The Best of JJBA Golden Wind Abridged

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Oh [Music] and the wonderful country of Italy even children can buy crack off the streets you just get me mint chocolate chip that'd be fine thanks I'll take two because that [ __ ] kid over there won't stop staring at me let's hope what I get outside nothing weird is going to happen looks like it's time to go back to Japan hey can you cops help me out for a second no helpful authorities well [ __ ] I still can't believe you're making me do this Jotaro because you drew the shortest straw out of everyone and you're short I resent that comment I resent your face I'm above all this witless banter Koichi you're barely above the table sitting down that goes punch that tree dad people need to learn to not punch nature wasn't this entire reconnaissance mission a waste of time no I got to spend quality time with the Dolphins and painfully neglected my own daughter wait you have a daughter listen to me do you understand too loud and unpleasantly clear good have fun in Italy I wish I had my suitcase right now because I just [ __ ] my pants ooh a penny I've never seen a man cares so much about a penny before mmm this mental pull seems interesting ouch ha ha ha works every time let's not get too hasty here my [ __ ] is sensitive I can give you another one if you want I can do this all day let's see how you deal with my sippers then zippers wait what Jesus Christ can you stop hitting me I think I broke a tooth technically he defeated himself by punching a frog now how does that work I'm basically God so wow you're getting high what ability does your stand have zippers is that a code word for something no it's my ability so what do they do they ship [ __ ] watch this let's make a deal no deal that's not an option oh so we're not playing Deal or No Deal do I look like Howie Mandel to you on second thought I guess it wouldn't be in the middle of Italy if I was on the show the deal is who can punch themselves first okay hey wait a minute did you just try tricking me into punching myself how did you see through that trick but you somehow thought you were on Deal or No Deal because the inner machinations of my enigma or my mind I'm not only fighting a guy that is [ __ ] but also has [ __ ] strength how does it feel to lose to a [ __ ] did I just really say all that dump out yep I was playing dummy an entire time yeah I'm going to call [ __ ] on that whatever any last words cook my [ __ ] pizzas no and I I have a dream of becoming a gang star you made a gangster yes gang star why are you saying it with an A you mean gang I mean star its ster not star are you sure we are talking about two different things here no I'll do it on one condition and what's that I am the leader that sounds reasonable and I get the entire four cheese pizza to myself that's [ __ ] outrageous but I accept anyways alright sir put everything in the books and go get your body checked I wish I got to wheel the gun you have strong muscles for a young man I might have to buy you some coffee sometime with a little extra cream I think you've got everything covered for now go out ahead oh that woman was creepy maybe I could get one of these someday when I become a gangster star or are you looking for Shawn play holy [ __ ] that bat is talking dude you're huge I know I thought what I was sleeping one night that why sleep on a bird well you could become to the bed so I started dating mash and became the giant buff banana you see in front of you what are you afraid for color gold I thought gold was a metal it's also a color I'll check my Crayola box next time just your cased because I want to be a gang star don't you mean gangster yeah gang star Arnold jugar could help with your illiteracy but I think we could you have some use of you hey Shetty can you help with go [ __ ] yourself reminds me of my first birthday instead of beating you Joe Joe I'm just gonna go [ __ ] your mother Wow my childhood sucked [Music] [ __ ] found you it seems like our one last victim to stab we're ahead of you say something cool jordo that's the way the cookie crumbles how do I end up coming out of this dumbass I was on the spot after today I will never try BDSM again oh why what the hell is going on down there I'll save you Tomer cure me gruffly arrow no I have to save the [ __ ] from his demise I just wanted a stand up someone do you have any idea on how to beat the staying because I can't move very fast dude my pants being filled with [ __ ] why did you just tell me that cuz it's important Black Sabbath's the name baby stabbings my game tell my imaginary wife I [ __ ] her sister want to help this country because I'm sick of all the tourists asking me where the crack rocks are at well are the crack rocks at I should have left you to die now go back to Japan enjoy your animes or whatever you watch over there what's it for me to keep this a secret how about your suitcase deal thank God that woman wasn't on her shift today because my fight-or-flight response can't handle it what the hell is that noise Oh wish I could eat pizza like that well good luck up for an encore know what I do would I come ask you not to freak or a banana [Music] no porn annex for you study marine life you played with the dolphins again didn't you if holy my stand could punch you threw the phone coochie-coo et are you still there coochie I swear I'm gonna punch you back to kindergarten do you say something nope [Music] the boys went to have their pizzas once again and now giorno gets to meet the other gang members Bruno has it a stupid little [ __ ] policy I'm going to put this lightly as you can see you don't get your feelings hurt I think you're [ __ ] watch how could you be so sure right the power of basic arithmetic now tell me what 16 times 5 is oh it's righty excellent we're making baby steps to achieve retardation yeah but there are like four pieces right now I have another person barely grasping basic arithmetic do I have to tell you the story again about why I don't like the number for finite it beats watching your head sits ready to do math the shop or - I'm f my point exactly recharged a lot of you know Racha have you showed the entire problem yet right yet what do you think am i smart or what how could you possibly be this stupid how can you answer be smaller if there are two large numbers be multiplied I've seen print come spotted you what a team we buy a bar qo can I have your cake aren't you going to drink your tea Giorno I made it specially for you maybe he's allergic to the color yellow mister what color is his hair sorry Naraku must have made me [ __ ] did you really drink the piss who knows for sure well you do that's why I asked I have a sneaking suspicion that Jordan might have eaten submitted pizzas I had at the house and must confront him about this right now before he joins our team Giorno did you eat my hidden pizzas you have hidden pizzas well I said too much hey Bruno hey Bruno don't forget to drink water bro everyone in the neighborhood loves Bruno but can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch one day I'm gonna leave these idiots behind right Oh Roger could you pass me a soda ha why don't you get it yourself you lazy piece of [ __ ] because I'm lazy now just hand me one what's up ray three do you what cooker sprite I'll take sprite because it has six letters instead of four four coke here you go Thanks did he hold the back seat for a moment thanks Trevor as usual Wow what's happened to our magical music box mr. one no Roger zero I can't wait to spend it on some new Swiss cheese clothes I'm going to spend my shares on some new lipstick I'm going to get more sprite Sunna Roger can't listen to music ever again you Rancho you dint drown and yet you sure stand about yo to find them not in front of him are you serious right now our friends are being held hostage and you don't want to save them because you hate this cinnamon bun looking pissed Rica I swear he just has a small amount of autism or some MLK jr. disease where he won't shut the [ __ ] up about his dream not only do I have to talk to one [ __ ] but now I have to talk to to do too I'm not a ballerina ibaka was once a loyal police officer that help stop crimes being committed on the streets until he wasn't but [ __ ] oh we have to save him hold your horse there Bruno is that just one of your weird phrases it's Jordan already rubbing off on you I read it in one of those Japanese picture books you mean manga but I'm not hungry for mangoes are we going to save our gang or not do I have to save giorno absolutely arrivederci this is revolting his entire body stretch forward into a used condom that's just gross Bruno good that means I get to beat the [ __ ] out of someone let's continue the replay ah I know is that it's right there right where right there yeah they're [ __ ] I'm getting captured what you can't leave me here alone I believe even you know I don't so you fuse what ship over the other I mean I don't know even how that works who the [ __ ] is writing this [ __ ] which means you were slipping through the cracks like soap in a prison I give you a for effort as a blue edge of what says you're too slow yeah Freddie brush on my head really hard to say maybe one more should do the trick oh here we go all better Mario woohoo zucchero he lives in Rome so he's a gangster in Rome then mm-hmm I'm going to pick this guy so hard the world is flat mr. Tony ran to pieces from the ocean what I'm hungry we'll get something when we reach the shore why now start setting up the torture device mmm what's that you prefer both the glasses and fishing line for your torture that's a good choice giorno turn around and just listen to his voice well this is some grade-a [ __ ] what a beautiful doing riding on that fish sure baby hungry did you only come so you could eat say that again without sounding sexual did you join me so you could consume absolutely seems to me like the stand user is inside I better let miss to know and the least conspicuous way possible what the hell is short of doing is all play nearby babies trying to ward we understand you sir but where is he Jesus Christ he's an idiot he's gonna get himself a trouble or no [ __ ] going around around yeah I shot my gut because there's a criminal in the house ok it's like mrs. on his own I'm gonna eat the rest of his food come now a Bakke Oh have I not shown enough loyalty to the group I stand corrected jonno I'm noticing a problem that you might be able to solve and what's that where the [ __ ] is mister you saved the princess and they lived happily ever wait a minute do you actually believe that you saved the princess well of course you didn't even know her name her name was Zelda yeah I'm done here and the [ __ ] off it's you stand battle sure thing magic Soundwave in my brain this guy is dead from a bullet to the head so I'm running out of options I could either rely on shooting him or shooting him which doesn't leave much room for error if that fails but I guess I'll just have to shoot him you're probably thinking about shooting me again aren't you dammit how does he know me so well hello are you listening to me two pepperoni pizzas please if only I was holding the gun instead stop the truck I Drive and really [ __ ] fast well that was useless don't worry mister your old pal journa will come to rescue you there's a guy that looks like he could flow and now he's casting stones how is this man not the second coming of Christ ow stop making me feel pain then snap tear know you're not helping remove the pain well I'll have to do something about that won't I oh you don't need to put that many hit me it was just a flesh wound just hold still or I will puncture more holes in you the my shirt oh I said it would have any questions I'm going to use my share of the money to spend it on a new music box not a question but at least you tried [ __ ] janitors right you might go somewhere too clean show off the streets this bathroom was taken is your name's [ __ ] huh what was that if your name isn't [ __ ] or piss and get the [ __ ] out of my sight because when I have this mop in my hands I'm the boss alright you did looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson well this should turn out how I expect it you must be the new kid boots errata showed me about what have you heard do you like pizza and you're willing to give your life for the organization oh well that sounds nice and you might be [ __ ] nothing good can last forever not even a compliment right now a booter ah T's a capo maybe I could go to a real doctor instead of relying on doctor [ __ ] Oh from Pesci I blame jordo because he didn't even think to come and rescue me I hope mr. isn't still mad at me for not rescuing him who's that sure one more thing you have to do and it's a direct order from the boss the boss yes just what I said you [ __ ] [ __ ] and they say I'm kidding old she's never met the boss and she could be a bit [ __ ] sometimes so have fun with that you me take off your shirt did you hear me take off your shirt alright alright this will do just fine as a towel now go hand me a handkerchief some stockings and some makeup the stockings need to be thigh-high give me a Vogue magazine and get me a pumpkin spice latte a white girl can never have enough pumpkin spice when you're done being dumbfounded go buy that stuff for me okay ah everything's gotta be okay now how the hell do I fight my way back to the house I'll just draw a squiggly line and see where that takes me the holy mother's cry not my cup but he won't stop jogging maybe I can stab him when he's not looking I still want you out of my car or you're getting shanked I don't care what you say he will get shot today let's kill that guy and make sure I'm not wrong I will make sure these McDonald orders are fun do we have any games we could play I do but it might take some time to play what is it monopoly and this time everyone can play including you Trish she outs like fun to me I just want to make sure giorno goes to jail well I call bring the thimble eight hours late there Niraj is dead isn't he absolutely oh [ __ ] here we go again watch whose yeah maybe if I whisper you won't hear me I could hear you god I got some questions for you oh god no launcher I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not God then who are you I'm merrier so you're the guy that reads books to children I mean that was my part-time job but that's not why I'm here tell me why you're here before I shoot you out to my brain are you really that stupid to try you could bet on it well that was a dumb question I'm here to narrate your backstory just like it what's your know how the hell did you hear about that he was mumbling in his sleep and starts spewing out his innermost secrets like to tie me almost shut - whoa that's too much information let's just get on with the narration shall we we I thought it was you where did that great cellist ball bounce off to can't you believe that it's not butter what's not butter this southern black widow I can't believe that's not butter hello spider please [ __ ] off never underestimate the power of retardation hey now I think neuron she did a great job at stopping the enemy I believe he did everything he could have done including catching everything on fire especially that thank you Giorno no problem boy-girl thing I wonder what kind of vehicle it is a helicopter it must be a key for a helicopter did you hit your head on something neuralgia I might be delirious from the spider venom do I have to go there with journo certainly I'm going to regret this may I also put in a complaint towards giorno guys Jordan oh is it that bad it's just a little different in the head flow like a french fry sting like my pee where are you Foucault hey Giorno do you know what happened I have no idea typical I have a hunch that mirror over there as something to do with fucose disappearance what's the deal with this mirror great now I have giorno talking to himself I can't wait until I get to yell at him some more tell me your purpose for being here I refuse and I know you'll be the one dang when you see my stand violet dust huh where the [ __ ] is my stay in your stands name is violet dust Foucault Stan by far is the scariest and I have encountered so far it even has rabies what's it doing it's trying to clean itself because it's [ __ ] and drools a lot Foucault really got screwed on getting a stain you weren't kidding when you said it's [ __ ] reminds me about another guy in our group hey are you talking about me well aren't you quick to the draw what do you want to do while we wait then I think we should talk to Trish before we do anything she already berated me so I'm not gonna talk to her again she'll be fine we just need to wait until she pees blood mister what are you talking about I'm talking about her period but you do realize that she doesn't pee blood right wait she doesn't pee blood I don't have time to give an anatomy lesson morontia give mister the proper explanation me all right one eternity later that's how it all works oh so how do you know all this junk gel Bruno but I cheated on my ignominy of jam since you have no one left you have already lost arrivederci for some odd reason I'm getting the feeling someone stole my catchphrase damn do I look good or what don't you mean we oh right I forgot that you could speak to me so you break it take out the trash go right ahead that's great we're like Siamese twins it's all funded sunshine except for the fact that I'm [ __ ] bleeding to death now I have to rely on jordo to make sure this mission is successful I giorno Giovanna have a goddamn dream to not die today I hope your note comes out there's a lot where did you start caring about Jordan when you Danny I'm alive and free to enact my revenge on that [ __ ] for infecting me I'm not sure what vehicle were using but it better be safe I don't want to reattach any more limbs today I say what's going on here foo go I can't stop staring at her voluptuous lumps either oh please forget my friend he wasn't trying to fill you up or anything like that yeah you pervert it's now we're camping in our I just lost my balance that's huh whatever helps you sleep at night foo go I'm glad you watch happens would I do this ow oh [ __ ] a month of the siege wow you guys have to try that out we should be safe and here until we reach our destination just don't get out to the turtle I'm talking about you know ranch ah watch I only did it once just don't do it again all right okie dokie captain no fun all of a sudden my body feels like a rusty bike my bananas drier than the devil's anus and I'm still hungry why do I always end up looking like a huge condom slow down mister if they knew we were here they would have punched us which means that we are still safe I think it's decided between male and female body temperatures because of science and [ __ ] so they don't kill trash it's alright if I sing a song tell you what Niraj if it doesn't sound [ __ ] I won't tell you to shut up okie dokie three Wow and three [Music] Moshe Moshe three oh sure [Music] knock knock who's there old old you old experience huh that's a good one knock knock who's there [Music] wonderful now the hook is going deeper to my body let's try shooting it now let's turn mr into a bowling ball good night Bruno boots arathi never go back on my promises no I'm starting to sound like Giorno arrivederci he's faster than I thought reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah stop standing there killer hurry I'm never riding a train again well yeah because you'll be dead the fact that I'm not doing anything right now proves that I cut breathe if this works I'm gonna [ __ ] a brick are you kidding me pull yourself together zipper boy I'd start speaking normally if I were you now that I look at him some more he does look like he has withering bamboo stalks growing out of his head let's test that hypothesis out shall we it seems my hypothesis just became a theory no let's make that theory at a scientific fact reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah reah of dirt arrivederci Beanstalk brodo what the hell is going on why were there zippers appearing out of nowhere and why haven't I still not got that pumpkin spice latte oh no she's still on your period are you going to answer me or not just calm down we need to get out of here before more Stan users show up I refuse don't make me sit over there try me [ __ ] very well they both shout delicious they both sound disgusting I say don't shoo it and till you chew it where do you come up with these ridiculous phrases ingenuity more like obscurity I hate my it stands right now that should take care of it whoa what just happened mister do you have any idea what's going on Oh me I don't have a clue what happened I was just minding my own business mr. Tetch Lee punch the driver what was yet nothing Fugo who actually punched the driver and caused the truck to crash didn't you yep I can't say I blame you trisha sitting on a chair she has a lot of big hair I am trying not to stare I hope that she feels okay way today is just matter day oh I'm sure to stay far away hey hey oh yeah I hate all of you he could do this the easy way or them alone way what's the Malone Boy heya bak yo as your voice gotten lower because yelling at you is just too much fun why not do it giorgos planned right nope hey am i interrupting something no I'm just potty training Trish alrighty then that better not be a noise I think it is oh no it's my dreaded rival the motorcycle of course I have to be the one looking everywhere because jordo is too useless to do anything don't play me then I can't demolish a car in one punch maybe if you stopped eating peace all the time you wouldn't look like a rung out washdown ah no not my golden voice straight I'm fighting the physical embodiment of Minecraft you're not fighting babyface anymore you're fighting man first never mess with a man who has a dream of becoming a gang star this is what happens when you don't piss in the zipper hole like that's a bad thing stop making this a big deal if you want to take them yourself then be my guest uh that's all I needed to hear did you find out where Metallica's next concert is uh no but I did find out where the blood bucho right his crew are at that I have no choice but to kill you why God please no a look for it uh likes jordo don't thank me thank my dream likes jordo stream your welcome mister yeah I should have just stayed in a turtle man it's getting hot in here I'm gonna open up a window holy [ __ ] it's a blizzard out there girls you rockin world go round you guys sing me a song while I'm in the bathroom it would meet a lot to be I have just the song for this occasion show me the bathroom now please leave me there because I'm about to explode yeah it gives me some big cakes gives me some pain till it start driving me and say yeah I want to well I want to go play dopey dopey dopey [Music] you guys are the strangest group of people I've ever met some would say we are quite bizarre haha funny it's not funny I thought it was nevermind I realize it's not worth the time does he know that I might have too much [ __ ] my pants to move what the hell are you picking the grass for I'm about to go Shaun White on your ass you have got to be kidding me who keeps [ __ ] in the canal holy [ __ ] that hurt what the hell is that guy doing missed on the hell if I know I'm not going to lie I have no idea what I'm doing Prison really did mess you up how long were you in there for well I don't know like a week a week too long then but why does that notch a guy look like a girl he was just born that way he's going to annoy the [ __ ] out of me isn't he yep and it looks like I'm officially joining your group where did I put that bTW blue who is clutch to mister I repeat the blue who has clenched suck it up like the big boy you are I think by Isis join a little hey is that Roger no robes you helped me before Journal here's we into submission just stay still and this will all be over soon is it weird that I'm starting to like it it probably wouldn't be your first time liking it remind me to shoot you and then myself after this alright boy am i exhausted from healing mister what do you wanna do - Roger I'm still trying to erase that memory of you and jordo doing something naughty on the Block bench what are you talking about journa was touching your body like a prostitute grabbing all over the place how do you know about this ah so it was you in the boat that passed by you let this monster to flower you [ __ ] [ __ ] what two guys drawn a park bench is none of my concern NACHA I was just healing him that's all tell that to the judge sure no all I did was patch up the wounds he created he's the one that wanted it in the first place is this true mister no but actually yes that it's decided you're both guilty of the game that's not fair all's fair in love and stand battles I reject your reality neuron Chuck yeah I'm about 70 percent sure I'm going to leave this group don't get yourself killed in there if I die I blame everything on you Giorno what don't tell me I'm holding your discarded head what the [ __ ] how did I not notice that earlier how could I have let this happen Triss did i come all this way just to be made a fool of narrator I demand a backstory right now I didn't think I would be the one carrying around the severed head I bet this is someone's fetish so let me ask you something butcher Ari do you like donuts not really you do now I hate this guy [Music] giorno stop yawning the halo theme all right suck it up like the big boy you are what are these tracks get here I better leave those cats alone or else one might become a stand if you ruin this for us I will make sure you will eat pizza through a straw you know what puta Ronnie I've actually never had a donut in my life oops it looks like all the jelly filling is coming out it's time for a beatdown that's funny I was thinking the same thing but I'm the one who's giving the beatings here you petulant child let's skip to the good part shall we Jesus Christ how about you lay off the pumpkin spice lattes and pizza for now on time to ship out of here what in the world oh what a waste of time this day has been I get bamboozled by one of my own Campos and now I have to climb the walls like spider I'll regret ever joining passione John oh if there's one thing I had to say to you it's that your plan sucked and this is entirely your fault what was that noise I swear I heard a voice from somewhere you'll regret the day you concocted this plan because you'll soon realize there's something worse than your own death and that's living with the death of others you want to know my answer well here it is about this I'm leaving today leave it right now forever I do not care patty that's fair any more time this date - [ __ ] [Music] their bikes I never take car never will start never will be help never will sin never will spend never will let I officially quit I quit a ba Keo can't be the only one having fun around here besides how else am I going to get healed when my bullets end up in my body again what do I do boo jirachi I can't do anything without you guiding me make your own choice what the hell did I just say I got juice you're at you a quick math lesson how many of us just left you on the boat I'm getting out of here died a hero so I don't have to teach you math for the rest of your life right up guys you're coming why do these cutouts always smell like [ __ ] no worries I'll just get my own story with a better plant character development you guys could have stopped the boat you know but it was fun watching you swim like a drunk seagull it wasn't fun for me thanks for joining us I'm a big boy now you sure are you guys have any idea what to do next no now the regret starts kicking in we can fight if we want to we can leave our friend behind because a friend won't fight it if they won't fight well he's a friend of mine we say we can cruise where we want to hi devil never find and we can track anyone that comes after us we the bad guys far behind and we could fight and sing this guy's got bad breath I need to fix that I think it's time for an ass-kicking right why do they have to go and do this now let's just get this over with so I can enjoy my wine this is bad my shup afraid can't handle the brutality of prison it's too late the damage is already done you'll mean I'll end up just like Pope oh don't worry no Roger we'll make it look like he committed suicide that's right choke on this so we don't go to prison there's nothing like watching friends murder someone even though I should be able to see that shark right now I just could act like I didn't see it Giorno could you do anything to save him do you have a pen a pen I have one in my boom I hope this works hey the pen truly is mightier than the throat I don't see it he standard here guys let's look around anyways moody funk let's party everybody guys just a slice another toilet will stand - sheriff guys you need to come look at the size of this thing god damn in rochester make this so damn awkward giorno I didn't want to have my throat anyways it's that time of the show again are we singing another song of course we are how can we have Stan's named after bands and albums but never sing any songs my stands named after a bad you know let's just not talk about that could you be so easily removed by resistance one word yeah things where so you you came in to destroy from within want to be a friend I don't want friends like you what will you do is there other job Joe's around what are you what I am when I sing the song you try to belong with us stay away far away don't want to see your face listen learn from death when you take one last breath o p-funk what will I see d [ __ ] don't try talking to me don't try talking to me talking could we get back to me lying about everything I sure sure thing pal but I'm being attacked by sure don't count your stand eggs before they hatch squall oh thank you are let's just hope I don't shoot joy I expected too much from him well I hit your no but he could just heal himself oh you had to do was follow the damn train squall Oh being crammed inside this grass is giving me a headache stop breathing like Popo on a treadmill it looks like Jordans back hey Toro did you drive yet [ __ ] you too I'm not even traveling the area I just want to fly Aerosmith maybe I can shoot this guy without getting shot for once don't come any closer well guys I warned him so that gives me permission to shoot him sorry shoot can I tell you something what is it I hate my [ __ ] dad don't we all you guys act like you've never seen severed fingers before mister just shot a guy to death but this is too much remember that time you made me vomit fingers oh yeah that was a good time that's why [ __ ] notorious chase I think I prefer scandalous enormous whatever the stand is its complete and utter [ __ ] Trish get out of the way hello darkness my old friend that only gives me one option I'm smashing it through the window who knows maybe I should have thought this through before I did this gear in my plane I bought to make sure we're safe I can watch all the guys it's the only thing we have in planes here in my plane I can only proceed what can happen in here it keeps me awake all day in planes as long as I don't do anything stupid I should be able to make it out of here alive oh no I did something stupid let's just worry about approach about my powers all right don't you mean our powers just get a move on girl damn you're one crazy [ __ ] I wonder where I get it from I'm going to consider therapy if I survive Oh Bruno we're dropping more out two to get it out of bomb right now is this what a woman's breast feels like nice a perfect boom would giorno wakes up i blaming him for this this is perhaps the gayest thing I've ever narrated over alright so this dude whoever he is was bored [ __ ] weird man like Damian from the omen weird like a Bach you're wearing lipstick weird lip balm not lipstick now man lies tell me sweet little lies [ __ ] you back to the story at hand the kid grew up to be a psychopath no surprises there but before he did that he pumped a loaded subject which ended up being Trish you can't escape forever bug hey kid get out of the way you fell for that fool biggest [ __ ] my truck attack here oh you greet the real me in my bizarre way of life you're strange past is my most precious obsession memory is always 50/50 being me it's still a bit if you speak my name without any permission not today tell it to the other me I should have never tricked him into almost killing himself I hated when the news tells me nothing important get out now I'm never gonna get those Metallica tickets stop right now you ever tried that again I will make sure your arms become your legs where's that shadow coming from are you a fan of metal if not then you will be what the hell is happening it's dad don't be Oh unleash the power of epitaph and learn what the future has in store boss you're telling me I was only at the episode just to pose I guess we wouldn't have it any other way hi sucks to be you guys we actually got to see some action just stop complaining and enjoy your day off for now for some odd reason I have a bad feeling about next episode it's probably nothing don't worry about it have a good day now I'm sure you have backstage passes to Metallica's concert your hair but don't worry I won't kill you that quickly how delusional can he be someone's foot is coming off and it ain't going to be mine looks like the shoe is on the other foot what the hell he knew that was my favorite foot don't be oh let me take a look at what's going on [ __ ] you ha ha ha it seems you have everything under control now prepare yourself for aah hold on can you let me ah [ __ ] it time Dan this what's it for all are you [ __ ] kidding me you ought to shoot me now of all times eh butcher achi I think I killed the scared user which means we could go look I worry about your bloodlust sometimes Naranjo he does however look like a sponge and Swiss cheese had a baby can I just go five minutes without dying I'm starving more than my daughter's need for paternal affection huh a frog just what I needed at a time like this oh yeah because I look like a jackass damn kids with their happiness to ruin my brooding mood at least the clouds understand me huh straight into the goal I blame this entire ordeal on journos this is why I don't trust kids this is the best sleep I've ever had move over I want some clouds to [ __ ] off and die it's too late for that that's why I'm here you're here who are you anyways I'll explain later we have all the time in the world Bruno there's a problem I can't seem to find a match try putting it into another location I don't think I could do that and why not because I have already lost you are the worst tic-tac-toe player I've ever seen what I lack it smarts I make up for in dream power I can't believe I'm holding my father right now weird observation but alright who said that Wow French jointer were you in the French Lobby I thought it would make it easier for me to win just hang up on me well that was short but to the point yike it's mine now hello boss doppio here listen up we're going after the rest of you charity's team after we get some food because I'm not killing any more people on an empty stomach it makes me Moody I don't want to alarm you but I think my legs are missing whoa-oh-oh-oh you're taking my oh it looks like I guess I finally arrived sick oh really oh no mister you're turning it to Nickelodeon slime it doesn't feel like slide because it's eating my flesh status report mr. I've died by Nickelodeon slime good to know did let me try this not one of my proudest moments yeah Oh at least we got out of there alive all skill I don't think he'll be asleep for very long great Trish could you come Chuck me in it will help me sleep better no way tuck yourself in which way arm should tummy hurt from the explosion like I said do it yourself trace you didn't have to be such a [ __ ] about it what was the act or shout to be going back to sleep that's what I thought still a [ __ ] though are you two done bickering so we can continue the plot or I'm good it's about time when we're done I'm making sure those two go back to school mister run your ass up those stairs like that number four is behind you I'm trying but the stairs are sinking we have to make it before it seeks it to the ground my pants aren't making it any easier for me well that's disappointing oh [ __ ] I tripped let's hope this works out in my favor arey arrivederci there's another problem then tell me what it is already this plan with this yet I know that it won't be around much longer I feel myself fading away every minute you can't be serious I could just keep healing you until you want to die Robbie ray can I just hit one of them today screw it I'm sure to give again then let's do it together he'd better not make me miss [Music] we will bat around seven runs in round nine and we don't worry about nothing to know because where is the waste of our time [Music] the fashion to start around 7 we run away at 9 jump the show and let him dig a lot and swim fine we've been fighting with the oh no he's [ __ ] doctor he won't leave us alone no no no he won't leave us alone get some sleep well there's a problem with that oh you need to do is close your eyes it's that simple I need you to do something for me how can I help I need you to tuck me in nope it's not that hard to do your arms don't seem broken to me please Trish justice watch throat I shake I've known you for less than a week that's it really been that long go to sleep NACHA I hate it here alright mister here's the plan I need you to shoot at the helicopter how about you shoot the gun are you worried about getting hit again will you heal me this time when have I not oh you don't need to put that baby in me it was just a flesh wound just hold still or I will puncture more holes in you can my shirt oh why here goes my health there doesn't appear to be anything in here besides medical equipment in Gujarati seems to be lighting Rome on fire I'm glide ow what the hell was that I pulled a sneaky on you didn't I it's a shame I don't have my camcorder with me does this guy ever shut up bori bori bori bori bori you know you could just die anytime now it would save me some time looks like you failed your no Giovanna Father is that actually you I expected no less from a son of dear Rondo where are you why am i hearing this don't worry about to me all I'm here to say yes I'm proud of you thank you Father I read my master Drago Radha gave me a text I got a wife separation I don't have any money so get down from that pole reah reah reah read oh no he saw me it's time to back out dog boy do you want to see a magic trick run full of hot air as usual ruh rah rah I hope the boss doesn't find out I pissed my pants will you tuck me in now no I'm never gonna go to sleep all right kid I'm gonna need you to help me cross the street and what if I say no watch this I have no choice I either clap his ass cheeks now or I'm done for based on just looking at the ground the place seems to be unguarded I can't imagine a person being more blind that this guy is right now what do you want me to do to make you trust me can you do a backflip huh where did he go how dare he move during the exposition you hand over the arrow I won't kill you deal over my dead body why do you have to be so melodramatic because I'm talking to a [ __ ] watermelon of a man all right French Slim Jim you're dying today oh [ __ ] he called my bluff you're about to see what this watermelon can really do it was only a flesh wound then it's time for the technique mr. Joestar taught me Rattray who said you were allowed to fly your grave is right below you this light is brighter than Polaris future no more games die is this how confused people feel when I use my Stan's ability because this just seems so random I did not breathing anyways well sure know your jordo dumbass huh why am I not you what should your know Jojo anything funny with my body Hey Did you touch my body baby I will etch you a reeva dirty being a turtle is full of fun you [ __ ] everywhere and then you're done people get to carry you around but you are slow when you walk on the ground he's lost his mind and his body if anyone says the word body again I am ripping their face off the body woods does anyone want to explain what the hell is going on we switched bodies that's all really and who's responsible for this that would be me you like what the hell why is my old stand attacking me huh don't you recognize me CP it doesn't seem to care that I'm walking beside it let's see if I can exploit that do you guys mind helping me any type would be a good time there's another problem occurring right now like the fact that my finger is changing right now that could have something to do with it it's about time I got to do this [ __ ] the Sun what [ __ ] ants do you know how much of a [ __ ] you are right now you're going to regret ever being born say hello to your mother for me ah now that I think about it punching her was simple but bleeding wasn't part of the plan whoa where am I damn it not you too rheya blocky oh how did you get up my dreams you're not dreaming are you sure about that trust me then what does this mean you're dead and who decided that who do you think oh I see now I didn't want you of all people to be here but it is nice to see you again it's nice to see you too a Bakke oh I see you've got your ass headed to you to your hell why the hell is she here comedic relief it seems you're not funny did you forget already that you're the one who killed me your hair alright I did do that didn't I I'm gonna kill him how can you do that when he's already dead he's lucky that I didn't get my hands on him who are you again I am risotto Nero remember my name enough already let's get you where you belong where are we going a place where we can watch our friends from above and listen to some godly music I could teach you guys the torture dance the torture what just ignore him and get ourselves where we need to go I I thought I was worthy make your move Bruno think about who's worthy do you really think it you it ain't you how can anyone else be worthy but me because you're an [ __ ] once a [ __ ] always a [ __ ] what the hell a score of all the creatures on this planet you hit me with a scorpion I hope you enjoyed that I think he's got this I don't care how many scorpions he throws at me I dictate what will be not him listen up I'm gonna keep this short and sweet because I know you don't like wasting time your existence is forfeit whose voice is at this time it's this other father how does that work it just does let my son know he's made me a proud father today sure think whoever you are then all is well in the world hey Giorno your other dad sis hi I have two dads so you think you could just come on this turban steal the jacket I stole that's where you're wrong he's crazy oh no it's worse than I thought it was it appears this patient died of a stab wound to the torso let's cut him open to see what's inside oops looks like I cut the wrong spot let's use the bone saw instead are you [ __ ] kidding me ah mark mark mark mark mark mark oh no I tripped I don't want to become roadkill I don't know how it's working but I do know that it is so you're telling me what [ __ ] a clone of yourself is question mister did you have to ask that what food in my mouth so would you eat human meat where the hell are these questions coming from think about it humans are omnivores which means they have the benefits of both nutritious worlds does that mean they taste good so you're saying you would try it mister quit trying to convince neurons to become a cannibal here's the culprit that we'll be going after so don't mess this up for the rest of us are i mister I understand come out with your hands up I can't believe you actually fell for that okay but can you promise my safety oh is that good enough tell me where the rock wetter so help me God I will shoot you in the face so now do you understand huh screw what you say I'm going to go save boots arathi Foucault's where's poacher ah t he decided to go inside for backup so you wouldn't [ __ ] up the mission oh look a rock that looks like me don't worry I'll be fine [Applause] my best landing there's no need for one now it's fine I took care of the problem all by myself did you all miss me I can't say I did fani beast do I really smell that bad you smell like the rotting corpse of a skunk idiots both of them so Trish would you ever try human me mister are you out of your mind it's only a question don't get so bad your morbid curiosity is troubling whoa go oh my god it's you foo go yes it's me what are you doing here I'm here to bring you to the boss who's the new bus Giorno what about Bruno he's gone foo go a BA Kyo deceased did Naraku at least make it you're making this hard for both of us I knew this wouldn't end well I know this is asking a lot out of you right now but would you like to rejoin the Mafia give me some time to think about it we could really use a guy like you back on the team also before I go I have a gift from jordo let easy just open it find out what you want too I have to get going now the Mafia won't run itself take care of yourself foo go I will you do the same with this gun on my side I'll be fine I wonder what gift you're no gat me remember where you came from [Laughter]
Channel: A Scrub For Hire
Views: 433,630
Rating: 4.9551797 out of 5
Keywords: jojos bizarre adventure, golden wind, golden wind abridged, jjba golden wind abridged, a scrub for hire, jojo abridged golden wind, jojo abridged, abridged, giorno giovanna, jojo part 5, vento aureo abridged, jjba golden wind, jojo part 5 abridged, jjba abridged, jjba abridged golden wind, jojos bizarre adventure abridged, bruno bucciarati, golden wind english dub, golden wind dub, part 5 jojo, diavolo death, diavolo, king crimson jojo, the best of, bucciarati death, jjba
Id: B5-q2gOQnVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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