Everything GREAT About: Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) | First Half

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this thing was brought to you by and inspired by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in yes that's a mother flipping Jojo reference genuinely good use of CGI probably among the best I've seen today foster mother I got a shower this early on animation quality I don't know how to describe it this early into the anime but it looks next level that's for sure how do you got the Nirvana gone they do a nice job during this entire scene of laying out the family and mentioning the father in such a way that it doesn't come across as exposition which I very much enjoy no qualms on you accosted her and then right away they once again add another element to his character without once even hinting at obvious exposition I love that nature sangre shot great voice acting mixed with a powerful scene as they show the dead and aren't shy of showing the child either here I'll be careful with what I show but the scene inside the house Jesus this is seriously decent CGI but I'll tell you what's even better-looking is 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sister through fantastic voice acting that's your little cable turning its head up me see Matt tell us who's the command I am it all I'm enjoying the bait-and-switch it it's not all feel sorry for me and this guy just romantic but instead he reprimands him for his weakness and his foolishly naive actions which is pretty rare in my mind that nicely begins to build his character and then they followed this up by expertly continuing to build him via well-written empathetic inner monologue once again a perfect choice at this stage I think seriously impressed by the unique take on action it's not repetitive attacks like Dragon Ball super for example not that that is a bad thing when done properly like hunter hunter but it's awesome to see a different approach to a fight oh I like that a lot and I was unable to be s meme it on anime sense due to the logical step-by-step reveal of how we did it stall cook that Easter egg nog twist woman Thank You doll mythical a mnemonic Oh get out of it with that and it's sad to me genuinely and it's the first damn episode this is rare immortality on on what I consider the smile [Music] this is some nice music it really reminds me of gutters theme from the 1997 version of berserk [Music] having to say goodbye to his family like this after such a happy beginning and then that turn back was very poignant before running off to essentially save his sister well now the star of this first TV was pretty simple it contained a look at all of the characters a couple of hints of future battles and even a bit of comedy and showcased a great song but then they really smashed it in second half of awesomely original looking at a curve X so all in all a brilliant looking Edie [Music] [Music] this first genuinely great look at comedy in the series I got a really strong way hero academia vibe from it too well that's just straight-up kawaii oh it's the Obi okay okay I can see why everyone finds this kid freaking totes adorbs giorgia no but if that so far they're doing the consistently great job of matching awesome music - awesome scenes as we get this creepy sound to fit the creepy scene and props to them for not shying from the violence time and again oh that was great from the count of growing out due to the speed of his attacking in his own blade attack was brilliant her attack it was so quick so random so cute it's very hard to take seriously also they do a fine job of demonstrating an absolute thirst for blood via the salivating and her fixed gaze but at the same time nicely speaks to her characters likely unwavering love for her brother and that she's able to rise above the needs in order to protect him well this was the last attack I figured he would do in order to free himself so definitely take a win for that so uh will you punish them here such as domineering Akiane only mr. adored your shawarma Deedle subtle way of telling us more about his character they seem to employees methods are lot [Music] showing us exactly what happens when they are touched by sunlight giving us worry for this sister at the same time is taking out this folk without the need for further violence especially after the previous kindness comment from the old man in the mask yet again they make this less about making some point regarding demons and more about him needing to be better in order to achieve his goal this kind of thing seems to be very rare in anime [Music] this great looking and awesomely edited scene of him escaping through numerous tracks using his sense of smell okay so on to the actual Edie little tricksters so we got some great looking stills and imagery in general and wholesome song that really reminds me of sword art online style for some reason but here it fits nicely with the singing search I like it could you stand this episode preview is extremely clever in unique looking makes for a nice palate cleanser at the end of each episode cutter done all cut that you okay honey in all muscle anymore you do nicely setting us up for some unique battles later on as we learn about shapeshifters and others with otherworldly powers character progression montage of sort kind of maybe aa drunk or healthy freak off oh yeah I'm definitely getting my hero vibes I'll cue his voice and the funny animating style lead to many and effortlessly comedic moment handles dr. Eva you know kappa whatever how do you know this animate loss to be anti exposition that's what I'm getting from it so far and it's showing it again by us seeing his badly blistered hands as opposed to a character saying I thank my hands I swung my sword so much donut could have see me anymore Dahmer did title for my daughter Erin I'm seriously blown away by this style of fighting it's so fluid it's more like a video game than an anime right now thank God your body burned a cigar Big Buddha stuck this awesome looking effect always nice to see physical changes to characters when there's time jumps he's seen this so much Kosuke esmad that's was incredibly simple but incredibly awesome can't wait to see what they'll do later Sarita Mills does know we're in Okinawa [Music] well I haven't a clue what's going on but I liked it a whole lot yoku gum but savvy that's good Tunsil no still why not Shindo no katachi no no ha sido dance with eautiful scenery stuck on you dude so I really like the music in this anime if you know the name of the song do your boy a favor and stick it in a comment down below please getting way more of an understanding of demons already in this big world building segment of episode 4 [Music] oh my god I'm so happy this wasn't something confined just to the OB or the IDI I can't remember which since they confused me before but yeah this looks awesome it's so unique for an anime oh my god dude is great that there are actually weird and wonderful demons like this it really allows for so much creativity from the enemies down the road that was sick stereo to write another Kodaka Khurana was Ramona induced you know my this absolutely awful realization Yahoo don't know many though he took a solid skip a fantastic job is done here building the scene is growing need for a revenge and at the same time building up demons in this world and at the same time great voice acting from the demon to your KTAR I get the feeling that those who've been lost in this war they're going to be playing a very important role just like this right here and I like that notion that was amazing getting a little bit of a flashback for both the old man and what would eventually turn into this demon tossed man it's crazy good in how they consistently showcases characters high quality morality by his simple facial reactions and times like these it's so much better than needless exposition still Nagant Cara duck [Music] so Logan Anna this this hit me hard and in all honesty I don't know why something about it so step chorus Loretta hoko no Kodomo tachi Katia Morrissey stay you this moment what do you mean after storm hold on you mother's knew her daughter very clever how they show us him attempting to use this opportunity and his strength to trap demons in order to try and question them about his sister but they look at them okay Christian you are Connie between the final selection as a whole and now this event afterwards they do a fantastic job of easing us the viewer into this world of demon hunting and how it works coconut Tennyson harness Elena Odie yeah Jamie that's good threat was issued he then back down and so he follows through with at least hurting his arm [Music] how finally being awake in this reunion full to the brim of kawaii each super nice touch slightly showing us his flowing tears from the side of the mask him obtaining his super special demon killing sword this Whedon wonderful character King Lloyd doc oh hi my boy is looking sharp as heck chuckling I really feel like this relationship is a lot like the main character from De Rose and the old man who raised him and that's just a great dynamic that I loved in that anime and really enjoy here so far where are dude I'm super like again to see more people in an actual town they've done a wonderful job of having it be just a small group of people on the forest until now and yet still have it be so entertaining beautiful scene we shot way better than most in terms of raw detail if demons are capable of stuff like this it really opens up the possibilities for future battles it's almost like stand abilities and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and how varied those are [Music] oh yes talk on my night oh yes oh yes [Music] him saving the girl that was absolutely outstanding I'm so glad this effect is in the anime itself [Music] oh god I love these battles [Music] so far they're absolutely excelling at creating truly creepy demons not just in design Bay and how they sound as well [Music] her coming interaction at a time like this is amazing I'm so glad she's paying attention in that box and helping when he needs it most [Music] in general mumbling Oh New York take it off this is a big turn of events in terms of the old man's of gnosis [Music] gotta love how a seemingly near-miss moment for her ends up ain't just a casual event yeah I made it past him no problem sadly cause so much of air but his final badass attack on this demon was sick I seriously do wonder what made them move away from conventional often lazy animated attacks like usual anime and his figure for this epic style oh man that's so epic see boots as you move on your 3ds theater got aa customer this reaction to hearing the main demon's name tells us a great deal about his influence in the world [Music] my worthy shines in moments like these so bright come on Akane focus on what's Maga Oh totally nadeska despite the fact that he can hardly breathe least ill took the time to grab this so he could give it to the guy man that's sweet [Music] Yamashita kata Capito you carry proudly Sean in look at that moment was beautiful on multiple different levels from his realization of the lads own losses in life to that apology and finally his understanding of how much this young man had gone through to make it to where he is now that was lovely [Music] oh wow its Tokyo and it looks fantastic in terms of raw world building this is amazing as we get a perfect understanding of the time period technology in general and along with previous episodes knowledge of towns and smaller settlements like here's at the start of episode 1 Wow I never expected them to reach him so soon into the anime ok this animate just went truly next level I'm so confused but enjoying it so much so what does your or needeth know you said my audience yes I was very much hoping that this would be an element to the anime that other demons have their own consciousness that's fantastic and a clever storytelling tool Oh gnarly [Music] well I absolutely cannot show that but he turned the girl into mush also though this whole thing doesn't nice job of building up with his likeliness main villain in the story is it me or does he not look exactly like Mara when from hunter hunter here that's where I come from this moment made me remove a sin on the anime since version these comedic moments are great at breaking the tension and often darkness of the episodes no Chris death people are saying it who do you don't know call him up the enemy continues to excel at wall building taking a nice and slow episode by episode many anime can confuse the hell of its viewers throwing everything at them at once but I suppose what also helps is the larger than usual episode or the two see what I said before about these being quite similar to Jojo stand abilities that was a smart choice from the man cooker is it allows for a lot of variety and battles and from foes down the road you see door oh no get on with it no my MA no good damn I think that that's dakedo Kennedy he was did you not see not cool you an economy kick your size you stick to us oh if anyone knows this song I'd love if you could tell me the name in the comments to this one just sings to me [Music] one of the best uses of CGI beer mixed in with hand-drawn animation i've ever seen [Music] oh now that's just disgustingly outstanding I always try and praise moments like these because they're designed to take you by shock and surprise and this absolutely did so with me it's uh ma'am I wish I could show you his face and head reforming together but safe to say it was equally awesome and grossing yeah he's also back sad you know to murder okay for the last time in this video I'm shutting out this epic a spittoon [Music] oh you already knew this was getting a win didn't you You cheeky little munchkins that was freaking epic I'd lodrini steam you game I saw it that's no soda [Music] he's talking [ __ ] I'm loving getting to see all these demons different abilities including this one seemingly taken away his most powerful instakill attack well now that was sick Cole gets my other or not your whole core nuke I taste you know got a yogi Tucker I know it was good wasn't it for the end to his battle against arrows on this enemy seriously does just keep on getting better and better all the time from the music to the animation and great CGI it's all being pieced together to create some fantastic looking battle sequences now that was a really great end to the battle against one of the very strong foes when you our mother you his perseverance being shown right here I [Music] suppose this football bat deserves one [Music] [Applause] synonymously Noro in the hots dose this scene telling us way more about both her powers and some truth about the main antagonist Sakamoto Kadam Oh Junie Kazuki Devin I - oh you were so good oh okay now this is getting exciting they are considered weak she's a good on mommy tiger wish I could show the scene itself by her asking him to play with her look a little kid is seriously touching then nailing it in terms of humanizing these demons upon their defeat that's all good Takashi Tezuka Sunoco cut dad runs you out like that's that's well or need listen both of their equal reactions to her affection above lovely and hilarious [Music] [Laughter] this was definitely unexpected from someone who finished the final selection but gotta say Connie's voice actor is just brilliant here look no further for a great example of hand-drawn characters being animated within the CGI rendered background damn things like this always hit me I had the same reaction in part 4 of Jojo I won't spoil it but yeah I feel the same way now he's worked so hard to stay alive and will die anyway there is guilt-tripping this reaction this is my wad expect from some high-level boss fight in the video game and I ain't mad [Music] I don't understand what's happening and who everyone is and why they are and everything and stuff but I'm very much enjoying how different it is to every other episode so far things like this could really help freshen up a series to me my sanity this is definitely getting more and more hilarious the more they play into it okay that was just brilliant [Music] this kid is super brave but also what the hell come on you eat some cut up pick it up Keith oh my word you know what boys and few girls they can go right on ahead and take the maximum extremely rare two wins award right there from the CGI and animation call its greatness to the shock of it happening after all of his complaining and being asleep wow I enjoyed that a lot also they can take another one for the added element to this character then he clearly wasn't fully him that attacked the demon so this adds an interesting part to him for the final time of this video I'm shouting out the animation quality during battles and in general one more time absolutely stunning and I can't wait to see what the second half will bring more kunai Ășnica so not did oh cool yeah oh no that's just made this even more interesting than it already was love it when the Nana Mae gives a decent backstory for the villains who aren't even main guns [Music] his learning and adjusting to the attacks and room changes is brilliant come on mo coil boy I know gamma acknowledging his prior injuries as opposed to moving on and kind of pretending they never happened this amazing speech and perseverance after almost allowing himself to fall into despair beautifully fits the ever building narrative of his most excellent character yet again even more background information on this villain [Music] this is outstandingly good-looking it's great how he learns through battle but I also enjoy the subtle facial reactions making us aware that it meant something to this demon that he didn't land on the paper just like it was walked on by that mean guy before how they finish out this awesome and unique battle with amazing looking CGI from the water skills being used these seriously look great can't say enough really meets can use video unlike this kid seems to have the same effect on his enemies has gone from hunter hunter and it makes each demise that much better in my eyes oh come he just went right up in my estimations cool much further speaking to his character in this moment despite seemingly being a split second away from being attacked he stood his ground to protect the box thanks so much for watching part 1 ladies and gents if you're not already subscribed be sure to hit that subscribe button the hit notification about at the same time and if you liked what you saw and my hard work putting it all together then feel free to hit the like button leave me a comment down below I'm loving what I'm seeing thus far from this anime not look forward to cracking on apart too soon see you next time Josiah may bird without a word parighasana re PK pal chef kilo Lawrence Chris Harris your nut job when nodosa ceremonials Manuel Mireles Dark Lord bloody soul sentiment Oh silver master tank Brendon Korea's spirit spinner Bastardo Gomez Camaro mr. wattles 64 Theodore Krakens cars waterline Jordan Samuels yeah I'm your honking crimson shadows powers 994
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 573,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kimetsu no yaiba, everything great about kimetsu no yaiba, kimetsu no yaiba OP, kimetsu no yaiba ED, OP, ED, demon slayer, demon slayer songs, demon slayer OP, demon slayer ED, demon slayer masterpiece, everything great about demon slayer, EGA, Anime wins, animewins, everything great about anime, anime, anime review, nezuko, nezuko cute, nezuko best, mugen train, kimetsu no yaiba the movie, cinema wins, cinemawins, everything great about
Id: 8JXxOuUDteo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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