Everything GREAT About: That Time I got Reincarnated As A Slime | First Half

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well definitely getting some strong World War two vibes right here very nice not many anime confident going down that route if even just for an intro none you could do and now you sunjoon on Asahi I wanted to go out with a limb here and say that I haven't seen any anime like this that features a dude nearing his 40s until now let's freeze damn unique it's a monocoque is immersive an honest sitting Allah has emitted his neck Oh Domo Mika meets authorities either that's outstanding CGI or they actually animated people walking in the backgrounds which to say is rare would be a huge understatement it's very rare as always just want to take a second to remind everyone to hit that subscribe button since a huge amount of regular viewers still aren't subscribed and ensure you don't miss out my hero academia season 4 second half Cowboy Bebop have much more coming soon and hit that Bell while you're at it convinced finest a fake I could say course much stuff I have a feeling what's happening right now is going to link into the whole slime element and if so that's actually pretty genius cotton gotta see our finished area come on Bethel keeping this awful Burma grounded in humor by having the main character remind this young lad - definitely not forget to wipe his hard drive da-da-da-dah absolutely awesome looking visuals right here as he passes on the way they deal with his initial transformation is nothing short of brilliant teasing his final form as he crawls over plants and at the same time it makes me genuinely curious as to how they actually operate in this new world [Music] once again great visuals but the win here is for the change in voice style definitely matches the new character more fittingly so that I solve it's an auskey tors chewed up ridiculous I think he got a new liver taken away giving him a serie kind of character to speak to for those moments where he can't speak to others although I'm not entirely sure he can't yet but at the very least she serves as a great exposition machine for the anime he's a boy you took Lisa like this that I see this is crazy they'd like expertly created a character both aflame and half Opie I can't wait to see what they do with this element down the line as well [Music] great for future reference to know that he can acquire new skills and also perform physical actions such as these otherwise the character would be a little too one-dimensional I guess our boy learning to see I said guys I got there is no dragon somebody yesterday conned him what he could I say and take one more for the end of the episode with his boy being a real lad and helping his sensei after he's passed on attaboy so this Opie is absolutely fantastic the Sun is great a very catchy to me the visuals are fantastic and not quite why I expected in terms of battles and tons of characters being introduced so far for me this anime is looking great and I'm very happy to be covering its greatness for all of you or in mesquita begins at the Hoxton agenda volcanic isaac yo can I well now already our main characters making friends and using the system to his advantage and abilities and I ain't hating that one little bit it's great to see a whole new design in the new anime they're really thinking outside the box with this one just like in shield hero with how his shield works and yes I've covered the anime really doing this one different and for what I've heard from a lot of you guys and gals in the community tab post about it is that it continues to be different down the road as well this one just feels like a video game to me and I love that they later obtained a stop [Music] it's weird that I find it incredibly warm and uplifting that these two basically made a pact to become a kind of family yeah about that overpowered related comment before Jesus beautiful who is that I think I talked to I do not know you but I see me Monica I see me mr. Henry Roth Monica if you know me and you know this channel you know I really dig world maps and this one is a real beaut so I'm not gonna know stutzer do diamond Olga could ever that transition and introducing us to our first real world location away from the cave are no more do no carretera zero notice in this shoe a metal mater come on eat a coconut see hike on your carrot ish my favorite things about Guyana me what do you a dog could know the earth or I'd suppose your semi up danger using old-school video game music because they just know I'll get a win your sassy so-and-so's this anime it's got some seriously low-key great combat animation so far got high hopes for future episodes now Shireen on it so handle contradict Euler also let's just throw out a win for the voice actress doing a fantastic job so far and perfectly fits the character I think I'm actually going to give props here for them taking their time on this I feel that most animate would have rushed out the cave as soon as possible but in all honesty if we're talking video games most of us would be doing this leveling up before finding a way out of the cave and such it's great [Music] introducing us to some goblins usually the bread-and-butter baddies of video games and yet here seemingly they feel different calling me a deep red shade of intrigue see you're come on oh yeah and I thought Nick on their own in hangout and oh this luck oh this is so like a video game I love it stay well of us rotating view of awesomeness gonna avoid showing it but they teased us with a few battle scenes showing quite a lot of internal red body juice if you catch my drift so nice to see an anime such as this not being afraid to show battle wounds much a great ending to the episode as the goblins pledge their loyalty to our main boy what a great ad man absolutely banging song a great singer who I swear I definitely heard somewhere else but I can't place it as I write this the visuals are really simple mixing him dropping along with visions of his past but it's really the Sun that just kills it love that song oh my word that was insanely cool I wonder what the heck was gonna happen it didn't quite expect that and I'm over the moon there earlier on I kinda predicted that him spamming potion creation would lead to something awesome happening later on [Music] okay right there was genuinely great looking animation kawaii yes can be so confusing sometimes he caught the noggin off the big bad wolf in quite a nasty-looking fashion and then well he ate him essentially and makes the real friends your Matt this anime reminds me of a video game is insane enough of eating him away okay I'm starting the sense of pattern here and I'll go out the limb I wonder if he named certain characters that will end up being part of like his family I don't even know why I adore the notion behind that what's so gross a carrot on a new rock in a Otomo I feel the urge to shout out the fact that they drew all of these characters for this scene that's nuts but especially this little Wolfie cuddling a goblin that's terms of dopes leave it as is me don't go messing with stuff like that so they actually changed the edie already from the cave to everything from this episode and I love that they're doing that each episode having come back here after episode 4 and having seen it's now the dwarf city also they really give it this first-person video game style which I also really dig Jeremy Morgan or Commodus whoa do you go Morgan myoga I don't know cop even more excellent world building can't wait to see these new lips today [Music] as the lord of anime wins i feel the need to officially begin a new old Alwyn in this new anime hmm well since it strongly reminds me of video games which I love and since I love seeing new locations of video games I shall award wins for each new video game this brief also way of showing us the viewer their loyalty to their new master with that falling in love with me it's too much I can't commit to a long-term relationship just yet this sudden turn of events in general being way more entertaining than simply getting straight in plus the fact that they actually did have everyone knocked down outside after his role which was a nice touch oh yes just as expected from an episode of that time I got reincarnated as a slime they found a way to use the potions again we could have it Oh [Music] Korea it's okay okay [Music] oh my word that's so damn awesome I had much the same reaction when my boy learnt to do it in the rising of the sheild hero although not quite to this degree but more like copying other things I could definitely have done without the lunar lollies but the rest works on just about every no metric by which to gain a win Sarge awesome a tick tock tick tock oh man I love that damn reaction that was perfect how he kept going only to abruptly stop that was some coldness super kinda comedy right there getting our first glimpse of irritating people in this anime it's good to see actually because up until this point he's been seen by many as more of a God of sorts so this coming out of the blue was perfect to shake things up a little turn you in the unexpected plot twist or is yeah dummy okay oh hell yes I think this means he's potentially gonna join the party and by party I mean his family and that's awesome Oh was it the piston okay understood see malsu here cake Akuma bra you mean to tell me they've also got freaking robots in this anime me Mira Katja Saba canola though I can hear you got zero daughter go that once again if you guys and gals know me and this channel you know I like unique looking sets of armor and unreasonable amount of jewel dirty well now that was kind of nerve-wracking but I'm really glad it ended in exile given that that's kind of what they wanted to achieve anyway oh my oh my god oh no oh do you talk too long ago well color me utterly damn shocked I never once for even a second could've thought that when they left the room this was what was going to happen it seems there's way more to this hurricane that first meets the eye also nation you hajima to ormita she's got her das radical then you give us this you give us him as a young innocent lad just wanting to one day be of use to his King how dare you monkey current animators how dare you squeeze another well-justified bit out of me bursts of needle toyou know - tonight all miserable cause you do up top that was such an oddly beautiful moment with someone I really didn't care for it's got me all confused inside and I just have to give massive props to the anime for pulling these feelings out of me damn well done Arnold Saroyan or dong Quan Quan Chi su um I took you out on a date with war the tiny kid or a rebel a tiny needle amazing end of episode emergency plans with I thought maybe the game was a good guy but now it seemed he was out to do more the various things to our slime sand to get away he wanted from him and now into the mix is a spy or maybe assassin of sorts I love it you guys will do just about anything to get an extra win won't you because now we've got brand new proper style of IDI with all of the characters were going to be meeting and it's got great animation here I hope you're proud of yourselves take your win gondola dogs today Annika Mourinho shoe Hinojosa de hey Bella Braga Kyoto monomer caustic iced tea - commercial what I think is great already about this notion aside from it being a human settlement I'm saving the old our moment for when we see more of it is the fact that they're clearly going to come across the newly built village in the forest and that's awesome our first time meeting this character who was clearly the one in the ball who was destined to end up with slime Don oh also take another one because this time we saw more than just the inside of the guy's office and instead of street giving me a much greater idea of what human settlements are like so have your new video game title case in Adana [Music] this anime can definitely fool you of its lack of fighting so far that it may not have great action related animation quality and then this happens and you're like oh wow okay you guys told me in your community tab they're building a town anime wins you said I'd love it and you know what you were not wrong my god do you need a channel betting up okay the steelers getting a bit of wall building type exposition learning about all the other monsters and intelligent creatures inhabiting just this forest in this new world [Music] [Music] some lovely battle animation right there gets me excited for what's going to come in later episodes and some rather surprisingly impactful sounding fire attacks oh yes he met her already what happens now you know I got this all wrong I thought maybe as a twist she'd be out to get him by seemingly couldn't have been more wrong this is just an all-around lovely scene actually [Music] just when I'm once again and fold into thinking this anime is light and fluffy they give us a burnt girl to contend with if we did mom I need you to tie your sonsaku yeah that what was that some final fantasy summoning stuff come on over no no no Sasha go neodo no gonna chill during the news from copious and King from seven deadly sins be you must animals is always a win [Music] oh god I hate that's my very core really sad now damn it I'm guessing that what they demonstrated there at the end of the previous episode is that she's really struggling to control whatever is inside of her maybe I'm still sad but at least the scene serves a purpose to not only build her character but also just show us the things she's had to go through in this world compared to our hero and show more of that evil guy Don though don't come across later on [Music] oh no top twist [Music] oh god that was awesome whoa now that was unexpected he couldn't immediately one-shot this opponent like every other one some animate have got nav CGI some have got it pretty good and others are great and this one is an example of a great use of CGI wowsers [Music] winning the battle on a pretty easy breezy counter fashion as expected of slime boy calm this elite sunny koo koo kumba yogurt oh yes that is so cool I wondered who that could possibly be talking to him down there and then suddenly hit me [Music] smoothness butter animation getting a chance to hear all about her own story and journey through this world her trials and tribulations her teaching and questing and ultimately now at the end of her life her wanting to find peace she's a son oh that's sad I wonder what it was keeping her fresh all along as if we're as well though oh my god that was gorgeous and incredibly well done well wait what I didn't think that's how he got his body but it does make sense I guess actually just got to show the zoomed in version that's all let me see play setting are you an OD Tony no Dimas oh no poor conductor total solar 800 delicious a lot of people might have assumed this was a bit overboard for how long they were shown together but it's easy to forget that the distance they must have traveled would have been huge maybe taken a week or so and in that way it makes a lot of sense so myself- on anyway not walking on the spot [Music] giving her character a nice fitting end rather than leaving it where he basically consumed her oh my Nina motto sikozu yarrow Jeremy Otto Orinoco that's stormo nyeeehhh that's a weird and intriguing into the episode what the whole KOCO seroma not looking a hobo yokel neither does she you've got supported on her giving us a logical reason why he'd keep on using his slime form throughout the story as opposed to now constantly being in the form of a human why won't you stop that will be discuss both artist amore nido Costa gray nani mo night Oh walk it off ma it's great that as a character he doesn't leave things to chance or wing it he's got the slightest bad feeling and so he sends along his trusty strong baozi to help if needs be I like that [Music] say I'm gonna do something this anime is so freakin awesome for how we can always bloody fool me into feeling light and fluffy and then BOOM goblin gets sliced into what the heck cuckoo traveled on a pie or can emit nominal Shakespeare another zoo non-union you take yogurt or they already my Saitama Colonel muttered emerita credit or calls the hotel Tokyo from my love story oh my [Music] he's become so powerful dare I even say [Music] dude that was cool come off it were you doing now though I don't weights me I do conjugates diss Mithila dog us as I go who cater to Hoshi night nice I'm glad it turned out this way we can't be having Cybermen from one punch man and Tokyo from Orion mother Qatari hating the main character he's not having it so I'm liking this one punch sorry in this occur I'm getting his taste back in that cute reaction sake anomaly De Luca tamari master another salmon oh hi Connie who a lot us at a Turkish adding even more people to the family and even better because well it's item arisen I love his voice glad to have him along for the ride email a stinker stick isn't already told age turn at all Benny model and other things oh he looks more cool now I like it a lot I am very fond of you even more so now - you mean your book by Sheila Dixon you seem so cool to look at a public use of CGI what is category lizards is an RPG type of Otherworld how very Elder Scrolls of you the town continues to grow in the bosom I love it it's very video game like continue this running gag female serene you oh you'll be master I adore that I genuinely managed to pick up on the tension over here before she even left the place very proud right now [Music] oh my god he about DS and cunzhen you care about the other see miracle again so mitsuno tell Naruto soil coughs techniques kissed a small game showed it this is genuinely insane I've been like this my entire life your boy can look at like a towel and I'll constantly forming faces changing from one to the next [Music] this yeah Casimir is to make that effect oh that's great that's actually something Casimir would to me to get grand entrance oh that was soaked asthma don't even try to say otherwise Koopa no not even gonna lie that's almost exactly how I thought it'd go down as well just a little less gangster II son Oh home tiger tiger nice up there hawkers your steal so stay home plate or better thought I know look at her you thought they could go to HTML sticking to an impressive degree of realism by having them throw together some bits and pieces to create this map given how they wouldn't have an actual map just laying around obviously yes that's right don't check it out karate North Korea noryeok Ahmad emoticon is given no capital city notice their rather disgusting revelation once again taking us down the dark path in what I once again was tricked into thinking was a light and fluffy storyline but these piggies are eating everything in their path [Music] Martin this guy's a lot more impressive than my first thought he would be I guess this is one of the best parts about the whole level up after being given the name element in this anime is that these guys will actually end up being pretty great fighters as opposed to the relative weakness we've seen initially from most of them appear Odin Yoho so Nazi guy gamma K Otto not a gobby rebound that's actually a really nice last-minute twist because I think most people's assumptions would be like mine that once Casimir took over predictably they'd lose some battles until they're rescued by slime Chan however what actually happened is that his methods had good results however he wasn't aware of their consuming power abilities and I just think that was really unexpected personally well I'd just like to quickly thank you all for watching this video again do subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss out on everything coming soon you can also drop a like if you enjoyed yourselves I'd really appreciate that you can also support the work I do entirely alone by pledging anything you'd like on my patreon every little helps on there and of course there's links to all the sorts of other stuff like my Twitter and my discord server down below as well if you fancy it thanks again for watching and I hope to see you in either the second half or in whatever video is up next is a caldera Chris Harris foolish girl manolo Salcedo menials virus have this PMC Yuki Manuel Mireles Dark Lord buddy so sentimental silver master tank boogie in Vemma pay a reward Kevin Delta Steph via dolorosa Brendon Korea a spirit spinner Gustavo Gomez Camaro is the local 64 Theodore Kraken it's a constables Amman Jordan Sammy Miss fantasy I'm your home prison shadows
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 670,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animewins, anime wins, That Time I got Reincarnated As A Slime, everything great about, everything great about anime, anime, wins, everything great about that time i got reincarnated as a slime, Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken, TenSura, Everything great about tensura, slime isekai, best isekai, isekai, isekai anime, best anime, anime reactions, slime, slime anime, everything great about tensura, everything great about tensura part 1
Id: UbneFuKqlz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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