Everything GREAT About The Hunger Games!

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[Music] something that knits us all together just so it's clear up front the capital and its people are crazy disillusioned and if not full-blown evil teetering very close to the edge what defines your personal signature other than that beautiful beard right I mean it's not a beautiful beard wind but it is pretty I'm just saying that I wouldn't leave you behind in a water Planet if it came to it that's all your personal signature H good answer they hear a lamentation of the women hey it's the new Mystique girl I bet you won't turn into the most beloved and highest paid actress in all of Hollywood to then only be turned on after one roote comment a quick pan around District 12 some might say too quick given how shaky the camera is and we're given pretty much all we need to know they're poor like licking the fat off squirrel bones poor in case he didn't understand that that's Katniss checking to see if she's been winded she now realizes she's up wind from the deer though you should never dry fire your like that I'll assume it wasn't a full draw we're getting some Clues and visual Exposition about Katniss's hunting proficiency the main reason I bring it up and will continue to bring it up is because the book is written in first person so the Temptation and really the easiest way to give us information would have been narration which they sarily avoid startling technology it's like a jarring anachronism that gives this movie a unique feel and starkly contrast the districts with the capital cut out our tongues or worse a little avox shadowing they never talk about the avox oh avox referencing I'm never having kids it's actually surprising that anyone would still be having kids but it's more proof of the capital cycle of abuse you need kids to work in whatever trade your District does to provide for your family plus what are the odds right how many times did your name in today 42 if I hadn't been paying attention that may have confuse me but I am and since Katniss said to Prim it's your first year Prim your name's only been in there once they're not going to pick you my genius brain deduced that the older you get the more times your name gets put in the bowl and if you've read the book you know you can also trade your name for food that's a J how much you keep it o woman you don't even know what you started also the mayor's daughter m is looking really Haggard made something out for you too okay putting on a brave face and as long as you have it nothing bad will happen to you technically since she was picked then someone volunteered to take her place the pin worked no one really like shaky cam I mean it makes you feel sick you can never focus on anything but of all the times it's used sort of lazily it actually makes sense in this film it creates an uneasy tension throughout the reaping and adds to the absolute Terror these kids would be going through and the close-up shots of Effie's caked on makeup shaking all around her perfect Capital face create a strange grotesqueness and Elizabeth Banks is an attractive woman so it's no small feat to give us the impression she'd chew your eyebrows off and then came the piece hard fought sorely one a people Rose Up From the Ashes and a new era was born man talk about the Victor's writing history volunteer I volunteer I volunteer as tribute self sacrifice saving your sister standing up to the man I always know it's coming but it still chokes me up adding to the realism of the documentary style shaky cam there's also a very uncomfortable amount of Silence no real score leading up to this point and then James Newton Howard's amazing score finally does come in to punctuate the district active Defiance and support for her sacrifice in one motion don't take any extra food from them it isn't worth putting your name in more times well would you look at that you don't even have to read the book to know what she's talking about this also gives the whole story a purgy feel as well the poorer you are the higher the odds you'll be [Music] reaped and now we're given the opposite of the reaping atmosphere all score no sound effects giving the entire SE in the Ethereal outof body feeling they're no doubt experiencing you get to enjoy all of this everyone's hard on fean for good reason really but other than rebelling which look at her what is she supposed to do it's her job and can you blame her for trying to make these kids last days enjoyable I mean they're already crying talk about a crappy job I realize she has no clue what they would actually care about and this probably makes their last days worse thinking about their poverty stricken families choking on squirrel bones I promise last time I bring up squirrel bones congratulations embrace the probability of your imminent death and speaking of people in crappy situation what kind of tortured life does heage have we learn about his past later in the series but had Katniss not volunteered he'd be staring at Prim and the Sheep face boy right now then he's supposed to invest emotion in them when he knows they're going to die if he wasn't an alcoholic I'd be surprised and even if he wasn't it's fair to say that he may have just started drinking this day to deal with it all here's another example of simple visual Exposition Katniss understands that they will be competing against each other and she already feels like Peta is trying to gain an edge over her you can hear her thoughts without hearing her actual thoughts nor that is mahogany wood species lessons cleanliness I'm sorry that this happened to you leave it to Lenny Kravitz to be the only decent human in the capital I'm definitely a fan of this technology but you can go right ahead and delete that busy street setting for me can you imagine the freak out you'd have the first few mornings waking up to that whoa that's Eddie's friend chloey from the path being female in Hollywood where you go from 17 to your mid-30s in 5 years ah I hurt my ankle I think I'm going have to sit this year out you might have a better chance of winning if somebody comes after you with a KN I have no chance of winning none all right honesty M soggy burnt bread a career showing off montage is the fastest way to end up peeing your pants I used to decorate the cakes down at the bakery you might be thinking who are you baking cakes for and then if you've watched the movie so far you'd hopefully say oh yeah right for the capital since every district is just there to serve the capital what did this 56 120 lb 14-year-old kid just mess up to currently have worse odds than the 4865 lb 12-year-old ha it's funny because someday you may actually need to stab your sister or better yet maybe we'll make you both careers so you'll have to see that's called character growth hope is a powerful drug as snow points out later hey Mitch finally has something someone to believe in after years of Sorrow so this makes perfect sense number one she'd obviously be nervous number two it's not her bow which matters more than you might think number three it's metal with aluminum arrows while she shoots wood with wood it would actually probably take her a few shots to learn the bow this pig get it cuz they're all pigs thank you for your consideration politeness thanks for you considering genius genius compliments I thought they hated me they must have liked your gut or wanted to put a Target on your back just saying I have to say my heart stopped did any of you experience this as well got to give it up for Stanley Tucci dude was born to play a disillusioned talk show host in a dystopia and young adult future what the hell was that manners priorities I just don't them to change me a great conversation between these two is Katniss is finally starting to believe he's a decent guy and might actually care for her and going forward in the series it's amazing that changing Peta is the one thing they do accomplish in Spades seconds I mean seriously this isn't something we can even comprehend the absolute Terror Jay La sells it masterfully and it still gives me a pit in my stomach man I forgot there was actual kid blood in this it's no Battle Royale but still and here's our second reason shaky cam was used deliberately it absolutely adds to the chaos of the blood bath but also makes the blood harder to focus on since you know kids [Music] man and James Newton Howard is a genius the tension the fear the adrenaline it's all captured without a single sound effect just visuals on Howard's beautiful score well that's one way to get away fast uh Slinky for when you get bored running for your life and avoiding death at every turn I guess you could use it as a g Gat Garrett h a trap she never uses oh wait a little ironic that Snow's analogy for catniss was a spreading fire and he instructed senica to contain it and senica chose a forest fire to try to container it might be confusing that this parachute comes from hey Mitch but you'll notice the seen right before he's actually schmoozing with the Richies to pay for the medicine so they pay he sends claudus I think those are tracker jackers here's another way we get some Exposition without hearing Katniss's thoughts the commentators are a great addition to explain things like tracker jackers brutal that's a brutal way to go out just ask my girl V see I would have said she should have just waited up in the tree until the tracker jackers were gone but yeah the hallucinations definitely would have thrown it to her death so good call get out of here go what are you doing go saving your friend who's having a terrible trip solid evidence as to why Katniss is the head of the house and she is the way she is no that's okay here sharing your squirrel bones with your new friend or grueling or whatever anti- Storm Trooper aim also a bit of a call back to when she hit the Apple to get that 11 in the books Katniss talks about how much Rue reminds her of Prim and it's the reason she just about loses it when Rue dies in the movie they make a point of showing her sing to Prim in the beginning after her nightmare now she sings that same song to Rue nailing that connection home for the viewers now she realizes she can win she can kill when she has to even without thinking and now she gives that act of defiance back to the people that inspired her I'm not going at saying something then come here there's an interesting dynamic between these two at this point that the film does another great job of showing rather than telling pet pocket clearly has feelings for her but she still seems unsure if he's just playing the game Katniss is clearly playing the game but he doesn't seem to know if she's sincere or not still these moments are performed really well by both of them you might be thinking but doesn't Katniss outweigh this girl by like 20 lb shouldn't that matter well that's why this knife doesn't go directly into her face but if you've been combat training your whole life Size Doesn't Matter against a novice or even sometimes an expert just ask ho Gracie I know this is a serious moment but bad lip reading forever ruined it I can only see Katniss making goat noises I mean it's some point strength and weight do matter but had he not caught her off guard she still probably could have defended herself also that's what you get for torturing that poor iguana okay uh I'll take the bow I'm just kidding life and death situation jokes hugging so I get that the dog finale is a little goofy but to be honest to go full mutation may have been pushing it a little too far for the viewing audience it still works people who read the book know the truth and the ignorant aren't totally freaked right the heck out right now and the build up to this scene and then payoff is one of the most tense sequences in the film ha Peter Brad finally gets to show off his strength anyway I always was right I know that so now for all the people stuck in their Echo chamber to use a 2017 catchphrase about a 2012 film KO is one of the few to actually break through and maybe start to wonder if he's actually just a victim and since the dogs clearly attacked him the game makers don't care about him either which no matter how much of a jerk face he was he's still a kid it's just a genuinely sad moment smart idea from petas and shooting Kato in the face would have made him drag Peta down with him and a little heartbreaking brutality and then some mercy one of us has to die they have to have their Victor no they don't why should they this is a turning point for Katniss she starts the film telling Peta I just can't afford to think like that because she needs to go home and that's all that mattered now she's seeing the bigger picture even though I think Katniss was smart enough to know they're not going to let them martyr themselves she's still taking the risk that they'd either let them die or just kill them both for breaking the rules little did the capital know that she would probably be less effective as a dead martyr dah no one's ever going to make me kill myself oh also bet you wish you were still filming plastic bags huh Ricky also come upin I forgot how crucial the score was in the emotion of this film does this redeem Last Airbender even more I feel like it does yeah my wife is still team [Music] Gale this is Arcade Fire how did I not know that Arcade Fire is always a win got to give a win to the Civil Wars as well apparently I need to get the Hunger Game soundtrack I'll start with the metaphor I think Collins was taking a stab at this movie is a bit of an indictment of capitalist economies and maybe more specifically the American dream in that it's supposed to be available to everyone May the odds be ever in your favor that statement is absolutely oxymoronic as it pertains to these 24 kids the odds can only be in the favor of one person the system is literally designed that way and KO finally realizes the system is rigged when the dogs come out even though he's the best choice the odds were actually in his favor he could still be killed at a moment's notice and May the odds be ever in your favor and it's nailed home even harder when there's just two of them left standing it's objectively an oversimplification of capitalism and the only solution colins really offers going forward is anarchy but the symbolism is in there if you look for it outside of that the whole premise and setup of the story and universe is very solid the idea that the simple Act of volunteering as a member from an outline District would Spar a revolution makes perfect sense it's the Catalyst that brings hch around and gives him hope after what we can only assume has been years of depression it's the reason C makes sure Katniss is noticed and right from this moment she inspired the disenfranchised which whether she knew it or not then spurred her own Rebellion on there's some pretty in-your-face satire meant to hold a mirror up to our own gluttonous Pig faces that I'm sure not one person missed for the record I've been saying we're only a few years away from Gladiators in the Coliseum for well years honestly it's hard to tell if this series is more condemnation of the 1% in corporations or a tyranical government six and one Colin sort of combines them either way they illustrate the grotesqueness of the decadence with nausea inducing Perfection our culture's desensitization to the horrors around us is only further dulled by our obsession with things like reality TV a medium that we all know is mostly faked and staged so flipping back and forth between reality and reality can blur the lines of reality it gets to the point where we just accept the atrocities of our world as immutable or Worse necessity root for your favorites you cry when they get killed it's sick D if no one watches then they don't have a game are we as sick as these fluorescent freaks yet hopefully not but every time I go back to the story I feel the mirror and it makes me question my sympathies even more so with the books obviously my wife and I were both finishing these books on vacation right around the time the actors had been announced why were we reading books meant for tweens in our mid 20s that's not really the point is it you judgmental viu we were a little put off by the casting of Mystique she's very different from the physical description of Katniss but she does capture her spirit in fire she always manages to come off like she's playing dress up in the capital you can tell when she's acting and as I've pointed out already she manages to Telegraph cat his inner monologue without saying a word and I give her some credit for embodying a lot of what makes Katniss a great newish character I'm not saying tough his nails emotionally shut off female leads or anything new the brides Ripley and Sarah Connors have been kicking butt for decades and even now looking at it from a post Ray and Jin world it's not like Katniss broke the mold but partnering up with the mostly ineffectual pea adds a new level to the archetype you know pet pocket the kid from panm who bakes bread and then saves Katniss's life with it bread and circuses anyone you know not to be confused with the weed I mean tributes that are part of like their a and huton plays A Part really well Elizabeth Banks was exactly how I pictured Effie and Woody harelson didn't have to try too hard to play an indiff drunk when he comes around he has a Warmness to him as well Stanley Tui obviously stole the show but Donald southernland really makes you hate his guts even in the short time he was on screen people are always going to have issues with movies that are trying to set up a sequel and I totally get that stop trying to take all my money but in the era of the adaptation it's more difficult especially when the books themselves are written to set up a sequel or or even specifically a planned series to begin with but Hunger Games actually tells a complete story albe it open-ended and they start at the short-lived young adult dystopia and kill the kid genre Trend or at least popularize them getting adapted to film it makes you wonder what the next big Trend might be probably something with the elderly I'm thinking or since we're all about Nostalgia these days how about adapting some Classics where's my Catcher in the Rye movie oh it's too offensive yeah you're probably right well next week is only an adaptation in the way that everything is an [Music] adaptation come on come on come on maybe you should throw the sword [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,255,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunger Games, EWW Hunger Games, Everything Right With The Hunger Games, EGA, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, Film Wins
Id: CV_jpioAkCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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