Jurassic World: Dominion is the WORST of the franchise

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Jurassic world Dominion is currently the final  entry in the Jurassic Park franchise I say   currently because these movies make so much money  there's really no reason to believe they won't try   to milk this cow once again at some point down  the road it's a movie that goes to some really   weird places and serves as an example of what  the original Jurassic Park tried to tell us   30 years ago digging up the past isn't always  a good idea hey guys welcome back to the show   now I covered the other Jurassic World movies  a few years ago I thought they were complete   garbage now some people said that I should  try and Reserve judgment until the conclusion   of the trilogy well now that I've seen all three  movies I can honestly say that is one big pile of   [ __ ] now even though I thought Jurassic world  was just kind of a crappy retread of Jurassic   Park I will give it credit for being a movie  about dinosaurs but this movie is mostly about   an evil Tim Cook and some bugs the story takes  place four years after all the crap that happened   in Fallen Kingdom and now the world really  is Jurassic world with Dinosaurs just a part   of everyday life apparently Owen and Claire are  raising Maisie in a cabin in the mountains where   Maisie spends her days chopping wood and Advising  the crew at this lumber mill on how to get rid of   the dinosaurs that are getting in the way Claire  is I don't know a dinosaur Freedom Fighter   activist and Owen is some kind of a dino Wrangler  which he's actually really good at because of his   incredible ability to get dinosaurs to stop in  their tracks by holding up his hand just think   of how many lives could have been saved over the  years with this one simple trick of course there's   people out there looking to capture Maisie and  they managed to do that but it's okay because   the CIA is here to help but hang on a sec there's  an even bigger problem to worry about is it the   fact that dinosaurs are just roaming free across  the planet no it's giant Locus which is weird   considering how the last movie ended you'd think  that this movie might take place shortly after   that and focus on human beings having to deal  with Dinosaurs suddenly being all over the place   since based on everything we've seen they're  kind of a threat time and time again this   franchise has shown us what happens when you put  people and dinosaurs together now you have the   opportunity to show what that conflict would  look like on a global scale but instead the   movie dampens that right from the beginning  with this half-assed explanation many of the   larger Predators were captured but the remaining  creatures scattered here okay so we took care of   most of the big ones and yes there's a bunch  of others still roaming around causing [ __ ]   all over the place it's not that big of a deal  just deal with it that's how life is now okay   but these giant bugs we really gotta look into  that that is that that's strange better call   in Ellie Sattler and just so that there's no  confusion on if it's actually her she's wearing   the same clothes I guess it's true what they say  you know at some point you just pick a style that   works 30 years ago after Jurassic Park she was  just like you know what I I think that's it I mean   yeah it was a traumatic experience and it really  sucked but the outfit was really working but of   course she can't do it alone she needs to get the  opinion of Alan Grant and with that the formula   is complete take a franchise that has been dead  for a while bring it back to life by telling a   story that is basically a crappier version of the  original bring back the old characters and make a   ton of money without really having to do anything  new or creating anything close to what made the   original so iconic in the first place from a  business perspective I can't really blame the   studios I mean if it works it works it might not  work all the time but when it does like in this   case it's extremely profitable and the funny thing  is I feel like I keep saying this because it keeps   happening but from a moviegoer's perspective I  feel like I'm just being sold the same thing over   and over again there's only so far you can stretch  some of these franchises before you start having   to take things in directions that don't make  much sense in an interview with Empire magazine   director Colin travaro said for the franchise to  be able to move forward because it's inherently   unfranchisable there probably should have been  only one Jurassic Park but if we're gonna do it   how can I allow them to tell stories in a world in  which dinosaurs exist as opposed to here's another   reason why we're going to an island I specifically  did something different than the other films in   order to change the DNA of the franchise the  previous five films are plots about dinosaurs   this one is a story about characters in a world  in which they co-exist with Dinosaurs so while   I'll give him some credit for trying something new  this world in which humans and dinosaurs coexist   isn't very interesting so what you end up with  is a movie that tries to tell a story that is   far less interesting and so much more convoluted  than you'd expect and it looks even worse when   you compare it to the original Jurassic Park  in Dominion you've got Lewis dodgson the CEO of   biosin a character who is actually in the original  movie so biosin created the locus and they're   eating all the crops except the ones that were  grown with biosin seeds then you have this whole   storyline with Maisie where she gets kidnapped and  sold to biosin because Dr Wu who turned out to be   a bad guy is now trying to be a good guy who wants  to use her to stop the locus somehow and this is   when she finds out that not only is she a clone of  her mother which was established in the last film   but she actually wasn't created by her grandfather  after her mother died she was actually created by   her mother so her mom impregnated herself and  gave birth to herself this is a dinosaur movie   franchise guys it's amazing how all of this turned  into such a complete mess the original Jurassic   Park was able to explain things concisely and in  such a manner that anyone could understand even   as a kid I understood it but ever since Fallen  Kingdom we've gone back and forth about who this   person is who she's related to who she's a clone  of and now who actually cloned her who cares and   now I guess she's the key to stopping dodgson's  evil bug plan another character who is completely   uninteresting even the original movie knew  that dachshund we've got Dodson here thank you   so nobody cares in Jurassic Park the characters  were completely vulnerable they acted like real   people they made mistakes they were not  well equipped to handle the extreme set   of circumstances they were faced with they had to  utilize whatever knowledge or skills they had in   order to survive the situation and not everybody  did that's what made the movie so intense and   engaging in Dominion the characters are all  action heroes there's a scene here that acts like   a callback to the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park  but it really only highlights just how inferior   this is to the original there's a part where Ian  Malcolm just like in the original distracts the   dinosaur in Jurassic Park he uses a flare Allen  tells him to throw it away the T-Rex keeps chasing   him and he ends up getting badly injured for the  rest of the movie in Jurassic world Dominion he   uses a torch which he then throws into the mouth  of the dinosaur which starts breathing fire and   he easily Escapes in dress Park Allen told him to  freeze he didn't that was his mistake he tried to   be a hero he didn't know what he was doing and  he paid for it what's error 99 good news guys   there's no need to worry about anything anymore  because I've got Owen's magic hand yeah that's   right it wasn't very easy uh he did not want to  part with it so I did have to knock him out with   a hammer but the point is I've got the hand now so  no matter what happens we're good if any dinosaurs   try to kill us we could just be like whoa hold up  and they'll stop at least that's what I've been   led to believe what would happen of course see  she gets it a lot of times Dominion feels kind   of like a lame James Bond movie with Dinosaurs you  got the crappy evil villain with an evil plan in a   hideout which may or may not be Apple Park and  when I say crappy villain I'm not just talking   about the fact that the character is completely  uninteresting get a load of this this guy's plan   was to modify the global food supply and once he  realizes that he has to destroy the evidence so   that he doesn't get caught he goes to the Locust  chamber which has been designed specifically to   incinerate everything but somehow the locusts  escape and this Sparks wildfires all over the   place but wait that's not the best part he goes  to his computer and drags the top secret files   into the trash bin wow what a criminal mastermind  this is foolproof and at some point or another it   feels like everyone's a spy in this movie after  they get to the biosyn campus Ian Malcolm orders   a cappuccino so that the sound of the steam will  cover up him telling Ellie to go into a lab where   they keep the locus and gives her a security  bracelet then they go into the restricted area   and are able to collect a sample from the locus  and this is where they run into Maisie right after   they have their awkward romantic moment there  is so much stupid crap crammed into this movie   it's unbelievable at one point they go to Malta  where they have to I don't know bribe a hobo to   open a secret passage that leads to some kind of  a black market where they have Dino cockfights   and after this sequence where some dinosaurs get  loose and Owen uses his magic hand technique this   guy is literally getting his arms chewed off yet  he's able to coherently answer Owen's questions   of where to find the kidnapped clone girl  just reading it sounds ridiculous but this   is what actually happens I'm not just making  this up then there's this fight scene between   Claire and I don't know I don't remember her  name it's another villain there are so many   characters in this movie and I swear to God it  felt like I was watching The Bourne Ultimatum   with Dinosaurs these characters aren't people  it's like they have cheat codes turned on they're   Invincible at one point they crash a plane into  a frozen lake or whatever and then they just   hop out as if nothing ever happened not a scratch  they're not even wet and this is the big problem   throughout this movie there's never really any  sense that the characters are actually under   any real threat and this is where the difference  between these two movies is very apparent one is   an action movie where the characters are more  than capable of fighting off these creatures   no matter how big they are the other is more  like a thrilling survival horror movie where   the focus is on just trying to escape from these  Unstoppable killing machines and this is something   that Jurassic Park did incredibly well in Jurassic  Park the characters are constantly getting stuck   or confined and then met with a threat that gets  within inches if they manage to escape tape you're   left with the feeling that they barely made it  and I say if because not all the characters did   ah clever girl now I think the death of Muldoon  is actually really important because it's the   one that creates the most uncertainty in the minds  of the audience in regards to the survival of the   other characters I mean it's a PG-13 movie so the  audience knows that the kids aren't going to get   torn apart and there's a 99 chance that both Ellie  and Alan survive so how do you keep the audience   on the edge of their seats well by showing that  even the dinosaur expert can be outsmarted and   killed it communicates to the audience just how  dire the situation is I mean this is someone who   should have an extremely high chance of survival  so his death definitely comes as a surprise and a   shock it's unexpected and it raises the question  even if it's in the back of your mind if he can   be killed then who can't once the dinosaurs get  loose the movie creates an atmosphere of almost   constant danger I mean there's a couple of short  breaks here and there but then it's right back to   it and during this time there's the feeling that  no character is off limits to at least getting   injured I mean they electrocuted one of the kids  at the end of dominion dodgson dies as you would   expect but all the other characters all nine of  them are perfectly fine and at no point in the   movie was there ever a single second where you had  any doubt of that and how does the whole thing end   well Dr Wu fixes the locus problem and the humans  and the dinosaurs continue to coexist Jurassic   Park was a movie that had some interesting  discussions on ethics and in the end the   message was pretty clear that playing God can lead  to disaster but the ending of dominion basically   says yeah no actually it's okay really not that  big a deal everything's fine we're all gonna sing   Kumbaya and the dinosaurs are just gonna get  along with all the other animals like give me   a break it's weird because this is a movie that  has so much going on it tries to to do so much   but then ends up doing nothing Jurassic Park on  the other hand in many ways is the total opposite   the story is not very complicated but the way in  which it's told is so captivating for me the best   part of watching Dominion was that it made me look  back and compare these two movies and in doing so   I gained even more appreciation for the original  when this movie came out it was a major cinematic   achievement that completely surpassed expectations  it combined visual effects practical effects and   incredible sound design to bring dinosaurs to life  in a way audiences had never seen before at the   time CGI had been used in movies but obviously  not to the degree that it is today creating the   dinosaurs in Jurassic Park was a huge undertaking  that required the use of CGI since there were some   shots where it just wasn't possible to use  practical effects I initially wanted to make   all the dinosaurs full size and that of course  was just my wishful thinking but visual effects   alone don't make Jurassic Park a classic movie  I mean don't get me wrong these were jaw drop   when this movie came out 30 years ago and it's  also not just the Practical effects that were   done so incredibly well that they still hold  up today it's the combination of those effects   to capture both scale and realism along with  Spielberg's Direction and experience to know   how and when to use them as well as believe it  or not when not to Spielberg knew from making   Jaws that you can create a monster in the minds of  the audience without actually showing it on screen   using the audience's own imagination can be an  incredibly effective way to build suspense leading   up to the reveal look at the very first scene of  Jurassic Park this sequence manages to convey just   how powerful and Incredibly dangerous the Raptor  is without even really showing it here's another   example of this the scene when they feed the  Raptors you don't see them but the sound and the   visuals are more than enough to tell you just how  vicious they are and that's not all I would argue   that the most iconic moment not just from Jurassic  Park but from the entire franchise doesn't even   feature a dinosaur I think it's this everybody  knows what this is what it means and what it's   from this was actually the hardest special effect  to achieve in the entire movie and if you want to   know how they did it I'll tell you at the end of  the video this whole sequence builds the suspense   of the arrival of the T-Rex by constantly giving  the audience information the impact Tremor showing   that the goat is missing that the power's off the  fence is being broken and I talked about this a   few videos ago but here is another great example  of building suspense by giving the audience   information that the characters don't have it's  the sequence when they're climbing the fence while   Ellie is turning the power back on Ellie doesn't  know that Tim is on the fence but the audience   does and we're forced to sit there and watch  as the movie Cuts back and forth as she gets   closer and closer to turning on the electricity  Spielberg knew how to keep you glued to your seat   even without the dinosaurs on screen now is it  even fair to compare these two movies I think so   it's interesting to see how two blockbuster movies  from the same franchise separated by three decades   are so different from each other Jurassic Park is  a movie full of suspense that keeps you engaged   it's not overly complicated and it's extremely  well executed Jurassic world Dominion is a movie   where it never really feels like the stakes are  all that high it throws a bunch of stuff at you   that only ends up leaving you wondering just what  the hell the point of it all was you could make   the argument that Dominion is more appropriate  for families and younger audiences since it's   not as intense as Jurassic Park and while I would  definitely agree that it's not as scary this plot   does not seem like it would be something that kids  would understand or find interesting now some may   say that this is a movie about the technology and  the people who created the dinosaurs in the first   place after all that's the real threat they're  the real monsters and okay fine but unfortunately   it's just not interesting for me it's easily  the worst movie in the franchise but I have   no reason to believe that they won't make more of  these movies at some point in the future because   it's one of the most profitable franchises of  all time grossing over 6 billion dollars but   that's pretty much it for this one as usual thanks  for watching guys and I'll see you all next time   so I'm not sensing a lot of appreciation  here and I'm gonna be honest   it's a little hurtful who's this now  excuse me I have been here the whole time   seriously okay look I know there's a lot of  characters in this movie but try and keep up   I'm the guy with the magic hand now I think  that deserves uh thank you at least a high   five is that too soon that's probably too soon  right so in order to create this special effect   they actually had to drill a hole through the  car and attach guitar strings to the cups run   them down through the hole and pluck them to hit  the right frequency that Spielberg wanted do you   know how boring Jurassic Park would have been if  the power went out the dinosaurs all got loose   and all Alan Grant had to do was just hold out his  hand and wait for the helicopter to pick them up
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 207,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world dominion, jurassic world, jurassic park, dinosaurs, bad movies, bad movies with mark, comedy, fanboy flicks, funny, movie review, movies, movies with mark, weird movies, weird movies with mark, wmwm
Id: 9e9ustBC_TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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