EVERY *Unpatched* GLITCH new update ... ( PALWORLD )

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here's a giant compilation of every single non-patch glitch in the latest power world update all right so first of all guys this version of the Black Market glitch it's different from every other one I've seen usually you have to go like slash him with a sord or whatever and it takes forever this version of the glitch it's really really fast I'm super happy I found this it gives you tons of gold and on top of that as an added bonus it gives you a lot of XP so the first thing you're going to want to do get to a fast travel point and then you are going to go to this fast travel Eastern Wild Island or if you do not have a thing here a transportation Mark you want to go to this little Stone Place the coordinates are going to be 450 minus 120 somewhere around there and you're going to look for the black market now I have tried the same exact glitch on the other black markets and they did not work he ended up killing me he ended up not dropping a bunch of gold it doesn't really work on the other ones however there are a few cheap tricks to do this one all the time and it is really really easy and probably the most useful glitch I found in this entire time I look for glitches every single day and post them on my channel if you look through my channel I post glitches all the time so feel free to sub while you're at it and I am not overhyping this one when I say it probably is the best one I found so far definitely the most useful and easiest one now if you want to make this process a little bit faster if this is your personal world and you're playing alone you can actually turn the pal damage from pals up now it's different from the damage to Pals you have to make it the damage from Pals so make sure you're turning up the right setting and that will make it go a lot faster you can also turn up your XP meter if you want to do that and that will give you loads of XP but this still even works on your friends worlds without doing this and it still works on multiplayer worlds without doing that also that will just speed up the process a little bit so now that we've come to this black market location the exact coordinates are like I said 460 minus 120 you're going to throw your pal out hold down four or whatever it is on Xbox and set it to command attack aggressively then you're going to suck it back up go over to the black marketeer now remember usually with the other glitches you can hit them and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't I'm sure you guys have seen videos on that but you're going to throw your pal directly at him and then go talk to him now with this specific one your pal will start attacking him and if you just keep talking to him look how fast he is dying and he will also not attack you so this is super super useful this is the only black marketeer that I've seen so far that will just sit here and not attack you and your pal will just keep attacking him so he has little pauses like this but your P will eventually keep attacking him and look how much damage I did to him I don't even have the meter op up or whatever or if I do I do not have it up that much and look at that he drops two gold keys and 23,000 gold that is so much now I actually forgot to do one thing if you take the pal out right before he's about to kill him and kill him yourself you will get a ton of XP and I think even more gold but now that we're done killing him and we got all of that stuff that's not enough we want to do it again we want to become millionaires so I've done it twice in about 2 minutes already have 4 $33,000 what we're going to do is get away from the entrance of the uh Cliff a little bit cuz sometimes it glitches you out and we're just going to leave the game and join right back all right we're back in here and it did what I just said it did glitch me out for some reason this area of the map is super glitchy but we can get out pretty easily just like that and look at that he is back to being respawned now I'm not sure if this works on like your friends worlds or online worlds if you leave and join back I don't think he'll respawn but you can always just wait the 10 or 15 minutes or whatever it is and he will come back and I mean it's still a pretty good rate if you just want to wait the 10 minutes or whatever so we're going do the same thing command him to aggressively attack throw him at the black market there and then talk to him now remember you want to keep talking to him don't let him get like the chance to attack you or anything just keep on talking to him even if he hits him pretty far away I don't think Anubis is the best pal to be doing this with cuz his attacks are kind of annoying but the dragon and everything are pretty good to use on him and you can just sit here like AFK for like 30 seconds and your pal should destroy him now I'm actually going to try to do it the right way this time and stop talking to him and pull out my pal right when he's on one HP so I can last hit him and get the XP I don't know if it's possible though I feel like my pal might kill him can we get one more good hit maybe I don't want to kill him by accident but I think he might um okay let's pull him in and now let's do the corre and last hit him that way I'll be able to get the XP from him he has a machine gun so make sure you time that perfectly and look how much xp we just got okay I don't I don't know who this guy is over here let's get rid of him real quick we just got 23,000 XP and so many coins I'm going do this for like 10 more minutes and speed through it and I'll show you guys how many coins I have in just 10 minutes of doing this all right I got a little lazy just looked at my recording I only did it for 5 minutes I killed him about three times I think and I have 128,000 gold and 15 gold coins I don't know if these sell for anything but they probably sell for a lot if they do so this is an insane way to make money and XP if you want to do that I don't really need XP but the gold is super super useful and remember guys it only works in this location I believe if you try and do it on the other black market people it might work it might not work and I just recorded this when I uploaded it so it is not patched hit I would suggest taking advantage of this right now and stock up gold on your favorite servers or your own personal world before they patch this because gold is going to be super super important later and it kind of already is buying ammo and everything with it so I have a bunch of other glitches on my channel if you guys want to look through that and pick one of the other ones most of them are not patched yet including a really cool duplication glitch and I make vids about this game every single day so make sure to hit sub up if this worked for you and you like it let me know if you guys are going to use and abuse this glitch personally I really like using the glitches I know a lot of people don't and they say it ruins the game however I need the money bro I need the money I'm trying to start a pal strip club so I do not have time to farm 100,000 gold all by myself and this glitch is a lifesaver all right guys what's good we have a few really useful glitches here first of all how to get on limited palpares what you're going to need is one spear that you want to throw unlimited amount of times usually this is going to be a really good one I'm going to use one yellow one here you only need one and then you're also going to need a ton of Spears that you're actually going to need to waste like the blue ones now now the glitch works by using the blue Spears however you get the capture rate of the real good Spears so this one's a little bit hard to do however there used to be a glitch where you could unlimitedly throw any amount of spear kind of like this one however that one was much harder to do this one's a little bit easier but there's still kind of a fine timing to it so you need to practice a little bit that is why I suggest practicing with the yellow one a little bit before you hop into like Reds or purples or any of that but it's still a lot easier than some of the other glitches so pretty much what you're going to want to do is get out the spear that you actually want to use and then you have to make sure you only have these two Spears in your inventory so get out the one you actually want to use yellow in my case and then make sure you have a ton of blue ones now pay attention to how many I have I have 165 regular blue ones and I have a single yellow one I want to actually use the yellow one to capture something so we're going to throw this and then right as we let go we're going to switch to Blue so boom we switch to Blue and look at that we still have one gigas spear left and the 164 blue ones and if you guys saw it actually threw the yellow one so you're you're getting the capture rate of the yellow one while only using a blue one so let's try that again so have the yellow one out and then right when you switch it throw to the blue one or switch to the blue one boom and look at that it's going to throw a yellow and take one away from our blue pile now guys this glitch is not patched yet it's just a little bit harder to do so I highly suggest you practice it a few times see if it works before you run through the comments saying it's glitched I promise it's not patched or saying it's patched it's glitch whatever it still works in the last update so we're going to again in case you didn't get it take out your yellow sphere aim it wherever you want it to go switch to the blue one and you can see it actually didn't work that time it took the yellow one out you have to be pretty fast not even I'm an expert at it but let's get one more just to see if we can do it one more time and then we'll practice it on an actual pal so take the yellow one out get ready to throw it right as you throw it switch to Blue and boom it just worked that time if you guys practice you can get this to work like 90% of the time so even if you mess up every once in a while you still can have a much better capture rate than actually just trying to use these Spears as they're actually meant to do so let's go actually capture one and we're going to use pink Ultra Spears this time I think we've gotten good enough at the glitch to where we can level up a little bit let's go to a beginner area so we can actually catch something and then let's try it out to see if it actually works and it's not just some regular glitch only like a uh like a visual glitch which it's not so this Daydream over here I'm sorry buddy you're going to have to be our test subject aiming at him and then switch right as you throw it and boom we still have two ultra Spears and look at that it actually catches the pals using the pink Spears even though we didn't really use one and we only used a blue one this is my favorite glitch in the game right now and it's really easy to do once you practice so let's go on to the next one this next glitch is going to be how to get unlimited treasure super super fast now I kind of made a video like this before but this is an upgraded version people have found even faster ways to do this I remember guys I upload glitches and strats and all kinds of stuff for power every single day so if you're not already subbed make sure to sub up however for this glitch what you're going to need to do is find a dungeon we have one right here all right so for this glitch all you need is a pal that you can mount and fly on so we are going to enter the dungeon and then skip all the way to the end and we even have another glitch all the way at the end to make this easy to make this even easier so you're just going to want to head to the top and look for a gap in the rocks that you can throw your pal in and then once you go near the top here your pal will actually glitch through I didn't even mean to do that on purpose so throw your pal inside the little glitched area there's a lot of them you can pretty much find any Little Rock and it will work and then ride on top of your pal and you can see I'm already glitching through we're going to want to get a little bit more glitch than that just try and get through the top of the roof somehow it's really not that hard you can just glitch through it easily and look at that I'm already at the top and then once you're at the top you're going to mount him one more time and just fly all the way to the end to the boss here you can find the end that looks something like this it has like the little castle icon and everything you're in a really cool area I don't know if you can build up here if you have the materials you probably can and you're just going to want to find a crack in the rocks that you can slip past it is uh right here for me it's a little bit hard cuz you're going to be climbing and everything but you should be able to slip past in just a few seconds of trying just like this yep I'm I'm hanging on for gear life here but usually you can slip through much easier there we go so we have two options here if you're a newer player you can actually choose the easier option which is glitching through this door this door is normally closed and it has chest here I've done this before in my other vids but if we look through the door here and then throw our Dragon we can pretty much do the same glitch that we did to get here in the first place and glitch through the door without having to do the boss fight so here we go we glitch through the door we can just steal the loot if we want I'm going to go back and kill the boss anyway since that gives you XP and money but that is what you can do if you didn't want to kill the boss so we can just glitch in and out of that door and now we can just go fight the boss all right those two are the only glitches for today they are really really useful and the pal spere glitch is probably the best in the game right now feel free to check out some of the other vids we have a really cool gold glitch unlimited gold coins from yesterday if you want to check that out and let me know if you guys have practiced with the spear glitch and you managed to master it yet I haven't mastered it but I can do it with like a 90% success rate I think let's try it out right here and uh yep I guess that was the 10% where I did didn't get it so I don't know let me know if you guys are better at it than me if you do a little practice you probably are all right what's good guys so I've already made a video on how to catch the tower bosses by Towers I mean stuff like this you can actually catch the bosses inside of them however that method does not work with these regular World bosses like blaz mut or uh or Broner AA or even jetrion or anything like that it does not work for those however this method does work for those so we're going to head over and test this method it out I already know it works cuz I've done it a few times but I'm going to show you guys how to do it so the materials you're going to need before heading over to any of these bosses make sure you have these cuz it'll be pretty annoying to be running back and forth over and over again you're going to need some wood some Stone and some Paladium fragments so I have them all at the bottom right right here I'm not sure the exact amounts but if you bring these it should be enough so let's head on over the closest boss we have is a level 23 bushy that will be extremely easy so we'll definitely try this method out on a little bit of the harder ones cuz nobody is struggling to catch these level 23 bosses but this will be a good representation on how to do it all right I just realized she's actually inside of this little dungeon and we're not going to do it to the dungeon ones those ones take too much time we're going to do it to one of the ones just roaming around so let me find one of those real quick while I'm heading over there I forgot to mention this actually requires building a base so if you have three bases already this method is probably not for you unless you're willing to get rid of one and use one exclusively on capturing Pals if you have one that you're not really using and it doesn't really matter if you destroy that will probably be a good one to destroy I destroyed one of my bases so I can use this method and it's not really that big of a deal cuz unless you're in a huge Clan you don't really need three bases and you can always just go back and build back up the third one anyways but we're about to head to the boss we're going to try this on a level 38 wo I haven't had this pal yet so I haven't even beat this boss yet I don't think so this is going to be a perfect one to try it out on all right here he is now you do you can't really like build right next to him they have a little border that you cannot build in so you can't just like trap it in the base or whatever so we're going to go a little bit further away out of his way until it will let us build I think we can probably build right here yep so we're going to build a pow box and let's get out a nubis to finish that up super quickly and then we're also going to start building the viewing cage but we're actually not going to continue work on it so after we get down our little PO Box here we're going to build the viewing cage but don't actually build it just leave it in this little blue area just like this and this will be our little glitch setup so now that we have that down we're going to attract the wo over to us if you want you can turn damage from pals up or damage to Pals damage from Pals whatever you can turn your damage up you can turn your XP up if you want to get some extra XP out of this and then we're going to throw our dragon or whatever you use to fly inside of the cage we're going to walk away from the cage a little bit and then hold F okay I don't know why these wolves are annoying us here we'll have to finish those up or else they will impede our process but pretty much just get on your uh your flying pal while it is inside of the cage you have to hold f a little bit away from it or else it will start building the cage and you don't want that now now that you are in here and you're flying inside you're actually going going to be trapped in here you cannot get off your pal I'm holding F right now it will not let you get off so you're going to have to go drop him inside of here and repick him up now that you're in here the boss is going to be pretty much completely Frozen and you can just sit here and attack him all you want and you can get him down to super super low so I'm going to do that real quick and then we'll look at our options after that all right now that we got him low enough I'm actually going to use a second glitch to actually catch him now I have a full video on this glitch from yesterday where you pretty much get unlimited Spears but that isn't going to be the main intention of this so I think I haven't tested it out yet but I think we can just throw the pal Spears right through this little blue area so let me try that out and look at that by the way guys remember I only had one Ultra Spear and we just threw an ultra Spear and my total actually did not go down so that was just another sneaky glitch that we did there and we have caught the one po as you can see I turned my XP meter up a little bit just just to show you guys how much xp you can get if you do this over and over again so now we're going to go attempt to try and do this to an actual real pal with the jetr gon cuz the ones on the land and everything are really easy to catch anyway and all the other YouTubers making vids about this they never do them to the actual real bosses like jet regon or any of the other ones so I'm thinking is it even a real possibility to do it to those we're about to go find out all right we are about to arrive at the doorstep of the jet we're gone remember guys I post glitches like this every single day guides tips tutorials all kinds of that stuff so if you're not subbed up make sure you do that please because we are stuck at 10K I'm trying to get out of the 10K subscribers Hood boys I'm trying to move out but we're stuck right now so make sure to sub up if you want to know some more glitches we post them every single day so make sure uh you know you do that and check out some of the other ones on the channel we have some really interesting ones including the unlimited spear one and those kind of glitches will make this even tense times easier than it already is with the regular glitches so let's try and do the same thing on this legendary jetre gon oh my yo chill he's about to clap my cheeks already he is scary bro oh my goodness okay we got to start this a little bit further away right I manag to set up the correct procedure right here our box and our little viewing cage so I'm going to try and go over and learn him over here we're not that far from him but you do have to go out a little bit further maybe that's why the other YouTubers aren't making vids on catching jet gone using this method or maybe it doesn't even work at all let's see if we can expose them as frauds we're definitely going to be uh trying this out I haven't seen anyone try it out yet so let's hit him from all the way over here and try and lead him to our cage like we did with the wo earlier he hits hard guys so if you're like lower level or newer or whatever and trying it on jeton your first try definitely be careful cuz this guy does not play around he smacks you up and it's going to be pretty hard to lure him to arcage I think I'll prob get off my pal that will probably be the best way to learn him over and oh my goodness he is fast okay I've managed to him over here finally now all I have to do is get inside of the cage so remember we throw our dragon in there you have to kind of like Get Right against the wall and then we want to back up a little bit and hold F and if he would stop being so busy attacking the dragon we should be able to get on him but it looks like he's actually stuck in there already so perfect let's take a a little screenshot right here for the thumb nail and let's continue all right we've got to Inside the Cage now I don't really want to just sit here and attack him over and over again like I did with the earlier thing because that would take way too long so oh my goodness let's get off him and let's try and figure out a different plan while we're stuck in here and also guys the reason I'm actually taking damage right now is because when there is more than one pal around you it kind of glitches out and it gets really really bad if there's only one pal normally you should be able to like hand everything okay but when more than one pal pulls up that is when you're going to have a problem so let's try and clear out some of these other Pals so we can do the glitch correctly all right he keeps running away and it's already night time so I guess the answer to the question is you can use this method to catch jet regon it kind of just takes forever but I mean maybe it's faster than just fighting him normally I would stick to using this method to the regular bosses in the green areas and everything maybe in the snow and desert areas also it it works for those something like mantin or some other strong boss but for jet regon he just moves too fast and has too much HP honestly I would suggest some other methods I have one other glitch on my channel that works way better than this one in this specific pal however for all the other Pals I think this uh cage method works a lot better so the end of our experiment we've concluded this method works really well for some of the Overworld and like regular bosses in the grassy snow and area but for jeton I'd honestly I wouldn't recommend this glitch and I'd recommend the other one so first of all what you need what you want to duplicate can only be duplicated through building so you're going to want to need at your base what you want to build to duplicate so first of all the repair bench it takes Stone and it takes wood which is pretty easy to make I'm going to duplicate that real quick step number one this is a quick easy duplication glitch it's a little bit buggy so some things might not work like EX exactly the same as before you might need some new slots and everything but it's pretty easy to do and they actually didn't patch it even though they updated the game today so first of all make sure your inventory is completely clear of any building supplies I have some stuff in here but not the stuff that we're using so it doesn't really matter so make sure to clear out your inventory of any building supplies and then go to the edge of your base you can see my base ends right here I have all the materials all the Pokémon are away so they don't really ENT with our process and then we have a barrel right at the edge here the barrel is going to contain just empty slots so that way you can put all the duplicated items in here without interfering with any of the rest of the stuff over there like the main loots and everything so go to the edge of the base pick what you want to duplicate and then here is one more essential step now this one isn't really needed too much but it makes it so much easier so go to the graphics and turn down your max FPS all the way to the lowest setting at 30 FPS now that we've done that we're going to take what we want to duplicate you can see I have 113 of these fragments in my base and we're going to turn that to 123 since this takes 10 of those fragments to build we're going to go to the edge of the base we want one foot in one foot out hold on I need to murder this guy real quick okay now that we're done clearing out the peasants we want one foot in one foot out we're going to make this 10 fragments into 20 real quick we have 21 nails and 113 fragments so keep that in mind we're just going to Mouse one this and then right at the same time leave the base so then when we cancel that we're going to get the materials inside our inventory and we can go ahead and put them in the chest here and look at that we get even more material so super easy duplication glitch now we have where where is it where is it we have 123 fragments and even more Nails I don't really remember how many nails we started with I think 21 but we pretty much have double every single thing we did now ingots this is what I'm going to be duplicating cuz these are super annoying to get and we have currently 32 of them so where is it yeah 32 so we're going to have a one foot in one foot out right uh right around here Mouse one and walk out at the same time and now look at that oh that time it actually didn't work so yeah sometimes it's pretty hard it's not going to work but most of the time I I can get it pretty consistently like 7 0% of the time so one foot in one foot out boom cancel the build and then now oh nice huh GG it's a little bit harder to do with some of the higher tier materials but if we just pre-fire it a little bit just like that we should be able to duplicate it there we go easily now we have 47 ingots 36 Nails it's pretty easy to do it's a little bit harder with some of like the bigger things like this that's why I'm having a little bit of issues with this but once you rank up to like the shipping containers and everything you can really get it going so I now have a total of 62 ingots 46 Nails in the span of like 30 seconds doing this if you did this for like I don't know like 30 minutes or something at the same time ranking up what you can build and such I already have 77 uh ingots and 56 Nails ingots are super annoying to make since you have to mine them all by hand this just makes it so much easier so you can either do this on your solo world and just get like a a whole bunch of things or you can go on online and kind of take over see it didn't work that time it's I don't know why it's so hard with this bench the other ones worked way easier however it works like a solid at least 50% of the time and that's like if you're bad at doing it so you should be able to frag out pretty heavy okay bro I'm I'm not I'm not doing it I'm just being lazy with the placement you really kind of got to line up your feet so you have one foot in one foot out and then as you walk out you can do it and yeah there you go that was a really good one we now 92 ingots you can just duplicate that with pretty much anything I don't have anything too crazy unlocked but if you get like the storage unit and that kind of stuff you can duplicate hundreds of nuggets at a time and pretty much just be rich I don't know how you would duplicate something like a musket or something with this um kind of technique but I'm pretty sure you could if you figure it out a way maybe like running out of the game while you had the uh the materials in your inventory or whatever but for now I'm just going to be duplicating the ingots we can probably do it with this bear trap that seems like a really good thing to do it with maybe this antique chair and then later on when you unlock some of the huge items like stuff like this you can start duplicating hundreds of nuggets at a time and you'll just snowball into being super super rich all right guys so the things you are going to need to do this glitch there used to be a glitch where you could unlimitedly duplicate the eggs from bringing them out of the little pod and putting them in the chest next to it unfortunately that exploit has been patched but but there is a similar one that still works right now now this one is not as useful as that old one and you still need the original egg but it'll do for now and you don't need to keep wasting all that cake and even though you do have to wait the original time for the egg to incubate this is still a much faster and more efficient method using this glitch now they're probably going to patch this glitch very soon it seems like it's easily patched so if you're planning on doing this make sure you do it ASAP one other question I see is do the pals keep the same genetics and the same passive skills and everything from egg to egg to egg now I believe they do however I have not really gone into the breeding and the science stuff I'm not really Albert Einstein so I don't feel like doing that I don't really know if they keep the same passive skills that is definitely something for somebody who's really into breeding to test out using this glitch I would assume that they do now first of all the things you're going to need set up an egg incubation you can put fire around it to make the egg incubation a a little bit faster and then you're going to need a chest right next to it now be very careful when you're taking the egg out because if you just spent 4 hours sitting here waiting for the egg to countdown you are going to be very annoyed if you mess it up this is a very delicate procedure I've messed it up a few times and it's super annoying wait until the egg gets about 25 seconds into being hatched now you do have to wait like I said the 10 minutes or whatever the 4 hours if it's a huge egg you do have to origin only wait the time but you can just do this method over and over again wait until it's about 20 seconds hold the egg hold Mouse one press shift open up a different chest and then when it's done incubating you need to wait until it's done incubating or else it will not work you can see in the background right here this triangle is all the way full and then put this egg in the chest now when you get out the egg is still going to be inside of here and it's still going to be in your chest so let's incubate this here we go we got a melpa and we still have the original egg inside our chest and we can just repeat this procedure and do it over and over and over again now in case you did not see it what you're going to do is open the egg incubator hold down Mouse one bring it to your inventory and then press tap now you're going to walk over to a chest hold it over a empty slot now remember don't let go of it right away you need the egg to be done incubating and then put it in the test or else look it'll just take it out from here and you have to put it back in and wait all over again it'll be super annoying a lot of people also ask me if these kinds of glitches work on Xbox I do not know what the like conversion of holding down Mouse one and tab is and everything on Xbox however if you can manage to do what I just did with dragging the egg out and then bringing it over to a chest and it still stays in your inventory like this then I would assume it does work on Xbox you just need to find a way to make make the controls the same my favorite eggs to do this with are Anubis I have about 10 Anubis eggs cooking up in a similar fashion I just use these little scorching eggs and everything since they are a lot faster and easier for videos and this method is great for just going AFK and doing this every once in a while you can even like set an alarm if it's a lawn egg and you're that much of a try hard about it but it saves you so much time on the cake and finding the different Pals and everything all you have to do is find one large egg and then you can incubate it over and over and over again this also pairs really well with the pal condenser I know a lot of people like to condense their Pals you can have like a 100 huge dragon eggs using this method and condense them all into the ultra like Ultra dragon palmon or whatever pal pal Pokemon whatever these are called you can have a crazy pal with insane stats doing all this one of my favorite glitches to pair this with is the duplication glitch I made a vid on so you can get get unlimited materials to build all these egg incubation sets along with the chest around them and everything I have a bunch of other glitches on my channel including duplication glitch if you guys want to go check that out they're all Linked In the description or you can just take a browse through my channel and I am also very interested to know if there is any genetic benefit of doing this like having the little passive skills and everything on the bottom I'm not a big fan of that so I don't really know but let's do it one more time in case you guys missed it we're going to I'm holding down one this entire time we're going to put the egg in the chest once it is done incubating and then there we go we have the egg right here and then we also have the same egg inside the incubation Zone that we can just take out now I'm almost positive it hatches the same pal every single time I believe the pals are like hard coated into the egg before you even incubate them so it's going to make the same one over and over so if you get lucky and you find an Anubis egg or you breathe in an nubis egg or you get a large dragon egg or anything similar you will be getting the same overpowered pal over and over and over again like I said I don't know if you get the same genetic skills over and over and over again but you can convents them all into one super pal or you can just have several anubis's workers running all around your base like I'm going to do you also may have noticed I am at the tree at the top left of the map which you actually can't get to without glitching I have a vid on how to do that too if you're curious and you want to build a base out here but I'm going to dip let me know guys does it change the genetics if you're really into breeding and everything and let me know if this glitch works for you it is not patched yet but I will not be surprised if it gets patched very soon probably in the next week now remember guys this glitch only works on literal Tower bosses not every boss so it won't work on the nubis or anything but it will work on all these little towers up here like Tower of preow Alliance and um I don't know like like the the Tower of the brothers of Eternal py or whatever that is I actually haven't beat this one yet so this is a perfect one to go do it on what you want to do for the first step this one is actually pretty easy I'm surprised they haven't patched this glitch yet but it's really really useful and if you do this even the once while you're level five and you do it to like an insane boss like the volcano bosses you'll probably rank up a million times what you want to do is go to the settlement the small settlement or you go to any other place where the friendly MP NCS are you want to find a friendly NPC like this guy over here or that guy just the people that don't attack you it won't work on like the settlements where they already have their guns out and they're blasting you it needs to be a friendly NPC you also want to make sure you have pokeballs SL pal Spears in your inventory you definitely need a few of those even though if you do it correctly it should only take one pal spear I think it is 100% capture rate but it might just be like 95 or 99 or something extremely high so what you want to do is you want to commit a few war crimes I personally would go over there and do some crazy things to him but to make sure the video is a little shorter we're just going to shoot this guy in the head and then make sure you get spotted for assault that is Step number one so we have a few charges on us this is kind of just like me in real life pretty much we want to go over to the uh the tower that we want to capture /be the pal and these people will follow you there I am pretty sure hold on let me let me switch out my jackets I let me put my Yeezy fit on these people will actually follow you there are they invisible I'm get getting I'm getting shot by invisible people whatever I think it'll still work oh they're in the ground Perfect all right well we actually have to go hit one of these so they don't despawn I'm not sure while they're why they're they're underground that's that's a good feature I guess whatever I think it will still work so just make sure they're following you and then go inside whatever Tower you want to do this on oh okay perfect here's one halfway through the wall this game is so glitchy guys like nobody should be surprised about any of the glitches that happen in here cuz look at this bro there we go we got resp spotted again we're just going to head into the tower where we want to capture slash kill this boss this boss is extremely hard look at that 130,000 now this is super important guys do not hit the boss don't do any damage to the boss you actually want the the uh the guards to do damage to the boss so stand behind the boss try to get the guards to shoot him and he actually just yeed that guard out we want to get the guards to shoot this boss that's pretty much the entire like Breakthrough of the glitch that's what you want to do and it will actually glitch this boss out so if these guards can shoot something there we go and he will run to the corner and be glitched out once the guard shoot him so you can see he's in the corner he's glitched out this is also very important you want to get behind him and throw the pal and even though it's his 0% you guys are going to see boom We easily capture him now you guys can either die right here if you have if you have the thing where it like it doesn't take away any of your loot or whatever you can just kill yourself and respawn or if you don't have the bond you can just leave the game and join back and you should have captured the boss let's take a look over here and yep we have him in our inventory let's let's check him out a little bit here it you it gets a little bit tricky with the uh with the little people and everything you need to make sure they're hitting you and not hit you cannot hit the boss at all or else it won't work and there we go I actually have never seen this BX before I haven't beat him yet that was my first time beating him so I'm really happy we got that they're going to drop a ton of stuff or I don't know if they actually dro the ancient stuff because technically you're not the one killing them it is the guards killing them so I'm not sure if it drops you all the regular drops but it does give you all the XP plus the pal and as you guys can see it has the uh the person on top of it too one other huge benefit of this is it has the insane stats that the tower boss has so you can see he has all these cool attacks he has a partner skill or whatever and he has 130,000 HP which is absolutely insane you will not see another Pokemon palal with 100,000 HP you can see the next one I have that's even close to it is 10,000 which is over 10 times less this is just absolutely insane so we're going to try and run through it one more time just in case you guys missed anything we can make sure it is 100% perfect I don't know why this Tower isn't lit up yet since we just beat it maybe it doesn't count as us technically beating it let's go to the small village I think they're done like being mad at us or angry at us or whatever because we actually died however we we need to redo this let's go and commit some War atrocities bang you need to make sure you be spotted that is an essential part make sure the be spotted and then go over to whatever Tower you want to go to let's go to the ice tower since I have some ice armor on and then again they're going to glitch out a little bit here oh we're actually at the very top of the mountain I don't I don't know if that's a very good idea I don't think they'll be able to get up there let's head down over here and there we go just shoot them again make sure they spot you again before you go into the tower there we go we now have two assault charges on us like I said this is pretty much a normal normal Tuesday for me in real life and let's go inside this Tower and then it's about to get crazy now remember this is the most important part and the part that everyone messes up on do not do damage to the boss you can't be the one to do damage on him or her SL whatever the pal or it will not work however once the guard shoots the pal which you might have to hit them again to actually get them to start shooting you um they will go to the corner and they'll be completely glitched out holy they're spawning all over me bro what are you guys doing they're trying to get me killed and there we go I think yeah it just took some damage from the uh the soldiers here so it's just going to walk around and go to the corner it is completely glitched out yet do not catch it while it is on its way to the corner make sure it is all the way stopped and then you're just going through any pal him and boom it is captured easy peasy now we can just go respawn at our base again if you don't want to die cuz you have the wrong settings on or you're in a multiplayer world just leave the game and join back and you should be outside the Tower with the B beaten and boom now remember Guys these bosses are super super exclusive they will never be able to be caught again once this is patched so if I was you I'd take 10 minutes and I'd go around the entire map catching every single boss especially in a multiplayer world or a world with your friends once the patch just glitch you are never going to be able to get these boss Pals anymore and you can see cuz the people are on them on the back which is like really rare and really special besides the fact that they all also have an insane amount of HP you will never be able to get these again so make sure to go capitalize on it while you can and I even have one of the beginner bosses that I did this on earlier working for me and I think they actually have pretty good work traits too like candy work to generating electricity 3 transportating 3 so it's actually really good to do this on them let me know if you guys do this glitch in my opinion this is one of the best glitches in the entire game because it is so easy to do you can literally do this at level one you just make sure you don't die any part of the time along the way which might be a little hard since you're dealing with bosses and everything and make sure you do not hit the boss before you capture it you also want to make sure obviously that you wait until it goes all the way to the corner and stops before you capture him that is another common mistake I see with him and one other thing is you have to remember this only works on Tower bosses so only the literal Towers I think there's like five of them on the map it does not work on these bosses out here out in the open it doesn't work on the nubis it doesn't work on jum tide or whatever it does not work on these pallets only the ones in the tower this new glitch lets you make really cool underground bases that cannot be patched forever so this glitch does two things first of all what can't be glitched is it lets you have some secret hidden chest near your base and this is great for online worlds where you don't want them stealing your stuff only you can see the chest nobody else can touch them nobody else can open them nobody else even knows where they are the second part to this crazy glitch now this is the one they might patch so if you're going to do this do it soon it lets you get inside pretty much any structure in the entire game this mountain this mountain this mountain this mountain any mountain you want or a little Hill or anything you can completely get inside and build an entire base inside if you want now let's start with the easy part of the glitch this is the one where you just want to get some chest down this is where you want to hide some loot from your friends you can see I've already done it right here now this one actually isn't constructed yet but I think I have another one yep right around here you can kind of see it right here I have a hidden chest I can put stuff in take stuff out of and nobody else can see it or even open it on other worlds so if you want to hide some loot from your friends hide some loot online now this glitch I think is really going to help out on online especially when the game starts updating and PVP and rating is a thing so I'm telling you guys if you're planning on playing online when that stuff comes out go on an online server and do this glitch so that way when PVP and stuff gets added you're going to be prepared now this is how you do it find a ridge that looks kind of loopy like right here it doesn't really look easy enough to do but find one that's kind of loopy go crouch in the corner to where your camera is kind of inside the Ridge and then throw the item or throw the Pokemon that has a saddle on it you need to have a saddle on it personally I think direwolf is the easiest one to do that with and right there you can see we can glitch inside the entire wall we're inside this wall right now now this is a big enough spot to make pretty much almost an entire base you can get your Pokemon to work in here and later on I'm going to show you an even more insane way to abuse this glitch but right now this is a pretty big space guys you can build whatever you want in here you can hide some chest you can hide a cooler you can um you can build some infrastructure if you would like some wooden foundations and everything you can pretty much build anything inside of here and then right over here you can play with it a little bit you can even climb around is where I put my chest this one isn't completely done building yet I'm too lazy to finish it and then if you want to get out you can just find the ridge like this and jump through it or you can just do the same thing that you used to get in you throw your direwolf out you hold F and you just hop right on out so that is super super easy to do and then then you can get your chest you can search through them you can hide stuff in there this is amazing this is a really cool glitch that I'm really glad we found right now before it's patched now this next part is going to be even crazier if you find an even bigger Ridge like this as long as your camera is going through it that's really all that matters and then you can see our direwolf is just stuck in there it's a super easy glitch to do now this one was actually kind of small I was expecting this to be a much bigger glitched area maybe if we climb up here it'll be a little bigger okay it looks like it's a good size good amount size it really doesn't really matter the size you can hi some chest in here you can build a whole base there is some huge areas of the map these ones by my base I guess are kind of small but once you unlock your second or third base you could find one that's really big and build your entire base inside of there and one more thing that is really really cool about this glitch we're going to go check it out right now is you can actually build your base below these camps of villagers the free Alliance devouts and everything and you can unlimitedly Farm these people for coins for Pokemon for everything is absolutely crazy let me show you guys now that we cleared out this camp we can see is we can actually build a base under this Camp so when all these soldiers start respawning and these Pokemon in here start responding the pals at your base will automatically attack them and level up super quickly every time they spawn while at the same time giving you all of their Roots every time you spawn so it's pretty much like adding an entire new Farm to your base that generates guns ammo Pals all of that stuff it's really really great so some of these camps have little edges on the hill you want to look for like a little Hill entrance over here and then pretty much do the same thing that we have been doing so let me find the good spots and then we'll go do that right here looks really good so we're just going to go to the side of this the do the same thing we did earlier peek our little Tootsie wootsy head in the crack and then we should be able to glitch in yep just the same as before now some of them go a lot deeper than others we've kind of been finding some small ones but if you build your base right here it will reach over to the camp and your pals will automatically attack the guys through the floor so you can Farm them for their guns or XP everything and your base will be much better than just a normal one without all this stuff you can even get deep in rock structures like this where you have multiple levels of inside a mountain this might look like I'm outside the mountain but nope you can't go through here I'm completely in the mountain and with a little bit more practice you can even get even deeper in the map kind of like what I'm doing right now on accident but you can get almost anywhere on the entire map I'm not even that good at doing the glitch right now so I can't get too deep but most people can get all the way through the map and remember guys even if they end up nerfing this and completely patching it they can't take away your base and all of your chest inside the mountain so if you build a really cool base under the map or inside the mountains or any of that you can always just quick teleport there in the future if they Nerf it so in my opinion I would highly highly suggest at least making one really cool underground base and what I'm going to do is I am going to go online and make a really cool base like this so once they add PVP and like Clans or whatever and all kinds of different raiding methods I am going to be completely safe cozy snuggly inside my Mountain Base I'm just going to be posted up with my wolf and we're going to be kissing each other inside this base completely safe let me know if you guys have made a base already like this I would really like to see some of them I've seen a few already on other people's channels and they are definitely the most unique coolest base designs so far so far I think this is the most useful glitch out of all the glitches right now just because this one has the potential to actually last the entire game's life even if they end up nerfing this or whatever if you put a base under there you can always teleport straight to that base with fast travel if you put some chests under there you can always open them through the wall or anything and there's really no way to patch that so I highly highly highly recommend if you guys are playing on the server with other people or if you're planning on playing online ever you go ahead and You remake a base like that I made some videos on some other glitches so first of all guys you're going to want to come prepared I'm bringing lots of ultra Spears I'm bringing a th000 arrows a single shot rifle with tons of ammo lots of food I just want to be super duper prepared because sometimes if you're a lower level obviously you want to capture this pal or you want to kill it for XP you're going to want to need a lot of material since sometimes it takes a while personally I want to capture him so I'm bringing lots of Spears now we have to head over to his C coordinates now it's 800 - 350 around there there's not really a fast travel Point super close to it so I've seen some people make a base next to it which I mean is a decent idea I guess if you want I don't really think it's worth all of that so we're just going to fast travel to this point up here and then fly over again it is on the volcano there is three big bosses over here this jet Retron Jet Jet regon something like that is level 50 and it is by by far the best boss L legendary in the game it flies so fast so we definitely need to find an easier way to catch him because just doing the normal way or trying to get XP the normal way I know a lot of people complain about oh just play the game the normal way no glitches no you know easier way to do things it is impossible for this pal so we're just going to fly over there right now and then I'm going to show you guys how to get it stuck and actually how to catch it super super easily now this pal by itself is super buggy this pal specifically so you're going to want to be a little careful I wouldn't like leave the game midway through or anything like that it will definitely ruin it this B is or this pal is especially glitchy compared to all the other ones so we're going to head over there real quick and then I'm going to show you guys how to do it okay we have blown here right to where the boss is I forgot to mention you're definitely going to need a flying pal to do this glitch so we're just going to get its attention by shooting it it's a little buggy like I said this glitch is super or this pal is super Bucky in comparison and then this is how we do the glitch to get it stuck we're going to want to fly directly over the volcano and shoot him while we're over the volcano it's really important that we shoot him while we're over the volcano or else he won't follow us onto here and it will not work so just try and Dodge his attacks and keep on shooting him while you're on top of the volcano and be careful make sure to dodge his attacks cuz they hit hard they hit like crazy we want to just sit in the middle of here until he follows us so it's kind of even hard to hit him this is how glitchy this pallet is guys this boss for some reason is the glitchiest boss in the entire game and you can see he's kind of stuck already and we haven't even done the glitch yet but if you just fly around this little volcano hle the main point of it is this is going to get him super bugged out and we should be able to get him stuck it's being a little bit weird right now he doesn't want to fly over it for some reason but if we just stay in the middle you can see he'll try and climb over the Rocks he'll try and attack us and there we go that's exactly what we want we want him right in the middle so now we're going to get off of our pal and Dismount that part is super important too and he is just going to be stuck here not attacking not doing anything and we can just sit here and farm him the entire time this is one of the only Pals that you can do this with and get him completely stuck in and you can see I'm even using a super low tier bow which means any level person can do this so I'm I'm just going to sit here and attack him I actually don't know if you can use a pal to do damage to him while he is down here we're going to try it out I don't think you can because technically the pallic isn't registered as being here so I'm I'm not sure if you can actually oh okay you can oh wow that's good that'll make it go a lot faster I'm going to bring out my aadn actually and then we should be able to just keep hitting him here now it is important to note one other important part of this guys is he will will despawn if you leave him here for too long he will despawn and he'll get reset back to his Original Point do not worry all of the health that you like put into him all the work that you put into getting his health down lower it will still be at the same level that you left him at he'll just resawn somewhere else so we're going to get him super low until we either get him low enough to kill him capture him or if he respawns now remember if you respawns you're just going to want to go and repeat the same thing fly over the volcano keep keep on hitting him while you're inside the volcano that's a really essential part I see a lot of people do it wrong they hit him like while they're outside the volcano hole and then they don't hit him again you need to shoot him while you're inside the middle of the volcano or else it is not going to work quick intermission I did not even realize this but with the three shot bow look how fast I am shooting if you just hold right click and spam left click it actually shoots super fast now normally this would do less damage than usual but because it's a boss and I'm only doing one damage anyways it doesn't matter how fast I the boat or how much I the bow so I can just Spam him with this and it goes a lot faster than loading it up all the way like this when it takes forever yet that takes way too long I'm going back to doing my little exploit thing all right all right looks like we have finally got him low enough to where we can uh catch him or kill him if we would want now remember you have to make sure that hit him manually like I'm doing here too not just using your pals because if you just use your pals it will probably despawn and you will be wasting all this time for nothing so oh yeah also make sure be careful when you're uh doing stuff with him other than just keeping him stuck in the glitch cuz something certain pal certain attacks and everything will unstick him so hold just attacking you good thing I have several Ultra spearers hopefully this many will be enough to catch him it looks like o please I'm about to say something crazy boys I'm about to say something crazy that starts with a certain leather please please yes it looks like we finally C him let's go a legendary jet dragon or jet ragon or whatever this is going to give you a billion XP all these ancient Stones all these quarts and ancient parts cards and everything oh my goodness I'm so happy we got that here he is in all of his glory boys 42 he looks super cool when you fly him he is incredi incredibly incredibly incredibly I can't even talk considering how fast he is he is so fast when you find him I don't know if I have a high enough level to get his saddle or whatever but I'm definitely going to be making that soon he has all these damage Buffs and everything his attack is over 700 just by default he three times Gathering he is crazy this is definitely one of the best Pals in the game but we can actually do it to one more pal and there's a different spot on the different part of the map where you can catch maybe an even better pal personally I like jet ragon more but you can go get this other one and it's really good for XP if you're a newer player you can just switch between these two dragons or these two Pals and just keep killing them or capturing them over and over again so you can get some insane XP or money or whatever you're killing them for now this next boss that we are going to go catch is actually the mammoth this is one of the beginner bosses one of the first bosses you see in the entire game it is right here so we're going fast travel over to him now the difference is with this boss in the old one is that this one can actually attack but most of the time it's going to miss or all the time it's going to miss so he's still super super easy to catch now when you fast travel here we're going to be looking for him yep it seems to be right up here we're going to go to the river and do not attack anything over here all of these pals are like super annoying if they start attacking you so just cross the river and what you are going to do is come to this Ridge right here it's kind of dark but you can see the node is right there and then you're going to attack the Mami and he is going to start coming over to you and this or this um rock right here is the one that you are going to want to stay perched at hopefully he'll start coming over a little bit more but you can just sit here and attack him the same as before and you'll see what happens when he tries to attack you like most of the time it'll Miss and a lot of time it'll just hit this rock so you can just sit here and hit him this whole time and it's super duper easy you can catch him if you want you cannot catch him you can kill him but I mean a lot of the times he'll just stand here and do absolutely nothing and you can see his tornadoes oh that those ones actually hit me but his other attacks will just Bounce Off The Rock if you crouch over here and then you can just sit here and spam him over and over again the tornadoes you kind of need to dodge a little bit because those are annoying but his other attacks you can just sit here and spam him and it won't really do anything the river really blocks you off here I'm only use some of my pals they should take him out pretty quickly since I'm a much much higher level than him yep there you go but if you were a lower level and you didn't have high tier Pals you could just sit there and bow him all day and whenever he uses the tornado attacks you kind of have to hide behind the rock but his other attacks you can just easily sit there and they won't do anything and a lot of the time he'll just stand there and not attack anyway and he'll kind of be glitched out like the last pal let me know if you guys are going to be doing any of these glitches they're really really useful and I highly highly suggest you doing them before they are patched that they're going to get patched super super soon so if you guys want to catch these legendary Pals in your friend's world or your world or online you definitely need to get their ASAP and do it now before they're patched and there is many many more I'm not sure of the exact whereabouts only these two but there there's glitches like this all over where you can just catch the bosses or kill them over and over again and remember the bosses spawn once every 15 minutes so if you're newer players you can go you can go do the first one that I did earlier and then you come over here and kill this one and by the time you're done killing this one the first one will respond so you can go do it there you can just switch between these two and get unlimited Pals or XP or whatever you want and it's super super easy easy now the requirements to do this are really not hard at all you just need to have a lot of materials probably a few hundred wood or stone and that is pretty easy to do if you put like 30 minutes into the game you can get everything you need and then the next thing and only you need is an open location inside of your base so I'm going to use right here I have some barrels over here for storage this is a really open location and it's within the confines of my base which is important because we want to be using all the resources that we have that's stored in like the chest and stuff up there not just what we have in our inventory next now this one is super super simple this is a lot easier than the glitch I uploaded yesterday we're just going to put Three Wooden foundations right next to each other to start us off and then we're going to switch to the wooden wall and put Three Wooden walls right on top of them now sometimes the placements are kind of weird from down there so I'm just going to hop on top and do it up here here sometimes you have to hop up sometimes you don't but as long as you have this General setup three foundations and three walls any way you place them there should be fine next you're going to take a wooden roof and put it right there and then you're going to take some wooden stairs and line it up right under the roof right there so you have this sort of construction thing Three Wooden foundations Three Wooden walls a wooden roof and a wooden stair to the left of it so we have this little Contraption here and then this is the most important part you're going to take a wooden wall you're going to position your Crosshair around the bottom middle Barrel right here or the pillar right here the bottom middle one and you're going to right click now the way this glitch works is you get XP every single time you place a building however this wall can't actually be placed it's a glitch in the game that the wall right here can't actually be clitch or can't actually be placed so when you place it it counts as you building it and then it immediately gets taken away so it drops all the resources here that you can pick up and use immediately but you can just Spam right click and you can see I am ranking up super duper fast but the thing is there's a way to even upgrade this glitch and do it even better and even faster what you're going to do now is once you get level I believe it's 13 somewhere around there oh nope it's a little more down than that it's 18 you're going to unlock the stone structure set after doing this for probably about 3 minutes and then you're going to do the same thing with the stone wall line it up at the bottom middle pillar right there and just right click spam you can see I'm getting much more XP for this and even though it takes a while once you get past round 20 my Pokemon are ranking up super duper quickly and if I just sat here and did this for 20 minutes I'd probably go up like 10 20 levels it is insane right you can see I'm getting thousands of XP at the top left for doing virtually nothing now the main annoying part of this glitch is picking up all these resources and putting them all back in the box so you can use them again or I guess you could just keep them in your inventory if you would like but that is the only Annoying part so you can see I'm getting about 7,000 XP per minute which is definitely a lot faster than any other thing you're going to get in the entire game and the thing is guys they're updating this game all the time so if you're going to use this glitch or the glitch that I uploaded yesterday I suggest you do it ASAP on every single server you're going to use it on cuz eventually probably in a week or so these glitches are like overpowered so they're definitely going to Nerf it but this one gets you about 7,000 XP you can see we can pick up everything it lags a little bit but eventually we'll pick up everything and I have over a thousand things I have over 1,000 pounds of stuff in my inventory yeah that's not going to be too fun to use but we can put it back in the barrel and we can just do the entire thing over again so this glitch along with the glitch I uploaded yesterday that you can go check out you can have pretty much unlimited resources for building and unlimited resources for like making guns and stuff all up there so I have the XP glitch and I have the item glitch you can pretty much get everything in the game doing these two if you took an hour of game play and did it on every single server you wanted five different servers you pretty much have everything in the game between these two glitches in any server you want before they that and then if you're playing with other people make sure you get rid of the evidence you don't want anyone else on your server seeing you doing this you don't want to give away the secrets sometimes if you're playing against people and then there you get all the XP you want you clear any evidence of braon doing and you can do the item glitch that I uploaded yesterday and have all kinds of items and you can pretty much beat anybody playing legitly doing this kind of stuff now yesterday we uploaded the glitch tomorrow we're going to be uploading a bunch of different tips for power world that you might not know about so make sure to sub up if you want the power tomorrow and all these tutorials make it super easy to advance really really quickly in this game some of it is definitely a pain in like mining ingots and everything like that just takes way too long along with the XP if you join a public server you definitely want to catch up easily and this is one way to easily do that
Channel: White Mamba PALWORLD
Views: 22,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pal, World, new Game, GOTY, pokemon, open world game, best palword, strategy, palworld strategy, palworld best, palworld best pokemon, palworld best beginning, palworld best items, palworld best playthrough, palworld gameplay
Id: Rk95YGILtz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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