Every That's What She Said Ever - The Office US

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Great now I have to rewatch the series for the 10th time.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 59 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/scalbs 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

"That's what he said... right, guys? Cause of gay?"

holy fucking shit that made me burst out laughing

👍ī¸Ž︎ 42 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/DJFluffers115 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Handing in the mic was such an emotional way to say good bye to Michael. Really solid writing.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 33 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Sr_Tambo 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

I love that moment when Jan makes the joke herself at 1:37

👍ī¸Ž︎ 21 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/goal2004 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

That last "That's what she said" always gets me choked up. I love this stupid show so much.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 12 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/smellypants 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

"SOLD! For $300!" squeak "What the hell is that?"

-I couldn't get a real gavel, that's the only one I could find...

"Well it squeaks when you bang it, that's what she said."

My absolute favorite.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 9 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/mantisinmypantis 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

Wow I didn't think it all could fit in a such a small place.

Shocked it only lasted under 7mins.

I'm kind of disappointed I was hoping for more.

I thought there was more, I guess I over estimated the amount.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 15 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Impossterble 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

What a tear jerker

👍ī¸Ž︎ 8 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/cynicalbrownie 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies
👍ī¸Ž︎ 8 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/lolipoops 📅ī¸Ž︎ Jul 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies
Michael: Jim? Jim: No thanks, I'm good. Michael: That's what she said! Michael: Pam? Pam: Uh, my mother's coming. Michael: That's what she sai- uh... no. Kevin: Why did you get it so big? Michael: A, that's what she said. Doctor: Does the skin look red and swollen? Dwight: That's what she said! Michael: That's... my... joke. Damn it Dwight! Michael: That's what she said! Dwight: Ha! I don't get it. Michael: Grapes? Seductive? Michael: How about the Phyllis-Angela dispute? Angela: You already did me. Michael: That's what she said. Kelly: Dwight, get out of my nook! Pam: That's what she said! That's what she said! That's what she said! Nikki: I wanna give you something. Michael: Oh... Michael: (Laughs) That's what she said! Michael: And in the future, if I want to say something funny or witty or do an impression, I will no longer ever do any of those things. Jim: Does that include that's what she said? Michael: Mm hm. Yes. Jim: Wow, that is really hard. You really think you can go all day long? Well, you always left me satisfied and smiling, so... Michael: That's what she said! (laughs) Jan: Michael! Michael, please. Michael: Sold for $300, to me! The hell is that? Phyllis: It's the only gavel I could find. Michael: It squeaks when you bang it. That's what she said. Michael: Hey, buttercup! I am on my way, should be there in about fifteen... Jan: Alright, let's just blow this party off. Michael: That's what she said! Jan: Why... is this so hard? That's what she said. Oh my God. What am I saying? Dwight: Push it in as deep as you can. Michael: (Muffled) That's what she said. Jim: Yeah, I'm definitely gonna go in alo- Michael: No. No, I need two men on this. That's what she said. No time. But she did. No time! Guys, get on this. Holly: No, don't. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Michael: ...That's what she said. Michael: Can you make that straighter? That's what she said. Phyllis: Did you plan that? Michael: No- Pam: Can you make that straighter? That job looks hard. You should put your mouth on that. How can you even use that one naturally? Michael: Blowing up balloons, I thought. Michael: And up comes the toolbar. That's what she said. What we have to do... Oscar: Your office is full of genitalia. Michael: Oh ho! Eso es lo que dice Êl! Oscar: That's what he says? Michael: Dammit! Michael: Oscar? Would you reach over and touch his thing? That's what HE said! Right guys? Cuz of gay? Michael: I am glad if today spurred social change. It's part of my job as regional manager. But you know what? Even if it didn't, at least we put this matter to bed. That's what she said. Or he said. David: This is huge! Dwight: That's what she said! Jim: Well, I don't think I'll be here in ten years, but... Michael: That's what I said. That's what she said. Jim: That's what who said? Michael: I never know. I just say it. I say stuff like that, you know, to lighten the tension when things start to get hard. Jim: That's what she said. Michael: (Laughs) Hey! Nice! Michael: That's what she said! Jim: So, instead, you screwed me? Michael: (Whispering) That's what she said. Jim: No. Darryl: Listen to me Mike, you gotta do something about that. Michael: You don't get it. Darryl: You need to get back on top. Both: That's what she said. Yeah. Yeah. Dwight: One more bite of eclair each. Hold it in your mouth if you can't swallow. Jim: Really? Nothing? Lester: And you were directly under her the entire time. Michael: That's what she said. Lester: Excuse me? Michael: That's what she said. Lester: Ms. Levinson told you that she was your direct superior? Michael: Wh- wha- Why would she say that? Jan: Can we just move on to another question? Diane: N- No, wait. I don't understand who's on record saying this? Lester: With all due respect. I'm in the middle of the line of questioning. Now, Mr. Scott. What did you say Ms. Levinson said regarding your employment status with respect to her corporate position? Michael: Come again? That's what she said. I don't know what you're talking abo- Jan: Okay, if I may, he was just telling a joke before, so can we move on to another question? Lester: Are you sure? Jan: Uh, yes. Lester: Can you go back to where this digression began? Stenographer: Mr. Snyder - And you were directly under her the entire time? Mr. Scott - That's what she said. Michael: Well, delivery is all wrong. You're butchering it. Gabe: Michael? You are making this harder than it has to be. Michael: That's what she said. David: No, comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself. That's what she said! (Laughs) Both: Ah! Holly: I'm not saying it won't be hard, but we can make it work. Holly: That's what she said. Michael: All right. Oh! This is gonna feel so good getting this thing off my chest. (No sound) That's what she said. Jim: I can't be there for you. I'm sorry. Dwight: Jim.. Jim: I just... really wish there was something I could do. Dwight: Michael... Dwight: I can't believe you came. Michael: That's what she said. (Both laughing) Captions by I PINK DEVIL I
Channel: The Office
Views: 11,011,148
Rating: 4.9616513 out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, the office season 9, the office bloopers, john krasinski, steve carell, the office us olympics, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, jenna fischer, the office thug life, the office funniest moments, the office bloopers season 1, the office cpr, the office parkour, prison mike, asian jim, the office asian jim, Best, The, Office, Moments', That's What She Said
Id: ClzJkv3dpY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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