jurassic Park to not be its own thing and there were plenty of callbacks the kids behind the glass and then vehicle falling on top of them just like in the original plenty of fun nods in the old visitor center Owen is some kind of mashup of Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill he's a Dino expert but also the one saying stop being stupid and doing stupid things science people we're all gonna die here's the Alpha he's the action star boyfriend but he's also not the only Saviour in the film which brings me to Claire apparently there was some backlash against how she was written people claiming that she's some robot woman who needs to be saved by a man so she'll want to have kids or some crap first this is real dialogue between sisters you'll see when you have kids yeah when it's worth it especially one with kids and one without I don't feel like the film picks aside and the children to be at worst is just a shallow callback to Grant's hatred of kids yes Judy grooves character is annoying and pushy but the issue wasn't about whether Claire needed to have kids it's about what's more important when the chips are down and Claire chooses her family that was the point her main arc is seeing that dinosaurs is living mutable beings rather than just her products she doesn't miraculously decide to become a mom after the events of this film well as far as I know and while they play on some of the silly gender stereotypes in this film ultimately Claire saves the day by risking her life Oh while it heals they were screwed if she didn't go get mama Rex even if she was a little hard on Nik and feel free to disagree with me but I always saw Claire keeping her heels on as one of the more liberated things she does since Owen specifically pointed them out she basically said I can do anything you can do and in heels and how can a movie be sexist when the most horrific death goes to a generally innocent woman yeah that's a quality right there I won't pretend like any characters are extremely dynamic or super well-written but that's always been the balancing act of these movies the human villains are cartoons because the real main characters are the dinosaurs that's why the humans are just running around during the actual finale nature will take care of itself that's always been the message of these films life finds a way a way to kill you and for a movie with four different writers to the point that who gets credit has been contested the story is totally comprehensible if not for some dumb decisions here and there prat carries us in a lot of ways but I really like Bryce and Chris's relationship and how they play off of each other and it did the most important thing the dinosaur action extremely well I think we probably have rose-colored glasses looking back at the original we'll see I promise I'll get to all of them especially the much-maligned third but my point is that these movies were never meant to be intense character dramas or studies of nuance their plot driven thrillers it's a park with Dinosaurs that eat people sometimes so I'm looking forward to phone Kingdom so we all know that Owen had some issues with personal hygiene opting for a brake fluid sent over whatever he smelled like briar if only he'd known about today's sponsor that's right Dollar Shave Club does way more than just razors they even have flushable wipes this guy uses wipes why not you even her well no not not her but believe it or not Dollar Shave Club does way more than just razors in fact they have stuff you use every day multiple times a day like Body Wash toothpaste hair styling products all that stuff that makes you that nice looking and smelling person you should be and for new members that are offering three trial sized versions of their most popular products plus the executive razor with replacement cartridges my favorite and my wife's actually as well is the amber and lavender body wash and we're picky about cents but this one is calming and delightful that's right I said delightful so for just five bucks you get the body wash three one wipe Charlies shave butter and of course the high-quality executive razor which includes their premium weighty handle and full cassette of cartridges all delivered right to your door no need to interact with the outside world until after you use all the Dollar Shave Club products just go to dollarshaveclub.com cinema wins to sign up today after the first box replacement cartridges are sent for only a few bucks a month you'll feel and look great and you'll be helping support the channel as well links in the description or go to dollarshaveclub.com cinema winterberg the door pouch [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 3,542,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World, EWW Fallen Kingdom, EWW Jurassic World, Everything Great About Fallen Kingdom, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, Jurrasic World, Jurrassic World
Id: sjvcjg1QBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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