The Brilliance of Golden Wind

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[Music] what makes a story perfect this question is incredibly interesting especially considering that absolute perfection doesn't really exist you will always be able to find flaws and issues to nitpick in literally anything I think that the answer to this question therefore becomes pretty personal and will vary from person to person for me a story is perfect when it sets out both thematic and narrative goals and achieves those goals both elegantly passionately and convincingly while I obviously look out for things like depth consistency meaning etc the core of what I really want out of a story is for it to have a purpose and fulfill that purpose as well as it can and when a story does that with such skill passion and confidence that I'm willing to overlook the minor issues every story will naturally have that's when it becomes perfect for me today I would like to discuss one such story if you've spent any significant amount of time on my channel then you know that I have a lot of appreciation for George's bizarre adventures fifth part then to our live or golden wind and part 5 is indeed a work of fiction I consider perfect by my standards now because I love talking about it and because I know some of you disagree with me on this I think it's time that we explore in depth what makes golden wind as good as it is buckle up this will be a longer video I will provide timestamps and description for the various sections with that out of the way sit down lay back grab a snack and listen as I tell you about the brilliance of golden wind [Music] Jojo is quite infamous for its uniquely Western appeal series author Haruka rocky is wildly known to be very familiar with Western pop culture such as music and cinema and this shines through in some more obvious ways for example to stand names however one thing that sometimes doesn't get mentioned is just how fond Araki seems to be of the West in general specifically Italy so much so that he has taken many trips to the boot-shaped country and even went as far as to include personal holiday pictures from those trips in the artbook Jojo a go-go from back in 2000 and it's these pictures and these experiences that he referenced when creating the authentic setting of part 5 as the ancient center of the Roman Empire and the current center of the Catholic Church Italy is a country filled to the brim with European culture and history no matter where you are in the country you are never that far away from some historic site or some remnants or relevant human footprints and while the gang doesn't need never go visit any museums Araki does poor a lot of his fascination fondness for a country's history and culture into the setting of part 5 from something as monumental as the Colosseum to a tiny detail like tick-tock ceases scamming tourists the story is filled with these little love letters to Italy and the Italian Way of life and while they seem minor and insignificant at first they do build up over time and end up lending an incredible level of authenticity and identity to vent to out Rio's depiction of Italy thanks to our real solid and alive Italy feels the gangs journey has a real monumental feel to it like every part of their journey touches a real location this is further strengthened when you consider that even the areas are rocky doesn't name specifically exist in real life and even look very similar to their fictional counterparts additionally depicting the culture of Italy in such a subtle yet present way helps contextualize some of the thematic ideas of the part Italy is a bastion of human culture a melting pot of humanity's various eras ideas and struggles and it's this culturally rich foundation that Araki uses as a base to continue building a story that touches on inherent human and introspective ideas and Jojo loves its ideas and themes just like in the other parts this story and its various elements are tighter thieves and ideas incredibly strongly though even more so here than in other Jojo parts luckily the part also isn't very subtle with its main theme at least on surface level Journal speech during the White Album fight essentially spells it out this story is about resolved they will to change something because you believe your ambitions and dreams to be just if we combine this with the overall theme of all of jojo being humanity's inherent relation with fate we see that bento area is essentially a story about the resolve to oppose fate at its heart golden wind is a story of a group of brave people coming together and fighting on against the odds of fate for a growth greater than themselves and while that can be said about other Jojo parts as well in this story the idea at the foreground is to overcome whatever holds you back and steal your resolve to achieve a dream you know is righteous and born out of truth this central principle penetrates every single aspect of Vento array of story while there are many characters and moving pieces to this story there are two central pillars that hold it together giorno and Diavolo and a relationship with fate and resolve while we already discussed Diavolo as a character and psychological study in previous videos I would like to discuss him from a functional aspect within the plot and themes as the main villain of the story he presents the main obstacle for the gang to overcome however he works a bit differently from your average big bad quite often in fiction villains will be incredibly practical II being the catalyzing force for a story to happen for example both do Brando and funny valentine act according to their ambitions to change something about the environment they find themselves in and thus force the respective protagonists to react to that Diavolo however is the exact opposite he doesn't want to change or achieve anything because he already has most of what he wants similarly to Keira he is already in the position he desires and all he really wants is to maintain that position and while that does make him a lot more passive and reactionary than other villains in the series especially in the first half it works wonders and make him feel like a true obstacle he is the status quo he is fate he is reality he doesn't need to be proactive because the world around him has already bent to his will fate has already made him the victor according to him he isn't an evil force trying to derail society he is an evil force that has already forced society under his heel and that is clearly an intended idea as Araki spends a lot of time just establishing how dangerous powerful and nyeon invincible Diavolo is and while yes he does approach most main villains like this there is a lot more emphasis on the terror that Diavolo inspires specifically for example out of all the villains he's the one we know and see the least of his real appearance only being present in a handful of chapters additionally his backstory is kept purposefully confusing and contradictory all in all this is all in service of making him less of a character and more of a malicious power-hungry force of nature he doesn't really have a past he basically has no defined form he simply exists and twists the reality around him to obey his commands in terms of the story one could see him as a stand-in for the deterministic unchangeable nature of fate and its inevitability a destiny of stone against which all resistance is Nayan futile which is ironic considering that Diavolo only has this position thanks to his ability to quote unquote change fate he constantly strives to better himself and as he puts it defeat the weaker past versions of himself additionally armed with his stand King Crimson his ability to foresee fate and then twisted according to his desires is a perverted and half-assed version of the main theme the resolve to change fate what's interesting here is that he doesn't technically change it per se as yellow says a few times the visions epitaph produces are absolute and unchangeable and that holds somewhat true even with King Crimson he never actually changes what he sees in the vision at least not completely he merely erases the time that troubles him and positions himself such that he will still come out on top and while that is effective he essentially skips past all of the hard work and resolve that would usually be necessary to change one's fate and as a single most important scene in this part tells us if you only desired a result without putting in the work you will never reach the truth you lose sight of what matters if you only ever concern yourself with the results of your actions and not your actions themselves and even though Diavolo never met Ibaka's partner I am sure that after his final humiliation he would have agreed with him whereas our villain represents a twisted perverted take on the parts main theme our protagonist embodies its purest form giorno giovanna while often being this does bland or boring actually does a lot for this story out of any of the Jojo protagonists giorno is perhaps the most proactive protagonist the series has seen thus far only being rivaled by parts Evans Johnny Joestar he has a very clear and motivated goal in mind and pursues it from the very beginning of the story of his own accord rise to the top of the mob and fix the problems of Italy specifically the drug trade he wants to save and inspire the same way he was saved and inspired himself yet his resolve and dream are not naive he understands that with the way the world is at the time the official and lawful organs of his country will never be able to provide on that level at least not without massive changes and so he sets out to achieve his dream and the illegal but not much easier way infiltrating and taking over la passione the enormous and unrivaled mafia network that rules over Italy this set up reveals and later develops something incredibly central giorno embodies absolute resolve his goals are clear to him and he's willing to basically do anything to achieve them but because he's equal parts Jonathan and do he doesn't shy away from having to use amoral and illegal ways to do it in fact that simply doesn't matter he knows his goal is ultimately just and righteous so much so that the way of achieving it only has to consist of hard work and effort regardless of its morality or legality this belief an idea is a central nucleus of who jordan ravana is and it determines his positioners story giorno essentially becomes a guiding light for the other characters a beacon of resolve that inspires and motivates those around him to follow suit and believe in their actions a mission wholeheartedly while any characters in the story often have their own motivations and ideals its giorno that catalyzes them into action and here we see an interesting inversion of the usual formula in many stories the antagonists will be a force outside of the norm and will act in an attempt to bend their environment and situation towards a new status that they deem favorable the protagonistic force will then react to that and defend order / justice / or whatever however here it's the other way around the antagonistic force yah blow is the norm and resides in a situation that he doesn't need to change meanwhile our protagonist giorno acts in order to up heave the status quo which then forces Diavolo to react and obviously just doing things differently doesn't inherently make it better but I do think that this inversion creates an interesting situation in combination with the oppressive unnerving aspects of Diavolo we already mentioned the events of golden wind all center around its fundamental thematic ideas so I think it's appropriate to go through them step by step and see how these themes evolve and apply Jona begins his journey as a small-time crook with big wishes that he's resolute to fulfill this starting point is very important because he begins the story already being the embodiment of resolve he is by all means and purposes a pretty static character but that is kind of the point he's meant to be his steady shining light that grounds and inspires his allies and in some cases even his enemies his battle is Gujarati and its resolution are a good example of that pooch arathi had prior to this fight already lost fate and Trust in the organization as he had found out that they were selling drugs as well giorno be incredibly good at reading people after years of abuse calls him out on his good nature and doubted the mob immediately after incapacitating him saying that their fight is over since which arathi is a good person while it isn't treated as a huge moment at the time we find out way later that it was an incredibly impactful thing for Gujarati having both the fundamentals of his person and the dissonance between those fundamentals and his alignment with passione laid bare to him by an enemy that even refuses to fight him past that woke him up and inspired him to live by his own ideals again thus solidifying his and Jonas plan to overthrow the boss the boss also makes his first appearance here at least symbolic the heroin veins on the boy's arm are the first indication of his presence in the series less a character and more a cancer on society that feeds on the misery of those who succumb to despair and anguish and so Giorno uses that indication combined with understanding of people's motivation and his shining aura of resolve - freebooter RT of his doubt and make him realize what it is he wants what he really wants and needs to oppose the faith they seem trapped in and conquer Posse ona in the name of a better future journals trial by Popo is less about journals resolve in of itself and more about journal as a character while we still do get glimpses of his resolute nature and his craftiness when it comes to achieving his goals what is important to note here is how it flashes him out as a character giorno is defined by duality between brilliant righteousness and devious malice and cruelty he is in a very literal sense half Johnathan and half deal while many use his fight with chocolata as the more prominent example and don't worry we'll get to that the Black Sabbath arc is also quite important to this while his goal itself is Noble he immediately contradicts that by not only showing his skills in pickpocketing but also lying about not having a stand continuously calculating what to do and say to put himself into the most advantageous position possible these traits are all very reminiscent of do however after Black Sabbath kills an innocent old man we see Jonathan shine through he sees this as an unforgivable offense and an act of pure evil that must be avenged yet the method he chooses to avenge it ends up being way more do esque additionally this Alaric lets us see Journal through the eyes of cuicci who haven't confirmed that this is indeed a real Jojo and a journal shine to the same larger-than-life quality that his predecessors had however again Diablo is present here while leaky I looka in Gujarati seem more like small-time crooks like Jordan or Popo is the first character that really starts showing how organized Posse ona actually is between the Capo's the various cells and territories this is a first indication of just how much of a task giorno and Brunel have embarked on once Jornal gets introduced to the rest of the gang we get the first bit of pushback Joro isn't able to immediately connect with the gang and hits a bit of a speed bump his reckless action during the soft machine fight does help them out but it overall just reminds a Bakke of his trauma and infuriates him also he doesn't quite manage to be of any real help to mr. during his fight with Croft back even though Meester is probably the member he gets along with the best this section is more used to contrast the organization we saw from pulpo earlier while our first glimpse of passione implied a uniform homogeneous force this arc shows a different picture in fighting rivalries betrayals and all that even to the point of stand battles hell the entire goal of this story arc is for the gang to get to Pappas fortune which would technically belong to the Mafia steal it then give it back to the Mafia in exchange for elevating Bruno to the rank of Kapil this shows the first cracks in Diavolo brain the Court of the Crimson King is not as United and invincible as it initially seemed so while Jorah endures a bit of a bump by not being able to connect those team members he is shown a chance at victory at just how in stable persona really is again a duality is present and in this case it presents journal with hope hope that is immediately complicated by the appearance of Trish Oona the boss's daughter this presents a conundrum for Bruno and giorno the straightest path to the boss would be to use Trish as a bargaining chip yet because they are both smart and righteous they decide against it and instead protector from the hitman team la squadron se gut Sione all in hopes they will still somehow get closer to the boss this is important in establishing that neither Bruno nor giorno would forego a potentially fruitless endeavor if the only alternative is to risky and well done but also they don't take shortcuts they do their duty fully and don't just try skipping to the results now this is where golden wind properly starts we already talked a bit about las squadra in another video so instead of talking about them individually let's talk about their effect in the story to keep it breezy I know you all have places to be and bread to earn formaggio as the first member of las Quadra to appear does two important things one he raised the stakes significantly luk ro and Sala were tenacious and dangerous of course but they were only motivated by money and were dealt with relatively easy not to mention that they could be defeated without being killed this stops being an option right here every fight after formaggio is a death match with only one side being able to come out alive not only does this heightened attention but it also has the Matic relevance the main reason why las Quadra is so dangerous is because of their resolve while previous enemies were motivated by money these assassins are catalyzed not just by monetary reasons but by revenge justice and anger they want to avenge your comrades and the resolve that gives them makes them far more dangerous to their fate and their strength establishes the terror of Diavolo further the brutal warning they receive after sorbet and gelatos attempt to recover Diablos identity makes it 100% clear that this is an unyielding ly evil and cruel force that Bruno and journal will eventually have to face after the idea of the organization got so thoroughly cracked by the previous arc this spit reestablishes Diavolo as truly terrifying this is enhanced by just how strong the members of La squadron are it gives the gang and us a taste of the type of power Diavolo commands under him even if it is through these defect ins however while formaggio introduces these two core functions las Quadra as a whole actually ends up fulfilling a third they force our gang to steal their resolve every fight is not only a grueling battle of life and death but also a clash of the combatants resolve and every time they clash the winner wins by hardening and evolving their resolve additionally on more than one occasion the catalyst for that hardening is not just las Quadra but also journa giorno inspires each and every member of his team except Bruno who is already smitten and neuralgia which will be important in a bit he forces Ibaka to begrudgingly accept him as a competent member of the team and impresses fuga with his tenacity all in the man in the mirror fight he also ends up showing me stood away and reigniting his optimism and resolve and allowing him to believe in reality again during white album in short Jonas shine makes the team slowly understand how much of a beacon and force he is this even extends to his enemies in his only solo fight his enemy babyface is in awe at journals rapid improvement and quick thinking and adaption and inspired by it grows and evolves himself to properly rival him it's also in this section where we get to know all of the backstories regarding the Bucci gang while they all basically deserve their own videos what is interesting to note for today is that they have all been dealt a bad hand by fate some through factors directly outside their control some through bad decisions they have made and some through the cruelty of their fellow man and through these bad hands each of them received their own personal hurdles that they eventually either have to overcome to accept or be swallowed by it's part of achieving the resolve that will eventually need and while some succeed others don't [Music] as the members of Las Quadra start dwindling to a single remaining member there is hope Jorah and bruno have now seen that they can through combined effort overcome even though said to be the elite of passione before their betrayal they could beat them and maybe just maybe that means they can beat the boss as well he is closer than ever before they have earned his trust they have proven their strength they are almost at a point where they can challenge him right and then king crimson [Music] this is the moment when all hope is lost Bruno and Jordan are together as a team overcame any obstacle they were faced with they worked hard they were smart they persisted but of course that is not enough to overcome fate itself additionally to getting overconfident Bruno specifically makes one crucial mistake he forgoes as usual calm and calculated strategies in favour of a passionate emotional reaction to the boss's real intentions while is resolved to be just as certainly an important and good quality this time it bites him in the ass instead of considering any alternatives he rushes in to pursue the boss after he harms Trish in other words he skips the last leg of his mission and attempts to gain the results immediately and of course fate responds with a brutal crimson fist right through his abdomen this single punch destroys everything Jonah and Bruno had been working towards this made even more tragic when he considered it up until now Bruno seemed like a perfect encapsulation of what being a resolute leader means even more so than journal in some aspects but like Icarus he saw the Sun and got closer than he should have and in turn came crashing down much too soon this scene is also important for Diavolo as it's the first time he properly interact to the main cast and the story itself the scene pushes all the subtle build-up around him into the forefront now both the cast and we get to witness what exactly they are up against the absolute state of society and fate itself he is the status quo he is reality he is the boss and you cannot overcome him with just fighting hard there is something the gang is missing something essential they will only discover further down the line and so their journey ends here or it should have had it not been for journa while it isn't directly his resolve that brings butch arathi back it is golde experience the embodiment of his soul and being which returns Bruno from the afterlife and Bruno himself later states that Giordano was who revived him not just through goal experience but through his words of resolve back in happily instead of the journey ending the gang is confronted with the most important decision and one of the key scenes of the part the betrayal at the boat this scene is a turning point for the characters as it represents the tests that are resolved will they be able to overcome their weaknesses and anxieties and be able to face life fate and the boss head-on in the name of their ambitions or will they be held back and retreat one answer is just the other logical and so one by one all the members steal themselves and decide their trust in Gujarati and his actions overshadows any fear or weakness one by one they board the boat steps empowered by resolve one by one except to members Foucault is still plagued by his anger issues but more crucially he is unable to trust and believe in himself he hates his fanned purple haze and thus despises his very being out of the entire crew he is the only one who doesn't accept neither himself nor his stand and consequentially his resolve and conviction suffers he's unable to put belief and resolve above logic and so makes the logical choice not to oppose the boss he is the weakest link of the team so it makes sense for him to stay behind additionally this decision is enormous and important so to probably sell both the danger and demons dedication of the other members someone had to be left behind and it makes sense for it to be fugu while fugu is held back by his inability to accept himself naranja is held back by his need to depend on others and his insecurities naranja is by far the most immature member of the group and that is also reflected in how shaky and unhardened his resolve actually is even though he bests formaggio he doesn't actually do much during the squatter arc besides that and more crucially he never gets an inspiring moment with Jornal and because the resolve is much like him yet underdeveloped and immature he hesitates getting on the boat for too long and misses his chance to follow Gujarati only after seeing Trish be hurt by the world and betrayed by her kin similar to him does he receive the resolve he lacked the human heart is hardened by the sympathy for others pain neuralgia is after all a sweet boy who hides his real nature and acts out in an attempt to be noticed and elicits a response and so with his new burst of resolve Naranjo departs with the others and they begin their desperate struggle against fate naranja is the first one to get tested by fate he may have had a rush of determination at the sight of Trish but he hasn't proven himself yet and now that they are actively opposing fate together he has to do it quickly this is precisely where the first arc after betrayal focuses on doing exactly that clash and talking heads is probably my least favorite part of into audio but it too has a very clear function finally let neuron show show that he is a worthy member of the modern Crusaders and the arc creates the perfect conditions for such a test during the four modified neuron Shaka basically just brute-force it however when faced with the best couple that simply isn't an option he is put into a situation where he cannot expect help or reassurance from anyone and more importantly has to patiently think and push forward meticulously thus facing his weaknesses when he finally confronts Tiziano and then refuses to buckle under swallows attack it's more than just a cool moment it's him demonstrating that the hesitation he showed at the betrayal has been completely washed away by his resolve all his issues and shortcomings have flown away a similar treatment is given to the final member of the team Trish Oona while all the other members have shown the resolve in the determination Trish has understandably been mostly a background character and in a way even a sort of MacGuffin an element that only catalyzed the plot without really being part of it in any substantial way beyond that however may be exactly because of a relative unimportance as a character her test of worthiness is by far the most crucial giorno the shining light of resolve flickers as he loses both of his arms in his initial clash with notorious b.i.g incapacitating him and more devastatingly disabling his stand permanently yet they are given one tiny sliver of hope in the form of Journal's ladybug and it falls onto Trish to defend it and in this stressful situation in this desperate struggle she finally awakens to who she really is and in doing so activates her stand spice girl Diavolo inadvertently saved giorno since his daughter and her resolve is the only reason journal doesn't become permanently incapacitated during the plane fight however it is also his daughter's awakening that leads to Diavolo deciding to take action himself in a way awakening as well risotto Nero is mostly a background character throughout golden wind however once the gang reaches Sardinia he takes on a very crucial role he drags the boss out into the daylight both in the anime and the manga he is the one that brings the bizarre nature to bosses identity out in the open not only that he nearly kills him as well this is because las Quadra as a whole has demonstrated all the qualities necessary to overcome fate they were resolute brave strong resilient and they made many many sacrifices sacrifice is the one ingredient to charities gang has so far lacked and because of that las Quadra comes as close as no one else to their goal through risotto their spirit and the resolve almost win but they make two crucial mistakes one they are motivated by revenge a lower crude motivation lacking the nobility and dignity of those who are truly capable of overcoming fate and two on the final stretch risotto fails because he becomes overconfident he thinking he has already won boasts about how he will kill the boss thus betraying the credo of las Quadra he similarly to Buu karate is in too much of a hurry and in his quickened pursuit of victory ends up neglecting his own method and process he a mere jester dares to sneer at the Crimson King in his own court his own hometown and so the king brutally suddenly but rightfully puts risotto and all of the hitman team back in their place ending their little rebellion so far the gang has done the exact thing they did during the first half they fought they pushed through they persevered but as skin crimson showed them and us that is simply not enough courage resolved strength perseverance those are all important but when tasked with opposing fate the main deterministic force of the johto universe the team so far lacks that one crucial ingredient that will give them a chance as the brutal battle on Sardinia ends Bouchard his gang does the last thing they need to legitimize their claim to victory they endure a sacrifice of their own Leonia bacio is probably at this point the most fragile member of the team while he did have enough resolve to board the boat his resolve comes entirely from his belief in Gujarati and subconsciously even a bit in giorno and while gaining resolve from someone else isn't a bad thing having your determination based solely on another person makes a result kinda half-assed it doesn't come from you or your heart and that is exactly a bakas problem all of his belief is external he sees no value and finds no resolve from himself as a person thus he is the weakest link at the time and the first to go however his sacrifice is also what redeems him in the last few moments of his life his sand produces the one thing that can help the gang fulfill their mission and the stand is as we know a true reflection of the soul so in the last moments the moments that really matter ibaka shows his ultimate resolved and so proves to us and to himself that he didn't need to become resolute or reliable at all he had been what he wanted to be all along he simply didn't see it but in his final moments his very soul instinctively does the right resolute thing before his sacrifice the gang his goal was clear but their method wasn't they just knew they had to find a way to defeat the boss but they had no idea what it exactly was only through Moody Blues do they see Diablos face and only because they start looking for that face they get contacted by Lou Monsieur and only through him do they gain access to the power able to defeat the avila a Diablo does the immediately rewarding thing killing a bacio but because he rushes and skips to this result he ends up leading the gang to the truth through a Bock your sacrifice in a way the gang always had a result in mind but only through a bacio the final piece the dead result receive a process the afterlife scene is in my opinion one of the most fanatically important scenes in all of part 5 a Bacchus partner delivers a monologue that concisely summarizes the logic by which fate operates and how it favors and disfavors the souls under his command by focusing on a result and only on that result you begin looking for shortcuts and those shortcuts might seem that they lead you to that desired result but in reality all they do is make you lose sight of the truth the truth as in the true earned and justified result of your actions can only be reached by performing those actions in a complete and consistent manner that is what it means to have resolve and this is what you need if you want to carve out your life and your truth within the many twists and turns of fate and I love this scene not just because it encapsulates everything you need to know about Vento outros themes but also because the scene is incredibly isolated and separate this scene has basically nothing to do with Diablo and his story so to have these ideas be re-emphasized in such an obscure corner of vent to our real story makes these words feel like Universal concepts within the world of gold wind as if these are concepts that are always countable and palpable regardless of where or when this makes later events feel a lot more in line as well part 5 and most of Jojo shows us an image of a deterministic stone carved destiny that you can only oppose and change when you follow a very strict and very defined set of rules and guidelines and it's here where these guidelines are spelled out directly but because it's done in this afterlife scene of a character that really doesn't matter past this point it doesn't feel like exposition and flows in naturally into the world building Ibaka's death hits the gang hard Jorah does his signature tremble naranja literally falls apart and bruno historically moves forward as he always does and even bleeds one final time this by this condition a sign that loss and sorrow are inherent and intrinsic parts of being human Mista while seemingly composed has his calm demeanor recontextualized later on he is clearly holding back nonetheless this represents both a tremendous downfall for the gang but also a glimmer of hope through Ibaka's actions they received the bust of the boss which leads them to polnareff their first real fighting chance [Music] however them receiving that chance also activates their last big challenge before the final confrontation with Diavolo they already defeated las squadra the best of the best so now it is time to fight the worst of the worst they faced every part of Diablos empire power greed promiscuity violence volatility and much more but now they have to confront the last aspect of the underground world depravity meet chocolata and Seco a couple so evil so sadistic so depraved that even Diavolo who is named after the literal devil calls the former the worst piece of [ __ ] to ever exist they represent the final hurdle for the gang and the final test of the result before they can finally clash with Diavolo himself so it is fitting that the ones trying to oppose fate are pitted against those who betrayed their calling chocolata became a doctor swearing to never use his knowledge in the pursuit of harm only to then do literally that for years on end Sacco meanwhile opposed both his death at the hands of chocolata and the feelings towards him he should have had reasonably seco should have been terrified and disgusted by chocolata actions but instead became his loyal follower and pet these two essentially managed to oppose their paths they should have walked in a small way but they did it through cruelty depravity and inhuman sadism they escaped their fate through a twisted perverted idea of resolving fiction and succeeded thus far and now it is time to pit this perverse iteration of resolve against the gangs more righteous idealistic resolve the fight immediately sticks out by having several additional magnitudes of collateral damage while most stand battles are often contained between stand users chocolate Oz Green Day causes one of the biggest single stand massacres in the entire series with first a marina at the fishing village and then a large portion of Rome being affected by the flesh-eating mold it is a monstrous ability and it pushes the stakes up to the highest degree yet with an enemy like this the two main players in this fight giorno and Bruno are pushed to their limits giorno is for the first time faced with an enemy he genuinely hates during all the earlier fights he didn't really have any personal feelings towards his opponents past his desire to win in the case of babyface he even seemed to have a weird sort of respect for its growth and progress but after seeing the senseless murder caused by Green Day we for first time in a long while see him be properly pissed the only comparable example would be his anger at Black Sabbath killing the janitor but this time it's on a much larger scale from the very moment of witnesses the ability it is clear that it awakens a burning fury inside of him a loathing anger at the unflinching cruelty and sadism of chocolata and so during their fight Jonah ends up tapping into his do site fully in one of my favorite moments of the part Jonah pretends through the typical shown and hero thing of giving a beaten enemy a chance to stay alive very much Jonathan but once chocolata exploits that chance to try and attack Jorah and kill mr. because of course he does jonah reveals that he's indeed not purely Jonathan his nobility had been an act to buy time for the beetle he had landed enchiladas head to hatch and eat his brains he essentially used the trappings of the typical righteous hero as a facade to trick his opponent into security only to subvert the hero trope and deliver the killing blow it is clear that in this moment journal truly channels do but sublimates those negative cruel tendencies into his battle against an enemy that really really doesn't deserve anything else and so chocolata receives the longest feet down in the series complete with mu Das and sucking normies meanwhile Brunel has to give in to something completely different ever since his quote death we were given glimpses of his loss of humanity lack of blood body temperature and pulse but it is only after Green Day the ability that devours life fails to affect him that we and giorno are finally given confirmation his life is already over he simply moves forward with the life energy journal gave him while we will talk about this in a later section what's important to note here is that up to this point Bruno Joro and the story itself have all been trying to avoid talking about this as if to try and pretend it isn't the case but the absolute wall that second chocolata our forces all three of them to finally come to terms with the reality of butcher alley situation and indeed that really seems to be a condition for victory as the first skirmish with the dastardly duo at marine ELISA Nicola ends with our gang having to retreat in panic only after butcher arty has accepted that his fate has run its course is it that they can properly face the duo head-on in his fight with psycho bruno goes as far as to utilize his status as a living corpse to his advantage shattering his own eardrums to win it is also here that the mysterious help they received is revealed to have come from no other than rompilla polnareff himself x star s crusader and full-time silver chariot Sarris crusaders is of course the most iconic part of jojo however polaris inclusion together with jotaro's presence in parts four and six thoroughly establishes the events of part three as an important story even in universe the surviving crusaders are treated like legends by the story their appearance and actions shown to be these big monumental reveals they are the original ragtag team of sand users rocky has also always had a particular talent at aging characters believably and while Joe Torre's often cited as the main example of this I think the annos polnareff equally well in part 3 we are shown this muscle-bound confident goof with an inner melancholy however fast forward a decade and a half and inventor how do we meet a broken man slimmed down in a wheelchair missing half his limbs and blind in one eye but more important than his physical appearance is his demeanor just by the way he carries himself in acts we can infer a lot about what polnareff's been up to gone is the Joker the whimsical comical Casanova this husk of a man is constantly on edge ready to be betrayed and ready to fight back we can tell after just a few minutes that this man has seen some [ __ ] however this also works in establishing him as an experienced fighter if this were any other older man we will be told that he is quote experienced but that would be it we would just have to take their word for it but by including a crusader we don't even have to be told we know what these guys have been through vanilla ice do swirled these guys have survived some of the most desperate struggles in the series and polnareff very quickly demonstrates that his expertise has only grown between his blood trick and his desire to see to adjust and to try and approximate what it could be it is also valuable that we quickly discuss the relevance of the arrows in this part while some people find their story dumb I always thought that they make a brilliant addition to the series lore since they weren't thought of from the beginning of the series introducing their origin believably was always going to be difficult I think the flashback we get does it pretty well by making the arrows coated with a life calling virus you both give it an explanation and make it as weird as we are used to in Joe Joe but what's really important is that life calling property the arrows don't just awake stance they force the pierced organism to evolve this can again be seen as another way by which people can grow into something that can oppose their fate the beetle arrow specifically pushes this concept even further by directly piercing the very soul and granting it another evolutionary step this time onto a plateau upon which lies the complete reign and power over Souls and life and it is this plateau that is at the center of the final arc of golden wind and so after Diablo finally reveals himself it begins the arrow has been seized polnareff has missed his last train home and it is time for one last crusade everything has led us here we began with a brilliant overture we fought our way through a violent akela Rondo our heart stopped at the shocking sforzando and weep at the sorrowful lacrimosa our very blood sang along the crashing crescendo but now the final stage is set the actors are in position the melody begins to fade and the curtains are about to fall the spectacle nears its climactic finale and what better way to end such a composition than with a requiem [Music] the Requiem plays quietly is one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated arcs in all of Jojo it's often seen as a stretch out waste of time before the final fight which is just wrong the entire Requiem arc is the actual final fight of the series it's the thematic culmination of everything that the story has been building towards from the very beginning it's the final stand against fate itself chariot requiems birth at the hands of the arrow begins the arc and immediately we were bombarded with symbolism the word Requiem refers to the Mesa Pro deformities the mass of the dead a mass and celebration offered to the souls of the deceased in the Catholic Church however it also refers to the Requiem in D minor a specific Requiem Mass composed by classic composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart the latter reference is not only specifically brought up by Araki but also lends some pretty interesting interpretations Mozart's Requiem has been a subject of many legends and rumours due to two things it is still not known who commissioned him to write it and Mozart died before he could finish it leaving the Requiem incomplete this reference is reflected in every aspect of chariot Requiem its design is based on the common depictions of the figure who supposedly commissioned a piece a musketeer with a folded hat whom some believe was actually death himself in disguise the death theory is specifically interesting because it implies that death itself gave Mozart a task of composing a song he would never finish almost as if to laugh in humanity's face and dangle the futility of our existence in front of us death is after all the ultimate fate of all living things and this ultimate fate came for Mozart as it is now coming for giorno and the gang this connection flows into the idea of the Requiem stands and charity Requiem in particular being the ultimate walls of fate and its name is also reference notice how it's not called silver chariot Requiem but just chariot Requiem a opposed to the other rec-room stand we see which retains its full name this isn't just Araki being random but it has a purpose charity Requiem isn't a fully matured Requiem stand because its user polnareff lacks the mental and physical strength to control it and harness its potential this makes chariot and incomplete requiem just like Mozart's was however even when incomplete chariot Requiem is quite possibly one of the most monstrously powerful stands in all of Jojo as a Requiem stand it has dominion over the human soul but as a bezerk stand it lacks the will and purpose of the human mind as such chariot Requiem clinks to the last conscious will of is not quite to seized master to protect the arrow and for this goal it uses all of its abilities it rips the soul out of every being in its radius out of its body and into a different one causing confusion and disorientation any attack against the arrow is immediately retaliated and countered and slowly but surely every organism is mutated switched infused with beings from alternate realities until no creature capable of seizing the arrow is left it is indiscriminate it's inevitable and it's nigh on invincible charrid Requiem is the final wall of fate in the story a wall to be overcome not just by Jorah and a gang of by Diavolo as well chariot Requiem represents one part of fate that every person must face if they wish to overcome it themselves it's the shadow of one soul and attacking it means attacking oneself they have to quite literally fight their own souls and stands in order to take the final step against fate a step that will be the final test of resolve and will reward the victor with the means to rule over souls and fate the Requiem arrow as we established before overcoming fate takes many things grit determination resolve but also sacrifice and so the Ark focuses on the sacrifices that have to be made to reach the arrow user gangs relative lack of information on the boss they make the mistake of assuming that Diablo is hiding in Gujaratis body as they yet don't know about doppio they in a way attempt to skip to the end of the arc without realizing that they don't actually know enough and this mistake costs them dearly before anyone has time to really react time is raced and neuralgia is dead this death is especially cruel because thanks to the body swap shenanigans it is Naranjo's voice and body that announces passing again an ironic cruelty by fate this time unlike with a Bacchus death Meester doesn't hold back his tears as he most likely was doing it for Naranjo hope seems lost but nonetheless they have to push on thanks to polnareff they finally figure out the dual nature of Diavolo and doppio they have to move on they have to catch up to her aquion they simply do not have time to mourn all Journal can do is think back to our upset naranjas that a Bacchus corpse will be left all alone far from home and vows to bring neuralgia back to his hometown as he grows a bush of flowers over him just as he did with the gangster that catalyzed his dream one thing becomes clear among all the atrocities Diablo has committed the murder of a scared child forced into a salt her death is what truly sets Jonah's resolve for his final confrontation it may seem like Diavolo made the perfect move here and adequately handled the situation to his advantage and while yes he was an instrument of fate to punish the gangs mistake he himself also made one he in his typical fashion took the most straightforward and easy way to accomplish his strategy his plan to take on Urantia as he could detect him via Aerosmith is a solid approach however executing it immediately like that when the gang is completely isolated from any other potential hosts of Diavolo is a crucial mistake had he waited for a bit longer until the group was closer to other people the gang might have erroneously assumed Diavolo to be inhabiting the body of any random passerby but by beginning his attack when the gang is alone he inadvertently gives journal' a crucial clue to figuring out where he's actually hiding his skipping - the results bites him in the ass as this is exactly what ends up happening after Diablo is discovered we get perhaps the most blatant chase of the result yet he literally ignores the gang attacking him and just books it towards chariot Requiem he then realized and explains the requiems only weakness as it's a shadow of one soul it can be crippled or even destroyed if the soul is attacked this means that again overcoming fate and in this case defeating Requiem necessitates sacrifice only by abandoning one's hubris and sacrificing the soul can humanity hope to overcome however as giallo demonstrates this rule isn't so strict he merely damages his soul orb and cripples chariot enough to take the arrow from him again forgoing any proper process and instead skipping to the result but after all the times he has done this his comeuppance is at hand just as he feared his past catches up to him in the form of his daughter Trish she despite being caught by King Crimson denies her father the arrow and makes one last stand against him using the resolve she had build up during a time with the gang as the arrow changes hands again Bruno musters his resolve one last time and makes the sacrifice Diablo couldn't he wills himself against fate and destroys his own soul to fully annihilate chariot Requiem it's interesting to note that it is brutal of all people who overcomes the Requiem he might have died back in Valencia due to his rush but now days after his death his resolve still burns bright enough to give his gang the final edge as he soars up to heaven he finally lays out his journey before he had met journal he had been asleep a slave to his fate unable to make the first step towards his goals that he knew were right but thanks to giorno and the shining resolve within him who charity evoke and finally moved on forward with what he believed was just his soul was reborn and he was freed from his shackles thanks to Giorno he was able to face his fate head-on and even go further than ordained and so his soul made of literal gold serenaded by angels and cherubs Bruno Gujerati ascends to the heavens everything returns to normal and leaves the rest to Giorno Diavolo arrogant as ever decides to not run and instead to mock Giorno as he predicts with epitaph that the arrow will reject and kill him however at this point we have seen that epitaph only shows very vague and incomplete visions sometimes like in the risotto fight that is to the Ovilus advantage but other times like with Gujarati destroying the Requiem the things divisions omit end up biting him in the cooler it's almost as if fate only begrudging lis hands in these premonitions and always only gives him half the picture and that makes sense since the Avalos skips and ignores any and all actions and effort he would normally have to reform to apos fate yet constantly babbles on about how he is chosen by fate he is a false champion a pretender who uses the idea of fate to ego maniacally elevate himself and fate is a cruel mistress and doesn't take this mockery lightly and so after Diavolo pommels giorno certain of his victory gold experience cracks and finally something hatches the shell is shed and out comes the true hand of fate one of the most powerful fictional beings in all of manga [Music] it all started with Joran Oh and his dream and so it ends with that as well he is the one and only character to ever fully evolve his stand into a complete Requiem not a half named berserk stand like chariot Requiem but instead a fully controllable matured stand gold experience Requiem Jono successfully topples faith with the help of the arrow and in doing so becomes an instrument of fate itself ironically as Araki himself states in Georgia valor gr is a matured version and is like a flower finally blooming right down to the head this is what gold experience was always meant to become additionally its eyes change throughout part 5 many stands either have concealed eyes weird blind bug eyes or eyes clouded by mania and insanity but here gold experience sheds its clouded vision and its eyes become wide open finally privy to all sites of fate the Requiem awakens this transformation is not just a conclusion of journals journey however but of to others as well through gr journal now stands on the apex of creation his absolute zero ability gives him the power to be invincible and it puts them on the top of the totem pole of stand users just like dia wanted however his ability is defensive it activates in response to an action and never actually attacks by itself additionally Jono uses this absolute power to bring justice into his environment which is very Jonathon journals essentially with the Requiem marks the thematic fulfillment of not just his own ambitions but also of his two halves which both contribute to this conclusion journal also becomes the anticip Diavolo for Diavolo only the results matter it's the only thing he seeks and now his arch enemy is bestowed with the power to erase any and all results forever what's interesting here is that even though most of the story was dedicated to overcoming fate here at the end of it johner becomes the exerting are of fate itself delivering to Diavolo the punishment for his many times of skipping and twisting fate and punishment is exactly what Diavolo gets first he gets mocked by his daughter the only thing meant of his past not crushed by his hands and then he the man who sought eternal life and everlasting reign over others is now condemned to an eternity of dying without ever arriving at his death he will never reach truth he will never reach reality and so the universe loops him again and again dying one painful death after another fulfilling his dream of immortality in the cruelest way possible and moreover he's condemned to a fate where because of the metaphysic allottee of this loop he will never ever have an effect on the real world again unlike the brave Crusaders that fought against him this devil will never be able to change or influence anything ever again he will forever be denied the ability to twist and change his or anyone else's fate there is a literary work by Percy Bysshe Shelley that comes to mind here you might already know about the poem Ozymandias but if not it's about a wanderer being told by an old man that in the desert lie the remains of an old kingdom among those remains there is an old pedestal with an inscription that section of the poem says as follows and on the pedestal these words appear my name is Ozymandias king of kings look at my works ye mighty and despair nothing beside remains round the decay of that colossal wreck boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away it's pretty noteworthy that the phrase King of Kings appears here just as it does in gold win Ozymandias tells of an arrogant megalomaniacal king who believes himself to be the eternal ruler of everything who then a few millennia later is only an obscure meaningless reference in an empty desert the poem is about the fluctuating fragility of power and how nothing and no one is ternal which is a pretty good analogy for Diablo and his fate he thought of himself as the King of Kings the eternal sovereign over all of creation and yet for all of his ambition for all his efforts and actions he simply could not escape his fate the fate to be forever condemned to obscurity and non relevance in a weird eternal death loop [Music] after gr has done its job the series now flashes back to the events immediately before a story even began you want to be most important and again misunderstood arcs of Jojo sleeping slaves this arc is unique in that it's an epilogue that completely recontextualizes the entire story up to now we have been talking a lot about how both diabolo and the gang have been trying to overcome and oppose fate it's been arguably the most prominent theme of the entire part and now sleeping slaves confirms to us that overcoming fate completely was never possible in the first place in sleeping slaves we see boot rotties gang encounter rolling stones the stand not controlled by its user but rather fate itself this bowling ball of doom will sense when a person is fated to die soon and begin targeting them it will essentially become a teleporting stalker until it manages to touch that person granting them a painless immediate death this ability is mercy a kind salvation from the inevitable fate ordained for you and inevitable it is as the stone begins targeting gujarati Mistah fights it and manages to break and seemingly defeat it he seemingly prevents Bruno's fate however fate is unchangeable and any transgression against it will be punished mistis fight against rolling stones causes the fate of death to spread to two other members of the gang naranja and Ibaka and so these three characters were doomed to die before our story even began but wait how can this be for this entire video we have been talking about how the themes of the story revolve around the resolve to overcome and oppose fate but now that's impossible was this entire video as pointless as this entire story no not at all because thanks to sleeping slaves we finally understand how fate works as we have covered extensively fate favors those who go through the complete process who stick by their actions and who show consistent effort resolve and sacrifice in the pursuit to overcome their destiny and now we learned that completely overcoming fate is simply not possible but that's the whole point only the most steeled and refined resolve would ever be able to face and oppose their fate head-on even with it being ultimately unchangeable it was never about defeating fate it was about being able to live and fight and move forward accepting your fate in the hope that your resolve and sacrifice will make even the tiniest positive change in the future Bruno was always destined to die as Werner on Chanda bacio after rolling stones was stopped but they along side the entire main cast - Fugo faced the challenge head-on they all move forward and don't let themselves be held back by fate no matter how many hardships life threw at them no matter how much suffering they were ordained to endure they moved onwards to their goal their actions were born of truth of a resolute desire to bring change and a better world and thus their actions are allowed to translate into reality you may not be able to completely twist or change fate immediately but by way of continuous effort it can be influenced and directed into a better faded future ESCA Lippe says upon seeing mrs. will during the arc one can hope that this will and resolve will eventually fill their path with meaning and significance despite the faded suffering compare this to Diavolo while the gang faces their fate had on understanding the possibility and even the inevitability of death and suffering Diavolo runs from it he as opposed to our modern Crusaders is completely defined by his fear of fate because let's it he sees himself as a champion of fate a king of kings who can never lose he denies that him being defeated is even possible going as far as to think he's dreaming or hallucinating when things don't go his way Diavel is completely obsessed with fate and lets his obsession not only corrupt him but also control who he is he ran from reality for his entire life and deluded himself into believing that he was chosen by fate and so he receives the ultimate punishment for the liar the thief the betrayer of his own resolve and will for a coward who ran from reality fate and requiem bestowed a never ending death an ironic immortality that denies him the ability to ever face reality he begins the story as the status quo the unknowable entity that holds his environment in an iron grip of unchanging dominance and now he will remain both unchanged and unable to change anything he was given a world where he could never face reality not even the reality of death he's immortal now but he'll never have any impact on the world unlike a Bakke Oh Bruno and Arantxa a cruel but fitting punishment for the man who ran from destiny additionally his constant skipping to results is an impatient childish way to interact with fate he was too arrogant too cowardly and too selfish to go through the actions and sacrifice necessary to create future change he wanted immediate easy results and for that he was punished giorno meanwhile has faced every challenge headfirst he alongside his gang never wavered and never ran from what fate had in store for him instead using his resolve to push himself forward despite the pain they all knew was likely waiting for them and it was journal shining light that led them he guided them not through leadership per se but by his unwavering will to fulfill his dream his resolve influencing each member so that they themselves can go on to influence reality so it's only fitting that journos unflinching will eventually led him closer to the truth than anyone else allowing him to become the arbiter of fate his resolve forged a path to lasting positive change in his environment and for that fate gifted him with the eminence of punishing Diavolo for good you we humans are tiny our lies last short and while we delude ourselves into positions of dominance and power our actual individual influence over our environment and world are rather modest like most organisms we live out our existence in relative irrelevance as the cosmos around us changes and operates in ways we cannot and will not understand or ever be able to partake in it can sometimes indeed feel like we are sleeping slaves chained to a destiny we simply cannot foresee or change a fate out of our control but we humans are also unique in that our consciousness bestows us with a free will unlike most other beings our souls can be sealed and filled with resolve and is this resolved that we can use to face our destinies our individual actions might not mean much alone but through consistent collective resolve and sacrifice they can cause ripples in fate multiplying and strengthening each other until they eventually caused enough cumulative change to create a better future it is humanity's privilege and Providence that our heart and soul can interact with fate in this way and this is what golden wind is about at the heart of all of Giorgio's lay the themes of fate and humanity and every part says something different about these two ideas and the relationship and window arrow is about how humanity can live out its will and ambition even in a world of predetermined fate it's a story about humans looking fate in the eye accepting what it might hold for them and yet moving forward with their ambitions despite that it's the tale of giorno and Bruno two young men waking up from their slumber and breaking the chains that bind them in a noble effort to better the lives of those around them it's the tale of Diavolo a demented inhuman monster that boasts fancies himself a thousand won yet runs from and denies it at any opportunity it's a story about humanity's will and how even though our actions might be preordained they are not meaningless we don't have to be sleeping slaves to our fates the will resolve and truth our actions can be born from can even in this vast cruel universe make a difference ever so slight even when things look completely out of our control as if an invisible hand is guiding us we humans can find a way to pursue happiness righteousness and truth out of our own accord and free will our existence isn't hopeless it isn't chained to our destiny because we have the means to rise up and steal ourselves as long as you can face the world head-on make no excuses and don't run from it we can imprint on reality and leave a meaningful mark on the world that maybe just maybe lasts longer than we do and this is why I think golden wind is perfect it chooses an idea and infuses every part of its world its characters and its story with that idea it carries its themes into every nook and cranny of its narrative and use this to create a consistent and insightful message on humanity's inherent struggle with the idea of fate it like every story has its shortcomings but when compared to the achievements of its storytelling I am more than willing to overlook them to me golden wind represents both a lamentation of humanity shackles and yet a celebration of the glorious human spirit capable of breaking those exact chains we can all wake up and seize our lives as long as we face it head-on and I think that this message along with everything else is communicated and executed masterfully it's hope it's resilience its tragedy its resolve its fate its life this is why I love par-5 so much this is why I think that this story is perfect this is the brilliance of golden wind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Oceaniz
Views: 690,913
Rating: 4.9370837 out of 5
Keywords: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Diavolo, Giorno, Golden Wind, Vento Aureo, Part 5, Jojo, Stand, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Fate, Brilliance, Analysis, Anime, Manga, Oceaniz, Oceaniz96, Sleeping Slaves, Rolling Stones, Ending, Requiem
Id: jXPziHbmOEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 31sec (4471 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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