The Complete JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Timeline So Far... - Parts 1-5 | Get In The Robot

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Oh fuck this channel. I saw the video where they shat all over one of the strongest quirks in bnha and said all these crap ones where way better. They are now poisoned by that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lucasnator2 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh hey Adrienne can I have a cherry they're like my favorite ah yeah where'd you get those oh yeah this was a dog hi mom and just met we're gonna get it a montage the pillar man and about 100,000 BC cars is born he's a member of a subterranean species we call the pillar man they're super powerful but exposure to sunlight completely destroys them classic vampire 10,000 years later cars boy ac/dc shows up and the two of them eventually decide that live forever isn't enough they need to take over the whole planet - apparently now there wasn't much about 10,000 years ago so I'm not sure what they would have conquered still those prehistoric humans shirt must have been afraid while this is happening a mysterious meteorite lands in Greenland about 50,000 BC eventually cars creates the stone mask a tool to make the pillar man strong enough to withstand sunlight a pillar man immune to sunlight is basically a perfect being at least if you like absurdly muscly dudes but there's a problem the mask is incomplete and can only turn normal humans into vampires the other pillar men fear cares' plan and attack him so he in ac/dc kill all of them aside from the infant's WaMu and Santana because that's what you do when you have a disagreement with someone before cars in the gang can complete the stone mash they've got some housecleaning to do around 50 BC the remaining pillar men wipe out what they believe is the last of the ripple clan members of the ripple clan can basically channel sunlight through their punches so they're a huge threat to the pillar men because sunlight and vampires but their biggest enemy gone the pillar man take a nice little nap in the Coliseum for close to 2,000 years I mean they slept through some minor events like the fall of the Roman Empire the Black Plague and the colonization of the birthplace the Americas minor events even though the pillar men are napping their stone mask makes its mark on history in the 12th century the Aztecs used the stone mass to become the dominant group in ancient Mexico for some unknown reason the Aztecs and the stone masks disappeared my guess is they all got caught up in the Sun the stone mass would appear for another few hundred years part one phantom blood an 1867 deal Brando is born in Jonathan Joestar comes a year later shortly after the young joestar's birth his parents purchase an ancient Aztec artifact the stone mask they don't know about its power they just want something cool to hang on their wall because why have a portrait on your wall when you can have an ancient relic that makes people vampires let's go to Ikea wanna trip the joestars get caught in a horrific carriage accident Jonathan and his father George survived but Mary Joestar isn't so lucky gales father Dario Brando is there ready to loot the wreckage but when George wakes up Dario tricks him into believing that he saved them George's good nature unfortunately means Dario gets to use him as a literal get out of jail card life for the Joestar stay is pretty normal for a while in 1873 George buys Jonathan the sweetest dog you'll ever find in the franchise Danny no get too attached to Danny or any dog in this series seven years later the Joestar family gets another member when Dario finally dies George still feels a great sense of gratitude so he makes the biggest mistake of anyone's life and adopts do into the family deal makes Jonathan's life a living hell he pretty much assaults Jonathan's would-be girlfriend Erina stealing her first kiss it was me diya he even throws Danny into an incinerator I told you it was only the first in a long line of dog deaths by Iraqis hands there's being a cat person and then there's killing every dog who's ever in your series over the next seven years do cools off and makes nice with Jonathan earning his trust but it was all a lie George has been sick and Jonathan learns that the golden boy do plans on poisoning him to get the Joestar fortune just like he did to his father Dario because you don't remember the name Jonathan leaves his father to find some trusted doctors and sets off to find an antidote meanwhile deal learns that the stone mask isn't a torture device but a vampire making device and so he starts plotting to use it against Jonathan by the time deal makes it back to the Joestar estate Jonathan is already waiting for him he's got some of the antidote some cops and proof of deals treachery oh and he also has his new buddy Robert yo Speedwagon best waifu in the series don't add me at curvature whitey at this point any more schemes from dia would be useless I can't do it like who how you say the words fastest pretend I did it right desperate deal tries to stab Jonathan but George jumps in his way sacrificing himself just then deal donned the mask becomes a vampire and escapes the police Jonathan battles deal but beating a vampire is kind of tough so as a last resort Jonathan decides to just burn his whole mansion down nevertheless deal escapes with the mask while Jonathan meets up with Erina again to defeat do Jonathan begins luring jamón from will Antonio zeppeli a master of hormone devoted to destroying the stone mask sari pillar man looks like you missed some of the jamón clan Speedwagon joins the gang too you know he's very afraid once they reach the town deals holdup and he's six a pair of 300 year old Knights on him and dips with the power of hormone Jonathan successfully defeats one of the Knights but runs into trouble with the second one the heroic man he is zeppeli sacrifices himself as Roundabout begins to play look just search it up it's all for YouTube as a great scene I cry every time love yous that believe these soon reach deals castle but Jonathan gets separated from the others deal freezes Joe Joe's blood since could when vampires do that that seems a little unfair luckily Jonathan uses some nearby fire to thaw himself free and use jamón to defeat deal at least he would have if the vampire didn't survive by cutting his own head off Speedwagon destroys the stone mask and he and Jonathan lead confident that deals been destroyed he's not but of course things don't work out that easily in 1889 Joseph and Erina get married and they waste no time continuing the Joestar bloodline and it's a good thing too because less than a week later deals head crashes their honeymoon cruise to America with the purpose of taking Jonathan's body for himself since you know he's kind of lacking one right now something goes down and Jonathan destroys the ship to keep deal at bay Erina escapes with a baby girl named Elizabeth that she rescues from the ship and Jonathan dies cradling deals head it's good to know the deal is now totally vanquished never to return he's never coming back trimming ahead to 1910 Speedwagon strikes oil in America gets rich and founds the very humbly named Speedwagon foundation the foundation Falls the same progressive ethos as others the time focusing on medicine the environment and helping the Joestar family and their never-ending fight against those who wish to misuse the powers of the past exactly what Upton Sinclair would have wanted part 2 battle tendency eight years later in 1918 Will's grandson Caesar Antonio zeppeli is born and Joseph joestars birth follows two years later deals last remaining zombie kills Jonathan's son and Joseph's father George Joestar the second in return his wife Elizabeth takes revenge and destroys the zombie yes this is the same Elizabeth that Aaron is saved from the boat the Speedwagon foundation helps Elizabeth disappear and she takes on the name of Lisa Lisa without a husband Erina raises Joseph all by herself in 1933 the Nazis take power and discover the pillar men in Rome look part to have some real Indiana Jones wives you had to expect some Nazis I don't know why I'm Mussolini let them poke around like that fascists aren't that smart by this point young Joseph saved Speedwagon from being kidnapped well caesar is a poor abandoned delinquent easily winning his fights with his partially awakened form of jamon two years later Caesars father sacrificed himself to save him from the pillar men so the teen trains under Lisa Lisa in order to get revenge on the prehistoric species in 1938 Santana one of the younger pillar man is found waking up in Mexico left behind by his buddies Speedwagon shows up to see what's going on but a jamon user that helped his buddy Jonathan by do way back in the day named straight so and tax him and use the stone mass to become a vampire what they knew each other defeat literally someone that could destroy the world and as I actually aha shortly afterwards Joseph and Aaron I moved to New York where they learn about speedwagon's supposed death suddenly straight so attacks Joseph wait how do you get all the way to New York from Mexico so fast it's 1938 there aren't exactly quick consumer flights yet along with freezing people is fast travel another power that they had that we just didn't know in the lore anyway straight so claims he dumped speedwagon's body into a river to avoid waking Santana up but speedwagon's still alive does anyone enjoy those double check if their victims are dead this is like the third time regardless Joseph kick straights those ass what a stupid idea strikes I was like I want to kill you now so I'll be fine like dude he's like the hardest guy you got to stay away and train idiot from there he travels to Mexico to deal with the Santana situation for some reason a group of Nazis are also in Mexico I guess they slipped under the radar the leader of the group rudol von stroheim my boy you didn't watch the anime in the public video I like him which definitely does not sound good now that I'm saying it out loud I like him for his morals like a fun character as fun as a Nazi character can be I'm gonna I'm gonna continue with the timeline oh I want to get canceled the leader of the group rudol von stroheim has taken a very not dead speedwagon as well as Santana prisoner but of course the pillar man breaks out and proceeds to slaughter a bunch of Nazis yeah who go dude so Joseph puts aside his hatred of Nazis to fight him it's a tough fight but Stroheim sacrifices himself attacking Santana using a grenade strapped to his chest well Santana injured Joseph exposes him to sunlight and finally destroys him but Joseph can't rest yet he leaves for rome where the other pillar men are beginning to awaken as well by 1939 Joseph meets caesar zeppeli and wrong at first they hate each other but they reluctantly team up to fight the pillar man unfortunately the pillar man wawel gives them a brutal beatdown after going off awakened my masters yet WaMu and meyers joseph in caesar's potential as warriors so he spares Jojo and Caesar giving them a month to Train and attempt a rematch and to prevent him from running WaMu and a CDC implant rings on Joseph's organs the Rings will kill him in a month's time if he doesn't take down the pillar man so to get stronger Joseph and Caesar train with Lisa Lisa after they conquer the brutal hell climb pillar they spend the next three weeks progressing at lightning pace along the way Lisa Lisa tells them of cares' role and deals atrocities as the creator of the stone mask she also shows them the red stone of aja the jewel cars needs to perfect the stone mask and truly become the ultimate life form much like child a hedgehog but with a lot less hair and a lot more being a giant man unfortunately ac/dc discovers the stone killing one of Lisa Lisa's attendants and mailing it off to cars before he's defeated by the combined strength of joseph and caesar now best of bros also lor i've never thought in me yeah I'd see a vampire mailing anything the party leaves to retrieve the stone from their newest adversary a foreign mailing system and end up meeting a newly cybernetic Stroheim Kars chases them narrowly losing the stone to Joseph and allowing him to live for a while longer Caesar leaves on his own for what's obviously a trap both Joseph follows shockingly it is a trap and he's forced into a fight with WOM which he loses at least he retrieves the antidote for Joseph before he dies never fun to see abroad to sacrifice himself for another bro let's pour one out of 3m super 77 multi-purpose adhesive for my boy Caesar it's the only thing that was here distraught but more driven than ever Joseph and Lisa Lisa take on WOM on cars and one-on-one combat Joseph defeats wamu in what has to be the most metal chariot race of all time but Kars tricks Lisa Lisa and unleashes vampire slaves on Joseph suddenly the Nazis in Speedwagon return distracting the vampires while Joseph goes to save Lisa Lisa oh and turns out that Lisa Lisa is Joseph's mother which makes the whole peeping tom seen that much weirder and it also kicks off a long and honored tradition of creeping on hot moms in JoJo's anyways once his mom's safe Joseph uses jamon and attempt to defeat cars but using the red stone of aja Kars upgrades himself into super shadow I mean I mean the ultimate life form don't worry though Joseph has a plan flying away on a plane Joseph's tricks cars into falling into a volcano which does nothing at all Kars pops back up and severs Joseph's right arm and yet Joseph blocks Kars is final attack with the red stone of aja causing his power to backfire in the volcano to erupt the tool get launched into the sky but before cars can fly away Joseph's arm flies in and grabs cars and so cars gets pummeled by volcanic rock until he leaves the atmosphere forced to float in space as an immortal forever remember this all happened because the carriage crashed in 1868 Joseph somehow survives crashes his own funeral and marries Lisa Lisa's assistant Suzie Q all is now right with the world I mean the Nazis are still in power but that ends eventually in 1952 Speedwagon passes away and in 1971 Jotaro Kujo Joseph's grandson is born in 1983 Joseph's illegitimate son josuke higashikata is born in Japan that's signior do awakens now using Jonathan's body in spelling his name with capital letters Yoshi kargh Akira murders his first victim and only a few years later do Sun Jia know Giovanna is born Diablo forms passion after discovering arrows made of that fifty thousand year old meteorite and selling all but one of them to deals assistant Enya what happened to jamon you ask don't worry about it cuz we're gonna use stands now part three Stardust Crusaders it's 1988 already an entire century after part one this is where we're gonna have to move quicker part three is pretty straightforward kind of like a monster of the week show but with Stan users so if I skip your favorite Stan user don't get all do alright in July Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul meets do in Egypt a month later Japanese teen Calculon encounters him and gets brainwashed Jonah roasts and star platinum shortly reveals itself at which point Joseph and Abdel leave for Japan to recruit him to stop do by let November Joe DeRosa mother Holly developed a stand as well but she's unable to control it it'll kill her unless do is defeated after Joe drove fights a brainwash [ __ ] Yuen he adds him to the squat I mean anything to get closer to Joe Joe's mom's right [ __ ] you want and so of the Stardust Crusaders leave in search of deal in Hong Kong they defeat and unbraid wash a Frenchman named polnareff and he joins their party his unbranched a word I feel like it should be a word along the way the group faces do stand users I won't mention everyone you can't turn around without hearing about the work of an enemy stand an India opponent rough encounters Jay Kyle the man who murdered his sister and sent him on his journey in the first place unfortunately he was accompanied by whole horse who stained is literally just a gun with homing bullets anyways Abdul seems to die in the fight against the to an unfortunate loss avenged by polnareff who kills Jay Kyle whole horse runs away like the coward he is you can't use the Joestar family secret technique after more harrowing Stan battles the group arrives in Pakistan ever closer to their target of Egypt deals assistant and yeah mother of Jay go this seems them into staying at her fake hotel Maduro sees through her scheming time to defeat her before long deal betrays her so that she won't spill secrets talk about a bad boss through trials and tribulations they continue on to Arabia where they meet Abdul he faked his death so that he could safely arrange the gangs trip to Egypt let's be real though Araki just decided to bring him back from sources I heard he got tired of drawing him and decided to kill him so yikes who's in a submarine they attempt to sneak into the country which doesn't work like always their vehicle is attacked by an enemy stand user I don't know why they didn't expect this with Joe DeRosa power however it's no big deal and they reach Egypt at long last once their deal with senses their presence and assembles his strongest followers like Darby and the Oingo Boingo brothers to give the team some support the Speedwagon foundation delivers a six-member for the party piggy a vicious dog with a stand who packs a lot of power into a small frame wait dog Oh he discovers the way to deals mansion he defeats the mansion's bodyguard PET SHOP but loses his left paw in the process at least the way is clear for the Crusaders within the mansion they score up against Vanilla Ice a stain user and vampire follower of Dios owner of defeats him but only thanks to the sacrifice of AB Dahl and Iggy because there's two of them after deal reveals his time stopping Stan so Otto the battle moves outside this before deal kills him [ __ ] Ewing successfully deduces deals power and reveals it to his allies Joseph is injured and knocked unconscious in general is the only one left to face do after a few 9s and a steamroller Otero star platinum learns to stop time as well under some back-and-forth Joe trow gets the upper hand and knocks deal all the way down a street but uh-oh turns out he lands right next to Joseph whose bloody sucks to help him reach his true form which in the process seemingly kills off our part to protag what are you doing he's a real protagonist he had to do a real poor out but look I'm sorry it's with this newfound ability Jojo finally defeats the vampire at long last fulfilling his great great grandfather's legacy using deals blood Jojo revives Joseph so I just poured that out for nothing and with polnareff they mourn the loss of their comrade before going their own ways during the years after deals defeat Joe taro and polnareff search for the remaining arrows in 1996 a young man çb rohan becomes a professional manga artist three years later in 1999 the arrow appears in a Japanese town named Wario causing stain users to begin awakening in the area how are these events related well you're about to find out part 4 diamond is unbreakable so a lot happens in part 4 but only some of it is important to the main plot there's everything from an alien to a weird cat plant thing there's a ton of side characters and there's a lot of wacky adventures but for the sake of brevity I'm only gonna cover the main events around the stand arrows in April Joe Chara arrived in Moria or as others like to call it a beautiful doing the Joe Joe of the hour josuke higashikata his stan crazy diamond and his friend koh ichi hero se are brought into a new generation of Stan based conflicts unfortunately the peaceful town of morio also has what might be the highest ratio of serial killers in the world Jos guy's grandfather is murdered further cementing the kind-hearted delinquent joestar's warrior destiny no no ever getting revenge on his gramps killer by fusing him into a rock josuke learns about the stan creating arrow his new mission is to track it down and prevent more death at its hands this puts him up against the niji more brothers they're using the arrows in hopes of creating someone who can kill their deform father and put him out of his misery after an intense fight using his bad company kaicho ninja mora is killed by yet another criminal who wants control of the arrow this in case one of the younger brother ok Yasu allies himself with josuke and they're quickly the best of buds meanwhile after getting hit with the arrow koete sees own stand power awakens with his new stand echoes he becomes a full-fledged member of the crew after a long search they find the man who killed okie oz whose brother and defeat him before he can hinder Joseph's arrival in Moria josuke finally meets Joseph but he's super cold towards him and who can blame him Joseph abandoned his mom at least he treats the invisible baby he finds on the side of a road somewhat better a few days later in Manco Ichi meets the manga artist kis ebay rohan he's got a stand which can turn people or objects into books and then read or write facts about them after rohan uses stand heaven's door on him kawiti has to get his friends help to defeat him the next day seems like Queen she's getting caught in a lot of this stuff he's like the polnareff of part 4 anyway even though he can't stand josuke rohan becomes friends with KO Ichi and becomes a valuable ally even though he never uses heaven's door as effectively as he probably could in June the characters meet a middle schooler named she gets a somewhat bratty boy who comes to idolize josuke in Oakley a su before too long however she gets she accidentally finds the secret possession of one Yoshitaka Kyra a woman severed hand it's just one of the many that Kyra's taken he's obsessed with women's hands I don't kink shame but maybe not you know do the hand thing and kill people probably like little weird you can't let his secret slip so Kyra uses his stand Killer Queen to utterly obliterates again she yep I think we have our main villain for part 4 did we already pour one out for the weird-looking kid ah the crew investigates curious house but unfortunately morio actually has two arrows the ghost of curious father manages to escape with one of them and creates new users to protect his son already a better father than Joseph in death here's close to being caught so to protect his identity he just gets a new one on July 1st he takes the place of an unassuming and honestly really bad husband Body Snatcher style his new wife is happy with the change but the son Hyatt's oh no something is up once again josuke and the gang are close to catching Kyra hi Jo catches cure in the act and Kyra kills him impulsively he instantly forgets killing hi as though his death makes it harder to keep a lid on the whole hand obsessed serial killer thing so out of desperation the Kyra develops a new ability bites the dust yeah I got it because it's like the song the new ability allows Kyra to start a time loop the loop restarts if Hayatou tells anyone about Kyra's real identity and on top of that anyone who learns about Kyra it's instantly killed by bites the dust after a few time loops that leave various Joe Broz dead in the process shots my boy Rohan okey ah she dies Jotaro dies everyone dies all of them die hi it's own forces Kyra to admit to the murders himself bites the dust is defused and the real battle begins so everyone's alive now undo Anderson back and forth curious totally beaten down but still willing to fight unfortunately for him an ambulance accidentally runs him over from there he finds himself in an alley sucks you into the land of the dead the ghost of his first victim finally has her revenge I told you part 4 was weird the case in Morial is solved so Joseph and Joe true leave the town in Joe's case capable hands all it's peaceful or at least it will be until someone insults Joe Sky's hair again oh wait going out for the hand guy part 5 gonna wind two years later in 2001 he would begin spreading about the boss of the major Neapolitan gang past Shawn apparently he's got a daughter so some of the more ambitious gang members start searching for her she'd be good leverage to overthrow the boss and Ron Paschal a few months later Giorno Giovanna attempts to make his way into passion so that he can lead it he Jarl Giovanna has a dream but that kind of power he can carry out his childhood embedded dream of keeping drugs away from children he basically be like a mobster dare officer with a stand yep we went from a low-level delinquent like josuke to an aspiring mob boss after encountering bruno boot arathi a low-level leader in passion giorno proves he doesn't have the taste of a liar in the to form an alliance together they'll take down passions boss at the same time he needs koishi who's been sent by Jo der Rohe to investigate him coochi proves essential in completing the test that giorno must pass to officially join Paschal ensure even though Araki totally forgets how strong gold experience was at this point everything works out at the end of march jeona is introduced to the rest of the Buchi Rd group miss de abajo Fugo in Toronto immediately they're given a colossal task protect the boss's daughter Trish of course it's an opportunity journal and boot arathi plan to use for their eventual coup on April Fool's Day the boots arathi squad killed for Maggio the first of a group of standing users that they encounter on their journey with names like risotto prosciutto and sorbet you can make a full course meal with them as goofy as their names are they put up a good fight as the party attempts to travel from Naples to Rome after defeating most of risottos group the crew encounters the boss for the first time he deals a fatal blow to boots arathi but in a Jojo like twist only kills his body and escapes by a lone dead like so it's like the butcher rowdy squad - Fugo the dirty coward decides to follow the boss officially becoming traitors whew that night in a terrifying plane ride seriously why didn't Joe Joe's characters keep did Planes it never works out Trish awakens her own standability which she names Spice Girl because it's fitting why does she have a crush on her own stand the boss revealed to be Diavolo and his other personality of dopey oh he manages to squeak out a win against risotto the sole survivor on his team unfortunately the wind sets the boss up to kill Ibaka oh this one hurts because the stand was really cool when the rest of the squad reaches Rome they battle Seco and cioccolato who I'm pretty sure are in some sort of BDSM relationship but again no judgment unless you're killing people and taking their hands well they're killing people so maybe all right it's cool whatever moving on they reel that butcher roddy is basically a corpse living on borrowed time wait then we do a video on best mom's Gujarati wasn't in it boots are ideas best mom unacceptable I quit I'm not quitting the job roles pull through and make it to the Coliseum where they meet up with polnareff my boy this is why I love Joe Joe Joe point of reference brought the arrow with him he died soon after they meet up but not before his now upgraded stance switches around people's souls into various bodies the final battle begins the next day and dopey o naranja and gujarati all bite the dust but when giora used the arrow on his own Stan good experiences power is upgraded enough to be able to defeat Diavolo and believe it or not all that happens over the course of a week Giorno Mista and polnareff whose souls is now inside a turtle because JoJo's become the leaders of the passion own organization and they all live happily ever after for now [Music] please play that music so I don't look stupid doing this honestly I don't think the JoJo's timeline will ever be finished a rock is a vampire he doesn't age and I think he's just gonna keep doing this until the end of time and despite the massive amounts of dead dogs I am down for all of it that sounds bad I'm Kurt thanks for watching in the robot your anime explainer and if you like this video subscribe also we have merch now check out the little we have March do that also help us eat you
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 3,145,653
Rating: 4.8789377 out of 5
Keywords: Get in the Robot, jojo's bizarre adventure, jojos bizarre advanture timeline, jojo's timeline, anime, diamond is unbreakable, stardust crusaders, complete story of jojos bizarre adventure, jojos bizarre adventure stardust crusaders, steel ball run, stone ocean, the complete jojos bizarre adventure timeline, jojo's bizarre adventure explained, johnny joestar, jjba, jojo part 6, jojo memes, golden wind, anime memes, Jonathan Joestar, jojo stands, anime timeline, jojo part 7
Id: 9xEeby4NyWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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